Human Growth and Development Study Set Test 1

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According to Erikson's psychosocial theory,...

all development involves the resolution of crises.

Augustine of Hippo would have agreed with Jean-Jacques Rousseau that...?

all humans have an inborn tendency to act a certain way.

Clyde cannot stand anything out of order. His clothes and his apartment are always neat and clean, and he is never late for an appointment. According to Freud, Clyde is most likely fixated at the...

anal stage

Low birth weight infants often...?

are born with respiratory distress syndrome.

Researchers have shown that by the 32nd or 33rd week, fetal heart rates drop when fetuses hear their mothers recite a familiar rhyme but not during an unfamiliar rhyme. This suggests that fetuses..?

are capable of learning

Bandura would argue that self-efficacy is unlikely to be improved by

avoiding a task

When she was pregnant, Martina was especially careful to eat plenty of ________ in order to lower the risk of spina bifida in her baby.

beans and spinach

The infancy period of development ends when a child...?

begins to communicate with language.

An advantage of developmental scientists who adopt an eclectic approach is that they can?

create studies that better match the behavior people exhibit in real-life situations.

when is Teratogens most likely to adversely affect the development of organ systems?

during the embryonic phase of prenatal development.

Compared to female fetuses, male fetuses...?

grow more rapidly

Roxanne is a certified midwife. This means that she...?

has had special training that allows her to care for pregnant women and deliver babies.

Though she is pregnant, Daphne smokes a pack of cigarettes each day. Because of this, her baby is likely to...?

have a lower-than-average birth weight

Unlike the Apgar scale, the Brazelton scale assesses a newborn baby's...?


What is a key weakness of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

restricts developmental change to childhood and adolescence.

According to Vygotsky, a teacher should adapt the level of support a student receives based on the student's performance level. He called this process??


Which statement about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is accurate?

Children with FASD often have physical abnormalities and below average intelligence

Five-year-old Clarissa had a difficult time putting together a 50-piece jigsaw puzzle, but by the time she was ten she could perform this task with ease. This indicates a change in which domain of Clarissa's development?

Cognitive domain

Mr. Radel is an elementary school teacher. In his classroom, children can experiment to some degree on their own. However, he also recognizes that not all the children are on the same intellectual and developmental level. To which theory does Mr. Radel most likely subscribe?

Cognitive-developmental theory

Proponents of Vygotsky's cognitive development theory would most likely support which of the following school-related activities?

Collaborative learning projects

Which drug used by pregnant women in the 1960s caused serious malformation of the limbs in thousands of fetuses exposed to it?


Which of the following is the strongest evidence that heredity impacts our traits and behaviors?

The IQ scores of identical twins are strongly correlated from early childhood through middle age.

In what way is the experimental method superior to descriptive methods?

The experimental method can determine cause-and-effect relationships.

Which is a chromosomal anomaly?

Turner syndrome

In what way is laboratory observation different from naturalistic observation?

Unlike naturalistic observation, laboratory observation allows the researcher to partially control the environment.

What is an ethnography?

A detailed description of a single context based on extensive observation

Serena's obstetrician suspects that her fetus may be suffering from a bacterial infection. Which procedure will the doctor most likely recommend to confirm this diagnosis?

A fetal blood test

Which event typically occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy?

A woman's breasts begin to secrete colostrum

Alison is 6 weeks pregnant and has contracted rubella. What will be the likely effect?

Alison's baby will be born with hearing and visual impairment.

Which of the following is an example of a protective factor?

An agreeable temperament

What is a teratogen?

An environmental factor that can produce fetal abnormalities

Who believed that maturationally determined development occurred even without being formally taught?

Arnold Gesell

Which of the following is the best example of the Piagetian concept of accommodation?

Asher refuses to eat broken cookies because he thinks that a whole cookie has more to eat than a broken cookie does. After he watches his mother put the pieces of a broken cookie together like a puzzle, he happily eats the pieces.

Three-year-old Madison is given a golf ball for the first time. Because she has played with many other types of balls, she throws the golf ball and expects it to bounce and roll as other balls do. Which Piagetian concept is Madison employing?


Which is an example of an off-time event?

At age 30, Timothy lost his wife of 2 years to breast cancer.

Which of the following theorists would most likely have believed that all human beings are naturally inclined to selfishness?

Augustine of Hippo

Elbert is 30 months old and has recently discovered the power of the word "no." Even when his father offers him one of his favorite snacks, Elbert will often respond with "no." According to Erikson, which is the crisis of the stage Elbert is in?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Which is one way Bandura's social-learning theory differs from Skinner's operant-conditioning theory?

Bandura's theory explains more about development than Skinner's theory because of the addition of cognitive and emotional factors.

Which of the following theorizes that inborn factors strongly influence the way people conduct themselves?

Behavior genetics theory

Terri has very curly hair, but her daughter Bethany's hair is not nearly as curly. Which is the best explanation?

Both dominant and recessive genes differ in expressivity.

Which is a major limitation of correlational research?

Correlation does not equal causation.

A researcher conducted an experiment in which she compared people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s simultaneously. What kind of study design is this?


Which prenatal development occurs first? A. Responds to mother's voice B. Appearance of eyebrows and fingernails C. Maturation of lungs D. Grasping reflex

D. Grasping reflex

What is a key difference between autosomal disorders caused by recessive genes and those caused by dominant genes?

Disorders caused by recessive genes are usually diagnosed in infancy or early childhood; those caused by dominant genes, in adulthood.

Which is a chromosomal error?

Down syndrome

During which part of the birth process is anoxia most likely to occur?

During stage 2 of labor

Dr. Hoffman examines the behavior of her client, Andy, from both a behavioral and a psychoanalytic perspective. Dr. Hoffman appears to emphasize which of the following in her practice?


Which period of prenatal development occurs during weeks 3-8 of pregnancy?


Which of the following theorists emphasized change more than stability?


Generally speaking, people who are able to work well with others have an advantage over those who are combative and hostile. How would a sociobiologist explain this phenomenon?

Evolution has provided humans with traits that help us cooperate.

Male fetuses seem to be more sensitive than female fetuses to factors such as maternal drug use and malnutrition. Which is a reason for this difference?

Female fetuses have larger and better-developed placentas than male fetuses.

Which of the following makes possible techniques such as fetal blood transfusions and fetal surgery?


Fragile-X syndrome is caused by genes on the X chromosome. Therefore, which conclusion is correct?

Fragile-X syndrome is more common in males than females.

When does a woman begin to "show" that she is pregnant?

From 12-24 weeks after last menstrual period

Which of the following disorders is caused by genes on the X chromosome? A. Hemophlia B. Huntington's disease C. Tay-Sachs disease D. Sickle-cell disease


Which was Freud's most controversial idea about early childhood?

His claim that children feel sexual attraction toward their opposite-sex parents

Which of Erikson's psychosocial crises involves the transition from childhood to adulthood?

Identity versus role confusion

Young geese will typically follow the first moving object they are exposed to shortly after they hatch. An ethologist would attribute this phenomenon to?


Studies indicate that teenage drivers cause many more accidents than drivers in their 30s and 40s. With this knowledge in hand, researchers suggest raising the driving age to 20 and requiring more extensive behind-the-wheel instruction. Which goal are the researchers attempting to achieve?


What is the main advantage of the naturalistic observation technique?

It allows real-world validity of theories.

Which is a particular strength of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

It helps explain how children of different ages think about and act in the world.

Which is a major flaw of cross-cultural research?

It is difficult to construct tests that are equally valid in different cultures.

Julia has just given birth to twins: a girl named Ivy and a boy named Noah. Without knowing any more information than this, which conclusion can you draw?

Ivy and Noah are fraternal twins

Babies seem to start life prepared to seek out and react to particular kinds of experiences. This would seem to contradict the views held by which of the following?

John Locke

Devon's sex chromosomes have an XXY pattern. Devon is an individual with...?

Klinefelter syndrome

Which of the following is most likely a result of multifactorial inheritance?

Ling carries genes that should result in him being very tall, yet he is shorter than his peers.

Pregnant women are advised to limit their consumption of fish to avoid exposure to which teratogen?


Miriam has a lot of fun at her friend's birthday party. When she returns home, she excitedly tells her parents all about her day. According to Bronfenbrenner, this represents the influence of which system?


Which of the following occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Mother experiences morning sickness

Which of the following describes a qualitative change?

Mutual trust is a characteristic of adult friendships but not of early childhood friendships.

A research project reawakened feelings of inadequacy in Meredith related to her father's alcoholism. The researchers provided her with counseling to help Meredith through this difficulty. Which ethical standard were the researchers upholding?

Protection from harm

Which of the following developmental theories is on the passive side?

Psychosexual theory

Which statement correctly identifies an ethical standard that developmental researchers must follow?

Researchers must keep the identities of participants confidential.

Samantha and Steven are expecting a baby and tell you they have opted to pursue natural childbirth. Which is the correct conclusion?

Samantha intends to avoid using drugs during labor.

When a familiar song comes on the radio, which memory component is activated first?

Sensory memory

Which statement about sequential designs is correct?

Sequential designs allow cohorts to be compared.

A researcher is studying the importance of friendship among middle schoolers. Which domain of development is the researcher studying?

Social domain

Which of the following is the best example of the macrosystem as described in Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory?

Society increasingly finds it acceptable to hire gay and lesbian teachers in public schools.

Melinda is a big believer in classical conditioning theory because her therapist used it to help her get over her fear of riding in elevators. Which criterion is Melinda using to judge the usefulness of classical conditioning theory?

Solutions to real-world problems

Which is a significant drawback to longitudinal designs?

Some participants drop out or move away.

Which is a reason why experimental designs are superior to correlational approaches?

Specific variables can be manipulated in an experiment.

Invidia is in labor. Her cervix has dilated to about 5 centimeters. Invidia is in which stage of labor?

Stage 1

Which is the best description of the lifespan perspective?

The lifespan perspective posits that human development is multidimensional rather than a continuous and consistent cycle.

Which would be the best course of action for potential parents to take to avoid possible teratogenic effects of alcohol on their baby?

The pregnant woman should drink no alcohol at all.

Danitra is just beginning to put together two- and three-word sentences. In which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development is Danitra?

The preoperational stage

According to Freud, which component of the personality is most analogous to conscience?

The superego

What are the long-term effects of sedatives or tranquilizers on a baby whose mother uses such drugs during labor?

There are no consistently observed long-term effects.

What do classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, and social-learning theory all have in common?

They all emphasize nurture over nature.

Susan has red hair. Which statement must be true about Susan's parents?

They both have a recessive gene for red hair

A human development researcher writes: "Adolescent drivers are involved in more accidents than young and middle-aged adults." Which goal is the researcher achieving?

To describe

When a human development researcher generates a theory, he or she is attempting to achieve which goal?

To explain

Parents with high IQs are likely to provide their children with plenty of books and take them on many interesting excursions. This suggests that.......

a child's genes may predict something about her environment.

An advantage of cross-cultural research is that it...?

can provide information about the universality of age-related changes

Maternal emotions such as anxiety or depression may lead to birth defects by?

changing the mother's hormones and body chemistry

Virtually all children acquire spoken language first with single words, then later with two-word sentences, followed by more complex sentences. This seems to indicate that...?

children are born with tendencies to respond in certain ways.

Sherri notices that the fish in her aquarium often swim to the water's surface when she approaches the tank. Their behavior has probably formed through

classical conditioning

Differences in families, cultures, and even genders impact human development, suggesting that development is...?


An ethologist would be more likely than a sociobiologist to claim that?

evolution has produced genes that cause human infants to form emotional bonds with their caregivers.

Exposure to a teratogen may not impact a fetus if...

exposure does not occur during a critical period.

Midori has learned to be deathly afraid of white dogs. She is so petrified by them that she began to scream in fear when she saw a white, fluffy bunny rabbit hop across the backyard. In this case, Midori is exhibiting....


The degree to which a theory stimulates thinking and research is its?

heuristic value

Though the number of one's friends might change over time, people of all ages have peer relationships. This suggests that one aspect of human development...?

is constant in nature

A newborn's Apgar score is 9, indicating that the child...?

is strong and in no danger.

Unlike most teratogens, genital herpes..

is usually passed from mother to infant during birth.

The early childhood period of human development begins at ______ and ends at...?

language development; school entrance

Learning disabilities are associated with...?

low birth weight.

Most sex-linked disorders are more prevalent among...?

males than females

Julio's mother has been nagging him for days to wash the car. When he finally washes the car, his mother stops nagging him. Julio's mother's nagging can best be described as...

negative reinforcement.

Generally speaking, people who were born in the 1950s have had very different life experiences than people who were born in the 1990s. This can be explained largely because of...?

normative history-graded changes.

Like many 80-year-olds, Horace does not know how to use a smartphone, but his 6-year-old great-grandson can easily use the device. This is an example of a(n)...?

normative history-graded influence

Grandma gives 4-year-old Jamal a cookie every time he begins to whine. Jamal soon learns to whine anytime he wants a cookie. The change in Jamal's behavior is an example of

operant conditioning

Amniocentesis is commonly used to identify....?

potential fetal abnormalities.

Survey participants are asked if they would be willing to vote for an atheist for president. Not wishing to appear prejudiced, Gloria answers "yes" even though she would actually never be willing to do so. Gloria's answer was influenced by...?

social desirability.

Unlike Piaget's model of cognitive development, Vygotsky's model emphasizes the importance of...

social interactions

The sex of an individual is determined by the sex chromosome in the...?


Information-processing theorists would argue that teenagers can solve more complex problems than toddlers because?

their short-term memories are more efficient than younger children's

According to the lifespan perspective, development occurs..?

throughout one's entire life cycle

In Pavlov's experiments with animals, the food was the...

unconditioned stimulus.

Noah watches closely as his father makes French toast for breakfast. According to Bandura, what Noah will learn from observing his father will depend on what he pays attention to and....

what he is able to remember.

A fertilized ovum is referred to as a(n)?


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