HSF FINAL Study Guide
A 100 beat pulse rate is called whatc
A record of information about an individual is called a
•true they are related
Are religious beliefs related to healthcare beliefs
•No visible tattoos are discouraged
Are tattoos allowed at all healthcare facilities
Broad base support requires feet to be how many inches apart
•False they can not
Can a geriatric assistant administer medication
•True they can share a room
Can a married couple share a room if both are patients at a facility
•red hazardous bag
Contaminated linens (body fluids) should be placed where
• characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group
Define an autocratic leader
Difficult breathing and high pitched whistling during expiration is called what
•No you much check requirements for each state
Do all states have the same requirements for different for health occupations
•False two inch heels do not provide good support
Do uniform shoes with a two inch heel provide good support
•true women prefer more personal space
Do women prefer more or less personal space then men
•men with facial hair need special filtering masks
Does a beard effect a standard filtering mask
•yes body temp is usually lower in the morning
Does time of day effect body temperature
•Solution is necessary in both beakers and the main tank
How does an ultrasonic unit work
•5-10 minutes
How early should you arrive for a job interview
•you should stand 6 to 8 feet away
How far away should you stand from the fire when using an extinguisher
•Cold application
How is swelling of sprains initially treated to prevent swelling
30 min
How long should a glass clinical thermometer be soaked in disinfectant
How many times should labels be read on solution bottles
•use dressings to absorb fluid do not use pressure
How should you treat the flow of cerebrospinal fluid draining from nose or ears
If something is sterilized in an autoclave how many days does it stay sterile
•shout for help
In a single person rescue of a drug overdose what should you do before cpr after scene is safe
•sternum at the nipple line
In adult cpr where are your hands placed
•yes one measure inside the body and one measures the bloodstream
Is a temporal and rectal temperature comparable
•true an interpreter is required
Is an interpreter required if the patient does not understand English to explain a procedure
•False it is never ok to accept a tip
Is it ever acceptable for a healthcare worker to accept a tip
•True it is important for program to be accredited
Is it important for a medical program to be accredited
•no it is not safe
Is it safe to use an electrical cord that has had the third prong removed
•no it is not caused by a virus
Is tuberculosis caused by a virus
•True verbal consent is occasionally allowed
Is verbal consent ever allowed for procedures
•yes workers must adapt
Must a healthcare worker adapt to change
•one line drawn through with initials
On a graphical or written record how are corrections made
•use of strongest muscles
Proper body mechanics require what
•no burns are treated depending on the severity
Should all burns be treated with flushing with cool water
Swine flu is also called what
The constant state of fluid balance is
The constant state of fluid balance is
•can lead to stroke, kidney disease and heart disease
What are the concerns if hypertension is not treated
•gloves, wash wound soap and water, blot dry with sterile gauze
What are the first aid steps for treating a minor wound without severe bleeding
•rapid shallow resp, diaphoresis and rapid weak pulse
What are the s/s of a shock
•the cuff should be above the antecubital area
What are the steps for taking a blood pressure
•meditation, hypnotherapy and biofeedback
What are types of mind and body control methods
•closing of the heart valves
What causes heart sounds
•Germany Italy and Russia
What countries of origin are considered European American
•Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
What countries of origin are considered middle eastern/Arabic
•scan uses a special dye containing radioactive tracers.
What does a (PET) scanner use to scan the body
•Do not resuscitate, no cpr
What does a DNR mean
•Specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation
What does a physiatrist do
•blood pressure
What does a sphygmomanometer measure
•It does not require employer to provide hep B vaccines to employees
What does the "Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act" require employer to do
•Every individual
What individual has the right to choose their healthcare and treatment
. Monkeypox
What is "hantavirus" called
•a professional way to highlight knowledge, abilities and skills
What is a career passport or portfolio used for
widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
What is an epidemic
•exogenous disease originates outside the body
What is an exogenous disease
•a particular belief about a similar group of people
What is stereotyping
What is the age range for child cpr
•remain calm
What is the first thing you should do in case of a fire
What is the most accurate method to take a temperature
•position on floor so as not to injure themself
What is the treatment for a convulsing patient
•Sucking chest wound victim should lay flat if possible
What is the treatment for a patient with a sucking chest wound
•apply pressure do not tilt head backward
What is the treatment for nosebleeds
the rule of nines
What is used to figure percentage of body surface burned
•alcohol or ether
What is used to remove oil from instruments
•watch and wedding ring
What jewelry is considered appropriate in the healthcare environment
•state purpose for writing
What should be included in the first paragraph of a letter of application
•epidermis only
What skin layers are affected in a superficial burn
What type of cultural group believe in two energy forces, yin/yang
What type of shock occurs during excessive diarrhea and vomiting
What type of shock occurs when poisons or toxins are in the circulatory system
•aspirin and antibiotics are usually measure on a graphical chart
What types of medication are noted on a graphical chart
•steam under pressure, gas and radiation
What ways can objects be sterilized
standard precautions should be used when dealing with body fluids
When are standard precautions used
•when the heart is weak and not pumping a sufficient amount of blood
When does a pulse deficit occur
•should be worn with some procedures
When should safety goggles worn
•call first
When would you call EMS before starting CPR
Where is the carotid pulse located
While washing hands which direction should fingertips be pointed
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Who or what developed "Standard Precautions"
•teachers, guidance counselors and clergy
Who should you use as references
allow the fluid to drain freely
Would you apply pressure to clear fluid draining from the ear after a skull injury
•a patient is entitled to free care regardless of circumstances is not a "patient right"
what are "patient rights"
•Providing legal assistance for preparing advance directives is not a requirement of the Patient Self-Determination Act.
what are the requirements of the "Patient Self-Determination Act"
•caller ID as an example
what are things we can use to avoid distractions in reference to time management
what do you receive when you pass your state boards
• another career in the therapeutic services cluster
what is a dental hygienist
•specialist treating diseases of the skin
what is a dermatologist
•provider specializing in genetic disease and conditions
what is a genetic counselor
•s health career in the National Healthcare Standards for therapeutic services cluster
what is a medical illustrator
•Being qualified and capable of performing a task
what is competence
•identifying and understanding another persons emotions,
what is empathy
•displaying a positive attitude
what is enthusiasm
•showing truthfulness and integrity
what is honesty
•sharing information without a patients written consent
what is invasion of privacy
•a trained individual's failure to give care causing injury to another
what is negligence
•being held accountable for your actions
what is responsibility
•Cooperate and work well with others
what is teamwork
what size envelope is used for mailing a resume