HTML Study Set

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How do you set the primary language of an HTML document?

Add the 'lang' attribute to the opening 'html' tag. <html lang="en-US"> </html> If your HTML document's language is set, it will be indexed more effectively by search engines and it's useful to people with visual impairments using screen readers.

Why should all relevant radio buttons or checkboxes in a form have the same 'name' attribute?

All related radio buttons and checkboxes should have the same name attribute to create a group. <input type="radio" name="music">Pop <input type="radio" name="music">Rap <input type="radio" name="music">R&B By creating a radio group, selecting any single radio button will automatically deselect the other buttons within the same group ensuring only one answer is provided by the user.

What are HTML attributes?

An HTML attribute is a name-value pair that provides additional information about an element that you don't want to appear in the actual content. The attribute name and value is normally separated by an equal sign. <a href="">Link</a> 'href' is an attribute on the anchor tag, where 'href' is the name and the link is its value.

What are absolute URLs?

An absolute URL is the full address to a website. An absolute URL starts with the protocol and domain name of a website and can be followed by the path to a specific page. If no page is specified, the site will display the homepage. An absolute URL will always point to the same location, no matter where it is used.

What should go in the 'body' tag of an HTML document?

Any markup containing the content of the page (what displays for a user) should go into the body tag. <body> <!-- page contents --> </body> Everything inside this element is shown in the main browser window.

What should go in the 'head' tag of an HTML document?

Any markup with information about your page should go into the head tag. It contains information such as the page <title>, links to CSS, links to custom favicons, and other metadata (data about the HTML, such as the author, and important keywords that describe the document). <head> <!-- metadata elements --> </head>

How do you tell the browser to read your document using HTML5?

At the top of your document, you need to tell the browser which version of HTML your page is using. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> </html> Including this in all HTML files ensures the browser knows you're working with HTML5.

What are HTML attributes?

Attributes provide additional information about the contents of the element. They appear in the opening tag of an HTML element and consist of a name and a value, separated by an equal sign. <img src="image.png">

What are block-level tags?

Block-level tags typically begin and end with carriage returns, occupying their own line. Example: <p></p> There's an implied space above and below it.

What does the 'submit' button on a form do?

Clicking this button will send the data from your form to the URL you specified with your form's action attribute. <form action="/some-url"> <input type="text"> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form>

How do you add comments in HTML?

Comments in HTML starts with <!-- and ends with a -->

Why should you keep the 'thead' and 'tfoot' separate in an HTML table?

One reason to separate content into a 'thead' or 'tfoot' element is so that, if you have a table taller than the screen, you can use CSS to make the browser keep the header and footer visible while the contents of the table scroll.

What does the 'download' attribute do on a link?

The 'download' attribute provides a default save filename when you are linking to a resource that is to be downloaded rather than opened in the browser. <a href="link" download="link-name.exe">I'm going to be downloaded.</a>

What is the 'fieldset' tag?

The 'fieldset' tag is used to group together certain fields in a form. By default, it draws a border around all contained elements. It's used to supply a visual grouping to a set of form elements. <fieldset> <legend>Personal Data</legend> <label>Name</label> <input type="text"> <label>Email</label> <input type="email"> </fieldset> They can add a lot of visual appeal to a form.

When does it make sense to use the 'i' tag?

The 'i' element represents a section of text that would be said in a different way from surrounding content - such as technical terms, names of ships, foreign words, thoughts, or other terms that would be italicized. <p>It's a potato <i>Solanum teberosum</i></p>

What's the primary element used to get data from users in a form?

The 'input' element is the primary way you can get data from users in a form. It uses the 'type' attribute to define what type of information is to be captured. <form> <input type="text" name="username"> </form>

What does the 'maxlength' attribute do on a text field in a form?

The 'maxlength' attribute sets the larges number of characters that are allowed in the text field. <form> <input type="text" maxlength="100"> </form>

What does the 'method' attribute do on a form?

The 'method' attribute specifies how the form gets processed (get, post). <form action="page.php" method="get"></form>

What does the 'name' attribute do on an input tag in a form?

The 'name' attribute specifies a name for the element and is used in server-side and client-side processing. <input type="text" name="food">

What does the 'nav' element do in HTML?

The 'nav' element identifies a section of navigational links on a page. <nav> <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> </nav>

What does the 'nav' element do?

The 'nav' tag indicates that the content contains some sort of navigation elements, such as menus or lists of links. <nav></nav>

What does the 'required' attribute do in an 'input' element?

The 'required' attribute prevents users from submitting your form until he or she has filled out the required fields. <input type="text" required> This makes a text input field required.

What does the 's' tag do?

The 's' element indicates something that is no longer accurate or relevant but shouldn't be deleted. <p><s>Was $900</s></p> <p>Now only $300</p> The content will usually have a line running through it.

What does the 'scope' attribute do on a table heading?

The 'scope' attribute on a 'th' element indicates whether it's a heading for a column or row. - row: The header relates to all cells of the row it belongs to. - col: The header relates to all cells of the column it belongs to. <tr> <th scope="col">Heading</th> </tr>

Where's the best place to link to an external JavaScript file?

The 'script' element doesn't have to go in the head. It's often better to put it at the bottom of the document body (just before the closing 'body' tag), to make sure that all the HTML content has been read by the browser before it tries to apply JavaScript to it (to prevent errors if JavaScript tries to access an element that doesn't yet exist).

What is the 'select' tag?

The 'select' tag is used for dropdown lists (single and multiple select). <select> <option value="dog">Dog</option> <option value="cat">Cat</option> </select> Dropdown lists save space and limits input to the options available.

What does the 'size' attribute do on a text field in a form?

The 'size' attribute determines the number of characters that are displayed in the text field. <form> <input type="text" size="50"> </form>

What does the 'sub' element do?

The 'sub' element is used to contain characters that should be subscript, like foot notes or chemical formulas. <p>Water is H<sub>2</sub>0</p>

What does the 'sup' element do?

The 'sup' element is used to contain characters that should be superscript, like the suffixes of dates or mathematical concepts (raising a number to a power). <p>On the 4<sup>th</sup> of July</p>

What is the 'textarea' tag?

The 'textarea' tag is used for large blocks of text to capture text-based data. This can be useful for comment fields. <textarea name="comment"></textarea>

What does the 'title' attribute do in HTML?

The 'title' attribute specifies extra information about an element, adding a floating tooltip to an element when hovered over. <img src="image.jpeg" title="Fuzzy hamster">

What does the 'value' attribute do for elements in a form?

The 'value' attribute determines the default value of the text box. If you leave this attribute out, the text box loads empty. The 'value' attribute can also be used by JavaScript to do something. <form> <input type="text" value="Christina"> </form>

What is the 'div' element?

The div element, also known as a division element, is a general purpose container for other elements. <div></div>

What does wrapping an 'input' element inside of a 'label' element do?

The input element will automatically be associated with the label element surrounding it. <input type="radio" name="indoor">Indoor

What does the <main> HTML5 tag do?

The main HTML5 tag helps search engines and developers find the main content of your page.

How do you accept email address inputs on an HTML form?

Use the 'email' value on the 'type' attribute of an 'input' element in an HTML form to accept email addresses as inputs. <input type="email"> An email input is optimized for accepting email addresses. Mobile browsers may pop up specialized keyboards when a user is entering data into an email field.

How do you set a checkbox or radio button to be checked by default?

Use the "checked" attribute on the input element to set a checkbox or radio button to be checked by default. <input type="radio" name="animals" checked>

How should you include abbreviations and acronyms in HTML?

Use the 'abbr' tag together with the 'title' attribute to wrap your abbreviation or acronym. The 'title' attribute is used to specify the full term. <abbr title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration">NASA</abbr>

What should you use to display contact details for the author of the page?

Use the 'address' element to contain a physical address, phone number, and/or email address. <address> <p>[email protected]</p> </address> Browsers often display the content in italics.

How do you quote something in HTML?

Use the 'blockquote' tag to quote text. <blockquote> <p>I'm a fabulous quote.</p> </blockquote>

How do you add a heading to an entire table in HTML?

Use the 'caption' element to add a table heading, which must be inserted immediately after the opening 'table' element. <table> <caption>My Table</caption> </table>

How should you indicate where a quote is from in HTML?

Use the 'cite' attribute on a 'blockquote' element with a link as its value. <blockquote cite=""> <p>I'm a quote!</p> </blockquote>

What should you use when referencing a piece of work such as a book, film, or research paper?

Use the 'cite' element to indicate where the citation is from. <cite>A Brief History of Time</cite> Browsers will render the content in italics.

How do you make entries in a table stretch across more than one column?

Use the 'colspan' attribute on a 'th' or 'td' element to indicate how many columns that cell should run across.

How do you accept date inputs on an HTML form?

Use the 'date' value on the 'type' attribute of an 'input' element to accept date inputs on an HTML form. <input type="date"> A date field can show an interactive calendar when a user begins to enter a date.

How do you make text appear deleted (crossed out) on a Web page?

Use the 'del' tag to show text that has been deleted from a document. <p>It was the <del>worst</del> <ins>best</ins> idea she had ever had.</p> The content of the 'del' element will usually have a line through it.

The first time you explain new terminology in a document, what tag should you use?

Use the 'dfn' element to indicate the defining instance of a new term. <p>An <dfn>oranda goldfish</dfn> is a goldfish with a wen.</p> Some browsers show this content in italics.

How do you make an input field appear greyed out so a user can't enter any data?

Use the 'disabled' attribute on the input element to disable an element so a user can't input data. <input type="text" disabled>

How do you add captions to images in HTML?

Use the 'figcaption' element to add a caption to an image. You can associate this caption with your image by wrapping everything with 'figure' tags. <figure> <img src="image.png"> <p><figcaption>I'm an image caption</figcaption> </p> </figure>

How do you associate images with their captions?

Use the 'figure' element to contain images and their caption so the two are associated. <figure> <img src="image.jpg"><br> <figcaption>I'm a caption.</figcaption> </figure>

How do you create a break between themes in HTML?

Use the 'hr' tag to add a horizontal rule between sections on a page, when you have to change a topic in a book or new scene in a play (for example). <hr>

How do you make text appear inserted (added in) after old text was crossed out?

Use the 'ins' element to show content that has been inserted back into a document after it was deleted. <p>It was the <del>worst</del> <ins>best</ins> idea she had ever had.</p> The content is usually underlined.

What's the best way to add CSS to an HTML document?

Use the 'link' element in the head of your HTML to link to an external stylesheet. <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

How do you indicate a maximum numerical value your number and range inputs on a form can receive?

Use the 'max' attribute to indicate a maximum numerical value that can be entered in a number or range input. <input type="range" max="20">

How do you define an author for the page using metadata?

Use the 'meta' element. Add 'author' as the value for the 'name' attribute, along with the name of the author as the value for the 'content' attribute. <meta name="author" content="Christina Crowe">

How do you provide a concise description of the page using metadata?

Use the 'meta' element. Add 'description' as the value for the 'name' attribute and the description of the web page as the value for the 'content' attribute. <meta name="description" content="Complete Goldfish Care provides readers a complete resource to aquarium care."> Specifying a description that includes keywords relating to the content of your page has the potential to make your page appear higher in relevant search results.

How do you indicate a minimum numerical value your number and range inputs on a form can receive?

Use the 'min' attribute to indicate a minimum numerical value that can be entered in a number or range input. <input type="number" min="10">

How do you accept number inputs on an HTML form?

Use the 'number' value on the 'type' attribute of the 'input' element to accept number inputs on an HTML form. <input type="number"> This input element specifies a numeric field. It can also take minimum and maximum values, along with a 'step' value to indicate how much data will change in a range of numbers. Some browsers will add a visual component allowing users to select a number with small arrow buttons.

What do you add if you want to write a single-line quote?

Use the 'q' tag to add a single-line quote. <q>I'm a quote.</q> Some browsers will display content between quotes.

How do you accept a range of numbers on an HTML form?

Use the 'range' value on the 'type' attribute of an 'input' element to accept a range of numbers on an HTML form. <input type="range" min="0" max="10" step="2"> You can indicate minimum and maximum values, along with a 'step' value to indicate how much data will change in a range of numbers. This uses a small scrollbar to simplify user input.

How do you make entries in a table stretch down more than one row?

Use the 'rowspan' attribute on a 'th' or 'td' element to indicate how many rows a cell should span down.

What's the best way to add JavaScript to an HTML document?

Use the 'script' element to link to an external JavaScript file, with the path of the file as the value of the 'src' attribute. The 'script' element can either go in the head or right before the closing 'body' tag.

How do you indicate how much a number will change in a range of numbers on a number or range input of an HTML form?

Use the 'step' attribute to indicate how much a number will change in a range of numbers on an HTML form. <input type="range" min="5" max="20" step="5">

How do you accept time inputs on an HTML form?

Use the 'time' value on the 'type' attribute of an 'input' element to accept time inputs on an HTML form. <input type="time"> By using a 'time' input element, a time field can show a small dialogue for retrieving time information from a user.

How do you accept web address inputs on an HTML form?

Use the 'url' value on the 'type' attribute of the 'input' element to accept web address inputs on an HTML form. <input type="url"> This creates a field for entering links and mobile browsers may have a specialized pop-up keyboard with special characters used in website URLs.

What are relative URLs?

When linking to other pages within the same website, you can use relative URLs. A relative path is a link that points to other files on your website relative to the web page you're linking from. You don't need to specify the domain name here. index.html A relative URL will point to different places depending on where the file it is used inside is located. Relative URLs help when building a site on your computer because you can create links between pages without having to set up your domain name or hosting.

What's the 'span' element used for?

You use the 'span' element to wrap content when you want to apply CSS to it (or do something to it with JavaScript) without giving it any extra meaning. <span></span> It has no semantics.

What is index.html used for in most websites?

index.html is usually a website's homepage. Web servers are usually set up to return the index.html file if no file name is specified.

How do you create a dead link in HTML?

Replace the href attribute value with a # (hash symbol). <a href="#">This is a dead link.</a> Sometimes you want to add a elements to your website before you know where they will link.

Who creates the standards of HTML?

The World Wide Web Consortium

When linking to a page, how do you tell the browser to move up to the parent folder?

Add "../" to link to a file that's one folder above the file you're linking from. <a href="../index.html">I'm a link.</a> This goes up by one parent folder.

What does the 'label' tag do in HTML forms?

A 'label' tag is used to associate a field's heading with the input field. Labels make a form easier to style with CSS. <label for="cat">Cat</label> <input id="cat" type="text">

What is a block-level element?

A block-level element forms a visible block on the page. It starts a new line before and after the element. It also consumes the whole width available. These are block-level elements: <p></p> <h1> to <h6> <form></form> <div></div>

What are boolean attributes in HTML?

A boolean attribute is an attribute written without a value. This is completely valid. <input type="checkbox" checked> <input type="text" disabled> Boolean attributes can only have one value, which is generally the same as the attribute name.

What are document fragments and how do you link to one in HTML?

A document fragment is a specific part of an HTML document. You can link to a document fragment, rather than just to the top of the document. Do this by assigning an 'id' attribute to the element you want to link to (normally a heading). Then to link to that specific id, include it at the end of the URL, preceded by a hash/pound symbol. <h2 id="Mailing_address">Mailing address</h2> <p>Use our <a href="contacts.html#Mailing_address">mailing address</a>.</p> You can also use the document fragment reference on its own to link to another part of the same document. <p>The <a href="#Mailing_address">company mailing address</a> can be found at the bottom of this page.</p>

What does a markup language do?

A markup language, like HTML, allows you to annotate text, and these annotations provide additional meaning to the contents of a document.

When you place content between 'textarea' tags, which attribute do you replace on 'input' elements?

Content between 'textarea' tags replace the 'value' attribute on 'input' elements. <textarea>These tags don't need a 'value' attribute because content can be placed here.</textarea> The text area can contain a lot more information than an ordinary 'input' element, so rather than placing data in the 'value' attribute, the content of the text goes between 'textarea' tags.

How do you create a link designed to send an email to a specified email address?

Create a link that starts up the user's email program and addresses an email to a specified email address by using the 'a' element. Give the 'href' attribute a value that starts with 'mailto:' and is followed by the email address you want the email to be sent to. <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email Christina</a>

What are definition lists good for in HTML?

Definition lists are very useful if you have name and value pairs. <dl> <dt>Cat</dt> <dd>A furry feline companion.</dd> </dl>

What are empty elements in HTML?

Empty elements don't have content or a closing tag, just an opening tag. This tag is usually used to insert/embed something in the document at the place it is included. <img src="someimage.png"> The 'img' element embeds an image file onto a page in the position it is included in. Empty elements like this are also sometimes called void elements.

What type of input do you use for questions in a form that have multiple answers?

Forms commonly use checkboxes for questions that may have more than one answer. <label for="loving">Loving</label> <input id="loving" type="checkbox" name="personality"> <label for="caring">Caring</label> <input id="caring" type="checkbox" name="personality"> <label for="kind">Kind</label> <input id="kind" type="checkbox" name="personality"> Each checkbox represents a true or false value that can be selected or not selected. The user can check none of the options, all of them, or any combination.

What are HTML elements?

HTML elements structure a document into logical sections. They usually consist of an opening tag, a closing tag, and the content that lies between them. <p>I am a mouse.</p> HTML uses elements to describe the structure of pages. Elements can be applied to pieces of text to give them different meaning in a document. They can also embed content into a page, such as images and video.

What should go in the 'thead' element on an HTML table?

Headings of a table should sit inside the 'thead' element. <thead> <tr> <th>Heading 1</th> <th>Heading 2</th> </tr> </thead>

Why should you add 'height' and 'width' attributes to the 'img' element?

If you leave out height and width, the browser determines the size of the image automatically. But you aren't guaranteed to see the text until all images have loaded. Adding these attributes lets the browser format the page without waiting for the images. <img src="image.jpeg" width="500" height="600">

Why should you include an ID to elements in an HTML form?

If you're going to write programming code with JavaScript or PHP, you'll need an ID for reference. <input type="checkbox" id="dog" value="dog">

How do you tell the browser to render the page using the universal character set that includes any character from any human language?

Include a 'charset' attribute in the 'meta' tag with the value 'utf-8' in the 'head' section of the HTML document. <meta charset="utf-8"> This specifies your document's character encoding. The 'charset' attribute sets the character set your document should use to UTF-8. It's a good idea to set this on every web page you create.

Why do you have to include 'html' tags?

Including html tags tells the browser that everything between these two tags are going to be type html. <html></html>

What is an inline element?

Inline elements only occupy the space bounded by the tags defining the element, instead of breaking the flow of the content. An inline element doesn't begin on a new line and can be placed beside other elements. These are inline elements: <a></a> <strong></strong> <input> <span></span> Inline elements are contained within block-level elements and surround only small parts of a document's content. You can't define the width of the element.

What are inline tags?

Inline tags are meant to be embedded into block-level tags, such as list items, headings, and paragraphs. Example: <a href="">Link</a>

Why should you match the 'for' attribute on a 'label' element with the 'id' attribute on an 'input' element?

It is considered best practice to set a for attribute on the label element, with a value that matches the value of the id attribute of the input element. <label for="username">Username:</label> <input id="username" type="text" name="signup"> Now when the user clicks on the username text, the browser will automatically put focus on the corresponding input field. This allows assistive technologies to create a linked relationship between the label and the child input element.

What does the 'meta' tag do in an HTML document?

Meta information is information about the web page. The 'meta' tag gives the browser more details about how to render the page. 'meta' tags are placed in the 'head' of an HTML document. <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> Add this line above any other elements in the 'head' section.

Is HTML a programming language?

NO, HTML is a markup language used to tell the browser how to structure the web pages you visit. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

Can you define the width of an inline element?

No, you can't define the width of an inline element. If you want to define the width, create a block-level element.

Can block-level elements be nested inside inline elements?

No. A block-level element shouldn't be nested inside an inline element. But it might be nested inside another block-level element. <section> <article></article> </section>

What's the 'placeholder' attribute used for in an 'input' element?

Placeholder text is what is displayed in your input element before your user has inputted anything. It's used to give a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field. <input type="text" placeholder="email address">

What type of input do you use for questions in a form that have only one answer but multiple options?

Radio buttons are used for questions that require multiple options but only one answer. <label for="dog">Dog</label> <input id="dog" type="radio" name="animals"> <label for="cat">Cat</label> <input id="cat" type="radio" name="animals"> <label for="duck">Duck</label> <input id="duck" type="radio" name="animals">

Why should you use relative links whenever possible?

Relative links are easy to scan and don't require the browser to do extra work. When you use an absolute URL, the browser starts by looking up the real location of the server on the Domain Name System (DNS), then it goes to that server and finds the file that is being requested. With a relative URL, the browser just looks up the file that is being requested, on the same server.

How do you add a custom favicon to your website?

Save favicons in .ico format if you want browsers as far back as Internet Explorer 6 to display it. Then reference the favicon with this code: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> You may see favicons displayed in the browser tab and next to bookmarked pages in the bookmarks panel.

How do you set subsections of your HTML document to be recognized as different languages?

Simply add the 'lang' attribute to the element with the appropriate language as its value.4 <span lang="ja">ご飯が熱い</span>

How do you submit data to a server from a web form using pure HTML?

Specify an action on your form element with the 'action' attribute. The 'action' attribute indicates what should happen when the form is submitted. <form action="/url-where-you-want-to-submit-form-data"></form>

What does the 'action' attribute do on a form?

The 'action' attribute specifies the page or script used to process the form on the server side. <form action="page.php"></form>

What does the 'article' element do?

The 'article' tag is used to denote an article, like a blog posting. <section> <article></article> <article></article> </section>

When does it make sense to use the 'b' tag?

The 'b' tag is used to convey a meaning traditionally conveyed by bold: Key words, product names, or a lead sentence. <p><b>Slice</b> two pieces of bread off the loaf.</p> <p><b>Insert</b> a tomato slice between the pieces of bread.</p>

Why should you use the 'button' tag instead of the 'input' element when creating buttons for HTML forms?

The 'button' tag adds more functionality to forms and you can place images or styled text inside a button. <button><img src="image.jpeg" alt="click me"></button>

In an HTML table, does 'colspan' span down or across?

The attribute 'colspan' spans across.

In an HTML table, does 'rowspan' span down or across?

The attribute 'rowspan' spans down.

What is an 'alt' attribute on an 'img' tag?

The text inside an alt attribute is used for screen readers to improve accessibility and is displayed if the image fails to load. <img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."> All 'img' elements should have one. If the image is purely decorative, using an empty alt attribute is a best practice.

What does the 'section' element do?

This is a generic element for a section of the page. You can have several sections. <section></section>

How do you specify the size of a 'textarea' element?

To specify the size of a 'textarea' element, use the 'rows' and 'cols' attributes. <textarea rows="10" cols="50"></textarea>

Should images purely for decoration have an 'alt' attribute?

Yes, all images should have an alt attribute. But this attribute should have an empty set of quotes. <img src="layout-divider.jpg" alt="">

Should you include an 'alt' attribute to images for valid HTML?

Yes, you should always include an 'alt' attribute to images in HTML. <img src="image.jpeg" alt="Fuzzy dwarf hamster eating pineapple">

How do you clear form data with an HTML button?

You can clear form data to its default values by changing the button type to 'reset'. <button type="reset">Reset</button>

How do you create a drop-down list in HTML?

You can create a drop-down list with 'select' tags and 'option' elements. <select> <option value="cat">Cat</option> <option value="dog">Dog</option> <option value="fish">Fish</option> </select>

Which is the only heading you should only have one of in HTML?

You can have as my 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', and 'h6' tags as you want, but you should only have one <h1> heading. <h1>You Should Only Have One</h1> Generally this heading should be used once per page, to mark up the title of your page content (the story title, news headline, etc.)

How can you organize HTML tables?

You can organize HTML tables with 'thead', 'tbody', and 'tfoot' tags. <table> <thead></thead> <tbody></tbody> <tfoot></tfoot> </table> Then place table data into each section.

How do you remove dropdown behavior from the 'select' element?

You can specify the number of rows to display with the 'size' attribute so that those options are always visible on screen and not in a dropdown menu. <select size="2"> <option value="dog">Dog</option> <option value="cat">Cat</option> </select>

Which tag should the name of your website be between?

You should include the name of your website between 'h1' tags to emphasize significance. This is also good for SEO. <h1>Mammoth Interactive</h1>

What type of button should you use for client-side scripting?

You should use the value 'button' on the 'type' attribute in the 'button' element, instead of 'submit'. This is good for event handling because this type of button doesn't have to link anywhere on a server. <button type="button">Click Me</button>

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