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Explain DOSS IFS Risk Management

"a decision-making process to systematically evaluate possible courses of action, identify risks and benefits, and determine the best course of action (COA) for any given situation."

Student is able to list the aerodynamic forces present at spin entry.

A spin occurs when both wings are stalled and there is a yawing moment due to uncoordinated flight.

Define Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)

ADM is a systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances.

Explain a METAR up to the Remark (RMK) section

1. Type of Report— There are two types of METAR reports. The first is the routine METAR report that is transmitted every hour. The second is the aviation selected special weather report (SPECI). This is a special report that can be given at any time to update the METAR for rapidly changing weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical information. 2. Station Identifier— Each station is identified by a four-letter code as established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In the 48 contiguous states, a unique three-letter identifier is preceded by the letter "K." For example, Gregg County Airport in Longview, Texas, is identified by the letters "KGGG," K being the country designation and GGG being the airport identifier. In other regions of the world, including Alaska and Hawaii, the first two letters of the four-letter ICAO identifier indicate the region, country, or state. Alaska identifiers always begin with the letters "PA" and Hawaii identifiers always begin with the letters "PH." Pueblo Memorial Airport = KPUB, City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport = KCOS. 3. Date and Time of Report— The date and time (161753Z) are depicted in a six-digit group. The first two digits of the six-digit group are the date. The last four digits are the time of the METAR, which is always given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A "Z" is appended to the end of the time to denote the time is given in Zulu time (UTC) as opposed to local time. 4. Modifier—Modifiers denote that the METAR came from an automated source or that the report was corrected. If the notation "AUTO" is listed in the METAR, the report came from an automated source. It also lists "AO1" or "AO2" in the remarks section to indicate the type of precipitation sensors employed at the automated station. When the modifier "COR" is used, it identifies a corrected report sent out to replace an earlier report that contained an error. Example: METAR KGGG 161753Z COR 5. Wind—Winds are reported with five digits (14021) unless the speed is greater than 99 knots, in which case the wind is reported with six digits. The first three digits indicate the direction the wind is blowing in tens of degrees. The winds in a METAR Are reported in TRUE direction, not magnetic. If the wind is variable, it is reported as "VRB." The last two digits indicate the speed of the wind in knots (KT) unless the wind is greater than 99 knots, in which case it is indicated by three digits. If the winds are gusting, the letter "G" follows the wind speed (G26). After the letter "G," the peak gust recorded is provided (14021G26). If the wind varies more than 60° and the wind speed is greater than 6 knots, a separate group of numbers, separated by a "V," will indicate the extremes of the wind directions. 6. Visibility— The prevailing visibility (3/4 SM) is reported in statute miles as denoted by the letters "SM." It is reported in both miles and fractions of miles. At times, RVR, or runway visual range is reported following the prevailing visibility. RVR is the distance a pilot can see down the runway in a moving aircraft. When RVR is reported, it is shown with an R, then the runway number followed by a slant, then the visual range in feet. For example, when the RVR is reported as R17L/1400FT, it translates to a visual range of 1,400 feet on runway 17 left. Closely related to cloud cover and reported ceilings is visibility information. Visibility refers to the greatest horizontal distance at which prominent objects can be viewed with the naked eye. Current visibility is also reported in METAR and other aviation weather reports, as well as automated weather stations. Visibility information, as predicted by meteorologists, is available during a preflight weather briefing. The maximum visibility reported in a METAR is 10 SM. If the visibility is less than 10 SM, the reason for the reduced visibility is given. 7. Weather— Weather can be broken down into two different categories: qualifiers and weather phenomenon (+TSRA BR). First, the qualifiers of intensity, proximity and the descriptor of the weather will be given. The intensity may be light (-), moderate (no entry or symbol) or heavy (+). Proximity only depicts weather phenomena that are in the airport vicinity (VC). Descriptors are used to describe certain types of precipitation and obscurations. Weather phenomena may be reported as being precipitation, obscurations and other phenomena such as squalls or funnel clouds. Descriptions of weather phenomena as they begin or end and hailstone size are also listed in the remarks section of the report. 8. Sky Condition— Sky condition (BKN008OVC012CB) is always reported in the sequence of amount, height and type or indefinite ceiling/height (vertical visibility). The heights of the cloud bases are reported with a three-digit number in hundreds of feet above the ground. Clouds above 12,000 feet are not detected or reported by an automated station. The types of clouds, specifically towering cumulus (TCU) or cumulonimbus (CB) clouds are reported with their height. Contractions are used to describe the amount of cloud coverage and obscuring phenomena. The amount of sky coverage is reported in eighths of the sky from horizon to horizon. 9. Temperature and Dew point— The air temperature and dew point are always given in degrees Celsius (18/17). Temperatures below 0° are preceded by the letter "M" to indicate minus. The relationship between dew point and temperature defines the concept of relative humidity. The dew point, given in degrees, is the temperature at which the air can hold no more moisture. When the temperature of the air is reduced to the dewpoint, the air is completely saturated and moisture begins to condense out of the air in the form of fog, dew, frost, clouds, rain, hail, or snow. As moist, unstable air rises, clouds often form at the altitude where temperature and dew point reach the same value. When lifted, unsaturated air cools at a rate of 5.4 degrees F (3 degrees C) per 1,000 feet and the dew point temperature decreases at a rate of 1 degree F per 1,000 feet. Example: METAR KBTR 161753Z 14021G26 3/4SM -RA BR BKN008 OVC012 18/17 A2970 RMK PRESFR Explanation: Type of Report: ..............Routine METAR Location: ........................Baton Rouge, Louisiana Date: ..............................16th day of the month Time: .............................1753 Zulu Modifier: ........................None shown Wind Information: ..........Winds 140 degrees at 21 knots gusting to 26 knots Visibility: ........................3/4 statute mile Weather: ........................light rain and mist Sky Conditions: .............Skies broken 800 feet, overcast 1,200 feet Temperature: ................Temperature 18° C, dewpoint 17° C Altimeter: .......................29.70 in. Hg Remarks: .......................Barometric pressure is falling.

Define runway incursion

Any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the ground that creates a collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to take off, landing, or intending to land.

Student is able to describe and identify points along military overhead/closed traffic pattern.

At 5,500', the standard break point for overhead pattern entries is any point within the first 2000' of the runway. ATC may direct the pilot to break at other specific locations including during the descent from Initial. For normal landings, begin the descending 180° base turn to final when the desired aim point for the approach is 45° behind the aircraft. Begin the Closed turn when these 4 conditions are complete: • You are beyond the departure end of the runway • After the Climb checklist is complete • Within 300 feet of the Traffic Pattern Altitude • Traffic spacing is sufficient

Explain the difference between Best Rate of Climb and Best Angle of Climb.

Best angle of climb (VX) is performed at an airspeed that will produce the most altitude gain in a given distance. Best rate of climb (VY) is performed at an airspeed that will produce the most altitude gain in a given amount of time (maximum rate of climb in feet per minute).

Define Dead Reckoning

Dead reckoning (DR) is navigation solely by means of computations based on time, airspeed, distance, and direction. This makes it possible to calculate positions or fixes using Dead Reckoning. The products derived from these variables, when adjusted by wind speed and directions are a heading and groundspeed (GS). The predicted heading takes the aircraft along the intended ground track and the GS establishes the time to arrive at each checkpoint and the final destination.

Explain the effects of Weight on aircraft performance.

Heavier weight reduces the flight performance of an airplane in almost every respect. The most significant performance reductions are: • Higher takeoff speed • Longer takeoff run • Reduced rate and angle of climb • Lower maximum altitude • Shorter range • Reduced cruising speed • Reduced maneuverability • Higher stalling speed • Higher approach and landing speed • Longer landing roll • Excessive weight on the nose wheel

Student is able to explain FAA Radio Communication Technique.

Listen before you transmit. If you change frequencies and make an immediate transmission without listening first, your transmission may block communication from another airplane or ATC. Think before keying your transmitter. Know what you want/need to say when pressing the mike button. The microphone should be very close to your lips and after pressing the mike button, a slight pause may be necessary. When you release the button, wait a few seconds to give time for a response. Be alert to the sounds or lack of sounds in your receiver. If you hear nothing, check your volume, recheck your frequency, check connections and try again.

Student is able to explain the relationship between Load Factor and Stall speed.

Load factor is the ratio of the load supported by the wings divided by the weight of the airplane. In straight and level flight, the wings only have to produce the lift necessary to offset gravity. Therefore, the load factor is expressed as 1 G (the load factor = 1 G) or one times the force of gravity. As the bank angle gets steeper, the load factor increases proportionally. The increase in bank also increases the stall speed of the airplane. At steeper bank angles, the load factor (and stall speed) increases significantly. In addition to causing an increase in stall speed, excessively high load factors can overstress airplane components.

Student is able to identify and define Maneuvering Speed.

Maneuvering speed is the maximum speed at which a full, abrupt control movement can be made without overstressing the airframe. the maneuvering speed decreases as the weight of the aircraft decreases.

Student is able to explain Notices to Airman (NOTAMs)

NOTAMs provide the most current information available. They provide time-critical information on airports and changes that affect the national airspace system (NAS) and are of concern to IFR operations. NOTAM information is classified into two categories. These are NOTAM-D and flight data center (FDC) NOTAMs. NOTAM-Ds are attached to hourly weather reports and are available at automated flight service stations (AFSS) or FSS.

Describe the characteristics of Pressure Altitude.

Pressure altitude is the height above the standard datum plane. Also, think of pressure altitude as the height in the standard atmosphere (above or below the SDP) that corresponds to the currently sensed pressure of the air around the aircraft. The airplane altimeter is essentially a sensitive barometer calibrated to indicate altitude in the standard atmosphere. If the altimeter is set to 29.92, the altitude indicated is the pressure altitude.

Student is able to describe DOSS IFT radio communications

See DOSS IFT Local Flying Procedures Appendix F.

Student is able to explain aerodynamic stall.

Separation of airflow and resulting loss of lift due to the critical angle of attack being exceeded. When the wing is below the critical angle of attack the airflow smoothes out and the wing produces lift again. An airplane wing stalls whenever the critical angle of attack is exceeded.

Student is able to define Load Factor.

The ratio of the load supported by the airplane's wings to the actual weight of the aircraft and its contents. Load factor is also referred to as G loading.

Student is able to identify key attributes of effective communication.

The single, most important thought in pilot-controller communications is understanding. It is essential, therefore, that pilots acknowledge each radio communication with ATC by using the appropriate aircraft call sign. Brevity is important, and contacts should be kept as brief as possible, but controllers must know what you want to do before they can properly carry out their control duties.

Student is able to describe the three axes of rotation.

The vertical axis passes vertically through the center of gravity. The movement about this axis is called yaw. The pilot controls the yaw about the vertical axis with the rudder pedals. The lateral axis extends crosswise from wingtip to wingtip and passes through the center of gravity. The movement about this axis is called pitch. The pilot controls the pitch about the lateral axis with the control stick. The longitudinal axis extends lengthwise through the fuselage from the nose to the tail and passes through the center of gravity. The movement about this axis is called roll. The pilot controls the roll about the longitudinal axis with the control stick.

Student is able to interpret airport glide slope indicators.

Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) lights display a safe glide path to the runway. This system contains two separate bars of lights, which normally represent a 3º glide slope. When the near or lower bar is seen as white and the second or far bar, displayed as red, the aircraft is on the VASI glide path.

Describe the characteristics of the Standard Atmosphere.

Sea Level Barometric Pressure of 29.92 inches of Mercury (in. Hg) Sea Level Temperature of 15° Celsius (15°C or 59°F) Relative Humidity of 0% Standard temperature lapse rate of 2°C per 1000 feet altitude Standard pressure lapse rate of 1 inch Hg per 1000 feet altitude

Define selected Navigation Terms

True North: where longitudinal meridians converge Magnetic North: attracts the needle of a compass Magnetic Variation: angular difference between true north and magnetic north. To convert from this time, a pilot should do the following: Eastern Standard Time..........Subtract 5 hours Central Standard Time..........Subtract 6 hours Mountain Standard Time...... Subtract 7 hours Pacific Standard Time.......... Subtract 8 hours Subtract 1 hour less during daylight saving time (summer months) The magnetic compass is affected by influences within the aircraft such as electrical circuits, radios, engines, magnetized metal parts, etc., which cause the compass needle to be deflected from its normal reading. This deflection is known as deviation (DEV), VFR Cruising altitudes are based on the magnetic course of the aircraft. • Apply when flying at or above 3,000 feet AGL. • Magnetic Course 0° to 179°, fly at odd thousands plus 500 feet. For example, 5,500', 9,500' and 13,500'. • Magnetic Course 180° to 359°, fly at even thousands plus 500 feet. For example, 6,500', 8,500' and 12,500'.

Explain transfer of aircraft control.

1) The PF relinquishing controls says, "You have the aircraft." 2) The PNF assuming controls says, "I have the aircraft," and noticeably shakes the control stick. 3) The order may be reversed because the Pilot in Command (PCI)/IP always retains the authority to take aircraft control when required. The order of transfer is less important than each crewmember executing his/her role in accordance with the standard procedure. 4) If the PIC/IP (as the PNF) says "I have the aircraft," and noticeably shakes the control stick, the PF must immediately relinquish control of the aircraft, and say "You have the aircraft." This is an example of how the order is reversed but the roles continue to be executed. 5) Never relinquish control of the aircraft until the other pilot has positively assumed control of the aircraft (i.e., shaken the control stick). 6) Students relinquishing aircraft control to the IP must avoid making any additional flight control inputs. They will remove their feet from the rudder pedals and place them flat on the floor.

Identify and describe DA-20 Engine Instruments

1. Cylinder Head Temperature The cylinder-head temperature-probe attaches to the bottom of the left rear cylinder. 2. Exhaust Gas Temperature The exhaust-gas temperature-probe attaches to the top of the left rear exhaust pipe. It measures the temperature of the exhaust gas leaving the cylinder. 3. Fuel Pressure Indicator 3.5 psi - - 16.5 psi 4. Fuel Quantity Gauge Approved Fuel Grades: AVGAS 100 or 100LL Total Fuel Capacity: 24.5 US gal. (93 liters) Usable Fuel: 24.0 US gal. (91 liters) Unusable Fuel: 0.5 US gal. ( 2 liters) 5. Oil Temperature Minimum : 75°F (24°C) Full power operation, oil pressure normal 100°F (38ºC) Maximum : 240°F (115°C) Normal Operating: 170-220ºC 6. Oil Pressure Minimum : 10 psi (1.5 bar) Maximum : 100 psi (6.9 bar) Ambient temperature below 32°F (0ºC), Full power operation oil pressure 70 psi max Normal Operating : 30 psi (2.1 bar) to 60 psi (4.1 bar) 7. Ammeter The ammeter shows the current flowing between the battery and the main bus. When the ammeter needle shows +, the battery is receiving a charge. When the ammeter needle shows -, the battery is supplying current. 8. Voltmeter The voltmeter shows the voltage on the main bus. It usually shows 14 volts when the Alternator is on-line. It shows the battery voltage when the Alternator is off-line. The voltmeter may show less than 14 volts during high electrical loads and low engine RPM. This shows that the battery is helping the Alternator.

Identify and describe DA-20 Components

1. Fuselage = The fuselage is the body of the aircraft. 2. Wings = Wings are the primary lift generating component of an aircraft. 3. Cockpit = Contains the Seats and Safety Belts, Rudder Pedal and Adjustments, Flight Control Lock, and Baggage Compartment 4. Canopy = 5. Empennage (tail) = 6. Flight Controls = An elevator attached to the horizontal stabilizer gives longitudinal control. Ailerons attached to the trailing edge of each wing give lateral control. The rudder attached to the vertical stabilizer gives yaw control. Flaps attached to the trailing edge of each wing give extra lift for takeoff and drag for landing. 7. Landing gear = The landing gear system consists of the two main landing gear wheels mounted to aluminum spring struts and a 60° castering nose wheel. 8. Power Plant = Continental IO-240-B engine. The IO-240-B is a fuel injected, 4-cylinder, 4-stroke engine with horizontally opposed, air cooled cylinders and heads. Cooling air is directed over the engine by using engine baffling under the upper engine cowling.

Identify and describe DA-20 Flight instruments

1. Magnetic Compass = The magnetic compass aligns itself with the magnetic axis formed by the north/south magnetic field of the earth 2. Vacuum Gauge = The system includes a Vacuum Gauge that provides system pressure indications to the pilot. 4.5- 5.5 in. Hg. 3. Engine Tachometer = Reads and displays the Rotations Per Minute (RPMs) of the engine 4. Airspeed Indicator = The airspeed indicator shows the aircraft's indicated airspeed in nautical miles per hour (KTS). 5. Attitude Indicator = The attitude indicator uses a gyroscope as an attitude reference. The indicator shows pitch and roll data . The display shows blue area for the sky and brown area for the ground. A small bar shows the airplane's wings. Horizontal markings above and below the horizon show pitch up and down. 6. Altimeter = The flight instrument that indicates the aircraft's MSL altitude by sensing pressure changes. 7. CDI = Displays the aircraft position in relation to a selected course. 8. Turn Coordinator = The turn coordinator has a slip indicator. A ball in an inclinometer filled with fluid shows when the airplane is slipping or skidding. When the ball is in the center, the turn is correctly coordinated. 9. Heading Indicator = The HI shows the direction of the airplane in relation to a preset heading. 10. Vertical Speed Indicator = A rate-of-pressure change instrument that gives an indication of rate of climb or descent based on deviation from a constant pressure level.

Describe TAF publication

1. Type of Report— A TAF can be either a routine forecast (TAF) or an amended forecast (TAF AMD). 2. ICAO Station Identifier— The station identifier is the same as that used in a METAR. 3. Date and Time of Origin— Time and date of TAF origination is given in the six-number code with the first two being the date, the last four being the time. Time is always given in UTC as denoted by the Z following the number group. 4. Valid Period Date and Time—The valid forecast time period is given by a six digit number group. The first two numbers indicate the date, followed by the two digit beginning time for the valid period, and the last two digits are the ending time. The TAF will show, for example, 2418/2524. This means that the TAF is valid from day 24 of the month at 1800Z to day 25 of the month at 2400Z. 5. Forecast Wind— The wind direction and speed forecast are given in a five digit number group. The first three indicate the direction of the wind in reference to true north. The last two digits state the wind-speed in knots as denoted by the letters "KT." Like the METAR, winds greater than 99 knots are given in three digits. 6. Forecast Visibility— The forecast visibility is given in statute miles and may be in whole numbers or fractions. If the forecast is greater than 6 miles, it will be coded as "P6SM." 7. Forecast Significant Weather— Weather phenomenon is coded in the TAF reports in the same format as the METAR. If no significant weather is expected during the forecast time period, the denotation "NSW" will be included in the "becoming" or "temporary" weather groups. 8. Forecast Sky Condition— Forecast sky conditions are given in the same manner as the METAR. Only cumulonimbus (CB) clouds are forecast in this portion of the TAF report as opposed to CBs and towering cumulus in the METAR. 9. Forecast Change— For any weather change forecast to occur during the TAF time period, the expected conditions and time period are included in this group. This information may be shown as From (FM), Becoming (BECMG), and Temporary (TEMPO). "From" is used when a rapid and significant change, usually within an hour, is expected. "Becoming" is used when a gradual change in the weather is expected over a period of no more than 2 hours. "Temporary" is used for temporary fluctuations of weather, expected to last for less than an hour.

Student is able to identify an airport as either Towered or Non-Towered

A towered airport has an operating control tower. A nib towered airport does not. A towered airport is blue whereas a non towered airport is magenta on a sectional chart.

Explain a TAF and its significance to aviation

A TAF (terminal Aerodrome forecast) is a report established for the 5 statute mile radius around an airport. Weather within 10 SM will sometimes be included, and will be coded as VC for vicinity. TAFs are issued every six hours (0000Z, 0600Z, 1200Z, 1800Z). TAFs will often be issued a short time prior to the scheduled forecast time. While TAFs are valid for up to 24 hours, they are replaced by the next one issued. When current or forecast weather conditions differ drastically from the issued TAF, a forecaster will issue an amendment and AMD will be coded in the beginning of the TAF.

Explain what cloud coverage constitutes a ceiling.

A ceiling, for aviation purposes, is the lowest layer of clouds reported as being broken or overcast, or the vertical visibility into an obscuration like fog or haze. Clouds are reported as broken when five-eighths to seven-eighths of the sky is covered with clouds. Overcast means the entire sky is covered with clouds.

Describe basic GNS 430 Operations

Advances in navigation radio receivers, the development of aeronautical charts which show the exact location of ground transmitting stations, along with refined cockpit instrumentation make it possible for pilots to navigate with precision to almost any point desired. Although precision in navigation is obtainable through the proper use of this equipment, beginning pilots should use this equipment to supplement navigation by visual reference to the ground (pilotage). This method provides the pilot with an effective safeguard against disorientation in the event of radio malfunction. The Course Direction Indicator (CDI) key switches between GPS and VLOC inputs for the CDI. The selected navigation source is displayed just above the CDI key. CAUTION: Selecting the wrong CDI source is a common but serious problem. GPS Data Entry - Entering waypoints and other data into the GPS is a three step process. 1. Enter identifier letters and numbers 2. Confirm it is the correct waypoint. 3. Activate the waypoint for navigation. Enter Waypoint Identifier - The large right knob moves the cursor about the page. The small right knob selects individual characters. If you do not see the cursor, press the small right knob momentarily. The cursor allows you to enter data and/or make a selection from a list of options. Confirm Waypoint - Press ENT. Activate Waypoint - Press ENT again. Display Nearest Airport Page - Turn the large right knob to select the NRST page group. NRST will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Describe selected Aids to Navigation

Advances in navigational radio receivers installed in airplanes, the development of aeronautical charts which show the exact location of ground transmitting stations and their frequencies, along with refined cockpit instrumentation make it possible for pilots to navigate with precision to almost any point desired. Very High Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range (VOR) The VOR system is present in three slightly different navigation aids (NAVAIDs): VOR, VOR/DME, and VORTAC. We will refer to the ground based NAVAID generically as a VOR for the remainder of this discussion and assume it provides both magnetic bearing information to and from the station as well as distance. GPS is a United States satellite-based radio navigational, positioning, and time transfer system operated by the Department of Defense (DOD). The system provides highly accurate position and velocity information and precise time on a continuous global basis to an unlimited number of properly-equipped users. The GPS constellation of 24 satellites is designed so that a minimum of five are always observable by a user anywhere on earth. Space Segment The space segment is a network of satellites who's orbits are arranged so that at least five satellites are always within line of sight from almost everywhere on Earth's surface. User Segment In general, GPS receivers are composed of an antenna, tuned to the frequencies transmitted by the satellites, receiver-processors, highly-stable clock, and a display for providing location, speed, etc. to the user. Control Segment The Control Segment of GPS consists of: • Monitor Stations (six stations): Each monitor station checks the exact altitude, position, speed and overall heath of the orbiting satellites. This information is then sent to the Master Control Station. • Master Control Station (Schriever Air Force Base): this station uses the data from the monitoring stations to calculate deviations such as clock errors and then sends the appropriate corrective information back to that satellite. It also may need to reposition the satellite when necessary.

Student is able to identify and define basic elements of an airfoil.

Airfoils come in many different sizes and shapes which reflect the type of flying that the aircraft is designed to do. The aircraft speed, maneuverability, takeoff and landing distance, payload, range, and economics are just a few of the considerations to be made in airfoil design. The aircraft is actually composed of a number of airfoils. The wings, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, propeller, and other components are all airfoils. AIRFOIL— any surface, such as a wing, propeller, rudder, or even a trim tab, which provides aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving stream of air.

Student is able to identify and describe airport lighting.

All taxiways are outlined in blue lights or blue reflectors. Runways are outlined by white lights. On runways used for instrument approaches, amber lights are used to mark visual caution zones for landings on either the last 2000 feet or half the runway length, whichever is less. Some runways have flush mounted centerline lights. To mark the end of the runway, the last 3000 feet and first 1000 feet are alternating red and white. The last 1000 feet of lights are red. To mark the beginning of a runway, green lights are placed at the threshold. These same lights when viewed from the opposite direction will be red, indicating the end of the runway. Sometimes white strobe lights accompany the threshold lights. At some airports, you can turn the runway lights on or adjust their intensity by keying the microphone a specific number of times within a certain period. At some airports, you can have the intensity of the lighting adjusted by requesting the tower to do it for you.

Student is able to state phonetic alphabet, figures, altitudes, directions, speeds and times.

Alpha November 1 One Bravo Oscar 2 Two Charlie Papa 3 Tree Delta Quebec 4 Four Echo Romeo 5 Fife Foxtrot Sierra 6 Six Golf Tango 7 Seven Hotel Uniform 8 Eight India Victor 9 Niner Juliet Whiskey 0 Zero Kilo X-ray Lima Yankee Mike Zulu 1. Figures indicating hundreds and thousands in round numbers, as for ceiling heights, and upper wind levels up to 9,900 are spoken in accordance with the following: EXAMPLES: 500 is "FIVE HUNDRED." 4,500 is "FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED." 2. Figures above 9,900 are spoken by separating the digits preceding the word "thousand." EXAMPLES: 10,000 is "ONE ZERO THOUSAND." "13,500 is "ONE TREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED." 3. Airway numbers. Airways are routes between navigational aids, such as VORs (i.e., airways are highways in the sky). EXAMPLE: V12 is "VICTOR TWELVE." 4. All other numbers are spoken by pronouncing each digit. EXAMPLE: 10 is "ONE ZERO." 5. When a radio frequency contains a decimal point, the decimal point is spoken as "point." EXAMPLE: 122.1 is "ONE TWO TWO POINT ONE." 1. Up to but not including 18,000 ft. MSL, state the separate digits of the thousands, plus the hundreds, if appropriate. EXAMPLES: 12,000 is "ONE TWO THOUSAND." 12,500 is "ONE TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED." 2. At and above 18,000 ft. MSL (FL 180), where 29.92 is set in the altimeter, state the words "flight level" followed by the separate digits of the flight level. EXAMPLE: FL 190 is "FLIGHT LEVEL ONE NINER ZERO" (19,000 ft. MSL). The three digits of bearing, course, heading, and wind direction should always be magnetic. You will not use true headings until later training. Wind velocity (speed) is always included with wind direction, e.g., "THREE FOUR ZERO AT ONE ZERO." a. ATC gives winds in magnetic direction. b. FSS gives winds in true direction, from weather reports and forecasts. 1. Say the separate digits of the speed followed by the word "knots" EXAMPLES: 250 is "TWO FIVE ZERO KNOTS." 185 is "ONE EIGHT FIVE KNOTS." 2. The controller may omit the word "knots" when using speed adjustment procedures, e.g. "INCREASE SPEED TO ONE FIVE ZERO." The 24-hr. clock system is used in radio transmissions. The hour is indicated by the first two figures and the minutes by the last two figures. EXAMPLES: 0000 is "ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO" 0920 is "ZERO NINER TWO ZERO" 1850 is "ONE EIGHT FIVE ZERO"

Match the correct antidote for each of the hazardous attitudes.

Anti- Authority = Follow the rules, they are usually right Impulsivity = Not so fast. Think first. Invulnerability = It could happen to me Macho= Taking chances is foolish Resignation= Im not helpless. I can make a difference.

Explain the five hazardous attitudes.

Anti-Authority: "Don't tell me." This attitude is found in people who do not like anyone telling them what to do. In a sense, they are saying, "No one can tell me what to do." They may be resentful of having someone tell them what to do, or may regard rules, regulations, and procedures as silly or unnecessary. However, it is always your prerogative to question authority if you feel it is in error. Impulsivity: "Do it quickly." This is the attitude of people who frequently feel the need to do something, anything, immediately. They do not stop to think about what they are about to do; they do not select the best alternative, and they do the first thing that comes to mind. Invulnerability: "It won't happen to me." Many people falsely believe that accidents happen to others, but never to them. They know accidents can happen, and they know that anyone can be affected. However, they never really feel or believe that they will be personally involved. Pilots who think this way are more likely to take chances and increase risk. Macho: "I can do it." Pilots who are always trying to prove that they are better than anyone else think, "I can do it—I'll show them." Pilots with this type of attitude will try to prove themselves by taking risks in order to impress others. While this pattern is thought to be a male characteristic, women are equally susceptible. Resignation: "What's the use?" Pilots who think, "What's the use?" do not see themselves as being able to make a great deal of difference in what happens to them. When things go well, the pilot is apt to think that it is good luck. When things go badly, the pilot may feel that someone is out to get me, or attribute it to bad luck. The pilot will leave the action to others, for better or worse. Sometimes, such pilots will even go along with unreasonable requests just to be a "nice guy."

Student is able to explain stall recovery.

At the same time at as applying maximum power, pitch attitude and angle of attack must be decreased positively and immediately. (MAX RELAX ROLL)

Student is able to explain safe operation when wake turbulence is present

Avoid flying through another aircraft's flightpath. Rotate prior to the point at which the preceding aircraft rotated, when taking off behind another aircraft. Avoid following another aircraft on a similar flightpath at an altitude within 1,000 feet. Approach the runway above a preceding aircraft's path when landing behind another aircraft, and touch down after the point at which the other aircraft wheels contacted the runway.

Explain the effects of Balance on aircraft performance.

Because the CG location affects both angle of attack and stability, it has a significant effect on stall speed and ease of recovery. aft CG results in the following: stall speed will be lower, Recovery from a stall and spin may become impossible with the CG aft of limits, The wing flies at a lower angle of attack with less drag resulting in a higher cruise speed. a forward CG results in the following: more drag and a higher indicated stall speed, airplane is more stable because the elevator has a longer arm, The wing flies at a higher angle of attack with more drag resulting in a slower cruise speed.

Student is able to explain DOSS IFT Local Flying Procedures as they relate to FAA Airport Operations.

Before engaging the Ignition Switch Start, visually identify the nearest fire bottle and confirm that the propeller area is clear. Say, "FIRE BOTTLE, PROP CLEAR" before turning the key. After completing the engine start but before commencing the taxi, the pilot calls: "AIRSPEED, ALTIMETER, VSI CHECK During taxi turns (not on the Doss Ramp or while crossing runways), perform the flight instrument check as follows: This verifies that the flight instruments are performing properly. "LEFT TURN, RIGHT BALL, HEADING DECREASING ON TWO, ATTITUDE INDICATOR CHECK." "RIGHT TURN, LEFT BALL, HEADING INCREASING ON TWO, ATTITUDE INDICATOR CHECK." NOTE: no more than 5° of pitch or bank should be indicated on the attitude indicator

Describe selected DA-20 Systems

Brake system = SOURCE: Hydraulic Reservoirs (one on each pedal, hold 0.5 liters) behind brake pedals. CARRIER: Brake Lines USER: Disc Brakes PUMP: Brake Pedals BYPASS: Parking Brake Valve (2 Way valve) FILTER: Parking Brake Valve (2 Way valve) System Pathway: Brake Fluid Hydraulic Reservoirs; Brake Lines; Parking Brake Mechanism; Disc Brakes. Fuel System = SOURCE: Fuel tank CARRIER: Fuel lines USER: Engine/Cylinders PUMP(S): Dukes electric/mechanical engine driven BYPASS: Incorporated in the Dukes Fuel Pump FILTER(S): Gascolator System Pathway: Fuel Tank; Gascolator; Duke's Fuel Pump or Bypass; Fuel Shutoff Valve; Engine Driven Pump (and swirl chamber); Throttle Body; Fuel Distribution Manifold; Fuel Injector Nozzles; Engine Cylinders. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM = Source: Ambient air Carrier: Scat tubes User: Engine and heater Pump: Ram air Bypass: Alternate air Filter: Engine air inlet filter System Pathway: Air Intakes; Air Filter: Scat Tubes; Throttle Body; Alternate Air Valve IGNITION SYSTEM = System Pathway: Ignition Switch; Magnetos; Ignition Leads; Spark Plugs. OIL SYSTEM = SOURCE: Oil Sump (Wet) CARRIER: Oil Lines USER: Engine accessories, Cylinders and Components PUMP: Engine Driven Oil Pump BYPASS: Inside the Oil Filter FILTER: Oil Filter System Pathway: Wet Oil Sump; Engine-Driven Oil Pump; Oil Filter; Vernatherm or Bypass to Oil Cooler; Engine Accessories, Cylinders, and Components. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM = Source: Battery (12 Volt, 20 Amp/Hr) Carrier: Electrical wiring User: Electrical equipment (avionics, trim system, lighting, instruments, etc.) Pump: Alternator (14 V, 40 Amp). Bypass: Circuit breakers Filter: Electrical bus System Pathway: Battery/Alternator; Electrical Wiring; Electrical Bus; Circuit Breakers; Electrical Equipment. PITOT STATIC SYSTEM: = A combined pitot-static probe below the left wing An airspeed indicator (ASI) An altimeter A vertical speed indicator (VSI) A blind altitude encoder (Mode C) VACUUM SYSTEM = The DA20-C1 vacuum system is powered by an engine-driven pump that is located on the front right side of the engine. The flow of air from this pump is used to power the Attitude Indicator and Heading Indicator. WARNING SYSTEMS= It has a CANOPY warning, a GEN warning and a START warning. An EPU status is also installed. The warnings are in two annunciator units at the top of the instrument panel. The left unit has the GEN (Red) and the CANOPY (Red) warnings. The right unit has the START (Red) and EPU (Amber) warnings.

Student is able to explain how an airplane turns in flight.

CENTRIPETAL FORCE— A center-seeking force directed inward toward the center of rotation created by the horizontal component of lift in turning flight. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE — An outward force, that opposes centripetal force, resulting from the effect of inertia during a turn. To turn an airplane you must create a centripetal force by initiating a bank. As you enter a turn from straight-and-level flight, at a constant airspeed, lift is one of the four basic forces that changes. The horizontal component of lift or centripetal force causes the airplane to turn. It is opposed by centrifugal force.

Identify, describe and list requirements for 5 types of Controlled Airspace.

CLASS A airspace is generally the airspace from 18,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) up to and including FL600 (about 60,000 feet), including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (nm) of the coast of the 48 contiguous states and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all operations in Class A airspace will be conducted under instrument flight rules (IFR). As such, the pilot and aircraft must be instrument qualified and equipped and the pilot must have a clearance from ATC to enter Class A airspace. CLASS B airspace is generally the airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation's busiest airports. The configuration of Class B airspace is individually tailored to the needs of a particular area and consists of a surface area and two or more layers. Some Class B airspace resembles an upside-down wedding cake. Class B is designated on aeronautical charts by solid blue lines. The floor and ceiling of the airspace are shown as a fraction in hundreds of feet. CLASS C airspace generally extends from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation charted in MSL. It surrounds those airports that have an operational control tower with radar approach control and that have a large number of IFR operations or passenger enplanements. These are busy airports but not as busy as Class B airports. Two way radio communications (specifically Call Sign acknowledgement) are required prior to entering this airspace. CLASS D airspace generally extends from the surface to 2,500 feet above the airport elevation, charted in MSL, surrounding those airports that have an operational control tower. The configuration of Class D airspace will be tailored to meet the operational needs of the area. The ceiling of the Class D airspace is stated in hundreds of feet inside a blue dashed line square. Two way radio communications (specifically Call Sign acknowledgement) are required prior to entering this airspace CLASS E airspace is controlled airspace that is not designated A, B, C, or D. Class E airspace extends upward from either the surface or a designated altitude to the overlying controlled airspace, usually Class A at 18,000 feet. It also extends from FL600 upwards with no vertical limit. There are no communication or clearance requirements for VFR flight in Class E airspace. There are no special requirements required to enter Class E airspace.

Identify, describe and list requirements for Uncontrolled airspace.

CLASS G airspace or uncontrolled airspace is the portion of the airspace that has not been designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E. It is therefore designated uncontrolled airspace. Class G airspace extends from the surface to the base of the overlying Class E airspace. Although ATC has no authority or responsibility to control air traffic, pilots should remember there are VFR weather minimums which apply to Class G airspace. There is no chart designation for Class G airspace. The airspeed limit is no more than 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL and <Mach 1 above 10,000 feet MSL.

Student is able to explain operation of Comm 1 and Comm 2 provided in DOSS IFT aircraft

COMM 1 C Knob - Push to turn SQ (squelch) on/off. - Twist to power on/off and adjust COM volume. • V Knob - Twist to adjust VLOC (Nav Radio) volume. - Push to ID the VOR on/off. • C Flip-flop button - Swaps COM active/standby frequencies. • V Flip-flop button - Swaps VLOC active/standby frequencies The PUSH C/V knob - Push to move the light blue field between COM and VLOC for frequency changes. - Twist outer knob to change the numbers on the left side of the decimal. - Twist inner knob to change the numbers on the right side of the decimal. • CDI - Selects between GPS and VLOC navigation data. • OBS - Activates the Omnidirectional Bearing Selector (OBS) knob on the VOR. • ENT - Enter / Approve • RNG - Adjusts zoom level for moving maps and TAS • D - Direct-To function • MENU - Menu for current page • CLR - Clear/Cancel - Default Nav - Hold for 3 seconds to return to NAV page 2 (map page). • The PUSH CRSR knob • Twist outer knob to select the Chapter. • Twist inner knob to select the Page. COMM 2 • Power/Volume/Squelch • The knob on the left side of the SL40 controls power on/off, volume and squelch test. • Rotate the knob clockwise past the detent to turn the power on. • Rotate the knob to the right to increase speaker and headphone volume. • Pull the knob out to disable automatic squelch. • The dual concentric knobs on the right side of the SL40 are used to select frequencies in the STANDBY field or to view the features available within a function. • Turn the large, outer knob to change a frequency in 1 MHz increments. • Turn the small, inner knob to change a frequency in 25 KHz increments. • Note that only two numbers are displayed to the right of the decimal point. • Press the flip-flop (arrows) button to move a frequency from STANDBY to ACTIVE.

Explain Crew Resource Management (CRM).

CRM is the effective use of all available resources—people, weapon systems, facilities, equipment and environment—by individuals or crews to safely and efficiently accomplish an assigned mission or task. CRM is a tremendously important tool to use in safely completing a flight.

Student is able to explain selected Federal Aviation Regulations as they pertain to Initial Flight Training.

Category (for Airmen) - Broad classification of aircraft • Airplane • Rotorcraft • Glider • Lighter-than-air • Class (for Airmen) - Classification of aircraft within a category with similar operating characteristics • Single-engine land • Single-engine sea • Multi-engine land • Multi-engine sea • Type -required for: • Large Aircraft (greater than 12,500 lbs. gross weight) • Turbojet powered airplanes • Other aircraft specified by the FAA Administrator • Category (for Aircraft) - Based on aircraft use • Transport • Normal • Utility • Acrobatic • Class (for Aircraft) - Similar to airmen categories • Airplane • Rotorcraft • Glider • Lighter-than-air

Describe selected Aeronautical Chart Symbology

Chart Heading The chart heading includes the title of the chart. Each chart is named for a major city within its area of coverage. The heading also shows the effective date for use and the expiration date of the chart. ATC Frequency Tables There are tables on the edges of the chart that list the frequencies and hours of operation for the Control Towers and Approach Control. Special Use Airspace There are also tables that list the various Special Use Airspace (SUA) areas that are depicted on the chart. The list includes the number of the area, altitude, time of use, the controlling agency and the radio frequencies. Topography A VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart is a pictorial representation of a portion of the Earth's surface upon which lines and symbols in a variety of colors represent features and/or details that can be seen on the Earth's surface. Terrain and Obstructions The elevation and configuration of the Earth's surface are certainly of prime importance to pilots. Cartographers devote a great deal of attention to showing relief and obstruction data in a clear and concise manner.

Describe the characteristics of Density Altitude.

Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for variations from standard temperature. When conditions are standard, pressure altitude and density altitude are the same. If the temperature is above standard, the density altitude is higher than pressure altitude. And, a high density altitude has low air density which means poorer performance. If the temperature is below standard, the density altitude is lower than pressure altitude. And, a low density altitude has higher air density which means better performance. Density altitude directly correlates to aircraft performance; it is the vertical distance above sea level that corresponds to a particular value of air density Air density decreases with: Air temperature increase Altitude increase Humidity increase Barometric pressure decrease With lower air density: The engine develops less power The propeller produces less thrust The wings produce less lift The aircraft performance result is: Longer takeoff run Poorer climb performance Longer landing distance

Demonstrate Crosswind/Tailwind calculations.

First, determine how many degrees difference there is between the runway heading and the wind direction. (e.g. aircraft will be heading 170° when taking off on Rwy 17) • Wind direction obtained from a computer is given in degrees oriented to True North and wind direction that is provided by voice (i.e. ATIS or Tower Controller) is given in degrees oriented to Magnetic North. • Assume tower says the wind is 300/10G16 and you are taking off on Rwy 26L, then the angular difference between the winds and the runway is 40°. • Next, locate the 40° mark along the outer arc of the chart. • Go down the 40° line until it intersects with the wind velocity arc of 16 knots. • Use the 16 kt gust instead of the 10 kt steady state wind; always calculate using the worst case velocity • At this intersection, draw a horizontal line to the left edge; the result is the headwind or tailwind component of the wind • Also, draw a vertical line down to the bottom edge; this result is the crosswind component (SEE A104 PG. 16)

Explain how Atmospheric Conditions affect aircraft performance.

First, the engine derives its power from oxygen molecules in the cylinder reacting with fuel molecules to produce energy. More molecules mean more energy. Second, the wing produces lift in proportion to the number of air molecules flowing over it. More molecules mean more lift. Third, the propeller produces thrust by accelerating air molecules and hurling them rearward so that Newton's third law is used. More molecules mean more thrust.

Describe METAR publication

Information for METAR reports is observed hourly between 45 minutes after the hour until the top of the hour. The observation is made by either a person or automated equipment. While the exact time may vary from one reporting station to the next, a routine METAR will be reported between 50 minutes after the hour until the top of the hour.

Student is able to list and explain the four forces acting on an airplane in flight.

Lift - is the upward force created by the effect of airflow as it passes around a wing. Weight - is the force that opposes lift and is caused by the downward pull of gravity. Thrust - is created by the powerplant that propels the airplane forward through the air. Drag - is the resistance of the atmosphere to the relative motion of an aircraft.

Identify and describe selected Other Airspace Areas.

Military Training Routes (MTR) are developed to allow the military to conduct low-altitude, high-speed training. The routes above 1,500 feet AGL are developed to be flown primarily under IFR, and the routes 1,500 feet and less are for VFR flight. The routes are identified on sectional charts by the designation "instrument (IR) or visual (VR)." Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) An FDC NOTAM will be issued to designate a TFR. The NOTAM will begin with the phrase "FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS" followed by the location of the temporary restriction, effective time period, area defined in statute miles, and altitudes affected. Parachute Jump Areas are published in the Airport/Facility Directory. Sites that are used frequently are depicted on sectional charts. National Security Areas consist of airspace of defined vertical and lateral dimensions established at locations where there is a requirement for increased security and safety of ground facilities. Pilots are requested to voluntarily avoid flying through these depicted areas. When necessary, flight may be temporarily prohibited.

Student is able to list and explain the four Turning Tendencies of a propeller-driven airplane.

One of these tendencies is Torque, which is Newton's third law of motion at work. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The second turning tendency is Gyroscopic Precession. Precession is the resultant action, or deflection, of a spinning rotor when a deflecting force is applied to its rim. When a force is applied, the resulting force takes effect 90° ahead of and in the direction of rotation. The rotating propeller of an airplane makes a very good gyroscope and thus has similar properties. Any time a force is applied to deflect the propeller out of its plane of rotation, the resulting force is 90° ahead of and in the direction of rotation and in the direction of application, causing a pitching moment, a yawing moment, or a combination of the two depending upon the point at which the force was applied. A third turning tendency is P-Factor. This tendency is more pronounced at high angles of attack. When the propeller plane of rotation is perpendicular to the relative wind, the ascending and descending propeller blades have equal angles of attack. If you rotate the airplane to a nose high attitude without changing the relative wind, the descending blade of the propeller has a higher angle of attack. The fourth turning tendency is Spiraling Slipstream. The airflow behind a propeller takes on a spiraling characteristic in the direction of rotation. Since the propeller is rotating clockwise, the slipstream above the fuselage crosses left to right as it moves aft. This causes the vertical stabilizer to move to the right. This causes the nose of the airplane to yaw to the left.

Define Pilotage

Pilotage is the use of visible landmarks to maintain a desired course, and is the basic form of navigation for the beginning pilot operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Visible landmarks which can be identified on aeronautical charts help the pilot to proceed from one check point to the next. The aeronautical charts most commonly used by VFR pilots are: • VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart • VFR Terminal Area Chart • World Aeronautical Chart Every chart uses a geographic reference system for identifying locations. There are three types of "north" that may be used. • True north • Magnetic north • Grid or map north

Identify and describe selected Special Use airspace.

Prohibited Areas are established for security, or other reasons associated with the national welfare, and are depicted on aeronautical charts. Aircraft are forbidden to enter Prohibited Areas. Restricted Areas denote the existence of unusual, often invisible hazards to aircraft such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. An aircraft may not enter a Restricted Area unless permission has been obtained from the controlling agency. Restricted Areas are depicted on aeronautical charts and are published in the Federal Register. Military Operation Areas (MOA) consist of airspace of defined vertical and lateral limits established for the purpose of separating military training activity from IFR traffic. There is no restriction against any pilot operating VFR in these areas; however, a pilot should be alert since training activities may include acrobatic and abrupt maneuvers. MOAs are depicted on aeronautical charts. Alert Areas are depicted on aeronautical charts and are to advise pilots that a high volume of pilot training or unusual aerial activity is taking place. Pilots are advised to be particularly vigilant in scanning for traffic.

Student is able to explain light gun signals.

SEE A-106 Pg 8

Student is able to identify, distinguish and explain airport signs, markings and runways.

SEE A106- PG2

Student is able to define adverse yaw.

Since one wing is producing more lift and drag than the other, a yawing force is created causing the nose of the airplane to move to the outside of the turn. This is called adverse yaw.

Student is able to explain wake turbulence and safe aircraft operation when wake turbulence is present.

The pressure above the wing is less than atmospheric pressure and the pressure below the wing is equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure. Since air always moves from high pressure toward low pressure, and the path of least resistance is toward the airfoil's tips, there is a spanwise movement of air from the bottom of the airfoil outward from the fuselage around the tips. This flow of air results in "spillage" over the tips, thereby setting up a whirlpool of air called a "vortex."

Explain Clearing

This technique, called "scanning" (clearing) involves dividing your viewing into segmented areas of about 10º each. Focus on this segment for 3-4 seconds before scanning the next sector. If something does catch your attention, you should identify the object before moving on to the next segment.

Demonstrate Weight & Balance calculations.

Trace a line from the combined weight in the left hand column across to the column that corresponds to the amount of fuel on the aircraft. Identify the aircraft weight and aircraft moment. Once, total weight and moment have been identified, the location of the CG must be found by utilizing the graph shown below. Enter the graph with weight on the left side and the moment from the bottom. If the two entries meet at a point which is under/inside the blue line, then the CG is acceptable for flight. If the two entries converge to a point that is outside/above the blue line then the CG is outside limits and the fuel amount or crew weight must be adjusted before flight.

Explain VFR Cloud Clearances for Controlled and Uncontrolled airspace.

VISIBILITY: In Classes B, C, D, and E airspace, a pilot needs a minimum of three statute miles visibility to operate under VFR day or night. In Class G airspace, a pilot must have at least one statute mile visibility during the day and three statute miles at night. However, the rule allows an exception to the Class G night visibility requirement if the visibility is at least one statute mile, the pilot stays in the airport traffic pattern within one-half mile of the runway, and remains clear of clouds. ALSO SEE A108 PG 6

List the Performance Speeds for the DA-20-C1.

VS0 - the power-off stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in the landing configuration. VS1 - the power-off stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in a specified configuration. (Note: for the DA-20C1 this specified configuration is when the flaps are at Cruise) VY - the speed at which the airplane will obtain the maximum increase in altitude per unit of time. This best rate-of-climb speed normally decreases slightly with an increase in altitude. VX - the speed at which the airplane will obtain the highest altitude in a given horizontal distance. This best angle-of-climb speed normally increases slightly with an increase in altitude. VFE - the highest speed permissible with the wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. This is because of the air loads imposed on the structure of the flaps. VA - the design maneuvering airspeed. This is the maximum speed at which the limit load can be imposed (either by gusts or full deflection of the control surfaces) without causing structural damage. Operating at or below maneuvering speed does not provide structural protection against multiple full deflection control inputs. VNO - the maximum speed for normal operation or the maximum structural cruising speed. This is the speed at which exceeding the limit load factor may cause permanent deformation of the aircraft structure. VNE - the airspeed which should NEVER be exceeded. If flight is attempted above this speed, structural damage or structural failure may result.

Student is able to describe initial radio contact with ATC.

WHO you are calling WHO you are WHERE you are on the airport (ground) or in relation to the airport (air) WHAT you want (what your intentions are - landing, over-flying, requesting information, etc.) Ex. Pueblo Tower, Tiger 24, DOSS ramp, Request taxi east departure

Student is able to describe and identify points along an FAA rectangular traffic pattern.

When approaching an airport for landing, the traffic pattern should be entered at a 45° angle to the downwind leg, headed toward a point abeam the midpoint of the runway to be used for landing. The downwind leg is a course flown parallel to the landing runway, but in a direction opposite to the intended landing direction. This leg should be approximately 1/2 mile from the landing runway and at the specified traffic pattern altitude. The base leg turn is initiated 45° from the aiming point on the runway. The final approach leg is a descending flight path starting at the completion of the base-to-final turn and extending to the point of touchdown.

Student is able to interpret wind conditions from common airport wind direction indicators.

Wind Sock - Indicates the wind direction and intensity by straightness of the sock. Wind Tee - Indicates wind direction but not the intensity. It is sometimes locked in place to show the active runway. Tetrahedron - Indicates wind direction but not the intensity. It is sometimes locked in place to show the active runway.

Student is able to explain how to overcome the effects of adverse yaw in flight.

You overcome this yawing tendency by applying rudder in the direction of the roll during a turn

Student is able to describe Ground Effect.

due to the interference of the surface of the earth with the airflow patterns about the aircraft in flight. This alters the wing's upwash, downwash, and wingtip vortices. Ground effect reduces the induced drag proportionate to the distance of the aircraft above the ground.

Demonstrate Takeoff/Landing Distance calculations.

• Start at 22° C at the bottom left side of the table • Go straight up to the diagonal line that represents 7000 ft. pressure altitude • From this point, move across to the right • At the beginning of the Aircraft Weight section, follow a path parallel to the downward diagonal lines • Stop when directly above 1600 lbs. then go straight across to the right At the beginning of the Wind section, follow an upward path parallel to the dashed lines • Stop when directly above3 knots, then go straight across to the right • Beginning at the Obstacle section, follow a path parallel to the upward diagonal lines • Stop when directly above 4 ft. then go straight across to the right • When you reach the right edge of the chart, read the total takeoff distance in feet (SEE A104 PG. 13)

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