Human Geography

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what effect does globalization have on local art and customs?

globalization causes them to disappear because people start to adopt customs and styles from other places around the world. traditional culture groups are against globalization and want to keep outside influences from invading their culture.

what impact did the agricultural revolution have on peoples lives?

helped peoples quality of life, raised the population, increased food production

what is the primary cause of the conflict between Ireland and north Ireland?

different religious beliefs

what purpose does the "chunnel" serve in Europe?

easier access from Europe to great Britain and vice versa. has increased travel from great Britain and the rest of Europe.

what did the "Berlin wall" divide Germany into? give the system of government for each side.

east and west Germany. east- communist, west- democratic

list some contributions of German Americans to American culture.

Albert Einstein

describe the beliefs and and elements of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism

Buddhism- gods are cultural, meditation is key, believe in karma, 4 noble truths, and "the middle path" Hinduism- belief in many gods, karma is key, holy book is the Vedas, belief in reincarnation, fulfilling your dharma (role in life) Christianity- belief in one god, Jesus is the messiah, based on Jesus' teachings, holy bible. Judaism- oldest monotheistic religion, still waiting on their messiah to return, follow the 10 commandments, holy book is the Torah. Islam- monotheistic religion, Allah is god, Muhammad is his prophet, the Quran is the holy book, believe in the 5 pillars

what is the reason for European cultural influences being found all over the world

Europe had colonies all over the world and encouraged European people to settle in those colonies

who did the united states base their constitution off of?

Great Britain's Magna Carta

describe how railroads impact settlement and trade.

allows people to get to places quicker and gives them access to a wider variety of goods and services. increases economic output.

how do economic activities of cities today differ than cities of the past? think about where the activity is taking place. what has caused this shift?

cities today with the modern transportation that we have are more widespread and spaced out, where cities of the past had everything right near the center because there was no transportation to get you to and from work.

Japanese architecture like the poganda can be found around the world, what is this a result of?

cultural diffusion

list ways culture changes and examples of efforts to preserve/ protect cultures.

culture changes through things such as technology changes, war, migration, trade, and diffusion. efforts to maintain culture include isolation because of cultural beliefs, practicing traditionalism by opposing the use of modern technology and new ideas.

How might many languages being spoken in a country impact their day to day society?

individual citizens would not be able to communicate with each other.

how can innovations improve the economic development of a country?

innovations bring about new ideas and better ways of doing things that can improve economic output that helps develop a country

how did the industrial revolution impact settlement patterns?

it led to urbanization and the development of major cities

how does new public transportation in a city affect that city? (ex. Houston metro)

it modernizes the city and updates it and also gives the inhabitants a wider range of products because it can take them to places they have never been.

how could the lack of infrastructure effect the economic development of a country?

lacking infrastructure keep an area from being developed because you can not access its resources without it

how did the slave trade impact the culture of the Americas and Europe?

led to strong African cultural influences in the Americas and Europe

what was significant about 1990- 1991?

marked the end of the cold war, former soviet controlled "satellite" countries of eastern Europe became independent and abandoned communism for more democratic forms of government. Berlin wall came down.

the slogan "buy American" is part of what cultural belief?


before the inventions of trains, automobiles, and planes, what did early settlers have to be near?

near water to develop sea trade routes for easier trade.

know the differences between a perceptual region and functional region

perceptual region- regions determined by peoples beliefs, feelings, and attitudes not a scientifically measurable process. functional region- area with one or more common features that make it different from surrounding regions

what factors cause populations to increase? what causes them to decrease?

populations increase in times of peace, prosperity, (money) and plenty (food) and decrease in times of war famine and disease. ex. "baby boom" in U.S. from 1945 to 1964

describe the 4 types of economic activities. (primary, secondary, tertiary, and Quaternary)

primary- gathering natural resources, secondary- manufacturing, (turning a raw material into a finished good) tertiary- service jobs, (teacher, doctor, lawyer) Quaternary- research and management jobs.

explain the positive and negative effects of the columbian exchange / north Atlantic triangular trade.

pro's- exchange of new crops, animals, and technology between Europe and the Americas. con's- spread of diseases from Europeans to native Americans, the rise of the slave trade.

what are push and pull factors?

push factors cause people to leave and pull factors cause people to come to a new area. the 3 types are economic, cultural, and environmental

describe the difference between people who live in rural areas vs urban areas.

rural areas tend to be more traditional and have a homogeneous culture (same) where the urban areas tend to be more diverse and developed and have more choice and follow pop culture

compare and contrast: cottage/ commercial industry; subsistence/ commercial agriculture.

scale of production- cottage industry and subsistence agriculture= small scale... commercial industry and commercial agriculture= larger scale

list benefits of European union.

single market (stronger economy) single currency, ease of mobility between member states to live and work, greater access to goods and services, political allies

what do population pyramids tell you? be able to understand the needs of a country based on its shape. (ex. what would a wide base on the bottom of the pyramid indicate for a country?)

the break down of population by age and gender. a wide base represents less developed with many young people in the country and education will need to increase.

when people migrate they tend to move the shortest distance possible, how does this affect the settlement patterns of the southern U.S.? which ethnic groups are predominately found in the south?

the southern U.S. has a large Hispanic and African american population due to immigration from Latin America and the historical slave trade that took place.

how has american pop culture impacted the rest of the world?

through popular TV shows, Movies, and music

along what type of routes did disease spread in the ancient world? particularly the Bubonic Plague.

trade routes are the routes in which disease would travel and in the case of the Bubonic plague it come to the port cities by ship

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