Hospitality Management CH1-CH4

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Service Quality Gap Model What are the gaps? What causes them?

(Pay attention gap #5) Gap 1 (Knowledge Gap): Not knowing what customers expect Gap 2 (Standard Gap): The wrong service quality standard Gap 3 (Delivery Gap): The service performance gap Gap 4 (Communication gap): Not delivering on what was promised Gap 5 (Service gap): The accumulated outcome of all the preceding gaps. It can be closed when Gaps 1 to 4 have been addressed.

The Calm Waters Metaphor vs. White Water

(on slide)

The Malcolm Baldric Award? What company won the award twice?

(on the slide) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award by the U.S. Department of Commerce MB Award stresses three important roles: - Improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results. - Facilitate communication and sharing of best practices information among U.S. organizations of all types. - Serve as a tool for understanding and managing performance and guiding planning and training Ritz-Carlton Hotel

The Change Process

(page 16-37) Pay attention to phase 2-3 Step 1: Communicate the vision -repeat the vision a lot. -inspire others -educate everyone on need to hang and the vision STEP 2- Foster change through power: the Politics of Change! -acknowledge that there is a importance in power and politics -implementing change involves a lot of power,ability to be effect is... 1.The change agents own power house. Who are change agent's allies? how much power and influence do they have? 2.The power bases of others. With who are other people allied, their power and influence? 3. Situational awareness. How attuned is the agent to day to day organizational pressure? 4. Personal Awareness. (strategies that work well for a certain person). what works for different people, know how to talk to certain people in their "style". -Power Bases. know who is for and against change (Explores, conservatives, and inhibitors) -Power Strategies. (Present non threatening image, Deal with conflict, Align with powerful other, Touch base, Trade off, Strike while the iron is hot, Inch along, Withdraw. STEP 3: Measure Progress Step 4: Celebrate Success -celebrating= Recognizing comp., rewards,

Service Recovery How do consumers respond when it fails?

(slide) -78 percent of consumers have ended a transaction due to bad service. - A dissatisfied customer will tell between 9-15 people about their experience. Around 13% of dissatisfied customers tell more than 20 people. - The 4% complainers are more likely to stay with the supplier than are the 96% non-complainers. 96% of unhappy customers don't complain, however 91% of those will simply leave and never come back. - It takes 12 positive experiences to make up for one unresolved negative experience. 22 - It costs 6 - 7 times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one. - Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell about 4-6 people about their experience. - Customer who rate you 5 on a scale from 1 to 5 are six times more likely to buy from you again, as to if they 'only' gave you a score of 4.8. - 55% of customers would pay extra to guarantee a better service

Which of the following or organizational structures is True? a.vertical structures can respond to change much quicker b. in companies with vertical organizational structures power and decision making authority is centralized at top of management levels c. many of todays hospitality companies are centralized.


when attempting to measure the effectiveness of change in a managements the baseline measurement.. not effective in means of measuring change b. represents how process preforms prior to improvement effect

B. we can use it to compare effectiveness of plan

Name purposes of flow chart

Is the help give a picture to describe process

Incremental improvements and breakthrough improvements?

Page 101 incremental- most common, small changes in plans, simple solutions breakthrough: redesigned work processes that that result in new levels of quality speed savings

Tools used in Continuos Improvements. What are they, When do we use them?

Page 103 -Brainstorming An idea-gathering technique that uses team interaction to generate as many ideas as possible within a given time period. -Check Sheets Are used to record how frequently something occurs - Pie Charts Show how individual parts can be broken down into percentages of the whole - Bar Charts Show comparison among categories - Line Graphs Show a data pattern over time - A selection tool Items of concern are rated based on their level of importance - Process of simple ranking It is a decision-making tool that teams can use to rank opportunities for improvement. It can also be used to rank other lists of choices. - A Flow Chart A pictorial representation of steps and decision points in a process A picture can truly be worth 1000 words when attempting to represent and analyze a process. - A Cause-and-Effect Diagram Useful to structure a brainstorming session Often represented by a 'fish-bone'

Six Stigma

Page 103-104 1. identify core attribute of experience 2. identify defect in this 3. find optimum capabilities 4.find opportunities to remove defects 5.develop new system that is consistent

Process of Continuous Improvements

Page 105 (middle) and Page 112 TARGET: an opportunity for improvement -Write problem statements -Develop section Criteria ANALYZE: the area targeted for improvement -establish BASELINE measurements (represents how a process performs prior to any improvement effort) -Analyzing Process -Identifying potential causes -Determining Root CAUSE DEVELOP: and implement improvements -Develop and identify potential solution -Select best solution -Conduct a trial test (represents how a process performs prior to any improvement effort) -Develop Action plan EVALUATE: the improvements -look at improvements

Change Sponsors

Page 11 Individuals or groups within an organization that that have the power or influence to initiate change. They are used to create change where it is needed and create an envision statement. inspire others.

Change Agents

Page 11 person or group responsible for day to day effort that makes the change happen. depending on the scope of change they could be an individual, an outside consultant, a team. the key is that someone or something has a clear responsibility.

Force Field Analysis

Page 20 Kurt Lewin. a means of diagnosing present situation, and device for prioritizing activities and developing action plan.

Measurement of Change Process

Page 31 (bottom) STEP 3: Measure Progress -plays essential role -more likely to stay on course if they know they are making progress -ex: Higher inspection score, reduce dollar exp., fewer guest complaints, increase yield rate, ADR ect.

The Path to Success

Page 36 -People come together and make the past disappear and talk about the "dark old days" -conflict is less frequent and more consensus -uncertain alternative give way to clear and obvious goals -accidents, uncertainties, and and confusion disappear into clear strategies -changes become habit, new systems are seen as essential

Difference Between Leadership and Management

Page 43, 61 Leadership: influence relationship, done by leaders and collaborators, episodic affair, does not need a position to operate. Management: authority relationship, managers or subordinates, done continuously, requires positon

Traditional Management Principles

Page 44-45 Henri Fayol -Common Good: interest of org> interest ind. -Centralization: decision making authority rest with top tier -Unity of direction: one plan should be used for group of activities that has the same goal. -Span of Control: there should only be so many employees to manager -Scalar Chain: line of authority/ formal communication should run from top down -Authority Commensurate with Responsibility: managers should have enough formal authority to work -Division of labor: Employees should specialize -Compensation: org. should have fair wage and salary plan -Staff stability: high management/employees turnover rates are bad -Matching: employees should be placed in jobs that suit them -Discipline: employees should be respectful -Employees initiative: employees should be given freedom to develop and implement plans -Espirit de corps: the org. benefits from teamwork that build unity

Vertical and Horizontal Organizational Structures

Page 44-46 -vertical(tall)- unit managers----(LONG ASS LINE)---president! -Horizontal (flat)- Unit managers, Regional Man., Senior VP, El Presidente.

Traditional Management Functions

Page 47 Planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, controlling

Traditional Management Roles

Page 51 INTERPERSONAL -Figure head: ceremonial face -Leader: acts to create proud. atmosphere -Liaison: networks with others outside vertical chain of command INFORMATIONAL ROLES -Monitor: gathers info from informal and formal channels -Disseminator: passes info around -Spokesperson: send info via. speed, letter memo DESCISIONAL ROLES: -Entrepreneur: initiates change -Disturbance handler: resolves conflicts -Resource Allocator: distributes resources -Negotiator: bargains with union, contracts, set goals

Traditional Management Skills

Page 54 Technical: involves specialized knowledges of tools, methods, procedure, processes with specific type of activity Human relations skill: ability of a mangers to work efficiently with people at every level of org. need interpersonal skills. Conceptual skill: ability to see beyond technical aspect of his/her position. seeing the bigger picture.

Traditional Management styles (3 different management styles and characteristics)

Page 58 Balloon Activity- to be a manager we have to be flexible Autocratic: stress immediately, short term results over concerns about people in a department or org. My way or highway. Bureaucratic: typical makes decision by enforcing rules, regulations, policies and procedures already in place. By the book. Conceptual: focuses on participating process then or short term results. Khalesi basically.

Creativity and Change

Page 7 creativity= inovation= change. businesses that embrace change can evolve and prosper.

Service Quality

Page 75 - a measure of how well the service level delivered matches customer expectations - delivering quality service means conforming to customer expectations on a consistent basis

Components of Perceived Service Quality

Page 75 Tangibles - What customers see! - Cleanliness - Orderliness - Attractive Reliability - Does stuff work as promised? - Televisions - Bathrooms - Billing - Heating and Cooling - Furniture - Wi-Fi Responsiveness - Are you quick and helpful? - How do you respond to complaints? - Problems addressed quickly? - GUESTS remember this most of all Assurance - Competence, Courtesy & Confidence - Knowledgeable employees - Polite and respectful employees - Safety Empathy - Do you care? - Individualized attention - Anticipating guests' needs - Putting yourself in the guest's place

Deeming's 14 points

Page 78-83 (understand the 14 points) 1. create constancy of purpose 2. adopt new philosophy 3. cease dependance on inspection 4. end practice of awarding business on price tag basis 5. improve constancy 6. institute job training 7. drive out fear 8. break down barriers 9. eliminate slogans 10. drive out fear 11. eliminate work standards 12. let employees feel pride in workmanship 13. institute program of education and self improvement 14. put everyone in company to work to accomplish transformation

Characteristics of change

Page 8 (bottom) employees are allowed to excursus autonomy, open communication to all levels, transcend organizational boundaries, higher people from diverse backgrounds, encourage reattach, risk and freedom.

Defect Ratio

Page 85 a measurement of the defects in a product (defects/opp. for defects)

Which of the followings about change agents are not true? a. a change agents is a person or group responsible for the day to day effort can make these things happen b. change agents should come from upper level or org.

b. change agents should come from upper level or org.

Hedge Hog Concept

focus on three main areas - passion, talent and the economic engine.

McDonalds Video Who started? What is the leader of Corp?

mac and dick created ray crock buys it

Benefits of ISO 9000

page 91 - encourages worldwide industrial and commercial standards - has been implemented by more than 1 million organizations in about 175 countries

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