Human A&P 1-Ch. 3 and 4 Mastering Assignment

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Which of these images shows hyaline cartilage?


Which of the following events occurs during transcription?

A molecule of RNA is formed based on the sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

If the DNA triplet is ATC, the tRNA anticodon will be __________.


Substances can move across the plasma membrane in two different ways—actively or passively. This activity will help you determine whether transport mechanisms actively or passively move substances across the membrane. Sort the following types of membrane transport mechanisms into active or passive processes.

Active Process- -Primary Active Transport -Secondary Active Transport -Endocytosis -Exocytosis Passive Process- -Simple Diffusion -Facilitated Diffusion -Osmosis

Which of the following statements about cells is FALSE?

Cells join together to form organelles, which then form our organs and organ systems.

Which one of the following does not play a role in translation?


Which protein joins together the Okazaki fragments of DNA in the lagging strand?

DNA ligase

Which statement about DNA replication is FALSE?

DNA ligase adds nucleotides to the lagging strand.

The enzyme that builds synthesizes the new DNA strand during replication is __________.

DNA polymerase

Which of the following builds new strands of DNA?

DNA polymerase

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of animal cells?


Which of those the following components is NOT a component found in the cytoplasm?


The cell cycle is divided into two main parts: interphase and cell division. Interphase is the period in which the cell is performing normal functions and not actively engaged in cell division. Most of your body's cells spend a lot of their time in interphase. Before a cell can divide, what must occur during interphase?

Each chromatin fiber is duplicated in the nucleus.

Which of the following lists, in correct order, the phases of interphase?

G1, S, G2

What is the basic difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion across a cell membrane?

In facilitated diffusion, molecules only move with the aid of a protein in the membrane.

Which of the following is NOT one of the phases of interphase?

M phase

Which of the following is most likely to move through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion?


Use the table to determine the amino acid sequence, based on the following mRNA: UUUAAACCCGGG.

Phe - Lys - Pro - Gly

Human cell division is commonly referred to as the Mitotic (M) phase, since most body cells only undergo mitosis. The M phase of the cell cycle includes mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitosis is the division of the cell's nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei and consists of four separate phases. Place the four phases of mitosis in the correct order of occurrence from left to right.

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Now that you have learned the correct order for the phases of mitosis, this activity will test your understanding of events that occur during each phase. Sort the following events into the phase of mitosis that they occur.

Prophase- -Nuclear envelope breaks up -DNA condenses into chromosomes -centrosomes move to opposite sides of the cell -mitotic spindle fibers form and attach to centromeres Metaphase- -Chromosomes align in the center of the cell Anaphase- -Sister chromatids separate into chromosomes -Chromosomes move along the spindle fibers Telophase- -chromosomes relax and nuclear envelopes form -chromosomes reach the opposite ends of cell -completion of cytokinesis

The enzyme that synthesizes the RNA strand during transcription is:

RNA polymerase

Which of the following functions is NOT one of the functions associated with the cytoskeleton?

Serves as the site for metabolic reactions such as protein synthesis

During DNA replication, which nucleotide will bind to an A nucleotide in the original or parental DNA strand?


What would happen if a cell completed several rounds of mitosis but did not undergo cytokinesis?

The cell would keep getting larger in size

If a person is severely dehydrated, their extracellular fluids will become hypertonic to the intracellular fluid. What do you predict will happen to the person's cells?

The cells will lose water and shrink

Which statement best describes strand characteristics as it relates to DNA replication?

The leading strand is built continuously, and the lagging strand is built in pieces.

Which of the following occurs as a result of ribosomal translocation?

The tRNA that was in the A site moves into the P site

Predict what will happen to a patient's red blood cells if you give the patient an IV of pure water.

They will burst

The RNA base complementary to A in DNA is:


A sequence of three nucleotides on mRNA is called:

a codon

What is the function of simple columnar epithelium lining parts of the digestive tract, such as the small intestines?


The major energy reserve in the body is found stored as fat in:

adipose tissue

During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids move apart?


The stage of mitosis during which sister chromatids separate and daughter chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles of the cell is called __________.


The free surface of an epithelial tissue is the:

apical surface

The nucleolus __________.

assembles ribosomes

Chondrocytes are to cartilage as osteocytes are to:


Bone, or osseous, tissue provides protection for our vital organs since the inorganic ground substance is:

calcium phosphate crystals

Which of the following is not required for osmosis to occur?

cellular energy

When a double helix of DNA is replicated, two complete helices are formed. Together, these helices are called sister __________.


This figure shows the structure of __________.


Tightly coiled DNA molecules present during cell division are known as:


How would you classify this epithelial cell?


The tissue pictured in this figure is:

composed of a single layer of columnar cells appearing stratified.

The skin is also called the __________.

cutaneous membrane

What is the name of the process by which the cytoplasm divides in two?


Which of the following is a function of lysosomes?

digest and recycle damaged organelles

Nerve cells do not have centrioles. Therefore, they are NOT able to __________.


Glands that secrete their products directly into the blood are called __________.

endocrine glands

A white blood cell engulfs a bacterium through a process called:


Which of the following processes are functionally opposite to one another?

endocytosis and exocytosis

A vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents to the extracellular fluid. This statement describes _____.


Which of the following is used to export large molecules out of the cell?


Which of the following is NOT a tissue type?

extracellular tissue

Some transport processes use transport proteins in the plasma membrane, but do not require ATP. This type of transport is known as _____.

facilitated diffusion

The majority of water molecules moving across plasma membranes by osmosis do so via a process that is most similar to ____.

facilitated diffusion

Which of the following substances is not able to cross a plasma membrane via simple diffusion?


Solution A and solution B are separated by a semipermeable membrane. Solution A contains 1% glucose, solution B contains 5% glucose. By diffusion:

glucose will move from solution B to solution A.

The study of normal tissue structure is called __________.


If the ECF is more concentrated than the cytosol, then the ECF is:


This cell is in a(n) __________ solution.


Which of the following solutions contains the most solute?


Where in a typical eukaryotic cell would you expect to find genes?

in the DNA within the cell's nucleus

The toxin ricin rapidly and completely deactivates the ribosome. It is lethal to humans, because it will:

inhibit translation

During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA duplication, or replication, take place?


In order for a cell to divide, all of its chromosomes must be duplicated in a process called DNA replication. During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur? Select the best answer.


In general, to maintain homeostasis the relationship between our intracellular and extracellular fluids should be which of the following?

isotonic to each other

In which of the following locations would you expect to find simple columnar epithelium?

lining of the digestive tract

Which of the following acts as the digestive system of the cell, breaking down materials?


Which of the following does not occur during RNA processing?

mRNA attaches to the small subunit of a ribosome.

Which of the following is a correct statement about mRNA?

mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm following RNA processing.

Name the mitochondrial structure identified by the question mark.


During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids line up at the center of the cell?


The initiator tRNA always brings the amino acid:


Regions of the body which require large surface area for absorption, such as the cells covering the inner surface of the small intestine, often have __________.


A primary active transport process is one in which __________.

molecules move through transport proteins that have been activated by ATP

Which of the following best explains diffusion?

movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

What type of membrane lines cavities that open to the outside of the body?

mucous membrane

Striations are a structural feature associated with some:

muscle cells

Within the nucleus, where does ribosome assembly occur?


Where does transcription of DNA into RNA occur?


Which of the following is the main component of the cell membrane?


The sodium-potassium pump uses ATP to move sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane. This statement describes _____.

primary active transport

Which of the following membrane transport mechanisms requires ATP?

primary active transport

Transcription factors bind to the ___________ on DNA.

promoter sequence

During which of the following phases does chromatin condense and become chromosomes?


During which phase of mitosis do the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear?


Which of the following lists, in correct order, the phases of mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

What is NOT a function of the peroxisome?

protein synthesis

What is the function of this membrane protein?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of a typical eukaryotic cell?


Where does protein synthesis occur?


The site of translation is

ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the cell membrane?


You examine a tissue slide through the microscope and recognize one layer of cells that are mostly tall and elongated. You determine this tissue to be:

simple columnar epithelium

This is an example of __________.

simple squamous epithelium

The paired and identical copies of a chromosome, which are joined at a centromere, are called __________.

sister chromatids

Which of the following is least likely to increase the rate of diffusion?

small concentration gradient

The type of involuntary muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow organs and blood vessels is __________.

smooth muscle

Diffusion is the movement of _________.

solute down its concentration gradient

Cholesterol in the plasma membrane __________.

stabilizes the structure of the plasma membrane when the temperature changes

You are observing a tissue under the microscope and you see multiple layers of flattened cells. You identify this tissue as __________.

stratified squamous epithelium

Which of the following functions is not associated epithelial tissues?


If the ECF is hypotonic, the cell will:


What lubricates movable joints such as the hip, knee, and elbow?

synovial fluid

During which of the following phases does DNA replication occur?


Predict the meaning of the term "reverse transcription."

synthesis of DNA using RNA as a template

This is a molecule of __________.


During which phase of mitosis do nuclear envelopes and the nucleoli reappear?


Where in the body would you find this type of tissue?


If the intercalated discs of cardiac muscle lost their functionality...

the heart muscle would not be able to contract in unison.

Histology is __________.

the study of normal structure of tissues

The role of tRNA in translation is __________.

to bring amino acids to the ribosome

Osteoblasts are immature cells that build bone and carry out the process of bone deposition.


The main component of the cytosol is:


Solution A and solution B are separated by a semipermeable membrane. Solution A contains 1% glucose, solution B contains 5% glucose. By osmosis:

water will move from solution A to solution B.

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