HTM 322

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At which components of the vapor compression cycle is energy added?


Describe how water pulled from the ground (geothermal energy) at 50F (10C) could be used to heat a facility in the winter in Indiana


In addition to instant hot water, what is another advantage of a circulating pump system compared to a small pipe system?

More pressure

What is the function of the expansion valve?

reduces pressure. state of refridgerant: Change of pressure, enters as a liquid and leaves as a liquid

Elevation views

Looks at verticl surfaces such as walls

List and describe the impacts of the major factors that affect property operation and maintenance (POM) and utility and expenditures for hotels. Include the impact of each.

***Affected by: -Weather -Usage (occupancy) -Type of construction -QUality of construction -Age of the building -Maintenance history Utility costs are generally more variable then POM.

What are the steps to succesfully contraction for facility maintenance?

-Determine need -Prepare statement of work -Select contractor -Execute Contract -Survey contract

What are every manager's three duties for facility maintenance

-Ensure facilities are kept clean and not abused -Perform MINOR maintenance and repairs -communicate problems ACCURATELY to the maintenance and engineering department.

Which of the six ways listed in the previous question actually reduce the amount of waste in a landfill?

.. ****

At which component of the vapor compression cycle is energy removed?


Describe or draw how to protect against water hammering?


In addition to assessing physical conditions, list three of the main purposes of a facility maintenance/management insprection?


In which component of the vapor compression cycle is the pressure of the refrigerant high when it enters and when it leaves?


List and describe the components of a vapor compression cycle?


Lists three of the components of an effective electrical maintenance program


Other than reducing the cost, that needs to happen before wind turbines will be more effective at providing energy to meet our energy needs?


What is the state of the refrigerant entering the compressor? Leaving the compressor?


What would indicate a steep slope on the survey view?


What is the smallest aluminum wire size that can be used inside?


Which of the following is the most likely to be performed by contractors as opposed to hotel employees

A task that is NOT done often and requires special training and expensive tools

Which of the following filters is best at removing taste and odor from the water?

Activated charcoal

What is the main difference in the way a deluge systems set up compared to all other systems?

All of the heads are open and during a fire all will go off, causing more water damage

Where should the lights be located to direct people to the exit during a fire?

Along the floor

What is the main difference between the way a preactive system works and all other systems discussed in class.

An alarm sounds & gives a chance to turn off the system before the water starts flowing into the room

A standard room dehumidifier is nothing more than a self-contained vapor compression cycle, does a dehumidifier tend to raise or lower the temperature of the room it is in? why?

Any heat absorbed at evap. + energy added at compressor is put back into the room, and raises temperature.

What are the six main purposes of facility maintenance/management inspections and who be involved?

Assess physical condition check on work being done communicate with maintenance replacement & repair cost

Doing an annual inventory would primarily fall under which of the following responsibilities for facility managers?

Asset management

List and describe the four areas of impact facility design has on facilities management. Describe the impact of each.

COMPONENTS: Generally the more components contained in the facility the more costly the facility to build and maintain LAYOUT: Layout effects many different factors: -Complciated layout can be more expensive to build, maintain and result in higher utility costs. -Layouts that limit access to vital systems can increase maintenance cost or result in maintenance not performed as required. -Poor layout can create safety hazards MATERIALS, QUALITY, AND TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION -Higher quality materials generally lead to a longer life and lower maintenance cost. This will reduce life cycle cost of the building . EQUIPMENT -Durability and lifetime: the more durable, generally the lower the maintenance costs and the longer the lifetime. This also can result in lower life cycle cost. -Repairability: If equipment is cost effective to repair it generally will have a longer life, but is likely to have higher intitial costs. -Efficiency: This may be the most important consideration as labor and utility cost rise.

Which of the following drawings would be the best to use to determine the exact how to install a window in a building?

Detailed view

What is the first step to successful contraction?

Determine your needs

Which of the following systems is required for really tall buildings?

Down-feed system

Which of the following's items has the primary function of preventing sewer gas from entering the building?

Drain trap

List the three E's of sustainability

Economics Equity Environmental

Why are coded or electronic lock systems safer than the old key systems?

Electronic locking systems are mandated by the courts. If you do not have an electronic locking system on your room and somethings happens to one of your guests or their property in one of your rooms, then you are likely to be held liable. Courts do not view the old mechanical locking systems as adequate safeguards for guests. The electronic locking systems after two main advantages over mechanical locking systems: the room is re-keyed for each guest. You can track who enters the rooms

Which of the following drawings would be the best to use to determine teh exact position of a window in a building?

Elevation view

Which of the following comes before the service switch as part of an electrical service system for a building?

Energy supply and meters

In addition to tracking warrantees, what is one of the main purpose of maintaining a maintenance log?

Ensuring the maintenance was done, and was what needed to be fixed

Taking a thermal image of your building in the winter to see where you are losing heat would be done as part of the following subdivisions of energy audits?


Equipment views

Floor plan with equipment positions added

Plan views

Floor plan, it shows the position of walls and other permanent parts of the building

Which of the following fire detection devices would be the best to use in the area right outside the door to a sauna?

Heat detector

Why shouldn't you stand up in a fire?

Heat rises and will make it hard to breath because of loss of oxygen. With the smoke rising your vision will not be as good and could allow you to run into things. The smoke will harm your eyes if you are standing up, because the smoke is rising

What is water hardness, what causes it, and what damage can it cause?

It is dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium. Problems associated with hard water include the formation of scale, and mineral deposits in water heaters (reduces efficiency and increases heating costs), increased detergent usage, formation of soap curds, and yellowing of linen.

What is the function of a ground-fault circuit interrupter?

It measures the current in the black and white wire, if the current is different it cuts the circuit

How does a demand meter determine the maximum demand for the month?

It measures the energy used in KWH every 15 minutes it remembers the highest # and multiplies it by 4 to get the peak demand

What is the main advantage of a misting system over dry chemical system for protecting a deep fat fryer?

It will prevent the fire from reigniting, where as a dry chemical system does not prevent the fire from reigniting

Which of the following electrical sheathing can be used in a commercial building?

Jacketed metal clad

What are they charging customers based on?

KWH kilowatt hour

Describe the key provisions every maintenance contract should contain? Include the importance of each and potential problems a provision not written properly?

Key contract provision: Insurance Contractor is not an employee Term and renewal provisions Cancellation procedures Surveillance procedures to include penalties for non-compliance Conflict of interest statement Rules for subcontracting Specifications Fees Dispute resolution

In addition to the three R's of waste disposal, what are six other ways that operations/cities use to reduce the amount of solid waste sent to a landfill?

Landfills Trash compactors Pulper Incinertors Digestor Garbage disposals

While all of the following can impact maintenance cost, which one deals with access to vital systems?


What does the following electrical symbol represent on a blueprint? IcI

Looks like a circle with two lines going through it from the bottom circle line to and through the top circle line. Standard outlet

Do garbage disposals reduce the amount of waste generated by a facility? Explain.

No, Simply diverts the waste stream from solid to liquid*****

Load cycling energy-management systems reduce electric bills primarily by lowering which of the following?

Peak energy demand

Which of the following would be most effective in enforcing the contract specifications?

Penalties for non-compliance

Which of the following blueprints provides the least amount of detailed information required to build a facility?

Perspective view

What is the primary purpose of the perspective view?

Pictorial representation of the facility. Unlike other blueprints, this one offers little detailed information. It's primary use is to help sell the building

Perspective views

Pictorial representation of the facility. Unlike other blueprints, this one offers little detailed information. Its primary use is to help sell the building

Describe the geothermal energy system that does rely on hot springs. Describe how it could be used to heat and cool a building. What are their potential drawbacks that prevent it from being mroe widely used?

Pipes are run under the ground below the frost line. Water is circulated through the pipes then brought back inside the buidling where it is used to cool the building. It can also be used as a heat source for a heat pump and used to warm th ebuilding in the winter. Problem is that the traditional method requires a large amount of land to be functional. Drilling is very expensive and single use adversely affects the aquifer.

Detail views

Provides detailed construction information not visible on other blue prints

Describe the 5 Rs of key control

Rationale: Determine who should be able to access what are of the facility when design your key system, this includes the creation of masters and submasters. Record: must keep accurate record as to who has which keys, to include to which areas they grant access. Rotation: Move locks around to confuse anyone who may have gained unauthorized access to any keys. (not important with electronic locks, if properly used) Retrieval: must retrieve keys from departing guests, and employees. (Not important with electronic locks, if properly used.) Replacement: if keys are lost or stolen, the locks must be re-keyed.

Describe the operation of a water softener.***

Removes calcium and manganese by exchanging them for sodium ions. Nuisance control: removing organism that, while they may not be harmful to humans, can clog the system and/or degrade water quality. The most common nuisance is algae which can be controlled with copper sulfate. BED OF ZEOLITE CHARGED WITH SODIUM IONS

How do you make your facility a "Hard target" for terrorists?

Restrict access, keep vehicles back from the facility, and be vigilant

Which of the following filters uses bacteria to help purify the water?


Describe the potential motivations for initiating environmental programs?

Save money help save the environment competitors

Which of the following provides enough information that can be used to find a particular door on the construction site so that it can be installed?



Shows everything that the survey plot shows plus the proposed location of the new building

Mechanical views

Shows the locations of mechanical systems like ventilation systems, plumbing systems, etc.

Modifying the land to ensure proper drainage away from the building would normally be classified as which of the following four main construction costs?

Sit improvements

Which of the following from a business prospective is the least important motivation for initiating an environmental program?

Social responsibility

LEED standards

Sustainable site Water efficiency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & resources Indoor environmental quality

Describe the 5 T's of a crime. Give examples of each of the 5 ts and describe ways to break the chain of survival.

Targeting: attackers look for someone to attack Testing: They come into the establishment and test what they can do and push to see your reaction Threatening: The actual threat they plan to do Transporting: take you some where else Transaction:

What is the function of the un-insulated ground wire on a two wire ground wiring?

The ground wire is what keeps the other wires from harming you with electric shock.

When do blueprints become a legal document?

They become legal once they are signed

Wet-pipe system

This system has water in the pipes at all times fast response pipes can freeze in cold water Sprinkler heads are closed until a fire is detected by that sprinkler (heat)

A system labeled 120/208 volts is which of the following?

Three phase current

Energy management control systems?

Time clocks- turns things on and off at specific times, reduces total energy used Load cycling: Cycles energy between two or more energy hogs, turning one off before turning another one on. Primarily reduces peak demand Electric Demand: Has a preset limit, once that limit is reached, nothing can turn on until something else is turned off primarily reduces peak demand Computer: does everything that the others do.

Which of the following is most likely to protect a motor?

Time delayed fuse

What is the function of a transformer?

To step up and down the voltage in a wire

Time clock energy-management systems reduce electric bills primarily by lowering which of the following?

Total energy consumed

What is the function of the evaporator?

Turns liquid water into water vapor Enters liquid water Exits water vapor Energy: add (cold to the touch) Pressure: enters high and exits low Refridgerant wants to be a gas, it's normal state, enters as a liquid

What is the function of condensor?

Turns steam into liquid water enters: a steam Exits: liquid water Energy: removed (hot to touch) Pressure: Enters & exits high @ that temp and pressure the refridgerant wants to be a liquid

Section views:

Type of detailed drawing. Shows the inner construction of something like a wall

What is the function of a compressor?

increase pressure on refrigerant

What do electric companies supply customers?

Volts amps

Describe the four fire detection systems. Include how each works, any limitations, what types of fires it was designed to detect and where it is likely to be used.

Water based fire suppression systems: deprives fire of heat and oxygen Carbon dioxide: deprives fire of heat and oxygens. Not good on Class A fires because the risk of reigniting Halon: Deprives fire of heat and oxygen. Not good on Class A fires because of the risk of reigniting. Not used much anymore because it damages the earth's ozone layer. Dry-chemical systems: Depending on the chemical, can be used for A, B, or C fires. Tends to be very messy and most are highly corrosive. Some bind with oils making them not combustible, after a short time the fresh oil can rise to the surface and the fire can reignite. Smothers Class A and C fires with a non-combustivle powder.

Standard dry-pipe sprinkler system

Water does not enter the pipe until a fire is detected slower response rate than wet-pipe system sprinkler heads are closed until a fire is detected by that sprinkler (heat)

Misting system:

Water does not enter the pipe until a fire is detected (dry-pipe system Slower response rate than wet-pipe system Sprinkler head are all open on a particular line Contains chemicals that bind to the fuel initially Keeps misting to prevent fire from reigniting Chemicals in the misting system generally less corrosive and create less of a mess than dry chemical systems

Preaction system

Water does not enter the pipe until a fire is detected (dry-pipe system) An alarm sounds giving a person time to put out the fire and shut off the system Slowest response rate of all systems Sprinkler heads are closed until a fire is detected by that sprinkler (heat) Use in location where water damage is a major concern

Deluge sprinkler system

Water does not enter the pipe until a fire is detected (dry-pipe system) Slower response rate than wet-pipe system Sprinkler heads all open Can create a lot of water damage Good for locations where fire is likely to spread rapidly

Which of the following water based fire-suppression systems would be the worst to use in an unheated warehouse in fairbanks, alaska?

Wet pipe, water based system

When is it more appropriate to contract for maintenance than to have the work done by the facility's maintenance staff?

When it is beyond the capability of your staff and you do not have the time or it is not cost effective to train and equip your staff - It is an emergency - Special tools and/ or equipment are required - Special training and/or certification -When it is done infrequently ~When you lack the staff to perform the function ~When you would prefer not to burden your staff with the task. ~If a cost analysis of the options show it to be more cost effective.

When tracking work orders by department, what two things should be tracked if the work was done by a contractor who provided a warrantee related to the work?

When it was done What was done

Describe how an ionizing smoke detector detects a fire?

When smoke enters the ionization chamber, it disrupts this current -- the smoke particles attach to the ions and neutralize them. The smoke detector senses the drop in current between the plates and sets off the horn.

What is the following symbol referring to on a blueprint? (6/b-5)

a detailed view that is drawing 6 on page b-5

What does the following electrical symbol represent on a blueprint?

circle with four lines coming out, like North, South, East and West (sort of like what's pictured below) l - O - I

What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with circulating pump distribution systems? compared to large and small pump

circulating pump system: water is constantly flowing in the pipes due to the use of a pump. It can be used with either an upfeed or downfeed system. This system is normally only used for hot water pipes. -It offers several advantages over the non-circulating systems: -Provides instant hot water to all fixture - Compared to small pipe systems: it provides constant pressure - compared to large pipe systems: It uses smaller pipes -As with every system, there are tradeoffs/ disadvantages: -Generally cost more to operate due to maintenance and energy costs related to the pump -They have higher heat losses through the pipe walls.

Which of the following methods for reducing the amount of waste sent to a land fill has the least potential of negative environmental consequences?


Describe the E's of sustainability

environment, equity, economics

Which of the following electrical sheathing can be used in a wet location?

underground feeder

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