Humanities Final (Chapters 7-14)

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What most distinguishes Renaissance painting in Northern Europe from paintings typical of Southern Europe?

Minutely detailed realism

When Leonardo da Vinci writes, "If man has in himself bones, the supports and armature for the flesh, the world has the rocks, the supports of the earth;" his assertion reflects __________.

Neoplatonic ideas

William Wordsworth's poem "Tintern Abbey" embodies the Romantic imagination by suggesting __________.

the unity of all things

The term "impasto" refers to __________.

thickly applied paint

The central values of Venice as a city and culture were peace, prosperity, and __________.


Which commentary addresses a fundamental issue related to women and education in humanist society?

"Nature has generously lavished its gifts upon all people,... the desire to know grows ever more wide and deep."

The term Sprechstimme translates to __________.


The American Revolutionary War ended in __________.


The signing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen took place in __________.


Members of which movement decomposed their subjects into faceted planes and whose non-illusionistic paintings seem to question the very nature of reality.


The term "Romanticism" was first coined by __________.

Friedrich von Schlegel

Which Northern European city was an early center of art commerce, particularly through its annual merchants fair where paintings, cloth, jewelry, and other artisan-produced products were sold?


The subject and activity of work is particularly explored in the art of __________.

Edgar Degas

Inspired by their own mental torments, members of which movement tried to free the imagination from the chains that enslaved them through jarring colors and jagged lines?


Seeking the emotional potential of color, one part of which movement believed that spirituality was communicated through color?


Which movement, whose members were called "Wild Beasts," was known for its radical application of arbitrary, or unnatural, color?


Berthe Morisot, SUMMER'S DAY, 1879. Oil on canvas, 18" × 29 3⁄4". National Gallery, London. A distinct characteristic of Berthe Morisot's Impressionist style that set her apart from others is evident in which feature of this painting?

Figures rendered without discernible outlining or minimal application of line

Radical in their politics, members of which movement believed that a speeding car is more beautiful than a work of ancient Greek art?


The law of falling bodies was first proposed by __________.

Galileo Galilei

A scene from everyday life would be classified as what type of image?


The technique of pointillism characterizes the style of which Post-Impressionist?

Georges Seurat

Whose early portrait by Pablo Picasso reveals the beginnings of his path towards Cubism?

Gertrude Stein's

What concept is expressed by the term Platonic love?

Ideal spiritual love between two people

What is the significance of Cupid's gesture on the left-hand side of Fragonard's The Swing?

It signifies the secret love affair between the girl on the swing and her lover in the bushes.

Thomas Jefferson's denunciation of monarchy in his draft of the Declaration of Independence was influenced by the Social Contract argument that "No man has a natural authority over his fellow" as espoused by __________.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Gianlorenzo Bernini conceptualized the Baroque as a compromise between __________.

Mannerist exuberance and religious propriety

The technique of applying paint in flat patches of color while capturing multiple viewpoints of a scene is associated with __________.

Paul Cézanne

TO VERSAILLES, TO VERSAILLES, OCTOBER 5, 1789, 1789. Engraving. Musée Carnavalet, Paris. Which statement is true regarding the event depicted in this scene?

Peasant and working-class women of Paris storm the palace to demand bread.

Apart from Britain and Sweden, which European country remained free of Napoleon's domination?


Who described this experience? "The pain was so sharp that it made me utter several moans; and so excessive was the sweetness caused me by this intense pain that one can never wish to lose it, nor will one's soul be content with anything less than God."

Teresa of Ávila

The French term rocaille and Italian term barocco combined to create which art term?


Vincent van Gogh, THE STARRY NIGHT, 1889. Oil on canvas, 28 3⁄4" × 36 1⁄4". The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gogh's synthesized technique in this painting reflects the influence of __________.

Seurat's approach to contrasting colors

Pablo Picasso, GIRL BEFORE A MIRROR, 1932. Oil on canvas, 64" × 51 1⁄4". The Museum of Modern Art, New York. In this painting Pablo Picasso expresses an affinity with __________.


Robert Campin (Master of Flémalle), MÉRODE ALTARPIECE, ca. 1426. Oil on panel, center 25 5∕16" × 24 7⁄8", each wing 25 3⁄8" × 10 7⁄8". The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Which feature within the center portion of Robert Campin's altarpiece represents the "old faith" with enduring implications?

The curling smoke of the snuffed candle

Jacques-Louis David, THE OATH OF THE HORATII, 1784-85. Oil on canvas, 10'10" × 13'11 1⁄2". Musée du Louvre, Paris. Which feature of David's epic history painting, despite its overall Neoclassical style, relates more specifically to Baroque conventions?

The grouping of women to the right

Giorgione, TEMPEST, ca. 1509. Oil on canvas, 31 1⁄4" × 28 3⁄4". Gallerie dell' Accademia, Venice. What aspect of Giorgione's Tempest illustrates a distinct affinity with the work of Leonardo da Vinci?

The hazy atmospheric effects

Why was Rembrandt van Rijn's large painting Captain Frans Banning Cocq Mustering His Company also known as The Night Watch?"

The painting was covered by a layer of grime and darkened varnish.

Jacob van Ruisdael, VIEW OF HAARLEM FROM THE DUNES AT OVERVEEN, ca. 1670. Oil on canvas, 22" × 24 3⁄8". Mauritshuis, The Hague. Which element of this image conveys the Dutch concept of Nederkindern?

The predominant area of illuminated sky

Although Urbino, Mantua, and Milan resembled Florence in many ways, they differed in which important aspect?

They were not republics.

Who proposed a land ordinance that effectively installed a Neoclassical pattern on the American landscape?

Thomas Jefferson

Why did the Catholic Church call for the Council of Trent in 1545?

To respond to Protestant challenges to Rome's authority

The nearly forgotten master of Dutch genre scenes who was rediscovered in the nineteenth century, and is most highly esteemed today, is __________.


The concept of "stream-of-consciousness" was initially defined by __________.

William James

When Thomas More published Utopia in 1516, it was not only a description of an ideal state, but also a __________.

critique of English politics

The term cantus firmus refers to __________.

a "fixed melody" in a musical composition

The term salonnière refers to __________.

a Parisian hostess of aristocratic social gatherings

Michelangelo's Last Judgment is __________.

a fresco

A secular vocal composition for three or more voices is __________.

a madrigal

In "Annus Mirabilis," poet John Dryden celebrates London by comparing it to __________.

a phoenix, rising from ashes

Desiderius Erasmus's In Praise of Folly includes __________.

a satiric critique of the Church

The term sprezzatura refers to __________.

an air of effortless nonchalance desired by the model courtier

"Federal" style refers to __________.

an architectural design based upon Roman precedents

The painting technique of sfumato made famous in Leonardo's Mona Lisa creates __________.

an effect of smokiness

According to Sigmund Freud, the subconscious can be revealed through __________.

an exploration of dreams

The complicated response to Michelangelo's David in Florence resulted in __________.

attempts to damage and alter its appearance

The Medici family made its fortune as __________.


The paintings of the Fauves are known for __________.

bold application of arbitrary color

J.M.W. Turner, SNOW STORM—STEAM-BOAT OFF A HARBOUR'S MOUTH, 1842. Oil on canvas, 36" × 48". Tate. As evident in this example, the later landscape paintings of the English painter Joseph Mallord William Turner are notable for their __________.

depiction of the raw experience of nature

In Garden of Earthly Delights, Hieronymus Bosch most notably departs from earlier painters of the Netherlands in his __________.

emphasis on enigmatic and fantastical details

James Joyce devotes the entire book of Ulysses to __________.

events that take place in a single day in Dublin

In Leviathan, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued that people are driven by two things: __________.

fear of death and the desire for power

Commissioned by Napoleon to commemorate his victories and the glory of his rule, Pierre-Alexandre Vignon's La Madeleine __________.

featured massive Corinthian columns and multiple interior domes

Andrea Mantegna, detail of ceiling of CAMERA PICTA, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, 1465-74. Fresco, diameter of balcony 5'. In Andrea Mantegna's ceiling of the Camera Picta, the use of di sotto in sù can be seen in the __________.

foreshortened bodies of the putti

In Igor Stravinsky's "Sacrificial Dance of the Chosen One" in Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), the frequent changes in tempo create a feeling of __________.

frenzied tension

Georges Braque, HOUSES AT L'ESTAQUE, 1908. Oil on canvas, 28 3⁄4" × 23 3⁄4". Hermann and Margit Rupf Foundation. Georges Braque's Houses at l'Estaque is an early work of Cubism, which is evident in the __________.

geometric simplification of the observed world, demonstrating the influence of Paul Cézanne

The Paris Commune was formed in 1871 to __________.

govern the city separately from the rest of France

By the term "noble savage," Jean-Jacques Rousseau meant that __________.

humans are naturally good and are only corrupted by society

Dutch vanitas paintings were intended to __________.

remind viewers that the material world is not as long-lived as the spiritual

The process of direct observation followed by drawing conclusions from particular examples is called __________.

inductive reasoning

Originally trained as a painter of Byzantine icons, El Greco's work __________.

is recognized for intensely expressive spirituality

By singing "in the manner of the chapel," the Sistine Chapel Choir was somewhat unusual because __________.

it sang without instrumental accompaniment

The symbol of Venice is a __________.


Caravaggio, CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL, ca. 1601. Oil on canvas, 90 1⁄2" × 68 7⁄8". Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome. To fully appreciate the virtuosity of Caravaggio's composition, the viewer should __________.

look at the scene from a 45-degree angle

In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust, the title character abandons his love, Gretchen, after which she __________.

loses her mind and murders their illegitimate child

Women receiving a humanist education studied multiple languages and rhetoric, plus __________.


In Northern Europe in the fifteenth century, a growing patron group was the __________.

merchant class

Johannes Gutenberg, page from the GUTENBERG BIBLE, page 162 recto with initials "M" and "E" and depiction of Alexander the Great; Mainz, 1455-56. The Gutenberg Bible is the first substantial European book to benefit from the development of __________.

movable type, evident in the even columns of 42 lines

A linking interest of Romantic poets was the contemplation of __________.


Masaccio, THE TRIBUTE MONEY, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, 1420s. Fresco, 8 1⁄4' × 19'7". To create a naturalistic three-dimensional world the arrangement of space within this image utilizes __________.

one-point perspective and atmospheric perspective

The term en plein air refers to __________.

painting outdoors in the open air

The painter Jean-Antoine Watteau is a notable exponent of the Rococo style, best known for his paintings of fêtes galantes, which were __________.

parties enjoyed in a pastoral or garden setting

The Venetian courtesan Veronica Franco is noted for her __________.

poetry with artful sexual innuendo

Joseph Wright, AN EXPERIMENT ON A BIRD IN THE AIR-PUMP, 1768. Oil on canvas, 6' × 8'. The National Gallery, London. The underlying theme of this painting is the __________.

power of science to understand laws of physics

The idea that people are elected by God to salvation prior to coming into the world is called __________.


The painter Artemisia Gentileschi was __________.

profoundly influenced by the style of Caravaggio

Giorgio Vasari believed that the shortcoming of all Venetian artists was their __________.

sensuous painterly technique over elements of good design

In order to create longer works without using tonality, the composer Arnold Schoenberg increasingly resorted to __________.

serial composition

The Italian artists of the Futurist movement thought that the defining characteristic of modern urban life was __________.


Gabriele Münter, THE BLUE GABLE, 1911. Oil on canvas, 34 15∕16" × 39 5⁄8". Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Champaign. The emphatic black outlining of shapes in this image reveals the influence of __________.

stained-glass leading

Regarding the conduct of bishops, the Council of Trent mandated __________.

strict celibacy

In his Book of the Courtier, Baldassare Castiglione asserted that the courtier's lady must __________.

strive to use her breeding and education to further the perfection of the home

The primary effect of foreshortening is a __________.

suggestion of sharply receding space

The Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life clashed with __________.

the Church in Rome

Raphael, SMALL COWPER MADONNA, ca. 1505. Oil on panel, 23 7∕16" × 17 5∕16". National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. One way Raphael's version of this subject stands out from previous depictions of the Virgin and Child is by __________.

the highly realistic sense of touch and humanity conveyed by how the baby is held

According to Vitruvius's De Architectura, symmetry, proportion, and ratio in architecture derive from the perfection of __________.

the human figure

In France, the events leading to revolution were most directly brought about by __________.

the national debt

The French painter Camille Pissarro had a particularly deep interest in __________.

the new science of color theory

The term High Renaissance refers to __________.

the period when Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and artist peers created their masterworks

A hallmark of Venetian art and architecture is __________.

the play of light across richly elaborated surfaces

Paul Gauguin's work reflects the primitif, which refers to __________.

the primal, essential forces of nature

In Sigmund Freud's concept of human personality, conscience is equated with __________.

the superego

The "invisible complement" of a sculptural work is __________.

the surrounding space to which it is actively related

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