HR Final

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Which phase of the ADDIE training process model addresses both the employer's strategic goals and its current needs?


What is the root of ethical behavior?


Under the Uniform Guidelines, when would an employer have to meet validation requirements for testing?

Only when adverse impact exists

Which type of rating system allows for ratings by colleagues and shows an immediate positive impact on communications, motivation, social loafing, group viability, and cohesion?

Peer appraisals

Which measurement tool is the most dependable way to validate a test?

Predictive validation

Which rate tracks how quickly people leave a firm?


"Tell me about a time when you were under a great deal of stress. What was the situation, and how did you handle it?" is an example of a _______ question.


Offering a product or service that competitors do not offer is the competitive strategy of _______.


A management training technique that involves moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points is known as _______.

job rotation

When employees are unhappy with their jobs, they may begin to put psychological distance between themselves and their work environment. This practice is called _______.

job withdrawal

Although _______ increase the number of applicants who turn down job offers, they also decrease employee turnover.

realistic job previews

The goal of _______ interviews is to spot overly sensitive applicants.


According to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, how many weeks can an eligible employee take as unpaid leave?


How long are employers required to make healthcare benefits available when an employee separates from the organization?


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), who would be considered a qualified individual for a job?

A candidate who can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation

An aging workforce is one trend currently impacting how employers address and complete their basic HR management tasks. Which of the following is a result of this trend?

A decline in the labor force participation rate

What must be included in an employee handbook to minimize the potential for legal action when an employee is terminated?

A disclaimer that the handbook is not a binding contract

What is necessary in a recruiting program that attracts women and minorities?

A strategy that is supported and driven by top management

When all of a candidate's attributes are considered based on fit for the employer's total job requirements, what type of recruitment program is being practiced?

A total selection program

At the end of each day (or each month or each year), what is a manager's MOST important responsibility?

Achieving results

In which of the following scenarios is an employee eligible for unemployment insurance compensation?

An employee who loses his or her job because of downsizing

What can employers use to help attract, gather, screen, and otherwise manage applicants?

Applicant tracking systems

When applying the rules, orders, or penalties of the discipline process, what standards should be used?

Application without discrimination

If an employer wanted to test a candidate's deductive reasoning skills and memory, what type of test might be used?


How can an interviewer improve reliability and reduce bias during an interview?

Ask each candidate the same questions.

How should the importance of each job factor be determined when using the point method of developing a market-competitive pay plan?

Assign weights to compensable factors.

What is the right to make decisions and give orders referred to as?


When seeking reference information about a candidate, what type of system allows a candidate's references to provide information about the candidate anonymously?

Automated online reference checking system

Which selection tool might managers use to uncover damaging information about a candidate that was not otherwise shared in the interview process?

Background check

Which of the following will serve as the anchor against which all other jobs will be compared?

Benchmark jobs

What defense can be used to allow an employer to hire an employee based on religion, sex, or national origin when those qualifications are necessary to the position or operation?

Bona fide occupational qualification

_______ decreases the number of salary grades but expands the range of jobs and pay levels in each grade.


When implementing change in the workplace, how can a firm reinforce the new way of doing things?

By changing the company's systems and procedures to support the change

How do HR managers integrate core values, integrity, and accountability throughout all organizational and business practices?

By exhibiting ethical practices

How can the use of technology such as digital media or social media tools increase employee retention?

By identifying factors that flag high-potential employees who are likely to leave.

When having to criticize the work of a subordinate, how should the criticism be handled?

By incorporating critical incidents and specific suggestions

How might companies take advantage of lower-cost locations abroad in their search for greater efficiencies?

By offshoring jobs

What is the process of helping employees to develop skills and interests, and to use those skills and interests effectively within the organization?

Career management

What type of plan reflects performance appraisal ratings and training plans based on those ratings?

Career planning and development

Which of the following will merge an employee's performance appraisals, preferences, and developmental needs to create opportunity for the employee?

Career-oriented appraisal

During an equal employment opportunity (EEO) investigation, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will issue an outcome to the investigation of a charge. Which of the following can be a potential outcome during the investigation of an EEO charge?

Cause/no cause

What can be used to demonstrate the mastery of contemporary human resource management knowledge?

Certification programs

What is the first step in developing a market-competitive pay plan using the point-factor method?

Choose benchmark jobs.

Which of the following allows employees to sue for monetary damages in cases of intentional discrimination, including compensatory and punitive damages?

Civil Rights Act of 1991

When an employer matches contributions to a pension fund and the non-forfeitable right to the contribution is three years, what type of pension program is being offered?

Cliff vesting

Which of the following identifies important aspects of a job to establish how jobs compare in terms of worth?

Compensable factors

Which of the following will itemize the abilities, skills, and knowledge HR managers need to be successful on the job?

Competency models

_______ pays employees for the skill and knowledge they are capable of using instead of the title of the job currently held.

Competency-based pay

Which of the following is a means to allow a company to build and strengthen a business unit's long-term competitive position in the marketplace?

Competitive strategy

Which can employers use to assess recruitment effectiveness using metrics such as quality of new hires?

Computerized applicant tracking system

What is the first step to using ranking as a job evaluation method?

Conduct a job analysis.

Which of the following describes the managerial skills and behaviors associated with global and cultural competency?

Considering the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties

What can be used to measure abstract ideas, such as honesty, that are important for the success of job performance?

Construct validity

Which of the following uses statistics to demonstrate a relationship between test scores and performance?

Criterion validity

______ can be used to sift through employee data in order to calculate, in terms of a "flight risk model," the likelihood that any particular employee will leave.

Data analysis

What can employers use to sift through the massive amounts of information that can be generated by metrics, to identify correlations that can improve HR practices?

Data mining

When attempting to establish a fair discipline process, which of the following should be the first step?

Develop a clear set of rules and regulations.

What is the result of an employer treating an individual differently because that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group?

Disparate treatment

Which of the following is a system for distributing rewards where the actual results are fair?

Distributive justice

How can an organization ensure it is maximizing the potential skills and abilities of all employees while minimizing the potential problems that can undermine cooperation?

Diversity management programs

What type of training has a goal of improving cross-cultural sensitivity and fostering harmonious relationships among employees?

Diversity training

What can managers use to track how much time an employee spends working online, along with the accuracy of their work?

Electronic performance monitoring

What is the first factor a company should consider when deciding on annual bonus plans as short-term incentives?


Which of the following is a 2013dash-2016 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforcement priority?

Eliminating potentially discriminatory hiring barriers such as credit checks

Voluntary pension and health plans in private industry must meet minimum standards under the _______.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act

Which of the following voluntary benefits provides counseling and advisory services such as legal services, child care referrals, and life event planning?

Employee assistance programs

What is the name for the psychological involvement in, and connection and commitment to, getting one's job done?

Employee engagement

Which of the following indicates employees are psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting their job done?

Employee engagement

When working to increase employee engagement through the use of incentives, what do most managers believe is the key to success?

Employee involvement in developing the rewards program

Which of the following represents the establishment of employee-employer relationships that contribute to a positive and cohesive work environment?

Employee relations

Why have many employers eliminated education benefits and subsidies?

Employees often changed employers after graduation.

The case of Griggs v. Duke Power Company established five key principles that affect the interpretation of equal employment opportunity (EEO). Which of the following was NOT an outcome of Griggs v. Duke Power Company?

Employers must have intentionally discriminated against the employee for a claim to be filed.

Which of the following has the biggest impact on ethical behavior in an organization?

Enforcing the rules

Which of the following acts says that employees of one sex cannot be paid at a lower rate than employees of the opposite sex if they are doing similar work?

Equal Pay

Which of the following is based on the premise that people try to maintain a balance between what they perceive as their contribution and reward?

Equity theory of motivation

What are the standards someone uses to decide what appropriate conduct is?


Which of the following do organizations use to address and monitor situations such as conflicts of interest, giving and receiving gifts and employee discrimination?

Ethics audits

Which is the tendency to view members of other social groups less favorably than one's own?


Which of the following allows for proposals, decisions, practices, and conclusions based on data, facts, scientific rigor, and critical evaluation?

Evidence-based human resource management

Which of the following requires the use of facts, analytics, scientific rigor, and research to support HR decision-making activities?

Evidence-based human resource management

Which of the following should be used to determine if a firm's wages are too high or too low relative to what other firms are paying?

External wage curves

Which of the following acts contains requirements for minimum wage, equal pay, and child labor provisions?

Fair Labor Standards

Which of the following gives federal employees limits on the disclosure of personnel information without employee consent?

Federal Privacy Act

Which of the following federal laws protects job applicants who are in the process of working toward recovery from drug use?

Federal Rehabilitation Act

What is the most widespread error that interviewers make while interviewing and rating candidates?

First impression or snap judgments

Which of the following allows employees to pay for certain benefits with pretax dollars?

Flexible spending accounts

Which of the following is considered a family-friendly benefit?

Flexible work schedules

Which of the following allows employees to build their work hours around a core range of hours, with choices of hours for the rest of the day?


How can an organization improve its employee engagement rate?

Focus managerial support on coaching based on employee strengths.

Which of the following will help minimize the personal liability a supervisor faces when preparing to terminate an employee?

Follow all company policies and procedures.

Which of the following describes the criteria a firm uses to award promotions?

Formal promotion policies

What type of strategic planning would most likely take place at the departmental level?


A company that uses genetic information to deny employees health insurance is violating which act of legislation?


What type of technology do many employers use to improve their recruiting, training, and development processes?


What type of strategy is being used when a company grows by entering new territorial markets?

Geographic expansion

The measurement of where an organization stands, in order to determine how to improve the HR function, can be achieved through a(n) _______.

HR audit

Which is the process of assigning goals or metrics to the human resource management-related strategy-map chain of activities required to achieve strategic goals?

HR scorecards

In a performance appraisal, when a supervisor's rating of a subordinate on one trait biases the rating of that person on other traits, what problem is being illustrated?

Halo effect

What can employers do to legally protect themselves from the effects of the large number of applicants that exaggerate information on resumes and applications?

Have applicants sign a statement indicating the provided information is true.

What is usually the first step in prescreening a pool of applicants?

Have candidates fill out an application form.

Which of the following allows for deductions on income taxes, making the benefit more attractive to employees?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What is a set of human resource management policies and practices that produces superior employee performance called?

High-performance work system

What can a human resource department do to motivate employees to support and achieve sustainability efforts as an organizational goal?

Implement an incentive system that supports sustainability.

According to the ADDIE training process model, providing training for targeted employees happens in what phase?


Which of the following is prohibited by the Newborn Mothers Protection Act of 1996?

Incentives to leave the hospital early

Which is of the following, when provided during onboarding, is key to enhancing employee engagement?

Information about corporate values and traditions

Which of the following is caused by disrespectful behavior towards a manager or other extreme behavior on the part of the employee?


For new employees with disabilities, which of the following is most influenced by coworker and supervisor behavior during the orientation process?

Integration and socialization

What is the advantage to the employer when they hire interns?

Interns can be evaluated for possible full-time work.

What effect does nonverbal behavior have during the interview process?

Interviewers infer personality based on the way the interviewee acts.

What type of management test would be used to measure a candidate's interests, past performance, and motivation for the current opportunity?


Which of the following makes employee engagement critical to the success of the organization?

It drives performance and productivity.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about controlled experimentation?

It involves formal methods for testing training program effectiveness.

What is a candidate-order (contrast) error that can undermine an interview's usefulness?

It is an error caused by comparing a candidate to the previous one.

What is the advantage of paying salespeople a straight salary instead of salary plus commission?

It is easier to change sales territories.

Which type of HR professional collects detailed information and studies the tasks associated with specific jobs in order to prepare job descriptions?

Job analyst

Which job evaluation method groups jobs as having the approximate same value for pay purposes?

Job classification

When determining compensation for senior managers, what aspect of pay reflects span of control?

Job complexity

What can be used to help an employee develop a more realistic understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses, and make career moves that will benefit from those strengths?

Job rotation

What type of managerial on-the-job training should be used to broaden a manager's understanding of the overall business and to test leadership abilities?

Job rotation

Which interviewing approach subjectively weighs all information and evidence learned about a candidate?


What types of opportunities can an organization provide employees throughout the course of their careers that offer basic remedial skills or expand their horizons?

Lifelong learning opportunities

To find passive job candidates, which of the following tools would a recruiter be MOST likely to use?

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

When recruiting on campus, the recruiter's first goal is to determine if a candidate is worthy of future consideration. What is his or her second goal?

Make the employer attractive to the candidate.

What is the first step in the planning process when considering downsizing?

Making sure the right people are let go

What type of commission plan determines pay based on specific metrics?

Management by objectives

Which of the following aids in determining a course of action for moving an organization to a new goal?

Management planning

Because professional positions often require skills that are difficult to measure, such as creativity and problem solving, what approach do most employers take when determining pay for these jobs?

Market pricing

Which of the following is a matrix designed to show the probability that an employee will move from one key position to the next?

Markov analysis

Which of the following is used to show intentional disparate treatment rather than unintentional disparate impact?

McDonnell-Douglas test

If an employee requests leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for medical or family reasons, what can an employer require from the employee before granting the leave?

Medical certification

Which of the following allows employees to establish tax-free health savings accounts to offset high health insurance deductibles?

Medicare Modernization Act

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which of the following is considered a disability by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?

Mental impairment

Which of the following focuses on longer term career goals and an employee's motivation for achieving those goals?


Which of the following provides a base salary increase tied to performance?

Merit pay

Which type of pre-employment test is considered to be both content relevant and valid, and is used to determine how well a candidate will be able to learn key aspects of the job?

Miniature job training

Which of the following would result in a less effective interview?

Monopolizing the interview with your thoughts and opinions

What is the result of hiring an employee with a criminal record who then commits a similar crime on the job?

Negligent hiring

Which of the following is the fastest growing labor force segment?

Older workers

What did SAS institute in order to aid in the healthcare treatment of employees, allowing the company to reduce costs?

On-site medical professionals

Which of the following is the process used to provide new employees with information they need to do their jobs and create emotional attachment and engagement in the firm?


Where do most employers begin when recruiting outside candidates?

Online job boards

Which of the following has the strongest effect on applicant attraction?

Online recruiting

What is a disadvantage to using online recruiting to generate responses to openings?

Online recruiting may inadvertently exclude disproportionate numbers of older applicants and minorities.

Which of the following represents a change process initiated and implemented by employees?

Organizational development

Which of the following is considered an indirect financial payment?

Paid vacation

What do top-performing employees cite as the number-one reason why they would leave an organization?


What can be used to measure how successful managers and employees are in supporting sustainability in the workplace?

Performance appraisals

What tools are needed to have an effective promotion-from-within policy?

Performance appraisals

What is the continuous process of aligning an employee's performance with the organization's goals?

Performance management

Which of the following ensures that an employee's performance continues to support the company's overall goals?

Performance management

What pre-employment test can be used to measure traits such as emotional stability and agreeableness and has been correlated with job performance?


When forecasting the supply of candidates for future positions, how can an organization track the skills and abilities of current employees for their promotion to future openings?

Personnel skills inventory and development record forms

What is a disadvantage of piecework incentive plans?

Piecework plans tie production standards to the amount each worker earns.

What managerial tool can be used to establish the goals of the organization, rules and procedures, and forecasts?


Which of the following enables employers to provide day-to-day guidance to employees to support organizational plans and goals?

Policies and procedures

Which of the following do courts use to relate the percentage of protected groups in an organization with the percentage of corresponding groups in the labor market?

Population comparison

Which act requires employers to treat an employee who is expecting a baby like they would any other employee requesting sick leave?

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

What type of team can be used to identify and research a work process, and then make suggestions for the improvement of that process?

Problem-solving teams

Which of the following groups is usually compensated using a market-pricing approach?

Professional employees

When establishing a penalty process for the discipline procedure, what should the process be based on?

Progressive discipline

Which of the following are NOT covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?

Public employers of 5 or more employees

Which of the following can be charged by proving that rejecting a supervisor's advances adversely affected opportunities for a "tangible work action" such as a promotion?

Quid pro quo

When designing a structured situational interview, what task should be completed after a job description that includes knowledge, skills, and abilities is created?

Rate each job duty based on importance.

Which of the following best describes on-demand recruiting?

Recruiters who are paid by the hour to support a specific project

Which of the following is an indication of discrimination against nonminority applicants and employees?

Reverse discrimination

Domestic partner benefits make health insurance and other benefits available to which group?

Same sex or opposite sex partners

When developing staffing plans, what can a firm use to compare how two variables, such as the number of customer complaints and the firm's staffing levels, are related?

Scatter plot

Which aspect of top executive pay includes stock or cash bonuses for achieving semiannual or annual goals?

Short-term incentives

Which of the following does NOT test for skills related to job tasks but rather tests how an applicant would respond in various situations that might occur on the job?

Situational judgment tests

Which of the following provides disability payments to employees who have become disabled and can no longer work?

Social Security

Which of the following allows almost everyone in the company to continuously appraise each other's work and can supplement traditional appraisals?

Social media

What type of recruitment efforts does the U.S. Department of Labor support?

State-run employment service agencies

Which approach to developing a job offer is based on the quantification of evidence used to predict job success?


Which selection process is more defensible in a court of law?


Which is the term for the attribution of specific behavioral traits to individuals based on apparent membership in a group?


_______ permit the recipient to exercise a stock option or to take any increase in a stock's price in cash, stock, or some combination of these.

Stock appreciation rights

Which of the following makes up the largest percentage of a senior-level executive's pay?

Stock options and long-term performance plans

What type of compensation plan makes sense when a position focuses on customer service and support?

Straight salary

Which tool can be used to track how a department's performance contributes to the company's overall strategic goals?

Strategy map

How can a firm measure how well activities contribute to achieving the company's strategic goals?

Strategy-based metrics

Why are structured interviews using situational questions preferred during the interview process?

Structured interviews tend to be more valid for predicting job performance.

What type of interview technique requires each interviewer to rate candidates using only standardized interview questions?

Structured sequential

Which of the following uses statistical techniques, algorithms, and data cleaning to identify patterns that lead to success or failure on a particular job?

Talent analytics

In a recent study, what did human resource officers at 35 large global companies cite as their primary labor force concern?

Talent management

What is the major disadvantage of providing team incentives?

Team incentives can have demotivating effects.

Which of the following is a recognized advantage to team incentives

Team incentives help facilitate training.

Which of the following gives stakeholders in an organization an opportunity to impact executive pay levels?

The Dodd-Frank Law

Which aspect of the Global Competencies Inventory helps to determine a candidate's awareness of the impact they make on others?

The Relationship Management Factor

How does the SHRM certification model differ from HRCI's exam model?

The SHRM model tests for managerial competencies as well as functional HR knowledge.

Which of the following can be a drawback to filling openings with internal candidates?

The opportunity for inbreeding increases.

Who, or what, is responsible for molding an organization's HR philosophy at every level of the organization?

The organization's top management

Which of the following should be the guiding force behind all training goals?

The strategic plan

Why should organizations develop a plan that allows retirement-age workers to keep working in a reduced capacity past retirement age?

There is a severe shortage of talented workers.

Which of the following is an advantage to using pay ranges for each pay grade?

They allow employers to be more flexible when attracting experienced candidates.

How do organizations formulate and execute HR policies and practices that produce employee competencies the company needs to succeed?

Through strategic human resource management

In terms of sexual harassment charges, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex sexual harassment is actionable under which of the following?

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Why was the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) established?

To enforce the Civil Rights Act for workers

What is the goal of effective human resource strategies?

To ensure employees have the competencies needed to achieve organizational goals

Why is it helpful for an interviewer to take notes on a candidate during an interview?

To help avoid snap decisions

Why should an employer focus on company values, the work environment, and what it is like to work at the organization during the recruiting process?

To impact recruiting success

Why do many employers encourage the use of internal recruiting?

To improve employee engagement

What should be the goal of the performance interview if an employee's performance is unsatisfactory but correctable?

To lay out an action or development plan for correcting performance

What is the purpose of employee relations programs in an organization?

To maintain positive employee relations

What is a potential negative outcome when a company limits how much salespeople can earn in commissions?

Top-performing salespeople may quit selling when they reach their quota.

Which of the following represents the concept that organization-wide programs should integrate all functions and processes of the business?

Total quality management (TQM)

Which of the following includes compensation and both personal and professional growth as ways to motivate and attract employees?

Total rewards

Which of the following represents the skills provided by the employer that allow employees to successfully accomplish their job?


Which of the following addresses the study of variations in a firm's employment levels during the previous few years?

Trend analysis

What does FedEx emphasize in its attempts to maintain its standing as one of "Fortune Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For"?


In what way does Costco track employee engagement?

Turnover and productivity

_______ is a persistent failure to perform duties or meet established job standards and is grounds for dismissal.

Unsatisfactory performance

Which of the following allows employers to clarify and understand their values and seek only candidates who support those values?

Value-based hiring

What is used to identify a business's intended course, usually in broad terms?

Vision statement

Which of the following is an informal process in which a neutral third party assists the opposing parties in reaching a voluntary resolution to the charges of discrimination?

Voluntary mediation

Which of the following is a good statement or question to make in an appraisal interview?

What do you think we can do to improve the situation?

Performance appraisals are used to evaluate an employee's performance. Which of the following decisions is key to the three-step performance appraisal process?

What performance standards will be used

When does the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforcement process begin?

When an individual files a written charge with the EEOC

Which of the following would NOT be a reason for a private employer to administer a polygraph test?

When hiring a person who will have access to employee records

Under which condition are employers liable for sexually harassing acts of coworkers or clients?

When the employer should have known about the sexually harassing act

According to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, when can an employer legally intercept and monitor oral and wire communications of employees?

When there is a legitimate business reason for doing so

How can HR managers validate the achievement of goals within the department?

With the use of metrics

What type of assessment test tries to predict performance by having a candidate perform a sample of the job's tasks?

Work sampling

Which of the following has been one of the most added benefits some employers now offer their employees?

Work-at-home policies

How do organizations decide what positions they will have to fill and how to fill them?

Workforce planning

Which type of validated employment test is designed to test for dishonesty and other counterproductive forms of behavior?

Written honesty test

Implementing a Scanlon plan requires the elimination of a "them" and "us" attitude, and replacing it with _______.

a feeling of cooperation between employees and management

Organizational development usually involves collecting data about a group or department through _______ and sharing that information with employees so they can help determine what the problems might be.

action research

Helping the firm and its employees improve in a measurable way as a result of the HR manager's action supports the bottom line of the organization through _______.

added value

To increase the number of women and minorities in key leadership positions, firms need to _______.

adopt flexible career tracks

The method of ranking employees from best to worst on a trait or traits is known as the _______.

alternation ranking method

The first step in conducting an effective interview is to _______.

analyze the job

The goal of the _______ is to reinforce employee strengths and remedy deficiencies in performance.

appraisal interview

A training process in which people become skilled workers, usually through a combination of formal learning and long-term on-the-job training, often under the tutelage of a master craftsperson, is known as _______.

apprenticeship training

To ensure a screening test measures what it is designed to measure, the test should _______.

be valid

The training method in which trainees are shown the right way of doing something, letting trainees practice that way, and then giving feedback on the trainees' performance is known as _______.

behavior modeling

Psychologist B.F. Skinner used _______ to change behavior through rewards or punishments based on performance.

behavior modification

During a job interview, the hiring manager asks questions like, "Can you think of a time when _____? What did you do?" This scenario would likely take place during a _______ interview.


One way to compare a firm's HR metrics with those of other companies is through the use of _______.


A benefits plan that allows employees to choose the benefits most meaningful to them, while staying within a predetermined dollar amount, is called a(n) _____.

cafeteria benefits plan

The lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment is known as _______.

career development

In addition to being valid, a pre-employment test should be consistent with EEO laws, be ethical, and protect the test taker's privacy. These considerations are important when _______.

choosing the test

To prevent claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 regarding discrimination in promotional opportunity, promotional procedures should be _______.

clear and objective

A plan in which salespeople receive both salary and commissions, with a sizable salary component, is known as a _______.

combination plan

Employees who work fewer days per week, but longer hours per day, have a work schedule referred to as _______.

compressed workweeks

In a _______, the plaintiff argues that he or she quit because the former employer made the work situation intolerable.

constructive discharge claim

A method of training employees to complete different tasks or jobs other than their own in order to facilitate flexibility and job rotation is known as _______.

cross training

Statistical and mathematical analysis used to find relationships and make predictions is conducted with the use of _______.

data analytics

A plan in which a certain amount of profits is credited to each employee's account, payable at retirement, termination, or death, is a(n) _______.

deferred profit-sharing plan

A pension plan that allows an employee to take their pension when they leave one company and roll the pension into a new employer's plan is known as a ________ plan.

defined contribution

A plan in which the employer's contribution to an employee's retirement savings fund is defined is known as a(n) _______.

defined contribution pension plan

The last step in the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) is to _______.

develop a final instrument

Managers use a _______, which includes desktop graphs and charts, to see a picture of how a company is doing on all metrics from the HR scorecard process.

digital dashboard

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related legislation require that the employer avoid _______.

discrimination in selection for training

Moving HR management tasks from a central HR department to employees and line managers allows for _______.

distributed HR management

Because the point of an incentive program is to motivate a person to perform better, incentive plans should be used when _______.

effort and results are directly related

According to a survey of 235 managers, _______ are the most-often-used reward to motivate employees.

employee recognition programs

In a(n) _______, a corporation contributes shares of its own stock to a trust in which additional contributions are made annually. The trust distributes the stock to employees on retirement or separation from service.

employee stock ownership plan

The Uniform Guidelines issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) try to prevent discrimination of women and minorities by requiring validation of _______.

employment selection devices

When employees are treated with respect by their manager, one positive outcome is _______.

enhanced job satisfaction

The principles that govern the conduct of individuals or groups are known as _______.


One way to encourage employee involvement is to use _______, where select employees discuss their opinions on specific, predetermined issues.

focus groups

Most employment plans are based on _______, which are basic assumptions about the future.


In Lewin's three-step process for leading organizational change, the unfreezing stage involves _______.

getting people to recognize the need for change

The _______ lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each.

graphic rating scale

Of the top five reasons why top performers leave an organization, _______ was ranked the lowest.

health-care benefits

According to surveys by the Great Place to Work Institute, a great workplace offers employees _______.

high levels of employee engagement

When an employee is on a short-term overseas assignment, the _______ salary plan would eliminate the need to make frequent changes in the employee's base salary.


When determining which candidate to hire, the _______ approach combines the use of tests and other data with subjective information.


Because one of the best ways to achieve engagement by workers is to ensure workers' goals are the same as the organization's goals, the _______ feature of the Scanlon plan focuses on helping employees understand how the business operates.


According to the expectancy theory, motivation is dependent on three things, one of which is the perceived connection between performance and obtaining the reward, known as _______.


Deci found that extrinsic rewards can, at times, undermine a person's _______.

intrinsic motivation

When using a discipline without punishment program, the first step in the discipline process is _______.

issuing an oral reminder

One disadvantage of the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) is that _______.

it is difficult to develop

A _______ is a systematic comparison of jobs to determine the worth of the job.

job evaluation

A _______ includes written details on salary, benefits, and terms of employment.

job offer

Employers typically rely on _______ to share information internally about open positions in the workplace.

job postings

A development technique in which teams of managers compete by making realistic decisions in simulated situations is known as _______.

management games

During the interview, more favorable traits and successful life outcomes are usually ascribed to _______.

more attractive candidates

According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors that satisfy lower-level needs are different from those _______ that satisfy higher-level needs.


Inadequate training can expose an employer to liability for _______.

negligent training

One of the reasons SAS is considered one of "Fortune Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For" is its _______.

never having laid off any of its 13,000 employees

One way to address the shortfall within the U.S. workforce is to hire employees who work part time or hold multiple jobs at once. These employees are known as _______ workers.


Employees' perceptions about an organization's psychological environment are known as _______.

organizational climate

Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which is the better employee of the pair is known as the _______.

paired comparison method

Executive compensation emphasizes _______ more than do any other employees' pay plans.


Even if a candidate is a good fit for the job, he or she may not be a good fit for the company because of _______.

person-organization fit

Somewhat counterintuitively, _______ interviews can actually be more useful than face-to-face interviews for judging a candidate's conscientiousness, intelligence, and interpersonal skills.


In order to reduce the cost of excessive sick leave, many employers now offer _______.

pooled paid leave plans

High turnover often starts with _______, compounded by other factors such as inadequate training or inequitable pay.

poor selection decisions

An employer must be able to show that a test is a valid predictor of performance on the job to avoid _______.

prima facie discrimination

How employees view the allocation of rewards or discipline is an aspect of _____.

procedural justice

It is thought that some people's behaviors and personalities make them greater targets for bullying. Those victims who show more aggressive behavior are referred to as _______.

provocative victims

A(n) _____ is an unwritten agreement that identifies what employers and employees expect from each other.

psychological contract

A special type of formal problem-solving team of specially trained employees who meet to solve problems affecting their work area is referred to as a _______.

quality circle

Some firms are finding they can significantly improve turnover rates by providing _______.

realistic job previews

Non-financial employee-of-the-month programs are considered to be _______ programs.


HR personnel can use a _______ to determine the number of recruiting leads that need to be generated for each open position.

recruiting yield pyramid

According to one cited study, voluntary and involuntary turnover is associated with _______.

reduced organizational performance

Google's goal is to improve the health and happiness of its employees. It attempts to accomplish this by _______.

removing barriers so employees can focus on the things they love

When measuring training outcomes, test _______ to determine whether the firm achieved its training goals.


After determining the benchmark jobs in an organization, _______ can help a company price, or place value on, those jobs.

salary surveys

Predictions in the types of work performed in the United States indicate that by 2020 the majority of wage and salary jobs will be in _______.

service-providing industries

Management by objectives (MBO) refers to a multistep company-wide goal setting and appraisal program. The first step for this goal setting is to _______.

set the organization's goals

According to the Equal Pay Act of 1962, men and women who hold the same position cannot be paid differently if the difference is based on _______.


Many companies are moving toward the use of _______ to allow employees within all departments to obtain advice on matters such as discipline or day-to-day HR activities.

shared services

To use the employee appraisal process as a way to improve employee engagement, managers should _______.

show employees how their efforts contribute to the company's success

The extent to which an organization supports improving a segment of society other than stockholders is a measure of _______.

social responsibility

The overall approach for how an organization will match internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats is a(n) _______.

strategic plan

An interview in which an applicant is interviewed by several persons, each rating the applicant on a standard form, is known as a(n) _______.

structured sequential interview

The process of identifying, developing, and assessing company leaders to prepare them for the company's top positions is a key aspect of _______.

succession planning

When preparing to act as a coach during the performance appraisal process, a manager should _______.

talk in terms of objective work data

A plan in which a production standard is set for a specific work group, and for which its members are paid incentives if the group exceeds the production standard, is known as a(n) _______.

team incentive plan

Allowing an employee to quit his or her job for any reason and allowing the employer to terminate an individual's employment for any reason is the main premise of the tenet of _______.

terminate at will

Under common law, a former employer can be sued for providing information during a reference check if it provides information _______.

that is false and may harm the candidate's reputation

An appraisal tool that helps specify what is "right" and "wrong" about the employee's performance but is difficult to use for ranking employees relative to one another is _______.

the critical incident method

The method in which a supervisor keeps track of positive and negative examples of employee job-related behavior is known as _______.

the critical incident method

An appraisal tool that ends up with a predetermined number or percentage of people in each group is known as _______.

the forced distribution method

In almost every comparable worth lawsuit, _______ had been used as a basis for pay.

the point method of job evaluation

Frederick Taylor popularized the idea of improving work through observation and analysis, known as _______.

the scientific management movement

The key difference between a contract and a job offer is _______.

the specific duration of employment

Motivational goals should include deadlines and milestones in other words, they should be _______.


When getting ready to conduct a performance appraisal, the manager should be prepared, which means _______.

understanding the problem and the employee

An interview in which each interviewer forms an independent opinion after asking different questions is known as a(n) _______ interview.

unstructured sequential

Before deciding how and on what to test candidates, managers should consider _______ to minimize the impacts of applicant volume and testing delays.

utility analysis

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