Inquisitive sociology Exam 4 questions

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Example of Charter School

A group of teachers and parents petition the state government to give them the autonomy to open a new elementary school that focuses on bilingual education and the arts. The new school will be this type of school.

Symbolic Interactionism

Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson's Pygmalion in the Classroom


Shia, Protestantism

Structural Functionalism

Social institutions such as politics, provide critical functions education, provide critical functions for the and religion provide critical functions for the needs of society and help maintain order and unity

Fill in the Blanks

Sociologist C. Wright Mills was one of the first to propose a theory of the power elite. This conflict theory perspective suggests that a relatively small group of people in the top ranks of economic, political, and military institutions make many of the important decisions in American society. Since the introduction of this theory into the literature, G. William Domhoff has studied this phenomenon extensively


The Amish, Mennonites

There are two types of monarchies: absolute and constitutional


Which term is used to represent the most conservative group within any religion


An elementary school student notices that exhibiting good behavior and following the instructions of the teacher can go a long way to earning him decent grades in school. This example highlights what sociological term about the education system?

hidden curriculum

Identify the results of the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee case

un-unlimited spending on campaigns by corporations, unions, and other noncampaign entities -over $1 billion spent in support of candidates in the 2016 presidential election -the creation of Super PACS (political action committees) -[NOT CASE RESULT] unlimited spending on campaigns by political parties

Structural functionalism

Randall Collin's The Credential Society

Label the pie chart to accurately represent the religious composition of the United States (Largest to smallest)

(Going Left) Protestant, Unaffiliated, Other faiths, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Other Christian, Mormon, Hindu, Catholic

Identify the true statements about social media and politics

-A filter bubble is created by search engine algorithms that deliver customized findings based on a user's online history and social media circles

Identify the true statements about the relationship between media and politics

-As much as the power of the media has transformed politics, the reverse is also true. -The 2016 presidential election year started with most Americans-about three-quarters of both Republicans and Democrats alike-believing in the media's role as a "watchdog" for political leaders.

Identify the false statements about the relationship between media and politics.

-By the end of 2018, 38 percent of Democrats, compared to just 82 percent of Republican's, supported the idea of the media as political watchdog. -The media have been referred to as the "Third Estate"

Identify the false statements about the relationship between media and politics

-By the end of 2018, 38 percent of Democrats, compared to just 82 percent of Republicans, supported the idea of the media as a political watchdog -The media have been referred to as the "Third Estate"

Identify the true statements about charter schools

-Charter Schools face many challenges -Charter schools are public schools run by private entities, which operate relative freedom from many of the bureaucratic regulations that apply to traditional public schools

Identify the true statements about the connections between spirituality and college

-Civic engagement has a positive effect on spirituality -the qualities of spirituality have a positive effect on academic performance -researchers from UCLA developed five qualities of spirituality

Identify the true statements about the value of a college degree

-If a student finishes a bachelor's degree in four years at an affordable college, it will take the student nine years after graduation to break even -Selection of major is one of the most important variables in understanding whether a college degree is worth it

Identify the true statements about the relationship between media and politics

-In 2016 presidential election year started with most Americans- about three-quarters of both Republicans and Democrats alike-believing in the media's role as a "watchdog" for political leaders -As much as the power of the media has transformed politics, the reverse is also true

Identify the false statements about social media and politics

-In the 2016 presidential election, all three major-party candidates (Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump) used Facebook and Twitter extensively in their campaigns, but Sanders stood out in the ways that he utilized these social media platforms -Formenting distrust of reliable mainstream news outlets imperils their function as a check and balance on power that the framers of the Constitution had in mind -Echo chambers refer to how fraudulent news stories can spread quickly online

Identify the false statements about religious trends

-More people are turning away from fundamentalism -More people are turning toward organized religion

Identify the true statements about religious trends

-More than a third of the U.S. Catholic population is Hispanic -The white Christian population is shrinking

Which of the following are functions of religion, according to structural functionalists

-Religion provides the opportunity to come together with others -Religion provides morals, values, rules, and norms for its participants -Religion gives meaning to our lives

identify the false statements about charter schools

-School vouchers allow parents in neighborhoods where the public schools are inadequate to send their children to the charter school of their choice

Identify the false statements about the value of a college degree

-The average lifetime earnings for someone with a bachelor's degree is approximately $3 million -Randall Collins argued the college will always be a good investment

Identify the false statements about authoritarianism

-generally, political power is concentrated in the hands of a few elites who control only economic resources

Which of the following are not functions of religion, according to structural functionalists

-religion promotes inequality between media and women

Identify the false statements about the connections between spirituality and college

-spirituality declines among college students

Identify the true statements about authoritarianism

-under authoritarianism, citizens have no say in who rules them, what laws are made, or how those laws are enforced -dictators may gain control through a military coup or by being legally elected or appointment -two types of authoritarianism are dictatorship and totalitarianism

Place each education event in order, from earliest to most recent

1) A nation at Risk report is released 2) School vouchers were first proposed 3) The Common Core State Standards are developed 4) President Obama announced a federal initiative to make community college tuition-free

Place each religious-based terrorist event in order from earliest to most recent

1) An American-born Israeli physician opened fire in the Ibrahim Mosque in the Cave of the Patriarchs 2) The Tokyo subway was attacked using sarin nerve gas 3) At an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, 22 people were killed and 115 were injured

Place each political protest in order, from earliest to most recent

1) Protest against the Iraq War 2) The beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement 3) Women's March on Washington 4) March for Our Lives

Place each event related to American democracy in order from first to last

1) The fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution technically gave all adult males of all races voting rights 2) Women earned the right to vote in the United States 3) Native Americans were legally given the right to vote in federal elections 4) Residents of the District of Columbia (DC) were given the right to vote in presidential elections 5) The Voting Rights Act officially removed all barriers and allowed African Americans to vote

In which year did the media play a huge role in the presidential election by broadcasting it live for the first time on television


What percentage of the U.S. population could be called evangelicals?


What percentage of all college students took at least one class online in 2016?


What percentage of all students enrolled in college in the United States are enrolled in two year community college?


By the end of 2018, what percentage of Republicans as compared to Democrats supported the media's role as "watchdog" for political leaders


The majority of K-12 students in the United States attend private school.



Heaven's Gate, The Branch Davidians

Fill in the Blanks

In 2015, President Obama launched the American College Promise program, a federal initiative to make community college attendance free for many students. Inspired by the success of Tennessee and Chicago's tuition-free community college programs, the initiative was aimed at helping millions of students by increasing community college accessibility (Parsons 2015). A new bill, America's College Promise Act, was introduced in the United States Senate in 2018. In the meantime, sixteen states have initiated their own college promise programs, and dozens of others have been started at local or regional levels (Mishory 2018).

Example of Private School

Jamal's parents obtain a school voucher from the government because his neighborhood school has been consistently labeled "failing" by the state government. Jamal will now be able to attend this type of school.

Example of Unschooling

Jennifer's parents allow her to choose her own curriculum freely at home that allows her to direct her exploration of subject matter.

Conflict Theory

Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities

What does the textbook suggest is associated with helping incumbents win reelection at staggeringly high rates?


The word "politics" comes from which Greek word?


symbolic interactionism

social institutions such as politics, education, and religion are created through individual participation; they give meaning to and are part of the everyday experience of members.

conflict theory

social institutions such as politics, education, and religion represent the interests of those in power and thus create and maintain inequalities in society

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