informatics Exam 3 modules

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Which of the following is NOT an outcome of the meaningful use of electronic health records?

Decreased transparency and efficiency

Which of the following choices is an example of an advantage telehealth provides for nurses?

Distance learning

What was the purpose of the federal incentive programs established by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

Encourage providers and hospitals to adopt EHR systems

Lewin's field theory focuses on what aspect of change related to adopting new innovations?

Forming a positive attitude about change

What are the recognized benefits of telehealth for patient care? (Select all that apply.)

Enhanced patient care, Reduced travel time, Increased productivity, Access to specialists

What are key benefits to Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)? (Select all that apply.)

Promotes safety, Saves money, Saves time

Considering the nurse-patient relationship, which statement best addresses the nurse's responsibility to protect a patient's privacy?

'Being sick does not make ignoring a person's privacy acceptable.'

What is the greatest benefit of telehomecare for the chronically ill patient?

Allows for ongoing monitoring

The foremost goal of 'meaningful use' is to use information from EHRs to do which of the following?

Improve quality of care

How can cognitive theory help the informatics nurse in designing decision-making tools?

Improves understanding of how nurses process information when making decisions

Research supports which benefits of using remote monitoring for chronically ill patients? Select all that apply.

Reduced emergency room visits, Reduced costs, Reduced hospital readmission rates

Research supports which of the following benefits of using remote monitoring for chronically ill patients? (Select all that apply.)

Reduced emergency room visits, Reduced costs, Reduced hospital readmission rates, Improved health care

The use of devices and sensors to collect and automatically transmit health information (e.g., vital signs) without voice interaction between the patient and health provider is known as what?

Remote monitoring

The standards and requirements that telenursing is held to can be described as which of the following?

Rigorous and specific

During which year did eligible providers (EPs) who are meaningful users officially begin to receive EHR incentive payments?


who defined telenursing as 'telecommunications technology in nursing to enhance patient care'?

International Council of Nurses (ICN)

A nurse communicating directly with a patient via videoconference to provide support and guidance falls under what type of telehealth?

Real time telehealth

Which of the following has been a persistent challenge in telehealth?

Reimbursement processes

In which of the following areas has telehealth made one of the greatest impacts?

Rural communities

What has been the focus of telehealth regarding the delivery of psychiatric care?

Service to areas where access has been historically difficult

Using certified electronic health records (CEHRT) to improve health outcomes is the focus of which stage of the meaningful use criteria of the HITECH Act?

Stage 3

Which stages of change are associated with Lewin's field theory? (Select all that apply.)

Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing

Which of the following is the most secure method of user authentication?

Using biometrics such as fingerprints or voice recognition

Which one of these questions is not something an organizational leader should consider when implementing telehealth?

What safety precautions can be streamlined for simplicity

What patient benefit has telehealth provided for rural hospitals that has allowed those hospitals to enhance their ability to provide trauma care? (Select all that apply.)

A decrease in the length of stay at the initial hospital, A decrease in transfer time to trauma centers, A decrease in the cost of care

Which of these is not one of the stages in Lewin's Field theory?


Which of the following are key advantages of electronic health records? (Select all that apply.)

Accessibility, Efficiency, Quality of care

Which functionality should be used to help preserve confidentiality when a nurse steps away from their computer for a break or an emergency?

Automatic logout

What is the fundamental benefit of telehomecare for the patient? (Select all that apply.)

Care is provided in the patient's home, Quality of life is improved, Avoidance of time-consuming office appointments, Decreased costly office visits

Which of the following theories or disciplines is related to nursing informatics?

Cognitive science theory

Implementing a telehealth program can be described in which of the following ways?

Complex and expensive, but worthy of investment

What are some noted challenges that accompanied the rollout of meaningful use criteria? (Select all that apply.)

Complexities of coding systems, Lack of implementation strategy, Increased costs

Stage 1 of the meaningful use criteria in the HITECH Act focuses on which of the following objectives?

Data capture and sharing

What nursing services are available through telehealth? (Select all that apply.)

Electronic referrals with nurse practitioners, Minor injury consulting, Home telenursing, Connects to call centers

Which of the following aspects define meaningful use of electronic health records? (Select all that apply.)

Maintain privacy and security of patient health information, Engage patients and family, Improve care coordination, and population and public health, Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities

What term is used to identify requirements associated with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) that are designed to improve the delivery of health care?

Meaningful use

What is the primary source of educational preparation for the telenurse?

On-the-job training

What has research demonstrated concerning patient care outcomes related to telehealth services?

Outcomes have been significant and positive.

The P in HIPAA stands for:


Which of the following are examples of current and emerging telehealth technologies? (Select all that apply.)

Portable monitoring devices, Wellness apps, Smart wearables, Robotics

What is a key benefit to a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)?

Stores diagnostic images and scans including from ultrasounds, MRIs, CTs and more

Research among nurses currently working as telenurses suggests what change should be made to nursing education curriculum?

Telehealth should be in included in basic nursing studies.

Which services are made possible through telehealth? (Select all that apply.)

Text messaging, Telemonitoring, Teleconferencing, Electronic consultation (E-Consult)

When considering health information technology (HIT), what does the term interoperability mean?

Two or more health-related service providers can access and share information.

Which of the following are examples of EHR subsystems

all of the above

How often must providers and hospitals demonstrate meaningful use?

every year

Which type of funds are distributed through Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments to eligible professionals (EPs) and hospitals who are 'meaningful EHR users'?

federal funds

What are the operational factors that should be considered in the implementation of telehealth services? (Select all that apply.)

infrastructure, Equipment, Facilities, Technical issues, Licensing/credentialing, Reimbursement

On which area of privacy is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) focused?

patient privacy

A home health nurse uses a laptop computer to document her patient assessments. In order to be compliant with HIPAA regulations, what must be in place?

A plan to prevent the loss of the patient data on the laptop.

Which association sets standards for and offers certification in telehealth nursing?

American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing

Who defined telemedicine as 'the electronic exchange of patient information between two sites for improving the patient's health status,' and defined telehealth as 'a broader term extending beyond the delivery of clinical services'?

American Telemedicine Association (ATA)

Which concern is most significant as a nurse determines what information will be asked for and recorded into the medical record during a patient interview?

Are the questions being asked relevant to the patient's care needs?

What is the first line of security when ensuring that only authorized persons can access a particular computer system

The computer system has a password protected login process.

Which situation is an example of how a hospital's interoperable EHR subsystems support nursing care?

The nurse determines that a patient is likely to be discharged after reviewing daily laboratory results.

In addition to telehome care, in which of the following areas has telehealth also had a successful impact?

all of the above teletrauma care disaster healthcare telemental health

Wellness apps and personal wearable devices such as FitBits make use of which of the following technologies?


Which of the following is an emerging technology that can help physicians in a remote location provide basic diagnoses and do smaller and more precise interventions?


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