Improvement of studies 1-5

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Concentration is often better for a kinesthetic learner when he or she -uses large or small muscle movements as a part of the selected study strategies. -does all of the above. -studies with other students and tries to imitate the way they concentrate. -uses will power to sit still at a desk when studying.


In the Information Processing Model, which of the memory systems has the greatest capacity for storing chunks of information? sensory memory short-term memory working memory long-term memory


Which statement is not true about locus of control? A person's locus of control reveals how he or she accepts personal responsibility for situations and results. Students who have an internal locus of control frequently make excuses and see others as the reason for their lack of success. People with an external locus of control do not feel they have control of their circumstances. Locus of control shows a person's perception of who has the power to control circumstances or situations in his or her life.


Individuals with an external locus of control experience less stress or anxiety than individuals with an internal locus of control. do not tend to have low confidence or feelings of frustration or self-doubt. tend to blame other people or other situations for their circumstances, problems, or shortcomings. tend to assume responsibility for their outcomes, behaviors, and decisions.


You can learn to handle stress by shifting your focus from a negative stressor to a more positive activity. journaling your thoughts and learning from your insights. doing all of the above. strengthening your interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences.


You can use the concentration technique of Say No to refuse friends' invitations that come on short notice. break the habit of studying with the television turned on. reduce or eliminate a variety of external distractors. resist the urge to talk on the phone or respond to emails.


An individual with a high logical-mathematical intelligence demonstrates -all of the above. -will choose a career that requires leadership skills. -will have weak written communication skills. -is often good at problem-solving and analytical tasks.

is often good at problem-solving and analytical tasks.

Using concentration strategies effectively does not require concerted effort to train or discipline your mind. involves all of the above. involves monitoring and changing your thought patterns and your environment. allows you to concentrate on three or four items at one time.


A special ability or talent that thrives on personal growth, self-reflection, personal goals, and self-motivation is called -spatial intelligence. -extrapersonal intelligence. -intrapersonal intelligence. -interpersonal intelligence.

-intrapersonal intelligence.

Effective planning for a term-long project does not involve procrastinating or starting the project close to its due date. recording target dates on a calendar to complete each step. identifying several intermediary goals. doubling the estimated time needed for each step.


Extrinsic rewards for completing goals could include social time with friends or going to a movie. improved self-esteem and a higher confidence level. all of the above. a sense of joy and relief.


In the Information Processing Model, which of the memory systems has the shortest duration for holding stimuli? sensory memory short-term memory working memory long-term memory


The affirmation, "I will stop missing assignments and turning assignments in late," does all of the above. is a well-written affirmation that will lead to success. shows positive words that reflect a sincere conviction and plan of action to change.


The goal for using a visual study tool is to create stronger images or impressions in memory. learn to draw better. create more work. study without having to recite.


The sensory memory center holds information for one or two seconds. twenty-five seconds. up to thirty seconds. up to ten minutes.


Using information from personality and learning style inventories help you do all of the above. understand how you relate or interact to other people or situations. develop or strengthen your intrapersonal intelligence. understand how you process information more easily.


When you complete all of your assignments for a study block for a specific class, which of the following is recommended? Use the time to rehearse and do ongoing review. Take the available time for leisure activities. Quit studying and take a well-deserved nap. Switch to other subjects that have overdue assignments.


When you use the 2:1 ratio consistently, you can do all of the above. usually have sufficient time to read assignments carefully. are able to complete most assignments without being rushed. have time to review previous notes and study tools.


When you use time management, trading time should occur sparingly. when friends stop by unexpectedly to watch television. when you want to reduce boredom and be more spontaneous. whenever you want to do something instead of studying.


Which of the following is an example of a multisensory approach to learning? All of the above. Use the See-Say-Do approach. Read a chapter slowly out loud, talk to yourself about the information you are reading, and write your notes on a computer. Copy a diagram that the instructor wrote on the board and then meet with other students to discuss and explain each part of the diagram.


Which of the following is not a recommended strategy for using your working memory effectively? Discard old schemas and replace them with new schemas every time you learn new information or encounter more updated, current details. Encode information in new ways. Personalize information and relate it to what you already know. Spread contact with materials over several different time periods.


Which of the following is not considered to be one of the lower-level cognitive skills in Bloom's Taxonomy? Analyzing Level Remembering Level Applying Level Understanding Level


Which of the following is not true about concentration? External distractors disrupt the flow of information in your memory system more than internal distractors do. Concentration involves a set of skills to use to train or discipline your mind. Mental rehearsal, study rituals, warm-up activities, and chunking down are effective strategies to improve concentration. Using active learning strategies improves concentration.


Which of the following is the highest cognitive level in the revised Bloom's Taxonomy? Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying


Which of the following statements is false? Goals are difficult to achieve if you set more than one goal for a specific length of time. Effective time managers need to have goal-setting skills. Goals are difficult to achieve if insufficient time is scheduled to work on the the goals. Effective goal setters usually are also effective time managers.


Which statement is not true about Bloom's Taxonomy? It is a model that consists of four kinds of knowledge, two lower-level thinking skills, and four critical thinking skills. The Taxonomy is a model used by many educators to write educational goals and design curriculum. Application of the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy is not limited to test questions.


You can free up space in working memory by dividing your attention among different tasks. using rote rather than elaborative rehearsal strategies. eliminating intrusive thoughts, stress, and distractions. doing all of the above.


You can strengthen your working memory by limiting the number of items and speed with which you take in new stimuli. making a strong impression or visual image of new information. rehearsing associations or creating new associations. doing all of the above.


Fixed study blocks on a well-planned weekly time-management schedule should provide you with ample time to complete most assignments and use ongoing review. do all of the above. identify which course you plan to study during each study block. not be converted to free time when you finish your assignments.


Goal setting is an effective roadmap to help you achieve results because you identify the amount of time needed for each step. you do all of the above. you clarify the necessary steps you have to work through or complete. you activate time management strategies as a part of your plan of action.


If you are trying to visualize something you have just read, you should close your eyes and concentrate on recreating the image. try all of the above techniques. look up to the left to try to picture the information. strive to create a movie of the information in your mind.


In the Information Processing Model, sensory input involves automatically storing images in long-term memory. incoming stimuli from our five senses. tuning out unimportant information. doing all of the above.


Information that is not attended to in working memory integrates with other familiar information. fades or drops out of the memory system. is stored for use at a later time. does all of the above.


Marathon studying occurs when you study every day during the week. is an acceptable practice when you are engaged in creative projects. involves all of the above. is the opposite of massed practice.


Self-talk is not an internal conversation or inner voice that monitors, critiques, and comments on what you are doing. always negative. a factor that affects behavior, choice of actions, or confidence level. a factor that affects motivation.


The Myers-Briggs Personality Preference theory states that the personality preferences of Thinking and Feeling are one of the core building blocks or scales. does all of the above. explains why there are differences in the way people focus their attention and make decisions. is based on opposites as shown in the four core building blocks and the eight kinds of personality preferences.


To improve concentration, you should be willing to examine, monitor, and make adjustments in the way you deal with stress, distractions, and avoidance patterns. all of the above. your personal lifestyle choices. your physical environment or workspace.


Which of the following does not show accurate core abilities of the intelligence at the beginning of the option? spatial: strong visual imagery and visualization skills musical: acute sensitivity to patterns, problem-solving skills, and sense of timing and balance linguistic: strong language skills and a love of language naturalist: sensitivity to patterns and cycles in the physical world


Which of the following is a false statement? Goals may be based on time length to complete or on desired changes in behaviors. The GPS Strategy emphasizes the importance of receiving rewards. A goal organizer encourages you to look at consequences for not achieving goals and strategies to manage possible obstacles. Effective goal-setting often requires effective time management skills.


Which of the following is not an accurate statement about a person's mindset? A mindset shows how individuals see the world and see themselves. A powerful mindset involves developing the power to persuade, convince, or sway people to accept your opinion or point of view. A mindset is a mental tendency or habit that affects goals, intentions, and self-image. Creating a positive mindset often requires a willingness to examine and adjust personal patterns, beliefs, and attitudes.


Which of the following personality preferences shows the common tendency to feel, think, or respond in the manner shown? Perceiving - spontaneous, flexible, open-minded, and open to change All of the above are correct. Judging - highly-structured, organized, systematic, and goal-oriented


Which of the following statements about motivation is not accurate? Motivation is an internal process that initiates actions and changes behaviors. High motivation occurs only when outcomes involve monetary, recognition, or concrete rewards and incentives. People are motivated by what they want and what they do not want in their lives. Incentives or rewards that do not seem realistic or obtainable are poor motivators.


Which of the following statements is not accurate about long-term goals? Long-term goals may require more than one year to complete. Long-term goals should be modified or discarded if they are too difficult to achieve successfully. Educational, financial, career-oriented, or personal are different kinds of long-term goals. They often require the completion of one or more intermediary goals.


Which of the following statements is not true? Test anxiety may be the result of excessive stress. A reduction in procrastination leads to a reduction in motivation. Excessive stress hinders performance and affects thinking processes. Procrastination may result in stress‑related physical ailments.


Which statement about mental rehearsal is inaccurate? It can replace negative self-images with positive self-images. It mainly works for students who already have a strong, positive self-image. It creates a positive self-image and increases self-confidence. It may involve creating a picture or movie in your mind that shows you performing well.


Which statement about rote memory is inaccurate? Rote memory involves the use of elaborative rehearsal. may involve the use of verbalization or recitation. is not always reliable as emphasis is on learning the information only in its original form. is a highly effective method to get information quickly into long-term memory so it can be stored for future use.


which of the following is not a common reason people procrastinate? Their impulsivity makes it difficult for them to prioritize their intentions. Their self-efficacy is high and affects how they perceive themselves. They lack motivation, interest, or purpose. They use procrastination as a way to protect their self-esteem.


It is not accurate to say that the Magic 7 +/- 2 Theory refers to our immediate memory span. states that an average memory span is five to nine chunks of information. suggests that the chunks of information you can process effectively is the same for familiar as for new or unfamiliar information. is unrelated to the way information is processed in memory.


Sensory input remains in working memory permanently. for a maximum of one hour. for longer periods of time when associations are created. only when feedback techniques are activated.


The Naturalist intelligence often involves organizing, categorizing and classifying information. is often strong in meteorologists, landscapers, farmers, and biologists. involves all of the above. refers to the ability to understand relationships and balance in nature.


The basic modalities that students can use in multisensory study tools are auditory, bodily, and kinesthetic. hearing, large muscle movement, and auditory. kinesthetic, visual, and auditory. visual, fine-motor, and auditory.


The consequences of stress may hinder a person's academic performance. lead to inability to recall information from memory. appear in the form of physical, emotional, cognitive, or behavioral problems. result in headaches, insomnia, fatigue, or mood swings.


To break the learned behavior of procrastinating, a person can replace negative thinking and self‑criticism with affirmations and positive self-talk. attach greater significance to task completion by creating a goal organizer. do all of the above. make a contract and a plan of action with himself or herself.


What changes occurred in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy? The Comprehension Level was changed to the Recalling Level. Labels were changed from verbs to nouns. The six levels were renamed and the top two levels were reordered. Three additional higher order levels were added.


Which of the following characteristics is not associated closely with the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence? Finely tuned motor skills Often excels in physical or hands-on learning activities Active imagination that deals quickly with abstract concepts Acute sense of timing or coordination


Which of the following does not show the correct scales or core building blocks of the Myers-Briggs Personality Theory? How you make decisions: Thinking or Feeling How you approach or structure your life: Judging or Perceiving How you take in information: Visual or Kinesthetic Where you focus your attention: Extraversion or Introversion


Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic motivator? an award or a scholarship. a bonus or a cash reward. all of the above recognition from a family member or a coach.


Which of the following is not a true statement? An effective weekly schedule shows specific patterns so that it is easier to follow and easier for the user to create a familiar routine. To avoid breaking a well-established routine, trading time should be used selectively for unexpected events or situations. Each study block on a weekly schedule should be labeled "Study" so you can study the subject area that needs your most immediate attention. Color-coding your weekly schedule makes your schedule easier to follow and use.


Which of the following is not an accurate statement about motivation? The intensity of motivation affects the level of perseverance. People tend to respond best to positive rewards and strive to avoid behaviors that result in negative consequences. Incentives that seem to be unrealistically high are excellent motivators to push people to work beyond their perceived abilities. Incentives and rewards are often the driving forces behind motivation.


Which of the following is not an accurate statement? -Many learning strategies involve the use of more than one modality. -Students can increase their academic performance by learning to use a variety of multisensory strategies for different courses and different instructors. -Verbalizing, which is also called reciting, is an effective learning strategy for auditory learners. -Visual learners and people with high spatial intelligence often have strong visual-spatial skills and a "good eye" for design elements, balance, and use of colors.


Which of the following is not an effective strategy for planning study blocks on a weekly schedule? Place a different kind of activity on your schedule after three or more straight hours of studying. Study right before a class in which you are expected to discuss information or participate in class activities. Study right before a class that mostly involves lectures and requires extensive note-taking. Study during your most alert times of the day when possible.


Which of the following is not true? The 2:1 ratio is recommended for most classes, but some classes may require more hours than recommended by this ratio. Worries, stress, daydreaming, and sickness are internal distractors. Your study area does not affect your ability to concentrate or use selective attention. Task schedules can be used effectively for study blocks, daily chores and activities, and for tasks at one's place of employment.


Which of the following statements is not true about working memory? Working memory can integrate many kinds of information. Working memory involves a multidirectional flow of information between short-term memory and long-term memory storage centers. Working memory has unlimited capabilities and is not easily overloaded. Working memory is also referred to as our conscious mind.


Which of the following statements is true? A person with a Judging personality preference judges other people and is critical of other people's actions. Most adults in college have an extraversion personality preference. The Feeling personality preference is characteristic of a person who focuses on harmony, shows compassion for people, or is empathetic. The Intuition personality preference is the name of one of the scales or building blocks.


Which statement about the effects of personality types on time management is not accurate? Students with a Judging personality preference tend to be good time managers because they like to set goals and work in organized ways. Students with a Perceiving personality type need to learn to use time management strategies that are tailored to their preference to work in sudden bursts of energy closer to deadlines. Students with a Sensing personality preference tend to dislike creating and following schedules because they like to let things "unfold" rather than be scheduled. Students with an Intuition personality preference often prefer to create their own strategies rather than follow step-by-step strategies.


Which statement is accurate? Centering yourself refers to selecting a study place in the center of a room. The Perfect Place, Soothing Mask, and Deep Breathing techniques are designed to increase extrinsic motivation. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs shows an ascending order with social needs on the bottom and biological needs on the top. The levels in Maslow's Hierarchy represent needs of fulfillment, esteem and recognition, love and belonging, safety, and basic physiological needs.


Which statement is inaccurate about levels in Bloom's Taxonomy? In the Evaluating Level, standardized criteria are often used to judge or evaluate information. Working with factual information and details, such as dates, places, or events, occurs in the Remembering Level. The Understanding Level is the fourth level in Bloom's Taxonomy. The Creating Level, the highest level, has the most complex thinking skills.


You can create a stronger mindset for more effective learning by focusing on the present instead of dwelling on the past. learning to think more critically. doing all of the above. dealing with any fears of failure and developing a stronger internal locus of control.


A cluttered, disorganized study environment may cause a person undue stress. interfere with the ability to think clearly and be productive. lead to procrastination or lower concentration. result in all of the above.


Affirmations are personal statements you create to reflect desired outcomes. to motivate yourself to achieve a goal. motivate yourself to change a behavior. do all of the above.


Bloom's Taxonomy classifies categories of cognitive skills. levels of complexity of thinking skills. six levels of intellectual behaviors. all of the above.


Critical thinkers evaluate the quality of their thinking processes and decision-making skills. are able to distinguish between facts and opinions. are inquisitive and ask meaningful questions. do all of the above.


Encoding information can occur in sensory memory. working memory. short-term memory. all of the above.


Episodic memory is a memory of a specific personal experience. may include emotional responses linked to an experience. varies from person to person. is characterized by all of the above.


For optimum concentration, a student should spend time creating a study area that has minimal distractions. learn effective strategies to deal with distractors. select one project or task to work on at one time. do all of the above.


If you have limited knowledge about a subject, learning will be easier after you acquire more background information. learning often will require greater effort. learning will be more difficult than if you had a large schema for the subject. all of the above occur.


In a well-developed time-management schedule, you will not include time for personal hobbies or recreation. plan to study your most difficult subject first in the day. create patterns for the week that are hard to follow. avoid studying on weekends.


Interpersonal intelligence in Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory is shown by those who socialize instead of study. is a form of Type B behavior. refers to "knowing yourself" and focusing on inner qualities. may be strong in people with social and leadership skills.


Locus of control refers to a person's level of self-efficacy. the ability to use the Say-No strategy with friends. a form of communication to use other people's behavior. a person's perception of personal control and responsibility.


Procrastination may begin as soon as a person takes on too many responsibilities and feels overwhelmed. perceives that a task is too difficult, too complex, or too insignificant. receives a term-long project that is not due until the end of the term. does all of the above.


Seeking support from family, friends, classmates, or tutors may help you reduce procrastination. reduce stress. deal with obstacles that could hinder the process of achieving a goal. deal with or solve various problems related to procrastination, goal setting, or stress.


Self-efficacy is self-doubt that creeps in when you face unfamiliar situations. none of the above. your ability to perform on high levels for all tasks you attempt. a belief in your ability to perform well on a specific task.


Self-quizzing and partner quizzing both provide you with valuable feedback. includes a variety of activities that you can do to check your accuracy and completeness of understanding. may involve reciting, mentally rehearsing, or reworking math problem sets. involves all of the above.


Spaced practice does not involve spreading contact time with study tools over several days or weeks. making multiple contacts with information in textbooks or lecture notes. using distributive practice strategies. using marathon studying strategies


Staying in your comfort zone can be easier than aiming for more demanding or new ways of doing things. can affect your ability to apply critical thinking skills. can limit your success and hinder your willingness to change. can lead to all of the above outcomes.


The GPS Strategy is a relaxation strategy to use when you feel stressed. is an emotional copying strategy to increase motivation. does not provide clear directions for achieving desired outcomes. provides three specific steps for planning and achieving goals.


Which is not an accurate statement about MBTI personality types? Extraversion and Introversion personality preferences tend to show opposite characteristics. Combinations of eight different personality preferences result in sixteen possible personality types. When you use your personality preference, things that you do come more naturally and with less effort. The eight personality preferences are represented by the following letters: E, S, T, J, F, I, L, and D.


Which of the following does not show accurate tendencies for the personality preference at the beginning of the option? thinking: makes decision based on logic and cause-effect reasoning feeling: makes decisions based on personal values and focus on people intuition: uses hunches or creativity to take in and process information judging: structures life based on flexibility and sense of spontaneity


Which of the following does not show effective learning strategies for the cognitive learning style at the beginning of the option? visual: highlighting, visualizing, and using pictures kinesthetic: action-based activities and hands-on learning auditory: reciting, discussing, and verbalizing visual: study tapes, creative movement, and color coding


Which of the following is an example of an association that can be used as a retrieval cue? link words to pictures or pictures to words link a concept to a personal experience link a fact to another fact you already know All of the above work as retrieval cues.


Which of the following is not an accurate statement? Creating an interest in a subject adds an emotional charge to learning and alerts working memory to pay attention to important information. A negative attitude creates barriers that hinder working memory from performing its functions smoothly. Setting learning goals shows an intention and a purpose to learn. The most effective way to work with factual information is to use rote memory strategies on a regular basis.


Which of the following is not true about self-efficacy? When self-efficacy is low, a person may worry that performing a specific task is beyond his or her abilities. Self-efficacy is defined as knowing how to be self-sufficient. People's levels of self-efficacy may reflect their levels of self-esteem. Mastery and success in one area may increase self-efficacy to perform well in other related tasks.


Which of the following statement is inaccurate about the concept of a fear of failure? Fear of failure is a belief pattern that can hinder a person's decision to try to do something that is considered to be difficult. A person who has a fear of failure tends to fear that outcomes or consequences will be negative. A person with a fear of failure also may have an external locus of control. Fear of failure does not tend to trigger procrastination but it does tend to trigger stress.


Which of the following statements about intrinsic motivation is inaccurate? Intrinsic motivation -reflects your sense of ownership and commitment to take action to move forward in a specific direction. -often results in intrinsic rewards. -may stem from the need to fulfill a basic need. -occurs when goals have been set for you by someone else.


Which of the following statements is not true about critical thinking? It involves processes that evaluate the quality of thinking and the use of decision-making criteria. It involves identifying generalizations that are not supported by factual information. It involves identifying emotionally laden words that signal opinions, not facts. It involves drawing conclusions based on personal opinions and personal beliefs.


Which of the following statements is not true about procrastination? Feeling overwhelmed by tasks that seem too large is one source of procrastination. Procrastination may be caused by fear of failure or lack of strategies for dealing with a difficult task-oriented goal. You may be able to "unlearn" procrastination by using goal setting. Procrastination is defined as spending unnecessary time planning to complete a goal in the distant future.


Which one of the following suggestions should you not use when you plan your study blocks on a weekly schedule? Study your most difficult or your least favorite subject earliest in the day. Create patterns in the week so that your schedule is easier to learn. Label each study block by naming the class you will study so you can ensure that you are using the 2:1 ratio each week. Schedule all your study times Monday through Thursday so weekends are free.


Which statement is accurate? Knowing what you plan to do during a study block helps with concentration. Setting study block goals provides motivation and a purpose for studying. A task schedule created at the beginning of a study block identifies your intentions. All of the statements are accurate.


Working with procedural knowledge involves rehearsal strategies that do not rely on rote memory techniques. using repetition to practice steps in the exact order they were presented. repeating original processes multiple times to increase response speed and accuracy. all of the above.


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