IMC mid term

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consumer behavior definition

**consumer behavior is the psychology of marketing** classic definition- the process that determines the why, what, who, when and how of what a consumer purchases academic definition- represents the needs of individuals and activities that take place to satisfy their realized needs

why do agencies lose clients?

1- CHEMISTRY! 2- poor service- clients crave attention and response, ignore them and they go away 3- impossible clients- nothing is ever right. demands exceed what you are being paid. cut and run 4-personality conflicts- people just cant work together 5-personnel changes- a new broom at the client brings in friends from past lives or the agency account rep leaves the shop and the client says no one can replace her 6-changes in size- a company is booming and the local provincial agency cant keep up. or the agency snares some big accounts and management no longer can focus on their small old friend 7- change in relationship- the agency sells to another one who handles a competitor or the company gets sold and new parent insists on its old agency 8- compensation- cannot come to terms in money

high brand equity similar to brand image allows you to:

1- charge more than your competition in many cases 2- deliver a grater market share 3- have more power with retailers- channel power 4-keep consumers who are loyal to your brand so they will not switch during promo periods

to create effective ad

1- develop a logical means of advertising (determined by company, look at company your dealing with and figure out how you will approach them 2-effective design of ads (done largley by agency done with company help) 3- solid media selection and negotiated pricing (agency or buying service)

why do you advertise?

1- enhance brand image -image improves so does brand equity -brand equity is a set of characteristics that make a brand different and better to both consumers and business to business customers. the higher the image, the more likely top of mind awareness is and also being top choice to top customers. if you score high it helps you win sales by default 2- to persuade people- people may feel that you are superior to competition. 3- to inform- long term effort to change opinion. can be lots of information on high ticket item or sometimes a mundane as hours open or locations 4-to support other marketing efforts- usually tied to promotional campaign 5-encourage action- visit a retail location, 800 number, web address, or call now. or get in your car and go to a retail location

how to win it

1- gets the clients/ prospects to talk about themselves 2- overdress and look successful 3- have passion when they pitch 4- promise them anything? NOOOO it will catch up and kill you 5- is respectful of their competition. negative sale rarely succeeds 6- do not use slick pitch team. have people who will actually work on the business 7- remembers that people expect a bit of Theatre. they are well rehearsed and show chemistry between each other if you win the business the key people need to be involved -in early meetings you need to immerse yourself in business -try to get all existing research that the client has -you may find the Unique selling proposition (USP) or a major selling idea right away. -if your client is large enough to afford it conduct research, -qualitative research is best, expensive and can come in may forms 2 syndicated studies are: VALS- values and attitude/ lifestyle model- blends self perception with hard demographic data PDA- personal drive analysis- knowing motives of prospects can help you sell better

why do people buy?

1- maintain life (food shelter clothing) and lifestyle (designer clothes fancy coat) 2- become a part of a group/ gain acceptance 3- express part of your cultural heritage 4-strengthen your self image 5-fun

IMC gaining ground

1- market $ shifting from other forms of promotion 2- advertising is a lower part of the mix due to media fragmentation 3- power has shifted from manufacturer to retailers 4- database marketing is soaring 5- ad agencies are struggling, incentive based compensation 6- the internet changes how companies communicate with customers 7- IMC builds brand identity

3 kind of agencies

1- mega shop/ holding agencies/ super agencies- very large companies that operate globally. formed by buying whole groups of agencies It allows agencies to compete internationally and give strength to cultural differences and local marketing that US might not be able to handle. Many specialized agencies are owned by mega shops as well and most of their work is for sister companies in the holding company They can provide capital for agencies that are smaller and cannot expand with the principles putting their life savings up. sometimes the agencies handle competing brands (sometimes clients dont care) -top management at megashops are 90% administrators who deal with personnel issues and financial concerns -mega shops have teams of experts that they can throw at digital problems short term. 2- mid sized- regional incentive based compensation, cant keep up with changes. Good agencies that have rough road ahead of them as we move to digital age. Some clients like them because they are flexible, still give personal service to smaller national players and the principals in the agency are still visible and actually work on your business. -mis sized shop a smart executive is still very much involved with clients Digital and media and creative teams habe to look at far more platforms. 7 years ago it was TV, radio, newspaper, outdoor, magazine, direct man and the infant online Now we have exploding social media, online options plus in broadcast,,, mobile ads -middle sized shop has to overwork the same people they always go to. they need to charge more than mega shops but find it difficult to (they end up cutting corners and do not examine every avenue of possibility getting fired as a result) -average life span of corporate marketing chief is 19 months. if things go bad they can fire the agency and buy themselves a year - for a mid sized agency to do the job right they need a big raise - mid sized is trying to fight back with incentive based compensation that if the company succeeds you will succeed too 3- boutique- creative services only Small agencies. some morph into small full service shops and eventually mid sized. Mega shops and small sized are here to stay. mid sized will have many changes as many are swept under in the next five years there is also in house agencies

for an ad to work

1- noticed 2- remembered 3- trigger action- could be a purchase, shift in brand loyalty, or a place in buyers memory

Advertising message 2 goals

1- sell for the short term 2- build image over time

marketers with strong brand equity answered these questions early on

1- what are the brands strengths 2- what emotions does brand generate 3- what one word describes the brand 4- what is important to consumers who bought it

building brand equity today

1-differentiate yourself from others and have clear USP 2- move quickly with new entries 3-change the stodgy media mix. reach people online and social media and use traditional media differently 4- be dominant at something!

benefits of good corporate image

1-the image extends to other products 2- dont always have to compete, consumer loyalty 3- can charge premium price over competitors, higher profit margin 4-more retailers likely to stock you 5- wall street likes you and you get higher ratings from analysts 6- easier to do line extensions- coke to diet coke to vanilla coke 7- some buff their image by appearing healthier or environmentally sensitive

IMC pillars / components

1. Advertising- any paid form of non personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor Advantages - control, cost effective to reach huge groups, differentiating similar products, build and maintain brand equity, appeals to the audience it reaches, provides leverage (build awareness and IMC) Disadvantage- Clutter, expensive on TV, effective is hard to say, credibility and image problems 2. Direct marketing- companies talk directly to consumers to get response Advantages- Convenience if buying direct. Target groups with little waste. Easy to track Disadvantage- Image problem, doesn't build brand identity, Consumers hate phone calls and junk mail 3. interactive/ internet marketing- unique that it allows back and forth between company and consumer. Global collection of computer networks private and public. Internet is a medium for Ads and help with sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations Advantages- Targeting pin point with little waste, message tailored to small group, those visiting website are more involved than others. internet has huge amount of product info Disadvantage- internet still not mass medium 1/3 don't have internet. A lot of clutter, not noticing banners or buttons 4. Sales promotion- marketing activities that provide incentives to sales force, distributors, or the consumer and stimulate immediate sales. Advantages- provides incentive to middlemen to stock or promote brand. huge appeal to price sensitive customer. effects evaluated quickly and accurately. Disadvantages- if too reliant on sales promo then emphasis is only on short term sales performances. Sales promo clutter. Lower margins 5. Publicity- free communication about your product, service or company that is not part of any sponsorship. Advantage- low cost Disadvantage- Lack of control 6. Public relations- process that evaluates public attitudes toward company, brand, or service and then develops an action plan to earn public understanding. Advantage- can generate word of mouth. publicity generated has higher credibility than efforts. 7. personal selling- direct person to person selling. there is flexibility in communication and one on one selling. Advantage- Message can be tailored Disadvantage- cost per contact is high and expensive to reach large audience

advertising managent

Advertising remains about 70% of IMC so ad management is vital of managing IMC average person encounters 600+ ads a day -clutter is a problem today with so many platforms out there a marketer cannot afford to prepare ads for every possible medium (agency cannot afford to analyze all medium adequately either) the message must be designed to give the company an advantage in a highly cluttered world i which people are becoming proficient at turning ads out

my opinion

I tend to side more with Mises because i do not think that advertising is manipulative and makes me buy more. I believe that as a consumer i will buy what i need and what will help me. If new products fail then why cant advertising and marketing stop that from happening. There are many companies that have introduced new products but have failed even though they have done extensive market research. If consumers demand a product more than the company will have to provide more. If they for some reason do not want the product even with the advertising the company will fail because it will not make the sales even with the advertising. Without the income the company cannot afford to survive. I also agree with Mises when he says how if there is a cheaper item, consumers will go there. I often trade off brand items for cheaper items even if their are advertised well because i perceive that there is not much difference in quality.

elements of corporate image

Tangible 1- products sold good or bad? 2- Are stores appealing? 3- Advertising and promotion, Honest? 4- Corporate name and logo 5- packaging, what does it connote 6-how do they treat their employees Intangibles 1- environmental- pollution? 2- beliefs of corporate personnel- out only for themselves? investment bankers? 3-culture of the country 4- media reporting- oil companies, people say that they make too much money and pollute

problem gap

exists between an individuals current state and desired state need can be physical - hunger or thirst need can be social- visit friend and they have new tv need can be psychological- feelings for love, self efficacy, or protection from fear

the concept of consumer sovereignty

term coined by WH Hutt of south africa and developed and popularized by Ludwig Von Mises Mises later became the leader of the Austrian School of Economics along with his student DA hayek

brand equity

a collection of characteristics that are unique to a brand and give it value. high brand equity can always trump brand parity.

ad agency definition

belch and belch definition- an outside firm that specializes in the creation, production, and or placement of the communications message and that may provide other services to facilitate the marketing and promotions process

behavioral economics

blend of economics and psychology

Ad management program needs to

ad management program has 4 features: 1-review companies activities in light of advertising management 2-go internal or choose an ad agency, dangerous to go internal 3- develop an ad campaign management strategy 4- complete a creative brief an advertising management program ideally blends a company's advertising efforts with the total IMC message Key is consistency, you need a coherent message that is found throughout the entire IMC program

advertising and IMC

advertising is generally a dominant part of IMC. its role varies by company, product, and the firms marketing goals. for many players advertising is 70% of the action while others do trade promotions, consumer promotions, or personal selling advertising is only one part of the marketing mix and IMC mix but it is a vital part of IMC

trends in consumer buying environment

age complexity gender complexity individualism(customize) active busy lifestyle(convenience items) cocooning changes in family units (second chancers) pleasure pursuit(adventures) health emphasis

John Kenneth Galbraith on Consumer sovereignty

book called the affluent society he identifies advertising a being dangerously manipulative force in our society. galbraith rejects Mises notion of CS -a things improves in the US after WW2 Galbraith said that businesses were forced to create consumer wants via advertising, -basic needs had been met so advertising often encouraged or manipulated us into buying things that we did not want nor did we need -because of this the public sector (roads, infrastructure and schools) suffered a great deal in many places he also wrote advertising mitigates (makes less severe) shifts in consumer tastes by controlling tastes. -some consumer companies are so big that their product diversification mitigates the consequence of a shift in tastes. -a huge techno structure had closely developed in the US that closely controlled consumer demand and market growth though marketing and advertising Galbraith identified some problems- -rampant consumerism was a huge factor in getting us into the current economic mess that we are struggling though. -big companies can keep smaller players out with help from retailers who charge high slotting allowances also the big players an do a line extension and still afford to advertise in an age of fragmentation *in class -wrote the affluent society challenged ludwig von Mises idea of CS -advertising is a dangerously manipulative force in american society -marketing gets you to buy things you never wanted or needed -businesses were forced to create consumer wants -advertising controls taste galbraith identified 1- rampant consumerism- greater consumption of goods 2- the big will get bigger (ex. buyout by nestle)

measuring brand equity

brand metrics is simply calculating your return on brand investment research goes in to various attitudinal measures and tracks awareness, recall and recognition. there can be negative and positive factors recalled


consumer behavior is the blending on 9 separate disciplines M-arketing A-dvertising N-ew product development A-nthropology S-ociology B-randing E-conomics A-merical pop culture (america dumbed down mass produced for mass consumption, travels well) P-sychology

direct marketing agencies

direct mail and database services are featured here that often go outside to traditional agency service -direct marketing writers could likely never write a solid 30 second spot some do DRTV as well (2 min spots or informercials with 800 numbers

making money

for decades agencies were money machines People well paid really well, it was glamorous and fun working with exciting people NOT ANYMORE -financial world pays better as agencies get squeezed traditionally agencies received 15% of the advertising dollar as commission and the media received 85% -over the years that has eroded to where you get a 75% commission of some kind of fee -others fine you a minimum fee against commission (300,000 guaranteed but 7% commission on billings over 3 million if they occur Agencies mid sized are asking for incentive based compensation. the agencies tie its success to the client -sounds great but in down economy you may lose out if sales go down through no fault of your own -clients may not be totally honest about results crispin porter + Bogusky- hottest shop in world right now. start from scratch on everything. fresh perspective and want to make sure what they do can be integrated on all platforms. they also make a bundle on incentive based compensation. they will pick up failing company for an equity position.


globally integrated marketing communications standardization- uniform product and message across all countries adaptation- product and marketing message is adapted to individual countries market globally act locally

how to choose an ad agency

going in house or an independent agency generally you make sense to an agency if you fulfill the 75-15-10 rule -75% paid in media -15% creative fee -10% production there are all kinds of agencies -slick agencies often say that they do more than advertising. -besides actual advertising (creative product), media planning, negotiation, and buying they now primise brand planning, new product development, and business strategies. -they are trying to hop onto the IMC bandwagon CHOOSING AN AD AGENCY 1- are they big enough to handle a business 2- do they have relevant experience/ recent experience 3- do they have conflicts 4- what is their creative reputation> 5- media capabilities, do they have research? 6- depth of services 7- client retention rates- how long does the agency keep their clients? 8- CHEMISTRY! process often begins by inviting a dozen firms to submit their credentials. sometimes they have a consultant devise an RFP (request for proposal) choose 3-4 for a creative/ media shootout

IN house agencies

have their own internal ad department to do all the work. it is OKAY if you are just dropping coupons or doing inserts in Sunday papers or direct mail campaigns -if you are a small company in house can work effeciently. sometimes you can bring free lance writer or artist to do some work PROBLEMS if you are doing a wide variety of media options and authentic IMC -in house people get very insular -people stay for decades and get stale and not enough outside stimulation -if you work on one category or on a brand or two your sense of advertising world and marketing climate gets too narrow -clueless with digital opportunities most need an agency or a small online shop to help sometimes a company uses an agency to train their staff in certain disciplines and then fires the agency. it buys time

consumer socereignty and Mises

he writes in bureaucracy "the capitalists, the enterprisers, and the farmers are instrumental in the conduct of economic affairs. They are at the helm and steer the ship. But they are not free to shape its course. They are not supreme, they are steer men only, bound to obey unconditionally the captains orders. the captain is the consumer he also says "the real bosses under capitalism are the consumers. they and by their abstention from buying decide who should own the capital and run the plants. they determine what should be produced and in what quantity and quality. they make the rich and rich men poor. as soon as something is offered to them they like better or is cheaper, they desert their old providers. in the free market economy the consumer was king *in class 1- society has scarce resources 2-consumer preferences rule 3-the 1% does not rule.- it is exactly the opposite. -1% being the bourgeois -wealthy have to answer to the consumers


help with image and raise awareness; works in a subtle way a strong brand encourages lower search time when shopping which helps someone by having a strong image. repetition of the name and benefits over and over it will stay with you. Ebbinghaus and the curve of forgetting


highest level you can get

self concept

how each of us sees ourself 1- actual self: who you really are 2-ideal self: who you would like to be 3-private self: hidden from everyone on purpose 4-public self: what people see

b2b buying process

identifications of needs establish specifications identify vendors evaluate vendors select vendor purchase negotiation post purchase evaluation

ad agencies

if your going to do IMC you will need to employ an ad agency and a few types of firms ad agencies are going though a difficult time right now. many will go out of business in the next few years but some will do very well because they have adapted to the current changes sweeping though the business world ad agencies attract remarkable group of people. they are very bright, fun, lively, opinionated, often vain, but always interesting. other than being a trader on wall street there are no jobs where you are under such pressure. most people cannot handle it and leave after few years. others are asked to leave and suggested another life may be better for them. if you work and succeed it becomes addicting.


integrative marketing communication. all tactics look and sound alike (used in class) book- the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, and sources in a company into a seamless program designed to maximize the impact on customers and other stakeholders. American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) Definition: "A concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines—for example, general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and public relations—and combines these disciplines to provide clarity , consistency, and maximum communications impact." -(making sure all tactics look and sound alike.) Don Schultz of Northwestern University: Integrated Marketing Communications is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, brand communications program over time with consumers, customers, prospects, employees, associates and other targeted relevant external and internal audiences. The goal is to generate both short-term financial returns and build long term brand and shareholder value. - (positions IMC as a strategic business process) advertising remains about 70% of IMC

sales promotion and PR

interactive agencies- this is where the explosive growth is as digital changes everything -they may do website design, online coupons, managing on line relationships, database management and tracking., do banner ads, search engine optimization, and creating ad networks. -agencies are often faking it here and interactive shops make them look bad -forming an alliance and training your people is a great idea

company size

large companies- mega shop holding agencies: most work with brand manager system. these companies have life cycles to brands and some have a few competing brands in the same category. many levels of review and may meet with the president once a year or more frequently on golf course brand manager- responsible for planning, budgeting, sales, and profit performance. -chief day to day contact with ad agency -report to marketing director -young -turf battles small company- an owner or president may meet with the ad agency along with a younger person marketing director -sales manager has huge input into advertising process

full service shop

megashop or midsized -can it be small????? agency offers marketing, communications, promotions, long range planning, creative services, media and market research, new product development and some media placement and negotiation. -they sometimes provide more such as package design, interactive capabilities (increasingly a must), sales promotion, ad direct marketing -some own a free standing Public Relations firm while other have an affiliation with one Departments in Full serviced shops 1- Account services- main contact with the client company -the unbiblical cord between the ad agency and its clients -they serve as translators and need to express the clients needs to every department in the agency -actively involved in soliciting the account, finalizing details of contract and working with personnel within the agency to make sure the ad campaign is produced according to the clients specifications. -often helps the company define the theme of overall IMC -the quality varies: some are order takers, some are coordinators but the good ones are highly competent marketing professionals -not many in number but it is a privilege to work with one -account teams are smaller these days as financial considerations hurt shops -no longer the place where young people spent a few years in training program -some clients like to speak directly with their creative and media teams, this can cause problems but it is understandable 2- creative- they make the advertising. unless the agency is unusual, this is the soul of the place -they are responsible for creating the advertising -creatives can be very talented and very temper mental and difficult -some are authentic and geniuses -they do not sit and dream up ideas, they have a lot of research at their fingertips -usually a writer and art director work together as a team (except in radio) -in smaller shops a creative director may write or draw a lot -at larger shops they screen work from several teams and often present to the client much to the annoyance of the people who did the work -an important adjunct to the creative team is the traffic department, they follow each job from conception to closure and make sure the job is on time and on budget -"glamour job" **traffic manager- works closely with ad agencies account servicer, creatives and production staff -make sure project is completed on time and everything ordered is in place 3-Accounting- Boring. -agency financial types are more fun than bankers or insurance salesman -managing cash is an art and they make sure the clients are paying the bills -they try to squeeze extra money by working the "float" earning money on client money before they pay the media (they have to be careful with this) 4- management- Owners, department heads, and partners -pursue new business due to leaky barrel effect (need to get new business because you will aways lose some) -they should be shrewd judges of talent, provide encouragement and above all they stay on top of changes. -in big shops they keep an eye on international developments and look for growth in the BRIC countries (brazil russia india china) -agencies have few fixed assets, the assets are the people who go up and down in the elevator everyday. -you need to keep the good pros and new hires need to make the company stronger -they may need to sell their house to keep the company viable - hire well- new businesses 5- media- media pricing based on supply and demand, all things negotiable -media buying services - this is where the money is spent -fair sized hop has significant media research services where they rent data from major syndicated services -media works with marketing to determine the target audience and create a demographic profile for creative to write to -many people say media people are getting too much power in the digital age as they know far more about online opportunities than anyone else in the shop -they are now telling creatives where they find the target to TV is sometimes dismissed almost upfront -all media space and time is totally negotiable -in a recession prices have fallen sharply due to the supply/demand nature of media pricing -good agency media team can save you 20-25% over a weak one. -some has to do with clout of the buying team and some has to do with the skill of the negotiator and good timing. -media people need to be futurists -as TV implodes over the next few years the media people will need to shift gears and learn new thing if not they are out of jobs -this is the most exciting time to be in media since TV became viable national medium i 1953 6-Research- gather and interpret data -this group can be one person in a small shop to 100 in a large one -belch says they "gather, analyze, and interpret information to help develop advertising -sometimes they conduct research studies, do focus groups or hire an outside fir to do primary research -they often do copy testing to see if concepts may work before millions are spent on production -ideally they work with media research to use syndicated data 7- Account Planning- be the eyes and ears of the consumer. "creative brief -if they succeed or fail -growing area but not many people are good at it -started in Britain and account planners role is to be the eyes and ears of the consumer in creative development -account planners work with all departments except accounting and often craft the creative brief which guides creative development -some agencies creative departments are account planner driven -most account planners are struggling to keep up with changes in the business -they need to be renaissance men and women -future agencies may succeed or fail based on their account planning skill

consumer decision making process

most consumers go though a 5 stage process to making a purchase decision 1-recognize a need 2- search for information/ find solution 3- weigh options/ evaluate alternatives 4-make purchase (who, when, where...) 5- post purchase evaluation (happy? buyers remorse?) deeper - Recognize need- internal and external stimuli triggers your needs. you recognize need in several ways 1- external stimuli like conversations with family and friends or TV commercials, radio, print ad, the internet, facebook 2- internal stimuli as the consumer looks at his/her situation (a marketer cannot shape this) -your personal feelings, motivation for long term goals and emotions for short term goals -perception -attitude -seller can help uncover a need which is called consultative selling -marketers can craft their message to a possible need Search for information- if the internal drive is not severe or the item is expensive one will go through this step 1- attention is heightened, people are open to info about a product but not pursuing it. ex. go online stop at an ad in a magazine, not hit the remote when commercial comes on search at this point is low key 2-Active search- as perceived need grows, the prospect reads about the item, asks friends or owners and maybe visits store internal search for information- thinks about brand willing to consider then goes to external search external search for information- is when a consumer is unsure about which brand to purchase. this info can be gathered though friends, relatives, experts, books, mags, newspaper, ads, in store displays, salespeople and internet * if someone is at heightened attention then you become an educator and talk about it usually though advertising. if someone is in active search then you need to beat back competitors especially when they visit you Experimental sources- you touch and feel products test drive and take home for trial weigh options/ evaluate alternatives - process information and make a decision. some peoples searches are superficial while others are exhaustive. If there is strong competition a prospect may look at the following -status, price, quality, safety, style, warranty, options, color choices - 3 types of choices 1- affective choice is an emotional act, this just feels right. positive emotional feelings 2- attitude choice is when the product has been thoroughly researched and meets all the needs but you may have had the brand before and stick with it if the choice is close 3- attribute choice is when the man or woman with the "clipboard" does side by side comparisons of attributes and go with the winner. little emotion here Involvement- high and low in choosing - high involvement: big ticket purchase -low who- what are the terms for big ticket item? is there history with retailer and can you return it? When- is the shopping experience pleasant. this can seal the deal. high pressure? sale or urgency make customer feel manipulated? Caveat to retailers- create good shopping experience and stress customer service. if you dont understand your consumer how can you market to them? Post purchase evaluation- good retailers know that a good post buy climate sets up another sale post purchase outcomes are logical -below expectation: people may come back for refund. -matches expectation- may not hear back at all - exceeds expectation: you provided perceived value and top notch service. great prospect for repeat business

Corporate names

personality should be reflected if possible overt names- reveal what a company does ex. Towson university, southwest airlines Implied names- contain recognizable words or word parts that convey what a company does ex. Federal expressed into Fedex Conceptual names- captures the essence of what a company offer ex. Dunkin Donuts, Uneeda Biscuit Iconoclastic names- represent something unique, different and memorable ex. monster

flanker brand

provide an alternative to brand extensions, development of a new brand by a company in a good or service category in which it currently has a brand offering to appeal to markets its not reaching

Consumer Sovereignty goes like this

society has scarce resources (unlimited wants tempered by scarce resources) consumer preferences rule the bourgeoisie class does not rule

media buying companies

these groups only develop media strategies or sometimes only negotiate time and space. they can provide clout to smaller players sometimes an agency has a client going to network tv and his five person media dept cannot get good rates relative to service spending 600 million -a buying service does it for a fee small shop might not be able to afford neilsen research needed to make a buy so they hire

what determines corporate image

they don't listen to outsiders 1- how good are your products/ services you provide 2-does the company stand behind them 3- do they treat you/ customers well

creative breif

usually drafted by the account planner, this is a document that gives the creative their marching orders 1- objective- what your trying to achieve, -obtain brand awareness #1 -increase in sales -help your image -jump up in retailer or wholesaler orders -provide information 2- Target Audience- everyone always supplies gender, age, and income... DONT stop there! -the more details provided the easier it is to craft a message. gender age and income should be supplemented with lifestyle issues as well 3- message theme- rational (left brain) -emotional (right brain) -basically the USP but ideally tied in with the IMC message. do you go rational left or emotional right? 4- Support- facts that back up claims -ex: dental research shows you get 40% fewer calories with crest 5- constraints- are the legal mandatories. what cant you say

brand parity

when consumers believe that most brands provide the same set of attributes -quality becomes less of a concern

for IMC to be successful

you have to manage your companies image. Your image is based on feeling that consumers and businesses have about the overall company and its brands when image is tarnished it is DIFFICULT and expensive to build it back up

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