Information Management Database System Chapter 1 Reviewer

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What is a file system redux?

Includes spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel

What is data integrity management?

Minimizes redundancy and maximizes consistency

What is data storage management?

Performance tuning ensures efficient performance

What is a Data?

Raw facts, such as a telephone number, a birth date, a customer name, and a year-to-date (YTD) sales value. Data has little meaning unless it has been organized in some logical manner.

What is Extensible Markup Language (XML)?

Represents data elements in textual format

What is insertion anomalies?

There are circumstances in which certain facts cannot be recorded at all.

What is the main goal of database?

To reduce data redundancy

What will happen if DBMS did not existed?

Unable to access and manage the data in a database

What is deletion anomalies?

Under certain circumstances, deletion of data representing certain facts necessitates deletion of data representing completely different facts.

What does the term "ubiquitous" means?

abundant, global, and everywhere

How can we verify our data has good quality?

accurate, valid, and timely

Data is considered what?

building blocks of information

What is Business Intelligence?

captures and processes business data to generate information that support decision making

What does a poorly-designed database looks like?

causes difficult-to-trace errors that may lead to poor decision making

What is General-purpose database

contains a wide variety of data used in multiple disciplines

What is Discipline-specific database

contains data focused on specific subject areas

What is cloud database?

created and maintained using cloud data services that provide defined performance measures for the database

What is distributed database?

data distributed across different sites

Why is data considered the most valuable asset?

data likes customers, employees, orders and many more

What is centralized database?

data located at a single site

What is structured Query Language?

de facto query language and data access standard supported by the majority of DBMS vendors

What is Operational database?

designed to support a company's day-to-day operations

What is unstructured data?

exists in its original (raw) state

What does a well-designed database looks like?

facilitates data management and generates accurate and valuable information

What is update anomalies?

he same information can be expressed on multiple rows; therefore updates to the relation may result in logical inconsistencies.

Is there such thing as data redundancy?

if it happens, duplication is present

How is DBMS structured?

is stored as a collection of files. in order to access these data, we need DBMS

What does database design requires?

it must be well-designed

What is Query language?

lets the user specify what must be done without having to specify how

What is a Database Systems?

organization of components that define and regulate the collection, storage, management, and use of data within a database environment

What is semi structured data?

processed to some extent

What is End User Data?

raw facts of interest to the end user

What is structured data?

results from formatting - Structure is applied based on type of processing to be performed

What is Desktop database?

single-user database on a personal computer

What is Data warehouse

stores data in a format optimized for decision support

What is dictionary management?

stores definitions of data elements and their relationships

What is Analytical database?

stores historical data and business metrics used exclusively for tactical or strategic decision making

What is Workgroup database?

supports a small number of users or a specific department

What is enterprise database?

supports many users across many departments

What is multi user database?

supports multiple users at the same time

What is single user database?

supports one user at a time

What is the use of information in data?

to reveal its meaning

What is online analytical processing (OLAP)?

tools for retrieving, processing, and modeling data from the data warehouse

What does the term "pervasive" means?

unescapable, prevalent, and persistent

What are the 5 types of database system?

• Hardware • Software • People • Procedures • Data

What are the problems with file system data processing?

• Lengthy development times • Difficulty of getting quick answers • Complex system administration • Lack of security and limited data sharing • Extensive programming

What are the possible results of uncontrollable data redundancy?

• Poor data security • Data inconsistency • Data-entry errors • Data integrity problems

What is Multiuser access control?

• Sophisticated algorithms ensure that multiple users can access the database concurrently without compromising its integrity

What is Structural dependence?

- Access to a file is dependent on its own structure • - All file system programs are modified to conform to a new file structure

What is database?

- An organized collection of related data - data is considered as a input - Shared, integrated computer structure that stores data

What is Data dependence?

- Data access changes when data storage characteristics change

What is Data independence?

- Data storage characteristics are changed without affecting the program's ability to access the data

What is data inconsistency?

- Different versions of the same data appear in different places - Due to data redundancy. ex. If you forget to make corresponding changes in the CUSTOMER file after you change an agent's phone number in the AGENT file.

What are the advantages of DBMS?

- Enables data to be shared - Presents the end user with an integrated view of data - Provides more efficient and effective data management - Improves sharing, security, integration, access, decision-making, productivity, etc.

What is Structural independence?

- File structure is changed without affecting the application's ability to access the data

What are the classification of data type?

- General-purpose database - Discipline-specific database - Operational database

What is the current generation of DBMS software?

- Stores data structures, relationships between structures, and access paths - Defines, stores, and manages all access paths and components

What is term "Anomaly" means?

- abnormalities

What are the classification by location?

- centralized database - distributed database - cloud database

How do you consider a data is RAW?

- consists of raw facts - Not yet processed to reveal meaning to the end user - Building blocks of information

What is Database Management System?

- controls the development, use, and maintenance of the databases used by the organization. - Collection of programs - Manages the database structure - Controls access to data stored in the database


- data about data, through which the end-user data are integrated and managed - describes data characteristics and relationships

What are examples of file systems?

- manual file system - computerized file system - file system redux

What are the types of databases?

- single user database - multi user database

Why do we use database?

- to keep track of customers, suppliers, employees, inventory, orders, sales, etc. - Makes data persistent and shareable in a secure way - Specialized structures that allow computer-based systems to store, manage, and retrieve data very quickly

What are the examples of unstructured data?

- videos and sounds

What is a field?

A character or group of characters (alphabetic or numeric) that has a specific meaning. A field is used to define and store data.

What is a File?

A collection of related records. For example, a file might contain data about the students currently enrolled at Gigantic University

What is a record?

A logically connected set of one or more fields that describes a person, place, or thing. For example, the fields that constitute a record for a customer might consist of the customer's name, address, phone number, date of birth, credit limit, and unpaid balance.

What is database communication interfaces?

Accept end-user requests via multiple, different network environments

What is a manual file system?

Accomplished through a system of file folders and filing cabinets

What is Data transformation and presentation?

Data is formatted to conform to logical expectations

What is Data Massaging?

Data manipulation

What is a computerized file system?

Data processing (DP) specialist created a computer-based system to track data and produce required reports

What is Backup and recovery management?

Enables recovery of the database after a failure

What is security management?

Enforces user security and data privacy

Where do we encounter database?

Example are e-commerce, online streaming platform, and etc.

Why Database design is important?

Focuses on design of database structure that will be used to store and manage end-user data

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