How to use Quizlet (outdated screenshot gifs)
Use images
Add images or substitute pictures to the definition that illustrate your terms.
Create new sets
Add your own terms and definitions, questions and answers, or notes/comments to create a custom set of flashcards. If you have existing word lists, you can easily import them using the Quizlet website. With their own free accounts, students can create sets too.
Ask students to practice your sets
Have students download the app to use Quizlet's study modes - Learn, Cards, Write, and Test - to practice your sets effectively, in whatever way works best for them.
Study while offline
If you're logged into the app without wifi or cellular data, you can keep studying your most recent sets
Join classes
If your teacher or friend has created a class using the Quizlet website, you can search for it and ask to join. Once they've accepted your request, you'll be able to access all the sets in the class.
Organize using folders
Once you've created several sets, you can organize them into folders.
large selection of sets ready for you to share
Quizlet has over 150 million flashcard sets on hundreds of different topics that you can use to study.
Use audio
Quizlet provides audio for 18 different languages, which means you can hear your terms and definitions as you're studying.
Search for sets
Search by keywords, subjects and titles to find helpful public sets on your topic of choice
Share your sets with students
Share your sets or folders with students in a variety of ways, including email, messaging apps, and social media like google classroom.
Your students can share sets
Students can help one another study better by sharing their sets and folders with each other.
students can monitor their own progress
Use Match, the timed game mode, to compete with yourself for the fastest time
Encourage competition
Use quizlet live to compete in teams or individually
share sets with other teachers round the world
You can make your sets private or keep them public to share with others.
find help
You will find a link to our Help Center, with more information on using Quizlet's app and website.