Human Injury & Prevention Chapter 1: Sports Medicene

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Certification requirements for AT

-Must have extensive background in formal academic preparation and supervised practical experience -Guidelines are set by the Board of Certification (BOC) -Upon meeting the educational guidelines applicants are eligible to sit for the examination -Examination is computer based -Exam assesses the 6 domains ..Prevention ..Evaluation and diagnosis ..Immediate care ..Treatment, rehabilitation & reconditioning ..Organization and administration ..Professional responsibility -Upon passing the certification examination = BOC certified as an athletic trainer -BOC certification is a prerequisite for licensure in most states

Board of Certification Domains

1) Prevention 2) Clinical evaluation and diagnosis 3) Immediate care 4) Treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning 5) Health care administration and 6) Professional responsiblites

Sports Medicene

A broad field of health care related to physical activity and sport. The field of ____ ____ encompasses a number of more specialized aspects of dealing with the physically active or athletic populations that may be classified as relating either to performance enhancement or to injury care and management.

Performance Enhancement

Area of sports medicene that includes exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, sports nutrition, strength & conditioning, coaching, and personal fitness training

Injury care & management

Area of sports medicene that includes practice of medicene, athletic training, sports physical therapy, sports massage therapy, sports dentistry, osteopathic medicene, orthotics, sports chiropractic, sports podiatry, and emegency medical technican

Professional Responisbilites

Athletic trainer as educator, Athletic trainer and continuing education, Athletic trainers as counselor, Athletic trainers as researcher (Incorporation of evidence medicine and participating and acquisition of evidence for efficacy of patient care)

Immediate Care

BOC: Administration of appropriate first aid and emergency medical care (CPR, AED), Activation of emergency action plans (EAP)

Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning

BOC: Design preventative training systems, Rehabilitation program design, Supervising rehabilitation programs, Incorporation of therapeutic modalities and exercise, Offering psychosocial intervention


BOC: Ensure safe environment, Conduct pre-participation physicals, Develop training and conditioning programs, Select and fit protective equipment properly, Explaining important diet and lifestyle choices, Ensure appropriate medication use while discouraging substance abuse

Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis

BOC: Recognize nature and extent of injury, Involves both on and off-field evaluation skills and techniques, Understand pathology of injuries and illnesses, Referring to medical care, Referring to supportive services

State regulation of the AT

During the early-1970s NATA realized the necessity of obtaining some type of official recognition by other medical allied health organizations of the athletic trainer as a health care professional. Laws and statutes specifically governing the practice of athletic training were nonexistent in virtually every state. Athletic trainers in many individual states organized efforts to secure recognition by seeking some type of regulation of the athletic trainer by state licensing agencies. To date 47 of the 50 states have enacted some type of regulatory statute governing the practice of athletic training

National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA)

Formed in 1950, primary purpose for its formation was to establish professional standards for the athletic trainer. To enhance the quality of health care for athletes and those engaged in physical activity, and to advance the profession of athletic training through education and research in the prevention, evaluation, management and rehabilitation of injuries. Has 32,000 members

National Academy of Sports Medicene (NASM)

Founded by physicians, physical therapists and fitness professionals; it focuses on the development, refinement and implementation of educational programs for fitness, performance and sports medicine professionals. In addition, it offers a variey of certifications such as a fitness certification (Certified Personal Trainer) and performance certification (Performance Enhancement Specialist)

Physically active

Individuals that engage in athletic, recreational, or occupational activites that require physical skills and utilize strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, range of motion, and agility

American College of Sports Medicene (ACSM)

Interested in the study of all aspects of sports. Established in 1954. Membership composed of medical doctors, doctors of philosophy, physical educators, athletic trainers, coaches, exercise physiologists, biomechanists, and others interested in sports

Other health related organizations

Many other health-related professions such as dentistry, podiatristy, and chriopractic have over the years become interested in the health and safety aspects of sports. National, state, and local organizations have also emerged focusing on athletic health and safety. All bodies have worked towards the reduction of injury and illness in sport


Must understand specific role of all individuals involved with the team. He/she must clearly understand the limits of their ability to function as a health care provider in their respective state. They're directly responsible for preventing injuries by seeing that athletes have undergone a preventive injury conditioning program. Coach must be aware of risks associated with the sport. Provide appropriate training and equipment. Should be certified in CPR and first aid. Must have thorough knowledge of skills, techniques and environmental factors associated with the sport. And Develop good working relationships with staff, including athletic trainers

Roles & Responsibilites of the AT

Of all the professionals charged with injury prevention and health care provision for an injured patient, perhaps none is more intimately involved than then athletic trainer. The athletic trainer is the one individual who deals with the patient throughout the period of rehabilitation, from the time of the initial injurt until the patient's complete, unrestricted return to activity. The athletic trainer is most directly responsible for all phases of health care, including preventing injuries from occuring, providing initial first aid and injury management, evaluating injuries, and designing and supervising a timely and effective program of rehabilitation than can facilitate the safe and exppeditious return to activity.


Once an athlete returns to the weight room with the strength and conditioning coach following an injury, the athletic training does not have any responsibilites for this athletes training reigmen

Organization and Administration (Health care administraiton)

Record keeping, Ordering supplies and equipment, Establishing policies and procedures, Supervising personnel

Athletic Trainers

Specialize in preventing, recognizing, treating, and rehabilitating injuries


The ACSM was formed before the NATA


The athletic trainer works under direct supervision of the ____. They advise and supervise the athletic trainer. It's important that they work together and have similar philosophical opinions regarding injury management. This will help minimize discrepancies and inconsistencies. They're responsible for -compiling medical histories and conducting physical exams (pre-participation screening done by both ___ and AT). -assume responsibility for making a medical diagnosis of an injury and should be keenly aware of the program of rehab as designed by the AT (AT should be capable of doing an accurate inital evaluation after acute injury and determining a clinical diagnosis which may be essential for the medical diagnosis by the ____) -deciding on disqualifications from a sport and have the final say when an athlete may return to activity based on medical knowledge and psychophysiological demands of sport(Any decision to allow an athlete to resue activity should be based on recommendations from the AT) -attend practices and games. The ____ should make an effort to attend as many practices and competitions as possible. (The AT is generally at most practices and games) -must have a commitment to sports and the athlete. -potentially serve as the academic program medical director. Accredited athletic training educational programs must have a ____ medical director who is responsible for the coordination and guidance of the edical aspects of the program. They should provide input to the program's educational content and provide classroom, labratory, and/or clinical instruction

Clinics and hospitals

The largest percentage of certified athletic trainers are employed in ____ and _____


The role of the exercise physiologist is primarily to prevent injuries to the athlete


The team physician works primarily under the supervision of the athletic trainer, who is ultimately responsible for directing the total health care of the athlete

American Physical Therapy Association, Sports Physical Therapy Section

Their mission is "to provide a forum to establish collegial relations between physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students interested in sports physical therapy." The section promotes prevention, recognition, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries in an athletic and physically active population; provides educational opportunities through sponsorship of continuing education programs and publications; promote the role of the sports physical therapist to other health professionals; and support research to further establish the scientific base for sports physical therapy

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Was formed to facilitate a professional exchange of ideas in strength development as it relates to the improvement of athletic performance and fitness and to enhance, enlighten, and advance the field of strength and conditioning. Composed of more than 30,000 strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, exercise physiologists, athletic trainers, researchers, educators, sport coaches, physical therapists, business owners, exercise instructors and fitness directors. It also offers two of the finest and the only nationally accredited certification programs: the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and the NSCA Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT)

Professional Responsibilites

Which of the following performance domains involves the athletic trainers responsiblity to educate others?

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