HY 120 Ch 1

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According to the widespread legal doctrine known as "coverture," when a woman married she surrendered her legal identity and became "covered" by that of her husband. What did coverture mean for married women? (3 answers)

1. Family life was dependent on male dominance and female submission. 2.A married woman couldn't own property or sign contracts in her name. 3. A married woman could not conduct business for the family.

Martin Luther, a German priest, gained much attention when he posted his Ninety-Five Theses. What arguments did Luther express in the document? (3 answers)

1. Luther accused the Catholic Church of corruption. 2. Luther wanted all Christians to read the Bible for themselves, not rely on interpretations from a priest. 3. Luther wanted to stop the sale of indulgences.

Indians settled the New World between ___________ and __________ years ago, before the glaciers melted and submerged the land bridge between _______ and North America.

15,000; 60,000; Asia

When did the Spanish colonize St. Augustine?


When was Santa Elena colonized by Spain? Where is this colony present day?

1566; South Carolina

How many different languages were spoken in New Amsterdam?


An indentured servant in New France would most likely serve in which of the following positions? A. a servant to anyone who held the labor contract B. a leader of the Catholic Church, serving God C. a leader of government, serving the people of France D. a leader of the military, serving the crown


What centuries-old Indian city did Onate destroy in response to an attack?


____________ was a refuge for many persecuted Protestants and Jews.


Who wrote about the injustices of Spanish rule toward the Indians?

Bartolome de Las Casas

Near present-day St. Louis, the city known as _____________, which flourished with a population of 10,000 to 30,000 around 1200 CE, featured what?

Cahokia; large human-built mounds

What country had a naval fleet and could have located America before Columbus?


The ______________ _____________ transferred not only plants and animals but also diseases, such as smallpox and influenza.

Columbian Exchange

What was the official religion of the Dutch?

Dutch Reformed Church

__________ traders established Fort Orange (near modern Albany) in 1614, and the ________ ______ _______ Company settled colonists on Manhattan Island in 1626.

Dutch; Dutch West India

Africa was a poor continent. T/F


Slavery did not exist in Africa because the Europeans migrated there. T/F


Who led an expedition to sale around the world?

Ferdinand Magellan

Large Spanish expeditions traveled through what 3 regions during the 1520s--1540s?

Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Southwest

The Dutch were more tolerant of diverse religious faiths. However tolerant, Governor Petrus Stuyvesant of New Netherland was a strong supporter of the Dutch Reformed Church and wanted to alienate those of other religious faiths. What petition was filed by Quakers demanding they be allowed to settle in a Dutch colony?

Flushing Remonstrance

Why did Christopher Columbus most likely bring ten inhabitants from the island of Hispaniola back to Spain?

For conversion to Christianity.

On the upper Great Lakes, relative equality existed between the__________- and Indians.


An alliance of the Iroquois tribes, originally formed sometime between 1450 and 1600, that used their combined strength to pressure Europeans to work with them in the fur trade and to wage war across what is today eastern North America.

Great League of Peace

What two Spanish conquistadores led devastating expeditions against the Aztec and Inca civilizations, respectively, in the early 1500s?

Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro

Large Spanish expeditions between the 1520s--1540s were particularly whose? How did they affect the Indians?

Hernando de Soto's; brutalized them and spread deadly diseases

Where did Columbus land in 1492?


______ and ______ ancestors settled around present-day Arizona and New Mexico, built large planned towns with multiple-family dwellings, and traded with peoples as far away as __________ and central ___________.

Hopi; Zuni; Mississippi; Mexico

Who were the mines in Spanish America worked by?


A missionary element existed from the Church's long holy war against __________ and was renewed with the _____________ ___________ in the 16th century.

Islam; Protestant Reformation

What impact did the unifying of the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile have on potential westward expansion for Spain?

It enabled them to complete the reconquista of Spain from the Moors, who had occupied the Iberian Peninsula for centuries.

The _________ converted Indians but did not try to change much of the Indian culture and allowed them to retain some of their traditional religious practices.


Who was the leader of the Puerto Rico colony and what did he find?

Juan Ponce de Leon; gold

In 1598, who led settlers into present-day New Mexico?

Juan de Onate

How did power in Spanish American government flow?

King --> Council of the Indies --> viceroys --> local officials

Christopher Columbus, an Italian, got financial support for his voyages from whom?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain

What were the 3 staples of agriculture for Indians in Eastern North America?

Maize, squash, beans

__________ were persons of mixed Indian and Spanish origin.


John Cabot traveled to _______________ in 1497, and soon many Europeans were exploring the New World.


____________ ____ ___________ established a permanent base in Hispaniola in 1502.

Nicolas de Ovando

The list of moral grievances against the Catholic Church by Martin Luther, a German priest, in 1517.

Ninety-Five Theses

Vasco Nunez de Balboa trekked across the _________ and was the first European to see what?

Panama; the Pacific Ocean

_________ were shareholders who agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor.


Indian inhabitants always outnumbered European colonists and their descendants in Spanish America. _____________ were people of European birth.


Built approximately 3,500 years ago along the Mississippi River in modern-day Louisiana, a community known today as ____________ ________ was a trading center for the ____________ and ____________ River Valleys.

Poverty Point; Mississippi; Ohio

In 1680, __________ Indians, led by ________, rebelled against the Spanish colonists in present-day New Mexico for forcing the Indians to convert to Christianity.

Pueblo; Pope

In what would become the US, Spain established the first permanent colony where and when?

Puerto Rico (1508)

Samuel de Champlain founded ____________ in 1608, and others explored and claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for __________.

Quebec; France

Amerigo Vespucci sailed along the coast of ________ _________ between 1498 and 1502, and the New World came to be called America.

South America

What was the largest city of this period and what was its population?

Tenochtitlan (capital of Aztec); 250,000

What was the image, put forth in part by Las Casas, that Spain was a uniquely brutal and exploitive colonizer?

The Black Legend

Who dominated international commerce in the early 17th century?

The Netherlands

In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed into New York Harbor and claimed the area for whom?

The NetherlandsAnswering the question here will not affect your activity score or grade. A colorful painting from Mexico titled Young Woman with a Harpsichord depicts an upper-class woman wearing a fine dress and jewelry and standing by a musical instrument.According to the widespread legal doctrine known as "coverture," when a woman married she surrendered her legal identity and became "covered" by that of her husband. What did coverture mean for married women?Answering the question here will not affect your activity score or grade. A colorful painting from Mexico titled Young Woman with a Harpsichord depicts an upper-class woman wearing a fine dress and jewelry and standing by a musical instrument.According to the widespread legal doctrine known as "coverture," when a woman married she surrendered her legal identity and became "covered" by that of her husband. What did coverture mean for married women?

In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella completed the reconquista. What does this mean?

They ordered all Muslims and Jews to convert to Catholicism or leave the country

The French tended to adopt Indian ways as opposed to the other way around. T/F


Women tended to agricultural duties alongside their household duties. T/F


Who was famous for sailing to India in 1498?

Vasco da Gama

Chinese admiral _______ ___ led seven naval expeditions into the Indian Ocean between ______ and ______, even exploring East Africa on the sixth voyage.

Zheng He; 1405; 1433

Spain established a stable government modeled after Spanish home rule and what?


Where did the Portuguese establish their trading posts and what did they call them?

along the western coast of Africa; factories

Native Americans believed sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things such as...(5 things)... This idea is known as _________.

animals, plants, trees, water, wind; animism

A ____________ is a meeting place of peoples where geographical and cultural borders are not clearly defined.


A fifteenth-century European ship capable of long-distance travel.


_________, _________, and _________ made travel along the African coast possible for the ____________ in the early 15th century.

caravel; compass; quadrant; Portuguese

What things were promised in an attempt to attract new settlers to New Netherland?

cheap livestock and free land after six years of labor

What motivated Columbus to seek voyage to the New World?

commercial trade and religious conversions

Persons born in the New World of European ancestry.


The Spanish established domination over the Indians through what 3 things?

education, medical care, religion

Relatively few French colonists arrived in New France; most were _________ (indentured servants) who returned home when their contracts expired.


Las Casas's writings encouraged the 1542 New Laws, which forbade what?

enslavement of Indians

Religious ceremonies were often directly related to what?

farming and hunting

What was the Europeans' opinion on Indians?

felt they lacked genuine religion, claimed Indians had no claim to their land because they did not use it, viewed men as weak and women as mistreated

Indians in the Pacific Northwest lived primarily by _________ and __________, whereas on the Great Plains, the Indians hunted _____________ or lived in _______________ communities.

fishing; gathering; buffalo; agricultural

Numerous modern civil liberties did not exist, including.... (2)

freedom of worship, freedom of press

What was more important to the Indians: wealth or generosity?


What was the primary economy in Spanish America?

gold and silver mining

Large-scale farm in the Spanish New World empire worked by Indian laborers.


What was Las Casas personal contradiction to his belief that "the entire human race is one"?

he favored African slavery

Dutch authorities recognized Indian sovereignty over the land and forbade settlement until.........

it had been purchased

Liberty came from ...... in a hierarchical society and ...... appropriate to one's rank.

knowing one's place; fulfilling duties

Slaves had "half-freedom" in that they were given what?

land to support their families

Europeans believed law was.......

liberty's salvation

Societies from Mexico and areas south were grader in scale and organization than those north of Mexico. Indians north of Mexico lacked what four resources?

literacy, wheeled vehicles, metal tools, and scientific knowledge necessary for long-distance navigation

The _________ were children of Indian women and French men.


New Netherland was a ___________ post.


The Dutch governor Petrus Stuyvesant denied what?

open practice of other religious faiths

What opinion did the Indians have on property?

owning private property was foreign to them; they believed land was a common resource, not economic commodity

Spanish labor system under which Indians were legally free and able to earn wages but were also required to perform a fixed amount of labor yearly. Replaced the encomienda system.

repartimiento system

North and South American societies built what 3 staples when establishing the New World?

roads, trade networks, irrigation systems

In West Africa, Portugal began colonizing Atlantic islands and established ___________ ____________ worked by slaves.

sugar plantations

What did Europeans trade for African slaves?

textiles and guns

Who played a significant role in the administration of Spanish colonies?

the Catholic church

Freedoms of the press and of private religious practice were unique to whom?

the Dutch

What invention in the early 1400s was Johann Gutenberg famous for?

the movable-type printing press

What was one important and remarkable aspect about Indian religion regarding what they believed in?

there was not a sharp distinction between natural and supernatural

What 3 rights were unique to women in New Netherland than in other European colonies?

they could go to court, borrow money, and own property

What did Europeans eventually conclude about Indians?

they didn't understand freedom, they were barbaric because they were too free, and they did not conform to European ideas of freedom (personal independence and ownership of private property)

Florida, the first present-day US continental area colonized by Spain, implemented forts as early as the 1560s for what purpose?

to protect Spanish treasure fleets from pirates

The Dutch came to _________, not to __________.

trade; conquer

What was the religious goal of the Spaniards?

transform the Indians into obedient Catholic subjects of the crown

What was unique about women in Indian societies when it came to sexual relations?

women could engage in premarital sex, could choose to divorce their husbands, and most societies were matrillineal

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