Hydrothermal vents quiz marine bio

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Explain the role of specific symbiotic relationships and the organisms involved.

- these bacteria provide other organisms with food through filter feeding and symbiotic relationships - because the gushing hot water is rich in minerals, many of these minerals will settle to the bottom around these vents - Many of these bacteria exist in symbiotic relationships with species in the vent fauna. They are hosted by vestimentiferan tubeworms, vesicomyd clams, and bathymodiolid mussels. The tube worms have no gut at all and depended completely on the bacteria living in their tissues.

Identify the tectonic activity, which would give rise to hydrothermal and cold water seep communities.

Divergent plate boundaries Cold water seeps through cracks and is heated by magma causing it to explode through the sea floor with hot water and chemicals.

Explain the role that hydrogen sulfide plays within this community.

-Chemosynthetic bacteria obtain energy from the chemical bonds of hydrogen sulfide. In hydrothermal vent communities, these bacteria are the first step in the food chain. Many of these bacteria exist in symbiotic relationships with species in the vent fauna. -Hydrothermal vent communities are able to sustain such vast amounts of life because vent organisms depend on chemosynthetic bacteria for food. The water from the hydrothermal vent is rich in dissolved minerals and supports a large population of chemoautotrophic bacteria. These bacteria use sulfur compounds, particularly hydrogen sulfide, a chemical highly toxic to most known organisms, to produce organic material through the process of chemosynthesis.

Identify several adaptations organisms have to live in this area.

-ability to withstand high temperatures and amounts of toxic chemicals -chemosynthesis, ability to create food energy without light -symbiotic relationship with chemosynthesis bacteria -The organisms that thrive at deep-sea vents and seeps have to survive freezing cold, perpetual darkness, high-pressure, and toxic chemicals.

giant clams

-bivalve -mollusca -oval shell -Thick shell -symbiotic bacteria -eaten by crabs and octopi

squat lobster

-crustacean -arthopoda

Explain the role bacteria performs at hydrothermal vents.

-has a symbiotic relationship with hydrothermal vent animals -bacteria convert toxic chemicals released by th hydrothermal vents into food energy

Giant Tube Worm

-invertabrates -annelida -tolerate high hydrogen sulfide levels -Tolerate high temperatures -rely on bacteria to oxidize hydrogen sulfide -gill like red plumes absorb hydrogen sulfide from the hot water and oxygen rom the cold water -no mouth or stomach

Identify the 3 general categories of bacteria found in the community and place them in their specific locations.


Identify other types of vent communities: hydrocarbon cold water seeps, anoxic and methane.

A cold seep (sometimes called a cold vent) is an area of the ocean floor where hydrogen sulfide, methane and other hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage occurs, often in the form of a brine pool.

List or identify the 3 basic types of hydrothermal communities and their corresponding temperatures.

Black smokers- Hottest vents, have mostly iron and sulfide white smokers- Still very hot but not as hot as black smokers, contains silica, barium, and calcium clear smokers-

Compare and contrast chemosynthesis and photosynthesis.

Chemosynthesis -carbon dioxide+ water+ hydrogen sulfide+oxygen= Carbohydrate+sulphuric acid Photosynthesis carbon dioxide+ water=carb+ oxygen

Explain what is meant by the term "marine snow".

Marine snow is a shower of organic material falling from upper waters to the deep ocean. Biological debris that falls from higher in the water column is also known as marine snow. Some flakes fall for weeks before finally reaching the ocean floor.

eelpout/zoacrid fish

The eelpout actually lives ON the vent even though temperatures can reach over 700 F. The adaptation they use to survive in the hot, toxic gases is called CHEMOSYNTHESIS. Chemosynthesis means that animals that live in these habitats convert the toxic gases into energy which allows them to thrive. -top predators around vents -2 foot long white fish -eats everything from tube worms to shrimp -slow and lethargic

Locate hydrothermal vents on a map.

Where magma is close to the surface, mid ocean ridges.

Identify the physical limiting factors (abiotic factors) that exist in this community, associate specific parameters to pressure, water temperature, pH, mineral content, salinity, dissolved gases, space requirements, nutrient supply, substrate, light availability, currents, temperature, pollution and minerals.

water temp- hydrothermal vents increases the temperature to up to 400 degrees Celsius. They emit particles with sulfur and therefore have higher temperatures. "White Smokers" emit materials with barium, calcium, and silicon and have lower temperatures -Low oxygen and oxygen concentration, few species, The salinity of the water is high as it is supersaturated with dissolved minerals, such as iron, barium, and calcium. -The pH of the water is 2.8. -There is no sunlight. -very high pressure

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