Humanities- Unit 2

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young working-class dancers

the ballerinas shown in this picture are likely


Monophony, polyphony, and homophony describe which musical element?


On November 15, 1755, Empress Maria Thérèse of ___________________ gives birth to her fifteenth child, Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna (who later becomes known as Marie Antoinette).


On October 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette died. How did she die?

Women's March on Versaille

On October 5 and 6 in 1789, the ______________________________ occurs when Parisian women lead a mob of people to Versailles and force the royal family back to Paris.


Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (which is called a _______________) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance. The performance is typically given in an opera house, accompanied by an orchestra or smaller musical ensemble.

on an emotional level

In the article Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook says, "Although we witness Marie Antoinette's progress towards maturity, we are not invited to decide whether she is good or bad. Rather, we are encouraged to respond __________________________ to her situation."


In the article Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook discusses the term "pastiche". What is a synonym for that word?

the Ballet of the night

King Louis XIV of France was by all accounts a passionate dancer. He had appeared as the Sun god, Apollo in ________________________, at the age of 15.

haute couture

Marie Antoinette's dressmaker is often credited with bringing ______________________, or high-end fashion into the forefront of popular culture.

Rose Bertin

Marie Antoinette's influential dressmaker and stylist was given the disparaging nickname, "Minister of Fashion".

American Ballet Theatre

Misty Copeland is an American ballet dancer. In 2015, she became the first African American woman to be promoted to principal dancer at the __________________________, one of the leading classical ballet companies in the United States.

San Pedro Boys & Girls Club

Misty Copeland was first introduced to ballet at the age of 13 at:

Raven Wilkenson

Misty Copeland was inspired by this American dancer who is credited with having been the first African-American woman to dance for a major classical ballet company. Wilkinson broke the color barrier in 1955 when she signed a contract to dance full-time with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.

the harmony of the spheres

Pythagoras was also known for his belief in ______________________. In other words, the planets and stars moved according to mathematical equations, which corresponded to musical notes and thus produced a symphony.


The viewpoint in filmmaking in which the scene unfolds through the eyes of the character. It helps to the viewer to feel more immersed in the action of the film and empathize with the character.


As music became more structured and orderly in the 18th century, musicians began to abandon the layered polyphony of the baroque period toward a style known as ____________________________, in which the melody is supported by chords. This move meant that chords became a much more prevalent feature of music, even if they interrupted the melodic smoothness of a single part. As a result, the tonal structure of a piece of music became more audible.


As we learned in a previous unit, Pythagoreans viewed math and numbers as a pure expression of the divine. The Ancient Greek sculptor __________________________ used math to create his "canon" of perfect proportions. We also see math used to reveal the divine in Ancient Greek architectural works like the Parthenon. Given the relationship between math and music, it makes sense that music was also seen as an expression of the divine.

An Orrery

At the center of the painting is ______________________, a mechanical model of the solar system, a miniature, clockwork planetarium. Each planet, with its moons, is a sphere attached to a swing arm which allows it to rotate around the sun when cranked by hand. When in motion, this model depicts the orbits of each planet, as well as their relative relationship to each other.

court etiquette

At the time of Louis XIV, knowing ballet was a key component element of:

make her look like a woman of the people.

At the time this iconic portrait was made in 1783, Marie Antoinette was facing bad press — in part for spending too much on lavish dresses. She commissioned this portrait in response to that bad press. Marie Antoinette was hoping this painting would:

17th century

Ballet and opera began in the __________________________, with the elaborate spectacles devised at European courts. These were flamboyant entertainments used to celebrate marriages or show off the wealth and power of the ruler. Costumes were imaginative and fantastical, decorated with symbols that helped the audience to recognize the characters in the story. Movement was often limited by the size of these costumes.


Ballet movements such as the ____________________ and the plié were used in the court of King Louis XIV as way to show respect.


Ballet shoes are traditionally ______________________. The hiplet dancers at CMDC decided to die their shoes so that they would match the color of their skin.

The french revolutionaries

Below is an excerpt from Figaro's monologue in the fifth act. This pivotal moment in the play reflects the point of view of: No, my lord Count, you shan't have her... you shall not have her! Just because you are a great nobleman, you think you are a great genius—Nobility, fortune, rank, position! How proud they make a man feel! What have you done to deserve such advantages? Put yourself to the trouble of being born—nothing more. For the rest—a very ordinary man! Whereas I, lost among the obscure crowd, have had to deploy more knowledge, more calculation and skill merely to survive than has sufficed to rule all the provinces of Spain for a century!


During the classical period, ____________________ such as the concerto and sonata were more heavily defined and given more specific rules. The symphony was also created in this period by Joseph Haydn.


During the classical period, the ____________________ replaced the harpsichord, giving musicians more technology and thus more options in their compositions.

rule of thirds

A basic rule of composition in film production. Divide the frame visually into nine equal parts. The intersections of the lines are control points. Important subjects are placed strategically along these lines.

direct address

A filmmaking method in which the actor looks or speaks directly into the camera. This is also called, "breaking the fourth wall."

cinéma vérité

A filmmaking technique in which natural or outdoor lighting is used and the camera is hand-held, while the film appears unsteady.

1. He is on the $10 bill. 2. He died in a duel with Aaron Burr. 3. He was the first Secretary of the Treasury 4. He worked as an aid to George Washington

1. True statements about Alexander Hamilton (number 17 on quiz)

He was president of the United States.

1. Which of the following statement about Alexander Hamilton is NOT true?

1. His father was from Scotland. 2. He was born out of wedlock. 3. He was an immigrant. 4. He was born in the Caribbean.

2. True statements about Alexander Hamilton (number 18 on quiz)

He was a member of the ancien régime.

2. Which of the following statement about Alexander Hamilton is NOT true?


A ________________ (or tightly-framed shot) is a shot taken of a subject or object at close range intended to show greater detail to the viewer. It is a method for drawing attention to something that holds great importance to the character or the story.


A ________________ is a form of music that became increasingly popular in the classical period (sort of like pop music is in contemporary culture). The term literally means a piece played as opposed to cantata, which means a piece sung. The overture of Mozart's opera, The Marriage of Figaro was composed in this form.

The Scientific Revolution

A series of events that marked the emergence of modern science in the wake of the Renaissance. Developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and chemistry during this time transformed the views of society about nature.


A sonata generally has three main parts: 1) exposition: the themes are introduced 2) development: the themes are developed 3) ________________: an altered repeat of the exposition

high-key lighting

A style of lighting used in cinema that is often used to suggest a positive, upbeat mood or a some sort of fantasy world.


A technique used in art in which elements from a variety of time periods and genres are blended together like a collage.

tracking shot

A type of shot in cinema where the camera itself moves in relation to the subject being filmed.


A type of shot in cinema where the focal length is adjusted during the shot, making the subject either larger or smaller. The camera itself does not move (as opposed to a tracking shot).


A work of cinema or theatre that deliberately distorts or falsifies a historical narrative.


According to Pam Cook in her article, Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola what art form is one of the key vehicles for travesty and pastiche because it consciously disrespects boundaries of time, place and culture, yet at the same time is intimately tied to history?

blacksmith hammers

According to legend, Pythagoras discovered the foundations of musical tuning by listening to the sounds of _____________________________, which produced consonance and dissonance when they were struck simultaneously. While this legend is probably not true, it reminds us that scholars in Ancient Greece were studying the relationship between music and ratio.

King Louis XV's grandson

After years of war, France and Austria form an alliance in 1763. To seal the alliance, a marriage was arranged between Marie Antoinette and _____________________.


Although Marie Antoinette is set in France, the accents of the actors are mostly ______________________________.


Although this portrait was admired by some, there was great public outrage about the ______________________ that appears in the painting. It was condemned as inappropriate for the public portrayal of royalty and the artist was asked to remove it from the exhibition.


An editing technique in cinema that includes a rapid succession of images in a short period of time. It can be used to compress time or draw a visual metaphor.

parallel development

An editing technique that allows two or more simultaneous sets of action to unfold within a single film sequence.

jump cut

An editing technique that breaks the continuity of time by quickly moving forward from one part of the action to another. It creates an illusion of moving forward quickly in time.

Olaudah Equiano

An enslaved man who was born in what is now Nigeria and sold into slavery at age 11. He bought his freedom and wrote about his experiences. His memoir is one of the the first of many slave narratives that opened the eyes to the public about the horrors of slavery. He became a prominent figure associated with the campaign to abolish the slave trade.

social contract

An implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. Members of that society sacrifice some individual freedom in exchange for the state's protection. This concept became popular during the Enlightenment among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These philosophers argued the divine right to rule was not given to monarchs, but rather the citizens themselves.


Below is an excerpt from Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola by Pam Cook. What cinema concept is being discussed in this excerpt? ________________, a common device in theatre and literature, irreverently wrests its source material from its historical context, producing blatantly fake fabrications that challenge accepted notions of authenticity and value. It brazenly mixes high and low culture, and does not disguise its impulse to sweep away tradition. In the case of historical fictions, _______________ collapses boundaries of time and place through pastiche, emphasizing that history is in the eye of the beholder, whether group or individual. ________________ is playful, but it can have a serious purpose: to demonstrate that the past is always viewed through the filter of the present, and represents the vested interests of those who reinvent it. Precedents for _______________________ in cinema range from 1940s Gainsborough costume melodramas to Baz Luhrmann's 'Red Curtain' trilogy (Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge); they are often regarded with suspicion by critics who object to the liberties taken and are embarrassed by the disregard for hallowed values.


Both of these artists used ____________________, or areas of light and dark. Jacques Louis David used chiaroscuro to to create realistic modeling of three-dimensional forms (particularly the human bodies). However, Jean-Honoré Fragonard used the same technique to create a sense of mystery and drama.


Classical compositions contain notations about ______________________________, or the volume (or loudness or softness) the note should be played.

style galant

Classical music embraced ___________________, a type of music that was more light and elegant with Rococo embellishments and ornamentation. This is in contrast to baroque music, which tended to be more serious.

Antonia Fraser

Coppola has based her film on the 2001 biography Marie Antoinette: The Journey by _______________, According to Pam Cook in her article, Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, this biography counters many of the misconceptions surrounding Marie Antoinette, including the "let them eat cake" myth.

Lost in Translation (2003)

Coppola's nomination for Best Director for ____________________________ made her the first American woman in history to be nominated for an Academy Award in that category, and the third woman overall.


Hamilton: An American Musical (2015) is a pastiche (or a collage of art forms from a variety of time periods and genres) that blends 18th century culture, Broadway musical theatre, and this contemporary genre of dance and music:


Hamilton: An American Musical (2015) is considered ___________________ because it deliberately distorts certain aspects of a historical narrative with the intent of creating an artistic effect.

Tony awards

Hamilton: An American Musical (2015) set a Broadway box office record for the most money grossed in a single week in New York City in 2016. That same year, the show broke another record when it was nominated for 16 ________________________. It won 11 of those awards, including Best Musical.

pointe technique

Hiplet prominently features this classical ballet technique that involves dancing on the tips of the toes:


Hiplet was made famous by the dancers from the __________________Multicultural Dance Center (CMDC).

Nicolaus Copernicus

His theory of the universe placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe. The publication of his book, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science and an important part of the Scientific Revolution.


How many children did Marie Antoinette have?


How old was Marie Antoinette when she became the Queen of France in 1774?

ancient Greece and Roman

If you break down the word Neoclassical, the prefix "neo" means new and the suffix "classical" refers to:

The Diamond Necklace Affair

In 1785, a scandal known as ______________________ hurts Marie Antoinette's already-poor reputation. A thief forges the Queen's signature in order to purchase an extremely expensive gift that had been made for the King Louis XV's mistress, Comtesse du Barry. The swindlers who were responsible for this theft were caught and tried. They were found innocent, while Marie-Antoinette was harshly (and permanently) judged in the court of public opinion.

a Phrygian cap

In 1792, prints of King Louis XVI were doctored so that he appeared to be wearing a ______________________, which was worn by the French revolutionaries of a symbol of freedom and liberty. The history of this symbol goes back to Ancient Greece and Rome.

is imprisoned

In 1792, the French royal family ________________________. King Louis XVI is executed the following year.


In Greek mythology, __________________ is one of the sons of Zeus. He is the god of the sun, of rational thinking, order, logic. He is also associated the poetry and the arts.

The Reign of Terror

In September of 1793, a period known as _________________________ begins in which thousands of people who were perceived as enemies of the Revolution were killed.

The French Revolution

In The Death of Socrates, David was attempting to draw a parallel between events from Ancient Greece and:


In The Marriage of Figaro, the name of the woman that Figaro plans to marry is:

prima nocta

In The Marriage of Figaro, what is the name of the "right" that the Count wants to exercise on Figaro's wedding night?


In cinema, this camera viewpoint is roughly analogous to the third-person narrative in literature.


In filmmaking, a transition device where a scene fades out into black and the next scene fades in.

structural rhythm

In filmmaking, the _____________________ is created by whatever appears or occurs within the shot of a moving picture. It can change within a scene (film) and from scene to scene. For example, it might be energetic and upbeat in one scene, and slow and somber in another.


In filmmaking, the camera rotates horizontally while keeping it fixed vertically.


In her article, Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook describes Sofia Coppola's portrayal of Marie Antoinette as:


In her film Marie Antoinette, Sofia Coppola switches between objective ________________ and subjective __________________ to help viewers experience empathy as well as estrangement. The viewer is meant to have ambivalent (or mixed) feelings toward Marie Antoinette.

Isaac Newton

In his 1687 work, Principia he states laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation, forming the foundation of classical mechanics. His work is considered one of the most important in the history of science.

the ancient Greeks and Romans

In the 18th century, Europe began to move toward a style of art that was inspired by classical antiquity, which is a term that refers to __________________________.


In the 19th century, ballerinas reflected the ________________________ culture of the time, which was concerned with emotions, spirituality, and the supernatural. Ballerinas took on more of a fairy-like quality during this era. When ballerinas were en pointe, it almost looked as if they were flying.

Andy Warhol

In the article Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook compared Coppola's "pop culture aura" to which artist?

an impression of Marie Antoinette's world

In the article Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook describes Coppola's claim that her goal was to to create:

pointe technique

In the court of King Louis XIV, ballet was primarily an expression of masculinity, power, strength, physical precision, and control. Following the French Revolution of 1789, the female ballerina emerged. Costumes became more simple, emphasized the body, and allowed for a greater range of movement. Ballerinas now wore flat slippers, which allowed greater flexibility in the foot, and women developed the trick of rising on tiptoe called_______________________. Men's costumes also reflected fashion and now that costumes had become freer, men and women could dance together.

the lives of ordinary people, fantasy, and folklore

In the late 18th century the subject of ballet stories shifted to what subject matter:

ancien régime

In the years before the play was first performed publicly, Beaumarchais convinces members of the _________________________to organize private readings of the play in their solons. The play becomes incredibly popular and fashionable among this segment of the population.

The englightenment

In this 1763 painting, Joseph Wright of Derby encapsulates ________________________________, a philosophical shift in the eighteenth century away from traditional religious models of the universe and toward an empirical, scientific approach.


In this image of Marie Antoinette, the artist is drawing an analogy with her children and _____________.

Pierre Beauchamp

In this image, King Louis XIV is showing off his muscular dancers legs, standing in fourth position. The basic positions of ballet were codified during the reign of King Louis XIV by the French choreographer, __________________________.


In which country is The Marriage of Figaro set?


It is said that Napoleon called The Marriage of Figaro the ___________________ in action.


Jacques Louis David uses pronounced areas of light and dark to create realistic modeling of three-dimensional forms. This technique was first developed and used by Renaissance artists like Raphael and Leonardo DaVinci.

linear perspective

Jacques Louis David uses this technique to create an illusion of distance and depth. This technique was likely being used during the Golden Age of Athens. Although it fell out of favor during the Middle Ages, it was reintroduced to Western artists during the Renaissance by Filippo Brunelleschi, the man who designed the dome of the Florence Cathedral.

raking light

Jacques Louis David uses this technique to light the scene in a bright, almost theatrical or monumental way. You might say that this technique is being used as a metaphor for the Enlightenment itself.

nobel savage

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ideas related to the "natural state" gave rise to the concept of a ____________________________, or the "wild human" or "other" who has not been corrupted by society, and therefore reflects humankind's innate goodness.


King Louis XIV associated himself with which ancient mythological figure? .

sun king

King Louis XIV filled both the palace and its gardens with sculpture, painting, and fountains that all focused on himself and his role as _____________________. He had the whole palace and its massive gardens built along an East/West axis so the sun would rise and set in alignment with his home. And he filled both the palace and its gardens with sculpture, painting, and fountains that all focused on himself. He used a lot of shiny and reflective materials such as gold, mirrors, and glass.

700,000 sq. ft.

King Louis XIV lived in Versailles along with his family, his closest friends, family, courtiers, servants and soldiers (about 20,000 people). The place has 700 rooms, 2,153 windows, and takes up 67,000 square meters of floor space. This is the size of about 12 football fields. About how many square feet is this?

"I am the state"

King Louis XIV was an absolute ruler. He is famously quoted as saying, "L'état, c'est moi," which means______________________________. By building Versailles, Louis shifted the seat of French government away from the noble families in Paris.

The Sun King

King Louis XIV's nickname, _____________________, came from his performance as Apollo a ballet performance in 1653.

She thought it was hysterically funny.

King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attended one of these private performances. King Louis XVI was shocked and concerned about the revolutionary messages of the play. What was Marie Antoinette's reaction?


Lorenzo Da Ponte wrote Marriage of Figaro's __________________, or the text of the opera.

religion and moral principles

Marie Antoinette lived a carefree early childhood, and receives a typical education for a young lady: one that focuses more on _________________________ than on the academic subjects in which their brothers were instructed.

The Palace of Versailles

Marie Antoinette was filmed on location at ________________________. The crew was allowed unprecedented access to rooms including the grand Hall of Mirrors and Marie Antoinette's bedroom. The lavish palace and gardens, capable of housing 20,000, were commissioned by Louis XIV, and by the 18th century had become hugely expensive to maintain -- one of the problems facing Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook


Marie Antoinette was known for her exaggerated version of a popular hairstyle of the 18th century called the:


Marie Antoinette was sent to France at the age of _____ to marry the heir to the throne of France.

Prince de Lamballe

Marie Antoinette's courtier and close friend, _____________________ was executed in 1792 because she was a royal sympathizer. Her head was put on a spike and paraded outside Marie Antoinette's prison window.

moral virtue

Rococo art is to frivolity as Neoclassical art is to ____________________.

Ancien Régime

Rococo paintings often celebrate the lifestyle associated with the:

Painterly brushstrokes

Rococo paintings typically use which painting technique:

Marie had not become pregnant yet

Seven years into Marie Antoinette's marriage, her mother sent Marie's brother (who would go on to be the Emperor Joseph II) to talk to her because she was concerned about what?

Princess Lamballe

Shown above are two of Marie Antoinette's great "favorites", ________________________ and Princess de Polignac, who were among those organizing private performances of The Marriage of Figaro, and were fierce champions of the play.


Socrates was living in the Western world's first ___________________________, which had emerged in the city of Athens by the 5th century. In other words, Athens was governed by its own citizens. It's important to note that some portions of the population, such as women and slaves, did not have voting rights.

Francis Ford Coppola

Sofia Coppola was born in 1971. She is the daughter of ______________________, an American film director, producer, screenwriter, film composer, and vintner. He was a central figure in the New Hollywood filmmaking movement of the 1960s and 1970s. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. He is perhaps most famous for his Godfather movies. In the article Portrait of a Lady: Sofia Coppola, Pam Cook argues that the privilege that comes from being the daughter of such an affluent Hollywood director gives Sofia Coppola special insight into the life of Marie Antoinette.

Spike Jonze

Sofia Coppola was married to director ___________________, who directed Being John Malkovich and Adaptation). Sofia is currently with Thomas Mars of the French band Phoenix, who is featured on the soundtrack of Lost in Translation and Marie Antoinette.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

The Broadway musical Hamilton: An American Musical (2015) was written and composed by _____________________. He also played the part of Alexander Hamilton in the first months of the musical's performance.


The Death of Socrates is based on a dialogue written by Plato called ____________________, in which he chronicles the trial and execution of his teacher, Socrates in 399 BCE.


The Death of Socrates was painted by Jacques Louis David in ____________, less than two years before the storming of the Bastille.

opera buffa

The Marriage of Figaro is which genre of opera?

Pierre Beaumarchais

The Marriage of Figaro was a play (the second in a trilogy) written in 1778 by __________________________. He was born into a family of watch-makers. He himself was gifted watch-maker and inventor. He was independently wealthy and financed missions for the French and American revolutions. Writing satire was one of many talents.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The Marriage of Figaro was adapted to an opera in 1786 by:


The Roman numeral XIV is equal to:


The Roman numeral XVI is equal to:


The Swing by Fragonard reflects which style of art?


The Swing features a complex composition with lots of movement and diagonal lines, which heighten the drama of the painting. By comparison, The Death of Socrates is more balanced and ordered. David's use of severe, stark geometry in his composition is mean to emphasize what?

camera angle

The _______________marks the specific location at which the camera is placed to take a shot. Different placements can have different effects on the viewer and how they perceive the action.

female gaze

The act of depicting the world from the perspective of a woman. Since women make up such a small percentage of directors and cinematographers, a more complete understanding of this perspective is yet to be revealed.

the male gaze

The act of depicting women and the world from a masculine, heterosexual perspective in a way that depicts women as sexual objects on display for the pleasure of the male viewer.

Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun

The artist of this painting, _______________________ deserves some of the blame for the scandal surrounding Marie Antoinette's radical fashion faux pas. Although Marie Antoinette did enjoy dressing this way at her Petit Trianon, the artist was known for depicting her subjects in a more casual style of dress. In her memoirs, she boasted of gaining her subjects' trust in order to get them to dress as she preferred. It has even been said that the artist herself had a substantial impact on fashion, simply by the way she portrayed the great and the good.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The best-known composers from the classical period are Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, and _________________________.


The brushstrokes in The Swing are very painterly, meaning they are very textured and contribute to the hazy, dream-like appearance. By comparison, the brushstrokes in The Death of Socrates are invisible, which contribute to the _____________________ style.

color conscious

The casting in the Broadway musical, Hamilton was ________________________, meaning that performers were selected in part based on the color of their skin.


The contemporary dance form called hiplet is a fusion between ballet and ________________.


The dates of the classical period in Western music are generally accepted as being between about 1750 and 1820. The classical period falls between the baroque and the ________________ periods. The term classical music is also used in a colloquial sense as a synonym for Western art music, which describes a variety of Western musical styles from the ninth century to the present, and especially from the sixteenth or seventeenth to the nineteenth.

The Royal Dance Academy

The earliest ballet dances were amateur court dancers. Eventually, it became impossible for amateur court dancers to reach the standards demanded by the dancing masters and composers. In 1661 ___________________________ was established in France. Here the first professional theatre dancers were trained and dance moved from the court into the public theatres.


The elements of mise en scène can be used to create themes (or central ideas embedded within the film) and ______________ (or recurring visual elements that reinforce the themes).


The exterior of Versailles is reminiscent of __________________ architecture. The basic structure is symmetrical, repetitive, and based on simple elements that are directly borrowed from ancient Greek temples. The façade that faces the gardens looks remarkably similar to the White House in Washington, DC, albeit much bigger and not so white. This style of architecture was intended to remind people of the greatness of the antique Greek and Roman past. When Versailles was being built, this ancient past was seen as the root of the intellectual and aesthetic superiority they believed had descended to the French nation. He was making a direct link from himself all the way back to the great thinkers and builders of the ancient, classical, past.


The following is the _________________________ to the United States Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

André le Nôtre

The gardens of Versailles consist of almost 2,000 acres of manicured lawns, fountains and paths arranged in the formal garden style of the prestigious landscape designer, ____________________________.

The Enlightenment

The intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Western culture during the 17th to 19th century. During this time, ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics. The goals of this movement were to use human reason to understand the universe and improve human life.


The interior of Versailles reflects the _____________________ style of architecture and design. This ornate decoration demonstrates his wealth and glory.

King Louis XVI (16th)

The man shown at the center of the above painting was ______________________. He was married to Marie Antoinette. He was the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He began his reign in 1774 at the age of 19. He died by the guillotine in 1793 at the age of 38.

King Louis XIV (14th)

The man shown in the image above is ____________________________. He was King of France from 1643 until his death in 1715. His reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country in European history.


The monumental way that Jacques Louis David paints this scene is reminiscent of the ______________________, an art form commonly used in Ancient Greece. It is essentially a high-relief sculpture. Shown above is an example of this art form from the Parthenon.

Hall of mirrors

The most famous room is the ___________________, which runs along the entire length of the central building. One wall contains a row of giant windows looking out over the gardens and the other wall is covered with 357 mirrors that catch the rising sun's rays inside the palace and remind us yet again of Louis XIV's power. Since Louis XIV's day, the room has also been used for parties (the masked ball for the wedding of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) and military agreements (the Treaty of Versailles that officially ended World War I was signed here in 1919).


The oral speech between characters. There are many factors that could potentially impact the overall impact of the film such as accents, slang, and the desirability of the speech.

The Golden Age of Athens

The peak of the Ancient Greek civilization in the 5th century BCE. During this period, there were unprecedented achievements in art, architecture, and philosophy that formed the foundation of Western civilization.


The persistent and sometimes infuriated way that Socrates questioned the status quo and those in power gave earned him this nickname:

the official censors of the French monarchy

The play was written in 1778, but wasn't performed publicly until more than 5 years later. Who was stopping the play from being performed?

members of the ancien regime

The primary patrons of instrumental music in the 18th century were _______________________. On the other hand, the general public preferred the opera buffa, which could be compared to the romantic comedy in today's culture.

immoral, ignorant, extravagant, and adulterous.

The public hatred of Marie Antoinette grew throughout her reign. Her negative image was reflected and fed by an unstoppable supply of pamphlets (such as the ones shown above), which portray the Queen as:

21 years

The renovation of Versailles began in 1661 and was completed ________ later.

The United States Declaration of Independence

The signing of this document on July 4, 1776 was an important event in the American Revolution.

Classical Greece and Rome

The stark architecture featured in The Death of Socrates is intended to remind the viewer of:

the myths of ancient Greece and Rome

The stories of the earliest ballets were often inspired by:

Christian piety

The themes of Rococo paintings often include the following EXCEPT:

Industrial Revolution

The transition to new manufacturing processes in Western nations in the 18th and 19th centuries. This period coincided with the Age of Imperialism, in which these same nations engaged in the process of colonizing other parts of the world in an effort to gather raw materials.


The visual elements of a work of cinema or theatrical production. The auteur uses these elements to tell a story or convey meaning. These visual elements could be anything that can be seen by the viewer, such as props, costumes, actors, setting, color, and lighting. The term literally means to "set the stage".


The way that Jacques Louis David paints humans and fabric is reminiscent of the renowned sculptor, ___________________________ who was famous for his work on the Parthenon.

that socrates was free to go

These chains on the floor remind the viewer:


This classical musician wrote about 200 hours of music in his lifetime, making him one of the most prolific musical geniuses of all time. He body of work includes 16 operas, 41 symphonies, and 27 piano concerti.

natural state

This concept is central to the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. According to Rousseau, humans are born in a peaceful condition that is morally neutral. Humankind is good by nature but is corrupted by society. True freedom comes from being allowed to live in this peaceful condition.

The United States Constitution

This document went into effect in 1789. It represents the supreme law of the United States, meaning that it supersedes any other conflicting state laws.


This is also a hallmark of classical music. There were frequent changes in keys, melodies, rhythms, and dynamics (for example, consider the crescendo). There were also frequent changes in mood and timbre than in the baroque period.

Edgar Degas

This painting is by this 19th century French Impressionist painter, _________________________, who is well-known for their many images of ballerinas.


This painting was inspired by depictions of the Holy Family, the work was intended to extoll the queen's role as a ______________________. The empty bassinet alludes to her fourth child, who had recently died.

The Italian Renaissance

This period reached it's peak around 1500 and is characterized by a "rebirth" or a renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Some of the most famous artists from this time include Leonardo Davinci and Michelangelo.


This portion of an opera marks the opening. It might set the mood or tone of the opera as well as provide introductions to melodies that will follow.

scorned for mocking the dignity of the throne of France.

This portrait did not have the impact that Marie Antoinette had hope it would have. Instead, the queen was:

establishing shot

This shot sets up the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. It helps to set the stage for the action this is about to take place.

The Socratic Method

This teaching method used by Socrates involves engaging the student in a conversation. Rather than lecture to the student, the teacher encourages the student to critically examine their own thinking.

diagetic sound

This term describes a noise which does have a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in.

non-diagetic sound

This term describes a noise which does not have a source on-screen. These noises have been added in during the editing process.


This term refers to the frame and how the elements of the mis-en-scene are arranged within that frame. However the auteur chooses to arrange these elements can have a significant impact on how the viewer perceives the film.

Bridging Shot

This type of shot is used to cover a jump in time or place or some other discontinuity. Examples are a clock face showing advancing time, falling calendar pages, railroad wheels, newspaper headlines and seasonal changes.

long shot

This type of shot shows the entire subject, although they aren't necessarily filling up the frame. Sometimes the scenery dominates the frame. This type of shot can act as an establishing shot, and sets the scene and the character's place in that scene.

the office of royal households (by order of Louis XVI)

To help Marie Antoinette salvage her public image, ___________________________ commissioned this portrait of Marie Antoinette and her children in 1785.

was publicly spanked

To punish Beaumarchais, King Louis XVI sent him to Saint-Lazare Prison, where he ________________________________. Given Beaumarchais' public popularity, he was pressured to release him from prison.


Traditional opera consists of two modes of singing: 1) _______: the plot-driving passages sung in a style designed to imitate and emphasize the inflections of speech 2) aria: an "air" or formal song in which the characters express their emotions in a more structured melodic style. This is the poetry of the opera.

Storming of the Bastille

What important event happened on July 14, 1789? This is a major turning point in the French Revolution and is still celebrated as a major national holiday in France.


What is in this cup?

public pressure

What ultimately compelled King Louis XIV to give his permission for the play to be performed publicly? After the play's debut performance in April 1784, it was an instant success. There were 73 performances in Paris in 10 months. As many as 100,000 people saw the play in this time (which was huge for the time). It was immediately translated into English in 1785 and 60 editions of the play are printed in that same year.

a royal hunting lodge

What was Versailles before King Louis XIV began his extensive renovations in 1661?

Petit Trianon

What was the name of Marie Antoinette's retreat house?


When Jacques Louis David uses linear perspective and chiaroscuro to create convincing illusions of reality, he is reflecting the philosophy of ________________________.

1. corrupting the youth 2. impiety of the traditional Greek religion

When Socrates was put on trial, he was charged with two things: (SELECT TWO)

the death of socrates

When comparing these images, which one seems to be more concerned with creating naturalistic depictions of human anatomy?

Jacques Louis David

Which artist sketched this image of Marie Antoinette on her way to the guillotine?

Being John Malkovich (1999)

Which of the following is NOT a film directed by Sofia Coppola.

reason and moral virtue

Which of the following is being celebrated in The Death is Socrates?

Bechdel Test

Which of the following is concerned with whether a work of cinema contains at least two female characters who speak to each other about something other than a man.


Who is being depicted at the far left of this painting?


Who is being depicted in the center of the painting?

the French revolutionaries

Who was the target audience for The Death of Socrates?

the ancien régime

Who was the target audience for The Swing?

Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun

With the support of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, ____________________________ became one of fourteen women (among 550 artists) admitted to the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture before the Revolution. She was the first woman to attain the rank of painter to the king. Her self-portrait is shown above.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was from ___________________. Later in his career, he work in the court of Emperor Joseph II, who was Marie Antoinette's brother.


____________________ was an important part of life at Versailles. For example, the process for the king to wake up and go to sleep involved multitude of courtiers waiting on the king while he got up or went to bed, following strict rules of position and rank to determine who got to perform which parts of the ceremony.

Versailles Palace

_______________________ had no theatre, so King Louis XIV ordered temporary stages were set up around the exterior and in the gardens. Here the stage has been set up in the grounds with the palace itself visible in the background. Such lavish celebrations helped impress foreign dignitaries and reinforced Louis' image as an absolute ruler.

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