IB French B - Text Types

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le blog

- blog URL -internet browser tabs - title - date (mise à jour + time and date) - optional photo - explaining - main part of blog: what happened and give opinion -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

la brochure (aka brochure, fact sheet, pamphlet)

- logo of association - mention proposed activity - title - use of imperatives and exclamations - contact details -images to help the message -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

le message publié dans les médias sociaux

-date and time of message -name of social media platform -username of person publishing the message -avatar (labelled 'image de...' or 'photo de...') -usually fairly informal register -opinions -exclamations -idioms -emojis -photos if necessary (draw a box, labelled 'photo de...') -likes and reactions (could be emojis)

le rapport, le compte-rendu, l'exposé écrit

-date of report / exposé -title -author's name answer: - who - what - when - where - how -register should be formal in most cases

le forum en ligne

-exchanges of messages / replies between senders -usernames of senders -avatar (labelled 'image de...' or 'photo de...') -date and time of messages -name of forum -usually fairly informal register -opinions -exclamations -idioms -adverts -emojis

l'éditiorial, la chronique d'opinion (opinion article)

-same formatting as l'article, but writer give his opinions -includes facts, but opinions are given about these facts -adjectives of opinion -imperatives to engage and convince the reader -use of 'nous' and 'vous' to make the reader feel included -name of editor (rédacteur rédactrice en chef) -register MUST be formal

la lettre formelle, la lettre de motivation (letter of application / cover letter)

- place and date - person/organization that wrote it (website) - formal title of sender (Monsieur / Madame / Docteur.) - person who letter is being sent to (formal) and address -objet (subject): ........................ - adjoining docs (pièces jointes) - intro and presentation - citations - body of letter - enumerating grievances/issues that sender has - closing ("Veuillez accepter mes salutations distinguées") / Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame/Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués. - signatures of senders -register MUST be formal

la lettre informelle

- sender's name and address (left-hand side) - recipient's name and address (right-hand side) - date - refers directly to recipients (you, questions, etc.) - colloquial expressions - anecdotes - exclamations - closing ("à bientôt"/ "bisous") -informal register

essay/ la dissertation

- title -name of author - intro - body (separated into clear paragraphs), for & against -try to link paragraphs - conclusion -register MUST be formal

l'interview/ l'entretien

- title (can be name of interviewee or topic discussed) -who is the interview for? TV channel? radio channel? newspaper? magazine? - short introduction about the interviewee -thanks interviewee (merci d'être venu(e) nous parler./ merci de nous avoir accordé cette interview, merci de nous avoir consacré votre temps) - photos of interviewee - division into questions and answers -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience / interviewee -interviewer thanks interviewee at the end (merci d'avoir répondu à nos questions)

la proposition (wirtten proposal)

- title - expressing reason for proposal -address the recipient (le / la Maire, le Directeur / la Directrice, le Président / la Présidente, le / la Ministre) - intro, expressing aims of proposal - justification, examples - use of conditional (habria, podria, "would be") - what could happen - listing objectives - final justification and conclusion -register MUST be formal


- title / headline -date -source (Agence France Presse = good source) -name of journaliste - photo and caption - introduction - summary - subtitles - informative and objective info - use %s and statistics, quotes (sources) - conclusion -register should be formal if newspaper / high-brow magazine -less formal register if school mag / newspaper

instructions ou guide de recommnedations

- title reflects objective - list of ideas - #ing each point - use of imperative, specific vocab -use of subjunctive to show importance - image that helps the message -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

le courrier des lecteurs (letters to the editor of magazine / newspaper)

-Main heading: Courrier des Lecteurs -Subheading, stating subject of letter -Introduction stating the subject and why you are writing (Dans votre numéro .....number of edition .... , Monsieur / Madame X écrit que... OR J'ai lu avec intérêt l'article de Monsieur / Madame X au sujet de... -Main body - justify your views -Conclusion - summarise your views state what you hope will happen -Sign off: Name, profession, M

la revue/ la critique (film/ book review)

-Name of newspaper / magazine (Cahiers du Cinéma = good film magazine) - title - subtitle with description of movie / book theme - date - author - technical information about movie - final and personal thoughts of writer - info about director / author - analysis of plot and actors of movie - personal opinion -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

le site web / la page web

-URL -internet browser tabs -mise à jour + date and time -website tabs (accueil - home, etc.) -logo -title -subtitles -pictures -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

le discours (speech), le débat, l'exposé oral

-bienvenue à toutes et à tous - address the audience - presentation of subject / why you are here -introduce the speakers - présentez les orateurs - development of subject with concrete examples - conclusion - final thank you (merci de m'avoir écouté) - signature of person who wrote speech -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience

l'extrait d'un journal intime (diary extract)

-date -cher journal -emotions -events that have taken place, according to exam question -Merci de m'avoir écouté, mon journal. Tu es le seul qui me comprennes.

l'email / le courriel / l'e-mail / le courrier electronique

-date and time -de (from): .................. -à (to) : .................................. -object- subject: ....................................... -intro: reason for emailing -register can vary from formal to informal depending on intended audience -Dans l'attente de votre réponse, je vous adresse mes sincères salutations. = Formal -En espérant avoir bientôt de tes nouvelles / Au plaisir de te lire bientôt OR -sign off (à bientôt - informal) (cordialement - formal)

la déclaration à la police

Commissariat de la ville de .................. Date de la déposition: .............. Nom le la victime: ..................... Nom du témoin (witness): ..................... Nature de l'incident: ........................ Date et heure de l'incident: ................... Lieu (place): ....................... Nom de la personne présente lors de la déposition: ................ Fonction: Commissaire / Inspecteur What happened Signature du dépositaire (reporter) Signature du témoin (reporter)

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