husr 430 midterm

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False Allegations Movement

this movement charges that the incidence of sexual abuse has been greatly exaggerated or even fabricated. Formally known as False Memory Syndrome: false sex abuse allegations, can be lead by parents by having them influence their children to make false accusations (often with custody disputes).

Rene Guyon Society's Motto

"Sex by eight is too late" The Rene Guyon Society believes that sexuality between men and boys is a natural type of education. The group argues that the age of consent should be lowered.

Profile of Juvenile Prostitutes (now

"Victims of the Commercial Sex Trade")

One in four families have single mother household


Passive Watchfulness


The presence of a stepfather in the home makes a child more vulnerable.


The four preconditions for sexual abuse to take place

1) Motivation: Perpetrator must be motivated to abuse. Motivation is based on three factors: emotional congruence, sexual arousal, and blockage of normal outlets. 2) perpetrators lack of internal inhibitors: Drugs and alcohol may prevent his "inner voice" from prohibiting him on acting on the desire to abuse. 3) External inhibitors: Lack of privacy and opportunities for the abuser to be alone with the child can contribute to the abuse. A mother who is less vigilant or fails to supervise is less of a deterrent to the perpetrator. 4) the perpetrator must overcome the child's resistance to the abuse: Children with low self-esteem are more vulnerable, if they are close to the perpetrator it can place the child in a position where abuse can take place, powerlessness makes children more vulnerable, and children learn that they have no rights or power.

Failure to thrive 70

A condition found in infants and diagnosed by the presence of several factors. 1) the infant has fallen below the 5th percentile in weight and often in height. 2) the baby was once of a weight and height within the expected norm. 3) the infant demonstrates a delay in psychomotor development.

Symptoms of Psychosocial dwarfism PSD (and the other terms for the condition) last π 70 - top of 71

Abnormal low growth, exhibit retarded skeletal maturation, and have a variety of behavioral problems, bizarre eating habits, failure to sleep, night wanderings, hyperactivity, or extreme fatigue, soiling, or uncontrolled urination.

Impact on Victims/ What is SNAP?

Abuse by a minister or priest brings with it the same trauma by any other trusted adult. Survivors often report losing their faith and the desire for a spiritual life after they have been abused by a priest or minister. SNAP - Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. They offer support and information to survivors on their website

Effects of father-son incest/Fears of homosexuality by the boy

Abused boys tend to exhibit poor peer relations and self-destructive behavior. Some note, however, that while female victims turn their anger inward, males express it outwardly. In fact, violence towards others may be an outlet for the repressed anger. Some authors also point to sexual dysfunction, depression, substance abuse, and perpetration of sexual assaults as residual effects of this type of abuse. Most experts agree that an early introduction to homosexual activity predisposes a boy to later fears of or to homosexual acting out. Father-son incest is not the only reason for homosexuality, but some victims later prefer a homosexual lifestyle. While not actively homosexual, others fear they will become so.

Polansky's studies of neglectful parents Infantile personalities 74

An isolated individual who has difficulty forming relationships or carrying on the routine tasks of everyday life. Inability to maintain lasting heterosexual relationships. They are less involved with others, less able to control impulses, less verbally accessible, less able to organize or plan, and less equipped with pride in their accomplishments or workmanship. Score lower on intelligence scales and higher on scales for an absence of social norms and values. They have not met their needs as a child and their parenthood has began prematurely.

Pediculosis (lice) 71

May infect the body as well.

Polansky's studies of neglectful mothers(know the characteristics)

Apathetic-Futile 75/They seem to have given up on living, withdrawn, flat in affect, with a feeling that nothings worth doing.

Congregate Sleeping

May set the stage for the interdependence among family members that is an integral part of the fabric of these cultures.

Reasons why children become involved

Boys vs girls - reasons for going into prostitutions: Girls are reported to be motivated by the rage, depression, and a sense of helplessness they experience as a result of deprived childhood. Boys cite money as the primary factor in choosing to prostitute themselves.

Reactive-Depressive 78 - 79/

Characterized by the mother's inability to adjust to some aspect of her life and the resultant depression over that inability, the reactive depressive mother is left incapable of parenting adequately. Other factors such as the birth of another child, desertion by a spouse, or death of a loved one can trigger such depression.

Stranger Anxiety

Child fears strangers

Failure to Thrive

Child who is not not sufficiently stimulated, withdraw from the world that he or she sees as hostile.


Collectors, travelers, manufacturers, chatters: collectors = generate their own collection of pornographt and chat with children as well. Travelers = most interested in meeting the child. Manufacturers = produce their own pornography by photographing sometimes unsuspecting children and sharing what they produce with others online. Chatters = mainly interested in talking with children and in presenting themselves as an adult who can be trusted.

Separation Anxiety

Demonstrated by children crying or acting fearful when their caregiver leaves. Based on the assumption that if out of sight, the caregiver no longer exists.

Degree of Trauma

Depends on several variables. 1) The type of abuse. Victims of family incest appear to be more deeply affected, than those abused outside of the family. 2) the identity of the perpetrator. If the victim describes the relationship with the perpetrator as close, they become significantly traumatized. Trauma is based on the betrayal of trust that abuse by a family member of a trusted individual represents. 3)The duration of the abuse. Abuse that continues for a period of time rather than a one time incident or series of incidents, seems to create more trauma. 4)The extent of the abuse. A perpetrator who takes a child further along the progression or does more physical damage to the child creates more residual effects. 5) The age at which the child was abused. Each interrupted developmental stage will cause its own particular side effects. 6) The first reaction of significant others at disclosure. Children who decide to tell a trusted adult may receive help that can lessen the impact, if the adult is not willing to believe the child then he/she may be blamed or forced to keep the guilty secret into adulthood. 7) The point at which the abuse was disclosed. Children who are not believed or who do not have the confidence to disclose will keep their secret till adulthood. 8)Personality structure of the victim. One child abused in a similar manner as another might react totally differently.


Disclosure can be uncovered purposefully or accidentally. Ex: child tells, perpetrator seeks help, or indications of abuse are seen.

Mentally Retarded 77-78/

Does not negate the possibility of adequate parenting. Only a small percentage of neglectful mothers are mentally retarded.

Dr. C. Henry Kempe What is the "Battered Child Syndrome?" What is the primary Indicator?

Dr. C. Henry Kempe published an article titled "The Battered Child Syndrome" The term, previously known as unrecognized trauma, was used to describe children who seemed to be victims of severe physical abuse Dr. Kempe indicated the child should be under 3 years old to fall under the category Primary indicator was that they looked for discrepancy between clinical findings and historical data supplied by parents


Ensures that the abuse continues by bribing, dominating, emotionally blackmail, or threaten the child to keep a secret.

Definition and Types of Neglect & examples of different types 73 & 74

Fail to care for properly. Is usually subsumed under the generic description of maltreament as in "child abuse and neglect"

Age and gender of reported sexual abuse victims

Females (ages 11-14 yrs.) Boys (4-6 yrs).

Regressed Offender

Has great adult adjustment, but regressed interest in children; predominantly female (seen as little women). Looking for "all loving mother", alcohol is involved, and co-exists with an adult female.

Blended family

Husband and wife present marriage; Two people living together without legal sanction and caring for children. This is widely practiced today with gay and lesbian families.

The Cycle of Violence Handout

Honeymoon phase, Tension Phase, Explosion Phase


In order to consent one must have knowledge and authority. Children DO NOT have enough knowledge ...therefore cannot consent.

Reasons for Incest Taboo:

Incest does not always create defective offspring Malinowski's theory was that family disruption was the origin of the incest taboo. Today marriages with blood relatives are prohibited by law in the US. Penalty for breaking this cultural and legal taboo is jail or prison sentence There is social stigma attached incest

The Father

Incestuous fathers share common characteristics- a deep seated feeling of hopelessness, a sense of vulnerability, and dependency. They are unprepared for adulthood, marriage, or fatherhood. Newly immigrated fathers are also unprepared for what our culture expects of them, failure in these roles only serves to intensify their feelings of inadequacy.

Impulse-Ridden 76-77/

Is one who has a low frustration tolerance, has little ability to delay gratification and uses extremely poor judgement in her actions. Meets her own needs but not her childrens needs.

Family Preservation & Support Services

It was part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1993 Expanding the services available to strengthen families as well as providing additional support for children who must be placed outside of the home

Pederasty/chicken hawks

Males over age 18 who are sexually attracted to and involved with young boys who are between the ages of 12 and 16

Motivation of Perpetrators

Ministers and priests are usually held up as people who are trustworthy, loyal, For an insecure individual (which a perpetrator appears to be) this position holds great appeal. The trust with a clergyman or woman is surrounded by opportunity to be alone with children, often in a close nurturing role. Freudian interpretation: perpetrator, often abused, neglected or abandoned by his own mother is searching for the all-loving mother. Best candidate "mother-church".

Lack of Empathy

Most perpetrators are so sealed off emotionally that they are unable to recognize feelings for others. They may be so needy that to imagine someone else is also in need of affection or attention is impossible for them. Any attention they might give to a child is almost totally self motivated.

Sexual Abuse by Clergy

Most priests reported targeted boys between the ages of 11 and 14. Priest James Porter left the priesthood and married, admitted to abusing between 50 and 100 children to over a period of 30 years.

Underreporting of mother-daughter incest

Mother-daughter incest is an abusive relationship that researchers and clinicians find to be rare. In a study of 930 women, only 10 cases were uncovered of incestuous abuse by females, only one of which was a mother. The victims of female perpetrators reported less trauma than those abused by males, later authors suggest that the victims they saw experienced disruption (self-abusive behavior, suicide attempts, and depression) in later life. This type of incest is underreported in a general population survey and because of its rarity it has rarely been fully explored.


NOrth American Man Boy Love Association. Created in response to the breakup of the "Revere Ring" outside of Boston. The ring had operated for many years and included numerous professional men and more than 60 boys

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Neurological damaged, prematurity, and other problems. Babies exhibit high-pitched crying, excessive vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, increase or decrease in muscle tone.

Parentified Child

One who takes a parent's place as a caregiver, the pre adolescent girl is vulnerable to onset of sexual abuse.

Mother-son incest-the infrequency of reporting. Factors involved

Only a small number of cases of this type of abuse have actually been reported. This may be the result of three factors: Mothers statistically do not abuse their sons as often as fathers do their daughters. Mothers are able to mask (through bathing and caressing for instance) some activities that might be considered sexual to a degree Sons are not as likely to report mother-son incest because of the severity of the taboo.

Corporal Punishment Rousseau's Recommendations

Parents were expected to raise religious, dedicated, morally sounds & industrious contributors to the community Obedience was the primary virtue 1854 Massachusetts law said that children over 16yrs who cursed or were smite to their parents could be put to death School teachers had the right to use corporal punishment Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau said that children were inherently good and encouraged positive development, not break their spirit.


Perpetrator may try out behaviors to measure the child's comfort, following abuse will intensify. Behaviors begin with appearing nude in front of a child, exposing him/herself, observing the child bathing or undressing, kissing a child in a sexual manner, fondling a child, perpetrator may masturbate or encourage child to masturbate him/her, oral stimulation, and penetration or dry intercourse.** Perpetrator must befriend child first**

Child Pornography

Pornopgraphy is a stimulant and a by-product, in many forms, of the sexual exploitation of children. Pornography appears to be more available now than at any other time in history. Commercial: produced for wide distribution and sale versus homemade: intended for individual consumption. Research shows that porpngraphic collections are important to pedophiles. Pornography is used for profit. Commercial dealers who reproduce and distribute bulk the financial gains.

John Caffey "Unexplained" Fractures And Subdural Hematomas Inflicted By Parents

Radiology professor, John Caffey noted that xrays of some infants demonstrated unexplained multiple fractures Noted increased number of children with subdural hematoma that did not indicate any falls or events serious enough to explain medical findings, he thought they might be inflicted by parents

Technophilia (Correlation between pornography and sexual abuse)

Refer to those who use the computer to engage in sexual deviance involving children

Roland Summit (Five points of Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome Theory)

Secrecy allows the abuse to continue Causes a sense of helplessness for the child in his or her adult relationships.. Child begins to feel trapped (entrapment) and learns to live with the abuse (accommodation) There are delayed, conflicted, and unconvincing disclosures that are often overlooked or misinterpreted by the non-abusing adults in the child's life. When child does disclose, guilt, fear, or the reactions of those who are told may cause him or her to retract (retraction) the report of sexual abuse.

Extrafamilial sexual abuse

Sexual abuse perpetrated by someone outside the child's family. (small proportion of sexual abuse).

SPCA SPCC / Who Was Mary Ellen Wilson?

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) 1874 Mary Ellen Wilson lived with Mary Connelly (Mary was an illegitimate daughter) She was 8 years old and was seen and heard being beaten and mistreated A neighbor reported the abuse that went to SPCA and was eventually removed from the home The case of Mary Ellen Wilson set into motion an organized effort to combat child maltreatment creating the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC)

Sexual Exploitation In Convents / Pederasty

Some girls entered convents (some by age 9) and they would make vows by 13 years of age. Young nins were treated like wives by monks Girls were threatened with excommunication if they told.

Psychotic 80

Stems from the parents inability to see beyond their delusional world. Some parents have a borderline reality orientation. They drift in and out of psychosis or practice delusional thinking, and causing confusion for the child.

Roland Summit: The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome was developed by Roland Summit, M.D. The syndrome classifies the most typical reactions of child sexual abuse victims, dividing them into five categories: Secrecy, hopelessness, entrapment and accommodation, delayed conflict and unconvincing disclosure, and reaction. It is worth noting that children are often put through a "grooming process"

Adoption Assistance & Child Welfare Act of 1980

The act sought to prevent removal of children from their families by making "reasonable efforts" to keep families together or to unify families in a timely manner if placement could not be avoided When the children could not be reunited with parents the act mandated that the best permanent plan (adoption) be sought

Oedipal Conflict

The boy attracted to his mother as an object.

Legislation:Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act

The child abuse prevention bill was proposed March 13, 1973 Ellen Hoffman was the primary author of the Child abuse prevention and treatment act proposal and was influenced by Dr.Kempe Hoffman wanted to establish a National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect January 1974 the act was passed

Johnson's categories of Mothers

The collusive mother: the one who is withdrawn, cold, ill, or psychologically impaired and who pushes her daughter into her own role in the family. The powerless mother: the one who feels helpless, defeated, victimized, and unable to protect herself, let alone her daughter. The incestuous father in this home usually fits the pattern of the tyrant and may be physically abusive to his wife as well as sexually abusive to his daughters. The protective mother: one that is recently emerging in the literature. Our lack of a clear picture of this mother is based on an inability to define protection. Is the protection a protection from the incest or protection from future victimization once the incest has been disclosed? It is post-disclosure behavior by the mother, which comes under scrutiny.

Electra Complex

The girl attracted to her father as an object.

Incest with extended family members (what is the most common type)

The most common type of incestuous behavior occurs between uncles and nieces. Uncles, in fact, represented the primary perpetrator in slightly more cases than fathers. Uncles abuse their nieces in more instances than fathers abuse their daughters. If an uncle is not an integral part of the family's everyday life, the impact on the child may not be as significant. On the other hand, when the uncle is closer to the family circle and perhaps more trusted, or if he employed violence, more trauma would be expected. In 96% of the cases, abuse by uncles was unwanted and 48% of respondents were extremely upset by the incidents.

Processing of Information & Neglect Crittenden, disorganized neglect (Menendez example) 81-82

These parents can be characterized as having difficulty with the way they process info. And that this fact alone makes working with them a challenge. Fall into 3 categories-As perpetrators of disorganized neglect are inconsistent with their children, live from crisis to crisis and are often seen by child welfare system as being multi problem families. Family was living in crisis. Mom spoke very dramatic to her 6 children which they had learn to do.

Prenatal abuse FAS and FAE 83; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (from lecture)

Three criteria-low birth weight, an abnormally small head, and prenatal and postnatal growth retardation. -Later the child will be identifiable by abnormalities of the face, intellectual impairment, developmental delays, and neurological problems. -Have difficulty learning, remembering, problem solving, and being aware of cause and effect. -Uncordinated, hyperactive and impulsive.

Sexual Abuse in Day-Care Settings - McMartin Preschool

Three patterns that have been identified: single offender - single victim in which one adult develops a relationship with a particular child that allows the abuse to occur: single offender-multiple victims: one adult usually associated with the daycare facility, abuses various children while supervising naps, or bathroom trips, before or after hours. Multiple offenders-multiple victims, where in a group of offenders has been found to be abusing a number of children, sometimes with sadistic or ritualistic overtones.

Possessors of Child Pornography - McLaughlin's suggestion of similar characteristics for technophiles

Typical offender is in his 30s to 40s and is often described as someone who isolates himself without many friends. Not too involved with his extended family. Not one to accept social invitations. He prefers to stay home in front of his computer. His favorite activity involves the hunt for just the right child to "turn him on".

Child pornography

Uses the child to produce sexually explicit, photographs, films, videos, slides, books. Child pornography stimulates perpetrators to commit sexually abusive acts.


When a child is perpetrated by a family member, surrogate parents, or caregivers. The whole family system is affected.

Bonding and attachment (attachment disorder)

When parents provide adequate care and nurturing, most babies form this attachment easily. This enables them to replicate this attachment with others in their lives as they go on to forge new relationships. But when babies are inconsistently parented within their family of origin or are abused or neglected, they may not develop a healthy attachment to others.

This is often called Attachment Disorder

and creates nt only an inability to bond with others but also self-destructive behaviors, cruelty to others, poor impulse control, habitual lying, and an inability to discern cause from effect. Some suffer from "children without a conscience" and may become teens or adults who offend against others. These children are in the child protection system and they also get bounced from one part of the social services system to another, from foster home to residential treatment.

Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE)

began in England in 1974. Insists that laws against sex with children are damaging to them. The group feels that the age of consent should be abolished as children should be able to consent themselves

Suppression (recanting)

children are asked to forget their abuse once it is uncovered.

Female abusers

co-abusers ( accomplices with a man). The co-abuser is more involved with their own children and use fear as the engagement strategy.

Sexting - experimental and aggravated

experimental = incidents involve pictures taken by young people themselves usually either with romantic intent, for attention seeking or to share with peers. Aggravated = involve additional elements often with criminal intent.adults may be involved, minors may be abused, there might be threats.

The "tyrant"

father who dominated and used his power and a mother who was cold, unloving, and failed to protect. This abuser may also have witnessed the sexual abuse of his own siblings. In short, this individual never learned to share with a mate, to nurture, or to parent. His insecurity in his own masculinity convinced him that he must rule his family in every way.This father may also physically abuse his children. This father is alienated from his wife.Many of them fit the profile of the man who, throughout his life, has felt out of control because of a

Child Sensuality Circle

formed in 1971. Produced pamphlets attesting to their belief that children have the right to experience sensuality including sexual relationships "based on natural desires"

Average ages of sexually abused boys and girls

girls(12.4 yrs) boys (8.46 yrs)

Child Labor

increased during the industrial revolution was seen as inexpensive because the children received lower wages than adults. 1880's the settlement house movement evolved, it contributed to the reduction of child labor Jane Addams established Hull House in the chicago slums: it bridged gap between new and established immigrants and created impetus for later reforms of benefit to children.


individuals who have a sexual interest in children. Although some incestrous fathers may be pedophiles in their orientation, the term is mostly reserved for the abuser whose victim is outside of the family. Pedophilia is related to the individual pathology of the abuser.


involves inattention to a child's emotional needs


involves permitting truancy, failure to send a child to school or enroll them in school, and inattention to special educational needs.


involves refusal to provide health care or a delay in getting health care

Reasons for Infanticide

is killing of infants and young children was practiced: As mean of controlling/regulating population As offerings to gods (religious beliefs) To limit family size Also an unwed mother's solution to her shame In Germany, newborns were plunged into waters to test their ability to survive

Link between exposure to pornography and sexual abuse

is pornography harmless? Some feel that pornography is either harmless or that it is an acceptable outlet for those who might otherwise act out sexually. Yet exposure to pornography has been found to desensitize individuals, so that some are more likely to play out their fantasies. Research attests to the strong correlation between pornography and sexual abuse.

Example of neglect

leaving a child alone, appropriation of sleeping, living conditions, cleanliness, language neglect (not reading to their children, communicate only in demands), failure to develop fine and gross motor skills, not giving adequate food, clothes, and shelter.


men using boys for sexual relationships (widely practiced in Greece in early history). Pederasty was training ground for future soldiers Sons of noble families were compelled to take adult lovers, approved by family, for protection and gifts

Communal Living

more popular during the 1960's than today, joins several adults and their various offspring in one living arrangement

Nuclear family

mother, father, and children.

Pedophile/pedophilia (love of children)

offenders who abuse outside of families.

Single Parent family

one in four families is a single mother household

Extended family

parents and children often living with grandparents or adult siblings

Fixated offender

primary orientation is to children; predominantly male children. Abuse is based on offenders own victimization, perpetrator is not stressed or feels guilty about their behavior

Intrafamilial sexual abuse (incest)

sexual abuse by a blood relative who is assumed to be a part of the family. Also stepfathers, live-in-boyfriend, older siblings, extended family:uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents.

Mental Health

the caretaker refuses to tend to a child's serious emotional or behavioral disorder.

Child sexual abuse

the use of a child for sexual gratification of an adult


two categories of young female prostitutes - true prostitutes and part-time prostitutes


was a system where parents apprenticed their children to masters who taught them a trade, but were free to use them as virtual slaves in exchange for room and board. The average age that children ended the indentured servitude was at 14-16years of age for boys and at 21years of age for girls.


which encompasses nonorganic failure to thrive, inadequate supervision, and failure to meet a child's basic physical needs.


who ply their trade without pimps

Parentified child

with its pejorative connotation, does not take into consideration the need for these families to adjust in any way they can to ensure survival. African American families would fail to understand why expecting so much of their children might be considered neglectful by white social workers.

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