HSC: Midterm Review

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After a health care provider has gathered information from the patient and performed any necessary investigations, the health care provider then formulates a(n) ________________, which could be a diagnosis, identification of the problem, or a differential diagnosis.

assessment (diagnosis, identification of the problem, differential diagnosis, etc.)

Translate the rood word "myc/o".


Identify the correct pronunciation for the term "meningocele".


Which is the proper translation of "subdural"?

pertaining to beneath the dura

Translate the medical term "craniotomy" as literally as possible.

skull incision

Translate the term "dermatosis" as literally as possible.

Dermatosis dermat (skin) + osis (condition) = condition of the skin

NOS and NEC are...

NOS and NEC are abbreviations used for symptoms and exam findings, mean "not otherwise specified" or "not elsewhere classified"

Which abbreviation does NOT describe the *time of day* in which a prescription should be taken?

TID means "three times a day."

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Greek and Latin form the backbone and foundation of medical language?

Latin was the language of scholarly discussion during the scientific revolution.

Build a medical term that means "muscle turmoil."

Myoclonus myo (muscle) + clonus (turmoil)

Which of following statements most accurately describes PET?

A PET or positron emission tomography scan is an imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain.

Read the following portion of an orthopedic clinic note: DDx: Includes osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bursitis. Given her history of osteoarthritis on exam and the results of the x-ray and joint aspiration, I believe Mrs. Goldman has OA that has failed to respond to previous treatments. According to the excerpt, which is NOT included in the differential diagnosis?

Abnormal joint development

What is the medical term that means "excessive growth of hair"?

Hypertrichosis hyper (over) + trich (hair) + osis (condition)

The following excerpt is from which portion of the discharge summary? Labs Admission labs: UA: Pyuria: .20 wbcs; Hematuria: 3 1 blood; Albuminuria: 1 1 protein. Urine culture: E. coli. Blood culture: E. coli. Discharge labs: UA normal. Urine culture normal. Imaging VCUG: No vesicoureteral reflux noted. RUS: No hydronephrosisnoted. Normal. Spiral CT of kidneys on day 3 of admission revealed perinephric abscess formation of the left kidney.

Objective portion of the SOAP method

Which of the following abbreviation does NOT refer to a disorder or disease?

SRS stands for stereotactic radiosurgery

Which of the following terms is part of a patient's assessment?

Sequelae are problems resulting from disease or injury (diagnosis).

Read this excerpt from a patient's physical exam: Physical Exam: Temperature: 98.6; Heart Rate: 100; Respiratory Rate: 32; BP: 84/60. General: Thin. Lethargic. Head: Normocephalic atraumatic, very dry mucous membranes. Ketotic breath. Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. TMs normal. Neck: Supple. Cardiovascular: Mild tachycardia. No murmur, gallop, or rub. Respiratory: Deep, rapid breathing. Clear to auscultation. No retractions. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Spleen and liver edge not palpable. Neurologic: DTRs: patellar and brachial present and equal. Skin: Dry. Cap refill > 3 seconds. Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Which statement is a correct reflection of the physical exam?

The patient is afebrile (without fever: temperature 98.6), has a fast heart rate (tachycardia) and respiratory rate ("rapid breathing"), fruity-smelling breath (ketotic breath), and PERRLA (pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light).

Which of the following abbreviations and terms is NOT associated with the assessment in the SOAP method?

WDWN stands for "well-developed, well-nourished" and is part of exam findings (observation)

Which is the proper syllabic breakdown for the word "cardiac arrest"?

car/di/ac a/rrest

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term "dacryocystitis"?

dacryo (tear) + cyst (sac) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the tear sac.

Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term "dialysis"?


Identify and define the suffix in the term "dysmenorrhea".

dys (bad) + meno(menstruation) + rrhea (flow).

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