HR Ch.6

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2-D Leadership Style Combinations-

1. High Structure, Low consideration 2. high structure, high consideration 3. high consideration, low structure 4. low consideration, low structure

Ghiselli Study's 6 Traits are....

1. Supervisory Ability 2. Need for Achievement 3. Intelligence 4. Decisiveness 5. Self-Assurance 6. Initiative

"Gentlemen, I'll consider all your ideas before I decide the final strategy for this project." Which leadership style is this?

A leader who presents a problem, gets suggestions, and makes a decision

"Sam, make sure you reach the office no later than 8 am tomorrow." In the context of leadership continuum, what leadership style does this reflect?


Leadership Grid-

Blake and Mouton's model identifying the ideal leadership style as having a high concern for both production and people

____ leadership theory, developed by Fielder, is used to determine whether a person's leadership style is task or relationship oriented and if the situation matches the leader's style.


Leadership Continuum-

Identifies 7 leadership styles based on the use of boss-centered vs. employee-centered leadership

The ____ ____, Blake and Mouton's model, identifies the ideal leadership style as having a high concern for both production and people.

Leadership Grid

____ ____ theory, developed by Vroom and Yetten, is a decision tree model that enables the user to select from 5 leadership styles, the one that's appropriate for the situation.

Normative Leadership

"I'm planning to reduce the duration of lunch break by 10 minutes. Does anyone have any objection to this policy?" Which leadership style is this?

The leader presents ideas and invites questions

Situational Leadership-

a model to select from 4 leadership styles that match the maturity level of the employee in any given situation

Contingency Leadership Theories-

assume that the appropriate leadership style varies from situation to situation

Leadership Trait Theory-

assume that there are distinctive physical and psychological characteristics accounting for leadership effectiveness

Behavioral Leadership Theories-

assume that there are distinctive styles that effective leaders use consistently, that is, that good leadership is rooted in behavior

"Good leadership is rooted in behavior." is an....

assumption of behavioral leadership theories

You've been promoted to becoming the supervisor in a different department. The supervisor you're replacing didn't succeed in getting work done because he let employees make ongoing decisions. Production declined in recent months and that's why you got the job. As a situation manager, which supervisory style should you ideally use?


Ideal leadership style has high concern for....

both the job and people

In the situational supervision model, the ___ style involves high-directive-high-supportive behavior and is appropriate when interacting with moderate-capability employees.


Normative Leadership Theory-

decision tree method to choose from 5 leadership styles depending which is best for the situation

Situational Leadership: Lower Left Quadrant (4)-

delegating, low concern, low structure

Contingency Leadership Theory-

determines if style is task or relationship oriented and if it matches the leader's style

5 Major Styles of Leadership: Impoverished Manager-

does minimum work to keep their job, low concern for both job and people

Laissez-Faire Style (S-L)-

entails low-directive-supportive behavior (LD-LS) and is appropriate when interacting with outstanding employees (C-4)

5 Leadership Styles of Normative Theory: Delegate-

group makes the decision

5 Leadership Styles of Normative Theory: Facilitate-

group meeting or employees share indecision

In situational leadership, a leader uses a delegating style when their followers' maturity level is ____.


5 Major Styles of Leadership: Team Manager-

high concern for both people and job, participation, commitment and resolving conflict are tops

5 Major Styles of Leadership: Organized-Person Manager-

high concern for both people and job, runs middle of the road to keep both going well

5 Major Styles of Leadership: Sweatshop Manager-

high concern for job, low concern for people, uses power to coerce people and treats them like machines

5 Major Styles of Leadership: Country Club Manager-

high concern for people, low concern for job, its all about being friendly and having goof relationships

"I've outlines a plan for the event. We'll have to discuss all major considerations before you can start executing the plan. I'll check the progress daily thereon." Which quadrant of the 2-D leadership style does this behavior reflect?


Consultative Style (S-C)-

involves high-directive-high-support behavior (HD-HD) and is appropriate when interacting with moderate-capability employees(C-2)

Autocratic Style (S-A)-

involves high-directive-low-supportive behavior (HD-LS) and is appropriate when interacting with low-capability employees (C-1)

Participative Style(S-P)-

is characterized by low-directive-high-supportive behavior (LD-HS) and is appropriate when interacting with employees with high capability (C-3)

5 Leadership Styles of Normative Theory: Decide-

leader decides alone

5 Leadership Styles of Normative Theory: Consult Individually-

leader talks to employees separately to get input, but still makes the decision

In situational leadership, a leader uses a telling style when their followers' maturity level is ____.


According to Hersey and Blanchard, what denotes a delegating leadership style?

low relationship, low task

In situational leadership, a leader uses a participating style when his follower's maturity level is ____ to ____.

moderate to high

Situational Leadership: Upper Left Quadrant (3)-

participating, high concern high structure

Situational Leadership: Upper Right Quadrant (2)-

selling, high structure, high concern

Developed by Hersey and Blnchard, _____ leadership, is a model for selecting from 4 leadership styles, the one that matches the emoloyees' maturity level in a given circumstance.


What is the most important trait for effective leadership according to Ghiselli's theory?

supervisory ability

5 Leadership Styles of Normative Theory: Consult Group-

talks to group of employees for input, but still makes the decision

Situational Leadership: Lower Right Quadrant (1)-

telling, high structure, low concern

"You don't look well. Go home and rest. Don't worry about work. We'll take care of it." Which of the leadership styles is this example of from the leadership grid?

the country club manager

"These are the 2 projects that, I think, need your expertise. Which one would you choose to work on first?" This is an example of a leadership style where....

the leader lets employees make a decision within set limits


the positive expectation that another will not take advantage of you


the process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of objectives

John is a supervisor. He achieves his individual target, but he fails to get along with his manager and his subordinate. In the context of Fielder's contingency leadership theory model, what leadership style should John adopt to deal with this situation?

the relationship-oriented leadership style

"You have to complete all assignments before you go on leave. You may have to extend your working hours." In the context of the leadership grid, what leadership style odes this example reflect?

the sweat shop manager

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