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Hepatitis B Vaccination Series of 3 ( 0-2- 6 months)

All Newborns: first dose before hospital discharge. Second dose: 1 to 2 months of age and it must be monovalent or a combination of dose containing HEP B. It infants are born to hepatitis B antigen( HBsAG) positive mother: -you must administer hepatitis B vaccine ( Hep B) and 0.5 ML of hepatitis B immune globulin ( HBIG) with in 12 hours of birth. -test for HBsAG and antibody to HBsAG after 3 or more doses of hepatitis B series ( 9 to 18 months of age)serology testing Is the mother's HBsAG status is unknown: -determine/ check status immediately after birth -administer hepatitis B within 12 hours of birth -is the mother test positive, HBIG to be given no later than one week of age and the final dose should be given at 6 months of age or later.

Vaccines reportable events

Anaphylaxis Encephalitis Death

Influenza ( annually) except children younger than nine years old should've received two dosages one month apart.

Beginning at 6 months of age -In children six months to 35 months, the Dole's equal to 0.25 ML IM -for children greater than or equal to 3 years old= 0.5 ML IM -Live attenuated inactivated Virus{LAIV), known as flumist may be used in healthy people age 2 to 49 yrs

Measles, mumps, and rubella( MMR) Series of 2 ( 1 year and 12 yrs)

Can be given as early as 6 months only if exposed to measles or traveling to endemic areas but still need to continue primary series at the appropriate time it is live vaccine

Pneumococal Vaccien (PCV13 or P23) Total 4 vaccines Series of 3 Priamry (2-4-6 months) 1 booster ( 12 months)

Children aged 24 to 59 months who have completed PCV 13 and who are immunocompromise should receive additional one dose of 23PS. examples of immune comprise are asthma cancer spleenic dysfunction HIV infection cognetial abnormalities renal failure chronic cardiac and pulmonary disease diabetes consider age group native, african or alskan desecent attending daycare

Diphtheria/ Tetanus/Pertussis Vaccine( DTap) (Pediatic Vaccine) Toatal 5 vaccines Series of 3 primary( 2-4-6 Months) and 2 boosters ( 15 months and 6 years)

Do not give DTap to children 7 years and older

Hepatitis A Vaccine Series of 2 vaccine( 1 year to 2 years, 6 months apart)

Everyone who travels or eat in at ethnic restaurants should get Hep A vaccination. It is spreading through oral/ fecal route.

Hib Conjugate Vaccine( HiB) total 4 vaccinne Series 3 Primary (2-4-6 months) 1 booster at (12 months)

First dose HIB of can be given as early as 6 weeks of age. It is not recommended for children five years of age or older. Because there is no need for it.

Vaccines special concern

IPV; contraindicated in those with history of I do for Anaphylasix to streptomycin MMR; should not be given to those who are pregnant or immunocompromise Varicella; contraindicated in pregnant woman and immunocompromise, and streptomycin allergy Influenza; may be contraindicated in those with egg allergy and latex allergy

If there is a break in immunization from the recommended schedule, You must resume immunizations according to the child's current age regardless of vaccines previously missed

If there is a break in immunization from the recommended schedule you must resume immunizations all poured into the child's current age regardless of the vaccines previously missed.

Polio vaccine( IPV) Series of 4( 2-4-6 months and 6 years)

In activated polo vaccine( IPV) for all four vaccines Oral polio vaccine(OPV) is discouraged because it is a live vaccine and it is excreted in feces.

Human Papillomavirus vaccine {HPV} Series of 3 (11 or 12 years, Second dose given 1 month after the first dose, third dose is given 6 months after the initial dose.}

Is the most common sexual disease in both males and females Gardasil 9 to 26 yrs Cervarix 10 to 25 yrs It is recommended that adolescence sit for at least 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine, due to the risk of labile syncope, Postural hypotension, And vasovagal responses.

Vaccines commonly adverse reactions

Local muscle soreness Low-grade temperature Local erythema and tenderness

Tetanus/Diptheria/Acelluar Pertussis( Tdap) Series 1 ( Age 11 and 12 years)

Subsequent TD( teatnus) bosters are evey 10 years)

Meningococcal vaccine Series of 2(ages 11 to 12 years and booster at each 16 years}

There is an increased rate of menigistis between ages 16 and 21 that's the reason why when children goes to college and you're in the dormitory they have to get me need to meningococal vaccination If adolescents receive an first stills at age 16, They do not need a booster vaccination.

Rota virus (Rota) Series of 3 (6 weeks to 32 weeks)

This vaccine causes intussusception. Administer first dose 6 to 14 weeks and each subsequent dose at 4 weeks intervals Must complete series before 32 weeks because they want to test it up to 32 weeks. Never administer the dose after 32 weeks.

Varicella Series 2 (between 12 months and 12 years, minimum 3 months apart)

give 2 dosages after the age 12 months, when there is no relaibale history of chickenpox and no evidence of immunity is available Prefer to separate by 1 month from MMR vaccine

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