Human Geography final exam

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Which of the following is an example of a "formal region"?

"The corn belt" of the US

Which of the following best describes a vernacular region?

'The South', US

In which of the following countries would a Primate City most likely be found


"creative destruction" is associated with deindustrialization followed by the growth of new investments in new activities. Which of the following places best exemplifies creative destruction

Pittsburgh-the steel industry, followed by health care and medical research activities

Malthus predicted that--

Population growth would exceed food production, hence the result would be world-wide famine

To most equitably compare the relative levels of economic development of different countries, and to adjust for their different currencies, it is best to use:

Purchasing power parity

Which of the following is a characteristic of Fordism

Quantity/mass production/ long run contracts

Globalization, and in particular the predominance of US influence 'all things western' throughout the 20th century has been manifested in many ways. Which of the following has NOT been globally influenced by the US or by western European nations upon the rest of the world


In terms of land area (square miles) which of the following sequences is correct-- with the largest country first in the sequence

Russia, Canada, US

A large scale map--

Shows a small area in great detail with a representative fraction of 1/24,000

Which of the following is a characteristic of Post-Fordism

Skilled labor

Most industrialized nations in the world have experienced a decline in manufacturing employment. Among the following nations which have NOT experienced a decline in manufacturing employment:

South Korea, Mexico

which of the following region population shifts best explains the post- 1950s trend in the US

South and West

Which of the following countries were the hegemonic states of the early Colonial Period (1500s)

Spain and Portugal

which of the following is NOT considered to be the location of an important cultural hearth?

The east coast of the US, Plymouth Rock

One of the worlds first empires, an important location for the agricultural revolution-wheat, and one of the first locations for urban settlements- a civilization, was?

The fertile crescent, Mesopotamia

Which of the following is true regarding the US national parks?

The first national park was Yellowstone national park established in 1872

Since the turn of the 21st century there has been an increase in the number of 'cottage industries' in core nations. This is primarily due to:

The internet

In 1970 the US passed the National Environmental Policy act. Which of the following is an important aspect of this law

The intervention of the public and proposed projects

Which of the following is true regarding US city models

The majority of US cities conform to the monocentric urban model

The US 'Corn Belt' (an area of family farming) tends to be an agricultural system that in most years is profitable-- farmers make money. In large part this is due to

The region has optimal physical attributes-- soil, climate, etc., hence farmers have options to minimize risk

Sacred religious spaces are important places with special meanings for millions of 'believers'. Which of the following is NOT a sacred place.

The statue of liberty, NY

Select the correct statement regarding cities in the periphery

They usually have a large informal economic sector

Less developed countries have often embraced tourism as an important component for economic development. Which of the following is true?

Tourism provides significant employment-jobs

Approximately 28% of the US population continues to live in the inner city. For example, the 'city of Cincinnati'


The internet was created by the US department of Defense in the 1960s for communication to withstand a nuclear attack


the majority of petroleum imports to the US comes from neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico


In an era of globalization many 'back office' functions have relocated from urban downtowns to many 'off-shore' locations. This is true for many US companies that have relocated these activities to all the following countries except:


Many countries have churches recognized by law as the official church of the state. Which of the following countries does not have a recognized state church?


The end of WW2 was the beginning of the 'cold war'. Which two countries were the principal protagonist of the Cold War, and when did the 'Cold War' end?

US and Russia/1989

Which of the following nations is most important in terms of value-added manufacturing, but this nation does not lead the world in number of employees in manufacturing:

United States

which of the following countries spends more on the military spending than all other countries combined

United States

One of the problems of the current and future energy generation is the spatial mismatch of the location of energy and the demand for energy-- countries that use a lot of energy. For example, approximately 60% of the worlds coal production is located in two countries, which are:

United States and China

Agribusinesses as exemplified by Cargill, Conagra, Monsanto & Perdue produce and control everything in the food chain from 'seedings to supermarket'. This is a good example of:

Vertical Integration

Which of the following is considered NOT to be a 'world city' ?


In the US the latitude 36,30 degrees is an important historical designation on the map. This latitude was:

a degree that divided slave holding states from 'free states' i.e. free states did not permit slavery

The original idea of the interstate system in the US was:

a highway system to evacuate cities in the event of war

Cultural nationalism-- is the belief that a nation shares a common culture-- is most likely to be prominent in:

a legion like Scotland, Kurdistan, or Quebec

Which of the following is NOT true?

a. imperialism generally involves military intervention b. colonialism generally involves the physical settlement of a new territory of people from other places c. generally colonialism is a benevolent undertaking with religious intent d. a major intent of both colonialism and imperialism is economic exploitation C

The rate of urban growth, particularly throughout Europe was highest during

after and during the industrial revolution

Henry David Thoreau is best known as

an advocate of living in harmony with nature in an era of increasing technology and industrialization

What percentage of the total land area is owned and managed by the US federal government

approximately 28%

The east/west divide, an international alignment that emerged after WW2 is basically a division based upon

political ideology

The elasticity of demand for many products provides some explanation why many peripheral nations have poor terms of trade. Which of the following products/places has a high elasticity of demand?

prada women's handbags/ Milan, Italy

The territorially-based sense of identity in groups like the Basques, Kurds and Armenians is referred to as


In the context of urban systems, basic tenets of central place theory include all of the following except:

settlements of similar population sizes are grouped together

The Robinson map projection is a widely used projection with some distinctive features which are:

shape and size of areas are distorted but less so between 38 degrees north and south of the equator

One of the results of the Industrial Revolution-- the increasing use of steam engines was

deforestation in many parts of Europe

Modernization theory, an economic development model, principally advocates that:

development in largely a function of internal factors, culture for example, and nations should follow the 'lessons from the west'

The expansion of colonialism in the 1500 and 1600s resulted in the rapid conquest of the indigenous population everywhere. What explains how colonial places were conquered in a relatively short time?


The treaty of Tordesillas of 1494--

drew a line along a meridian 370 degrees west of the Cape Verde islands, off the coast of Africa, with Portugal claiming land to the east of the line and Spain claiming land to the West

The introduction of exotic plants and animals into new ecosystems, such as the introduction of African bees to Brazil in the 1950s with the hopes of improving the local bee-keeping industry is an example of

ecological imperialism

Among the following, which contributes the most in terms of adverse atmospheric (air pollution) impacts:

electricity production from coal-fired plants

The "first law" of geography states:

everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than more distant things

Imperialism generally begins with


Canada is a country that is in the second stage of the demographic transition


Consistent with its pro-and free-trade positions, the United States no longer subsidizes agriculture


English is considered to be a 'romance language'


Great Britain, France, and Germany were all part of the First wave of Colonization of countries, while spain and portugal were all part of the 2nd wave


Imperialism is the imposition of trade by the semi-periphery upon core nations


Most US cities, particularly in the mid-west and east coast, have experienced population growth in the past few decades


Organic farming in the US is a highly regulated agricultural system assuring consumers of quality-- pesticide/herbicide free-- fruits and vegetables


Shi'ism (Schites) is the largest and most orthodox branch of Islam


Globalization and the economic interdependence of major world regions has accelerated in recent years largely due to all the following factors--except one factor. Which of the following is not correct

A major shift to Fordist manufacturing for most manufactured products in core nations

There are 'poor' regions within wealthy nations. In the US Appalachia is a comparative poor region. A major reason for the persistence poverty throughout Appalachia has been

A one resource economy-as exemplified by coal

Which of the following is not true regarding Spanish colonial towns?

A primary function was to provide educational and health services to the native population

Situation refers to the physical attributes of a location; its terrain, soil, vegetation, and water sources. Site refers to the location of a place relative to other places and human activities; its accessibility to route ways, for example, or its nearness to population centers


The US produces more energy from renewable sources than any other country


The acronym ISIS stands for the Islamic states of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia


The definition of a 'food desert' is an arid region or area that has insufficient precipitation/rain to produce any crops


With deindustrialization of the 1960s and 1970s, California became the rustbelt.


Worldwide, Chinese is the most widely spoken language


a MSA consists of at least one urbanized area-a city, that has a population of more than 1,000,000 in a county comprising the core, plus adjacent outlying counties that have a high degree of social and economic integration with the central county


the growth and survival of many urban places in the US was dependent on their connection to 'canals' during the mid 1900s


the location of the corn belt in the US is largely explained by its proximity to a large market-- population


the production of fruits and vegetables from 'urban agricultural' practices is a significant source of food in the United States


Shifting cultivation is characterized by the practice of rotating __________ to maintain soil fertility


The most important reason for European voyages of discovery was the desire

for economic gain

Which of the following is NOT true? Compared to US cities, European cities

have lower population densities

The initial goal of Green Revolution scientists was to develop

higher yielding seeds

The most important renewable energy source in terms of electrical power generation is:


Pastoral nomadism as an agricultural system continues to decline in importance worldwide. However, this type of 'farming' is still prevalent in:

in cold and arid climates worldwide

In the concentric zone model, which of the following is most likely to locate in the outermost ring?

industries and factories

The separation of Crimea from Ukraine and its annexation to Russia is an example of


High population growth

is primarily a problem in Less Developed Countries

The burning of coal:

is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly CO2

Several counties in the northern Great Plain states, particularly North and South Dakota, have experienced significant recent population growth as noted in the decade 2000-2010. The primary reason for this


What is the most important factor that explains immigration/migration

jobs/economic opportunities

In the global assembly line, manufacture and assembly is most likely to take place where

labor is cheap

What percent of the US labor force is in the agriculture, and what percent of the worlds labor force is in agriculture?

less than 2% US; about 26% world

What are basic sector activities?

manufacturing and export activities that are dependent upon a transportation system

contemporary 'western culture' in general elevates and values--

material goods

With the emergence of the world-system in the 16th century, European ______ reshaped the world

merchant capitalism

which of the following is not true regarding the manufacturing sector:

most 'core' countries are experiencing large increases in manufacturing employment

The 'North Pole' has been a politically contested region. Which of the following has been officially recognized by the UN as the owner of the North Pole

none of the above

Manufacturing at its peak in the US was located in ________ and has moved with the population to the ________

north east, moved to --south & west

Which of the following is not an element-- a trait of culture?

per capita, gross national product

The major source of energy world-wide is


Globalization has become a world-wide phenomenon with important implications- everywhere. The rapid pace and extent of globalization is largely a result of:

space/time convergence

The first Kondratieff industrial cycle--cycles of technological innovations (technological systems)-- was dominated by which of the following innovations/products?

steam engine/ textiles

"The effective settlement of the interior and the growth of American cities did not take place until the development of"--

steam power transportation, river boats but mainly railroads

The supreme court building in DC is a good example of a

symbolic landscape

The area of maximum accessibility in an idealized city located on an isotropic surface is

the CBD

Which of the following regions in the US has been losing population or at best has experienced modest population gains for the past 2 decades

the Great Plains

Which of the following best exemplifies a 'landscape of national identity'

the colosseum in Rome

What is a major difference between the design of European cities and Islamic cities--the most important characteristic:

the comportment of the 'person', privacy is important in Islamic urban places, hence 'inner space,' courtyards are important

The Anthropocene is:

the current geologic era recognizing that human activities have affected the environment

Before colonization, cities were centered around what primary structure?

the dwelling of the ruler/the lord/ etc

Which of the following is true with regard to the formula I=PAT

the formula PAT attempts to gage different societies impact upon the environment

Dependency 'theory' is one of the models purporting to explain economic development. This model continues to be in vogue, i.e. as an explanation for economic underdevelopment largely due to the model's emphasis on:

the increasing importance of transnational corporations

American culture has diffused world-wide largely due to

the internet/movies/tv

According to urban planners what factors were most important in the shaping of the 21st century US city-- the polycentric metropolitan city with expanding urban sprawl

the interstate highway system and cheap mortgages

One of the most important impacts of the Columbian Exchange was:

the introduction of disease in the New World resulting in demographic collapse

Topophilia is

the love of a place

The specialization of peripheral countries in raw materials and foodstuffs, the decentralization of manufacturing to areas of low labor costs, and the emphasis of core regions on high-tech manufacturing and services describes--

the new international division of labor

The fastest growing MSAs in the US are generally located in

the south west-- western states

Whereas environmental preservationists advocate that certain habitats, species, and resources should be off-limits and left entirely alone, conservation approaches encourage:

the sustainable use of natural resources, a responsibility for future generations

What percent of the US labor force is engaged in manufacturing, and what percent of the world's labor force is employed in manufacturing?

Approximately 10% US; 23% world

Which of the following is not indicative of global warming?

the timing of tides of the worlds oceans

the location of wheat farming in the US or most other wheat producing regions of the world, is largely due to:

Aridity, wheat is the most adaptive crop

Agriculture in most of the world has followed agricultural trends in the US. Which of the following is true?

Both the number of farms in the US and number of farmers is decreasing

Deforestation is a major problem; it disrupts the carbon dioxide/oxygen cycle, contributes to global warming, loss of biodiversity etc. However, it is a major problem in only certain parts of the world. In some countries there are reforestation programs currently underway. Among the following countries which group continues to experience large-scale deforestation

Brazil and Indonesia

Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) are best exemplified by:

Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, and Taiwan

The world's religions originated in a fairly small region of the world. Which of the following is false:

Buddhism originated in Indonesia

Which state in the US has the most electoral votes


Which of the following centers of early global civilization was NOT linked by the Silk Road

Central Andes and Mesoamerica

Which of the following country boundaries marked by the crest of mountains-- is correct

Chile/Argentine, the Andes

In terms of population which of the following sequences is correct-- from the largest country to smallest

China, India, US, Indonesia, Pakistan

Primate cities continue to grow in peripheral places and in the semi-periphery for all the following reasons except:

the very good job market-- many employment opportunities

Christianity, Islam and Judaism share little in common with one major exception-- which of the following is true:

they are monotheistic-- believing in one God

Increased global demands for meat, particularly beef-cattle production, has led to an increased use of the worlds grasslands. In many cases this has led to acute overgrazing-- land degradation. And this is particularly the case on the edge of grasslands-- where grasslands merge with another biome. This acute overgrazing-- land degradation has often resulted in


Which set of regions/countries is currently experiencing a population decling?

Europe- Italy, Greece

Which of the following best characterizes 'triangular trade'

European trade for slaves in north Africa-slaves to the Caribbean-sugar shipments to Europe

Hogs, cattle and sheep were indigenous to the new world (The Americas)


Many of North America's important cities were once Roman settlements


Which of the following nations generates more than 75% of its electricity from nuclear power


Which of the following is an important characteristic of extensive subsistence agriculture?

this type of agriculture is adaptive of the environment and can only support low population densities

Culture is sometimes a 'two way street' i.e. there is an exchange of cultural traits between disparate places. Among the following, which place has adopted cultural traits from another 'trait/place'

French clothes, USA

There are more than 6900 languages spoken in the world today-- and many of these are 'fusion languages'. which of the following is an example of a fusion language


The invasion of older, centrally-located working-class neighborhoods by higher-income professionals in search of character and convenience is called


The Industrial Revolution began in one location-- and this was?

Great Britain

What was a major flaw in Malthus' conclusions?

He failed to predict agricultural expansion and mechanization

Which of the following is a characteristic of import-substitution industrialization

High Tariffs on imported goods and the stimulation of domestic manufacturing

What characterizes the first stage of demographic transition?

High birth rates, high death rates

Which of the following is an important characteristic of intensive, subsistence agriculture?

High yields, principally rice, and high labor inputs

Which of the following is correct regarding population growth of US cities?

In the last few decades, many urban areas have experienced a decline in the central city population, but population growth in the suburbs

The US has experienced much immigration throughout its history. And historically most immigrants came from different source regions. Which of the following is true?

In the late 1800s and until the 1st world war most immigrants to the US came from western Europe

Which of the following is NOT one of the major changes occurring globally in agriculture (the 3rd agricultural revolution) ?

Increase in the number of people employed in agriculture

Among the following countries which has the greatest array of languages


Among the following plants and animals which was indigenous to the 'new world'

tomatoes and corn

And with reference to question 7(above) most of this energy-- the most important source of energy is used for


A major difference between imperialism and colonialism is that imperialism is often associated with conflict-- the imposition of state authority on the life of other territories


According to the demographic transition, societies are more quickly willing to adopt measures that reduce death rates than those that reduce birth rates


An organism that has had its DNA modified in a laboratory rather than through cross-pollination or other forms of evolution is known as GMO


Fashion trends are an example of spatial diffusion


Fiber optics is best at point to point coverage, whereas satellites is best at point to area


Immigration is the act of moving to a place and Emigration is the act of moving from a place


In european cities, the poor-- the marginalized populations tend to be concentrated in the suburbs


Intertillage is a common practice in swidden (milpa) agriculture


Labor migration is the dominant form-- in terms of numbers-- of international migration


One of the results of the rapid pace of globalization has been the spread of western culture worldwide


Over the Rhine (Cincinnati) is an example of a toponym


Seed agriculture began to replace hunting and gathering with the advent of the first agricultural revolution


Several urban places in the US were named after railroads because the city helped finance and build railroads


The effective settlement of the interior and the growth of American cities did not take place until the development of steam powered transportation


The north/south divide is an economic divide


The term 'ethnicity' refers to national origins-- perceived commonalities, language for example.


Worldwide the most important economic activity in terms of employment are tertiary activities;


Identify the cluster of words that would be useful in a definition of the concept of cognitive space

values, feelings, beliefs, perceptions, behavioral space

The domino theory

was the rationale behind stopping the spread of communism

Most middle eastern countries are culturally alike: for example they are Muslim nations, but not all Middle Eastern countries are Arab nations. Which of the following pair of countries are NOT considered to be Arabic countries (predominant spoken language is Arabic)

Iran and Turkey

Which of the following is correct (true) regarding Neocolonialism

Is associated with transnational corporations

With regard to 'environmental determinism' which of the following is true?

Nature limits and shapes society, i.e. the environment largely dictates human activity

Which of the following best exemplifies the "friction of distance/distance decay"

Neighborhood grocery stores

Colonialism rapidly declined in the post WW2 era. Many argue that Colonialism was replaced by

NeoColonialism, led by transnational corporations

Some proponents of economic development maintain that the current lack of development in peripheral nations is largely a result of the domination of a country's economy by foreign corporations-transnational corporations. This is referred to as:


The Erie Canal was an early important canal link that connected:

New York City with Buffalo on Lake Erie

Which of the following countries has the highest 'fertility rate', a harbinger of population growth

Nigeria, Liberia, Sudan

Which area of the world was the least impacted by feudalism, in fact never experienced feudalism

North America

Approximately 80% of the worlds manufacturing is principally located in:

North America; Europe/Russia; SE Asia- China, Japan

Which of the following trade-facilitating organizations is structured around a commodity rather than a world region?


Which of the following is true regarding food resources?

world food population has been increasing faster than population

U.S. immigration has always been significant sometimes numbering in the millions during most decades. Among the following which decade was the most important in terms of numbers of immigrants to the US


Following the rank-size rule, if the population of the largest city in a country or region is 1 million, the fourth-largest city should contain about this many people


The United States population is approximately

331 million

Legal immigration to the US currently accounts for what percent of US population growth?


the boundary between the US and Canada from approximately Minnesota to the Pacific Ocean is:

49 degrees north latitude

The President and Vice president of the US are not elected by popular vote, rather by the electoral college. How many members of the electoral college are there? and how many electoral votes are needed to win the presidential election?

538 and 270

What percent of the worlds population lives in urban places, i.e. urbanized?


World population is estimated

7.8 Billion

What percent of the US population lives in an urban place?


'Lingua Franca' is:

A common language in a country whose language is different-- the language of business for example

When a population pyramid has a broad base and a narrow top, what does that likely indicate?

A developing country, most 3rd world places

In general most nations experience a transition of economic development that progresses through 'sector stages'; that is, the dominance of one economic sector that transitions to another economic sector. Studies have shown that typically these stages are:

Agriculture, manufacturing, services-the tertiary sector

World systems theory advocates

All of the above

The world's last 'frontier' is considered to be


What is sustainable development?

Balance between economic growth, environmental impacts, and social equity

Different users that are prepared to pay different amounts for locations at various distances from the city center is known as what?


The worlds largest religion, the religion with the highest number of adherents is:


In contrast to the first agricultural revolution, the second and third agricultural revolutions originated in:

Core nations-- Britain and the US

comparative advantage explains which of the following country/products

Costa Rica/ bananas

The percent land in the major vegetation biomes in both the world and the US is about the same. For example, the percent in grassland for the world and the US is about 25%. There is, however, one important exception--the US has more land in one biome (vegetation zone) than the world. This biome/vegetation zone is:

Cultivated land/land used for agriculture

Among the following countries which one is considered to be 'uni-national' i.e. composed of one ethnic group


Which of the following nations is a major consumer of energy but not a producer


According to Central Place Theory, which of the following functions would most likely NOT be found in either a small urban place, or neighborhood shopping district?

Jewelry Story

Among the following pairs of individuals which were instrumental in preserving unusual landscapes for future generations-- National Parks

John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt

Among the following places which one would most likely experience a 'digital divide' ?

Kabul, Afghhanistan

The evolving global geography of Nike shoe manufacturing is based on changing patterns of

Labor costs

The cost savings and/or advantages that individual firms get when they are located in the same area as other firms of the same industry is known as an ______ economy


which of the following nations has adopted and best exemplifies export-led industrialization (maquiladoras) as a strategy for economic development?


The most important invention and the catalyst for the industrial revolution was?

Steam Engine

Because its buildings are modeled after those of the relatively democratic Greek city-states of ancient times, the landscape created by the federal government in Washington DC is best thought of as

Symbolic Landscape

Which of the following countries has recently exited the EU (european union)?

The UK

Religiosity can be defined as those who have a belief in God or a belief in a 'higher being' but who are not an adherent to a particular faith/religion or practice a religion. In fact church attendance shows a downward trend particularly in wealthy-developed nations. There is one major exception-- a country that is wealthy and developed by has a high number of people who believe in God-- and who may or may not practice a religion. This country is:

The US

Which of the following best describes a cultural region?

The US South

Many African nations, and in particular most of the countries south of the Sahara derive most of their energy (90% in many cases) from which of the following energy sources


Since the late 1880s global temperatures have been kept. How much have global temperatures increased since the 1880s (F)

by approximately 1.8 degrees

Gentrification is most likely to be found in

central city zones of transition

Land, and particularly forest-rainforest in the tropics has been increasingly cut/burnt and then cultivated/utilized for higher value products as exemplified by

cocoa production

Which of the following is correct regarding The New International Division of Labor?

companies can take 'advantage' of a country's comparative advantages-cheap labor for example

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