HPD Interview Prep

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Tell me about your failures.

- 2 me poor grades in school & low professional exam scores don't necessarily define failure - Failure is defined by the expectations I set 4 myself in various situations - I expect myself 2B reliable, honest, loyal, & admirable 2 others - I hold myself 2 a high standard, which is why I am so critical of myself - Be the best but stay true 2 who I am - Time when I failed: Connie's - issues w/ coworker; didn't talk bc tension then the meeting happened & snowball effect; this is failure bc I take pride in my comm skills & my honesty & I felt like I didn't meet those expectations I set

Tell me about yourself.

- 22 years old - CJ major/FA minor @SHSU - Internship w/ ATF - Body farm - Ride-alongs - Seen 2 autopsies - Wynne Unit - Research Huntsville PD; Best Practices Program

Tell me about some of your achievements.

- Achieved various things w/ my FA minor - Skull reconstruction bc it took 4ever & had 2 dry 4 a week - BFT 2 mandible experiment/manuscript (got cadavers, did x-rays, got results/data & 100 on final paper)

How much salary do you expect?

- Base salary 4 cadet in the academy & then base salary 4 an officer on probation & patrol that has a bachelor's degree

Why do you want to be a police officer?

- Be a part of the reduction in crime - Deal w/ violent criminals & take them off the streets - Be the voice for those who can't find theirs; the 1 little girls look up to - Change the way women are viewed in a male-dominated field - I have the personality 2B an officer - To keep the area secure & make sacrifices 4 others - This job offers variety & I have a desire to widen my sense of community & culture - Want 2 see different sides of Houston & better them - This job will give me the opportunity 2 build steps 4 others - Want 2 feel the sense of unity amongst the brother&sisterhood of policing

When was the first HPD car and motorcycle created?

- Car - 1910 - Motorcycle - 1909

Tell me about your fender benders.

- Clean record until this year & dunno Y - Conroe - right turn lane, didn't double check (L R L) - 249 - getting over in the exit lane & it was backed up more than usual & I didn't slow down quick enuff (he slammed his brakes) - After work - right turn lane @ light & didn't see the hitch on his SUV - My fault for all of them, but it has made me more cautious&aware of surroundings - No injuries, only scratches on cars - IDK if police reports were made or not

How would your friends or co-workers describe you?

- Coworkers - hard-working and friendly - Engaging w/ customers @ my current job & making sure things get done properly - Friends - passionate & strong-willed - Passionate about my beliefs & way of life & I am not afraid 2 stand up 4 myself when needed

What are HPD's key elements for change?

- Customer service - Training - Discipline - Supervision - Leadership & civilian workforce initiatives

What are your strengths?

- Detail-oriented (helps stay organized, gives details in every story) - Inquisitive (always asking questions/desire 2 learn) - Reliable (conscious of others/loyal/punctual) - Ambitious (persistent/uses resources 2 get what I want)

How do you deal with conflict with co-workers?

- Different situations need 2B handled in different ways - I wouldn't handle a disgrmnt w/ a co-worker the same way I would workplace harassment - Conflict w/ co-workers is inevitable so it's impt - When handling a disagreement, it's impt to keep the conflict ONLY amongst the parties involved bc gossiping heightens the tension - Necessary 2 address issue early bc if u don't, the disgrmnt could snowball into something larger & more difficult 2 handle - Addressing the issue needs 2B in person - Technology is great, but it's hindered our comm. skills & when we argue over the phone/computer, words get misinterpreted - Listen & stay calm & open-minded - Ppl let their ego & alpha personalities get in the way, which escalates things - Things aren't going smoothly, involve a 3rd party - When handling workplace harassment, best way 2 handle it is 2 take it 2 sum1 in a higher position - Ppl may see that as "tattling," but no1 deserves 2B treated like that by their co-workers & I will always stand up 4 myself & others

Do you have any questions for me?

- Do u know anything about what it's like being a female in a male-dominated field? - Where do u hope HPD will be in 10 years? What direction do u want it 2 go - especially w/ the accusations of racism in the police force? - What quality do u think is most important 2 have as a PO? - Is there anything you'd like me 2 clarify 4 U? - Can I contact u after this 2 follow up? - Can I have ur business card?

Tell me about a mistake you've made and how you overcame it.

- Facon (current place of work) - Running out of meat/packed restaurant/small amt of servers - Turned customers down - Rather turn them down than have bad experience - Got it cleared w/ GM & other host & they agreed - Owner found out & chewed the hosts out - I took the blame bc I know I try 2 take control over situations, but it's his restaurant & I have 2 do what he wants me 2 do - If ppl R unhappy or we lack meat options, it's out of my control - I learned 2 do the best I can w/ what I have based on what superiors ask of me

Who do you admire most in life?

- Father who experienced a hard life but picked himself up & built a success story - Admire him 4 his perseverance & ability 2 make pos out of negs - Aspire 2B like him in my career bc he has stood by his job & continues 2 work @ the age of 62

Where do you see yourself in a few years?

- Graduated college - Graduated the HPD police academy - Have a few yrs of policing under my belt - Plan 2 focus on my career w/ HPD - Ready 2 build a career & acquire necessary skills w/ this PD

What are your weaknesses?

- High expectations (disappointed in self when don't get outcome I want/^ expectations of others) - Wanting 2 do everything myself (want 2 have control/difficult 2 trust other's skills/reliability) - Public speaking (have the voice, not the nerves) - Self-critic (I want 2B the best so I'm critical/I beat myself up a lot over mistakes)

What are HPD's core values?

- Honor - Integrity - Respect

Why should I hire you?

- I find integrity, loyalty, & honesty 2B the most important qualities in the workplace & I can bring that 2 this PD - I want 2 put my own spin on the traditions w/in policing 2 help improve the public's recent negative perception of POs - You should hire me bc I can offer the PD diversity, positive change, determination, & passion

Why do you want to leave your current job?

- Looking 2 get my career started - Current job is simply just a part time job that I had over summer & during my internship - Ready 4 bigger things & more opportunities

Tell me about a challenge you've face and how you overcame it.

- Losing my mom at the age of 5 - Tough hurdle, but overcame it - Mom wouldn't want me 2 fall apart - my motivation - Time 2 grieve, then picked myself up - I want my actions 2B something she'd be proud of

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

- No exact # - Expect 2 build career w/ this PD - Want 2 experience all I can & contribute what I have 2 offer

Would you lie for the company or a co-worker?

- No. I am loyal, but if something is wrong, I'm not afraid 2 speak up - World needs more ppl who can speak up in bad times & sum1 w/ a voice - I believe in doing what's right even if I risk my job - 1 lie could turn into multiple lies - If I'm asked 2 lie 4 the company, then I question who I'm working 4 & I don't want to be working 4 a company that asks me to do that - Not fair 2 put employee in that situation - I will stay firm 2 who I am & lying is just not part of that

Tell me something about HPD.

- Online I found: 5,300 sworn POs & 1,300 civilian employees - Technology is key 2 crime reduction & I'm excited 2 see the resources we have access 2 - It's great that HPD has 45+ divisions bc it offers variety & opportunities to its employees

Tell me about a time where your work was criticized.

- Photography (4 yrs in HS) - Friday critiques - Helped me be open 2 other's perceptions - Choir (4 yrs in HS) - Vocal testing + solfege & vocal placement - Writing center @ SHSU - Required 2 get paper edited by them & even tho I think I'm great, I had 2 be open & applied their edits where necessary

Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough decision.

- Roomie situation: Hannah - Living w/ BFF of 7 yrs in apt w/ 2 others - Lived in dorm 2gether but things changed in the apt - Responsibilities from apt living put strain on our friendship - I & other 2 roomies wanted 2 move out w/o her - Tough bc I knew when I moved out, out friendship would be over 4 good - Best decision I've made, but toughest - Able 2 break away 4rm sum1 that limited me/held me back

How do you define success?

- Success isn't just $$ - Ur successful if u've been able 2 get 2 the top w/o stepping on others - If u have respect 4rm those above & below u, ur successful - If u've stayed true 2 who u R, ur successful - So many factors that lead 2 success - U can be successful w/o being wealthy

What is HPD's Mission Statement?

- The mission is 2 enhance quality of life in Houston by working w/ the public & w/in the framework of the U.S. Constitution to enforce laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear & provide a safe environment

When was HPD formed?


When did the first female police officer enter HPD?


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