Horse Testing

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(T/F) When bridling a horse with a western bridle, never untie the halter from the tie rail.


(T/F) When measuring a horse's height, measure from the poll to the ground.


(T/F) When unsaddling your horse with a double-rigged saddle, unsaddle the front cinch first and the the back cinch last.


(T/F) Working a cow is much easier if the cow cannot see you.


(T/F) the Tobiano patterned paint horse often has a bald face and at least one leg will be dark in color.


T/F A filly is a young female horse under 6 years old.


(T/F) In order to pass the written and riding test in the levels program, you must receive a score of 90% or better.

False - 80%

(T/F) The jog or trot is a smooth, four beat gait.

False - it is a 2 beat gait

(T/F) counter Canter is when the horse changes leads in the front and not in the rear.

False - lead opposite of the circle you are riding

This term describes a hosre that moves quickly and willingly, always in control of its movement in a balanced, rhythmic, alert manner.


The ______ or _______ is an easy, rhythmical three-beat gait.

Lope or Canter

The ___________ is a teaching guide that combines many aspects of horsemanship and horse care.

Advancement Level Program

Straw will burn __________ faster than gasoline.

3 times

The unit by which the height of the horse is measured is a hand. A hand equals _______ inches


What is a dental start?

A star shaped or circle like structure near the center of the wearing surface of the permanent incisors.

Where do horse related injuries most frequently occur?

Around or near the home or ranch

This movement is unnatural and hard for the hose.


A good stop is ____________.

Balanced and smoothly executed

Body color ranges from tan to red, to reddish-brown or mahogany, mane and tail are black. Usually black on lower legs.


When working cattle, where is the "balance point" on the cow?

Behind the cow's shoulder

(T/F) Turning on the forehand is a forward movement.


When the hair and coat are clean, healthy and fine-textured with a distinct , clear shine and healthy appearance, it is known as _________.


A ____________ has a somewhat uniform mixture of white with black hairs over the body with a few red hairs.

Blue Roan

A buckskin body color is __________.

Body color is yellowish or gold. Main and tail are black, usually black on lower legs, no dorsal stripe.

When saddling your horse, list which items you fasten in order

Breast Collar, Front Cinch, Back Cinch

A __________ is yellowish or gold with a black mane and tail and the lower legs are usually black; no dorsal stripe.


Which horse colors have black manes and tails?

Buckskins, Bays, Blacks

(T/F) Turning on the forehand is unnatural and hard for a horse.


A young, male horse under four years of age is called a ________.


The build of a horse - the structure, form and symmetrical arrangment of parts is known as ______________.


It is common for a horse to change leads in the front and not in the rear. What is this called?


Leading with the opposite fore and hing leg is known as _____________.


Primary uses of a Quarter Horse

Cutting, reining and roping

Body color is yellowish or gold; mane and tail are black or brown. Must have a dorsal stripe and often has zebra stripes on legs and a transverse stripe over withers.


What is a transverse cross?

Dark stripe that runs perpendicular across the withers

Using one hand on each rein with a snaffle bit or bosal, teaching the horse to turn and give to the pressure caused by the pull of the rein is known as ______________.

Direct Rein

Exercise and training that develops the physique and ability of the horse is known as what?


When a rider sits deep, erect and supple in the saddle describes what style of riding?


Thoroughbred horse originated in what Country

England - UK

____________ is the art of riding in a balanced and graceful manner.

Equitation and horsemanship

(T/F) A blue roan has a uniform mixture of white and black hairs, but will never have red hairs on the body.


(T/F) A good stop is always a sliding stop.


(T/F) A horse can see very well directly in the front and to the rear.


(T/F) A star is a common marking found on the pastern of a horse.


(T/F) Cross-firing is when your horse tries to trot and canter at the same time.


(T/F) Curb straps must be at least 2 inches wide and lie flat against the jaws of the horse in order to be considered legal equipment.


(T/F) Equitation refers to the manner in which a horse travels and moves.


(T/F) Natural aids include spurs, whips and ropes


(T/F) Stocking is a common head marking on the horse.


(T/F) The hand gallop or extended lope is a four-beat gait.


(T/F) The ray or dorsal stripe is a darker line found down the backbone of all dark colored horses.


A young female horse under four years of age is called a _________.


A mixture of white and black or other colored hairs, usually born solid-colored or almost solid-colored and gets lighter with age describes what color of horse?


Colors of the Percheron Draft Horse

Gray and Black

The unit of measurement by which the height of a horse is measured is a _________.


The ____________ is similar to the lope, but with a lengthen stride.

Hand gallop

Which of the following is true about a white horse? - Has white skin - Is born white but turns darker with age - White hairs are mixed with gray hairs - Mane and tail are yellow

Has white skin

The rider's eyes should look forward, shoulders should be back, head should be square on the rider's shoulders and weight should be distribured evenly over the seat bones describes what style of riding?

Hunt Seat

When doing a turn on the forehand, the horse pivots on the __________.

Inside foreleg

When turning on the hindquarters, the ___________ foot remains stationary.

Inside hind

What is the first and most important requirement for working ranch horse gear?

It must be functional

Your ______ control the forward motion of your horse and its barrel and hindquarters?


Ropes used for lassoing cattle are usually called a rope and what else?

Lariat, Riata

Which of the following is a good, safe riding practice? - Gallop up and down hills - Never ride off until all riders are mounted - Go on a trail ride by yourself - Always run back to the barn

Never ride off until all riders are mounted

Which of the following is considered a good safe riding practice? -Trot across roads to keep from getting hit by a passing car -Always ride in a confined area -Allow your horse to run home -Never ride off until all riders are mounted

Never ride off until all riders are mounted

A cavesson is a _____________?

Noseband on a bridle

Level 1 in the Advancement Levels test is also called a ________.

Novice horseman

Which of the following breeds originated outside of the US? - Percheron - Morgan - Mustang - Standardbred


When riding hunt seat, reins may be held in various positions, with excess rein falling on the ________ side.


Mule originated where


Reins come in three basic styles? What are they?

Split, romal and mecate

What is the term for the part of the traditional hackamore that supports the heel knot of the bosal?

The Jaquima


This breed originated in the United States, has good endurance, is strong, stands on average of 15.2 hands and is a good all-around riding horse.

4-H Horse Project Purpose

To learn how to properly care for and enjoy your horse

What are the two most common coat patterns of the Paint horse?

Tobiano and Overo

(T/F) A Mecate is a hackamore rein and lead rope


(T/F) A blaze is a common marking found on the face of a horse.


(T/F) A perlino horse is also called type B albino, but it is not a true albino.


(T/F) A red dun horse has a red tail


(T/F) A true black horse is without any light areas.


(T/F) A white horse is born white and will not change with age.


(T/F) Balance refers to the overall appearance of the horse.


(T/F) Check the front cinch or girth again after riding a short distance.


(T/F) Lariats and Riatas used for ranch roping are usually 50-75 feet in length


(T/F) Neck rein is a signal to the horse with the weight of the rein against the neck.


(T/F) Riatas are made of rawhide.


(T/F) Snaffle bits apply only direct pressure to the mouth of the horse.


(T/F) The heel trap is common ranch roping swing and delivery style.


(T/F) The horse is on the correct lead when it is leading with the inside pair.


(T/F) The overo pattern Paint horse often has a bald face and at least one leg will be dark in color.


(T/F) There are two positions considered proper for mounting in western style of riding.


(T/F) Until you know your horse, confine your riding to an arena or another enclosed area.


(T/F) You should never tie below the level of the horse's withers


(T/F) Your body weight acts as a cue to your horse.


The jumping position is also known as ____________.

Two - point

_________ is a lateral movement in which your horse moves forward in a diagonal direction.

Two-tracking or Leg yielding

Natural Aids

Voice, hands, legs and weight

The _________ is a four beat gait


What are dark stripes that run horizontally on the forearm, knees and cannon of the horse?

Zebra Marks

In the advancement level system, an intermediate horsemans is a level ______.

level 2

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