90. Convert 1A from hexadecimal to decimal
89. Convert 45 from decimal to Hexadecimal
1. A publicly-accessible personal journal posted on the Web. It is often reflect the personality of the author and is typically updated daily?
88. Convert 12 from decimal to Hexadecimal
143. Color printing is done in _____ color format:
97. Online education platforms from top universities are very flexible?
Edx, Coursera, Code Academy, Udacity
49. Which of the following TCP/IP protocols is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another?
54. Which protocol is used between E-Mail servers?
60. Which of the following allows a simple email service and is responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another?
113. Which of the following is not a valid domain name?
39. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is __________
an application protocol that uses the internet's TCP/IP protocols
41. Node is __________
an attached device that is capable to communicate with other network devices
142. What is a vector graphic?
an image represented with use of polygons
32. What is the WWW:
an information space where web resources are identified by URLs
116. The Provider is:
an organization connecting the consumer to the Internet
135. What software should be used to avoid getting viruses?
anti-virus software
155. Which symbol is used before a number to make it a label (MS Excel)?
72. What is the definition of API?
application programming interface
106. The organization and interconnection of the various components of the computer system is called the_________
6. The root directory of a disk should be placed __
at a fixed location on the system disk
145. When items (graphics, audio and video) are imported to Movie Maker, they appear in _______section of the interface:
163. Excel usually identifies cells within a worksheet with a
column letter and row number
11. Network servers are _______
communication nodes based on powerful computers that provide ongoing transmission of information
126. What methods of knowledge transfer does not apply to e-learning
conventional teaching
152. One of the disadvantages of multimedia is its:
77. What does DB stand for?
data base
165. Information is:
data transferred between objects of a material world
66. What does DBMS stand for?
database managment system
68. What is the basic unit of information (ACCESS) ?
database table
132. Which of these can be classified as personal information?
date of birth
125. What does the letter "e" stands for in the word e-learning
educational events held by electronic means
53. Messages from one computer terminal can be sent to another by using data networks. The message to be sent is converted to an electronic digital signal, transmitted via a cable, telephone or satellite and then converted back again at the receiving end. This system of sending messages is called_______
electronic mail
153. When you copy a formula
excel edits cell references in the newly copied formula
122. Which of the following is not the characteristic of the local network?
exchange of information on big distances
172. Multiprogramming systems allow to user:
execute more jobs in the same time period
147. To use an Illustrator file in another application, you must save it in another format not AI, but another file type. To accomplish this, you must do this function
29. What is the Mailbox?
external memory section of the mail server
50. Which digits of the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) identify the country?
first three
51. Which of the following devices is used to connect two systems, especially if the systems use different protocols?
95. Which of the following does measure the speed of CPU?
gigahertz (GHz)
117. Telecommunication network is the __________network
26. What is a hypertext?
it is the easiest way to organize the data in a computer, consisting of a character encoding code table
180. Which is the input device of the computer:
179. Which of the following is the basic components the personal computer:
keyboard, system block, display, mouse
177. Which element was the primary element of the first generation computers?
67. Outline examples of DB:
library book fund, the staff of the enterprise, the educational journal in the school, etc.
121. The network that connects computers within one room is called ___ network
8. Computer networks operating within the same of any premises, enterprise, institution, are called ______networks
136. The email attachment that may harm your computer is called ___
118. Which tag of the HTML sets a running text?
150. The slide ________ controls text characteristics, background color and special effects, such as shadowing and bullet style.
105. A hybrid computer uses _____ to convert digital signals from computer into analog signals.
55. The device that converts computer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line is_____
140. ____________ refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of media, such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound.
70. A variety of interrelated tables refers to...
52. Which of the following is separated by a subnet mask?
network ID and host ID
14. What is the LAN?
network computers, placed in a small area and are used for high-quality communication link
12. Communication nodes on the basis of powerful computers that provide ongoing transmission of information are _______
network servers
47. What can be defined as " the description scheme of the network arrangement including the nodes, connecting lines, and other devices.
network topology
56. Modem transmitting information at the rate of 28800 bits / sec., 1 sec. can transmit two pages of text (3600 bytes) in_________
one second
2. Which is not included into human computer interaction framework?
operating system;
76. What does the term Data Base refer to?
organised collection of data
31. What is the Web-site?
pages that belong to a single user or organization
123. The network which computers have equal rights are called______
peer network
96. Which of the following is NOT realized through electronic commerce?
physical contact between buyer and seller
69. What must be defined for each database table?
primary key
81. What must be defined for each database table?
primary key
62. Types of clouds:
private and public
111. Which of these is a valid e-mail address?
71. What are the structural components of the table?
records and fields
33. What is the hyperlink:
reference to go to another document
162. Getting data from a cell located in the different sheet is called...
139. The process of planning your multimedia presentation is known as the:
80. What is the alternative name for relational database?
tabular database
59. Business meeting and conferences are held connecting people in distance through the computer network. Participants exchange information and are able to see each other. This type of meeting is called ___
115. What is the URL?
the address of a document or "page" on the World Wide Web
13. Address network adapter is ____
the address of hardware
28. What is the web-browser
the application for retrieving and representing the information resources on the Web
37. What is TCP/IP?
the communication protocol for the Internet
46. What category following terms are related to: Optical fiber Ethernet Wireless LAN Home PNA
the connection method
160. Data series in the chart wizard refers to_____. (MS Excel)
the data label
10. Computer network are mainly characterized by
the data transfer rate
124. The Modem is ____
the device of transformation of digital signals into analog domain, and back
45. Client is ...
the device or application that uses the services provided by a server
43. Hub is ...
the device used to extend a network that can attach additional workstations
128. E-government is ________
the electronic document management system of governance, based on the total automation of management processes across the country and targets significantly increase the efficiency of public administration and reduce the costs of social communications for each member of society
9. The main task of any computer networks is ...
the exchange of information between computers
98. Which of the following statements about the Internet is TRUE?
the internet is a global network that links many computer networks together
16. The global network is
the networks covering a large area that includes large number of computers
23. Local computer networks are -
the networks to which all the computers in the same building is connected
170. The Signal will be discrete if:
the parameter of a signal accepts consecutive in time final number of values
25. The doman is ...
the part of the address that defines the user's computer address on the network
40. Hyper text transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is:
the protocol that transfer the data electronically encrypted and that is why cannot be accessed by unauthorized people
166. The message is:
the set of symbols or signals conveying some information
171. The Signal will be continuous if
the signal accepts any value from the set range
27. What is the terminal?
the user's computer
127. Types of e-Learning
traditional eLearning, Rapid eLearning
15. The concept, which defines the exchange in the network, the information flow:
178. Which element was the primary element of the second generation computers?
146. In the storyboard mode of Windows Movie Maker, you can insert _________ effects that smoothly move the film from one graphic or film clip to another.
134. What term describes the act of winding up someone online?
24. The e-mail address on the Internet is set as "user_name@mtu-net.ru". What is the name of the owner of the e-mail address
148. What are some examples of multimedia?
video games, movies, and television
63. User of cloud internet service can:
view your own data
167. What does the informatics aim to study?
ways of collecting, storage, processing and information transfer by means of the computer
3. WIMP interface stands for:
windows, icons, menus, pointers;
154. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
157. Which of the following formulas is not written correctly (MS Excel)?
86. Convert 5 from decimal to binary.
85. Convert 10 from decimal to binary.
168. 1 Kilobyte is equal to____
1024 bytes
169. One gigabyte of information is:
1024 mbytes
84. Convert decimal number 15 into binary system
83. Convert 1100 binary to decimal:
91. Convert 1010100 from binary to octal
112. Binary IPv4 address 10101100000100000000010000010100 in decimal number system is?
176. Which year the first PC was created?
7. Which year the virus was first detected?
108. Which year the "@" symbol was chosen for its use in e-mail addresses?
131. When the infrastructure of Kazakhstani e-government was formed?
87. Convert decimal number 255 to an octal numeral system.
92. Convert 10101111000 from binary to hexadecimal.
156. Which symbol should be used to start the formula (MS Excel)?
158. Which of the following formulas Excel will not be able to calculate (MS Excel)?
159. Which of the following is not an example of a value? (MS Excel)
=Serial Number 50771
104. Who first introduced the term "Knowledge Discovery in Databases"?
G. Piatetsky - Shapiro
120. Which tag of the HTML inserts the picture?
103. What is the main factor in the growth of the 'Information Society'?
82. SMART technology develops very fast on some fields:
Internet of things, Big data, Technology Block Chain.
130. The idea of developing e-government in Kazakhstan was announced in the annual Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on___
March 19, 2004
175. the First operating computer was called ______
74. Which software are we implementing into database course?
Microsoft Access
75. The software that is designed to work with databases is called...
Microsoft Access
65. What is the most popular example of DBMS (СУБД)?
Microsoft Access.
144. Which of the following file formats is not a piece of video?
57. Which of the following provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail but does not allow a user to download messages selectively?
174. Who invented the first operating summarizing car:
93 Theoretical foundations for Data mining need to know basic concepts of some subjects:
Probability theory, Microeconomic view
73. Since 1980's what is the most popular language of database systems?
SQL language
119. Which tag of the HTML sets the top index?
58. Standard set of protocols used by the Internet, intranets, extranets, and some other networks:
30. What is the protocol?
specific technical agreements for networking
44. Server is ...
a computer that can share files, printing, communications, and other services and make it available to users
36. What is the Internet?
a global system of interconnected computer networks
161. A worksheet range is :
a group of cells
64. What does Database system aim to achieve?
a highly organized collection of data
19. The computer which is always connected to the network is
a host computer (host)
34. Addressing is ________
a method of identifying the subscribers in the network
42. Network interface card is ...
a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network
22. Server is ___
a powerful computer that other computers connects to
100. Data mining is?
a process of performing automated extraction and generating predictive information from large data banks
38. What is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)?
a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers
110. What is the web browser?
a software program that allows you to access web-sites on the World Wide Web
79. The function of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP):
all the answers are correct
5. Which of the following could be considered as user-centered designing process?
allowing users from countries with unstable internet speed to download a program even if connection is lost
133. What should be done to filter spam?
always tick the 'don't pass on my details' box when filling forms in.
151. The text color in the presentation should contrast with the color of the ________
99. Which of the following should be carried out to secure files from loss in case the main copy is damaged?
backup the files regularly and store offsite
173. Which of the system s of coding is used in computer facilities:
102. Which of these is an example of an e-commerce activity?
booking a flight
101. Which software is used to access the Internet?
141. Images included in many software titles are called____
61. The model of providing ubiquitous and convenient network of on-demand access to the shared pool of configurable computing resources
cloud computing
18. The extension of the the web-page:
114. The "http" that is at the beginning of any site's address stands for...
hyper text transfer protocol
137. A ____________ can be added to your presentation and then used to go to the variety of locations for example, a web address, an e-mail address, a custom show or document, just to name a few.
107. What kind of file usually refers to '.JPG' extension?
image file
4. What is the primary aim of the human computer interaction research?
improve human-computer interaction by improving the usability of computer interfaces;
94. Which of the following is the system used for storing, retrieving, processing and transmitting data?
information & communication technology
164. The Term "Informatics" occurs from two words:
information and automatic
21. Modem provides ____
information transmission over telephone communication channels
149. What is multimedia?
integration of still and moving images, text and sounds by means of computer technology
109. International ISO standards ensure that products and services are:
safe, reliable and of a good quality
17. The most common way of finding information on the Internet is to use a ___
search engine
48. LAN covers ____
small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings
129. e-Learning tools are ____
software and provision of information, used to represent the educational materials in the form required for computer-based training systems
138. Notes that include the slide as well as key comments and points you may want to emphasis while you present your slide show are know as:
speaker notes
35. What is network adapter:
special hardware for effective interaction of personal computers in the network
78. Is there any difference between Database and DBMS?
yes there is
20. Software that provides services to a variety of the network information services:
рrogram server