InQuizitive: Chapter 11. Health and Society

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One health consequence of the trend toward____was the increase in doctors' prescribing_____or conditions such as lower back injuries. Studies have found that prescribing physical therapy right away could have reduced the pharmaceutical prescription rate by____percent, thus reducing the scale of the drug epidemic we face today

1. medicalization 2. opioids 3. 89

According to research by Anne Case and Angus Deaton, there has been a__in the mortality rate among middle-aged white Americans since__This is due to both rates of___and___,the latter of which began to be prescribed in greater numbers beginning in___when Purdue Pharma began pushing their product on doctors.

1. rise 2. the late 1990s 3. suicide 4. opioid overdoses 5. the early 1990s

Match each cause of death to the correct percentage in the pie chart of children's deaths worldwide.

44% = neonatal 15% = respiratory 2% = measles.

Identify the actions of health care providers, patients, and other agencies that contribute to the increase of antimicrobial resistance in infectious diseases.

Action(s) prescribing antibiotics to patients who do not need them adding antibiotics to animal feed patients not completing prescribed courses of treatment

The "Housing First" movement believes that homeless people should receive housing first, without addressing addictions or mental health issues. Identify the arguments sociologists use when defending the implementation of programs such as this one.

Argument(s) Nonmedical interventions typically improve health more than does medical care. "Spend now/save later" approaches typically save taxpayer money in the long term. Seeking medical treatment and support for addiction is very difficult without a place to live.

Identify the changes in the health field that have enabled patients to advocate for themselves to doctors.

Change(s) Medications are advertised directly to consumers. Information about health is widely available online.

Identify each scenario as either clinical depression or normal sadness, according to Allan Horwitz and Jerome Wakefield (2007).

Clinical Depression someone who has had frequent, specific suicidal thoughts and impulses for the past week

Identify the consequences of the diagnostic model of psychiatry.

Consequence(s) Less focus is placed on the contextual factors that contribute to mental illness. There has been an increase in the use of medication to treat mental disorders.

Paul Farmer has gained attention for his work on behalf of the world's poor, as described in Tracy Kidder's book Mountains beyond Mountains. Of the many hats Farmer wears, identify his main professions.

Correct Answer(s) a physician a social scientist

Identify the correct findings of the Whitehall study.

Correct Finding(s) Men with lower occupational statuses had higher rates of morbidity. Men with lower occupational statuses were more likely to engage in high-risk activities (e.g., smoking). Men with lower occupational statuses had higher mortality rates.

Identify the correct statements about the interplay between genetic codes and social and behavioral contexts.

Correct Statement(s) Social and environmental factors can increase the risk that one will experience health problems that are otherwise attributable to genetic factors. Certain conditions linked to genetics can also be triggered by the environmental factors one's parents are exposed to.

Identify the correct statements about gender differences in the population, assuming there is no interference from reproductive technology, social programs, or violent conflicts.

Correct Statement(s) Women have longer life expectancies than men. At older ages, there are more women in the population than men. A higher proportion of newborn babies are male than are female.

In this interview with Dalton Conley, economist Jeffrey Sachs talks about progress made in the developing world against famine and infectious diseases. To what does Sachs attribute India's success in fighting famine, in what has been called the Green Revolution?

Correct choicepublic and private assistance from the United States and other nations

Match each model of insurance to the correct descriptions.

Doctors receive a set amount of money for each patient visit.= fee-for-service This model of insurance can incentivize more health-care procedures.= fee-for-service This model of insurance incentivizes doctors to keep patients healthy.=: HMO Doctors receive a set amount of money for each patient they treat throughout the year.= HMO

What is the difference between dynamic psychiatry and diagnostic psychiatry?

Dynamic psychiatry focuses on psychological causes, while diagnostic psychiatry focuses on symptoms.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has undergone many revisions since the publication of the first edition in 1952.Place the events in the evolution of the DSM's contents in chronological order.

Homosexuality is listed as a psychiatric disorder. Homosexuality is removed from the list of disorders. The DSM shifts from a psychological model of diagnosis to a medical one. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is added to the list of disorders.

What is the origin of the word homeopathic?

It comes from Greek words meaning "same" and "poison."

Identify the reasons why bottled water is superior to tap water in the United States.

Reason(s) Bottled water is not superior to US tap water.

Identify the reasons why doctors wield power in today's health care system.

Reason(s) Doctors decide what counts as a medical disorder. The number of medical schools in the country is strictly regulated. Doctors offer a highly valued service.

Identify the reasons why married people tend to live longer than single people.

Reason(s) Married people tend to have more nutritious diets than singles. Healthy people have an easier time getting out and meeting potential spouses.

Identify the reasons why the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did not provide Americans with the universal health-care coverage it intended to offer.

Reason(s) Several states rejected the Medicaid expansion component of the bill. Many individuals opted out of the program.

Identify the rights and obligations of a sick person, according to Talcott Parsons's theory of the "sick role." Labels can be used more than once, and not all items will have a match.

Right-not to be held accountable for his or her condition Right-to ignore at least some functions of a normal social role Obligation-to try to get well Obligation-to seek and comply with competent medical advice

How did social psychologist Sherman James use the legend of John Henry to propose an explanation for the high incidence of hypertension (high blood pressure) among black Americans at all socioeconomic levels?

The elevated blood pressure is caused by the stress of constantly dealing with unfair treatment.

What does it mean to say that illness is "socially constructed"?

The identification of a condition or activity as symptomatic of an illness varies by culture.

The Hmong people are an ethnic group native to the mountainous regions of mainland Southeast Asia. What is traditional Hmong understanding of epileptic seizures?

The soul briefly leaves the body and visits the spirit world.

The social determinants theory about why health and socioeconomic status (SES) are correlated comes in three versions. Match each version to the correct description.

This interpretation emphasizes the consequences of people's SES for their ability to marshal a wide range of resources, including the latest information, to remain in good health. = the fundamental causes interpretation This interpretation emphasizes the consequences of low income for things like access to a safe, clean living environment and to high-quality medical care. = the materialist interpretation This interpretation emphasizes the consequences of low SES for one's stress level and mental health. = the psychosocial interpretation

Availability and affordability of medical care are major predictors of life expectancy and quality of life.


Which of the following is the leading killer worldwide?

waterborne illness

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