Human Development CHAPTER 16

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70. Which statement is true about launching children and moving on?

70. Which statement is true about launching children and moving on?

112. Which employee is the most likely to be assigned to a high-risk, high-visibility leadership role?

A) Garrett, a European-American man

81. __________ is the strongest predictor of frequent, face-to-face interaction with young grandchildren.

A) Living nearby

122. Which statement is true about retirement in the United States?

A) Retirees' income typically drops by 50 percent.

20. Which statement is true about people who flexibly modify their identities in response to age-related changes yet maintain a sense of self-continuity?

A) They are higher in self-esteem.

35. Which statement is true about possible selves?

A) They may be an especially strong motivator of action in midlife

116. Typically, when a middle-aged worker experiences an extreme career shift, the reason is __________.

A) a personal crisis

107. One key characteristic that predicts job satisfaction among middle-aged workers is having __________.

A) a reasonable workload

101. Middle-aged people __________.

A) attach great value to the friendship relationship

3. Childless middle-aged adults __________.

A) become generative as mentors in the workplace, community volunteers, or in family relationships

79. A person who lists being a valued older adult as a gratification of grandparenthood especially values __________.

A) being perceived as a wise, helpful person

108. Meerab has been teaching middle school for 22 years. As the new school year approaches, she feels mentally exhausted and unsure if she is making any impact in her students' lives. Meerab is experiencing __________.

A) burnout

58. Gregor, age 17, is high in conscientiousness. Gregor __________.

A) can anticipate that this trait will increase through middle age

87. Compared with children in divorced, single-parent families, blended families, or foster families, children reared by grandparents __________.

A) fare better in adjustment

44. Hart volunteers with Habitat for Humanity. When he is at a work site, he is so engrossed in activity that he loses all sense of time and self-awareness. When he volunteers, Hart experiences __________.

A) flow

76. After all five of her children struck out on their own, Naomi made sure everyone stayed in touch by creating a family blog. She also took charge of gathering the family for celebrations. Naomi is her family's __________.

A) kinkeeper

63. Happiness with one's __________ is more strongly associated with life satisfaction than happiness in other domains.

A) marriage

93. The greatest source of stress for middle-aged adults who share a household with an aging parent is __________.

A) problem behavior

117. Unemployed middle-aged workers __________ than younger job-seekers.

A) remain jobless longer

40. Cate, age 49, acknowledges that she has both good and bad qualities, yet she feels positively about herself and life. Cate exhibits __________.

A) self-acceptance

21. Deangelo, age 52, has been unemployed for 18 months. Having spent his entire life living below the poverty line, Deangelo often felt like he never found a respected place in society. Deangelo is probably directing his energies toward __________.

A) survival

73. Which parents of grown children are the most likely to give positive reports of their own psychological well-being?

A) the Peruzzis, who have a successful only child

12. According to Levinson, middle adulthood begins with a __________.

A) transitional period

9. Narratives of highly generative people __________.

A) usually contain commitment stories

25. When MIDUS participants were asked to describe "turning points" that had occurred during the past five years, most __________.

A) were positive

13. Betty just celebrated her fiftieth birthday. She marked the occasion by taking hang-gliding lessons and purchasing a more mature wardrobe. According to Levinson, Betty is engaged in which developmental task?

A) young-old

53. Sudie is calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional, and hardy. She is low in which "big five" personality trait?

Answer: A

77. Which statement to an adult child is the most likely to promote positive ties?

B) "Let us know if we can help."

22. According to Vaillant, __________ is a major preoccupation of midlife.

B) "passing the torch"

8. Which statement about generativity and stagnation is true?

B) Among well-educated women, those with children express greater generative concerns.

92. Which statement is true about caring for aging parents?

B) As adults move from early to later middle age, the sex difference in parental caregiving declines.

64. Which statement is true about couples in their forties, fifties, and sixties?

B) In interviews, lesbian couples describe more openness and honesty in sharing thoughts and feelings with partners.

100. Which statement is true about friendships during midlife?

B) Many midlifers connect regularly with friends through social media.

47. Nat is 42. His sister, Kiana, is 25. Which statement is the most likely to be true based solely on their ages?

B) Nat is more likely than Kiana to anticipate and plan ways to handle future discomforts

85. Which statement is true about grandparents?

B) Relationships with daughters- or sons-in-law strongly affect the closeness of grandchild ties.

45. Which statement is true about psychological well-being in midlife?

B) The role of marriage in mental health increases with age, becoming a powerful predictor by late midlife.

111. Which statement is true about job training for older workers?

B) They depend more than younger workers on co-worker encouragement for vocational development

72. Whether or not they reside with parents, young-adult children who __________ can prompt parental strain.

B) are "off-time" in development

113. Women who demonstrate __________ in the workplace often encounter prejudice.

B) assertiveness

89. Middle-aged men are __________ with aging parents.

B) becoming more involved in family responsibilities

42. Compared with younger people, middle-aged adults see themselves as __________.

B) capable of effectively managing a complex array of tasks

36. Throughout adulthood, the personality traits people assign to their current selves show __________.

B) considerable stability

59. Neuroticism __________ from adolescence through middle age.

B) declines

27. The majority of MIDUS participants who reported experiencing a midlife crisis __________.

B) defined such events much more loosely than researchers do

15. As Angelo approaches age 50, he feels increasingly disheartened about his poor relationship with his two sons. At work, he volunteers to mentor a young new hire about the age of his oldest boy. According to Levinson, Angelo is confronting which developmental task?

B) destruction-creation

95. Compared with European Americans, Korean-American caregivers of parents with mental disabilities __________.

B) experienced more anxiety and depression

54. Guy is reserved, quiet, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive. He is low in which "big five" personality trait?

B) extroversion

74. Throughout middle adulthood, parents of grown children __________.

B) give more financial support to the children than they receive

68. In her first relationship following her divorce, 48-year-old Edwina reevaluated what she considered important in a healthy relationship. She most likely places __________.

B) greater weight on equal friendship

115. In the United States today, one-third of women-owned firms __________.

B) have ethnic minority owners

80. Neil and Mark cannot wait to spoil their granddaughter. They love the idea of having fun with her all day and then sending her home with their son when she gets tired and cranky. Which gratification of grandparenthood is probably most important to them?

B) indulgence

61. The term "empty nest" is no longer used to refer to the middle adulthood phase of the family life cycle because __________.

B) it implies a negative transition, especially for women who have stayed at home

49. In recently gathered self-reports, __________.

B) men's and women's endorsement of "masculine" and "feminine" traits showed little change throughout adulthood

57. Individuals who are low in conscientiousness are __________.

B) negligent, lazy, disorganized, late, aimless, and nonpersistent

18. In Levinson's engagement-separateness task, men and women with successful careers may __________.

B) reduce their concern with achievement

28. Among a nationally representative sample of Americans, life regrets centered mainly on __________.

B) romantic and family relationships

119. People who lose their jobs in midlife __________.

B) seldom duplicate the status and pay of their previous position

5. Adults with a sense of stagnation may express their self-absorption through __________.

B) taking little interest in being productive at work

105. When different aspects of jobs are considered, contentment with __________ shows a strong age-related gain.

B) the work itself

103. Middle-aged employees more often __________.

B) try to improve group performance

51. In longitudinal research, __________ gained most in dominance, assertiveness, and outspokenness by their early fifties.

B) women who attained high status in their careers

88. Which statement is true about middle-aged children and their aging parents?

C) A longer life expectancy means that adult children and their parents are increasingly likely to grow old together.

96. Which statement is true about sibling relationships in middle adulthood?

C) Despite reduced contact, many siblings feel closer in midlife, often in response to major life events

2. Martin, age 47, is single and has no children. Which of Martin's activities reflects generativity?

C) He volunteers at the YMCA as a coach and as a "big brother" to preadolescent boys.

65. Which statement is true about divorce in midlife?

C) In the United States, the divorce rate among adults age 50 and over has doubled in the past two decades.

60. Which statement is true about the "big five" personality traits?

C) Individual differences in the "big five" traits are large and highly stable.

46. In comparisons of Japanese and Korean adults with same-age U.S. MIDUS participants, __________.

C) Japanese and Koreans' highest well-being scores were on positive relations with others

114. Kindra, a female senior manager, and Lou, a male senior manager, are both promoted to comparable positions. Which statement is more likely to be true?

C) Kindra probably has earned higher performance ratings than Lou.

82. Which grandparent is likely to report more frequent visits with grandchildren?

C) Lashawn, a maternal grandmother

75. __________ parents give more overall support to their grown children.

C) Low-SES

102. Which statement is true about vocational life in middle adulthood?

C) More so than in earlier or later years, people attempt to increase the personal meaning of their work lives.

7. Which parent is most likely to be generative?

C) Princess, who is authoritative

106. Which middle-aged worker is likely to experience the biggest increase in job satisfaction?

C) Rodrigo, a male corporate executive

91. Which individual likely provides the most direct care and financial support to aging parents?

C) Veronica, a middle-income African-American woman

52. In adulthood, __________ is associated with cognitive flexibility, creativity, advanced moral reasoning, and psychosocial maturity.

C) androgyny

11. Especially in individualistic societies, __________ may help preserve generative commitments.

C) belonging to a religious community

23. For the most-successful and best-adjusted, Vaillant regarded the fifties and sixties as a __________.

C) calmer, quieter time of life

39. Possible selves __________.

C) can be defined and redefined by the individual, as needed

10. When asked to relate her life story, 50-year-old Carlita told about how she was bullied in high school as an overweight teen. After dieting routinely for many years, she finally lost 65 pounds in her thirties. Carlita noted that she received a lot of encouragement and numerous compliments, but she could not overcome her low self-esteem. Carlita's life story includes a theme of __________.

C) contamination

94. Women who quit work in order to take care of an ill aging parent __________.

C) fare especially poorly in adjustment, probably due to social isolation

99. By midlife, __________.

C) friendships serve as current sources of pleasure and satisfaction

26. Negative turning points described by MIDUS participants __________.

C) generally led to personal growth

120. The average age of retirement declined over the twentieth century in the United States because of __________.

C) government-sponsored retirement benefits

66. Fifty-year-old Hyo initiated a divorce from his wife of 25 years. It is likely that he __________.

C) is already involved romantically with someone else

123. Less well-educated people with lower lifetime earnings are the __________ likely to __________.

C) least; attend retirement preparation programs

17. Marcus, age 53, is spending a lot of time caring for his young grandson. His subordinates at work have noticed that he has become a kinder, more compassionate boss. According to Levinson, Marcus is engaged in which developmental task?

C) masculinity-femininity

37. Adults in their early twenties __________.

C) mention many possible selves

62. During the phase of "launching children and moving on," __________.

C) most people experience a sense of completion and liberation

110. Burnout is linked to __________.

C) on-the-job injuries

56. Nora is imaginative, creative, original, curious, and liberal. She is high in which "big five" personality trait?

C) openness to experience

33. Gilles, age 50, tells his brother, "I'd like to maintain my physical health and work on getting emotionally stronger. I want to be a good friend and a role model to my kids. I don't want to be that guy who never comes to family get-togethers because he is too busy working. I want to be successful in my career, but not at the expense of my family." Gilles is discussing his __________.

C) possible selves

98. Compared to men, middle-aged women report __________.

C) providing their friends with more emotional support

19. Darlene, who spent her early adulthood devoted to child rearing, is engaged in Levinson's engagement-separation task. Consequently, Darlene will probably focus on __________.

C) pursuing a long-desired ambition

4. The negative outcome of Erikson's midlife stage, stagnation, focuses on __________.

C) self-indulgence

34. Possible selves are the __________ dimension of self-concept.

C) temporal

86. Which caregiving grandparents are especially likely to be living in extreme poverty while caring for several grandchildren?

C) the Wynns, who are Native American

31. Today, most experts __________.

C) view adaptation during midlife as the combined result of growing older and social experiences

43. Jay, age 50, is finally comfortable with himself. He is more independent, assertive, and committed to his personal values than he was in early adulthood. Jay probably believes that midlife is __________.

D) "the prime of life"

16. __________ is associated with favorable personality traits and adjustment.

D) Androgyny

41. __________ increase(s) from early to middle adulthood.

D) Autonomy

14. Which middle-aged man is likely to be highly sensitive about the physical changes of aging?

D) Jack, a non-college-educated construction worker

71. Which young adult is likely to move out of the parental home at the youngest age?

D) Kevin from the United States

97. Which middle-aged adult siblings are most likely to report closer bonds?

D) Ladonna and her younger sister, Myra

30. __________ is common in middle adulthood.

D) Life evaluation

83. Which maternal grandmother is most likely to be the preferred caregiver of her grandchildren while their parents work?

D) Lupe, a Mexican-American homemaker

84. Which statement is true about grandparents who take full responsibility for raising their grandchildren?

D) They often experience considerable emotional and financial strain.

24. Which statement is true about research regarding the midlife crisis

D) Vaillant saw examples of a slow and steady change, rather than a crisis.

67. __________ have become the majority of the adult population living in poverty, regardless of age and ethnic group.

D) Women who support themselves or their families

121. Many U.S. baby boomers say they __________.

D) expect to delay retirement

1. Jennifer, age 45, is a Girl Scout leader. She really enjoys giving to and guiding the next generation. According to Erikson, Jennifer has developed a sense of __________.

D) generativity

78. Preston and Mei are about to become grandparents for the first time. They believe that grandparenthood is highly important because they will leave behind not just one but two generations after death. Which gratification of grandparenthood is probably most important to them?

D) immortality through descendants

48. A wealth of earlier studies reported __________ in midlife.

D) increased androgyny in men and women

29. Experiencing regrets is consistently associated with __________.

D) less favorable psychological well-being

50. Some evidence reveals a link between children's departure from the home and __________.

D) men's greater openness to the "feminine" side of their personalities

38. With age, possible selves become __________.

D) more concrete

118. Compared with younger workers, laid-off middle-aged workers are __________.

D) more likely to be "off-time" in terms of the social clock

69. Less is known about long-term adjustment following divorce among middle-aged men, perhaps because __________.

D) most enter new relationships and remarry within a short time

109. Burnout __________.

D) occurs more often in the helping professions

90. Cindy, age 48, cares for her two teenage sons and her ailing mother-in-law. Along with her mother, she is also one of a handful of caregivers for her elderly grandmother. Cindy belongs to the __________ generation.

D) sandwich

55. Individuals who are high in agreeableness are __________.

D) soft-hearted, trusting, generous, and good-natured

32. In describing their lives, the large majority of middle-aged people report __________.

D) troubling times that prompt new goals

6. Highly generative people appear especially __________.

D) well-adjusted

104. The number of older workers __________.

D) will rise dramatically over the next few decades

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