Install Windows Server in Host & Compute Environments

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How do we create a nano server?

First we need to import the nano server powershell bits into the session by running: o Import-Module D:\NanoServerImageGenerator -Verbose We're passing in the Verbose lag so we can actually see the output and what the commandlet will do. We're going to be using the new nano server image generator to create a brand new one. You can also edit an existing image, or VHD. And then this will just give us a list of all those packages that we saw in that package directory. Then we can create a basic nano server vhd by running: (Break down the compnents of this command) 2:30 o When running the command, select the sript the hit run. This we create the Nano Server and place it in the file explorer. Now we can create a VM machine and start it up and start exploring nano server o Let's go over all these parameters. Starting with media path here, we need to point this commandlet to where the installation media resides. o And we can just point it right at our DVD drive. It'll find the nano server directory on there, and then pull the packages and that base nano server image locally. The base path is where it's going to plant it. So we are currently in our Nugget Lab directory, so it's going to create a directory in there called base. o And that's where it will plant everything it needs to generate these images. Next up we have target path. This is going to be the output from this commandlet. Are we going to create an image, or are we going to create a virtual hard disk. If this is going to be an image, which we could use for mass deploying nano servers, then we can do a .wim, dot Windows image. o Next up we have our deployment type. Is this going to be a host, a physical machine, or a guest, a virtual machine? o o We're going to create this as a virtual machine. We can also specify our target addition here, which is either going to be standard or data center. We're going to use data center. We can specify our machine name ahead of time. So we're going to call this Nano One-Nug. o And finally, we're also going to supply the administrative password here. So we'll supply that password by using a convert to secure strings. So we can just convert this plain text screen here-- string here to a secure stream. That's what this parameter requires. o head down to File Explorer. And inside of the Nugget Lab directory, there is our brand new nano server VHDX. Here is also that base directory, inside of here again contains the packages that I copied over from the installation media, as well as that base nano server image, and the logs directory. And there's the directory that was just generated from our commandlet

How do you create a Nano Server?

You create a Nano Server by running powershell scripts

1. What is DSC? When would you use DSC? How does it work?

. Desire State Configuration is an extension to PowerShell that gives us a way to completely automate and standardize the configuration of our servers. Essentially, its a fancy PowerShell script. It's code as configuration. b. We declaratively define what the state of these machines look like. So we want IIS installed, we want these settings in IIS, we want this service running with a startup type of automatic. We went this registry setting. So we define all of that in this one script, and then we push it out to those machines. If anybody were to stop that service or uninstall IIS, DSC would just put it back in that initial state. It allows us to separate configuration from implementation. We don't need to get on to these machines to perform a one-time configuration or even send a PowerShell script over them. We've defined them all in one centralized location, which also gives us the benefit of standardization and prevents configuration drift. c. Maybe we need to add more things into it, modify things. Again, when that gets applied, it's not going to reapply the entire configuration, just those things that aren't in the desired state. So the bottom line is that DSC gives us the power to manage our infrastructure at scale

What are the two MAK modes?

1. One is MAK independent mode. This is where we add that key to each individual machine. These machines will require internet access, as they will have to communicate with Microsoft's Host Activation Service just once. This is a one time thing. They'll activate. That will subtract that activation from your total pool of activations associated with that key, and they're done. And by the way, you can simplify this process by baking that key into the image or images you use for mass deployment. If you ever get low on activations, you can contact your Microsoft Activation Center to increase that limit. 2. Our second mode is known as MAK proxy activation. This is where we have a single server perform activation for all the machines in our network. And this will require VAMT. That's the Volume Activation Management Tools. But this is useful in those environments where maybe we have machines that aren't connected to the internet. Or if you just want to centrally manage and monitor these activations, this machine will be the only one communicating with Microsoft's Hosted Activation Services.

What are the requirements for KMS?

1. The first one is known as the Activation Threshold, which is 25 clients or five servers. So once these thresholds are met is when it will activate those machines. And it will actually keep track of unique connection requests to it for the last 30 days up to 50. So this is why it's recommended that we have a network of at least 50 for KMS. It's also important to note that activations are valid for 180 days. That's known as the activation validity period. So our clients will need to activate at least twice a year. And they will attempt to renew their activation every seven days. It's also worth mentioning that KMS clients use what's known as a GVLK. That's a Generic Volume License Key. These are published by Microsoft and publicly available. And that's also what you'll use if you want to convert a MAK client or a retail client to a KMS client. You'll just pop a GVLK onto that machine.

How many images are in a WIM? What are the different images

4 server core, both data center and standard and the desktop experience, data center and standard

What is the minimum RAM requirements for these three machines?

512 megabytes is the minimum for Server Core Two gigabytes is the minimum for the Desktop Experience, or the full GUI

In Nano Server, How do you change the DHCP settings?

After logging into the panel, select networking. Select Ethernet, then select F11 to see the IPv4 Setting then press enter to disable the auto DHCP configuration. Then input your static information

What is AVMA?

Automatic Virtual Machine Activation. This is great for our virtual machines running on a properly activated Hyper-V host. All we need to do is install an AVMA key, which, again, Microsoft publishes.And those virtual machines will be activated and stay activated, even if we migrate them to another Hyper-V host. This does require that our Hyper-V host is running Server Data Center Edition. And this can be either Server 2012 R2 Data Center or Server 2016 Data Center. Our virtual machines, however, can be Data Center, Standard, or Essentials Edition

Why does Hyper-V support Linux and FreeBSD right out the gate?

Because Linux integration services and BSD integration services are baked right into the kernel for later releases

Why can't you join the web server automatically ta the DC?

Because it is not pointed to the DNS Server/ it cant see the DNS server

How do you configure the Firewall in Server Manager?

Click on the Windows Firewall link on Local Server and it will open the firewall applet. From here we can turn it on or off.

What are the 6 flavors of Windows Server 2016? Which two are the most popular?

Data Center, Standard, Essentials, MultiPoint Premium Server, Storage Server, Hyper V Server Data Center and Standard are the two most popular

Explain the difference between Data Center edition and Standard edition

Datacenter gave you unlimited VMs Standard gave you access to two VMs. And so you would need to stack Standard licenses on a single server if you needed more than two VMs.

What are two big changes between with the DataCenter edition?

Datacenter supports an advanced features set. So you're going to take this into your decision making process if you need some of those advanced features-- things like Storage Spaces Direct, Storage Replica, shielded virtual machines, and software-defined networking. The other big change is our licensing model. Microsoft has moved away from processor-based licensing, in favor of core-based licensing.

Which parameter on the New-NanoServerImage PowerShell cmdlet determines whether a Nano Server deployment is targeting a physical or virtual machine?


What are the three types of Server 2016 installations?

Desktop Experience, Server Core, Nano Server

What are the benefits to virtualization?

Disaster recovery, high availability, scalability, portability, manageability are all much easier in a virtual environment than they are in a physical environment.

How do OEM keys work?

Equipment manufacturers acquire OEM keys. They burn it into the operating system. And it's associated with the hardware of the machines that they sell. Now neither of those, especially the retail key, were meant for business environments. Imagine having to walk around to all the machines in your network and manually enter in a product key and manually activate a machine?

Explain the difference between the Essentials edition and MultiPoint Premium Server edition.

Essentials edition is meant for those single server shops-- small businesses-- supports up to 25 users and 50 devices, and comes with one OSE, either physical or virtual. MultiPoint Premium Server is available through academic licensing only, is really meant for classroom environments, and allows multiple users to share a single machine.

After doing an offline domain join, how do you install packages and features on a nano server ?

First you need to enter a remote session. Enter-PSSession -ComputerName Install the nano server package provider: Install-PackageProvider NanoServerPackage Now you need to import the nano server package provider: Import-PackageProvider Nano Server Package

To perform an offline domain join on the destination machine, what needs to happen? How do you complete the process?

First you need to enter the existing remote session, then run the offline domain join command o Djoin.exe /requestodj /loadfile c:\nuggetlab.blob/windowspath c:\windows /localos You complete the process by restarting the computer

How do you give a Static IP address in the Desktop Experience versus Server Core?

For the GUI, In Server Manager, select Local Server on the left hand side and Choose the Ethernet Link. Its assigned an an APIPA by default. Right click on the NIC and select properties, we can. We can then assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. We can also set up the DNS server here as well. To verify, head to the command prompt and run ipconfig In Server Core, In powerShell, run the commands: ♣ New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex 2 -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway o Be mindful that you still will not be able to ping or visit a website because the DNS server isn't set up

What are three things you should do after Installing Windows Server 2016?

Give a Static IP address, Name the Machine, and Configure the Firewall

Explain the Desktop Experience

Has the full GUI, It's big. It's heavy. It's resource-intensive. And it has a larger text surface. But it's what we're comfortable with.

How do you add roles and feautres in the GUI for a remote machine

Hit the manage tab, select roles and features, hit next a couple times then be sure to check the machine you want to install roles and services on.

Does Hyper-V support Linux and FreeBSD right out the gate?

Hyper-V supports Linux and FreeBSD guests right out of the box. We don't need to do anything because Hyper-V can emulate those drivers natively

How do you install Server Manager on an enterpise client machine?

If we head up here to Programs and Features, right-click on the Start button, go to Programs and Features, and choose turn Windows Features On or Off, you should see an entry in here for Remote Server Administration Tools.. So this is why we have access to Server Manager, and then all of those client-side tools to manage any role and feature that we install on any machine across our enterprise.

How do you change the name of a machine in the Full Desktop Experience Vs Server Core?

In the GUI, go to Select the Computer Name link, select change, and you can now change the name of the computer. Restart the computer and head back to the Server Manager to see the new name In Server Core, go to powershell and run the command: o Nename-Computer -NewName CORE-NUG -Restart

What PowerShell cmdlets can be used to install packages onto a Nano Server machine? (Choose two)

Install-Packag Install-PackageProvider

What is KMS? How does it work?

Key Management Service is designed for larger networks of 50 machines or more. This uses the client-server based model. The first thing we do is spin up a KMS host. And we do that by installing the Volume Activation Services Server onto this machine, which, again, gives us access to the Volume Activation Management Tools. And your initial configuration task will be installing your CSVLK. That is the Customer Specific Volume License Key onto your host. And by the way, you do not need a dedicated machine to be your KMS host. Volume Activation Services is very light. So it can be co-hosted with other server roles. And a lot of companies use at least two KMS hosts for high availability. Now there's nothing you need to do for your servers and workstations that require a key and activation. This all works through DNS. In fact, when you bring up your host here, it's going to create a Service Locator Record for KMS in DNS. So these will use DNS to discover the host and then communicate with the host to activate. Configure the firewall on your KMS hosts to allow TCP traffic through port 1688 VNow our KMS host is the authoritative source for activation. So it will be the one that is activating all the clients on our network.

What are the 4 activation models

MAK, KMS, Active Directoy Based, AVMA

What is MAK? What is designed for? How does it work?

Multiple Activation Keys. This is really designed for smaller networks. The general consensus is less than 50 machines. What you'll do is enter into a volume licensing agreement with Microsoft. You can do this through the Microsoft Activation Center or through other volume licensing channels. And you will purchase a pre-determined number of activations associated with this one key. Now, there's two ways in which we can activate our machines using a MAK.

What is thee application actually provides a graphical tools for creating nano servers? Why is it useful

Nano Server Image Builder, which is very useful, especially if you wanna learn about the switches and parameters.

What is Nano Server? How long does it take to provision a Nano Server?

Nano Server, an extremely lightweight, headless, and remotely managed version of Windows. With it comes a whole new way of thinking about operating systems. Nano Server is so small and so fast it takes less than 30 seconds to provision and deploy a machine.

Whats the differences between New-PSSession and Enter-PSSession?

New-PSSession allows you to re-use session whenever you need to.

What are the three profiles for a firewall?

Public, Private, Domain

How do you add a machine to the list of trusted machines on the local machines for WinRM?

Run the command: o Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\client\TrustedHosts ""

What is a server role? What are the most common server roles? What is a role service? What are features?

Server roles are primary functions of a machine, like a web server, or a DHCP server, or a DNS server. Role services are the components that make up a server role. features are really just there to augment a server, or to support an existing server role.

What is the command to configure the DNS settings in PowerShell?

Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 2 -ServerAddresses ("", "")

What is DISM? How do we use it?

That's the deployment image servicing and management utility. We use this directly against our WIMS or we can also use it against our virtual hard drives, VHDs and VHDXs.

What is MAP?

The Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit is really nice. It can scan our entire infrastructure for us to help us understand the workloads and the kind of hosts that we need to support all of the workloads in our environment.

Whats the difference between Invoke-Command and Enter-PSSession? Give an example of a Invoke-Command and what it will do

The big difference between Invoke Command and Enter-PSSession is that Enter-PSSession physically gets us onto a remote session. We're on that machine entering PowerShell commands. Invoke-command just simply sends the command over to that machine. So we're not going to be on a remote session, just going to send it over and give us the results. • Invoke-Command -ComputerName Web-Nug -ScriptBlock { Get-Service W3SVC, WMSVC } this will send the command over to install a web feature without having to remote in.

What happens during the migration process?

The first thing you need to understand here is you have a source and a destination server. Your source is going to be your down-level server. Your destination is going to be your brand new server. Our first step in the process is to install the Windows Server Migration Tools onto our destination server. That's going to give us access to our smigdeploy command utility, as well as all the PowerShell commandlets that we're going to be using for importing and exporting the data. The first order of business, then, after we get those tools installed is to run smigdeploy on our destination to generate the distribution package for whatever down-level server we're targeting. So we're going to say, OK, smigdeploy, I am targeting a Server 2012 R2 system that's 64-bit. It's going to say, OK, here's your package. We're going to take that package, and we're going to move it over to our source machine and run it. That's going to register the tools and give us access to the PowerShell commandlets over on this side. Then we're going to use the smig commandlets to export our settings. In our case, we're going to export the DHCP role. That's going to export all the settings and everything that we need and generate yet another package known as the migration store, just a file containing all the settings. We're then going to push that file back to our destination machine and then run an import of those settings. And the cool thing is we're not going to install the GCP role onto this machine because the smig commandlets will do that for us. It'll install the role, import all of our data, turn it on, and then we'll be good to go. Now Microsoft did a pretty good job of trying to standardize how migration works across all of their server roles, and understanding these tools and this process will get you a good chunk of that way. But just know that every server role is different, and that's why Microsoft does provide migration guides for all of the popular server roles out there.

Why would we get an error when beginning a remote session in Nano Server?

The networking layer could be improperly configured. Remote management could be disabled. There might not be a trusted relationship between the domain controller and the machine over in the workgroup

What tool do we use to create a base image?

The primary tool that we have been using for years in Windows to manage, maintain, and service our images is the old command line utility, known as DISM.

What is the smigdeploy utility used for?

The smigdeploy utility is used to generate a distribution package on a destination machine and used to register migration tools on the source machine.

Explain Server Core

The user Interface is simply the command prompt. PowerShell is very useful here. But most times we will be managing server core remotely. A lot of the configurations will be done through sconfig, which is the Server Core version of Server Manager. We can make IP Configurations through sconfig as well

What is reference machine

This is a machine that we manually configure, right. We install an operating system, add roles and features, custom applications, configure the environment according to our company standards, and anything else and then, we capture that image and that's our starting point.

How do you add roles and features in Server Manager?

To add roles and feautes, selevt the Manage tab and hit Add Roles and Feautres In this pane, you will select the installation type, choose the machine we want to target, and then select the Server Roles. The server role will determine the machine's purpose.

Trusted Hosts enable remote management of machines in a workgroup, or in a separate domain, that have no trust relationship. True or false?


What does Trusted Hosts do?

Trusted Hosts enable remote management of machines in a workgroup, or in a separate domain, that have no trust relationship.

Which is easier to migrate, a physical or virtual machine? What will this impact?

Virtual and this will impact what edition we chose

What command do you run to get into a virtual machine vs

Virtual machine: Enter-PSSession -VMName

How do you remotely manage Server Core?

We must first add to the Server Core remote server to the DC then we must go into the DC and add the Server Core there. No we can manage it remotely through powershell or through server manager.

What are the two ways you can connect a machine to a DC in Server Core? What are the command prompts to do so? What are some things to keep in mind?

We must point the DNS server to the DC by changing the DNS server settings. i. Change the DNS settings by using the Set-DNSClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias- Ethernet ServerAddress ("x.x.x.x", "x.x.x.x" script. 1. The first address is you primary which should be the DC controller and the second is the secondary which should be google so you can route externally. ii. You can also do this by entering sconfig and checking the settings through here

How do we configure settings in a Nano Server?

We will configure all the settings via the DC Powershell ISE.

What scenarios does the MAP (Microsoft Assessment and Planning) toolkit support?

Which of the following scenarios does the MAP (Microsoft Assessment and Planning) toolkit support? (Choose three) • Server Virtualization • Desktop Virtualization • Usage Tracking

What tools do we use to configure an image and send it across the network?

Windows deployment services and system center configuration manager, to take an image and send it across the network to those machines that require an operating system

How do you verify a machine after running an online domain join cmdlet?

You can actually verify this by getting right into Active Directory Users and Computers.

What port do you configure the firewall on your KMS Hosts to allow TCP traffic

You configure the firewall on your KMS Hosts to allow TCP traffic through port 1688

Explain Server Core

a much smaller tech surface-- lightweight, but it's command line only. Although we can still manage it remotely with our graphical user interface tools

How do you add the computer in Server Manager after it has been pointed to the DC?

a. Come back to Server Manager on the DC, click the manage drop down, click Find Now under AD and add it to the selected machines.

What command do we run to get into a remote server using PowerShell? What is another way to get into PowerShell

a. Enter -PSSession -ComputerName (Name) b. Or we can go to All servers in server manager, right click on the designated machine and select Windows PowerShell

How do you install the Volume Activation Services server role, and where would you spin up a KMS hostm and how do you utilize Active Directory based Activation?

a. Firs thing we want to do is head to server manager and drop the manage header and select add roles and features b. Click next a couple times until you reach server roles and search for Windows Activation Services, put check there and select add features c. Select next until you reach the review page and install d. Now under tools we should have windows activation tools e. Open it up and select next and select the installation type i. Select KMS and browse the computer name f. Then simple enter then KMS key and then it will be successfully have it installed g. Once installed, youl get launched into the VAMT window, i. Here you will configure settings, manage your keys and even monitor your clients h. For automatic virtual machine activation, Exit out the VAMT and select the Hyper V under tools, right click the first machine and select start, then select Connect. i. Run through all of the normal installation settings j. Once done, supply a password then youll be set to go. k. Since this is an evaluation copy, we cant just licenese this copy. We 're going to have to do license conversion. We're going to convert Evaluation Edition over to Standard Edition, and license it, using an AVMA key all in one shot. Once logged into the panel type in slmgr / ipk <product key>, And that would install the product key. l. And then you'd follow that up with an ATO, which would perform the activation. If you pass in slmgr /? it will pop open Help Dialogs. Be prepared to get bombarded with message boxes. There's five or six of them here. But it's useful to give it a quick read through here. m. If you type in slmgr /dlv, this will pop open a dialog box here and show us what our current licensing information is. We can see this is a time-based evaluation. So this isn't going to do us any good.

1. Once In the remote machine, hwo do you view all the available features and how do you install IIS, configure it for remote management and configure it to start automatically

a. First, i need open up a remote powershell session by running the command: i. Enter-PSSession -ComputerName (Name) a. to view all the available features run the command i. Get-WindowsFeature 1. You can add the -Name parameter to narrow it down 2. We can aslo run a Get-WindowsFeature, pipe all of those results to the Where-Object, and then query the Installed property where it's equal to true. a. Get-Windows | Where-Object Installed eq- True To Install the IIS, run the command: i. Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server, Web Mgmt a. Now we must configure remote management on the local machine, we do this by opening up another powershell window and running the command: i. If we enter the command Install-WindowsFeature web-mgmt-console, this will down load the user interface utility for the IIS ii. It will then be installed and we can check the Server Manager to confirm its there but this doesn't mean we can connect to the server just yet i. We need to run a Install-(WindowsFeature web-mgmt-console) on the local manager 1. We should now See IIS on the left hand side and we also should see IIS manager under the tools a. But this doesn't mean we will be able to do any configurations in the GUI b. We need to configure Remote Management in the registry for IIS. We need to Run the commands i. Run the command Set-ItemProprety -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server" -Name "EnableRemoteManagment" -Value 1 ii. c. To configure the remote management service to start automatically run the command: We do this to have the service automatically run when it is turned on i. Set-Service WMSVC -StartupType Automatic

What is Configuration Drift?

a. This is when a machine does not have or loses its initical conifgurationsdue to users doing different things on it

How do you add a machine the the domain? What happens after you attempt to add it?

a. We need to join the computer to the domain through powershell by using the Add-Computer -DomainName (insert domain name) , Press Enter, and then you will be prompted to enter credentials

What cmd will pop up Active Directory?


What is Active Directory based activation?

i. This is very similar to how KMS works. The big difference though is we install that CSVLK as an activation object in Active Directory. We outfit our member machines here with a GVLK.. And as soon as they are joined to the domain, they are activated. And as long as they maintain communication with the domain controller every now and then, they will stay activated. It's incredibly simple and totally transparent. This is the recommended activation model simply because it doesn't require a KMS host. You can piggyback on top of your existing Active Directory infrastructure. The only requirement here is that it does, on the server side, require Server 2012 and up. Then on the workstation side it will require Windows 8 and up. This is why you'll see both of these activation models used in large environments that support a wide range of operating systems. You'll use KMS for your older OSs, and ADBA here to support your newer operating systems.

Explain Nano Server

is an extremely small, lightweight, and headless version of the OS. You will not log into this to perform any sort of management. We will do all of that remotely with tools, like PowerShell.

What is supported on Nano Server?

o 64- Bit Applications o PowerShell 5.1 Core o PowerShell DSC

What cmd do you run to copy the file/blob and send it to a nano-mug machine?

o Copy-item -Path .\nuggetlab.blob -Destination c:\ -ToSession $nano

What cmdlet do you use to run an offline domain join on the source machine? What did this just do and what needs to happen after that?

o Djoin.exe /provision /domain /machine NANO-NUG /savefile.\nuggetlab.blob This creates a blob on the local machine and what this will do will is provision a new computer in Active Directory for the machine that we will specify.

How do you exit out of a remote session?

o Exit -PSSession

How do you get help with cmdlets in powershel?

o Get-Command

What are the two ways to upgrade and migrate to a Windows Server 2016 machine? Give an example of an in place upgrade

o In-Place Upgrade ♣ This is where we take that existing down-level server, and just simply install Server 2016 over the top of the older operating system, essentially overwriting it. ♣ Let's say that we have an old DHCP server out there, and that DHCP server is currently running for an operating system Server 2012 R2. ♣ What we would do is install Server 2016 right onto that machine. That's going to take the existing Windows directory and rename it to Windows.old. Then it's going to create a new Windows directory and install Server 2016 into there. And then it's going to perform some internal migration between the operating system settings and any roles and features you have on that machine. ♣ o Clean Installation ♣ This is where we stand up a whole new machine with Server 2016 on it, and then we take that down-level machine and migrate everything, all the applications and data, off of it to the new machine.

How do you get the command prompt back if you lose it Server Core on accident?

o Lock the computer doing a cntrl-alt-delete, sign out and sign back in or o Do a ctrl-alt-deltte, hit task manager, run a new task in task manager

What are the arease you can configure using the Nano Server Recovery Console?

o Netowkring o Firewall Rules o WinRM

What script do you run to create and start the VM? Break the script down

o New-VM -Name NANO1-NUG -VHDPath .\NANO1-NUG.vhdx -MemoryStartupBytes 1GB -Generation 2 | Start-VM o To check to on the HyperVM, go to the search bar, type in run, select that, then type virtmgmt.msc

Whats a issue with an in-place upgrade?

o Problems usually pop up well after the upgrade process. o Maybe we had old applications and services on this machine that are no longer compatible with Server 2016. o there's a lot of hidden variables that can pop up, especially with hardware and software compatibility once you do an in-place upgrade. Plus you need to be eligible to do an in-place upgrade, and there's a lot of restrictions that could prevent us from even performing one in the first place.

What are some different commands to configure the firewall in PowerShell?

o To see the state of your firewall in each profile ♣ Get-NetFirewallProfile o To enable the firewall ♣ Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile domain, public, private -Enabled True o To disable the firewall ♣ Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile domain, public, private -Enabled False

How do system admins create the image process?

process by creating what's known as a reference machine

What is a WIM?

think of a WIM file as kind of a container, right. It's a zip file for images.

How do we come up with a base image?

we need to have an install.wim. . We mount our WIMS or VHDs and then, we execute DISM commands to do things like enable or disable Windows features, to add drivers in packages, to add files and data into the image, all kinds of things and when we're done, we unmounted it and save the changes.

What happens after the machine is added through Server Machine?

we'll get its IP address, its manageability, and now we can start managing it here from Server Manager. And what's really cool about this is this left-hand nav knows what roles and features are installed on all the machines that we add in here. So if we wanted to scale this down just to see our domain controllers, we can choose Active Directory Domain Services.

How is DSC idempotent?

when our configuration is applied or reapplied to a machine, it's only going to change what isn't in the desired state. And that makes it very safe and efficient, especially if we need to change our configurations over time.

What is WinRM?

• What is WinRM? o WinRM is what PowerShell Remoting uses to communicate remotely with these machines. So it's important that it turns on. And if anything ever goes wrong with it-- for whatever reason, you can no longer connect to this machine-- using PowerShell Remoting, you can come into the Recovery Console, hit Enter here. And that will prompt you-- are you sure you want to reset it-- and this will reset it back to its default state

Which image file types can you service with DISM?

♣ .wim ♣ .vhd ♣ .vhdx

What shouldn't you virtualize?

♣ Avoid Machines with Extreme Perfromance Requiremtns ♣ Avoid Systems with High Security Requirements ♣ Applications with physical dependencies/ Applications that have specific licensing requirements

Explain the difference between the Essentials edition and MultiPoint Premium Server edition.

♣ Storage Server is a brand new edition here in Server 2012 that is not available to the public. This is an OEM-only solution. And it's really designed for those storage manufacturers to include in their storage appliances, and comes packed with all those great storage features . ♣ Hyper-V Server is a free, standalone headless hypervisor anybody can download and use, and remotely manage.

What are the restricitons with a in-place upgrade?

♣ What are the restricitons with a in-place upgrade? o You cannot perform in-place upgrades between languages or between installation options, right? No going from core to desktop, or desktop to core, or nano server or anything for that matter, either. We can go between editions, but only going up, in other words, from standard to datacenter. You cannot go backwards, say from datacenter to standard. And finally, the only thing we can do between versions is go from Server 2012 or Server 2012 R2 to Server 2016. If you wanted to take an old 2008 server and get it to 2016, going the in-place upgrade route, you would need to perform a double hop. You would need to first perform an in-place upgrade from 2008 to 2012, or R2, and then from there to Server 2016. Sounds like a lot of work, huh? And then you still could potentially run into those hidden variables after the fact. This is why it's highly recommended that we go the clean installation and migration path.

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