Immigration Test

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The National Origins Act of 1924 reduced the immigration quota from each European Country to___ percent of that country's proportion of the US population in_____. These quotas favored_____and_____ European immigrants.

2, 1890 Northern, Western

In recent years, the global refugee crisis has worsened dramatically. As of_____ 65.3 million people had been forcibly displaced. That includes_____ million refugees,_____ million asylum seekers, and____ million internally displaced people.

2015, 21.3, 3.2, 48.5

By 2065, Researchers predict that the US will have an immigrant population of____ million people, compared to____ million in 2015.


According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, what is a refugee?

A person who leaves his or her country due to a well- founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, political views, or membership in a particular social group.

What was the Sanctuary Movement?

A religious and political movement dedicated to offering a safe haven to central Americans fleeing from conflict.

Why did the US permit massive Cuban immigrants beginning in the 1950's?

Because Fidel Castro over threw Cuban director Fulgencio Bastista despite Batista's violent and oppressive rule, the US supported his government

Why do some people argue that 1965 was a turning point in US immigration policy? Do you agree or disagree? Explain

Because there was other times when that many immigrants could come in. I agree because the immigrants became more diverse.

Why did the US forcibly displace and relocate Japanese immigrants and Japanese- American citizens during WWII?

Because they couldn't be trusted

Why did some activist groups oppose undocumented immigrants during the 1990's

Because they didn't want random people coming to the US and taking there jobs.

Why were countries in the western hemisphere exempt from US immigration quotas?

Because we wanted to work/trade with them

List two reasons why undocumented immigrants have come to the United States throughout the 21st century.

Better job and better living conditions

How did Latino activists fight against anti-immigration sentiment in the 1990's? Give 2 examples

Citizens to vote, get involved

What types of immigration did the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Prioritize? List 2 examples

Family reunification and Attracting skilled workers

Some people argue that undocumented immigration hurts the economy while others argue the opposite. Discuss two arguments used by EACH side.

Hurts: Get paid in cash so they don't pay taxes, and they make less money hat drives down wages. Pro: Do jobs other people don't want to do, Making less money helps companies make more money

List one argument used in favor of admitting more refugees into the US and one argument against allowing more refugees into the country.

In favor - We should help refugees who need help, Against - Some refugees could be terrorists

What was a significance of the National Origins Act of 1924?

It reduced the amount of people that can come to the US to 2% per country

How has Islamophobia shaped the experience of US Muslims in the 21st century?

It's harder for Muslims to come in because of Islamophobia

Which 5 countries host the most refugees worldwide?

Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Ethiopia

What role did activists play in shaping immigration debates in the 1990's? Chose 1 example of activism and summarize its impact on the debate

Latino activists encouraged citizens to vote for pro-immigration laws.

What do you think are the most important factors in the immigration debate in the US today? Choose 3 and defend your choices.

Security, money, and the language. Are refugees actually terrorists? Illegal Immigrants hurt the economy, and if you can't speak English then it will be very hard to find a job.

List the top 5 countries of origin for refugees.

Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan

List 2 reasons why undocumented immigration increased in the 1990's?

The strength of the US economy attracted many. And Education

How have foreign policy concerns dictated US immigration policy? provide 2 examples to demonstrate your point?

The war in Vietnam changed Asian Immigration and the war in Afghanistan changed Islamic immigration

How did September 11, 2001 affect U.S. immigration policy and public perceptions of Muslims and Muslim-Americans?

The Patriot Act made it easier to access private records and no refugees were admitted for 2 months

What are 3 international organizations that are involved in addressing the global refugee crisis? Explain what they do (in general) to help refugees.

The Red Cross and the international rescue committee they help give food, water, shelter, and education

Describe 2 policy responses to undocumented immigration during President Obama's administration.

The dream act to enable kids who grew up in America illegally, if they graduate college or served in the military then will not be punished, The DACA gave undocumented people 2 years to get a job.

What caused a refugee crisis in Southeast Asia in the 1970's and 1980's?

The people we supported during the Vietnam war were forced to flee their country

Why did the US begin building a fence along the US -Mexico border in 2006?

To prevent undocumented immigrants from coming into America from Mexico

List two economic concerns that have shaped immigration debates in the twenty-first century.

Undocumented immigration, Globalization

How do you think the global refugee crisis has affected US attitudes about immigration?

With Islamic refugees scare many people in our country.

List 2 reasons why people in the united states opposes immigration during the great depression?

they feared that immigrants might take the already scarce jobs. they also feared that immigrants would drive down wages.

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