INBDE Questions

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The standard I.V. dose of drug A is 100 mg. The bioavailability of the oral form of drug A is 10%. To ensure the same amount of absorption is achieved, what should the oral dose be?

1000 mg -- 110 mg 100 mg 10 mg

Patient: Male, 9 years old (accompanied by guardian) Chief complaint: Guardian asks: "Why is his new tooth more yellow? Can you take a look?" Background/or patient history: There are no significant findings on the med hx, and this is his first time at this dental office. Current Findings: The patient's dentition is typical of the stated age. At what age does exfoliation of the final primary tooth occur?

12 years --- 9 years 18 years 6 years

By 2030, the CDC would like to reduce the proportion of 3-19-year-old children and adolescents with active and currently untreated tooth decay in their primary or permanent teeth to? Question 8 options:

13.4% 10.2% ---

Patient: Patient and his mother are in your office Chief Complaint: Regular check up Background: No significant medical issues Current Findings: Normal appearing teeth What is the tooth that is expected to erupt in in the next few months at location #6?

19 -- K 17 18 L M

Patient: 32-year-old female patient presented to the dentist for a checkup. Chief complaint: Patient stated that "her mouth feels always dry" Background/or patient history: She had no previous medical history and was not taking any medication. Current Findings: The patient's extraoral exam revealed that her neck appeared slightly swollen in the thyroid gland area. Her intraoral exam revealed tongue and mucosal dryness. Identify each of the glands in the image below

1= thyroid gland2 = parotid gland3 = sublingual gland 4 = submandibular gland 1= thyroid gland2 = sublingual gland3 = parotid gland 4 = submandibular gland --- 1= parotid gland2 = submandibular gland3 = sublingual gland 4 = thyroid gland 1= thyroid gland2 = submandibular gland3 = parotid gland 4 = sublingual gland

Half-life of drug A is 4 hours. At time 0, plasma concentration of drug A is 80 mg/L. After how many hours will the plasma concentration drop to 20 mg/L?

2 hours 4 hours 8 hours -- 16 hours

Patient: Patient and his mother are in your office Chief Complaint: Regular check up Background: No significant medical issues Current Findings: Normal appearing teeth What is the age of this child?

4 8 5 6 -- 7

Assume that the annual death rate from oral cancer is 90 per 100,000 among the US baseball players who chew tobacco compared to 2 per 100,000 among those who do not chew tobacco. What is the rate ratio of dying from oral cancer for those who chew tobacco compared to those who do not chew tobacco?

45 --- 92 88 180 The ratio cannot be determined from the information given

Patient: Your patient is an otherwise healthy 18-year-old-female. Chief Complaint: The patient presents c/o pain on chewing on the lower right jaw. The patient has been in pain for more than two weeks. Background / Patient History: The patient is 5'2" and weighs 125 pounds. Her blood pressure is 118/77 with a pulse of 60. Current Findings: You examine her and see that the mucosa around her wisdom tooth is swollen. You also take a panoramic radiograph which shows that the tooth is partially erupted. Together with the faculty, you decide that she needs to have her lower right third molar tooth (#32) removed in the Oral Surgery Clinic. She is going to have the tooth taken out with local anesthesia. What is the maximum dose of lidocaine with epinephrine for your patient?

5 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 7mg/kg -- 2.5mg/kg

When we eat and drink, the oral environment changes. This can include a change in the pH. What is the critical pH of saliva at which enamel begins to demineralize?

5.0 5.5 -- 6.6 4.4 3.3

About the Patient: 23-year-old African-American woman. Background / Patient History: Patient reports feeling tired, cold, and light-headed. She has recently lost weight due to a "grapefruit diet," in which the only food she eats is ½ grapefruit twice a day. Chief Complaint: "I have a check-up scheduled for today. But I feel kind of dizzy. Can I get in the chair before I faint?" Current Findings: Extraoral examination shows sallow skin and cold hands and feet. Vital signs: BP: 114/74 Height: 5'6" Weight: 106 lbs Later blood tests reveal anemia. You look at her blood test results. What would you expect for the hemoglobin results?

7 g/dL -- 33% 13 g/dL 17 g/dL 40% 48%

Patient: 53 year old woman Chief Complaint: My voice sounds funny. Background / Patient History: No significant history. Current Findings: Her voice is noticeably hoarse, and sounds different as compared to her previous visits. If a histological section was taken from her larynx, it would look like the attached image. Use the information in the image to identify structures A and B.

A = true vocal fold; B = false vocal fold (vestibular fold) --- A = false vocal fold (vestibular fold); B = true vocal fold

Patient: An 18 year old patient Chief Complaint: "My teeth don't look nice." Background/Patient History: Patient had a gap in the upper teeth since age 8-9. Current Findings: There is a gap among the upper front teeth. In this patient if the incisors would be wider or peg shaped, what would be the cause for the size and shape variations?

A mutation in the BMP genes A mutation in the FGF genes -- Leftover dental lamina Leftover of the Epithelial Rests of Mallasez

Patient: 53 year old woman Chief Complaint: My voice sounds funny. Background / Patient History: No significant history. Current Findings: Her voice is noticeably hoarse, and sounds different as compared to her previous visits. If a histological section was taken from her larynx, it would look like the attached image. This image shows a magnified view of the epithelium in two parts of the larynx (see the boxes labeled A1 and B1). What types of epithelium are shown? Which is more specialized to resist damage due to abrasion?

A1 = stratified squamous, B1 =pseudostratifed. B1 is more protective against abrasion. A1 = pseudostratified, B1 =stratified squamous. A1 is more protective against abrasion. A1 = pseudostratified, B1 =stratified squamous. B1 is more protective against abrasion. A1 = stratified squamous, B1 =pseudostratifed. A1 is more protective against abrasion. ---

Patient: 62-year-old female Chief complaint: The patient says, "My lower back teeth hurt a lot! On the left side. Also, I think I look swollen under my chin, and my tongue feels thick." Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: The patient has a temperature of 101.8 F. She has redness and swelling in the suprahyoid region of the neck, and her tongue is swollen. An x-ray reveals a periapical abscess of the left 3rd mandibular molar. You diagnose Ludwig's angina. The most likely pathway of infection was:

Abscess >> carotid sheath >> sublingual space >> submandibular space Abscess >> submandibular space >> sublingual space -- Abscess >> infratemporal space >> submandibular and sublingual spaces Abscess >> sublingual space >> submandibular space

Patient: An elderly female patient, age 78 Chief Complaint: Dry eyes and dry mouth, joint pain Background / Patient History: Has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 20 years prior. Now she has consistent dry eyes and mouth. Current Findings: Her minor salivary gland biopsy shows extensive lymphocytic infiltration, but intact ductal cells and myoepithelial islands. What is the explanation for the appearance of the tongue?

Absence of the circumvallate papillae Absence of fungiform papillae Absence of von Ebner's glands Absence of filiform papillae -- Absence of foliate papillae

Patient: 35 years old. Chief Complaint: A class V restoration in tooth #8 facial has fallen out. There is no pain. Background / Patient History: #8F was restored three months ago with resin-bonded composite resin. The class V lesion was caused erosion and/or abrasion. There was no caries, so no cavity preparation was considered necessary. Current Findings: The patient has a high lip-line, so the cavity is visible when they smile. There is minor gingival recession, and the gingival margin of the cavity is on the root surface. The correct order for preparing the tooth surface for a composite resin restoration is:

Acid-etch, bond, rinse, desiccate. Acid-etch, bond, rinse, dry. Acid-etch, rinse, dry, bond. --- Acid-etch, rinse, desiccate, bond.

Patient: Ten-year old male child accompanied by his mother. Chief complaint: A new patient that presents for a pediatric dental examination. Background/or patient history: Family recently moved into neighborhood and the child needs a pediatric dental examination. His mother also states that he suffers from hearing loss since birth. Mother states that child had dental sealants placed years ago but that they all "fell out" soon after they were put in. Current Findings: Clinical examination reveals that he has a small lower jaw, hypoplasia of facial bones and downward slanting palpebral fissures. What is the most common cause of subsequent failure and rapid loss of a sealant from the tooth?

Air contamination of the bottle of sealant Moisture contamination during placement of the sealant -- Poor tooth selection Etching tooth for too long

What are predominant linkages in glycogen between glucose units?

Alpha-1,4 -- Alpha-1,6 Beta-1,3 Beta-1,4 Beta-1,6

Patient: Your patient is an otherwise healthy 18-year-old-female. Chief Complaint: The patient presents c/o pain on chewing on the lower right jaw. The patient has been in pain for more than two weeks. Background / Patient History: The patient is 5'2" and weighs 125 pounds. Her blood pressure is 118/77 with a pulse of 60. Current Findings: You examine her and see that the mucosa around her wisdom tooth is swollen. You also take a panoramic radiograph which shows that the tooth is partially erupted. Together with the faculty, you decide that she needs to have her lower right third molar tooth (#32) removed in the Oral Surgery Clinic. She is going to have the tooth taken out with local anesthesia. What are some commonly used anesthetics in dentistry?

Amides and Phenols Amides and Esters -- Aromatases and Diols

A patient with penicillin allergy (hypersensitivity) can take which of the following antibiotics?

Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Clindamycin. --- Penicillin VK.

This graph illustrates the dose-response relationship for the effect of the beta agonist isoproterenol on an isolated perfused heart, both alone and in the presence of different fixed concentrations of Drug X. Based on the graph, drug X is:

An inverse agonist A partial agonist A competitive antagonist -- A non-competitive antagonist An inverse agonist

Patient: 53 year old woman Chief Complaint: My voice sounds funny. Background / Patient History: No significant history. Current Findings: Her voice is noticeably hoarse, and sounds different as compared to her previous visits. If a histological section was taken from her larynx, it would look like the attached image. An examination of the patient shows that the muscles on the left side of her larynx are paralyzed. This finding could be explained by which of the following?

Aneurysm of the aortic arch --- Lesion of the left sympathetic chain Cervical rib compressing the right subclavian artery Malignant growth affecting the function of the left side of the diaphragm Lesion in the right medulla oblongata

Patient: Female, 25 years old Chief complaint: She describes a cotton-like feeling in her mouth and lack of taste. She has tried brushing her tongue but this just caused slight bleeding. Background/or patient history: HR is a 25 yo F with HIV that is well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy. She recently was prescribed antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. HR also has liver disease. She presented one week ago with creamy white lesions on her tongue, and you prescribed Nystatin. Current Findings: HR's HIV infection is out of control and the creamy white lesions are spreading to the esophageal area. Which of the following represents a possible pathway of blood supply to the area where the patient is experiencing bleeding?

Aortic arch >> brachiocephalic trunk >> left common carotid artery >> external carotid artery >> lingual artery >> dorsal lingual artery Aortic arch >> brachiocephalic trunk >> right common carotid artery >> internal carotid artery >> lingual artery >> dorsal lingual artery Aortic arch >> left common carotid artery >> external carotid artery >> lingual artery >> dorsal lingual artery -- Aortic arch >> brachiocephalic trunk >> right common carotid artery >> external carotid artery >> lingual artery >> dorsal lingual artery --

Patient: Male, 32-year-old Chief complaint: "I am having trouble breathing" Background/or patient history: History of mitral valve replacement 12 months ago Current Findings: Patient reported for an extraction. He was given an antibiotic prophylactically. Five minutes later the patient showed signs of excess mucus production, tongue/lip swelling, a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing. Which of the following represents the correct order of circulation through the cardiac valves?

Aortic valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve Pulmonary valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, mitral valve Mitral valve, pulmonary valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve Tricuspid valve, mitral valve, pulmonary valve, aortic valve Tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, aortic valve ---

Patient: Male, 45-year-old Chief Complaint: "I was just diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer" Background/Patient History: Presents for recall, surgery is scheduled in 3 weeks Current Findings: Squamous cell carcinoma of the base of tongue Which of the following is the most likely associated etiology?

Bacterial infection Viral infection --- Vitamin deficiency Congenital anomaly

Patient: 19-year-old male Chief complaint: Broke my front teeth. I was playing basketball and I took an elbow to my face. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Fractured both maxillary central incisors. He split his upper lip and cut the tip of his tongue. You are going to restore the incisors with a direct addition of composite resin. When viewed from the facial, what are the type traits for the teeth you are restoring?

Both are rhomboidal in shape The mesioincisal angle nearly forms a right angle -- Have a labial ridge Taper towards the facial ridge

Patient: Male, 78 years old Chief complaint: Severe toothache and pain under the left eye. Background/or patient history: JS has calcified aortic stenosis. He previously had infective endocarditis, when he was 70 years old, for which he received 4 weeks of antimicrobial therapy. JS is allergic to penicillin. Current Findings: Badly decayed left 2nd maxillary molar, and a tooth extraction is required. JS may feel pain under his eye because infection from tooth decay could have traveled to the maxillary sinus. The roots of the maxillary molars may protrude into the maxillary sinus.

Both statements are correct. -- The first statement is correct, the second is false. The first statement is false, the second is correct. Both statements are false.

It is not recommended to drink large quantity of alcohol while taking acetaminophen. This is because:

By the alcohol induction of CYP450, Acetaminophen is metabolized into inactive metabolite By the alcohol induction of CYP450, increased amount of a toxic metabolite of acetaminophen will damage the liver -- By the alcohol inhibition of CYP450, Acetaminophen is not metabolized

The cell membrane is LEAST permeable to which of the following substances?

CO2 O2 Ethanol H2O Sodium --

Patient: 32-year-old female Chief complaint: Has not been to dentist, she thinks, in 2 years. Having some cold sensitivity that lasts for about ½ minute. Background/or patient history: On review of medical history, patient admits to smoking 3-4 tobacco cigarettes a day. She started during college and had attempted quitting once or twice on her own. She is considering switching to e-cigarettes. Current Findings: On x-ray and visual examination you find a large Class I lesion in tooth #18. After anesthesia and the preparation of the tooth under rubber dam you find a very small pulpal exposure. The treatment of choice for this patient visit should be:

Ca(OH)2, IRM and amalgam restoration Dycal and RMGI only Ca(OH)2 and IRM only -- RMGI and composite restoration

Which of the following is an endogenous fungus that is capable of producing an opportunistic infection?

Candida -- Rhizopus Blastomyces Aspergillus Cryptococcus

About the Patient: Male, 70 years old Chief Complaint: "I have a red rash above my right upper lip and on my right cheek that feels like it's burning and being poked by needles. There are blisters too and the pain is getting worse." Background / Patient History: The patient has been fatigued and had a low fever with headache for a few days before the rash appeared. Current Findings: Rash is restricted to the skin above the right upper lip and right zygomatic region. The blisters are fluid-filled. The patient remembers having had chickenpox when he was a child. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Celllulitis Shingles (VZV) --- Contact dermatitis Measles (Rubeola)

Patient: Male, 78 years old Chief complaint: Severe toothache and pain under the left eye. Background/or patient history: JS has calcified aortic stenosis. He previously had infective endocarditis, when he was 70 years old, for which he received 4 weeks of antimicrobial therapy. JS is allergic to penicillin. Current Findings: Badly decayed left 2nd maxillary molar, and a tooth extraction is required. If an antimicrobial prophylaxis prior to a tooth extraction is needed, what will be an appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis treatment?

Clindamycin 1 hour prior to the procedure. -- Amoxicillin 1 hour prior to the procedure. Amoxicillin 12 hours prior to the procedure. Clindamycin 12 hours prior to the procedure.

About the Patient: Male, 70 years old Chief Complaint: "I have a red rash above my right upper lip and on my right cheek that feels like it's burning and being poked by needles. There are blisters too and the pain is getting worse." Background / Patient History: The patient has been fatigued and had a low fever with headache for a few days before the rash appeared. Current Findings: Rash is restricted to the skin above the right upper lip and right zygomatic region. The blisters are fluid-filled. The patient remembers having had chickenpox when he was a child. Which is the best treatment option for this condition?

Clotrimazole Beta-Lactams (Cephalosporins) Acyclovir or valacyclovir ---

Patient: Female, 25 years old Chief complaint: She describes a cotton-like feeling in her mouth and lack of taste. She has tried brushing her tongue but this just caused slight bleeding. Background/or patient history: HR is a 25 yo F with HIV that is well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy. She recently was prescribed antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. HR also has liver disease. She presented one week ago with creamy white lesions on her tongue, and you prescribed Nystatin. Current Findings: HR's HIV infection is out of control and the creamy white lesions are spreading to the esophageal area. Please note that there is now additional information in the patient box. What is the appropriate treatment?

Clotrimazole Triamcinolone Fluconazole -- Nystatin

Patient: Male, 9 years old (accompanied by guardian) Chief complaint: Guardian asks: "Why is his new tooth more yellow? Can you take a look?" Background/or patient history: There are no significant findings on the med hx, and this is his first time at this dental office. Current Findings: The patient's dentition is typical of the stated age. Addressing the mother's concern from the chief complaint, what can the clinician consider to figure out if the tooth is permanent or primary?

Color Size Crown and cusp shape All of the answers are correct ---

Vitamin C deficiency primarily affects which of the following tissues?

Connective -- Epithelial Muscular Hematopoietic

Patient: Ten-year old male child accompanied by his mother. Chief complaint: A new patient that presents for a pediatric dental examination. Background/or patient history: Family recently moved into neighborhood and the child needs a pediatric dental examination. His mother also states that he suffers from hearing loss since birth. Mother states that child had dental sealants placed years ago but that they all "fell out" soon after they were put in. Current Findings: Clinical examination reveals that he has a small lower jaw, hypoplasia of facial bones and downward slanting palpebral fissures. What is the most likely cause of hearing loss in this patient?

Defective inner ear Defective eardrum Defective middle ear ossicles -- Damage to cranial nerve IX

Patient: An 18 year old patient Chief Complaint: No complaint, came for a regular check up Background / Patient History: Has not seen a dentist in 15 years Current Findings: Upon routine radiographic examination a formation is noticed between the roots of teeth #25 and #26 What is the pathology called?

Dens invaginatus Osteoma Odontoma --- Ameloblastoma

Which of the following oral tissues contains the LEAST collagen?

Dentin Mucosa Enamel -- Bone Cementum

Patient: 22-year-old Chief Complaint: Does not like the appearance of his teeth Background / Patient History: Patient has a history of childhood bacterial and viral illnesses. The mother of the patient received extensive antibiotics treatment during pregnancy. Current Findings: Tooth discoloration. What is the likely cause of the tooth discoloration?

Dentinogenesis imperfecta Amelogenesis imperfecta Tetracycline stain --- Methamphetamines (Meth mouth)

Patient: Female, 1-week-old infant accompanied by mother Chief Complaint: Parent: "She is not able to nurse with the opening in her upper lip and the palate area underneath the lip." Background / Patient History: Otherwise healthy newborn Current Findings: Unilateral cleft lip and palate, no other abnormalities are noted The infant is demonstrating what type of morphologic abnormality?

Developmental Hamartoma Congential --- Choristoma

Patient: 35 year old male Chief Complaint: I am here for a cleaning. Background/Patient History: No known medical issues, does not take any medications. Wondering why does he have such calculus formation. Current Findings: Heavy calculus deposits on the lingual side of the lower anterior teeth. Which of the following is present in excess in the patient?

Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) --- Hexacalciumphosphate (HCP) Decacalcium phosphate (DCP) Octacalcium phosphate (OCP)

If a maxillary first molar has a fourth pulp canal, it is located in which of the following roots?

Distofacial Fourth Palatal Mesiofacial --

Patient: Female, 5 years old (accompanied by mother) Chief complaint: Mother says: "We are here for a dental check-up" Background/or patient history: The patient was referred by her Head Start after a screening was performed earlier in the month by a dental team from NYU. Mom stated that the child was very scared at this last appointment and cried. Current Findings: The child came into the operatory but refused to sit in the dental chair, would not open her mouth, and cried profusely. All of the following are non-pharmacological behavior management techniques that can be used with the patient except:

Distraction Positive punishment -- Tell Show Do Positive reinforcement

Patient: An 18 year old patient Chief Complaint: No complaint, came for a regular check up Background / Patient History: Has not seen a dentist in 15 years Current Findings: Upon routine radiographic examination a formation is noticed between the roots of teeth #25 and #26 What would be the correct course of treatment for a patient with this finding? (There may be more than one correct answer.)

Do nothing, observe --- Remove surgically Refer to an oral surgeon with recommendation to remove it. Refer to an oral surgeon ---

There are four antihypertension drugs (same mechanism of action). The therapeutic index of each is A = 3, B = 8, C = 6, D = 20. Which drug is the safest of the four?

Drug A Drug C Drug D -- Drug B

Which drug has the lowest potency?

Drug A Drug B Drug C Drug D --

About the Patient: 17-year-old sailor on a sea voyag in the year 1695. Chief Complaint: Bleeding gum Background / Patient History: Sailor has been at sea for months eating dry foods stored on the ship. Current Findings: Severe gum inflammation that bleeds upon probing What nutritional advice would you give to this sailor?

Eat more meat Do not dring alcohol Eat mrore fresh greens --- Eat more fat

Patient: Patient is 22, male. Chief Complaint: My lower left molar and bicuspid teeth are numb. Background / Patient History: Has tingling sensation in his lower left jaw. Some of the teeth are numb. Current Findings: Panoramic X-ray reveals a large bony defect of about 1.5 inch wide. It is tentatively diagnosed as an ameloblast.

Epithelial Rests of Mallasez A mutation in the FGF genes A mutation in the BMP genes Leftover dental lamina --

Patient: 29-year-old female Chief Complaint: "I don't want any x-rays during this visit. I might be pregnant." Background / Patient History: Has a mitochondrial disorder. Is trying to conceive a baby via egg donation and in vitro fertilization. Current Findings: No significant findings. If your patient conceives with her own egg, would a boy or girl be more likely to be inherit the disease?

Equally likely --- Girl Boy

A patient with hepatitis C is scheduled for extraction of posterior teeth in the right lower quadrant due to advanced periodontal disease. Tooth #28 is abscessed and draining into medial soft tissue. Tooth #30 shows a large carious lesion and is painful. Microbial analysis reveals that the flora of the abscess of Tooth #28 consists predominantly of P. gingivalis. The inflammation is caused primarily by which component of this microorganism?

Exotoxin Lipoteichoic acid Lipopolysaccharide -- M-protein

Patient: Female, 25 years old Chief complaint: She describes a cotton-like feeling in her mouth and lack of taste. She has tried brushing her tongue but this just caused slight bleeding. Background/or patient history: HR is a 25 yo F with HIV that is well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy. She recently was prescribed antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. HR also has liver disease. She presented one week ago with creamy white lesions on her tongue, and you prescribed Nystatin. Current Findings: HR's HIV infection is out of control and the creamy white lesions are spreading to the esophageal area. Which nerves would be involved in the patient's symptoms? (Check all that apply)

Facial nerve (CN VII) -- Trigeminal nerve (CN V) -- Lingual nerve -- Chorda tympani -- Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) --

Patient: 1-week-old male infant Chief complaint: The patient's mother has brought the infant in for his routine one-week checkup. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Muscle weakness is observed in the infant's limbs. A study of a biopsy sample of his skeletal muscle reveals that the defect is due to a miscoding error in his mitochondrial DNA. The biopsy also reveals the infant has an XXY karyotype If the defect leading to the muscle weakness is not a spontaneous mutation, the patient most likely inherited it from his:

Father Mother or Father Mother ---

Patient: Male, 9 years old (accompanied by guardian) Chief complaint: Guardian asks: "Why is his new tooth more yellow? Can you take a look?" Background/or patient history: There are no significant findings on the med hx, and this is his first time at this dental office. Current Findings: The patient's dentition is typical of the stated age. What is the sequence of eruption for primary teeth (from first tooth to erupt to final tooth to erupt)?

First molars, second molars, canines, lateral incisors, central incisors First molars, lateral incisors, canines, second molars, central incisors Central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, second molars Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars, canines, second molars ---

Patient: Female, 5 years old (accompanied by mother) Chief complaint: Mother says: "We are here for a dental check-up" Background/or patient history: The patient was referred by her Head Start after a screening was performed earlier in the month by a dental team from NYU. Mom stated that the child was very scared at this last appointment and cried. Current Findings: The child came into the operatory but refused to sit in the dental chair, would not open her mouth, and cried profusely. What is a preferred alternative method to examine this patient?

Force them to sit in the dental chair. Have the patient sit in the mom's lap in the dental chair to complete the examination. Reschedule the appointment. Have the dental assistant hold the patient. Use the knee to knee position to complete the examination. --

Protein and RNA synthesis occur in each of the following phases of the cell cycle EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

G1 G0 S M -- G2

Patient: 62-year-old female Chief complaint: The patient says, "My lower back teeth hurt a lot! On the left side. Also, I think I look swollen under my chin, and my tongue feels thick." Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: The patient has a temperature of 101.8 F. She has redness and swelling in the suprahyoid region of the neck, and her tongue is swollen. An x-ray reveals a periapical abscess of the left 3rd mandibular molar. You diagnose Ludwig's angina. What marks the boundary between the sublingual and submandibular spaces? Select all correct answers.

Geniohyoid muscle Mylohyoid groove Genioglossus muscle Mylohyoid line -- Mylohyoid muscle --

Patient: 32-year-old female patient presented to the dentist for a checkup. Chief complaint: Patient stated that "her mouth feels always dry" Background/or patient history: She had no previous medical history and was not taking any medication. Current Findings: The patient's extraoral exam revealed that her neck appeared slightly swollen in the thyroid gland area. Her intraoral exam revealed tongue and mucosal dryness. What might the dentist observe in the mouth as a result of the xerostomia? (Check all that apply)

Geographic tongue Caries and demineralisation --- Candidiasis --- Fibroma on the buccal mucosa and periodontitis Gingivitis ---

In a case-control study on HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, the researcher needs to select the study participants based on?

HPV status both HPV and oropharyngeal cancer neither HPV nor oropharyngeal cancer oropharyngeal cancer status ---

Patient: 32-year-old female patient presented to the dentist for a checkup. Chief complaint: Patient stated that "her mouth feels always dry" Background/or patient history: She had no previous medical history and was not taking any medication. Current Findings: The patient's extraoral exam revealed that her neck appeared slightly swollen in the thyroid gland area. Her intraoral exam revealed tongue and mucosal dryness. What questions would the dentist ask the patient in trying to find cause for the dryness? (Check all that apply)

Has the patient been more anxious lately? --- Is the patient taking any new medications? --- Has there been any change in her medical history? --- Does the patient suck on a lot of sugar free lozenges?

Patient: 35 year old male Chief Complaint: I am here for a cleaning. Background/Patient History: No known medical issues, does not take any medications. Wondering why does he have such calculus formation. Current Findings: Heavy calculus deposits on the lingual side of the lower anterior teeth. In order for calculus to deposit onto a tooth what needs to happen first?

Have a degraded mucosal pellicle Have an intact mucosal pellicle Have an intact acquired enamel pellicle Have a degraded acquired enamel pellicle ---

Patient: Pregnant Female Chief complaint: Routine prenatal medical checkup. Background/or patient history: A cyst is detected protruding from the lower back of the fetus in a routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy. Current Findings: Additional imaging and clinical examinations reveal that the cyst contains parts of the spinal cord and the spinal meninges. To prevent an indirect consequence affecting the brain, an intrauterine surgery was performed to remove the cyst and close the gap in the spine. What would be the most likely "indirect consequence affecting the brain" if the surgery was not performed?

Hydrocephaly -- Schizencephaly Lissencephaly Holoprosencephaly

Patient: 32-year-old female Chief complaint: Has not been to dentist, she thinks, in 2 years. Having some cold sensitivity that lasts for about ½ minute. Background/or patient history: On review of medical history, patient admits to smoking 3-4 tobacco cigarettes a day. She started during college and had attempted quitting once or twice on her own. She is considering switching to e-cigarettes. Current Findings: On x-ray and visual examination you find a large Class I lesion in tooth #18. After anesthesia and the preparation of the tooth under rubber dam you find a very small pulpal exposure. All of the following are oral hazards of cigarette use, EXCEPT:

Impaired oral healing Increased gingival bleeding -- Nicotinic stomatitis Dental staining

Patient: Pregnant Female Chief complaint: Routine prenatal medical checkup. Background/or patient history: A cyst is detected protruding from the lower back of the fetus in a routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy. Current Findings: Additional imaging and clinical examinations reveal that the cyst contains parts of the spinal cord and the spinal meninges. To prevent an indirect consequence affecting the brain, an intrauterine surgery was performed to remove the cyst and close the gap in the spine. If the surgery were not performed, the infant could have an increased level of cerebral spinal fluid in which of the following structures? (select all correct answers.)

In the subarachoid space -- The lateral ventricles -- The fourth ventricle --

Patient: 43-year-old female Chief complaint: The tooth you just filled is very sensitive. Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: You restored tooth # 30. You had placed a deep composite restoration with only Dycal as a liner but no RMGI. Which nerve innervates the roots of the tooth you restored?

Inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve -- Inferior alveolar branch of facial nerve Inferior alveolar branch of maxillary nerve Mental branch of maxillary nerve Incisive branch of inferior alveolar nerve

Patient: 32-year-old female Chief complaint: Has not been to dentist, she thinks, in 2 years. Having some cold sensitivity that lasts for about ½ minute. Background/or patient history: On review of medical history, patient admits to smoking 3-4 tobacco cigarettes a day. She started during college and had attempted quitting once or twice on her own. She is considering switching to e-cigarettes. Current Findings: On x-ray and visual examination you find a large Class I lesion in tooth #18. After anesthesia and the preparation of the tooth under rubber dam you find a very small pulpal exposure. Which nerve will you anesthetize to treat the patient?

Inferior alveolar nerve -- Posterior superior alveolar nerve Middle superior alveolar nerve Anterior Superior alveolar nerve

A 15-year-old male presents for emergency care. He is non-compliant with his type I diabetes regimen, and he suffered a fall while having an insulin reaction. He struck his chin and lacerated his tongue. Upon opening, his mandible deviates to the left. A panoramic radiograph reveals a fracture of the left condylar neck. Muscular contractions might result in displacement of the left condyle. Into which of the following areas will the condyle MOST likely be displaced?

Infratemporal fossa -- Oral cavity Temporal fossa Maxillary sinus Middle ear cavity

Coupled respiration requires each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Inorganic phosphate Oxygen Carbon dioxide -- ADP Electron donor

Patient: Male, 45-year-old Chief Complaint: "I was just diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer" Background/Patient History: Presents for recall, surgery is scheduled in 3 weeks Current Findings: Squamous cell carcinoma of the base of tongue

Ipsilateral side only Ipsilateral and contralateral sides --- Contralateral side only

What is true about the p53 gene? (select all correct choices)

It can stop replication at the G2/S boundary in response to DNA damage. It is a tumor suppressor gene. --- It is inactivated in many cancers. --- It can initiate apoptosis to kill the cell if DNA is damaged and not repaired. ---

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding dental caries:

It is possible to have a dental cavity but no active dental caries. It is possible to have active dental caries but not a dental cavity. It is possible to have both active dental caries and a dental cavity. It is possible to have neither active dental caries nor a dental cavity. All the statements are TRUE --

Which of the following is NOT TRUE in regard to the caries process and disease management of dental caries?

Key pathological and protective factors determine whether the caries process progresses, reverses or is in balance. The caries process is a continuum resulting from many cycles of demineralization and remineralization. Current evidence base demonstrates that antimicrobial mouth rinses are the only effective approach to ensure that the caries process is reversed in cases of severe unbalance. -- Placing the dental filling only removes the offending bacteria from that cavity in the tooth.

Patient: Female, 1-week-old infant accompanied by mother Chief Complaint: Parent: "She is not able to nurse with the opening in her upper lip and the palate area underneath the lip." Background / Patient History: Otherwise healthy newborn Current Findings: Unilateral cleft lip and palate, no other abnormalities are noted. The patient's condition is most likely due to failure in fusion between which of the following structures during embryonic development?

Lateral nasal prominence and maxillary prominence Maxillary prominence and mandibular prominence Medial nasal prominence and maxillary prominence --- Two maxillary prominences

An 80-year-old female presents with a complaint of pain under her complete dentures when biting. To minimize pain when biting, the patient moves her mandible to the right and chews only on that side. Which of the following muscles primarily produces this mandibular movement?

Left lateral pterygoid --- Right lateral pterygoid Temporalis Right medial pterygoid Masseter

Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion travel in which of the following nerves?

Lesser palatine Maxillary Lesser petrosal Greater palatine Greater petrosal --

Patient: 19-year-old male Chief complaint: Broke my front teeth. I was playing basketball and I took an elbow to my face. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Fractured both maxillary central incisors. He split his upper lip and cut the tip of his tongue. You are going to restore the incisors with a direct addition of composite resin. Which of the following arteries would be directly or indirectly involved in this injury? (Select all that apply.)

Lingual -- Facial -- External carotid -- Inferior alveolar Internal carotid

Each of the following structures is found in the infratemporal fossae EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Lingual nerve Pterygoid venous plexus Pterygopalatine ganglion -- Medial pterygoid muscle Inferior alveolar nerve

Patient: 43-year-old female Chief complaint: The tooth you just filled is very sensitive. Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: You restored tooth # 30. You had placed a deep composite restoration with only Dycal as a liner but no RMGI Which nerve innervates the gingiva on the buccal side of the tooth you restored?

Long buccal -- Lingual Mental nerve

Which primary molar typically has a transverse ridge, an oblique ridge, and a distolingual groove?

Mandibular second Mandibular first Maxillary second -- Maxillary first

Patient: Male, 32-year-old Chief complaint: "I am having trouble breathing" Background/or patient history: History of mitral valve replacement 12 months ago Current Findings: Patient reported for an extraction. He was given an antibiotic prophylactically. Five minutes later the patient showed signs of excess mucus production, tongue/lip swelling, a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing. This patient's reaction is most likely the result of activation of which cells?

Mast cells --- Neutrophils Endothelial cells Plasma cells

Patient: 19-year-old college student Chief Complaint: "I've had a throbbing pain behind my left ear for several days and now pus is coming out of my ear. I think I can't hear well out of that ear." Background / Patient History: Patient was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection at her college's health services center. She was prescribed antibiotics but stopped taking them early. Current Findings: Visible inspection of the ear confirmed creamy pus draining from the external auditory canal and swelling with redness of the skin directly behind the external ear. The patient has a fever. If surgery becomes necessary to drain the infection, which nerve would be at most at risk?

Maxillary (CN V2) Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) Vagus (CN X) Facial (CN VII) ---

Which of the following teeth have proximal contact areas at approximately the same levels cervicoincisally, or cervico-occlusally, on the mesial and the distal?

Maxillary central incisor Mandibular canines Mandibular central incisors -- Maxillary canines

Which premolar poses the greatest problem when root canal therapy or extraction are being considered?

Maxillary first -- Maxillary second Mandibular second Mandibular first

Patient: 62-year-old female Chief complaint: The patient says, "My lower back teeth hurt a lot! On the left side. Also, I think I look swollen under my chin, and my tongue feels thick." Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: The patient has a temperature of 101.8 F. She has redness and swelling in the suprahyoid region of the neck, and her tongue is swollen. An x-ray reveals a periapical abscess of the left 3rd mandibular molar. You diagnose Ludwig's angina. To what other spaces could the infection travel if untreated? Select all correct answers.

Mediastinum -- Carotid sheath -- Parotid space -- Retropharyngeal space --

Patient: 43-year-old female Chief complaint: The tooth you just filled is very sensitive. Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: You restored tooth # 30. You had placed a deep composite restoration with only Dycal as a liner but no RMGI Which nerve innervates the gingiva on the lingual side of the tooth you restored?

Mental nerve Long buccal Lingual --

Patient: 29-year-old female Chief Complaint: "I don't want any x-rays during this visit. I might be pregnant." Background / Patient History: Has a mitochondrial disorder. Is trying to conceive a baby via egg donation and in vitro fertilization. Current Findings: No significant findings. What is the most likely reason for using donor eggs?

Mitochondrial diseases are inherited from the genetic mother, so a baby conceived with your patient's own egg would almost certainly share her disease. --- She knows that her disease is caused by two recessive alleles. She does not want to risk having a baby inherit one recessive allele from her and another from the father. Her disease causes infertility due to non-disjunction during meiosis. An embryo conceived with her egg would be at very high risk for an aneuploidy.

Patient: 55-year-old female Chief complaint: I cannot seem to swallow anything that is dry. Background/or patient history: High blood pressure (140/90), atherosclerosis (LDL cholesterol 230), on dialysis for two years. Diagnosed with pharyngeal cancer. Received 6 weeks of cobalt radiation. Current Findings: Difficulty swallowing What is missing for this patient that could help her?

Mucin --- Proline-rich proteins Cystatins Statherin Secretory IgA

Patient: Female, 13 years old Chief Complaint: "I have fever and joint pain. I also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and feel fatigued." Background / Patient History: Patient had visited her poor sick neighbors who had scarlet fever. She had a bad sore throat afterward and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory bacterial infection. She was prescribed antibiotics but did not take them. Current Findings: The patient has a fever. Further inspection confirmed that the patient experienced polyarthritis and carditis. Which of the following is the most accurate diagnosis?

Mumps Pneumonia Typhoid fever Rheumatic fever ---

Patient: An 18 year old patient Chief Complaint: No complaint, came for a regular check up Background / Patient History: Has not seen a dentist in 15 years Current Findings: Upon routine radiographic examination a formation is noticed between the roots of teeth #25 and #26 What is the cause for the formation of the structure in the image?

Mutation in the FGF genes Leftover of the Epithelial Rests of Mallasez Leftover of epithelial pearls --- Mutation in the BMP genes

Patient: An 18 year old patient Chief Complaint: "My teeth don't look nice." Background/Patient History: Patient had a gap in the upper teeth since age 8-9. Current Findings: There is a gap among the upper front teeth. What is the cause for the appearance of the upper front teeth?

Mutation in the FGF genes Mutation in the BMP genes -- Leftover of dental lamina Leftover of the Epithelial Rests of Mallasez

Smooth muscle contains each of the following muscle proteins EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Myosin Actin Troponin -- Tropomyosin

Which of the following is caused by vitamin D deficiency in adults?

Myxedema Rickets Osteomalacia -- Acromegaly Osteitis fibrosa cystica

Patient: 19-year-old male Chief complaint: Broke my front teeth. I was playing basketball and I took an elbow to my face. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Fractured both maxillary central incisors. He split his upper lip and cut the tip of his tongue. You are going to restore the incisors with a direct addition of composite resin. Which nerves would be involved in this injury and the restoration? (Select all that apply.)

Nasopalatine nerve -- Lingual nerve -- Infraorbital nerve -- Glossopharyngeal nerve Anterior superior alveolar nerve --

A 7-year-old male was brought to the emergency room. He suffered a fall in which he struck his anterior maxilla and has lacerations on his lips. If there is a fracture of the maxillary bone adjacent to the traumatized central incisors, then nociception terminates centrally within which of the following?

Nucleus ambiguus Spinal trigeminal tract Spinal trigeminal nucleus -- Trigeminal ganglion Main (chief) sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve.

Patient: Female, 25-years-old Chief complaint: She describes a cotton-like feeling in her mouth and lack of taste. She has tried brushing her tongue but this just caused slight bleeding. Background/or patient history: HR is a 25 year-old female with HIV that is well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy. She recently was prescribed antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. HR also has liver disease. Current Findings: She presents with creamy white lesions on her tongue. What will be a preferred medication to use to treat HR?

Nystatin -- Fluconazole Clotrimazole Triamcinolone Clindamycin

Patient: Your patient is an otherwise healthy 18-year-old-female. Chief Complaint: The patient presents c/o pain on chewing on the lower right jaw. The patient has been in pain for more than two weeks. Background / Patient History: The patient is 5'2" and weighs 125 pounds. Her blood pressure is 118/77 with a pulse of 60. Current Findings: You examine her and see that the mucosa around her wisdom tooth is swollen. You also take a panoramic radiograph which shows that the tooth is partially erupted. Together with the faculty, you decide that she needs to have her lower right third molar tooth (#32) removed in the Oral Surgery Clinic. She is going to have the tooth taken out with local anesthesia. Which of the following nerves will you anesthetize in order to extract her mandibular third molar?

Occipital nerve Facial nerve Inerior alveolar nerve -- Maxillary nerve

About the Patient: Male, 70 years old Chief Complaint: "I have a red rash above my right upper lip and on my right cheek that feels like it's burning and being poked by needles. There are blisters too and the pain is getting worse." Background / Patient History: The patient has been fatigued and had a low fever with headache for a few days before the rash appeared. Current Findings: Rash is restricted to the skin above the right upper lip and right zygomatic region. The blisters are fluid-filled. The patient remembers having had chickenpox when he was a child. The localized occurrence of the rash indicates which nerve is affected?Oculomotor

Oculomotor (CN III) Zygomatic branch of the facial (CN VII) Temporal branch of the facial (CN VII) Ophthalmic (CN V1) Maxillary (CN V2) ---

Patient: Female, 25-years-old Chief complaint: She describes a cotton-like feeling in her mouth and lack of taste. She has tried brushing her tongue but this just caused slight bleeding. Background/or patient history: HR is a 25 year-old female with HIV that is well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy. She recently was prescribed antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. HR also has liver disease. Current Findings: She presents with creamy white lesions on her tongue. What does HR have?

Oral candidiasis -- Lichen planus Oral mucositis

Patient: 29-year-old female Chief Complaint: "I don't want any x-rays during this visit. I might be pregnant." Background / Patient History: Has a mitochondrial disorder. Is trying to conceive a baby via egg donation and in vitro fertilization. Current Findings: No significant findings. What is a function of the abnormal organelle?

Organization of the cytoskeleton. Storage of pro-apoptotic molecules --- Sorting and transport of proteins for export out of the cell. None of the choices are correct Lipid synthesis.

About the Patient: 23-year-old African-American woman. Background / Patient History: Patient reports feeling tired, cold, and light-headed. She has recently lost weight due to a "grapefruit diet," in which the only food she eats is ½ grapefruit twice a day. Chief Complaint: "I have a check-up scheduled for today. But I feel kind of dizzy. Can I get in the chair before I faint?" Current Findings: Extraoral examination shows sallow skin and cold hands and feet. Vital signs: BP: 114/74 Height: 5'6" Weight: 106 lbs Later blood tests reveal anemia. This patient is at risk of which of the following bone diseases due to a lack of minerals in her diet?

Osteomalacia --- Rickets Osteogenesis imperfecta type I Scurvy

The nasopalatine nerve reaches mucosa in the oral cavity via which of the following foramina?

Palatovaginal Greater palatine lnfraorbital Incisive -- Lesser palatine

Patient: 19-year-old college student Chief Complaint: "I've had a throbbing pain behind my left ear for several days and now pus is coming out of my ear. I think I can't hear well out of that ear." Background / Patient History: Patient was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection at her college's health services center. She was prescribed antibiotics but stopped taking them early. Current Findings: Visible inspection of the ear confirmed creamy pus draining from the external auditory canal and swelling with redness of the skin directly behind the external ear. The patient has a fever. Which cranial bone is involved in this infection?

Parietal Sphenoid Temporal --- Occipital

Patient: Male, 9 years old (accompanied by guardian) Chief complaint: Guardian asks: "Why is his new tooth more yellow? Can you take a look?" Background/or patient history: There are no significant findings on the med hx, and this is his first time at this dental office. Current Findings: The patient's dentition is typical of the stated age. What would be the typical dentition for this patient?

Permanent dentition Mixed dentition - primary canines and first molars, with permanent centrals, laterals, first molars and first premolars Mixed dentition - primary canines and molars, with permanent centrals, laterals, and first molars --- Primary dentition

What happens when a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is activated? (Select all that apply.)

Potassium ions exit the cell --- Sodium ions exit the cell Sodium ions enter the cell --- Potassium ions enter the cell

Patient: 32-year-old female patient presented to the dentist for a checkup. Chief complaint: Patient stated that "her mouth feels always dry". Background/or patient history: She had no previous medical history and was not taking any medication. Current Findings: The patient's extraoral exam revealed that her neck appeared slightly swollen in the thyroid gland area. Her intraoral exam revealed tongue and mucosal dryness. What should be the dentist's reaction to the apparent swelling in the thyroid gland area? (Check all that apply)

Prescribe an antibiotic and have her come back next visit for observation. Ask the patient when she last had a medical checkup. --- Say nothing. The patient may have gained some weight and will be embarrassed. Inform the patient that her thyroid gland may be swollen and that she should see her physician. --- Take the patient's vital signs and compare with her previous vitals. ---

Patient: Female, 5 years old (accompanied by mother) Chief complaint: Mother says: "We are here for a dental check-up" Background/or patient history: The patient was referred by her Head Start after a screening was performed earlier in the month by a dental team from NYU. Mom stated that the child was very scared at this last appointment and cried. Current Findings: The child came into the operatory but refused to sit in the dental chair, would not open her mouth, and cried profusely. Many factors may be contributing to poor patient cooperation during this visit. They can include all except:

Previous negative experience having their wisdom teeth removed -- Previous unpleasant experience Parenting styles Fear transmitted from parent

About the Patient: 23-year-old African-American woman. Background / Patient History: Patient reports feeling tired, cold, and light-headed. She has recently lost weight due to a "grapefruit diet," in which the only food she eats is ½ grapefruit twice a day. Chief Complaint: "I have a check-up scheduled for today. But I feel kind of dizzy. Can I get in the chair before I faint?" Current Findings: Extraoral examination shows sallow skin and cold hands and feet. Vital signs: BP: 114/74 Height: 5'6" Weight: 106 lbs Later blood tests reveal anemia. Which cell death mechanism is being used to provide nutrients to your patient's body?

Pyroptosis Apoptosis Necrosis Autophagy --

Patient: Pregnant Female Chief complaint: Routine prenatal medical checkup. Background/or patient history: A cyst is detected protruding from the lower back of the fetus in a routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy. Current Findings: Additional imaging and clinical examinations reveal that the cyst contains parts of the spinal cord and the spinal meninges. To prevent an indirect consequence affecting the brain, an intrauterine surgery was performed to remove the cyst and close the gap in the spine. What is the diagnosis of the case as described?

Rachischisis Meningomyelocele -- Spina bifida occulta Meningocele

Patient: 53 year old woman Chief Complaint: My voice sounds funny. Background / Patient History: No significant history. Current Findings: Her voice is noticeably hoarse, and sounds different as compared to her previous visits. If a histological section was taken from her larynx, it would look like the attached image. What nerve provides motor innervation to the muscle shown in A2?

Recurrent laryngeal nerve --- Internal laryngeal nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Accessory nerve Ansa cervicalis External laryngeal nerve

Patient: Your patient is an otherwise healthy 18-year-old-female. Chief Complaint: The patient presents c/o pain on chewing on the lower right jaw. The patient has been in pain for more than two weeks. Background / Patient History: The patient is 5'2" and weighs 125 pounds. Her blood pressure is 118/77 with a pulse of 60. Current Findings: You examine her and see that the mucosa around her wisdom tooth is swollen. You also take a panoramic radiograph which shows that the tooth is partially erupted. Together with the faculty, you decide that she needs to have her lower right third molar tooth (#32) removed in the Oral Surgery Clinic. She is going to have the tooth taken out with local anesthesia. You decide to use an anesthetic with epinephrine because it:

Reduces cardiac contractility for hypertension Vasodilates blood vessels to flush the system Reduces incidence of allergy for some patients Vasoconstricts blood vessels improving visibility --

Patient: Male, 32-year-old Chief complaint: "I am having trouble breathing" Background/or patient history: History of mitral valve replacement 12 months ago Current Findings: Patient reported for an extraction. He was given an antibiotic prophylactically. Five minutes later the patient showed signs of excess mucus production, tongue/lip swelling, a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing. The surgery this patient had 12 months ago involved:

Replacement of the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart --- Replacement of the valve between the right atrium and the pulmonary trunk of the heart Replacement of the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart Replacement of the valve between the left ventricle of the heart and the aorta

Patient: 35 years old. Chief Complaint: A class V restoration in tooth #8 facial has fallen out. There is no pain. Background / Patient History: #8F was restored three months ago with resin-bonded composite resin. The class V lesion was caused erosion and/or abrasion. There was no caries, so no cavity preparation was considered necessary. Current Findings: The patient has a high lip-line, so the cavity is visible when they smile. There is minor gingival recession, and the gingival margin of the cavity is on the root surface. For the replacement restoration, you plan to apply a bevel to the cavity margins. The primary purpose of the bevel is to:

Roughen the enamel at the cavity margin Improve the esthetic outcome Increase the surface area of enamel --- Enhance mechanical retention

Patient: Pregnant Female Chief complaint: Routine prenatal medical checkup. Background/or patient history: A cyst is detected protruding from the lower back of the fetus in a routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy. Current Findings: Additional imaging and clinical examinations reveal that the cyst contains parts of the spinal cord and the spinal meninges. To prevent an indirect consequence affecting the brain, an intrauterine surgery was performed to remove the cyst and close the gap in the spine. Which of the following structures are likely involved in this condition and the surgical intervention? (select all correct answer choices.)

Serratus anterior muscle Pia mater -- Sternocostal joints Lumbar vertebrae -- Intrinsic back muscles --

Patient: 29-year-old female Chief Complaint: "I don't want any x-rays during this visit. I might be pregnant." Background / Patient History: Has a mitochondrial disorder. Is trying to conceive a baby via egg donation and in vitro fertilization. Current Findings: No significant findings. Why did the patient refuse radiographs?

She is worried that the radiation will interact with the medications she is taking for IVF. She thinks they would be painful. She wants to minimize her exposure to possible teratogens. --- Her genetic disease causes imaging studies to be unreliable.

About the Patient: 23-year-old African-American woman. Background / Patient History: Patient reports feeling tired, cold, and light-headed. She has recently lost weight due to a "grapefruit diet," in which the only food she eats is ½ grapefruit twice a day. Chief Complaint: "I have a check-up scheduled for today. But I feel kind of dizzy. Can I get in the chair before I faint?" Current Findings: Extraoral examination shows sallow skin and cold hands and feet. Vital signs: BP: 114/74 Height: 5'6" Weight: 106 lbs Later blood tests reveal anemia. Your patient's abnormal blood test result is most likely due to which of the following?

Sickle cell disease G6PD deficiency Acute blood loss Iron deficiency -- Polycythemia vera

About the Patient: 23-year-old African-American woman. Background / Patient History: Patient reports feeling tired, cold, and light-headed. She has recently lost weight due to a "grapefruit diet," in which the only food she eats is ½ grapefruit twice a day. Chief Complaint: "I have a check-up scheduled for today. But I feel kind of dizzy. Can I get in the chair before I faint?" Current Findings: Extraoral examination shows sallow skin and cold hands and feet. Vital signs: BP: 114/74 Height: 5'6" Weight: 106 lbs Later blood tests reveal anemia. You would expect a blood smear from your patient to show which of the following?

Sickle cells Heinz bodies Nucleated red blood cells Hypochromic microcytes -- Ringed sideroblasts

Patient: 1-week-old male infant Chief complaint: The patient's mother has brought the infant in for his routine one-week checkup. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Muscle weakness is observed in the infant's limbs. A study of a biopsy sample of his skeletal muscle reveals that the defect is due to a miscoding error in his mitochondrial DNA. The biopsy also reveals the infant has an XXY karyotype. The observed muscle weakness involves which of the following?

Skeletal muscle, innervated by the somatic nervous system. --- Skeletal muscle, innervated by the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle, innervated by the somatic nervous system. Smooth muscle, innervated by the autonomic nervous system.

Which of the following BEST describes the primary ionic movement during the depolarization phase of a nerve action potential?

Sodium ions moving from outside the membrane to inside the membrane -- Potassium ions moving into the fiber from interstitial fluid Sodium ions moving from inside the membrane to outside the membrane Large organic-negative ions moving from inside the fiber to outside the fiber Potassium ions moving from inside to outside the membrane

Patient: Ten-year old male child accompanied by his mother. Chief complaint: A new patient that presents for a pediatric dental examination. Background/or patient history: Family recently moved into neighborhood and the child needs a pediatric dental examination. His mother also states that he suffers from hearing loss since birth. Mother states that child had dental sealants placed years ago but that they all "fell out" soon after they were put in. Current Findings: Clinical examination reveals that he has a small lower jaw, hypoplasia of facial bones and downward slanting palpebral fissures. What is the diagnosis of the case as described?

Spina bifida Mandibulofacial dysostosis -- Phocomelia Hirschsprung's disease Craniosynostosis

Patient: Female, 13 years old Chief Complaint: "I have fever and joint pain. I also have chest pain, shortness of breath, and feel fatigued." Background / Patient History: Patient had visited her poor sick neighbors who had scarlet fever. She had a bad sore throat afterward and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory bacterial infection. She was prescribed antibiotics but did not take them. Current Findings: The patient has a fever. Further inspection confirmed that the patient experienced polyarthritis and carditis. Which of the following bacteria is the most likely cause of the infection?

Streptococcus pneumoniae Helicobacter pylori Borrelia burgdorferi Streptococcus pyogenes ---

Which of the following bacteria are gram-positive cocci and commonly cause skin infection and abscess formation?

Streptococcus viridans Bacillus anthracis Staphylococcus saprophyticus Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus --

Patient: 62-year-old female Chief complaint: The patient says, "My lower back teeth hurt a lot! On the left side. Also, I think I look swollen under my chin, and my tongue feels thick." Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: The patient has a temperature of 101.8 F. She has redness and swelling in the suprahyoid region of the neck, and her tongue is swollen. An x-ray reveals a periapical abscess of the left 3rd mandibular molar. You diagnose Ludwig's angina. Into which space/s has the infection apparently traveled in this patient? Select all correct answers.

Submandibular space -- Maxillary sinus Inferior nasal meatus Sublingual space -- Retropharyngeal space

Patient: Male, 45-year-old Chief Complaint: "I was just diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer" Background/Patient History: Presents for recall, surgery is scheduled in 3 weeks Current Findings: Squamous cell carcinoma of the base of tongue Which would be the first lymph nodes the patient's cancer might have spread to?

Submental Jugulodigastric Submandibular Retropharyngeal ---

Patient: Your patient is an otherwise healthy 18-year-old-female. Chief Complaint: The patient presents c/o pain on chewing on the lower right jaw. The patient has been in pain for more than two weeks. Background / Patient History: The patient is 5'2" and weighs 125 pounds. Her blood pressure is 118/77 with a pulse of 60. Current Findings: You examine her and see that the mucosa around her wisdom tooth is swollen. You also take a panoramic radiograph which shows that the tooth is partially erupted. Together with the faculty, you decide that she needs to have her lower right third molar tooth (#32) removed in the Oral Surgery Clinic. She is going to have the tooth taken out with local anesthesia. She asks you "What is a local anesthetic?" You tell her that It is a ...

Substance that reversibly depresses conduction -- Substance that irreversibly inhibits action potentials Substance that reversibly works on GABA in the brain Substance that irreversibly depresses conduction

Patient: An elderly female patient, age 78 Chief Complaint: Dry eyes and dry mouth, joint pain Background / Patient History: Has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 20 years prior. Now she has consistent dry eyes and mouth. Current Findings: Her minor salivary gland biopsy shows extensive lymphocytic infiltration, but intact ductal cells and myoepithelial islands. What is the likely diagnosis?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis Primary Sjogren's syndrome Secondary Sjogren's syndrome -- Type 2 Diabetes

Which of the following is the lobe of the cerebral hemisphere that lies in the middle cranial fossa?

Temporal -- Frontal Occipital Parietal

Patient: 22 year old Chief Complaint: Does not like the appearance of his teeth Background / Patient History: Patient has a history of childhood bacterial and viral illnesses. The mother of the patient received extensive antibiotics treatment during pregnancy. Current Findings: Tooth discoloration What is the likely cause of the tooth discoloration?

Tetracycline stain --- Dentinogenesis imperfecta Methamphetamines (Meth mouth) Amelogenesis imperfecta

Patient: 35 years old. Chief Complaint: A class V restoration in tooth #8 facial has fallen out. There is no pain. Background / Patient History: #8F was restored three months ago with resin-bonded composite resin. The class V lesion was caused erosion and/or abrasion. There was no caries, so no cavity preparation was considered necessary. Current Findings: The patient has a high lip-line, so the cavity is visible when they smile. There is minor gingival recession, and the gingival margin of the cavity is on the root surface. When choosing a color shade for your restoration, you understand that the composite's Value is most important. Value describes:

The color (red, yellow, brown, gray) The intensity of the color (saturation) The lightness or darkness of the color ---

Patient: Male, 78 years old Chief complaint: Severe toothache and pain under the left eye. Background/or patient history: JS has calcified aortic stenosis. He previously had infective endocarditis, when he was 70 years old, for which he received 4 weeks of antimicrobial therapy. JS is allergic to penicillin. Current Findings: Badly decayed left 2nd maxillary molar, and a tooth extraction is required. Which nerve/s account/s for the dental pain JS is experiencing? (select all that apply)

The middle superior alveolar nerve. The maxillary nerve (CN V2). -- The buccal branch of the facial nerve (CN VII). The posterior superior alveolar nerve. -- The trigeminal nerve (CN V). --

Patient: 1-week-old male infant Chief complaint: The patient's mother has brought the infant in for his routine one-week checkup. Background/or patient history: None Current Findings: Muscle weakness is observed in the infant's limbs. A study of a biopsy sample of his skeletal muscle reveals that the defect is due to a miscoding error in his mitochondrial DNA. The biopsy also reveals the infant has an XXY karyotype. Which of the following was also discovered? (Check all that apply.)

The patient has an extra chromosome --- The patient is genetically male --- The patient is genetically female

Patient: 55-year-old female Chief complaint: I cannot seem to swallow anything that is dry. Background/or patient history: High blood pressure (140/90), atherosclerosis (LDL cholesterol 230), on dialysis for two years. Diagnosed with pharyngeal cancer. Received 6 weeks of cobalt radiation. Current Findings: Difficulty swallowing What is the key biochemical element in mucin that helps lubrication?

The protein core The sulfate groups The phosphate groups The carbohydrate component ---

About the Patient: Male, 70 years old Chief Complaint: "I have a red rash above my right upper lip and on my right cheek that feels like it's burning and being poked by needles. There are blisters too and the pain is getting worse." Background / Patient History: The patient has been fatigued and had a low fever with headache for a few days before the rash appeared. Current Findings: Rash is restricted to the skin above the right upper lip and right zygomatic region. The blisters are fluid-filled. The patient remembers having had chickenpox when he was a child. The cell bodies of the 1st order neurons associated with pain this patient is experiencing are located in which of the following?

The superior salivatory nucleus The trigeminal ganglion --- The geniculate ganglion The pterygopalatine ganglion Dorsal root ganglia

Amoxicillin is often combined with clavulanic acid. The role of clavulanic acid is:

To break down the beta-lactam ring in bacteria. To inhibit bacterial beta-lactam. To inhibit bacterial penicillin-binding protein. To inhibit bacterial beta-lactamase. ---

Patient: 35 years old. Chief Complaint: A class V restoration in tooth #8 facial has fallen out. There is no pain. Background / Patient History: #8F was restored three months ago with resin-bonded composite resin. The class V lesion was caused erosion and/or abrasion. There was no caries, so no cavity preparation was considered necessary. Current Findings: The patient has a high lip-line, so the cavity is visible when they smile. There is minor gingival recession, and the gingival margin of the cavity is on the root surface. After applying a bonding agent to the prepared dentin and enamel, the liquid bond is usually lightly air-dried prior to light curing. Why? Choose any that apply.

To remove bond from the cavity margins. To ensure a thin layer of bond. --- To remove residual moisture. To evaporate solvent. ---

Which of the following is produced when a mutation occurs in an enzyme controlling a signal pathway involved in cell growth processes?

Transgene Oncogene -- Epigene Monogene Antigene

Which of the following bacteria is not part of red-complex bacteria in periodontal disease, but is strongly associated with pregnancy-associated gingivitis?

Treponema denticola Prevotella intermedia -- Streptococcus mutans Tannerella forsythia Porphyromonas gingivalis

Patient: 32-year-old female Chief complaint: Has not been to dentist, she thinks, in 2 years. Having some cold sensitivity that lasts for about ½ minute. Background/or patient history: On review of medical history, patient admits to smoking 3-4 tobacco cigarettes a day. She started during college and had attempted quitting once or twice on her own. She is considering switching to e-cigarettes. Current Findings: On x-ray and visual examination you find a large Class I lesion in tooth #18. After anesthesia and the preparation of the tooth under rubber dam you find a very small pulpal exposure. Where are the cell bodies of the nerve you anesthetize to treat the patient?

Trigeminal ganglion -- Dorsal root ganglion Geniculate ganglion Pterygopalatine ganglion

Each of the following cranial nerves is associated with the cavernous sinus EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

Trochlear Oculomotor Facial -- Trigeminal Abducens

Calcium stimulates skeletal muscle contraction. Its effect is mediated through binding to which of the following?

Troponin C -- Actin Tropomyosin Sarcoplasmic reticulum Troponin I

Patient: Female, 1-week-old infant accompanied by mother Chief Complaint: Parent: "She is not able to nurse with the opening in her upper lip and the palate area underneath the lip." Background / Patient History: Otherwise healthy newborn Current Findings: Unilateral cleft lip and palate, no other abnormalities are noted. The nasopalatine nerve innervates the area affected by the infant's condition.

True --- False

Patient: Male, 32-year-old Chief complaint: "I am having trouble breathing" Background/or patient history: History of mitral valve replacement 12 months ago Current Findings: Patient reported for an extraction. He was given an antibiotic prophylactically. Five minutes later the patient showed signs of excess mucus production, tongue/lip swelling, a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing. This patient is most likely showing signs of?

Type 1 hypersensitivity --- Type 2 hypersensitivity Type 3 hypersensitivity Type 4 hypersensitivity

Which of the following BEST describes the major function of histones?

Unwind DNA. Remove exons during RNA splicing Activate genes Stabilize DNA in a compact form -- Stabilize RNA during transcription

Patient: 35 years old. Chief Complaint: A class V restoration in tooth #8 facial has fallen out. There is no pain. Background / Patient History: #8F was restored three months ago with resin-bonded composite resin. The class V lesion was caused erosion and/or abrasion. There was no caries, so no cavity preparation was considered necessary. Current Findings: The patient has a high lip-line, so the cavity is visible when they smile. There is minor gingival recession, and the gingival margin of the cavity is on the root surface. The restoration that has fallen out relied primarily on what type of retention?

Van der Waals Mechanical Micro-mechanical --- Chemical

About the Patient: 17-year-old sailor on a sea voyag in the year 1695. Chief Complaint: Bleeding gum Background / Patient History: Sailor has been at sea for months eating dry foods stored on the ship. Current Findings: Severe gum inflammation that bleeds upon probing What would you bring from the year 2021 that could help the sailor?

Vitamin D Vitamin B12 Vitamin B1 Vitamin C --- Vitamin A Vitamin B6 Vitamin E

When compared to the maxillary central incisor, the maxillary canine normally exhibits which of the following?

Wider crown mesiodistally Thicker crown labiolingually -- Shorter crown and shorter root length Longer crown incisogingivally Shorter root

Which of the following aneuploidies are completely incompatible with life?

XO Trisomy 18 Trisomy 21 YO --- XXY

Patient: Male, 78 years old Chief complaint: Severe toothache and pain under the left eye. Background/or patient history: JS has calcified aortic stenosis. He previously had infective endocarditis, when he was 70 years old, for which he received 4 weeks of antimicrobial therapy. JS is allergic to penicillin. Current Findings: Badly decayed left 2nd maxillary molar, and a tooth extraction is required. Does the patient need antimicrobial prophylaxis prior to a tooth extraction?

Yes, because he has had infective endocarditis before. -- No, because there is no antimicrobial prophylaxis requirements for patients who have calcified aortic stenosis. Yes, because he has calcified aortic stenosis. No, because there is no antimicrobial prophylaxis requirements for patients who are older than 70 years old.

Of the choices below, _____ is the most common form of programmed cell death, and _____ is a type of cell death that is unprogrammed

apoptosis, necrosis --- pyroptosis, apoptosis autophagy, pyroptosis apoptosis, pyroptosis necrosis, apoptosis

Oral streptococci are usually

beta-hemolytic. alpha-hemolytic. -- non-hemolytic. gamma-hemolytic.

For your summer research project, you want to see if the dental sealants placed by the final year residents retain longer compared to those placed by the senior dental students. You have limited time and money. Assuming you have complete dental records, what design would be your best choice?

cross-sectional study prospective follow-up (cohort) study case-control study retrospective follow-up (cohort) study ---

Endochondral ossification occurs in the formation of

elastic cartilage. flat bones. mesenchymal sheets. all bones. long bones. --

The precise movement required during head and neck examination and for the use of dental equipment relies on adequate contraction of skeletal muscles in the upper limbs of the health care professional. The sensory receptors serving the stretch reflex are classified as

exteroceptors. chemoreceptors. mechanoreceptors. -- nociceptors.

Hepatitis C virus infection is MOST often transmitted through...

fecal-oral route. oral secretions. sexual contact. blood contact. --

The rapid emergence of new strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is primarily the result of:

frequent errors in the translation of viral proteins. the imprecision of protein cleavage by viral protease. the lack of immune response to the viral envelope glycoprotein. the frequent genomic recombination between human immunodeficiency virus and other retroviruses. frequent errors introduced by viral reverse transcriptase. --

The progression from a healthy gingival sulcus to gingivitis is associated with a shift towards

gram-negative anaerobic rods. -- gram-positive filamentous rods. gram-positive facultative cocci gram-positive cocci. gram-negative anaerobic cocci.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the strength of cardiac muscle contraction? It is

increased when extracellular Ca++ is increased. -- mainly regulated by vagal impulses. decreased when extracellular Ca++ is increased. unaffected by extracellular Ca++. mainly regulated by heart rate.

Facilitated diffusion DIFFERS from active transport in that net transport by facilitated diffusion

is the only method by which oxygen can cross the cell membrane. occurs as an endergonic (positive AG) process. uses ATP as an energy source. has a transport maximum. requires a concentration gradient. --

In the oral region, the lingual artery usually is found between the:

lingual and hypoglossal nerves. sublingual duct and hypoglossal nerve. oral mucous membrane and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles. -- mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles.

Cell bodies of neurons mediating proprioception from the periodontal ligament of the maxillary first molar are located in the

motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. main (chief) sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. trigeminal ganglion. -- spinal trigeminal nucleus.

Patient: 19-year-old college student Chief Complaint: "I've had a throbbing pain behind my left ear for several days and now pus is coming out of my ear. I think I can't hear well out of that ear." Background / Patient History: Patient was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection at her college's health services center. She was prescribed antibiotics but stopped taking them early. Current Findings: Visible inspection of the ear confirmed creamy pus draining from the external auditory canal and swelling with redness of the skin directly behind the external ear. The patient has a fever. Which of the following is the most likely path of the infection?

nasopharynx -- pharyngotympanic tube -- middle ear -- mastoid antrum -- mastoid air cells ---- middle ear --pharyngotympanic tube -- nasopharynx -- mastoid antrum -- mastoid air cells pharyngotympanic tube -- nasopharynx -- middle ear -- mastoid antrum -- mastoid air cells pharyngotympanic tube -- middle ear -- nasopharynx -- mastoid antrum -- mastoid air cells

Patient: 35 year old male Chief Complaint: I am here for a cleaning. Background/Patient History: No known medical issues, does not take any medications. Wondering why does he have such calculus formation. Current Findings: Heavy calculus deposits on the lingual side of the lower anterior teeth. Choose the pH which is the MOST likely present in this patient.

pH 7.0 pH 6.0 pH 8.0 pH 5.0 ---

If the point of a needle enters the parotid gland during an inferior alveolar injection and solution is deposited in the gland, the MOST likely result is...

paralysis of the buccinator muscle. -- a hematoma of the pterygoid venous plexus. paresthesia of the lingual nerve. paralysis of the temporalis muscle.

An action potential initiated at the midpoint along the length of an axon will

propagate towards both the soma and the nerve ending. -- not propagate. propagate towards the nerve ending. propagate towards the soma.

Penicillin belongs to a class of antibiotics called beta-lactams, because:

t binds to the beta-lactam ring in the bacterial cell wall. It contains a beta-lactam ring in its structure. --- It breaks down the beta-lactam ring in the bacterial cell wall. It releases a bacterial molecule called beta-lactam.

Patient: 43-year-old female Chief complaint: The tooth you just filled is very sensitive. Background/or patient history: None. Current Findings: You restored tooth # 30. You had placed a deep composite restoration with only Dycal as a liner but no RMGI. Sensitivity and pain may occur due to...

the Dycal due to its high Ph disruption of the odontoblastic process in the dentinal tubules debonding of the composite -- the acidic etching procedures removing the dentin smear layers

Infection from the mandibular molars can spread to which of the following spaces? (Select all correct answers)

vestibule --- maxillary sinus submandibular space --- sublingual space --- buccal (facial space) ---

Assume you are doing a study where you would like to use the clinic charts (electronic dental health record) of children who received sealants in the last 5 years. What would be an appropriate outcome to examine?

which operator placed the sealants sealant retention --- none of the above child's sex

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