IB FrB SL paper 1 formats

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-Name of company/site -date below the name -Kind of movie below date -title of the movie -number of stars -who the critique is from -smaller titles in bold -quotes if available -picture and caption


-Name of journal/magazine -sub title -name of journalist -title of the article -Intro paragraph -dialogue between two people with differentiation between interview and interviewee -columns


-Name of the company/site -include the reader -conclusion turning to the future -title stating the problem/purpose -title -paragraph stating overview -box with a quote -picture with a caption -author -columns

courriel personnel

-Section with who the email is from who it is going to the subject and the date/time sent (Date d'envoi: lundi 1 aout DE : [email protected] A: [email protected] Objet: bon retour) -Dear ... (cher(e)...) -Exclamative phrases -signature (first name) -Use informal (tu) -Salutations (A plus/ sincerement/amicalement)

un journal intime

-Title -bold subtitles -information in lists -At end of writing should include your name -bolded important words

Un blog

-Title (bold at the top (Alors, aujourd'hui...)) -Name of the blog (below the title, Blog de __) -Date (below the blog title) -Underlined words (hyperlinks) -Smaller portions with bold titles -List section -"like" and "share" buttons -What time the blog was written -Published by __ -number of comments (comment section) -key words -picture with caption -other links to other pages

Un article

-date (top left) -title (Bold) of the journal - title of the article -website (top left below date) if from a website -logo of newspaper (top right) -Intro paragraph (below title also in bold/smaller text) -picture with caption -subtitle (bolded when speaking about new subject) -name of the author (at end of writing)

lettre officielle

-place and date at the top -include the reader (nous) -imperative phrases -formal greeting -formal ending (votre devouee) -name at the end


-title -sub title with slogan -paragraph stating reason why written -information in a list -information in Q&A response -sub titles with new sections -repetition -telephone numbers necessary -necessary steps -a statistic -picture with caption -related websites -ending slogan

tract, annonce publicitaire

-title (shows the subject) -bolded sub title -columns -conclusion (propose a solution) -name of author and title of person -include the reader (use "nous") - colors, drawings

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