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Equal Employment Opportunity

"All individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, disability, and other non-job-related characteristics"

The Peter Principle

"In a hierarchy, every person tends to rise to his level of incompetence."

the scheduled hourly rate plus on-call pay, call-in pay, and shift differential

"Regular rate" includes...


"Rules" spell out the way each step of a procedure is to be performed. TRUE/FALSE


"to teach so as to mold"

How does flattening of an organization as a result of hospital "reengineering" affect health care managers?

(1) they are at risk in the process, and this manifests itself as fear and uncertainty; (2) they are internal to the organization and cannot step back and objectively view what so intimately involves them; and (3) they are affected far more than they might ever be able to acknowledge by some long-held paradigms that are presently under concentrated and largely successful attack.

Discrete Scales

-Descriptions - consistently below standard or regularly performs at standard -Each characteristic is associated with a number of descriptions covering the possible range of employee performance. The evaluator simply checks the box, or perhaps the column, accompanying the most appropriate description.

What are some immediate effects of a Reduction in Force? 1. Drop in productivity 2. Resignations 3. Increased absenteeism 4. Increased benefits

1 and 3 above

What terms are most descriptive of the basic function of "Controlling"? 1. Follow-up 2. Supervision 3. Action 4. Quality

1 and 3 above

Halo Effect

1 characteristic influences others; A rating on one item influences excessively the rating on antoher performance characteristic

What characteristics are present for both methods improvement and TQM? 1 Multidisciplinary involvement 2 A team engages in problem solving 3 Solutions are generated 4 Higher management sanctions outcomes

1, 2 and 3 above

Of the following, what factors determine a reasonable span of control? 1. Manager's knowledge and experience 2. Amount of supervision the employees require 3. Variability of employees' tasks 4. Union status of employees in the department

1, 2, and 3 above

What attributes are directly associated with a manager's work in the basic function of "Directing"? 1. Leadership 2. Motivation 3. Communication 4. Persistence

1, 2, and 3 above

What are some major barriers to hospital reengineering? 1. Existing processes 2. Traditional divisions of work 3. Normal resistance to change 4. Poor administrative leadership

1,2, and 3 above

What is an example of an "internal" benchmark?

10% better than last year

What is an example of how to improve productivity?

12% increase in treatments with no increase in personnel hours

For clarity and ease of reading, what is the suggested maximum sentence length?

15-20 words

What is the principle behind the Pareto chart?

20% of the sources cause 80% of any problem

Of the following, which DOES NOT have a major positive influence on productivity and quality?

22% Turnover of employees

Of the following, which DOES NOT nave a major positive influence on productivity and quality?

22% Turnover of employees

A patient care technician is paid $6.50/hour and works 87 hours in a two week pay period.


o 1. Employment is a two-way street. Sick leave is an employee benefit with an associated cost, provided for use when needed. o 2. Attendance is important to the operation of the department. o 3. Start new employees the right way, including in their orientation your expectation of regular attendance. o 4. Keep accurate attendance records, and do so with the knowledge of each employee. o 5. Have absentees report to you when returning to work. o 6. Do not reward absenteeism. o 7. Discuss unusual patterns of absence with the employees involved. o 8. Use incentives to discourage absenteeism.

8 Guidelines to Avoiding Absenteeism:

What percentage of employees who have health care benefits are enrolled in managed care plans?


What is required for viability in a health care organization?

A balance of the bottom line concerns with the human concerns

Six Sigma

A business management strategy developed at Motorola in the 1980s; intent is to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and eliminating causes of defects or errors and eliminating variability in processes.

Six Sigma

A commitment to making decisions on the basis of verifiable data rather than assumptions and guesswork

How do you define an HMO?

A managed care plan that incorporates financing and delivery of a defined set of healthcare services to a people who are enrolled in a service network.

Continuous Sclaes

A mark on scale with satisfactory on continuum

Managed Care

A number of techniques intended to reduce costs and improve quality

Bone fide Qualification

A qualification that is required that under usual circumstances would not be allowed. Consider religions.

What is the "halo effect?"

A rating on one item influences excessively the rating on another performance characteristic

What is one constant in reengineering?

A reduction in the workforce

Why is motivation essential in health care?

A satisfied employee will perform better and be more willing to work

What is the healthcare exchange?

A state provided health insurance plan that is federally subsidized. An example is Obama Care and the ACA which wanted to help more people afford health insurance and spread the risk between the insurance companies and the state and federal government. Health insurance exchanges are not able to exclude people due to pre-existing conditions.


A supervisor creates a climate within which the person will become _____.


A supervisor should pass on to the HR department perceptions of pay inequality: TRUE/FALSE


A supervisor spends most of his time ___.

Job Description

A written statement that defines the duties, relationships, and results expected of anyone in the job


AKA exempt employees


AKA first-line manager


AKA nonexempt employees

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

AKA the Wagner Act

What goal is to be achieved in a Directed Discussion?

Acceptance of the decision

b. Working Conditions

According to Herzberg, which of the following is NOT a motivating factor? a. Achievement b. Working Conditions c. Responsibility d. Advancement

In addition to health care professionals, the health care industry also employs the following professionals

Accountants Attorneys Human Resource Professionals Correct Response **All of the above**

Age Discrimination Act (ADEA)

Act that prohibits mandatory retirement and removes age 70 limit

The Americans with Disability Act (ADA)

Act that says you may not ask if the applicant has a recommendation from a past or present employer. This may be taken as discriminatory, since it may be difficult for the applicant to secure such a recommendation because of reasons other than job performance (ex: race, religion, etc.)

What word is used to characterize "Implementing the Chosen Alternative"?


What is one important way communicators demonstrate that they are "attending"?

Active Listening

Age Discrimination in Employment

Addresses age discrimination in essentially all aspects of employment, was first passed in 1967. The original act prohibited such empoyers from discriminating against persons in the 40-70 year old age range in any area of employment because of age.


Addressing minor problems and heading off trouble before the corrective processes become necessary

What are immediate responses of health care employees to a Reduction in Force? 1. Eroded commitment to the hospital 2. Increased absenteeism 3. Reduced morale 4. Excess compassion toward laid off workers

All of the above

What must a manager focus on especially after a Reduction in Force? 1. Staff advocacy 2. Productive work teams 3. Communication 4. Employee involvement

All of the above

What is the relationship between decision-making and the basic functions of management?

All of the functions require decision-making

objective and verifiable

All reference information used in making employment decisions should be ___ and ____.

How much data do you need when gathering information?

All relevant information needed to make a sound decision

Job Specification

An analysis of the kind of person it take to do the job, that is to say, it lists the qualifications.

What is the best way to label or categorize "problem employees?"

An average performer, hard to instruct, tough to motivate, difficult to handle

Span of Control

An individual manager can effectively supervise only a certain number of workers.

What things do you see in the healthcare arena that shows an emphasis on the bottom line?

An organization that focuses mainly on the bottom line may last longer, but a constant, all-fiscal focus leads to morale problems, increased turnover, and decreasing productivity. This eventually leads to failure because the business will turn over to other hospitals.

On what does the true success of a concept program depend?

Application in daily practice

Improve performance in the job presently held AND to provide growth opportunity for individuals and talent for promotion for the organization

Appraisal is intended to...

a. True

Appraisal systems often fail because they require the supervisor to judge personality traits. a. True b. False

What is the best way to deal with the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter--getting information second-hand?

Appreciate her concern and ask for specifics

What kinds of tasks are best delegated? Those that

Are routine and occur regularly

Which of the following IS NOT a step in the formal decision making process?

Arriving at consensus


As a leadership pattern it refers to the primary emphasis on rules and regulations. The bureaucratic leader goes by the book, creating new rules and regulations as new situations arise, to such an extent that the "book" itself often becomes more important than the purpose it is intended to serve.

Increased span of control

As total numbers of supervisors decrease, the supervisors who remain discover they now oversee more function and activities

Job Vacancy Characteristics

As you begin to think of the position that needs filled, begin to determine the characteristics of the positions (called ___)

What is the most constructive way for you to view your employees regarding delegation?

As you want your supervisor to view you

Regarding the situation of Marge Nelson and Carrie James presented at the beginning of the chapter, how should you respond?

Ask Marge for details that can be verified

Which of the following is NOT an essential principle for success as a health care manager?

Assert yourself as THE most important team member

Which of the following IS NOT a way to reduce absenteeism?

Assign a member of the work group to prepare the weekly schedule

is not

Assigning a member of the work group to prepare the weekly schedule is/is not a way to reduce absenteeism

What might cause a manager to use one-way communication?

Authoritarian management style

In addition to the task, what else should be delegated?


What is the basis of total quality management or continuous quality improvement?

Avoid making errors in the first place

What is the main effect of the Balance Budget Act of 1997?

Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was adopted in part because of the increased fiscal pressure caused by the growth of Medicare payments, concern over Medicare over-payments, the desire for more rational payment method, and a stated wish to offer beneficiaries greater choice.

What does a Pareto chart look like?

Bar graph in descending order

How can you ensure that your performance appraisals are legally defensible?

Base them on specific objective requirements of the job


Basic management function; Assigning responsibilities and resoucres; running the organization; assigning specific resources or focusing certain efforts to accomplish specific tasks as required. It is running an organizational unit on a day-to-day basis


Basic management function; Ex: Check departmental performance and take corrective action as needed


Basic management function; Ex: Motivation


Basic management function; Ex: creating a work schedule, making the annual budget


Basic management function; Ex: staffing, division of labor, defining lines of authority


Basic management function; consists of integrating activities and balancing tasks so that appropriate actions take place within the proper physical and temporal relationships


Basic management function; follow up and correction, looking at what actually happened and making adjustments to encourage outcomes to conform to expected or required results.


Basic management function; the process of determining what should be done, why it should be done, where it should be done, by whom it should be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done.


Basic management function; the process of structuring the framework within which things get done and determining how best to commit available resources to serve the organization's purposes and carry out its plans.

Total Quality Management (TQM) and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Basis of the quality movement:

What modification in the rules of classic business writing can facilitate communication?

Be friendly and conversational, write short sentences, and use contractions

What must a supervisor do to exercise leadership within a work group?

Be seen as an integral part of the work unit

What must you consider when identifying the problem?

Be sure you are dealing with a real problem, not a symptom

Why are "concept programs" less effective than they might be?

Because they are treated like informational groups

What is the best reason for holding some meetings?

Because they facilitate participative management

Why are health care workers upset by a Reduction in Force?

Because they feel is more important than people

When should a supervisor coach an employee?

Before any problems become evident

Middle Management

Between top management and supervision we may find, depending on the size of the organization, a number of positions generally referred to as ____. EX: VP

Whose thoughts beliefs, attitudes, and feelings affect communication?

Both sender and receiver

Getting things done through people.

Bottom line, what is the nature of health care supervision?

Everybody is different, so there is no single "right way" of dealing with employees.

Bottom line, what is the real "problem" when dealing appropriately with your subordinates?

Which of the following IS NOT an essential quality when listening?


Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

Broadened the EEO Act to include state and local governments and private education institutions; allowed the EEOC to sue employers in courts to enforce the provisions of the act

What has been the impact of a flattened organization on health care professionals as first-line managers?

Broader scope of responsibility and increased span of control

Which IS NOT one of the standard categories featured on a cause-effect diagram?



Can you ask interview questions involving age, date of birth, race, religion, or national origin?

Of the following, which is NOT a guideline for communicating orally?

Capitalize on emotions and values to heighten your integrity

What is the most potent source of employee motivation after a Reduction in Force?

Challenging and rewarding work

What is the most potent source of employee motivation after a Reduction of Force?

Challenging and rewarding work

Which step in the process lies at the heart of methods improvement?

Challenging every detail of a task

Why is CE so urgent in hospitals today?

Change is happening so fast

What is the central and essential element of decision-making?

Choosing from among alternatives

Why is re-engineering necessary in today's health care environment?

Circumstances are ever changing

Why is reengineering necessary in today's healthcare environment?

Circumstances are ever changing

Which of the following departments have the HIGHEST Degree of Professionalism?

Clinical Laboratory

Of the following, which is NOT a major responsibility of health care management?

Collaboration with legislators to get favorable laws passed

top management commitment

Common driving force of TQM

What key skill will a manager use to help employees understand their role after a Reduction in Force?


What is the grapevine?

Communication network of the informal organization

Quality Control

Concentrated on finding defects, rejecting defective products, and providing information with which to alter processes so they would produce fewer defects

Perpetuates culture-inbreeding, limited pool

Cons of Internal Recruitment

When giving criticism, when is it of value? Only when it is


Which management approach is more likely to work when managing professional employees

Consultative and participative

What can a health professional promoted to management do to avoid incompetence?

Continual management development

What can you do to enhance your chances of job security in the health care field?

Continually learn, grow, and change

In a Hospital what does someone do who has a "line function"?

Contributes in some way to patient care

Which quality tool is best for tracking patient length of stay?

Control chart

What is the main objective of an ACO?

Control healthcare costs, enhance quality in healthcare, and improve patient population.

What should a manager do to reduce the effect of emotions when listening?

Control his/her feelings

What guideline for effective change management is being used when a manager discusses the pros and cons of a proposed change at a department meeting?

Convince employees that they will benefit from the change

What is the single most forceful factor driving change in health care?


What is the first step in progressive discipline?


What is the role of a supervisor with regard to motivation?

Create circumstances where the worker can be self-motivated

What is one thing managers can do after RIF to boost employee motivation?

Create incentive programs

What is one thing managers can do after a Reduction in Force to boost employee motivation?

Create incentive programs

Which of the following is a task within the function of "planning"?

Creating a work schedule

For which method does the supervisor need to keep an ongoing record of employees?

Critical incident


Criticism is synonymous with discipline in a work setting. TRUE/FALSE

Which of the following changes would have the greatest impact on the role of a manager?

Cutting from 17 to 14 professional staff members

Which of the following IS NOT a major force affecting the role of the HR department?

Decreased attempts to unionize health care workers

Of the following, which IS NOT an example of how the health care supervisor's role is changing as thay are expected to improve access to care, maintain or improve quality, and cut costs?

Decreased budgetary responsibility, a shrinking bottom line

Of the following, which IS NOT an example of how the health care supervisor's role is changing as they are expected to improve access to care, maintain or improve quality, and cut costs?

Decreased budgetary responsibility, a shrinking bottom line

Which of the following managerial behaviors inhibit upward communication?

Defensive administrator

What is the first step in decision-making?

Define the problem

Your department has very low patient satisfaction scores. What is the first step in preparing for a meeting on this subject?

Define the problem


Degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person's attributes.


Degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures

Which of the following is the best way to enhance the work life of a dead-end employee?

Delegate something that gives them more responsibility


Delegation is described as part of the basic management function of ____.

Competence Assessment

Demonstrations of actual practice in a designated setting consistent with established standards, and competence assessment is synonymous with performance appraisal

How does administration foster horizontal communication?

Department head meetings

Which of the following IS NOT required to fulfill the principle of supportive relationships that Likert deemed essential for participative management?

Departmental integrity -- professional groups categorized by their work performed

Quality Assurance

Departments recorded errors consisting of departures from a standard o Both control and assurance were after the fact; a retrospective look

The managers decisions should be within the range of...

Designated authority

Of the following, which IS NOT a basic HR function?

Developing collective bargaining units

What are some attitudes or practices of employees that inhibit their upward communication?


How does a supervisor spend most of his/her time?


What function of management encompasses assigning responsibilities and resources; running the organization on a day to day basis?


American with Disabilities Act

Discrimination against the disabled was first prohibited in federally funded activities by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973; prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals with physical and mental handicaps and chronically ill

What should a supervisor do before discharging (firing) an employee?

Discuss the issue with human resources department

For what purpose would you use a histogram?

Display tabular data in bar graph form

Of the following, what question do you need to answer when choosing from among alternatives?

Does this choice best meet our needs and preferences

Which of the following should never be delegated?

Doing performance appraisals

Who is responsible for the development of Theory X and Theory Y leadership?

Douglas McGregor

What are some immediate effects of a Reduction in Force?

Drop in productivity and increased absenteeism

increased scope of responsibility

Due to changes in care delivery, changes in organizational structure, and cost-reduction measures, most supervisors can expect to be required to do more than they previously had to do.


Effective use of resources to accomplish the goals of the organization

What is the definition of management used in the textbook?

Effective use of resources to accomplish the goals of the organization


Elimination of layers of management in their organization

As manager of a maintenance department, what factors must Morton consider when dealing with Thompson's job performance?

Employe initiative, motivation, and self confidence

As manager of a maintenance department, what factors must Morton consider when dealing with Thompson's job performance?

Employee initiative, motivation, and self confidence

Why is it important to involve employees in the entire process of methods improvement?

Employees know best how the job can be improved

From the employee's standpoint, why is it essential that supervisors conduct performance appraisals?

Employees need to know where they stand in the eyes of the supervisor

What propelled the adoption of managed care?

Employers attempt to contain health care benefit costs

Paid-Time-Off Plan

Encourages employees to use this time only when necessary because time used for one purpose reduces the time available for other purposes.

What has been the impact of email on principles of good written communication?


•Identification of the organization's mission •Identification of the outcomes necessary to fulfill the organization's mission •Establishment of the processes needed to achieve the necessary outcomes

Essential steps when reengineering a hospital:

Be visible, downward-facing, open-door policy, accept role as key team member, never set himself above

Even though health care delivery is changing constantly, what are some principles that remain constant for a health care manager?

What parts of corrective counseling and instruction should be documented?

Every action from counseling through training, retraining, etc.

Weighted Checklist

Every statement has a rating, some are worth more than others

Job Specification

Ex: degree of education, specific skills required, health considerations, desirable amount of previous experience in similar work

Management Generalist

Ex: do paperwork for biweekly payroll, enforce employee policies regarding sick leave, develop a strategic plan, coordinate patient care services

Job Description

Ex: job title, primary responsibilities, list of typical duties, etc.

Functional Specialist

Ex: registered nurse, lab tech, PT, respiratory therapy manager

What would be a clue that there is a task that would lend itself to methods improvement?

Excess nonproductive activities (walking, waiting, etc.)

Which groups of individuals are exempt when it comes to wage and hour laws?

Executives and professionals

Consultative Leadership

Exhibited when the leader remains open to input from members of the group, but, by pronouncement, attitude, or practice, retains full decision-making authority.

What are some major barriers to hospital re-engineering?

Existing processes, traditional divisions of work, and normal resistance to change

Full Participative Leadership

Exists when plans or decisions are made by all of the department's employees as a group or team. The supervisor is a key member of the group, providing advice, information, and assistance in any way possible but in advance has made a decision to accept the outcome of the group process.

Benevolent Autocracy

Exists when the leader firmly wields absolute power but is usually kind and generally sincere in believing that the behavior of those in the group must be closely ordered and regulated for the good of the organization.

Which of the following IS NOT a way to reduce absenteeism?

Expand your employee pool by 25% so you always have "enough" people on the job

What meeting format would be best to address the problem of low patient satisfaction

Exploratory discussion

Content Validity

Extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job o You would not want to select someone based upon one part of the job. Think of selecting a first-line supervisor who has to work two days a week as an employee. You would want to select based on both components (management and daily tasks) of the job.

Criterion-Related Validity

Extent to which a selection too predicts, or significantly correlates with, important elements of work behavior o Such as: success on job, performance, turnover, satisfaction

Predictive Validity

Extent to which test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants/employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period

Family and Medical Leave Act

FMLA applied to people who have worked 1250 hours or worked at least 12 months; may request a medical certificate for leave; must be granted eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave in a 12 month period for one or more of the following: birth or care for newborn, adoption, care for immediate family member with serious medical condition, serious health condition of the employee

What Act deals with wage and hour laws?

Fair Labor Standards Act

Which set of laws create the framework for hospital policies related to overtime?

Fair Labor Standards Act

"Rules" spell out the way each step of a procedure is to be performed.


A work Week is considered Sunday morning to Saturday midnight.


All data should be treated in the same way, regardless of its source or type.


Annual appraisals are unnecessary for employees who are motivated by recognition and achievement.


As a supervisor your immediate goal with regards to CE for your employees is to meet accreditation standards.


Communication is mostly associated with the function of organizing.


Criticism is synonymous with discipline in a work setting.


Discipline is synonymous with punishment.


Double salary is the usual overtime pay.


Employee comparisons (rankings) is the most objective method of appraisal.


Employees have greatest control over downward communication.


Field review requires a supervisor to fill out detailed forms stating postive and negative behaviors of each employee.


From a supervisor's perspective, it is best to do all appraisals within a time frame of 1-2 weeks each year.


Having made a decision, never turn back--even if people resist the change you need to implement the choice


If conflicts arise or if money is stolen, let's say, the supervisor should punish everyone.


In the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, good decisions came out of the meeting.


In the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, good meeting facilities had been arranged.


In the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, minutes of the previous meeting were read.


It is essential for a supervisor to take seriously and to change behaviors that are the targets of criticism.


Performance appraisals would be a good task for a manager to delegate to a skilled subordinate.


Progressive discipline is appropriate for problems of performance.


The best way to attain cost reductions is to cut the same number of positions from each department.


The common shortcoming of most CE management programs is that they rarely meet the true needs of new supervisors?


The different needs listed by Maslow have about equal force in motivating people.


The focus of performance appraisals should be punishment for unacceptable behavior.


The law requires only that nonexempt employees receive a minimum wage.


The long range goal with regards to CE for your employees is preparation for job promotion.


The main reason for CE among health care professionals is to prepare for advancement in the field.


To get the maximum benefit from CE offered by your health care institution you should suggest topics that you'd enjoy learning about.


True or False? A multi-layered management structure develops rapidly within an organization and is done away with just as quickly when the organization is flattened.


True or False? Accountable care organization (ACA) is simply another designation for a health maintenance organization (HMO).


True or False? Executive management of a hospital or other health facility bears the ultimate responsibility as guardians of the organization's resources.


True or False? Health care is extensively different from all other organized endeavors and thus warrants a completely different and unique approach to management.


True or False? Healthcare organizations are unique both in terms of the output they produce and in terms of the management processes employed.


True or False? It is necessary for most management in health care to be production-centered.


True or False? It remains generally true that the best workers in a department, when promoted, will become the most effective first-line supervisors.


True or False? Managed care strengthened the position of the acute-care hospital as the true center of the healthcare system.


True or False? Middle management positions are generally considered the most desirable jobs in healthcare facilities because of their relative job security.


True or False? Most first-line supervisors who fall into the "working trap" do so because most of the department's employees are unable to perform any tasks that lie beyond the scope of their day-to-day duties.


True or False? One of the factors contributing to the present problems with the country's healthcare system is the absence of sufficient external regulation.


True or False? One's success as a supervisor is largely determined by the possession of a natural talent for managing people.


True or False? Regulation of healthcare activities, which began to expand significantly in the 1960s, has levelled off and in many instances has actually diminished.


True or False? The first-line supervisor must be considerably more proficient in management than in some specific functional specialty.


True or False? The introduction of managed care removed a number of significant restrictions on the use of services.


True or False? The organization of the modern healthcare institution leans considerably toward Rensis Likert's job organization system.


True or False? The supervisor of a group is generally protected from the negative pressures on morale and motivation experienced by the employees in the work group.


True or False? The supervisor or manager of a work group is paid more than the workers to acknowledge that person's position as the most important member of the group.


True or False? To suggest that most management positions are eventually filled by those who are not capable of doing a proper job is a re-statement of The Peter Principle.


True or False? Understanding of organizational labels is essential in appropriately addressing the kinds of activities pursued in any business, especially that of a healthcare provider.


Use negative incentives whenever possible, punishment is a powerful motivator.


Use of rating scales instead of other evaluation methods helps avoid the problems of halo effect.


When an employee breaks the rules, the supervisor should share the details with others in the department and hold the offending employee up as an example of what might happen.


Of the following, which would warrant discipline?

Falsification of a time card

What element enhances one-to-one communication?


What causes the decision-making process to get bogged down?

Feeling you never have "enough" information to make a good choice


Field review requires a supervisor to fill out detailed forms stating positive and negative behaviors of each employee. TRUE/FALSE

What is the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Filled needs no longer motivate

What is an essential step of gathering facts for the methods improvement process?

Find out how the task is currently being performed

Traditionally, what is the focus of quality control?

Finding defects

How is the "supervisor" defined by McConnell in the course text book?

First-line manager

1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Directing 4. Coordinating 5. Controlling

Five Basic Management Functions

1. Physiological Needs 2. Safety Needs 3. Love Needs 4. Esteem Needs 5. Self-Actualization

Five needs of Maslow's "Need Hierarchy"

What is the basis of security in our lives during these current times?

Flexibility and adaptability

Of the following, which tool is used to both plan and control activity?

Flow chart

Which tool would you use to show processing of a letter of complaint from initial receipt to resolution of the problem?

Flow chart

What is the weakest part of the decision-making process?

Follow-up on implementation

Which of the following characterize formal communication?

Follows lines of authority

a. Serving late trays to patients

For which of the following methods improvement projects would you use a flow process diagram? a. Serving late trays to patients b. Cleaning a piece of stationary equipment c. Scheduling patient treatments for the day shift d. Holding a department meeting

a. Using large portable equipment for patient diagnosis or treatment

For which of the following would you use a flow process chart? a. Using large portable equipment for patient diagnosis or treatment. b. Analysis of productivity in a department c. Drafting of the annual operating budget d. Study of time and motion of a repetitive task

What is the role of a supervisor in TQM?

Foster employee commitment to excellence

•Job description analyzed •Employee develop performance objectives •Objectives negotiated with manager •Results discussed

Four elements of a constructive appraisal system that can be used effectively with health care professionals

What does your textbook assert is the morale factor that tops the list for employees?

Full appreciation of work done

Line Function

Function that advances the accomplishment of the work of the organization; contributes some way to patient care.

Staff Function

Function that supports the organization such that it is able to function as intended. In a hospital, they support the work of all departments that provide patient care

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: develop procedures for use of specialized equipment?

Functional Specialist

What is the purpose of Discussion Meetings?

Gain agreement

Which control tool would you use to plan and complete annual preventative maintenance on all equipment in your department?

Gantt chart

In the workplace, how is a "rule" characterized?

General pattern of behavior employees must practice

What is the purpose of an Exploratory Discussion?

Generate ideas

Which of the following is NOT a major method of verbal communication?


As a new supervisor what would be your first step in developing a CE program for your department?

Get and study a good book on the subject

Bottom line, what is the nature of health care supervision?

Getting things done through people

Which of the following IS NOT something Morris Craig should do regarding Jennifer, the First-Class Grouch?

Give her a three day suspension

How does a supervisor generally demonstrate committment to CE?

Giving time and effort

How might you summarize the seven guidelines for dealing with problem employees?

Good human relations strategies for working with all employees


Good management goes together with good ____.

What did managers assert as the primary motivating factor for employees?

Good wages

Why was the term "Personnel Department" dropped in favor of "Human Resources Department" at some hospitals?

HR is a more all-encompassing title

Exploitative Autocracy

Harshest style of leadership; wields absolute power over the people as well as uses the group primarily to serve personal interests. This type of leader literally exploits the followers.

Under managed care, the primary care physician:

Has essentially been placed in the role of gatekeeper for the healthcare system, in many instances having to make formal referrals for patients to access certain services.

All of the following are considered reasons why valued employees quit their job, EXCEPT:

Having to work in a cube

One significant difference between health care and industry at large is:

Health care is subject to more external regulation than the majority of other businesses.

What should a supervisor do when a new employee consistently performs below standard?

Help the employee learn how to perform satisfactorily

What is the best way for you to approach your supervisor when you have a problem?

Here's the problem and how I think I can fix it; here's what I need from you

True motivators and hygiene factors

Herzberg's Two-factor theory of motivation is composed of __ and ___

True Motivators

Herzberg; Inherent in the work itself

Hygiene Factors

Herzberg; Those circumstances making up the environment in which the work is done; are NOT motivators but rather are potential dissatisfiers

Which tool would you use to answer the question, "What is our workload demand each day of the week"?


Which of the following, which is most in line with a Job Organization System?

Hospital housekeeping department

d. Base them on specific objective requirements of the job

How can you ensure that your performance appraisals are legally defensible? a. Conduct them on time and in private b. Be sure there are written criteria c. Use the same form for everybody in the department for consistency d. Base them on specific objective requirements of the job

(Continual) Management development.

How do we avoid the dilemma of the Peter Principle?

Put the interviewee at ease, do not make judgements in the first few minutes

How do you make an interview a better selection process?

Output/Input = Productivity

How do you measure productivity?

Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was adopted in part because of the increased fiscal pressure caused by the growth of Medicare payments, concern over Medicare over-payments, the desire for more rational payment method, and a stated wish to offer beneficiaries greater choice.

How does Medicare fit into the managed care paradigm?

Full knowledge and understanding of what is happening and why are the strongest forces the supervisor can bring to bear on the problems of resistance to change.

How does communication enhance acceptance of change?

Broader scope of responsibility and more employees to manage

How does flattening of an organization as a result of hospital "reengineering" affect health care managers?

Advertisements, unsolicited applications, internet, employee referrals, executive search firms, professional organizations, labor unions, schools

How does one find external candidates?

-Process: assigning work to an employee -Condition: what specific results are expected and how these results may be achieved

How is it that delegation is both a process and a condition?

b. Illegal

How should you rate this question: "Do you wish to be addressed as Miss, Ms, or Mrs?" a. Legal b. Illegal

What must an employee know at each stage of progressive discipline?

How the offending behavior must change and what will happen next if it doesn't

o 1. Consult the employee on various problems and aspects of the department's work. Ask for advice. o 2. Give the employee a bit of additional responsibility when possible, and let the person earn the opportunity to be more responsible. o 3. Delegate special one-time assignments. o 4. Use the dead-end employee as a teacher. The experienced employee may be quite valuable in one-on-one situations. o 5. Point the dead-end employee toward certain prestige assignments such as committee assignments, attendance at an occasional seminar, or the coordination of a social activity such as a retirement party or gathering.

How to enhance the work life of a dead-end employee:

1. Base appraisal on job description requirements 2. Use objective criteria for assessment 3. Have appraisers thoroughly trained 4. Always discuss appraisal with employee

How to ensure that your performance appraisals are legally defensible:

1. Methods-improvement 2. cost-cutting 3. staff-reduction activities

How to improve productivity:

Output increased, input is decreased; quality is improved

How to improve quality:

In correcting unlawful differences in rates of pay, the act requires that the lower rate be increased; it is not permissible to decrease the higher rate.

How would a supervisor deal with a situation when "equal pay" laws have been violated?

b. Management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: coordinate patient care services? a. Functional specialist b. Management generalist

b. Management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: develop a strategic plan? a. Functional responsibility b. Management generalist

a. Functional specialist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: set standards for personnel in your department? a. Functional specialist b. Management specialist

What is the most constructive way for you to view YOUR SUPERVISOR regarding delegation?

I'm just one of many; I need to make it easy for my boss to delegate things to me

Of the following, which is not one of the four elements of constructive appraisal?

Identification of employee incentives

What is the first essential step when re-engineering a hospital?

Identify mission

What is the first essential step when reengineering a hospital?

Identify mission

Of the following what would lend itself to methods improvement?

Identifying training needs among staff members

When you have a "problem employee" which of the following is of least importance in your considerations?

If you can't win them over, ignore difficult people

What is the purpose of discipline?

Improve employee behavior

What are some examples of "how-to" training programs for supervisors?

Improve personal effectiveness and deal with difficult employees

What is the Peter Principle?

In a hierarchy every person tends to rise to his level of incompetence

c. Thorough, conscientious application by managers who believe in the value of performance evaluation.

In addition to specific requirements of a good appraisal system, what is necessary for success? a. A time when the employee and supervisor can sit down and discuss the employees prospects for promotion. b. A process that is developed with input from key supervisors and department heads. c. Thorough, conscientious application by managers who believe in the value of performance evaluation d. An up-to-date system that changes with the times in healthcare

Paid-Time-Off Plan

In an effort to reduce the payroll impact of sick time, many employers have been combining various forms of paid leave - primarily sick time, vacation, and personal time - into a single break.

Is management in a healthcare setting any different than management in industry?

In healthcare, management tend toward the cooperative motivation system whereas management in the industry leans towards organization.

Continuous Scales

In reference to a particular evaluation characteristic, the evaluator places a mark somewhere along a continuous scale. The evaluator is ordinarily aware of some position on the scale that constitutes "average" or "satisfactory" performance.

c. Practice guidelines

In the health professions, what is the basis for measuring quality? a. Departmental procedures b. Professional Code of Ethics c. Practice guidelines d. Patient satisfaction studies

c. General pattern of behavior employees must practice

In the workplace, how is a "rule" characterized? a. Guideline for use in decision making b. Standards of practice established by professional societies. c. General pattern of behavior employees must practice d. Step by step process for doing a task

Which of the following patterns of employee behavior have surfaced in recent years?

Inability of people to take responsibility for their own circumstances

does not

Inability to fill vacant positions even when there is an over-supply of some professional groups does/does not show an emphasis on the bottom line.

Which of the follow items in the health care arena does not show an emphasis on the bottom line?

Inability to fill vacant positions, even when there is an over supply of some professional groups

According to the QA guru, what is responsible for poor quality?

Inadequate systems

Managed Care

Included economic incentives for physicians and patients, programs for reviewing the medical necessity of specific services, increased beneficiary cost-sharing, controls on inpatient admissions and lengths of stay, etc.

What is the best description of how delegation is used by most managers today?

Incomplete and ineffective, limited to delegating organizational delegation

What is progressive discipline?

Increased severity of discipline, based on gravity of the incident

What is the impact of cultural differences that reduce good communication?

Increased tensions and more interpersonal conflicts


Initiative or drive causing a person to direct behavior toward satisfaction of some personal need

Six Sigma

Inspired by six preceding decades of quality improvement approaches such as quality control, total quality management, continuous quality improvement, Zero Defects, quality circles, and others.

What is the best way to win cooperation of employees when change is required?

Involve employees in planning for the change

What guideline for effective change management is being used whe a manager appoints a comittee to make recommendations for dealing with a proposed change , such as beginning a new service in your department?

Involve employees when possible

What guideline for effective change management is being used when a manager appoints a committee to make recommendations for dealing with a proposed change, such as beginning a new service in your department?

Involve employees when possible

no, *****.

Is a shrinking work force an external factor?


Is collaboration with legislators to get favorable laws passed a major responsibility of management in a health care setting?

In health care, management is different because hospitals tend toward the cooperative motivation system.

Is management in a health care setting any different than management in industry?

Why does marketing play such a large role in healthcare today?

It differentiates an organization's products and services from its competitors. It demonstrates the differences on cost, access, and service quality.

What is the value of money as a motivator?

It is an objective measure of comparison, basic to an assessment of equity

Shared Management

It is becoming more common to encounter supervisors who are shared among separate facilities.


It is essential for a supervisor to take seriously and to change behaviors that are targets of criticism. TRUE/FALSE

What is the major drawback of written communication?

It is essentially one-way communication

What is meant when the book says the manager "wears two hats"?

It means they are a functional specialist and the manager at the same time. page 42

In what way does the HR department fill a "staff" function?

It supports the work of the organization by helping managers work with their most important resource: people

In addition to the personal benefits of CE, why must hospitals make you do it?

It's required for accreditation

What is the nature of a change that involves cutting 20% of positions in an existing department?

Job restructuring

Flexibility and Adaptability.

Job security lies in one's ___ and ____.

What is competence assessment?

Job-specific, criteria-based performance evaluation

Within Rensis Likert's job organization system:

Jobs tend to be organized in considerable detail.

What is the focus of an appraisal interview?

Joint problem solving

In terms of risk, what is your goal when making decisions?

Keep risk and uncertainty to a minimum

Of the following, what technique can supervisors use to make meetings more effective?

Keep to the meeting agenda and plan

1. Executive Leadership 2. Champions 3. Master Black Belts 4. Black Blets 5. Green Belts

Key Roles involved in Six Sigma

To ensure a productive meeting, what qualities are desired in those invited?

Knowledge and authority

With regard to the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, what is the primary decision-making challenge facing Helen, the manager?

Lack of awareness that there is a problem

What is a flow process diagram?

Layout drawing of a department or unit

Why is self-motivation an essential quality for a health care supervisor today?

Leaders' attitudes must be positive to enhance morale and motivation among employees

Consultative Leadership

Leadership style; Advisory and friendly, leader asks advice but makes own decision

Exploitative Autocracy

Leadership style; Boss centered, dictatorial, close supervision

Benevolent Autocracy

Leadership style; Kind and considerate, paternal approach

Full Participative Leadership

Leadership style; Team building, consensus, group decision making


Leadership style; emphasis on rules and regulations, little flexibility

Besides facilitating the planning process, what is a major benefit of using a Gantt chart?

Lets personnel see if a project is on schedule or not

What is the basic structure of a control chart?

Line Graph

What should a supervisor do to help a troubled employee?

Listen, be empathetic, and refer the person to someone with expertise to help

For a manager, which mode of verbal communication requires the most time?


How does managed care help reduce health care costs?

Lower cost through restricting payments and access to health care services

ratings cluster on the high side

Major problem with rating scale methods

What is the basis of a skills inventory?

Major tasks in the department

Which of the following is a task within the function of "planning"?

Making the annual budget

________ _____ consists of a number of practices originally intended to reduce costs and improve quality and offer reasonable access to quality care at an affordable cost.

Managed care

restricting payments and access to health care services

Managed care helps reduce health care cost by lowering cost through ___ and ___.

What is managed care and with is its impact on delivery of various health care services?

Managed care is a system of healthcare in which patients agree to visit only certain doctors and hospitals, and in which the cost of treatment is monitored by a managing company. Managed care works to control costs by closures, downsizing, formation of systems to adjust expenditures of scale and delivering care more efficiently and economically. Hospitals and physicians were encouraged to reduce the length of hospital stays, to reduce the use of most ancillary services and to meet more medical needs on an outpatient basis. Due to the increased fiscal pressure caused by the growth of Medicare payments, concern over Medicare over-payments, the desire for more rational payment methods, and a stated wish to offer beneficiaries greater choice.

What is the nature of the change when a food service goes from self-operated to being run by a contract company such as Marriott?

Management changes


Management is a ___, and the functions of management help describe activities that need to be done in the process of management.

What is the danger of looking at management as a series of processes such as planning, controlling, delegating, scheduling, interviewing, etc.

Management is about people

Physiological (things to sustain life, food, shelter)

Maslow's "Need Hierarchy" says that ___ needs are the most fundamental

What is the relationship between the motivational theories of Maslow and Herzberg?

Maslow's top two needs are the same as Herzberg's true motivators


Maslow; : this need represents "a pressure toward unity of personality, toward spontaneous expressiveness - toward being creative, toward being good, and a lot else."

Safety Needs

Maslow; include our need to feel reasonably free from harm from others and reasonably free from economic deprivation (job security)

Love Needs

Maslow; includes our need to be liked by others and to be accepted as part of a group - whether it's a work group, family, or social group. Needs at this level involve a sense of belonging

Esteem Needs

Maslow; we experience needs for recognition, approval, and assurance that what we are doing is appreciated

What is a recommended objective of CE for employees in any department?

Maximum cross training

Theory Y

McGregor's Theory; People are not naturally passive or resistant to organizational needs. If they appear to have become so, this condition is the result of experience in organizations. -Motivation, development potential, willingness to assume responsibility, and readiness to work toward organizational goals are present in most people.

Theory X

McGregor's Theory; People must be actively managed. They must be directed and motivated, and their actions must be controlled and their behavior modified to fit the needs of the organization. Therefore, people must be persuaded, controlled, rewarded, or punished as necessary to accomplish the aims of the organization.

Which of the following has LEAST Variability of Work?

Medical Record coder

Define design goals consistent with the organization's strategy Measure and identify characteristics that are critical to quality Analyze to develop alternatives and select the best design Design essential details; optimize the design Verify the design (pilot, runs, trials, etc.)

Methodology of Six Sigma; For developing a new process, DMADV

Define the problem and the project's goals Measure key aspects of the current process, and collect data Analyze data; isolate the root cause of the problem Improve the process based on the data analysis Control the improved process to ensure the deviations are corrected before they result in defects.

Methodology of Six Sigma; For improving an existing process ,DMAIC

task; people

Methods improvement is ___ improvement, not ___ improvement.

Which of the following is a measure of productivity?

Minutes per treatment completed


Most hospitals use a standard evaluation form for all employees in a category, regardless of their department: TRUE/FALSE

What fact must be kept in mind when marketing health care?

Most patients do not select or pay for their own health care

do not

Most patients do/do not select or pay for their own health care.

perceived lack of time to teach someone how to do the delegated task

Most prevalent barrier to delegation

Which of the following is characteristic of Theory Y?

Most workers are ready to assume responsibility and to work toward organizational goals

Which of the following is NOT considered by our textbook as one of the five basic "functions of management"?


Which of the following activities are directly associated with the "directing" function?


What characteristics are present for both methods improvement and TQM?

Multidisciplinary involvement, a team engages in problem solving, and solutions are generated

In the case at the end of the chapter, what was missing in the communication between Phillips and Harrison?

Mutual understanding

What is meant by the "condition" of delegation?

Mutual understanding between the supervisor and the employee of the work to be done and how to accomplish it

What Act is the basis for most labor laws in the U.S.?

National Labor Relations Act

On what is motivation based?


What is a major source of conflict for health care managers?

Needs of patients, employees, or the community within limits of available resources

What is the nature of a change associated with a transition from a paper medical record to electronic or computer based medical records?

New methods and procedures

What is the nature of a change associated with a transition from a paper medical record to electronic or computer-based medical records?

New methods and procedures

When are quality control tools useless?

No steps taken to correct deviations

What is "span of control"?

Number of employees a supervisor controls

Which of the following organizational factors inhibit upward communication?

Number of management layers in the organization, and Large physical distance

How does organizational size affect communication?

Numerous layers encourage distortion of the message

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) officially designated all of the following bargaining units as appropriate in the acute-care hospital setting, EXCEPT:


Rating Scales

Oldest and most widely used appraisal method


On what is motivation based?

a. Needs

On what is motivation based? a. Needs b. Attitudes c. Money d. Values

Which of the following employees should use the Employee Assistance Program?

One who drinks excessively

Which of the following is an essential element of discipline?

Opportunity to correct the offending behavior

What is the change related to merging of two departments in the same hospital, such as combination of occupational, physical and speech therapy into a unit called "rehabilitaion services?"

Organizational change

What is the change related to merging of two departments in the same hospital, such as combination of occupational, physical and speech therapy into a unit called "rehabilitation services"?

Organizational change

What is the crux of benchmarking?

Organizational comparison

With which function of management is "delegating" directly associated?


With which function of management is delegation associated?


Within which function of management would a supervisor determine division of labor in the department?


What types of training programs are valuable for supervisors in today's health care settings?

Orientation for new supervisors, management development, and "how-to" programs


Outline a general pattern of behavior that we are expected to observe and practice

Which control tool should you use to identify the major reasons for equipment breakdown?

Pareto chart

Which leadership style will include employees greatest in decision-making?


What does Sandra (presented in the chapter situation) need to learn?

Participative management does not mean giving up responsibility

Of the following, which WOULD NOT be the work of a management generalist?

Patient assessment


Patient care taking a backseat to financial viability does/does not show an emphasis on the bottom line.

What are some topics that must be included in the orientation and training of all hospital employees, regardless of profession?

Patient's bill of rights, Procedures for reporting incidents, Safety practices, and HIPPA requirements

What is the real "problem" when dealing appropriately with your subordinates?

People are very different and it's a challenge to deal effectively with everybody

Which of the following IS NOT part of an appropriate management philosophy regarding methods improvement?

People generally shy away from increased responsibility

Which of the following is characteristic of McGregor's Theory X?

People must be actively managed, motivated, and directed

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

People proceed through the need hierarchy from the most fundamental needs toward the highest-order needs. Once a need is satisfied another arises to take its place and those we experience needs of increasingly higher order.

Which of the following is the most prevalent barrier to delegation for supervisors?

Perceived lack of time to teach someone how to so the delegated task

Which of the following should a supervisor pass on to the HR department?

Perceptions of pay inequity

What is a good example of a department that has a "staff" function?


Which management expert advanced the idea that personal responsibility (not merely motivation) stimulates an employee to optimal performance?

Peter Drucker

Which of the following have GREATEST Definability of Tasks?

Pharmacy Technician

Of the following, which department has the strongest "line" function?

Physical Therapy

In Exhibit 19-1, which of the following phrases makes no contribution to the memo?

Please be advised

What is the effect of negative emotions (resentment or anger) on communication?

Polarity, defensiveness

What is the major human resource problem faced by today's health care manager?

Poor morale

In the health professions, what is the basis for measuring quality?

Practice guidelines

What are the keys to a supervisor being an effective instructor in the department?

Preparation and practice

Which level of management spends the most time Organizing?

President or CEO

• Knowledge of present processes • Existing rules and regulations • Departmental boundaries • Functional and occupational boundaries • Normal resistance to change • Individual paradigms and perspectives

Primary barriers to hospital reengingeering:


Process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings

Which of the following is an operational benchmark?

Productivity levels


Progressive discipline is appropriate for problems of performance. TRUE/FALSE

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of

Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in all programs or activities receiving federal financial aid. • Equal Pay Act of 1963 - requires all employers subject to the FLSA to provide equal pay for men and women performing similar work.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1972

Prohibits discrimination in the hiring, promotion, or termination of women because of pregnancy; illegal to deny sick leave for morning sickness


Proper delegation is identical to ____.

What is the link between delegation and "empowerment"?

Proper delegation is identical to empowerment

Trying to make changes in strategic shift, unlimited pool, obligation of title 7

Pros of External Recruitment

Opportunity for growth, quicker and less expensive, orientation finished, a lot of data to predict performance

Pros of Internal Recruitment

Safeguard the hospital, employees, and patients

Purpose of Rules

After a Reduction in Force, what must employees do to attain the intended purpose of restructuring?

Pursue cost control and continuous quality improvement

After a Reduction in Force, what must employees do to attain the the intended purpose of restructuring?

Pursue cost control and continuous quality improvement

Why did quality assurance evolve into a better process?

QA placed emphasis on counting deviations from standards

Which method of appraisal is most commonly used?

Rating scales

What is the major problem of using rating scales?

Ratings cluster on the high side

What must a manager do to enhance communication within a diverse work group?

Recognize individual differences that are culturally based

Critical Incident

Record effective or ineffective behavior; may have tags such as initiative o the supervisor needs to keep an ongoing record of employees o Field Review: supervisor interviewed and written up, no paperwork o Free-Form Essay: impressions; need to be observant o Group Appraisal: can be supervisors or others

What method is most commonly used to reduce labor costs in a hospital?

Reduce the number of staff

What is the most common goal of organizational restructuring?

Reduced labor costs

How have hospitals and doctors been affected by changes in Medicare spending?

Reduced reimbursements

Adverse Impact

Refers to the rejection of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class for employment, placement, or promotions when compared with the successful non-protected class. o Unintentionally discriminated

Maslow's top two needs are the same as Herzberg's true motivators

Relationship between the motivational theories of Maslow and Herzberg:

How would you characterize the job organization system?

Repetitive work is dominant

How will a supervisor who accepts the tenants of Theory X behave?

Require employees to punch a time clock

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Requires all employers subject to the FLSA to provide equal pay for men and women performing similar work.

Unity of Command

Requires you to provide assurance, for all the activities within your responsibility, that in all instances specific employees are responsible for certain specific results on a one-to-one basis.

Looking at the exercise at the end of Chapter Five, what is the best task to delegate to Kate?

Requisition standard supplies for the storeroom

What common human problem arises at the implementation stage?

Resistance to change

What are some characteristics of managers that inhibit upward communication?

Resistance to employee problems, Unavailability, and Failure to respond in a timely manner

Of the following, which job title would have "line" responsibilities?

Respiratory Therapist on Floor

Which of the following departments have GREATEST Mobility of Employees?

Respiratory Therapy

As presented by the textbook, which of the following job titles would be classified as a functional specialist?

Respiratory Therapy Manager

Of the following, which tends most toward a Cooperative Motivation system?

Respiratory therapy

locate a number of candidtes who generally meet the requirements of the open position

Responsibilities of the HR Department in recruitment and selection

What should be the focus of criticism?

Results of the person's behavior

What is the best thing a manager can do to foster continued excellent performance in an employee?

Reward or praise it

Which of the following tools would you use to track the number of overtime hours week by week in the department?

Run chart

What is the purpose of rules?

Safeguard the hospital, employees, and patients

What is another term used for exempt employees?


What is the first things the chair should do when a meeting has been called to order?

Say how long the meeting should last

Which of the following IS NOT a common appraisal problem?

Scheduling personal performance interviews

What is the first step when delegating a task?

Select a task to be delegated

B. physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization

Select the list that has Maslow's hierarchy of needs arranged in order from lowest level to highest: a. Esteem, safety, physiological, self-realization, social b. Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization c. Physiological, safety, esteem, social, self-actualization

Above all else, what skill must a manager possess to be effective in today's health care arena?


What are the two primary barriers to effective communication?

Semantics and emotion

For which of the following methods improvement projects would you use a flow process diagram?

Serving late trays to patients

What is the first step in the cyclical control process?

Set standards

Good human relations strategies for working with all employees

Seven guidelines that will contribute to effectiveness when dealing with problem employees (summarized)

Technical tasks

Should, on average, technical or managerial tasks be delegated?

What is the primary use of a scattergram?

Show the relationship between two factors

Of the following, which IS NOT an external factor that influences how health care managers do their jobs?

Shrinking Work Force

Flow Process Diagram

Simply a layout drawing, drawn to approximate scale, on which lines are placed to indicate paths of personnel movement or material flow; especially helpful in determining how to rearrange equipment, furnishings, and workstations for improved effectiveness.


Single most forceful factor driving change in health care

Disparate Treatment

Situation in which protected class members receive unequal treatment or are evaluated by different standards o Ex: if a person over 40 applies for the position of pizza delivery, the manager gives him a driving test.

strong and passionate leadership AND top management support

Six Sigma has increased emphasis on strong and passionate ____ and ____ support.

What are some major types of CE classes?

Skill programs, and Concept Programs

Which of the following is a barrier to authentic communication?

Smiling while reprimanding

Of the following, which set of laws have the least impact on a health care manager?

Social Security Legislation

Which of the following IS NOT one of the three primary categories of laws that impact the work of a supervisor?

Social security and Medicare

What are some things you can do to facilitate communication between yourself and your boss?

Solve most of your own problems and be brief and to the point

boredom, repetition, lack of interest, lack of challenge, and the inability to see positive results from one's efforts

Some of the most frequent causes of unwarranted absences are:

What is meant by the term "unity of command"?

Someone is assigned to each task in the department

Which of the following is DIRECTLY associated with the function of "organizing"?

Span of Control

What must a manager focus on especially after a Reduction in Force?

Staff advocacy, Productive work teams, Communication, and Employee Involvement

With regards to your department, what kind of authority is vested in the Human Resource Department?

Staff authority

Which of the following is an integral part of the "organizing" function?


Of the following, which term WOULD NOT designate the HR department?

Staffing department

Forced Choice

Statements grouped and select best descriptor

What is the common driving force of Total Quality Management?

Strong commitment of top management

What is meant by the function of "organizing"?

Structuring the framework for getting work done

From which source of incoming information do you have most control?


Which of the following is NOT an outcome when a hospital focuses too much on costs and not enough on human concerns?

Successful reengineering efforts

Bona fide Occupational Qualification

Suitable defense against a discrimination charge only where age, religion, or gender, or national origin is an actual qualification for performing the job

Why does delegation often fail?

Superiors are reluctant to accept the decisions of employees

Who is usually at fault when delegation doesn't work out?


Which level of management spends the most time Controlling?


Which of the following is NOT a reason why some appraisal programs fail?

Supervisors are not motivated to do appraisals

Director, leader, overseer, boss, and supervisor. NOT trustee

Synonyms for manager

Job Organization System

System that applies to industries in which repetitive work dominant, such as the many manufacturing industries conveyor belts, assembly lines, etc.

What is a good definition of re-engineering in a health care institution?

Systematic redesign of the hospital's core processes

What is a good definition of reengineering in a health care institution?

Systematic redesign of the hospital's core processes

What Act relates specifically to union organizing?


How can a manager overcome the primary problem when using written communication?

Take steps to follow guidelines for effective writing

What does a cause-effect diagram?

Team of employees involved in the problem

In essence, what are quality circle or a self-directed work team?

Team oriented problem solving groups

In essence, what are quality circles or a self-directed work teams?

Team oriented problem solving groups

Of the following, which IS NOT a constraint to decision-making?


Employment at Will

Term used in US labor law for contractual relationships where an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason

flexible and adaptable

The basis of security in our lives today lies in our ability to be ___ and ____.

Concurrent Validity

The extent to which test scores (or other predictor information) match criterion data obtained at about the same time from current employees

The "anyone can do it" attitude toward management often encountered in people of differing interests and backgrounds is most likely owing largely to:

The general lack of recognition of management as an occupation in its own right.

How do the job organization system and the cooperative motivation system differ?

The job organization system depends largely on economic motives to keep the wheels turning. Everything is so controlled that the only requirement to keep going is simply following the steps. Employees do not need special skills, they literally only need to show up. The cooperative motivation system has no rigid controls on activities. Jobs cannot be defined down to the last detail, activities and outputs cannot be accurately predicted or scheduled, and the nature of the work coming into the system cannot be depended upon to conform to a formula. The job organization system controls the people and the cooperative motivation system requires the people to keep the system going.


The law requires only that nonexempt employees recieve a minimum wage: TRUE/FALSE

Methods Improvement

The organized approach to determining how to accomplish a task with less effort, in less time, or at a lower cost, while maintaining or improving the quality of the outcome

The Peter Principle

The outstanding worker at any level is likely to be promoted to the next level in the hierarchy. This process may continue until the individual reaches a level where performance is mediocre at best.

When writing a memo, who should be uppermost in mind?

The primary audience


The problem at the heart of most difficulties with delegation is a fundamental problem with ____.

Human Resource Planning

The process of anticipating and making provision for movement of people into, within, and out of an organization

Which of the following is the best definition of "delegation"?

The process of assigning work to an employee

Who has greatest impact on employee attitude toward methods improvement?

The supervisor

Who has the greatest impact on employee attitude toward methods improvement?

The supervisor

Which of the following IS NOT a problem in Jack's case presented at the beginning of the chapter?

The supervisor had not kept good notes on Jack's performance


The systematic redesign of a business' core processes, starting with desired outcomes and establishing the most efficient possible processes to achieve those outcomes.

should not

The true objective of discipline should/should not be punishment

Identical: ensure that the organization is doing the right things and doing them right the first time

The ultimate goals of TQM and methods improvement are ___

What is it that employees fear most?

The unknown

How is "empowerment" different from "delegation"?

There is no difference between empowerment & proper delegation.

What is the primary value of holding Information Meetings, even though the flow of information is essentially one way?

There is opportunity for questions and clarification

Why should unnecessary words be omitted from business writing?

They add bulk without contributing to clarity

Why do words impede effective communication?

They are likely to mean different things to different people

What problems arise when health care institutions focus too much on costs and cost containment and not enough on human concerns?

They last longer but have morale problems, increased turnover, decreased productivity and overall failure.

How do constraints impact decision-making?

They limit the list of viable alternatives

Cooperative Motivation System

This system evolved in work environments where variable work dominates most organizational activity; Much less opportunity for close control.

In addition to specific requirements of a good appraisal system, what is necessary for success?

Thorough, conscientious application by managers who believe in the value of performance evaluation

Who should participate in a Problem Solving Discussion?

Those directly related to a defined problem

Why are people resistandt to change? Because it

Threatens their security

Why are people resistant to change? Because it...

Threatens their security

How are the upper and lower limits determined on a control chart?

Three standard deviations from the mean

race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on what?

What is the purpose of performance appraisals?

To encourage improved performance; set goals for growth and advancement

When would you use a skills inventory?

To help determine training needs

What is a flow process chart?

Tool to track and record steps in a process

For the foreseeable future, the best background and initial preparation for the new healthcare supervisor will include:

Training and experience in one of the healthcare specialties.

What element is an essential part of a definition for human communication?

Transfer from one person to another

According to Maslow, people are motivated by what they are seeking much more than what they already have.


An employee deserve to get overtime pay when they work more than 80 hours in a 14-day period.


Appraisal systems often fail because they require the supervisor to judge personality traits.


Appraisals are used as a time to set goals for growth and improvement.


Conducting performance appraisals is often a source of supervisory stress and discomfort.


Effective appraisals are based on the job description and established standards.


Failure to delegate is often a reason that supervisors are not promoted to higher positions.


Health care professionals make decisions that range from the highly objective to the purely judgmental.


In the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, Andrews failed to provide written notice or reminders of the meeting.


In the situation presented at the beginning of the chapter, Andrews should have planned for meeting handouts.


In the teaching process it is essential that you check to be sure that the employee understands what you are teaching.


It is ok to reward certain classifications of employees with more of some particular benefits? For example, many organizations grant more vacation time to managers than to most rank-and-file employees.


Managers often view performance appraisals as a requirement of "the system" (mandated by the Personnel Department) and they do not give them the care and attention they deserve.


Many decisions are imperfect; decisions are often compromised by lack of resources or the situation.


Most hospitals use a standard evaluation form for all employees in a category, regardless of their department.


Motivation may be defined as an inner drive to satisfy personal needs.


Motivational factors are subjective; what works for one may not work for another employee in the same department.


One big problem in performance appraisals is that supervisors record an employee's work as acceptable when in fact it is unacceptable.


One purpose of performance appraisals is to strengthen manager/subordinate working relationships.


One's supervisor decisions are greatly influenced by personal values and experience.


Performance management consists of planning (setting standards) , managing (coaching), and appraisal.


Policies are broad statements to guide routine decision making and activity in a department.


Pre-assessment of the employee is the first step in the process of imparting skill or knowledge to an employee in your department?


So many managers fail to delegate authority because they fear competition from subordinates.


The flow process chart can be used to follow either the steps of a person or the flow of material.


The primary purpose of methods improvement is to accomplish a task with less effort, in less time, at loser cost.


The primary purpose of methods improvement is to accomplish a task with less effort, in less time, at lower cost.


The ultimate goal of TQM and methods improvement is to ensure that the hospital is doing the right things and doing them right the first time.


To be considered a professional under the Fair Labor Standards Act, one of the qualities is the person must do work that requires the exercise of discretion and judgment.


To be considered a professional under the Fair Labor Standards Act, one of the qualities is the person must perform work that is describable as primarily intellectual and varied.


True or False? A typical hospital is largely describable as an example of Rensis Likert's cooperative motivation system.


True or False? An increasing number of medical group practices and other free-standing healthcare providers are competing with each other for patients.


True or False? As in-patient hospital lengths of stay have been reduced and an increasing number of forms of care are pushed toward an outpatient environment, the number and variety of specialized healthcare settings has increased.


True or False? Competition between and among healthcare organizations largely involves concern for access to care, cost of care, and the quality of healthcare service.


True or False? It is the first-line manager who is required to make most of the hour-to-hour and moment-to-moment operating decisions affecting departmental operations.


True or False? Many managers take a legalistic view of employee relations as opposed to a humanistic view primarily to keep themselves and their organizations out of legal trouble.


True or False? Most people who eventually become first-line managers enter their occupational specialties sufficiently well trained to do the jobs for which they have been hired.


True or False? Passage of the Balanced Budget Act brought about a number of facility closures and prompted an increased number of mergers and other affiliations.


True or False? The healthcare institutions of more than a century ago were mostly charitable organizations operated by churches or social welfare groups, and no thought was given to operating then like businesses.


True or False? The management generalist is largely concerned with activities that are common to most situations in which someone must direct the work of others.


True or False? The proliferation and growth of for-profit hospital corporations, health maintenance organizations, and other healthcare chains demonstrate that health care is a business of significant proportions.


Weightier and more costly decisions require you to obtain more and better information in the data gathering phase.


You can go to the HR department for help when a group of employees think they deserve a salary adjustment.


You should not expect the institution to provide CE for you as a supervisor.


Your personal commitment has the greatest influence on how you and your employees benefit from CE?


Which of the following IS NOT a synonym for "manager"?


1. For improving an existing process, DMAIC (5 phases) 2. For developing a new process, DMADV (aka Design for Six Sigma)

Two Methodologies of Six Sigma:

Concurrent Validity and Predictive Validity

Two types of Criterion-Related Validity

Line Function

Type of Function; Ex: in a hospital, the departments of nursing, radiology, laboratory, dietary, and several others all line activities

Staff Function

Type of Function; Ex: in a hospital, the human resources department and the payroll department are two examples of staff activities.

What is the basis of disciplinary action?

Unacceptable behavior

In addition to the passing of information, what else must be passed for effective communication?


Why is it difficult to modify job descriptions, fostering less rigidity and greater employee flexibility and initiative?

Union contracts limit management ability to change job descriptions

What are immediate responses of health care employees to a Reduction in Force?

Unite the survivors in a forward-moving team

What is the major challenge to health care supervisors following a Reduction in Force?

Unite the survivors in a forward-moving team

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the working environment.

What can you as a supervisor do to enhance communication between yourself and your subordinates?

Use numerous communication methods; keep your lines open and operating

Of the following, which HAS NOT been an outcome of managed care on delivery of various health care services?

Use of hospice services for end of life care

is not

Use of hospice services for end of life care is/is not an outcome of managed care.

Flow Process Chart

Used for tracking and recording the steps of an activity and assessing the nature of each step.

For which of the following would you use a flow process chart?

Using large portable equipment for patient diagnosis or treatment

What are some things that you, as the instructor, must remember when instructing employees?

Vary the teaching methods used, the learners are workers not students, and people have different learning styles


Verifying the results obtained from a validation study by administering a test or test battery to a different sample (drawn from the same population)

In a hospital, which of the following words WOULD be used to describe a middle management position?

Vice President

access, cost, and service quality

What 3 factors must be considered in marketing health care?

The NLRA was amended significantly in 1947 by the Labor Management Relations Act, known otherwise as Taft-Hartley which deal specifically with union organizing.

What Act (give two names) relates specifically to union organizing?

1983 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): the federal wage and hour law and as such the model for the wage and hour laws of many states.

What Act deals with wage and hour laws?

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935, known as the Wagner Act

What Act is the basis for most labor laws in the U.S.?

Noncompensatory Standards

What are "deal killers"?

• All private employers of 15 or more persons • All educational institutions, public and private • State and local governments • Public and private employment agencies • Labor unions with 15 or more members • Joint labor-management committees for apprenticeship and training

What are all of the areas protected by the Civil Rights Act?

•Select a task or isolate a problem •Gather the facts •Reduce the problem to subproblems as necessary •Challenge everything •Develop an improved method •Implement and follow-up

What are essential characteristics that characterize work simplification or methods improvement?

d. All of the above

What are immediate responses of health care employees to a RIF? 1. Eroded commitment to the hospital 2. Increased absenteeism 3. Reduced morale 4. Excess compassion toward laid-off's --> a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4 c. 1, 2, and 3 d. All of the above

• Attention to employee's motivational needs • The need to be a strong staff advocate • The need to help RIF survivors adapt to changes • The need to encourage employee participation • The development and use of teams • Constant attention to employee communication

What are some of a manager's key concerns after a Reduction in Force?

Criticism should always include guide for correction, always focus on the problem - on the results of a person's behavior and not on the person who created the problem, and allow the supervisor and employee to work together to develop a new approach jointly.

What are the essential qualities of criticism?

-Capital investment -Technological change -Economies of scale -Work methods, procedures, and systems -Knowledge and skill of the work force -The willingness of the work force to excel

What are the principle factors that influence productivity and quality?

-Select a task to be delegated -Select the appropriate person -Instruct and motivate the person -Maintain reasonable control

What are the steps that should be used in effective delegation?

1. Tell them what to do 2. Convince them to do it 3. Involve them in planning for the change

What are the three possible approaches for implementing a particular change, and which is likely to work best when you supervise professionals in your field?

Wage and hour laws; affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, encompassing

What are the three primary categories of laws that impact the work of a supervisor?

•Counseling step •Oral warning step •Written warning as necessary •Advanced counseling before suspension •Suspension as necessary •Discharge as necessary

What are the usual steps of progressive discipline?

Increasing inability of some people to take responsibility for their own circumstances and behavior AND an increasing # of employees who seems to be acting out the belief that the work organization exists primarily for their benefit

What are two new patterns of employee thought and behavior that have surfaced in the past 10-15 years and what can a supervisor do to handle these patterns of behavior?

c. 1, 2, and 3

What attributes are directly associated with a manager's work in the basic function of "Directing"? 1. Leadership 2. Motivation 3. Communication 4. Persistence a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4 c. 1, 2, and 3 d. All of the above

d. Resistance to change

What common human problem arises at the implementation stage? a. Heightened conflict between employees b. Misinterpretation of communications c. Poorly written procedures and methods d. Resistance to change

Good wages

What did managers assert as the primary motivating factor for employees?

• Why they remain and what's expected of them • They are good at what they do (what they are still there) • A future of doing more with less is critical to organizational survival and continued employment

What does a manager need to help employees understand after a Reduction in Force?

Must be paid the minimum wage and paid at one and a half times for overtime.

What does the law require for nonexempt employees?

c. Full appreciation of work done

What does your textbook assert is the morale factor that tops the list for employees? a. Interesting work b. Good wages c. Full appreciation of work done d. Participative management

• 1. Organizational changes, in which departments are altered or interdepartmental relationships or management reporting relationships are changed • 2. Management changes, in which new management assumes control of an organization or subunit • 3. New methods and procedures, indicating that people are expected to do new and different work or accomplish old tasks in new ways • 4. Job restructuring, requiring that tasks be added to or be deleted from people's jobs • 5. New equipment, representing new technology or technological departures from equipment previously used.

What five kinds of change create the most resistance in health care, especially during this time of mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing?

c. Convince employees that they will benefit from the change

What guideline for effective change management is being used when a manager discusses the pros and cons of a proposed change at a department meeting? a. Involve employees in planning for the change b. Monitor effects of the change c. Convince employees that they will benefit from the change d. Test the impact the change will have on the department

Your attitude, as supervisor, towards method improvement

What has greatest impact on employee attitude toward methods improvement?

b. 12% increase in treatments with no increase in personnel hours

What is a example of how to improve productivity? a. 12% increase in FTE and 12% increase in treatments b. 12% increase in treatments with no increase in personnel hours c. Improved quality despite 15% increase in personnel hours d. 20% reduction in treatments and fewer personnel

FLSA defines the work week as a fixed, recurring period of 168 hours; that is seven consecutive 24-hour periods.

What is a good definition of a Work Week?

Needs of patients, employees, or the community within limits of available resources.

What is a major source of conflict for health care manager?

The unknown.

What is it that employees fear most, leading to change resistance?

d. Create incentive programs

What is one thing managers can do after RIF to boost employee motivation? a. Approve educational leaves b. Sponsor regular social gatherings c. Maintain an "open door" policy d. Create incentive programs

Your time is best spent communicating, planning, and assuming greater responsibility from your supervisor

What is the best reason why a manager should delegate?

Involvement helps; however, communication is key

What is the best way for a manager to reduce resistance to change?

Dont. Leads to stereotyping.

What is the best way to label or categorize "problem employees"?

a. An average performer, hard to instruct, tough to motivate, difficult to handle

What is the best way to label or categorize "problem employees?" a. An average performer, hard to instruct, tough to motivate, difficult to handle. b. A person who is stubborn, recalcitrant, blabbermouth, misfit c. Persons who have disabilities or who come from diverse cultural and social backgrounds d. People who resist change and often conflict with other workers.

the acceptance of leadership by the followers

What is the characteristic that defines a leader?

d. Effective use of resources to accomplish the goals of the organization

What is the definition of management used in the textbook? a. Engagement in the major functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling b. Making decisions and organizing people to reach desired ends c. Providing leaderships to attain the stated mission of the organization d. Effective use of resources to accomplish the goals of the organization

Identify mission

What is the first essential step when re-engineering a hospital?

Should occur on time, setting that allows for privacy, freedom from interruptions, and free and open discussion. Should focus on joint problem solving

What is the focus of an appraisal interview?

a. Joint problem solving

What is the focus of an appraisal interview? a. Joint problem solving b. Employee shortcomings c. Review of the evaluation form d. Employee self-appraisal

Poor morale.

What is the major human resource problem faced by today's health care manager?

c. Challenging and rewarding work

What is the most potent source of employee motivation after a Reduction in Force? a. Improved salary and benefits b. A friendly work environment c. Challenging and rewarding work d. Job security

Delegation is frequently overlooked.

What is the status of delegation in management today?

It is an objective measure of comparison,basic to an assessment of equity

What is the value of money as a motivator?

d. Communication

What key skill will a manager use to help employees understand their role after a Reduction in Force? a. Directing b. Planning c. Organization d. Communication

Be seen as an integral part of the work unit

What must a supervisor do to exercise leadership within a work group?

What must be communicated when a change is being planned?

What must be changed and why

a. What must be changed and why

What must be communicated when a change is being planned? a. What must be changed and why b. Who will be involved most in the change process c. How the change will affect daily work d. When the change will occur and at what cost

Everything should be documented.

What parts of corrective counseling and instruction and discipline must be documented?


What percentage of reductions due to Balanced Budget Act came from Medicare which decreased the payments to actual providers?

Leads to: -Morale Problems -Increased Turnover -Decreasing Productivity

What problems arise when health care institutions focus too much on costs and cost containment and not enough on human concerns?

employers attempt to contain health care benefit cost

What propelled the adoption of managed care?

Help with people problems

What services can you as a supervisor expect to get from HR?

Listen, be patient, do not argue and do not criticize, be discreet

What should a supervisor do to help a troubled employee?

oReview job standards with employee oCounsel employee oMonitor progress (or lack thereof) oRemove obstacles as necessary oRepeat process as necessary oWhen all else fails - dismissal

What should a supervisor do when an employee consistently performs below standard?

Healthcare costs, competition, continued high-quality health care despite the pressure to contain or reduce costs.

What specific external factors in health care influence how managers do their jobs?

1. Executives: > 50% of time in direct management 2. Administrative: >50% time on office or nonmanual work 3. Professional: >50% time doing work that requires advanced specialized knowledge

What three groups are exempt when it comes to wage and hour laws?

Leadership and Motivation

What two attributes are essential to a manager's work in the basic function of "Directing"?

Percent time devoted to major responsibilities

What would you find in an Institutional Position Description that is lacking from an online job description?

b. Before any problems become evident

When should a supervisor coach an employee? a. After delivering criticism b. Before any problems become evident c. After counseling has begun d. As soon as substandard performance is apparent

When is it essential to hold a meeting?

When there is no other way to accomplish what's necessary

a. If you can't win them over, ignore difficult people

When you have a "problem employee" which of the following is of least importance in your considerations? a. If you can't win them over, ignore difficult people b. Often we cannot change people c. Busy employees have less time to cause problems d. What happens on-the-job and off-the-job affects the other

Rehabilitation Services/Acute Care services; their reimbursement was severely capped.

Which group of allied health providers were affected by The Balanced Budget Act? How were they affected?

Technically, only authority is delegated.

Which is delegated: authority or responsibility -- or both?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) prohibit the use of discriminatory employment tests and selection procedures.

Which laws specifically prohibit the use of discriminatory employment tests and selection procedures?

d. Supervisors

Which level of management spends the most time Controlling? a. CEO or President b. VPs c. Department heads d. Supervisors

b. President or CEO

Which level of management spends the most time Organizing? a. Board of Trustees b. President or CEO c. Department heads d. Supervisors

Peter Drucker

Which management expert advanced the idea that personal responsibility stimulates an employee to optimal performance?

William Ouchi

Which motivational theory is built on close relationships between an individual's work life and personal life?

d. Defining lines of authority

Which of the following activities is directly associated with the function of "organizing"? a. Writing department goals b. Providing orientation for new employees c. Implementing a CQI program d. Defining lines of authority

a. Span of Control

Which of the following is DIRECTLY associated with the function of "organizing"? a. Span of Control b. One-on-one communciation c. Standards of practice d. Department head meetings

d. Supervisors are not motivated to do appraisals

Which of the following is NOT a reason why some appraisal programs fail? a. Supervisors judge personality traits b. Supervisors are uncomfortable in their role as evaluators c. Some appraisal systems are poorly administered d. Supervisors are not motivated to do appraisals

d. Supervisors are not motivated to do appraisals

Which of the following is NOT a reason why some appraisal programs fail? a. Supervisors judge personality traits b. Supervisors are uncomfortable in their role as evaluators c. Some appraisal systems are poorly administered. d. Supervisors are not motivated to do appraisals

b. Departmental integrity - professional groups categorized by their work performed

Which of the following is NOT required to fulfill the principle of supportive relationships that Likert deemed essential for participative management? a. Relations based on trust, respect, and personal worth b. Departmental integrity - professional groups categorized by their work performed c. Group decision making and reciprocal influence d. High performance expectations - setting challenging goals

d. Minutes per treatment completed

Which of the following is a measure of productivity? a. Quality in relation to trend data b. Patients treated divided by budgeted FTE c. Number of treatments per day d. Minutes per treatment completed

b. Opportunity to correct the offending behavior

Which of the following is an essential element of discipline? a. Written documentation in the permanent file (personnel department) b. Opportunity to correct the offending behavior c. The punishment to be administered for specific offenses d. Clear delineation of next steps if correlation does not occur

Douglas McGregor

Who established Theory X and Y?

Nobody other than an employee's immediate supervisor should be the primary evaluator of the employee

Who should perform performance appraisals?

• Employment, often referred to as recruiting • Compensation or wage and salary administration • Benefits administration • Employee relations • Also: employee health, training, payroll, security and parking, safety, child care • NOT a major force affecting the role of HR: decreased attempts to unionize health care workers

Whta types of functions and activities are provided by the HR Department?

b. Threatens their security

Why are people resistant to change? Because it: a. Takes longer to do the job in a changing environment. b. Threatens their security. c. Usually removes desirable social contacts d. Makes people lose control over their circumstances

b. QA placed emphasis on counting deviations from standards

Why did quality assurance evolve into a better process? a. QA did not focus on quality at all b. QA placed emphasis on counting deviations from standards c. QA was too hard to practice in the hospital setting d. QA left little time for other types of control in the department.

•They do not fully understand the true nature of delegation •They do not recognize, or at least do not fully appreciate, the extent of the power of their own habits in preventing improvement in delegation. •They have not yet come to view delegation from the perspective of the employee to whom the work is delegated. •They fear competition from subordinates

Why do so many managers fail to delegate authority?

Supervisors are reluctant to accept the decisions of employees.

Why does delegation often fail?

Security concerns AND the large-scale adoption of online job applications has motivated employers to seek efficient ways to screen large numbers of online applicants in a non-subjective way.

Why has there been an increase in employment testing?

because it is a symptom of other problems

Why is absenteeism a problem?

a. Is a symptom of other problems

Why is absenteeism a problem? Because it: a. Is a symptom of other problems b. Makes others work harder c. Causes poor morale in the department d. Requires documentation and discipline

Depending how well our needs are met through our employment, we may be more or less satisfied with our role in the organizatoin

Why is motivation so important in health care?

Which motivational theory is built on close relationships between an individual's work life and personal life?

William Ouchi

How would you characterize the way that Hem and Haw faced their original challenge in "Who Moved My Cheese"?

With consideration and resistance

How would you characterize the way that Hem and Haw faced their original challenge in "Who Moved My Cheese?"

With consteration and resistance


With performance appraisals, we have a tendency to rate high/low

d. Organizing

With which function of management is "delegating" directly associated? a. Controlling b. Coordinating c. Directing d. Organizing


With which function of management is leadership most closely associated?

What is the basis for the cooperative motivation system?

Work is highly variable; jobs not defined in great detail

hat is the basis for the cooperative motivation system?

Work is highly variable; jobs not defined in great detail

What is another term for methods improvement?

Work simplification

What is shown on a Gantt chart?

Work-time relationships

Why is your communication with your subordinates the most important channel of communication that you have?

You are responsible for services provided by your subordinates

You are requesting approval for a new flex time policy for professionals in your department. Who is the primary audience?

Your boss who will approve the policy

Of the following, which is the best reason for you as a supervisor to delegate?

Your time is best spent communicating, planning, and assuming greater responsibility from your supervisor


__ % of employees who have health care benefits are enrolled in managed care plans

Morale and Motivation

___ and ___ are the best control over absenteeism

Follow-up and Action

___ and ____ are terms most descriptive of the basic function of "Controlling"

40 hours in a 7 day

___ hours in a __ day work week; after this paid overtime

Methods Improvement

___ is largely the process that drives work improvement within most quality management programs.

Welfare Benefit

a benefit that is there to be used when needed but if not needed it disappears after some specified time

Employee Assistance Program

a program designed to operate in a work setting to help employees cope with personal problems that impair their job performance. ex: drug abuse, alcoholism

The style one develops as a healthcare supervisor is likely to be influenced by:

a) The extent to which technical and professional employees work in the same department as entry-level workers. b) The extent of variability of the department's work. c) The geographic mobility of the department's employees.

What kinds of tasks are best delegated? Those that

are routine and occur regularly

The ____________ phase of employee relations ended legally, although not factually. In the early to middle 1960s.


What style of leadership would you expect when your department faces an unexpected crisis, say a fire in the unit?


The marketing process as concerns healthcare organizations essentially involves:

b) Guiding potential customers in differentiating the organization's products and services from those of competing organizations.

How does authenticity foster communication? It makes you...

be True to yourself

Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Kind and considerate, paternal (fatherly) approach?

benevolent authoritarian

Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Emphasis on rules and regulations, little flexibility?


Which best describes activities related to the function of "controlling"?

check departmental performance and take corrective action as needed

Management Generalist

concerned with the activities that are common to many departments and to most situations in which someone must guide and direct the work of others.

Which leadership pattern does this characterize: advisory and friendly, leader asks advice but makes own decision?


Where does your department fit in Likert's "scale of organizations"?


Within the list of health care settings, where do you envision working? Do you think work in this setting tends toward the Job Organization System or toward a Cooperative Motivation System?

cooperative. I like variation to an extent. Constant, repetitive work would drive me crazy.

Which of the following activities is directly associated with the function of "organizing"?

defining lines of authority

Management as a separate field in its own right defies the kind of __________ applied to working specialties


When considering reengineering, you should begin the process by establishing what?

desired outcomes

With which function of management is leadership most closely associated?


With which function of management is motivation most closely associated?


In the job organization system, Likert postulated that it is __________ motives that keep the system running as it should.


PTO plans ____.

encourage employees to use leave only when necessary.

Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Boss centered, dictatorial, close supervision?

exploitative authoritarian

Those with "staff" functions work primarily within one department; their work is limited to a small segment of a hospital.


When middle-management positions are eliminated, the majority of those positions' duties revert to the ____________ managers.

first line

In a strongly people-centered operation system functioning __________ as people come and go.


How would you categorize responsibility for this task: administer a patient treatment?

functional specialist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: provide patient education?

functional specialist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: represent your department on a multidisciplinary team?

functional specialist

It is the responsibility of the entire collective known as "management" to direct all the activities that are necessary in pursuit of the ______ of the organization.


Why should you try to keep letters and messages as brief as possible? Excessive words...

heighten the potential for misunderstanding

What is an "Employee Assistance Program?" A program that

helps employees deal with personal problems that affect their work performance

The greatest percentage of healthcare workers engaged in most health-related occupations are employed by ______________.


A majority of managers in health care tend to ________ more strongly with a profession or occupation than they do with management.


In health care management, who is a functional specialist? One who...

is a practicing health care professional

Why is absenteeism a problem? Because it

is a symptom of other problems

What is the primary characteristic of an effective leader? The one who

is accepted by his/her followers

A welfare benefit is one that ____.

is there to be used when needed but if not needed it disappears.

What is the nature of a change that involves cutting 20% of positions in an existing department?

job restructuring

How have Medicare recipients been impacted by the managed care movement? Many Medicare recipients

lost coverage when their HMO would no longer accept their Medicare cards for payment

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: coordinate patient care services?

management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: develop a strategic plan?

management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: do paperwork for the biweekly payroll?

management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: enforce employee policies regarding sick leave and vacation days?

management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: resolve employee conflicts?

management generalist

How would you categorize responsibility for this task: update job descriptions?

management generalist

The ___________ process essentially encourages potential clients or customers of the organization to differentiate the organization's products and services from those of other organizations.


The PPACA is intended in part to reform the ___________ system to promote greater efficiency by restructuring reimbursement from fee-for-service to bundled payments.


Why are health care workers upset by a Reduction in Force? Because they feel that

money is more important than people

Employee Comparison

oRanking: best to least performer; high subjective oForced Distribution: requires distribution; 10% at top - spread out the evaluations

Bona fide Qualifiation

oYou cannot ask if the applicant owns a car (because it could be seeking to test affluence), but you could ask if the applicant has a driver's license ONLY if driving is a requirement of the job. oCan ask about educational level if it is directly related to job performance

It is essential to recognize that all of the sources of true motivation exists in the form of ____________ and are inherent in the work itself.


Which leadership pattern does this characterize: Team building, consensus, group decision making?


Which leadership style would work best with Theory Y managers?


Select the list that has Maslow's hierarchy of needs arranged in order from lowest level to highest.

physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization

Health care will likely continue to get most of its first-line supervisors by ___________.


A strong belief held by many in health care is that it is generally not possible to reduce costs without adversely affecting _________.


In health care, more so than in most other endeavors, there is an immediate focus on the customer and some immediate ________ considerations.


Many exercises that have borne the label of reengineering have been little more than cursory exercises in ____________.


In Rensis Likert's job organization system __________ work is the dominant form of activity.


Generally, the ________ the organization or department, the more likely is the supervisor to be both worker and manager.


Exceptional ability for doing manual, technical, or professional work does not guarantee of the presence of ________ for supervision in a health care organization.


Health care remains at or near the forefront of activities that are most subject to ________ _______.

technological turnover

What is the difference in health care management and management in industry? In health care, management is different because hospitals

tend toward the cooperative motivation system


the act, art, or manner of managing, or handling, controlling, directing, etc; the skill in managing, executive ability; the person managing a business, institution, etc.


the employee who develops a pattern of chronic absenteeism becomes a problem employee

Functional Specialist

the worker responsible for doing some of the basic work of the department.

Herzberg's theory of motivation says that factors such as pay or sound management are "hygienic" motivating forces, which means that:

their value as positive motivating forces is relatively low

In a hospital, those with "staff" functions support the work of all departments that provide patient care.


Management is a cycle, and the functions of management help describe activities that need to be done in the process of management.


Management titles are generally organized in a hierarchy with chief executive officer (CEO) at the top and supervisor at the bottom of the managerial rankings.



typically used to describe a working position that we usually imagine in the lower part of the management structure

Bottom line, what impact do leaders have on other people? A leader influences others so that they

work toward achievement of common goals

According to Herzberg, which of the following is NOT a motivating factor?

working conditions

Nature of Work

• Management system • Job Structure • System Controls •System Drivers

Job Organization System

• Repetitive task • Advanced, predictive well organized • Rigid or strict control •Economic motives

Cooperative Motivation System

• Varied and variable tasks • Loose, unpredictable • Loosely organized • Open; tight control not possible •Enthusiasm & motivation

Uniform Guidelines found in Federal Register

•Applies to hiring, retention, promotion, transfer, demotion, dismissal, and referral •Recommends that an employer be able to demonstrate that selection procedures are valid in predicting or measuring performance in a particular job

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