Human Geography Unit 6 notes

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Maternal Mortality Rate

-the number of women who die giving birth per 100,000 births

What is the range of the Gender Inequality Index that the USA falls between?


What is the highest Human Development Index (HDI) that a country can receive?

1.0 or 100 percent

the three factors used to calculate the placement of a country according to the Human Development Index

A. A decent standard of living B. access to knowledge C. a long and healthy life

World Regions are considered Developing?

A. latin america B. southwest asia C. southeast asia D. south asia and sub saharan africa E. east asia F. north africa G. central asia

World Regions are considered Developed?

A. north america B. europe

What are FOUR regions that have Human Development Index (HDI) considered Very High Developed?

A. south pacific B. north america C. japan D. europe

What are TWO regions that have Human Development Index (HDI) considered Low Developing?

A. sub saharan africa B. south asia

List FIVE areas that would be considered part of the "Core" of economics in the world today.

A.North America B.Europe C.Russia D.Japan E.south pacific

the United Nations Eight Millennium Goals

A.end poverty and hunger- progress- extreme poverty has been cut substantially in the world, primarily because of success in asia, but it has declined in sub saharan africa B.achieve universal primary (elementary school) education- progress: the percentage of children not enrolled in school remains relatively high in south asia and sub-saharan africa C.promote gender equality and empower women- Progress: gender disparities remain in all regions, as discussed in section 9.5 D.reduce child mortality- Progress: INfant mortality rates have declined in most regions, except sub saharan africa E.Improve maternal health- Progress: one half million women die from complications during pregnancy; 99 percent of these women live in developing countries F.Combat HIV/ AIDS, malaria, and other diseases- Progress: the number of people living with HIV remains high, especially in sub- saharan africa, as discussed in chapter 5 G.Ensure environmental sustainability- Progress: water scarcity and quality, deforestation, and overfishing are still especially critical environmental issues, according to the united nations H.develop a global partnership for development- Progress: Aid from developed to developing countries has instead been declining

FIVE elements of Development Through Self Sufficiency

A.investment is spread as equally as possible across all sectors of a country's economy and in all regions B.the pace of development may be modest, but the system is fair because residents and enterprises throughout the country share the benefits of development C.reducing poverty takes precedence over encouraging a few people to become wealthy consumers D.fledgling businesses are isolated from competition with larege international corporations E.the import of goods from other places is limited by barriers such as tariffs, quotas, and licenses

THREE shortcomings of International Trade?

A.local hardships- building up a handful of takeoff industries has forced some developing countries to cut back on production of food, clothing, and other necessities for their own people B.slow market growth- developing countries trying to take advantage of their low cost labor find that markets in developed countries are growing more slowly than when the four dragons used this strategy a generation ago C.low commodity prices- some developing countries have raw materials sought by manufacturers and producers in developed countries. the the sale of these raw materials could generate funds for developing countries to promote development. International trade worked in the arabian peninsula because the price of petroleum has escalated so rapidly, but other developing countries have not been so fortunate because of low prices for their commodities

TWO shortcomings of Self-Sufficiency?

A.self sufficiency protected inefficient industries- businesses could sell all they made, at high government controlled prices, to customers culled from long waiting lists. So they had little incentive to improve quality, lower production costs, reduce prices, or increase production. Nor did they keep abreast of rapid technological charges elsewhere B.A large bureaucracy was needed to administer the controls. A complex administrative system encouraged abuse and corruption. Aspiring entrepreneurs found that struggling to produce goods or offer services was less rewarding financially than advising others how to get around the complex regulations

List SEVEN areas that would be considered part of the "Periphery" of economics in the world today.

A.southwest asia and north africa B.Sub Saharan Africa C.central asia D.south asia E.east asia F.southeast asia G.latin america

What are the names of the THREE countries that have not improved their Human Development Indexes since the measurement was first introduced by the United Nations in 1980?

A.sub saharan africa B.democratic republic of congo C.zimbabwe

FIVE elements of Development Through International Trade

A.the traditional society- a very high percentage of people engaged in agriculture and a high percentage of national wealth allocated to what rostow called nonproductive activities, such as the military and religion B.the preconditions for takeoff- an elite group of well educated leaders initiates investment in technology and infrastructure, such as water supplies and transportation system, designed to increase productivity C.the takeoff- rapid growth is generated in a limited number of economic activities, such as textiles or food products drive to maturity- modern technology, previously confined to a few takeoff industries, diffuses to a wide variety of industries E.the age of mass consumption- the economy shifts from production of heavy industry , such as steel and energy, to consumer goods, such as motor vehicles and refigerators

FOUR examples used by India in Development Through Self Sufficiency to create barriers to trade? import goods into india, most foreign companies had to secure a license that he had to be approved by several dozen government agencies importer with a license was severely restricted in the quantity it could sell in india C.indian money could not be converted to other currencies D.businesses required government permission to sell a new product, modernize a factory, expand production, set prices, hire or fire workers, and change the job classification of existing workers.

International Trade

a country can develop economically by concentrating scarce resources on expansion of its distinctive local industries.


a limit on importing goods from this barrier

What are the TWO indicators that measure the Reproductive Health element of the Gender Inequality Index?

a.maternal mortality ratio b.adolescent fertility rate

THREE measures that make up the Gender Inequality Index?

a.reproductive health b.empowerment c.labor

What are the TWO indicators that measure the Empowerment element of the Gender Inequality Index?

a.the percentage of seats held by women in the national legislature b.the percentage of women who have completed high school

Developed Country

account for a high percentage of the world's economic activity and weath

Primary Sector


purchasing power parity

an adjustment made to the GMI to account for the differences among countries in the cost of goods

What is female labor force participation generalization regarding developed vs. developing countries?

both measures of empowerment are lower in developing regions than in developed ones

What TWO areas have the lowest Gender Inequality Index?

canada europe

What THREE areas (could be specific countries) have the lowest Gender Inequality Index?

canada europe australia

Gender Inequality Index

created to measure the extent of each country's gender inequality

"Core" Countries


"Periphery" Countries


b. What region of the developing world has the highest participation of women in labor?

east asia

Human Development Index

established by the united nations in 1980 to measure the development of countries based on measurable criteria

Is a county's score of a low number good or bad in terms of the Gender Inequality Index?

good, the higher the score the greater the inequality

Developing Country

in the periphery have less access to the world centers of consumption, communications, wealth, and power


is measured by two indicators the percentage of seats held by women in the national legislature the percentage of women who have completed high school

secondary sector


Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index

modifies the hdi to account for inequality


national per capita income in developed countries


national per capita income in developing countries


or balanced growth, was the more popular of the development alternatives for most of the twentieth century

Tertiary Sector


What region of the developed world has the highest participation of women in labor?

south pacific

What region of the developing world has the lowest participation of women in labor?

southwest asia and north africa

4 dragons

taiwan, hong kong, singapore and south korea

Years of Schooling

the average number of years that the average person aged 25 or older in a country has spent in school developed- 11 developing-6

Pupil/Teacher Ratio

the fewer pupils a teacher has, the more likely that each student will receive instruction. developed- 15 deeloping-30

Value Added

the gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy.

Labor (work not giving birth)-

the labor force participation rate is the percent of women holding full time jobs outside the home. Women in developing countries are less likely than women in developed countries to hold full time jobs outside the home

Adolescent Fertility Rate

the number of births per 1,000 women age 15-19

Expected Years of Schooling

the number of years that an average 5 year old child is expected to spend with his or her education in the future developed- 16 developing- 11

Literacy Rate

the percentage of a country's people who can read and write latin america and east asia- 90 percent sub saharan africa and south asia less than 70 percent literacy rate

What two areas of the Gender Inequality Index is the USA performing poorly in?

the percentage of teenagers who give birth and in the percentage of women in congress


the process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology. the process is continuous, involving never ending actions to constantly improve the health and prosperity of the people


the value of a particular product compared to the labor needed to make it.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

the value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year, but does not account for money that leaves or enters the country

Gross National Income

the value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including money that leaves and enters the country.

What methods did the "Four Dragons" use to develop?

they developed by producing a handful of manufactured goods, especially clothing and electronics, that depended on low labor costs

human development index

was established by the united nations to track the earth's nearly 200 countries health and prosperity

half of today's 5 year olds in developed countries

will graduate

What is Maternal Mortality Ratio generalization regarding developed vs. developing countries?

women in developing regions are more likely than women in developed regions to die in childbirth and to give birth as teenagers

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