How to use the computers efficiently
use the search icon in the top right
How can you find a file in your computer?
press the power button
How do you turn on your computer
press the power button on the monitor
How do you turn on your monitor
do Force-quit or quit from the bottom
What should I do if the browser freezes?
While using Google Chrome, how can you bring back a webpage you closed by accident using a shortcut ( while still in chrome)
a window appears asking you if you are sure you want to log out and quit all applications
application that lets you control the mac using coding commands
generate the screenshot of the entire page and save it to the desktop
Activity Monitor
how can you check which programs affect the computers performance
click the apple icon on the top left and then, About this Mac
how can you find quick information about the computer and operating system you are using
right-click on the desktop and choose New Folder
how to create your own folder on the desktop
log out the computer immediately
quickly move the entire webpage on the side to view the desktop
view the code behind a webpage
tap the keyboard or mouse
what to do if the monitor is plugged in but it's off
create a custom screenshot and save it to the desktop
power cable of the monitor is disconnected
reason that the screen does not turn on
right-click on the program icon, at the bottom of the screen and QUIT it
what to do if a program freezes while you use the computer
go to Apple icon at the top, click on FORCE-QUIT, and choose the program you want to close
what to do if you can't quit a program that froze on you
which folder has the file that you just downloaded from the internet