I-O: Stress in the Workplace

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relaxation training

Client's are taught to concentrate on one body part after another, systematically tensing and relaxing the muscles Focusing on the sensations from the relaxation progresses to a deeper relaxation

quantitative overload

Condition of having too much work to do in the time available. Obvious source of stress. Linked to stress-related ailments (coronary heart disease). Degree of control workers have over the rate at which they work (rather than the aount of work itself)


effects of job stress that result from overwork employees become less energetic and less interested in their jobs generally emotionally exhausted emotional exhaustion was linked to the deterioration of job performance employees are apathetic, depressed, irritable, and bored tend to find fault with all aspects of their work environment react negatively to suggestion of others quality of work deteriorates, but not necessarily the quantity follow rules and procedures because they are too exhausted to be flexible or to consider alternative approaches

autonomy control culture social support satisfaction personality factors

factors affecting stress

lower energy self-esteem self-efficacy job involvement increase in physical stress symptoms, turnover, and social withdrawal

characteristics of burnout

jonathan raymond

coined the term occupational health psychology

job engagement

defined in terms of the three components of burnout people who score in _____ are described as high in energy, involvement, and efficacy


eastern cultures are more accepting of long work hours than western cultures? yup/nah

Scheduling ambiguity

role ambiguity component referring to uncertainty about time and sequencing of work

role ambiguity

situation that arises when job responsibilities are unstructured or poorly defined. Employee is NOT SURE ON: What is expected What to do


stress doesn't make us vulnerable to worse conditions. yup/nah

self efficacy

belief in one's ability to accomplish a task

Worker method ambiguity

role ambiguity component referring to uncertainty about the methods for successful performance

Performance criteria ambiguity

role ambiguity component referring to uncertainty about the standards of evaluation

impulse control resisting distractions

2 components of self control

tend and befriend (F) fight or flight (M)

2 responses to stress

high job satisfaction control

2 stress susceptibility reducing factors

Emotional Exhaustion Depersonalization Reduced Sense of Personal Accomplishment

3 components of burnout

Performance criteria ambiguity Worker method ambiguity Scheduling ambiguity

3 components of role ambiguity

organization-based self-esteem (OBSE)

A personality dimension relating to our assessment of our adequacy and worth with regard to our place in the employing organization

internal locus of control

People with ____ believe that job performance, pay, and promotion are under their control and dependent on their own behavior

occupational health psych

Goal of this field is to understand and combat the harmful effects of stress on employee health and safety


Popular technique for dealing with stress Involves electronic measurement of physiological processes (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) Measurements are converted into signals (feedback) Using the feedback, people can learn to control their internal states


Most of the stresses encountered in work are low-level sources of stress. These accumulate in the body overtime. yup/nah

high; low

People ___ in OBSE have a high sense of personal adequacy and see themselves as important, effective, and worthwhile members of their organizations People ___ in OBSE are likely to more susceptible to the effects of role conflict and to poor support from their supervisors

external locus of control

People with ____ believe such events depend on outside forces such as luck

psychosomatic disorder

an actual physical disorder caused by or related to emotional factors such as stress on the job.

increased; decreased; increased

Supportive bosses and flexible working hours = ____feelings of greater control; ___ levels of conflict and stress; ____ job satisfaction


These people can be assessed highly in a 20-item scale designed to measure three component: control, commitment, and challenge. They develop fewer physical complaints under highly stressful conditions

increased; increased;increased

___ number of hours worked = ___reported feeling that the work is interfering with family life = ___ levels of reported stress

personal recreation; family

a man's free time is used usually for ___, while women's free time is usually allotted for ___

role conflict

a situation that arises when there is a disparity i job requirements or between a job's demands and the employee's personal standards, values, and expectations

clerical blue collar workers

accdg to NIOSH any career under these 2 types have generally more stress than others

maslach burnout inventory

four subscales to assess the components of: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced sense of personal accomplishment, and personal involvement has high reliability and validity

work underload

having work that is too simple or is insufficient to fill a worker's time or challenge a worker's abilities.

day care facilities reduced working hours flexible scheds social support maternity/paternity leave

how the company can help reduce stress in work and family

stress related disease

it is widespread among employees throughout the world. As many as half of all visits to physicians are precipitated by this


managers who are high in extraversion and low in neuroticism were the least affected by job stress. yup/nah

being high in job engagement

new label for employees who truly love their work


organizational change is not a source of stress in the workplace. yup/nah


people low in job engagement are vigorous, resilient, willing to commit fully to their work, seldom fatigued, and persistent in the face of difficulties enthusiastic about their work and take pride in it. yup/nah


people who are addicted to their work some genuinely like their work and derive satisfaction from it

negative affectivity

personality dimension characterized by a generalized life and job dissatisfaction and by a focus on negative aspects of life events Related to neuroticism


physiological and psychological responses to excessive and usually unpleasant stimulation and to threatening environmental events

hugo munsterberg

proponent of occupational health psychology who considered were accidents and worker safety

work overload

refers to too much work to perform in the time available or work that is too difficult to perform

qualitative overload

refers to: Work that is too difficult. Insufficient ability = STRESS

Relaxation-Response Approach

relaxation training that combines autogenic training and meditation


relaxation training where participants concentrate on deep, regular breathing, or the repetition of a sound

Autogenic training

relaxation training where participants imagine their limbs growing warm and heavy


stress from __ causes: information overload, lack of personal connection demands that they always be available to respond quickly interruptions and delays in system response

bad bosses

stress from ___ causes: failing to receive an anticipated promotion if employees career are not satisfied, frustration can be intense overpromotion fear of failure performance appraisal poor evaluation taking responsibility for subordinates evaluating employees managers are more likely to report stress-related physical complaints

relaxation training biofeedback

stress management programs with regards to individual efforts

controlling organizational climate providing employee control defining employee roles eliminating work overload/underload social support allowing pets stress management programs fitness programs

stress management programs with regards to organizational efforts

hindrance related stress

stress that is related to and is a source of: Job demands Job constraints Interference with goal achievement

challenge related stress

stress that is related to and is a source of: Time pressure High level of Responsibility A source of motivation Leads to fulfillment and achievement

Industrial Fatigue research Board

studied problems of inefficiency and fatigue in manual laborers


the psychological and physical health advantages for employed women are greatest for women in high-status careers. yup/nah

1. costly to employers 2. affects all

why should we study stress?


women report lower levels than stress than men and are less likely to go to their peers in times of stress. yup/nah

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