HY 121 Final Exam

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Policy of containment

"a policy that the United States committed itself to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power" early in 1946 in his famous Long Telegram from Moscow, an American diplomat advised the Truman administration that Soviets could not be dealt with as a normal gov. the communist ideology drove them to try to expand their power throughout the world. He laid the foundation for the US to prevent any further expansion of the soviet power. He was a diplomat

G.I. Bill of Rights

(aka service mens readjustment act): the legislation that rewarded and provided money for education and other benefits to military personnel returning from WWII and prevented unemployment, most far reaching peace of social legislation, service men, shaped society, 1946, 1 million vets went to college ½ of its enrollment, 4 mill received home mortgages (post war suburban housing boom)

Hollywood Ten/Huac hearings

1947 launched a series of hearings about communist influence in Hollywood, ca. calling well-known screenwriters, directors, and actors to appear before the committee ensured it a wave of national publicity. Ten "unfriendly witnesses" refused to answer the committee's questions about their political beliefs or to "name names" on the grounds that the hearings violated the 1st amendment's guarantees of freedom of speech and political association; they included prominent screenwriters Rind Lardner Jr. and Dalton Trumbo, they were charged in contempt of Congress, and they served jail terms of 6 mo to a year. Hollywood studios blacklisted them along with more than 200 others who were accused of communist sympathies or who refused to name names. A group called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, some were imprisoned as a result

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1948, drafted by a committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, it identified a broad range of rights to be enjoyed by people everywhere, including freedom of speech, religious toleration, and protection against arbitrary gov, as well as social and economic entitlements like the right to an adequate standard of living and access to housing, education, and medical care. Core principle: a nation's treatment of its own citizens should be subject to outside evaluation. Divided it into 2 covenants. The 1st was ratified. 2nd never was

Jobs and Gates

2 architects of the computer revolution, they made the operating systems used in most of the world's computers

Southern Manifesto

A document written in 1956 that repudiated the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education and supported the campaign against racial integration in public places.

Hitler's Final Solution/Holocaust

Adolf Hitler, systematic racist attempt of extermination and culmination of Nazi belief that Germans were the master race, destined to rule the world. the mass extermination of "undesirable" peoples, slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, and above all, Jews; 6 million Jews of Europe died in death camps, 1945, German concentration camps; more than a million other "undesirables" killed

"Final Solution"

Another name for what is now known as the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler's plan to eliminate the Jews of Europe and other undesirables because he believed Nazis were the superior race.

Truman Doctrine

Asserted that the US, as a leader of the "free world," must take up responsibility for supporting "freedom-loving peoples" wherever communism threatened them.

The Truman Doctrine was only for governments that respected the democratic rights of citizens and the sovereignty of other peoples could expect friendship and support from the US.


Roosevelt's Four Freedoms

Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear (a longing for peace and desire for security).

George F. Kennan

He sent the Long Telegram from Moscow in 1946 that lay the foundation for what became known as the policy of "containment."

In Obama's 2nd term, he faced a new crisis when what self-proclaimed group took control of parts of Iraq, Syria, and Libya?


Marshall Plan

It claimed to combat the idea that capitalism and containment was in decline and communism was the wave of the future. It defined the threat to American security not so much as the soviet military power but as economic and political instability which could be breeding grounds for communism; US program for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe through massive aid to former enemy nation as well as allies; proposed by General George C. Marshall in June 1947; became one of the most successful foreign aid programs. It solidified the division of the continent; wanted US to give billions to finance economic recovery of Europe. It stood against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Harvard University; supported/ mimicked the four freedoms and said "prosperity makes you free"

Japanese-American internment

Japanese American citizens in the West Coast, FDR executive order 9066 in Feb 1942 ordered relocation to camps, authorities removed more than 110,000 men, women, and children to camps far from their homes, nearly 2/3 of them American citizens. The order did not apply to people of Japanese descent in Hawaii. They lived in horse stables, shacks, and barracks and were watched constantly, no medical buildings, ate in mess halls, decorated their homes, grew veggies, had sports clubs and art classes. Senator Robert Taft spoke against it. Courts did nothing to help. Hugo Black favored it. Bill Clinton and Congress gave $20,000 to compensate victims in 1988; policy adopted by the Roosevelt administration in 1942; it was the largest violation of American civil liberties in the 10th century

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Khomeini's followers invaded the American embassy in Tehran and seized 66 hostages. 52 captives did not regain their freedom until Jan 1981, on the day Carter's term as president ended

1963 Birmingham's Children's March

King made the bold decision to send black school children into the streets of Birmingham where the Police Chief Eugene "Bull" Conner unleashed his forces against the 000's of young marchers, they were being assaulted with nightsticks, high-pressure fire hoses and attack dogs that produced a wave of revulsion throughout the world and turned this campaign into a triumph for the civil rights movement

John McCain and Sarah Palin Ticket

McCain was the oldest man ever to run for president, he had willingness to break with his party on issues like campaign finance reform, he tried to portray himself not as part of the establishment but as a "maverick" or rebel. Sarah was a little known gov in AK, she went on the attack, accusing Democrats of being unpatriotic. She lacked familiarity w/ many of the domestic and foreign issues a new administration would confront

What came from President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society plan?

Medicare and Medicaid funds poured into urban development and education the establishment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

After Rosa Parks arrest for not giving up her seat on the bus for a white person, where did a yearlong bus boycott take place?

Montgomery, AL

Brown v. Board of Education

Olive Brown. 1954 U.S supreme court decision that struck down racial segregation in public education and declared "separate but equal" unconstitutional which no longer held grounds in public school. 14th amendment was used to argue equality in public schools. Case centered around a father's child who had to walk across dangerous railroad tracks to get to school (when there was one right down the road only for white people) 1952 in Topeka, KS

Roosevelt's Four Freedoms

Pres Franklin D. Roosevelt during his Jan 6, 1941, State of the Union Address "essential human freedoms" freedom of speech and religion, freedom to worship God in one's own way, freedom from want: most ambiguous, and freedom from fear (a longing for peace and desire for security); fifth freedom: free enterprise. Not by FDR but by national association of manufacturers (freedom of choice)

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's program announced in March 1947 of aid to European countries particularly Greece and Turkey threatened by communism. Created the language through which most Americans came to understand the postwar world. He used freedom as a means to motivate people, freedom became the guiding spirit of American foreign policy. He persuaded both republicans and democrats

This was the rightward turn of American politics following the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. This made individual 'freedom' a rallying cry for the right

Reagan Revolution

1950's inventions that transformed American lives

TV, cars, penicillin, house appliances, stereo sets, movie theater, leisure equipment, steel industry, aircraft, guided missiles, radar systems, farms weren't big anymore, agricultural production rose (efficient machinery, chemical fertilizers and insecticides, irrigations, and new crop strains), and other consumer goods

Marshall Plan

The June 1957 US foreign policy initiative that envisioned a New Deal for Europe and pledged billions of dollars to finance European economic recovery. Proved to be one of the most successful foreign programs in history.

Who took up the case Brown v. Board of Education?

The NAACP and Thurgood Marshall took up their case, along with similar cases in South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware.

Joseph McCarthy

The US Senator from Wisconsin who announced Feb 1950 that he had a list of Communists working for the State Department, and whose name later entered the political vocabulary as shorthand for character assassination, guilt by association, and abuse of power in the name of anticommunism.

What happened after the decision of the Brown v. Board of Education was made?

The decision encouraged an awakening of civil rights protest- and segregationist protests- in the South, ensuring it would have the backing of the federal courts.

Women's Rights 1970's (gains)

Title IX, which banned gender discrimination in higher education, and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which required that married women be given access to credit in their own name

Prior to her arrest that led to the boycott, Rosa Parks was involved in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).


The Great Society reduced poverty in America to a significant degree.



Washington office and apartment complex that lent its name to the 1972-1974 scandal of the Nixon administration; when his knowledge of the break-in and subsequent cover-up was revealed, Nixon resigned the presidency under threat of impeachment

iron curtain

Winston Churchill (Britain's former wartime prime minister) declared that this had descended across Europe, partitioning (splitting) the free West from the communist East, early 1946, Fulton, MO, it was meant to prolong the struggle between the US and Soviets

As VP candidate, how did Sarah Palin attack Democrats?

With being unpatriotic lacking traditional values, and not representing the "real America"

United Farm Workers (UFW)

a mass movement for civil rights as a campaign for economic betterment

Gulf Tonkin Resolution

a resolution/legislation passed by Congress in 1964 authorizing the pres to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam; in reaction to supposedly unprovoked attacks on American warships off the coast of North Vietnam. It gave the pres unlimited authority to defend US forced and members of SEATO

President Clinton's Healthcare Reform

addressed the rising cost of health care and the increasing # of Americans who lacked health insurance. His plan would have provided universal coverage through large groupings of organizations like the HMO's

standard consumer package 1950's

along with a home and tv set, the car became a part of this. Sociologists dubbed these 3 things essential. Cars were essential to the enjoyment of freedom's benefits. By 1960 80% of Americans owned a car.

Title IX 1972

banned gender discrimination in higher education; part of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972

Pay Gap

between men and women, although narrowing, persisted. In 2010, the weekly earning of women with full-time jobs stood at 82% of those of men—up from 63% in 1980.in only occupational categories did women earn more than men - postal service clerks and special education teachers

William and Alfred Levitt

built the 1st Levittown on 1200 acres of potato fields on Long Island near NYC, they became famous suburban developers. 10,000 houses were built led to the formation of shopping malls; they were low-cost, mass-produced developments of suburban tract after WWII

1950's TV influence

by the end of the 1950's nearly 9 of 10 American families owned a TV set. It replaced newspapers as the most common source and most effective advertisement of information about public events, and it became the nation's leading leisure activity. Directed towards urban life. (The Goldbergs with Jewish immigrants as cast, The Honeymooners with Jackie Gleason as bus driver, leave it to beaver, the adventures of ozzie and harriet, the general electric theatre hosted by Reagan, alcoa presents) It changed American eating habits and it provided Americans of all regions and backgrounds with a common cultural experience

Silent Spring/Carson

by the marine biologist Rachel Carson brought home to millions of readers the effects of DDT, and insecticide widely used by home owners and farmers against mosquitoes, gypsy moths, and other insects. It related how DDT killed birds and animals and caused sickness among humans

Cuba missile crisis

caused when the U.S discovered Soviet offensive missile sites in Cuba in Oct 1962; the US-Soviet tense confrontation was the Cold War's closest brush w/ nuclear war

Roe v. Wade

created a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy the court declared access to abortion a fundamental freedom protected by the Constitution. 1973 US Supreme Court decision requiring states to permit 1st-trimester abortions


deep south delegates who walked out of the 1948 Democratic National Convention in protest of the party's support for civil rights legislation and later formed the States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat), which nominated Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president

Christian Coalition

founded by evangelical minister Pat Robertson, became a major force in Republican politics. It launched crusades against gay rights, abortion, secularism in public schools, and gov aid to the arts

Free Speech Movement

founded in 1964 @ University of CA at Berkeley by student radicals protesting restrictions on their right to distribute political publications

US propaganda on Japanese

gov propaganda and war films portrayed the Japanese foe as rats, dogs, gorillas, and snakes, bestial and subhuman, depicted American's as self-indulgent people contaminated by ethnic and racial diversity as opposed to the racially "pure" Japanese. Prejudice remained against Japan because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. American's viewed Japanese ethnicity as a potential spy

President Jimmy Carter/Foreign Policy emphasis

he had a commitment to promoting human rights as a centerpiece of American foreign policy. He cut off aid to the brutal military dictatorship governing Argentina. He was able to yield an important result regarding the Cold War. He brokered a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel

Martin Luther King Jr.

he recently arrived in Montgomery to become a pastor of a Baptist church, became a movement's national symbol. Invoked the bible to promote justice and freedom. Formed the southern Christian, leadership conference (believed in desegregation). His call to action electrified the audience

Phillis Schlafly

helped organize opposition to the ERA, insisted that the "free enterprise system" was the "real liberator of women," since labor saving home appliances offered more genuine freedom than "whining about past injustices" or seeking fulfillment outside the home

Cesar Chavez

in 1965 the son of migrant farm workers and a discipline of King, led a series of nonviolent protests, including marches, fasts, and a national boycott of CA grapes, to pressure growers to agree to labor contracts w/ the United Farm Workers union "UFW"


in 1993, an investigation began of an Arkansas real-estate deal, from which Clinton and his wife profited. The following year, and AR woman, Paula Jones, filed a civil suit charging that Clinton sexually harassed her while he served as a gov of that state. Kenneth Starr who was investigating shifted his focus to Lewinsky

President Obama/Osama Bin Laden

in May 2011, to wide acclaim, in the US Obama authorized an armed raid into Pakistan that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, who was hiding there for years.

James Meredith

in Sept 1962, a court ordered the University of MS to admit a black student. The state police stood aside as a mob, encouraged by Gov Ross Barnett, rampaged through the streets of Oxford where the university is located. 2 bystanders lost their lives in the riot. Pres Kennedy was forced to dispatch the army to restore order and diffuse the violence

Joe McCarthy/Downfall

it came in 1954 when Senate committee investigated his chargers that the army had harbored and "coddled" communists. Televised Army-McCarthy hearings revealed him as a bully who browbeat witnesses and made sweeping accusations with no basis in fact. The high point came when he attacked the loyalty of a young lawyer in the firm of Joseph Welch, the army's chief lawyer; won election to senate in 1946. Was associated with "McCarthyism"-shorthand character assassination, guilt by association, and abuse of power in the name of anticommunism.

supply-side economics/ President Ronald Reagan

lowering taxes would enlarge the gov revenue by stimulating economic activity. But spurred by large increases in funds for the military, federal spending far outstripped income, producing large budget deficits, despite assurances by supply-siders that this would not happen "Reaganomics" elected in 1981 their goal was to reduce the size of the federal gov and stimulate economic growth; combined tax cuts with an unregulated marketplace

Three Mile Island

nuclear power plant near Harrisburg PA, site of 1979 accident that released radioactive steam into the air; public reaction ended the nuclear power industry's expansion

Bombing of Nagasaki

on Aug 9,1945 the US exploded a 2nd bomb killing 70,000 people, American plane, American attack on Japan, atomic bombs released radiation. 140,000 died overall. Soviet Union declared war on Japan 1 week later to which Japan surrender

Bombing for Hiroshima

on August 6, 1945 an American plane dropped an atomic bomb that detonated over Hiroshima, Japan, a target chosen because almost alone among major Japanese cities, it had not yet suffered damage, nearly every building was destroyed, approx. 70,000 died immediately

Freedom Train

originated in 1946 with the department of justice, it opened to the public in Philadelphia, Americans were rededicated to American values by taking the freedom pledge and adding names to the freedom scroll, Sept 16, 1947. it was a traveling exhibition of 133 historical documents bedecked in red, white, and blue, embarked on a 16 mo tour took it more than 300 American cities among the documents were the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, and the Gettysburg Address, Truman endorsed it. most elaborate peacetime patriotic campaign in history. Attracted 3.5 million visitors

Jackie Robinson

possessed both remarkable athletic ability and a passion for equality. His dignity in the face of constant verbal abuse won him nationwide respect, and his baseball prowess earned him the Rookie of the Year award. His success opened the door to integration of baseball and led to the demise of the negro leagues to which black players had previously been confined, negro, former army, was let on the Brooklyn Dodgers team, most blacks were subject to the negro league, 1947

Truman's Civil Rights measures

presented an ambitious civil rights program to Congress, calling for a permanent federal civil rights commission, national laws against lynching and the poll tax, and action to ensure equal access to jobs and education. None of these were approved. Truman issued an executive order desegregating the armed forces. It became the 1st desegregated American force to fight since the war of independence

American Indians during WWII

some 25,000 served in the army. Brought closer to mainstream American life by leaving reservations for wartime jobs and attending college after war. Insisting that the US lacked the authority to draft Indian men into the army, the Iroquois issued their own declaration of war against the Axis Powers. Thousands left reservations some took advantage of the GI bill, many did not return to the reservations

Montgomery bus boycott

sparked by Rosa park's She was a seamstress with tired feet) arrest on Dec 1, 1955 in Montgomery, AL for refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, a successful year-long boycott protesting segregation on city buses; led by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and also hundreds of black janitors, teachers, and maids that refused to ride buses for 181 days, they walked or took taxis. Nov 1956 the court ruled segregation in public transportation illegal


tactic adopted by young civil rights activists, beginning Feb 1, 1960, demanding service at lunch counters or public accommodations and refusing to leave if denied access; marked the beginning of the most militant phase of the civil rights struggle; 4 students from Greensboro - NC Agricultural and Technical State College enter a department store. They bought things and then sat down for lunch where they were refused service and sat until the store closed. They returned and sat for days and even local white students joined in. sparked the integration of schools, parks, restaurants, pools, bowling alleys, libraries, etc. 70,000 took part, they were attacked but did not attack back

Great Society/ LBJ

term coined by Pres Lyndon B. Johnson in his 1965 State of Union address, in which he proposed legislation to address problems of voting rights, poverty, diseases, education, immigration, and the environment; 1965-1967

Geraldine Ferraro

the 1st women candidate on a major-party presidential ticket

Rosie the Riveter

the female industrial laborer depicted as muscular and self-reliant in Norman Rockwell's famous magazine cover, featured her as a symbol of women's strength, 1944, civilian labor force, women made up 1/3 of labor force. 350,000 served auxiliary military units


the young urban professional who earned a high income working in a bank or stock brokerage firm and spent lavishly on designer clothing and other trappings of the good life


this 1950 manifesto described the Cold War as an epic struggle between "the idea of freedom" and "the idea of slavery under the firm oligarchy of the Kremlin" the survival of the Free World; National Security Council, one of the most important policy statements that enabled the US to pursue a global crusade against communism, helped spur an increase in American military spending, in US; top-secret policy paper approved by Pres Truman in 1950 that outlined a militaristic approach to combating the spread of global communism

1963 March on Washington

this march reflected an unprecedented degree of black-white cooperation in support of racial and economic justice, it also revealed some of the movement's limitations and the tensions within it. The march's slogan was "jobs and freedom". On the steps of Lincoln Memorial, King gave his "I have a dream" speech; civil rights demonstration on Aug 18, 1963

After WWII, most working women

worked part-time to help support the family's middle-class lifestyle not to help pull it out of poverty or to pursue personal fulfillment or an independent career. Lost most of the industrial jobs they possessed before the war ended. Now they have low-salary, nonunion jobs. By 1960 they made 60% of the income men did

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