HTS 3022 Exam 2

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Advantages and two disadvantages of AIAW

Advantages: allows athletes to participate in governing body, focuses on student first Disadvantages: does not provide funding for recruitment, will not provide financial aid semester students transfer

True or False: The US Women's National Soccer Team is using Title IX as the basis of their equal pay lawsuit against US Soccer


True or False: When there are comparable sports (like girls and boys basketball) high schools must spend an equal amount of money on each program.


Pape argues that international track and field could (and should) consider "the road it has not yet travelled." What is this road and what is Pape arguing that this governing body should do?

IAAF could take the lead in creating a sporting environment in which it becomes possible to truly recognise women with high testosterone as the humans, daughters and sister they are

Who is Chris Ernst? What did she and the Yale Rowing team do to protest and why were they protesting? What were the results?

two-time Olympic rower, in 1976 galvanized her Yale rowing team to urge compliance with Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

"No person...shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance"

Why did the NCAA oppose the implementation of Title IX?

- Due to large amount of money it takes to keep football, NCAA opposed Title IX and did not think it was needed - Feared they would have to share resources like never had to before and it would hurt men's sports, especially football

Describe 3 effects of Title IX according to Sandler

- Increased awareness about sex discrimination, women became a new advocacy group - Programs that excluded women or treated them differently abolished - Title IX increased confidence and self-esteem of girls - Girls' participation and interest in sports skyrocketed

Identify a few of the inequalities that existed for girls and women in educational settings prior to Title IX. What do these inequalities suggest about the state of sport at that time?

- Princeton used fed funding to encourage minority students to enter engineering but no females were allowed to enroll - Women received 22 % of doctorates in psych in 1960's but no women hired in dept at UC Berkeley - No athletic scholarships for women athletes except in a few historically Black institutes

Who is Caster Semenya—what does her case reveal?

- claim that rules were unfair, discriminatory, and harmful - refused to use medical interventions to lower her testosterone levels - IAAF has lacking evidence of increased performance from testosterone

What are the five myths about testosterone and why are these myths according to the authors? Theorize what you think might be some effects of these myths.

- greater levels of testosterone = greater levels of athletic performance. - testosterone is the male hormone - drives aggression ans sexual violence - testosterone supercharges your love life - it caused the 2008 market crash

Dworkin studies three groups: non-lifters, moderate lifters, and heavy lifters. Discuss the characteristics of each group and what members of each group think about and practice weight lifting

- more heavy lifters at the Mid gym because women of color have to use their body to perform heavy physical labor in the paid labor force - more moderate lifters at Elite Gym than at Mid-Gym

From the Mahomed article (Global Injustice in sport) be able to identify the four elements of human rights norms that the United Nations suggests in an open letter that IAAF (international track and field) has violated with sex testing.

- right to equality and non-discrimination - right to highest attainable standard of physical and mental health - right to physical and bodily integrity - right to freedom from torture, and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and harmful practices

Why is it difficult even impossible to flatten athleticism into a single dimension such as testosterone level?

- testosterone doesn't drive a single path to athletic performance - weight lifters are shown to have higher testosterone than cyclists but cyclist who had lower testosterone scored much higher than others on maximal workload

Advantages and two disadvantages of NCAA

Advantages: Better funded thus the schools gets more reimbursement, provides funding for recruitment Disadvantages: Against Title IX, focus on the sport rather than the student, when transferring athletes will not be able to play that semester but can get financial aid

True or False: Based upon survey results, high school athletic administrators overwhelmingly understand the role of the school's Title IX coordinator and are supported by the Title IX coordinator


True or False: Failure to comply with Title Ix can result in the loss of federal funds and since Title IX's inception in 1972, 17 universities have had their federal funding suspended until they reached gender equity compliance within their athletic departments


True or False: In order to be in compliance, a program must have an equal number of men's team and women's teams


True or False: Money raised through alumni donations or booster clubs is exempt from Title IX regulations


True or False: Scholarship money must be awarded equally with 50% of all scholarship dollars distributed to women's sports and 50% distributed to men's sports


True or False: To be in compliance with the participation component, schools must demonstrate each of the following: proportionality, history and continuing practice of increasing opportunities, and effective accommodation of interests and abilities


Be able to identify Georgia Tech and Miami University numbers in regard to % student undergraduate population as women, % of women athletes, % of scholarship distributed to women.

Miami and GT aid 60-40 even though the students are about 50-50

List myths regarding Title IX and sport--and then discuss the counter claims offered about these myths

Schools must spend equally on men's and women's sports, Title IX is controversial, Title IX forces schools to cut men's sports

True or False: A private high school that receives no federal funding is not required to comply with Title IX


True or False: Budgets provided for men and women's sports' equipment/uniforms do not have to be equal in terms of dollars spent, but do need to be of comparable quality


True or False: The state with the most severe case of inequality as measured by the gender equity gap is GA where ⅔ of high schools have large gaps


3 part standard for participation created with Title IX

accommodate interests/abilities, pattern of increasing opportunities, participation opportunities are proportional to % of each group in school population

Who is Joni Barnett? What did she do in response to the protest by the Yale crew team? The Yale rowers statement discussed their exploitation, what is their argument in this regard?

athletic director at Yale, wrote letter to upper administration about how they needed to not delay in getting the women a new boathouse and really advocated for the women

Why was the AIAW formed, what basic philosophy did the organization promote?

formed to create opportunities for female athletes and focus on women as students rather than athletes representing the school

Why is it not accurate to label testosterone simply as "the male sex hormone"?

suggests that it is restricted to men and alien to women's bodies, women also produce and require testosterone as part of healthy functioning

What is the thesis (argument) of this article?

women in prehistoric time use to have stronger arms than men

Make one connection between this article and the Dworkin article

women's bodies change due to social expectations rather than just biology

According to Dworkin (but in your own words) what is the glass ceiling in women's weight lifting and bodybuilding?

women's body are not limited by biology but by ideologies of emphasized femininity, results in holding back

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