Human Resource Chapter 10

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While women constitute more than 40% of the workforce, they hold only about ________ of top management positions. A) 2% B) 13% C) 25% D) 30%


Willful disregard or disobedience of the boss's authority or legitimate orders is known as ________. A) dismissal B) terminate at will C) reality shock D) insubordination


Why are an increasing number of firms focusing on retirement planning? A) concerns about future labor shortages B) surveys of current employee attitudes C) modifications to the promotion process D) increases in health insurance premiums


ABC Consulting has a formal mentoring program in which senior-level managers are paired with less-experienced employees. Which of the following employees most likely needs a mentor? A) Raj, who is uncertain how to navigate office politics B) Jason, who does not perform tasks as quickly as required C) Michele, who is experiencing personal problems at home D) Haley, who is working and attending graduate school simultaneously


All of the following are true statements about retirement EXCEPT ________. A) most employees who plan to work after 65 must do so for financial reasons B) most employees expect to continue working after normal retirement age C) most employees who plan to work after 65 want a part-time position D) many retirement age workers want to stay active through working


All of the following are types of career development initiatives implemented by employers EXCEPT ________. A) 401(k) plans B) career coaches C) appraisal committees D) mentoring


Apex Carpet has a very high voluntary turnover rate, which executives at the firm want reduced. Which of the following should Apex most likely do first in its attempt to retain topperforming employees? A) administer attitude surveys to all employees B) provide an across-the-board wage increase C) evaluate the firm's promotion methods D) develop online training courses


Based on research studies, which of the following is most likely a true statement about mentoring programs? A) Traditional mentoring programs are more effective for male than for female employees. B) When the mentor and protégé work in different departments, mentoring is more effective. C) Protégés have more respect for mentors who work two levels above their own rank in a firm. D) Required mentoring relationships are more effective than informal mentoring relationships.


Chelsea Bank employs a diverse group of employees, and the firm wants all of its workers to have equal career advancement opportunities. Which of the following most likely undermines Chelsea Bank's attempt to meet the career development needs of its diverse workforce? A) scheduling meetings in the early morning or late evening B) offering career advancement seminars for women and minorities C) identifying mentors for women and minorities D) adopting flexible year-round work schedules


Competence rather than seniority is most likely the basis for promotion when ________. A) corporate competitiveness is necessary B) union agreements are involved C) civil service regulations apply D) compensation packages are limited


Dick's Sporting Goods is a sports and fitness retailer with over 300 stores in 34 states. After beginning as a small bait and tackle shop in 1948, Dick's has grown to become a leader in the sports and fitness retail industry. Many career opportunities are available in Dick's in areas as diverse as IT, product development, merchandising, and store management. Top management at Dick's realizes the importance of hiring and retaining quality employees. As a result, the firm has decided to implement policies, practices, and programs that support employees' career needs. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that Dick's should assign a coach to each new employee? A) The turnover rate of newly hired hourly employees at Dick's Sporting Goods is higher than the industry average. B) Many new employees at Dick's Sporting Goods have expressed interest in the firm's tuition reimbursement program. C) Dick's Sporting Goods has integrated preretirement counseling and succession planning into its career management practices. D) Dick's Sporting Goods uses talent management software to place new employees in the most appropriate positions.


Retaining employees is a ________ issue and the best retention strategies are therefore multifunctional. A) talent management B) career management C) strategic management D) human resources management


Robin, the HR manager at Rightway Enterprises, believes that job withdrawal has become a significant problem at the firm. Robin most likely came to this conclusion after observing all of the following employee behaviors EXCEPT ________. A) frequent vacation time requests B) idle employee conversations C) undeserved work breaks D) excessive absences


When an employer arranges for an outside firm to provide terminated employees with career planning and job search skills it is called: A) outplacement counseling B) a layoff C) a transfer D) career management


Which of the following best describes career planning? A) a deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, and motivations and establishes action plans to attain specific career goals B) the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment C) a process of helping employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively D) the process of educating, instructing, and training subordinates as they develop their career interests and job skills


Which of the following industries has one of the highest turnover rates, at around 100% per year? A) food services B) financial services C) healthcare services D) educational services


Which of the following is the organization's role in an employee's career development? A) providing mentoring opportunities to support growth B) participating in career development discussions C) providing timely performance feedback D) establishing goals and career plans


Which of the following is the simplest and most often used method for predicting the future performance of a candidate for promotion? A) prior performance B) aptitude tests C) assessment centers D) psychological exams


Which of the following statements most likely suggests that an employee is engaged? A) "I work with intensity." B) "I take frequent breaks." C) "I daydream at my desk." D) "I enjoy talking to co-workers."


Which of the following terms refers to reassignments to similar positions in other parts of a firm? A) transfers B) layoffs C) dismissals D) promotions


With a(n) ________, a supervisor and employee jointly merge the employee's past performance, career preferences, and developmental needs into a formal career plan. A) career-oriented appraisal B) exit interview C) promotion D) employee qualification databank


________ focuses on helping an employee make long-term career plans, while ________ addresses an employee's short-term job skills. A) Mentoring; coaching B) Coaching; mentoring C) Recruiting; coaching D) Appraising; training


________ is a process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively within the company and afterwards. A) Career management B) Career development C) Career planning D) Performance management


All of the following are the role of the employer in an employee's career development EXCEPT ________. A) communicating policies and procedures B) analyzing interests, values, and skills C) providing performance feedback D) offering a variety of career paths


An employer may transfer an employee for all these reasons EXCEPT ________. A) to vacate a position that is no longer needed B) personal enrichment C) to find a better fit position for the employee D) to give a displaced employee a chance for another assignment


As an employer, what is the primary benefit of cutting a high turnover rate? A) selling stock B) saving money C) attracting applicants D) meeting legal obligations


Dick's Sporting Goods is a sports and fitness retailer with over 300 stores in 34 states. After beginning as a small bait and tackle shop in 1948, Dick's has grown to become a leader in the sports and fitness retail industry. Many career opportunities are available in Dick's in areas as diverse as IT, product development, merchandising, and store management. Top management at Dick's realizes the importance of hiring and retaining quality employees. As a result, the firm has decided to implement policies, practices, and programs that support employees' career needs. All of the following questions are relevant to Dick's Sporting Goods' decision to implement a career development program EXCEPT: A) What is the average length of time that an employee works for Dick's Sporting Goods? B) How would the profits of Dick's Sporting Goods be affected by a change in hiring practices? C) What are the career needs and opportunities available to minorities and women employed by Dick's Sporting Goods? D) What will be the effect on recruiting and placement if employees' interests and attitudes are taken into consideration by the HR department at Dick's Sporting Goods?


Dick's Sporting Goods is a sports and fitness retailer with over 300 stores in 34 states. After beginning as a small bait and tackle shop in 1948, Dick's has grown to become a leader in the sports and fitness retail industry. Many career opportunities are available in Dick's in areas as diverse as IT, product development, merchandising, and store management. Top management at Dick's realizes the importance of hiring and retaining quality employees. As a result, the firm has decided to implement policies, practices, and programs that support employees' career needs. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that Dick's should add a career development aspect to its human resource activities? A) Dick's Sporting Goods' current policies and practices categorize the firm as a highperformance work system. B) Dick's Sporting Goods' performance appraisals will include development plans and individual goal setting. C) Dick's Sporting Goods' sales volume and hourly employee needs typically fluctuate throughout the year. D) Dick's Sporting Goods' will screen potential candidates using structured situational interviews.


Dwight has just been in an interview in which he was informed of the fact that he had been dismissed. This is called a(n): A) exit interview B) termination interview C) outplacement interview D) reality shock interview


In regards to an employee's career development, it is the primary responsibility of the ________ to make career plans, set goals, and utilize development opportunities. A) employer B) employee C) recruiter D) HR manager


Which of the following terms refers to educating, instructing, and training subordinates, usually related to daily tasks? A) mentoring B) coaching C) appraising D) grading


Tanya accused a male superior of sexual harassment. Later, Tanya was turned down for a promotion because the accused superior persuaded Tanya's current supervisor not to promote Tanya. This is most likely an example of ________. A) demotion B) retaliation C) dissonance D) defensive behavior


The tool managers use to meet employees' career development where the manager and employee jointly merge the latter's past performance, career preferences, and developmental needs into a formal career plan is called: A) orientation sessions B) career-oriented appraisals C) interest inventories D) graphic-rating scales


Which of the following is a specific example of a career development activity? A) job evaluation B) training workshop C) college recruitment D) performance appraisal


Which of the following is most likely to occur when a new employee's high expectations and enthusiasm confront the reality of a boring job? A) halo effect B) reality shock C) disparate rejection D) cognitive dissonance


Which of the following refers to an organized learning event in which participants conduct self-assessments, set goals, and develop action plans? A) competency-based job analysis B) career planning workshop C) job instruction training D) management retreat


Which of the following terms refers to the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment? A) performance management B) career development C) career management D) career planning


Which of the following would most likely reduce voluntary turnover? A) performance appraisal systems B) high unemployment rates C) numerous job opportunities D) downsizing requirements


A(n) ________ describes the criteria by which the firm awards promotions. A) job posting policy B) employee qualification databank C) formal promotion policy D) 9-box plot


According to the court system, promotions based on subjective assessments ________. A) support employers in adverse impact claims B) violate the Americans with Disabilities Act C) must be supported by objective evidence D) are valid under the Civil Rights Act of 1991


All of the following are characteristics of effective mentors EXCEPT ________. A) developing a trustworthy relationship B) guiding protégés into important projects C) focusing on the protégé's daily tasks D) setting high standards for protégés


All of the following methods are used by firms to recruit and retain retirement-age workers EXCEPT ________. A) implementing phased retirement programs B) offering them flexible work arrangements C) using psychometric selection tests D) offering them part-time positions


Apex Carpet has a very high voluntary turnover rate, which executives at the firm want reduced. What is the most effective way to retain top-performing employees at Apex? A) conducting more performance reviews B) developing new recruitment strategies C) establishing a talent management program D) revising the organization's mission statement


Jackie is working with a coach to identify her personal skills and interests. Afterwards, she will investigate opportunities that fit her skills and interests and set specific career goals. In which of the following activities is Jackie most likely participating? A) career management B) career development C) career planning D) job training


John feels that he owes his organization hard work and loyalty while the company owes him fair treatment and satisfactory work conditions. This is an example of: A) career planning B) exit interview C) psychological contract D) transfer


Miranda wants to make partner at her law firm. However, she is worried because 70-hour work weeks are the norm for someone striving to make partner. Miranda wants to be fair to her family as well as excel at work. The best way for the law firm to address this problem is by ________. A) providing Miranda with a female career coach B) persuading Miranda to temporarily work in a less competitive law firm C) offering a flexible career track that allows Miranda to periodically reduce her work load D) providing a career planning workshop to help Miranda determine a more appropriate occupation


Roberto is leaving Smith Industries and before he actually leaves the company wants to do a meeting where they elicit information aimed at giving the employer insights into the company. This is known as a(n): A) layoff B) transfer C) exit interview D) termination interview


The rate at which employees leave a firm is best known as ________. A) downsizing B) retirement C) turnover D) retention


What can diminish positive feelings toward the promotion process? A) rewards B) responsibilities C) secrecy D) job descriptions


What is a crucial first step in retaining employees over time? A) providing employees with proper training B) discussing career plans with workers C) selecting the right workers D) identifying worker goals


Which of the following best explains the meaning of the term "glass ceiling"? A) formal corporate policies that prevent women from receiving the training needed to advance their careers B) spoken opinions by corporate leaders that women lack the knowledge and skills required for career advancement C) structural yet subtle barriers in corporate environments that inhibit the rise of talented women to leadership positions D) inadequate educational opportunities which ultimately limit the network opportunities available to women in the workforce


Which of the following is the main difference between coaching and mentoring? A) Coaching focuses on work-related behaviors. B) Mentoring focuses on teamwork related skills. C) Coaching focuses on teaching daily tasks. D) Mentoring is more effective for women.


Which of the following terms refers to advancements to positions of increased responsibility? A) transfers B) appraisals C) promotions D) recruitments


Which of the following would most likely increase employee commitment? A) document the psychological contract B) create Web-based efficiency programs C) establish a career development program D) promise lifetime employment to managers


Which term refers to actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments? A) employee disengagement B) workplace separation C) job withdrawal D) attrition


According to research cited in the text, what is the primary reason that top-performing/high commitment employees gave for voluntarily leaving an organization? A) career development B) work-life balance C) promotions D) salary


All of the following are characteristic of a formal promotion process EXCEPT ________. A) open positions are posted B) promotion criteria are made available C) job postings are circulated to all employees D) promotions are based on unpublished requirements


All of the following are typical activities of career coaches EXCEPT helping employees to ________. A) make 1-5 year career plans B) identify development needs C) obtain networking opportunities D) negotiate with firms for higher salaries


Dick's Sporting Goods is a sports and fitness retailer with over 300 stores in 34 states. After beginning as a small bait and tackle shop in 1948, Dick's has grown to become a leader in the sports and fitness retail industry. Many career opportunities are available in Dick's in areas as diverse as IT, product development, merchandising, and store management. Top management at Dick's realizes the importance of hiring and retaining quality employees. As a result, the firm has decided to implement policies, practices, and programs that support employees' career needs. Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that the firm should institute a flexible career track program? A) Executive positions at Dick's Sporting Goods are rewarded for a combination of seniority and competency. B) Situational interviews are used at Dick's Sporting Goods to screen potential store managers. C) Executive positions at Dick's Sporting Goods are predominantly held by men. D) Over half of all Dick's Sporting Goods stores are run by female managers.


Employers benefit from offering career development programs to employees in all of the following ways EXCEPT ________. A) supporting recruitment efforts B) boosting employee commitment C) enhancing employee strengths D) facilitating performance analysis


Michele's firm does not have a formal mentoring program. However, entry-level employees, such as Michele, are encouraged to form relationships with experienced workers. Michele wants to make sure that she has an effective mentor relationship. Which of the following mentor relationship guidelines would NOT be recommended to Michele? A) Build trust. B) Share control between mentor and mentee. C) Clarify what you expect in terms of advice. D) Bring personal problems to mentor.


Pablo Industries needs to send home a number of workers due to lack of work, although it expects they will return at a future time. This is an example of a: A) transfer B) downsizing C) promotion D) layoff


Reality shock can most likely be prevented by providing new employees with ________. A) flexible schedules B) performance appraisals C) reassignments D) accurate job previews


Smith Industries has established a career development program for its employees that offers career coaching and workshops. However, a recent employee survey indicates that many women still feel dissatisfied about their career opportunities at the firm. Which of the following would most likely improve the attitudes of female employees at Smith Industries? A) Smith installs an electronic performance support system for telecommuters. B) Smith provides hardship allowances to all minority employees. C) Smith increases the number of performance appraisals. D) Smith implements a flexible career track system.


The process of advising, counseling, and guiding employees is known as ________. A) coaching B) appraising C) assessing D) mentoring


What do firms use to coordinate career planning efforts, succession plans, and employees' career interests? A) outplacement counseling B) coaching C) reality shock D) integrated talent management software


What is defined as the occupational positions a person holds over the years? A) a psychological contract B) a promotion C) reality shock D) a career


Which of the following is NOT supported by research as to what supervisors can do to be better mentors? A) set high standards B) invest the time and effort the mentoring relationship requires C) steer protégés into important projects D) focus on controlling the mentor


Which of the following is primarily the role of the manager in an employee's career development? A) providing career information B) seeking development opportunities C) providing academic assistance programs D) providing accurate performance feedback


________ is reducing, usually dramatically, the number of people employed by a firm. A) Career development B) Coaching C) Transfer D) Downsizing


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