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The manufacture of infant formulas is regulated by the ___________ through the Infant Formula Act. By law, infant formulas are required to have a ___________________________ that is consistent with these guidelines.(381)

FDA nutrient level

__________________________ heating is not recommended because of the risk of burns from formula that is too hot or unevenly heated.(382)


Many infants born at or below the tenth percentile for length may not reach their genetically appropriate growth channel until 1 year of age; this is called ___________________________________________.(375)

catch-up growth

Infant formulas should be prepared in a ___________ environment. All equipment, including _____________, nipples, mixers, and the top of the can of formula should be washed thoroughly.(382)

clean bottles

Human milk and _______________________ contain antibodies and anti-infective factors that are not present in infant formulas; breastfeeding must be maintained until the infant is at least ______________ of age to obtain the benefit of protecting the infant's immature gut from infection.(380)

colostrum 3 months

If a child refuses to eat, the family meal should be completed without ________________________, and the plate should be removed.387


After tooth eruption it is recommended that fluoridated water be offered several times per day to breast-fed infants, those who receive __________ milk, and those fed formulas made with water that contains less than ________ mg of fluoride/L.(378)

cows 0.3

At the beginning of a meal, children are hungry and should be allowed to ____________________________; when they become tired, they can be helped quietly.386

feed themselves

Older infants generally reject unfamiliar foods the _____________ time they are offered.387


Children should not be ________________________________; instead, the cause for the unwillingness to eat should be determined.387

forced to eat

Foods with skins or rinds and foods that stick to the roof of the mouth (hot dogs, _____________________, bread with __________________________) may cause choking and should not be offered to young infants.384

grapes peanut butter

Larger infants at birth who are genetically determined to be smaller grow at their fetal rate for several months and often do not reach their growth channel until 13 months of age; this is called ____________________________ growth.(375)

lag-down growth

Human milk contains a generous amount of the essential fatty acids ____________________ acid and _____________________ acid, as well as the longer-chain derivatives arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).(377)

linoleic a-linoleic

It is important that ___________________ ingredient food be introduced at a time.383


The much higher protein and ash content of cow's milk results in a higher _______________________________, or amount of nitrogenous waste and minerals that must be excreted by the kidney.(380)

renal solute load

In general, children prefer _____________, __________________________ foods.386

simple, uncomplicated

Currently fluoride supplementation is not recommended for infants younger than ________ months of age.(378)


The amount of protein in human milk is adequate for the first ________ months of the infant's life even though the amount of protein in human milk is considerably less than in infant formula.(376)


Infants who have special requirements receive ____________________________________ products.(381)

specially designed

Early childhood caries are common among infants and children who are allowed to bathe their teeth in ______________ throughout the day and night.386


A __________________ (not heaping) of each food for each year of age is a good guide for serving size.387


Breast-fed infants retain ~________ of their calcium intake. P378

two thirds

Soy products designed to meet all nutrient needs are recommended for (1) children in ________________ families; (2) children with _____________________________ or primary lactose deficiency / secondary lactose intolerance, and (3) infants who may be allergic to cow's milk protein.(381)

vegetarian galactosemia

Home-prepared foods are generally more concentrated in nutrients than commercially prepared foods because less __________ is used. Salt and _________________ should not be added to foods prepared for infants.(382)

water sugar

Because the renal concentrating capacity of young infants may be less than that of older children and adults, they may be vulnerable to developing a __________________________________. This can be caused by boiling _____________, vomiting, and diarrhea. (377)

water imbalance milk/formula

To promote dental health, infants should be fed and burped and then put to bed ________________ milk, juice, or food. Juice should be limited to _____________ oz/day for infants and young children and offered to children only from a cup.386

without 4-6

In the last 6 months of the first year, diets of infants should be supplemented with additional sources of high-quality protein such as _____________, strained meats, or cereal mixed with formula or _________________________________.(376)

yogurt human milk

At 1 year infants eat ____________________ the amount an adult normally consumes.387

1/3 - 1/2

The stomach capacity of infants increases from a range of _________ ml at birth to ________ ml by 1 year, enabling infants to consume more food at a given time and at less frequent intervals as they grow older.(376)


The current recommendation for infants younger than 1 year of age is to consume a minimum of ___________ of fat per day.(377)


Milk from lactating mothers who follow a strict vegan diet may be _______________ deficient.(378)


One to three month old satiety behaviors include ______________________________383

Draws head away from the nipple Falls asleep When nipple is reinserted, closes lips tightly Bites nipple, purses lips, or smiles and lets go.

Vitamin _______ deficiency may result in bleeding or hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. (379)


Four to six month old satiety behaviors include _________________________________.383

Releases nipple and withdraws head Fusses or cries Obstructs mouth with hands Pays more attention to surroundings Bites nipple

Commercially prepared infant formulas are fortified with all necessary vitamins; therefore formula-fed infants rarely need _______________________.(379)


Human milk derived from an adequately fed, lactating mother supplies all the vitamins the term infant needs except for ________________.(378)

Vitamin D

Breast-fed infants need an additional ___________________ supplementation by 2 months of age and ___________ by 4-6 months of age.(379)

Vitamin D Iron

Human milk has a very low ___________ content.(379)

Vitamin K

Botulism is infancy is caused by the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum spores, which germinate and produce toxin in the ___________ lumen.(377)


Full-term infants who are breast-fed to satiety and infants who are fed a standard 20-kcal/oz formula generally adjust their intake to meet their ______________ needs when caregivers are sensitive to the infant's hunger and satiety cues. (376)


Young children should eat their meals at the _________________________; it gives them an opportunity to learn table ____________________ while enjoying meals with a family group. Sharing the family fare strengthens ______________ and makes mealtimes pleasant.

family table manners ties

Regardless of whether infants are breast-fed or formula fed, they should be ____________ and ___________________ during feedings.(383)

held and cuddled

Protein requirements during the rapid growth of infancy are ________________ per kg of weight than those for adults or older children.(376)


A mother should be encouraged to nurse her infant ___________________ after birth.(383)


Infants may not receive adequate ____________ if their formula is excessively diluted for a long period of time. (376)


Between 9 and 18 months of age most ___________ their breast-milk or formula intake. They can become _____________ about what and how much they eat.386

reduce finicky

The recommended total water intake for infants, based on the DRIs, is ___________L/day for infants up to 6 months and _________L/day for infants 7 to 12 months of age.(377)

0.7 0.8

Low fat (1-2%) and nonfat milk are also inappropriate for infants during the first ______________ months of life due to the excessive amount of __________________ and decreased amount of _____________________________________.(382)

12 protein essential fatty acids

Initially infants should be fed every ____________ hours; by 4 weeks of age every ___________ hours.383

2-3 4

Iron in human milk is highly bioavailable; however, breast-fed and formula-fed infants should receive an additional source of iron by _____________ months of age.(378)


At ______________ months of age, infants who are fed only human milk are at risk for developing a negative iron balance and may deplete their reserves by ______________ months.(378)

4-6 6-9

Infants usually double their birth weight by ______________ months of age and triple it by the age of __________.(375)

4-6 one year

The ADA and the AAP support exclusive breast-feeding for the first _________ months of life and breast-feeding supplemented by weaning foods for at least ______ months.(379)

6 months 12

Infants lose about ___________% of their body weight during the first few days of life, but their birth weight is usually gained by the __________ day.(375)

6% 7th-10th

The leading causes of infant mortality are __________, ___________, and low birth weight (972-973)

Birth defects, prematurity and low birth weight

Ready-to-serve dry infant cereals are fortified with electrolytically reduced __________ for improved absorption.(382)


Most infants who are genetically determined to be larger reach their _________________________________, a curve of weight and length of height gain throughout the period of growth, between 3 and 6 months of age.(375)

Growth channel

______________ and corn syrup should not be fed to infants younger than 1 year of age because they have not yet developed the immunity required to resist botulism spore development.(377)


_________________________ is unquestionably the food for choice for the infant.(379)

Human milk

__________________, not adults, should establish the feeding schedules.383


Cow's milk is a poor source of ___________ and should not be given before 12 months of age.(378)


Full-term infants are considered to have adequate stores of ___________ for growth up to a doubling of their birth weight.(378)


Infants who are fed whole cow's milk have been found to have lower intakes of _____________, linoleic acid, and vitamin E and excessive intake of _________________, potassium, and protein. Cow's milk may cause a small amount of gastrointestinal __________________.(382)

Iron sodium blood loss

For the prevention of ________________ and vitamin D deficiency, the AAP recommends a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU per day for all breast-fed infants and for formula-fed infants who consume less than _____________ ml/day of vitamin D-fortified formula.(378)

Rickets 1000mL

Between 4 and 6 months of age, when the mature sucking movement is refined and ______________________ movements (up and down chopping motions) begin, the introduction of strained foods is appropriate.383


Many states require that infants receive an injection of __________________ as a prophylactic measure while they are in the nursery.(379)

Vitamin K

Newborn infants are immediately dependent on a dietary source of __________, which is better absorbed from human milk than from infant formula.(378)


Many infants begin the process of weaning with the introduction of the __________ at ~6-9 months of age and complete the process when they are able to ingest an adequate amount of milk from a cup at ______________ months of age.386

cup 18 to 24

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