Humoral Immunity

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What re activates it?

B cells reactivate which then produce large amounts of antibodies.

Which cells are involved in stopping the response?

B-cells and T-cells

How does the immune system know to remain active against a pathogen?

B-cells recognize it then they will start to produce antibodies to fight it off by signaling the other parts of our immune system to attack

Which response is stronger?

The secondary response

What causes the response to stop.

immune deficiencies present at birth, certain medicines, and allergies.

How is an immune response stopped?

the immune system produce a chemical messenger called cytokines that prevent the immune response from spreading

How does Humoral immunity re-activate ?

they are triggered by B cells to release antibodies.

Can the response be too strong?


What are antibodies?

Antibodies are created in the immune system and they help you fight off infections, diseases, and pathogens.

What is the difference between B cells and Plasma cells?

B cells are a type of white blood cell involved in adaptive immunity, but plasma cells are often activated by the B cells.

What chemical signals are involved?

Cytokines are chemical signals used to communicate between cells.

What kinds of antibodies are prominent in a second response?

Small amounts of IgM antibodies & a large amount of IgN, with some IgA & IgE.

What is the first step of its activation?

Step 1: A microphage engulfs the pathogen.

Which cells are involved in humoral immunity response?

T-cells, B cells, & Plasma cells.

How is Humoral immunity response initiated or activated?

The humoral immune response is mediated by antibody molecules that are secreted by plasma cells.

How can our bodies make this reaction possible?

The immune system is able to distinguish itself from its non-self.

What's the last step to activation?

When the Plasma cells secrete antibodies, which bind to antigens to fight the invading pathogens.

How do B cells recognize antigens?

by either having the disease before, or being vaccinated for it.

What's the worst thing that can happen if our bodies are too under/over reactive to antigens?

can cause autoimmune diseases, allergies, Anaphylaxis, Transplant rejections and Immunodeficiency disorders.

What are the consequences of the response being too strong?

it can cause tissue damage.

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