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What 2 responsibilities do arteries have?

1) Carry blood from the heart to the cells of the body 2) Establishing the blood pressure within the circulatory system

The three purposes of sebum are:

1) Soften the skin and keep it pliable 2) Form a thin film over the stratum corneum to help it retain moisture 3) Helps kill bacteria via the fatty acids and salts it contains

4 chambers of the heart:

1) left atrium 2) left ventricle 3) right atrium 4) right ventricle

epithelial structure's main functions:

1) protects the organ it covers 2) performs absorption functions* 3) performs secretion functions* * depending on the organ it covers

5 layers of the epidermis (superficial to deep)

1. stratum corneum 2. stratum lucidum 3. stratum granulosum 4. stratum spinosum 5. stratum basale


2-3 triangular flaps made of elastic fibrous connective tissue that can cover the opening of the atrium and ventricle. Attached to the rings of fibrous connective tissue between the atrium and ventricles on both left and right sides.

How many flaps does the right atrioventricular valve have in a dog/cat?

2; normally 3


2nd most common form of modified skin on the foot. Specialized extension of horny epidermal tissue extending over the distal digit.

Apocrine sweat glands

2nd most common gland found in the skin. Located in the dermal layer. inward folds of skin also associated with hair follicles. the duct for the apocrine sweat glands enters the hair follicle just above the opening of the sebaceous glands. apocrine sweat glands make a protein rich fluid that mixes with sebaceous gland's sebum to produce the thin protective layer that covers the stratum corneum scent glands that produce pheromones

stratum spinosum

4th layer of the epidermis consisting of 1-3 layers of living cells. cells have many sides and are cuboidal in shape. aren't actively dividing under normal circumstances, but if the uppermost layers are somehow removed due to trauma or disease, these cells can resume cell division to more rapidly replace the missing cells known as the prickle cell layer.

epidermis may contain up to ________ number of layers


stratum basale

5th and deepest layer of the epidermis. 1 single layer of columnar to cuboidal-shaped cells. cells are actively dividing, giving birth to the cells that are pushed upward to form the upper layers of the epidermis. also known as the basal layer

Cardiovascular system

A closed system involving the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries), and blood that transport oxygen, nutrients, water, and electrolytes to the various cells of the body and carry away carbon dioxide, waste products, and a different mixture of water and electrolytes.

The protective thin layer that covers the stratum corneum which helps retain moisture is made from ____________ + ______________=



Abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart

Anagen phase

Active growth stage. Cells at the hair root are divided to produce the keratinized cells of the hair shaft


Also called a subcutaneous layer, this is a layer composed mostly of fat, but also blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. bottom most layer of the skin structure sitting beneath the dermis. it's main jobs include storing fat, regulating body temperature, and supporting the epidermis and dermis both structurally and nutritionally. subq fluids and medications administered subcutaneously, refers to the needle depositing the substance in the hypodermis for the blood vessels to gradually absorb over a period of time

Telogen phase

"Resting" phase where cells aren't dividing, the hair isn't growing, and the hair is retained in the hair follicle for a period of time before being shed.

Semilunar valves

"half moon" shaped valves (2) located at the openings of the dorsal aorta and pulmonary artery that control the blood flow out of the heart

What are the differences between horns and antlers?

- similar outward appearance ANTLERS - antlers originate in the dermal layer and is a bony extension of the skull - no internal blood supply, antlers are supplied nutrients from a thin outer covering of skin (velvet) - don't grow continuously, only males have them - deer + moose HORNS - horns are made of hair fibers bound by keratin and arise from the epidermis - internal blood supply, support and nutrition comes from the corium -grow continuously throughout life, both males and females have them - cows + goats + sheep


Inner layer of the horn that has small finger-like projections that extend into the keratin wall to provide support and nutrition responsible for horn growth


Innermost hair layer. Composed of an amorphous, soft, oil substance

How are myocytes connected to each other? What is the significance of this?

Intercalated disks; allow the cells to conduct electrical impulses so the heart muscle cells can contract and relax rhythmically.


Interior of each ventricle

The outer layer of the horn is composed of _____________


Horny (in ref to the claw)



Larger capillaries located in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow that allow for sluggish blood flow in order to give the organs enough time to perform their functions more effectively


Layer between the cuticle and the medulla. Middle layer and the thickest layer.

The aortic artery exits which ventricle?


Bulb (of horse hoof)

Areas of soft horn tissue with cushion of connective tissue that provides bulbs with springiness and flexibility. contains large amounts of water and sweat glands and is sensitive to external damage. covers the heel of the foot just behind the frog where the wall, heels, and coronary band (coronet) come together


Cardiac muscle cells


Carry blood from the body's cells back toward the heart

arrector pili muscle

Causes hair to stand on end and goose bumps to appear

Frog (of horse hoof)

Central, v-shaped ridge of soft, horny material (not found in other hooved animals) on the underside of the hoof. Acts as a shock absorber

What controls tunica media muscle contraction?

Certain nerves and hormones ; ie adreneline

Hooves of pigs and ruminants are often called _________________


Anal sacs

Combinations of modified • sebaceous glands • apocrine glands that lie on each side of the anus. Produce a foul-smelling secretion that may have been used in the past to mark territory.

Sole (of horse hoof)

Concave portion that covers the majority of the hoof bottom that doesn't contact the ground much. Extends from the outside hoof wall to the middle of the hoof on the underside. Soft and sensitive in comparison to the hoof wall.

What is the purpose of smooth muscle cells in a blood vessel?

Controls the diameter of the blood vessel

Tail glands

DORSAL SURFACE OF TAIL Oval region at the dorsal base of the tails of most dogs and cats. Contains coarse, oily hairs with large amounts of • apocrine glands • sebaceous glands Can become infected and even cancerous. EAR CANAL Can also be found in the lining of the ear canal and are responsible for producing ear wax. May also be prone to infection.

The atria are situated ________ to the ventricles



Lines the myocardium on the inside of the heart; layer of epithelial tissue


Located in the thoracic cavity within the mediastinum. Essentially a large muscle that contracts and relaxes in a rhythmic fashion, forcing blood to pump and circulate throughout the body


Modified extension of the dermis and epidermis of the toe - composed primarily of horny, or keratinized, epidermal tissue

Foamy cells

Foamy-looking, fat-containing cells of the sebaceous gland that divide and rupture to release sebum

Hair shaft

Free portion of the hair that rises above the skin's surface. Has 3 component layers • cuticle • cortex • medulla

What function do hooves serve?

Functions to: • move around • use as weapons if the animal kicks


Heart's outer layer consisting of a thin layer of connective tissue, closely adhered to the underlying muscle epicardium has • outer layer of mesothelial cells • inner layer of fat and elastic connective tissue containing - nerves - small blood vessels

What is the most unusual modification of skin?


How are horse hooves different from hooves of a pig, cow, or sheep?

In horses, only one digit (middle toe) contacts the ground, so the hoof only covers one digit. In pigs, cows, and sheep, there are two toes that contact the ground, so the hoof covers each digit

Eccrine sweat glands

In humans, found in the armpits, hands, and feet. In dogs/cats, there are very few and they are only found in the footpads. primary source of sweating. located at the junction between the dermis and hypodermis. • help regulate body temperature by releasing water • help the body excrete salts and small amounts of ammonia

Hair root

Portion of hair beneath the surface of the skin


Process by which aging cells rising to the surface fill with keratin (which replaces the normal internal structure of the cell including the nucleus) and eventually die

Where do normal electrical impulses in the heart originate?

RIGHT ATRIUM- more specifically • sinoatrial (SA) node, aka cardiac pacemaker

Tactile hairs

Specialized type of hair found on the face or sometimes leg of an animal. Act as "feelers" and help detect objects. Also known as sinus hair or whiskers

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

Recorded measurements of the heart's electrical activity has a normal pattern that changes w/ • certain diseases of the heart • certain electrolyte abnormalities can detect • arrhythmias • changes in the size and/or thickness of the heart chambers

The pulmonary artery exits which ventricle?



Sac that surrounds the heart, composed of fibrous and elastic connective tissue and epithelial cells

What is the most common gland?

Sebaceous gland

Animals with thick coats have larger numbers of ________________ than do animals with short coats

Secondary hairs


Muscle layer of the heart, beneath the epicardium. Constitutes the heart's largest mass. Comprised of cardiac muscle


Non-living structure partially composed of keratin


Originates in the dermal layer and is a bony extension of the skull. No internal blood supply - receive nutrients and support through velvet skin covering. Antlers are grown and shed every year, and only males have them. Deer and moose.

Wall (of horse hoof)

Outermost covering of a horse's hoof; the part you see when the hoof is placed squarely on the ground


Outermost layer of the hair shaft and the thinnest. Contains nourishing portion essential for hair growth

Atrioventricular valve

Structure of the fibrous ring and its associated flaps. Valves located between the atrial and ventricular chambers on each side of the heart, prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles are contracting.


Slightly larger than capillaries; they carry blood from capillaries to veins

Pericardial fluid

Small amount of fluid found between the pericardium and the outer layer of the heart. The fluid has three functions: • lubricates the heart • reduces friction • makes the heart pump more efficiently

Sebaceous gland

Small, oil-producing gland present in the skin of mammals. Located in the dermis, microscopic inward folds of the epidermis associated with hair follicles. Most common skin gland (as it is associated with hair follicles). The more hair on an area of the body, the more glands there are. Contains foamy cells. Small duct that connects the gland to the superficial part of the hair follicle, therefore excretions actually reach the surface of the skin via the hair follicles. Foamy cells release a fatty substance containing cholesterol, fatty acids, and waxy chemicals that reaches the surface of the skin.


Smaller branches of arteries that connect directly to capillaries


Smallest blood vessels that branch out from the arteriole. Tiny network of blood vessels that supply blood to the body's tissues and allow the exchange of - gases - fluids - waste products - nutrients between blood and the cells of the body


Smallest form of artery, carry blood from the muscular arteries to the capillaries - lack a significant amount of elastic muscle fibers - only a few layers of smooth muscle cells in the tunica media

Arteries are deoxygenated or oxygenated?


Which part of the claw grows the fastest?

The dorsal aspect; causing the claw to curve downward as it grows out

Coronet (of horse hoof)

The layer of skin where the hoof growth begins -- and extends distally over the proximal portion of the wall. Source of growth for the hoof wall. Also called the coronary band

what is the function of the left atria?

The left atrium receives blood full of oxygen from the lungs and then empties the blood into the left ventricle.

How does the heart as a 4 chamber, 2-sided pump work?

The left side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood out into the body through the arteries, the right side of the heart collects oxygen-poor blood through the veins The right atrium receives blood from the veins that have already circulated through the body and pumps it over to the right ventricle. The right ventricle passes the blood on to the pulmonary artery, which sends it to the lungs to pick up oxygen. the poor oxygen-blood then becomes enriched oxygen-blood through the lungs - aveoli The left atrium receives the now oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it into the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood to the body through a large network of arteries. The contractions of the left ventricle, the strongest of the four chambers, are what create blood pressure in the body.


The phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood (repolarization)

What is the benefit of cutting/trimming claws often?

The quick will recede slowly back towards the bone decreasing the probability of cutting it while trimming the claws

what is the function of the right atria?

The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from the body and then empties the blood into the right ventricle.

what is the function of the right ventricle?

The right ventricle passes the blood on to the pulmonary artery, which sends it to the lungs to pick up oxygen; Moreover, by wrapping around the left ventricle, the right ventricle is aided in its contraction by the pumping of the left ventricle


The substance secreted by the foamy cells of the sebaceous glands. Contains cholesterol, fatty acids, and waxy chemicals that rise up to the skin's surface

internodal pathways

The three pathways of the electrical conduction system found in the atria that transmit the impulse from the SA node (between left and right atria) to the AV node -- located at the junction of the atria and ventricles fibers within the atrial wall where electrical current is

Why can't dogs and cats sweat?

They have very few eccrine glands


Thin layer of epithelial cells that line the interior layer (tunica intima) of blood vessels


Thin outer layer of skin that provides antlers with nutrients and support

Catagen phase

Transitional phase between anagen and telogen where hair growth starts to slow down.

Circulatory system

Transport operations provides a means of movement for a variety of substances through the body including: • White blood cells to provide immunity to the entire body • Red blood cells to transport oxygen • Platelets and clotting proteins for forming blood clots • Buffer chemicals to maintain the proper body pH • Carbon dioxide waste gas • Nutrients such as proteins, sugars, etc. • Electrolytes to provide normal electrical charges for cellular function, especially for muscle and nerve cells • Water • Waste materials from cell metabolism

Periople (of horse hoof)

Varnish-like layer of softer horny (keratinized) material found at the proximal end of the hoof wall; starts proximally at the coronet; holds moisture in the hoof and protects the hoof wall


Vascular tissue inside the claw that grows from the distal bone of the toe


Ventral aspect of the claw; grows slower than the dorsal aspect

Atrial septum

Wall of muscle that divides the two atria

Ventricular septum

Wall of muscle that divides the two ventricles

T or F: the direction of the long axis may be changed by certain diseases that alter the heart muscle or the size of the heart chambers


The part of a horse's hoof that makes up the largest part of the hoof's bottom surface is the _______


which layer of the epidermis is the first line of defense against attack by the environment or infectious organisms?

stratum corneum

which layer of the epidermis is known as the prickle cell layer?

stratum spinosum

basement membrane

structure that supports the epidermis and separates it from the dermis

vitamin d

substance manufactured by skin when exposed to sunlight. important in keeping your bones healthy

the left side of the heart pumps blood to the __________________

systemic circulation


tactile hair

the difference in the appearance of the ventricles is due to what?

the differences in their functions

What is the force behind the circulatory system?

the heart

stratum granulosum

third layer of the epidermis. similar to above layers (1 and 2), cells are flattened in a plane parallel to the skin's surface. granular layer cells are in the process of dying. they're losing their nuclei and they've nearly stopped producing keratin. this layer may or may not be present in all areas of the body and may be several layers thick in hairless areas of the body. also known as the granular layer

epithelial structure

tissue that covers the inner or outer surfaces of organ systems

More extensive networks of capillaries are found in ___________________ such as skeletal muscle. because muscles have increased metabolic rates, they require more oxygen and nutrients.


the ___________ valve separates the right atria and right ventricle

tricuspid valve

The right atrioventricular valve is known as the _______________ and has _________________ flaps

tricuspid valve; 3 (2 in dogs/cats) controls blood flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle.

aortic semilunar valve

valve controlling blood flow through the opening of the aorta; exiting the left ventricle

pulmonary semilunar valve

valve controlling blood flow through the opening of the pulmonary artery; exiting the right ventricle; prevents backward flow into the heart/ventricle


a pigment that skin makes when exposed to ultraviolet rays. protects the body from harmful UV radiation rays from penetrating deeper layers of skin and causing serious damage

Hair follicle

a shaft that is continuous with the skin's surface, where each hair root lies in and arises from within it.

caudal vena cava receives oxygen-poor blood from ________ and __________

abdominal area lower extremities


abnormal swishing sound caused by turbulence in the flow of blood; possibly due to improper closure of the heart valves

reticular fibers

very fine fibers of connective tissue found in the dermis

cardiac pacemaker

alternative name for sinoatrial node (SA) in the right atrium - houses the heart's normal electrical impulses which stimulate the heart muscle to contract

what part of the lungs actually oxygenates the blood?


exchange of materials across the walls of the capillaries is very similar to the exchange of gases that takes place in the ________________

alveoli of the lungs

the _____ valve separates the left ventricle and the aorta

aortic valve

Chordae tendinae

are cords of fibrous tissue that anchor the tips of the flaps to papillary muscles, which are finger-like muscular projections of the myocardium into the lumen, or interior, of each ventricle.

how do the left and right ventricles interact?

as the left ventricle contracts, it pulls the outer wall of the right ventricle against it, helping the muscles of the right ventricle generate more force.

Where do electrical impulses slow down?

atrioventricular node (AV) - conduction fibers at the junction of the atria and ventricles impulses slow down in the AV node to give the atria enough time to empty into the ventricles before the ventricles are signaled to contract

the stratum basale is also known as the _______________ layer


The left atrioventricular valve is known as the __________________ and has _____________________ flaps

bicuspid valve; 2

venous system can hold more ___volume than the arterial system..eventhough the presure is lower


Pulmonary circulation

blood supply that goes to the lungs so the blood can be oxygenated and rid itself of carbon dioxide


blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart towards the cells of the body

Muscular arteries

branches of the main elastic arteries that carry blood to various regions of the body Have more muscle than elastic fibers in the tunica media

heart failure

can sometimes happen when the valves dont close properly or completely, allowing some blood to flow in the wrong direction - leading to congestion and increased pressure in certain chambers of the heart and some large blood vessels condition in which there is an inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen

cells produce _____________ as a result of cellular metabolism and must get rid of this waste gas

carbon dioxide

pulmonary circulation

carry carbon dioxide to the lungs and to carry oxygen away from the lungs


cells in the dermis that make collagen fibers


changes in the electrical current

Rupturing or tearing of the ___________________ can lead to acute _________________ or acute __________________

chordae tendinae; valve failure ; heart failure

the stratum lucidum is known as the __________ layer


atrioventricular node (AV node)

collection of conduction fibers located at the junction of the atria and ventricles

right and left bundles of purkinje

collections of nerve fibers traveling through the right and left ventricles.

Pericardial effusion

condition where pericardial fluid increases under certain circumstances, blocking the heart's ability to expand and fill with blood as it relaxes. Instead, the fluid compresses the heart from the outside. Since the heart can't fill with blood, the amount of blood pumped out to the rest of the body decreases, causing weakness.

______________ allow for rapid transmission of the electrical impulse through the heart and also help coordinate the contractions for more effective pumping

conduction fibers

atrioventricular bundle (AV bundle)

conducts the signal into the ventricles

integumentary system

consists of skin and all its related structures contributing to its protective and regulatory functions. • skin • related structures: -hair -paw pads -hooves -claws -antlers -horns -skin glands

Elastic arteries

contain a larger proportion of elastic connective tissue within the tunica media than other arteries. Most major arteries close to the heart are elastic arteries, including : -most of the pulmonary arteries -the aorta -the carotid arteries

describe the appearance of the right ventricle

crescent shaped, wraps partially around the left ventricle, and has a much thinner wall


degenerative process associated with age; condition that can damage the heart valves

Skin layer with collagen, macrophages, and adipocytes


Secretes sweat

eccrine gland

Protein fiber that can stretch



fat cells in the dermis


fiber-like protein that provides toughness to the cell, and therefore, to the skin

Cell that makes collagen


Mesothelial cells

flat epithelial cells on the outer layer of the epicardium

collagen (fibers)

found in the dermis; made of several strands of protein braided together to increase the strength hold the skin together by being tough and rigid

elastin (fibers)

found in the dermis; stretch like rubber bands to give skin flexibility

the stratum granulosum is known as the _______________ layer


cranial vena cava receives oxygen-poor blood from the ___________ , __________________, and _______________

head neck forelimbs

stratum corneum is also known as the ________________

horny layer

Skin layer where fat is stored



inflammation of the heart valves due to infection; condition that can damage the heart valves

Tough fiber-like protein


as cells rise to the surface of the skin, they produce increasing amounts of _______________________


_____________________ leads to the cell's death


caudal vena cava

large blood vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood back to the heart from the abdominal region and lower extremities

cranial vena cava

large blood vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood back to the heart from the head, neck and forelimbs


layer beneath the epidermis. areas of thick skin have a thick dermis and areas of thin skin have a thin dermis. not as structurally organized as the epidermis and doesn't have the many layers that the epidermis does. provides structural and nutritional support to the epidermis


less common of the two cell types found in the stratum basale of the epidermis. cell that makes melanin. number of these cells varies depending on the color of that area of skin. dark skin has more, light skin has less.

long axis

line drawn from the apex to the base of the heart

sinoatrial node (SA)

located in the right atrium, it's where normal electrical impulses of the heart originate that stimulate the heart muscle to contract

describe the appearance of the left ventricle

looks very similar to a circle with very thick muscular walls

apex of the heart

lower tip of the heart

__________________ are a form of apocrine sweat glands modified to produce milk

mammary glands

_______ gives color to the skin and hair


the bicuspid valve is also known as the _________________

mitral valve

the ____________ valve separates the left atria and left ventricle

mitrial valve

cardiac conduction system

modified cardiac muscle cells that strategically located throughout the heart that are responsible for methodically generating and coordinating the transmission of electrical impulses to make the heart beat as one singular unit


most common type of cell in the stratum basale layer of the epidermis (deepest layer). produces keratin

motor nerves

mostly involuntary; controls movement by stimulating muscles to contract and relax • cutaneous motor nerves control the arrector pili muscle which causes goose bumps --- (controls the muscles within blood vessel walls to constrict or dilate) • controls specialized muscle cells around skin glands to secrete more forcefully

Systemic circulation

network of blood vessels supplying all cells of the body

base of heart

on top of the heart; where main vessels located

Mitral valve

opens to allow blood to move from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Another name for the bicuspid valve (left atrioventricular valve; 2 flaps)

stratum corneum

outermost (most superficial) layer of the epidermis, which consists of dead, flattened, fully keratinized cells also known as the horny layer


outermost layer of skin (visibly seen)

cells need _______ for cellular energy production


right atrium receives __________________ from the _____________ and the _____________

oxygen-poor blood caudal vena cava cranial vena cava

Soft horny covering at the proximal end of the hoof wall



phagocytic white blood cells found in the dermis that engulf cells like bacteria and debris

All cells that undergo _____________ must undergo _____________

polarization ; repolarization 1. cells start out in resting state (polarization) 2. cells receive electrical impulses which proceed to generate action potential (depolarization) 3. depolarization + contraction of muscle moves like a wave and pushes the blood up to the appropriate artery exiting each ventricle 4. cells return to resting state (repolarization)

Function of the dermis

provide • nutritional support • structural support to the epidermis

the right side of the heart pumps blood to the _____________________

pulmonary circulation

the _____________ valve, separates the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery

pulmonary valve

what is the function of the left ventricle?

pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve & out to the rest of the body. left ventricle has to pump against more resistance and needs to generate more pressure than the right ventricle

systemic circulation

purpose is to carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to cells and carry carbon dioxide and waste products away from cells

sensory nerves

responsible for making the animal aware of how its skin feels and what it's touching

blood vessels

run throughout all areas of the skin, but especially the dermis. because substances from the blood filter through the dermis to the epidermis, blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients directly to the dermis and indirectly to the epidermis

Secretes sebum

sebaceous gland

stratum lucidum

second layer from the surface of the epidermis. cells are dead and completely keratinized; lacking a nucleus and other cell organelles. cells look a lot like the surface layer (stratum corneum); cells are flattened, parallel to the skin's surface. normally found only in the skin of the nose and footpads. also known as the clear layer

What valves control the blood flow out of the heart?

semilunar valves





Arrector pili muscles

small muscles attached to the hair follicle, embedded in the dermis. the muscles contract involuntarily and make the hair stand up, increasing the thickness of the hair coat and providing additional insulation. contractions occur as response to cold and fear. the contractions can also make the animal appear larger.

What are the 1st and 2nd most common specialized skin structures (form of modified skin) on the foot?

• 1st: Claw • 2nd: Hoof

What are horns useful for?

• Attack • Defense

What are the two types of arteries?

• Elastic • Muscular

What is the function of the claw?

• Improves traction during movement • Can be used as a weapon for attack or defense • Can be used as a tool for food; - gathering food - tearing food apart - holding food while it's transported or being eaten

Tunica Intima

• Innermost layer of the blood vessel • Composed of endothelium and underlying connective tissue

Tunica Media

• Middle layer of a blood vessel • Composed of smooth muscle cells (control the blood vessel's diameter) • can also contain elastic connective tissue in some blood vessels

Tunica Adventitia

• Outer layer of a blood vessel • composed of connective tissue

What are the different types of hairs an animal can have?

• Primary hairs • Secondary hairs • Tactile hairs

Larger, stiffer hairs that provide the rough outer coat of most animals are called ________________. Also called ___________ or _________ hairs.

• Primary hairs • coarse hairs • guard hairs

What are the three specific types of glands that exist in skin?

• Sebaceous glands • Apocrine sweat glands • Eccrine sweat glands

Thinner hairs that make up the undercoat found on some animals are called ______________ .Also called __________ hairs

• Secondary hairs • fine hairs

When SA node fails, heart has a backup system.#2 replacement in line = • AV node • Purkinje Fibers • Atrial muscle fibers • Ventricular muscle fibers all have the capability of producing an electrical current WHat are the two downfalls of this backup system?

• Signal is weaker • Occurs at a much slower rate

Contraction phase is to ___________ as relaxation phase is to _______________

• Systole • Diastole

What two phases make up the cardiac cycle?

• Systole • Diastole

What is the main difference between tactile hairs and primary/secondary hairs?

• Tactile hairs grow straight out of the skin (unlike primary and secondary hairs that exit the skin at an oblique angle which gives direction to the hair coat) • Tactile hairs have a large number of nerve endings which make them more sensitive to touch

What determines the appearance and color of hair coat?

• The number of hairs of an animal • The type of hairs of an animal


• True derivative of the skin • Useful for both attack and defense • Composed of tightly packed together hair fibers bound by a single unit of keratin • Rise from the epidermis and grow throughout a lifetime • Both males and females can have them

what is the job of the conduction fibers of the heart

• allow for rapid transmission of electrical impulses • help coordinate the contractions of the muscles all for more effective pumping of the heart

Conduction fibers have what 2 important jobs?

• allows more rapid transmission of the electrical impulse through the heart • helps coordinate the contractions for more effective pumping

The three phases of hair growth are _______, _______, and _______

• anagen • catagen • telogen

What are the three phases of the hair growth cycle?

• anagen • telogen • catagen

What are some examples of modifications of the three types of skin glands?

• anal sacs • tail glands

The actual transport function of the circulatory system is carried out by the

• arteries • arterioles • capillaries • venules • veins

the two supplies of blood the lungs has are:

• blood rich oxygen that comes from the heart to supply the pulmonary cells • blood poor oxygen that goes to the alveoli to be oxygenated

What are the two types of circulatory systems that exist within the body?

• cardiovascular system • lymphatic system

Primary hairs are also called _________ or ___________ hairs

• coarse • guard

the dermis consists of what three fibers?

• collagen fibers • elastin fibers • reticular fibers


• composed of thick layers of FAT and CONNECTIVE TISSUE • contains all 5 EPIDERMAL LAYERS • often PIGMENTED • contain SWEAT GLANDS

Under what circumstances do the arrector pili muscles contract and what is the response?

• contraction occurs as a response to cold and fear • cold - contraction provides increased insulation and makes the hair coat thicker • fear - makes the animal appear larger to ward off potential threats in the face of danger

name some of the involuntary actions of the cutaneous motor nerves

• cutaneous motor nerves controls the arrector pili muscle -- responsible for good bumps (controls muscles in blood vessel walls to constrict or dilate) • controls specialized muscle cells around skin glands causing glands to secrete more forcefully

What are the three component layers that make up the hair shaft?

• cuticle • cortex • medulla

what are the two major layers of skin are the __________________ and the _____________________. they are both supported by the ________________________, which is a __________________ layer.

• dermis • epidermis • hypodermis • subcutaneous

Tactile hairs grow _____________________ while other hairs grow ______________________

• directly out of the skin • exit the skin at an oblique angle, giving direction to the hair coat

What are two common conditions that can damage the heart valves?

• endocarditis • endocardiosis

the hypodermis is composed primarily of __________, but also contains:

• fat • blood vessels • nerves • connective tissue

cell types within the dermis:

• fibroblasts • macrophages • adipocytes

Secondary hairs are also called _________ hairs

• fine

Hair is divided into what two essential parts?

• hair shaft • hair root

What are the main functions of the eccrine sweat glands in animals?

• help regulate body temperature by releasing water • help the body excrete salts and small amounts of ammonia

What are the main differences between horse hooves and the claws of pigs and ruminants?

• hoof wall is similar • sole is considerably smaller • no frog is present • pigs: sole is considerably smaller, bulbs more prominent • cows and pigs have dewclaws on medial and lateral aspects of each leg

Horns have a/an _______ blood supply while antlers have a/an _______ blood supply

• internal • external

what two cell types exist in the stratum basale?

• keratinocyte • melanocyte


• microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries to veins • allow exchange between blood and the body's cells of - gases - nutrients - waste materials

When the blood vessels in the skin dilate, it results in _______ and _______

• more heat loss • drop in blood pressure

what types of nerves are found in the skin?

• motor nerves • sensory nerves

Functions of modified skin structures and examples

• moving • defending • grasping hooves, claws, horns, antlers

How do dogs and cats regulate their body temperature?

• panting • cutaneous blood vessel dilation and constriction • raising and lowering of hairs

body temperature regulation is achieved by what two means

• partly through control of the blood flow through blood vessels • partly through the amount of fat which acts as insulation

describe the 8 functions of the skin

• protects inner organs of the body from the outside environment • keeps body contents confined • protection from excess humidity and dry conditions • protection from chemicals in the air and/or water • protection against infectious organisms -bacteria -viruses -fungi -parasites • regulates body temperature • produces melanin - a chemical which helps protect against serious damage from the sun • with help from the sun, produces vitamin D which helps keep our bones healthy • serves as a sensory organ - keeps you from harming yourself • biology of animal skin color/texture as a means for survival (reproduction, camouflage, toxicity) • indicative of overall health and/or disease

Functions of the skin include:

• protects internal organs from the external environment • regulates body temperature and blood circulation • serves as a sensory organ

what two things does the dermis do for the epidermis?

• provides structural support • provides nutritional support

What is the function of hair?

• provides warmth • protects the skin from - moisture - sunlight - other damage • gives some species distinctive markings for protective or reproductive purposes

Functions of hair include:

• provides warmth • protects skin from damage • gives species distinctive marks

What function does the pericardial fluid serve?

• reduces friction • lubricates the heart • helps the heart pump more efficiently

Tactile hairs are also called _________ hair, better known as a ____________

• sinus • whisker

Atria (atrium)

• situated dorsal to the ventricles. • smaller, less muscular than ventricles

What are the various related structures that contribute to the protective and regulatory functions of the integumentary system?

• skin • hair • paw pads (footpads) • claws • hooves • horns • antlers • skin glands

functions of the hypodermis: • • •

• stores fat • helps regulate body temperature • supports the epidermis and dermis both structurally and nutritionally

which layers of the epidermis have flattened cells parallel to the skin's surface?

• stratum corneum • stratum lucidum • stratum granulosum

The five layers of the epidermis starting with the surface layer and moving inward are the _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______

• stratum corneum • stratum lucidum • stratum granulosum • stratum spinosum • stratum basale

which layers of the epidermis consist of completely dead cells?

• stratum corneum • stratum lucidum • stratum granulosum* *stratum granulosum - cells are in the process of dying

which layers of the epidermis consist of living cells?

• stratum spinosum • stratum basale

which layers of the epidermis contain cells that are either polyhedral, columnar, to slightly cuboidal in shape?

• stratum spinosum • stratum basale

What two separate circulatory systems does the heart pump blood to?

• systemic circulation • pulmonary circulation

Horn core

Hollow extension of the frontal skull bone that communicates with the sinus cavities on the front of the skull. Helps support the internal blood supply of the horn at the base.


The cardiac muscle cells relax and the chambers enlarge and fill with blood, a phase known as diastole return to previous resting state and relaxation of cardiac muscles

When SA node fails, what takes its place? #1 replacement

The cardiac tissue with the most rapid rhythm takes over as pacemaker to replace the failed SA node


The contraction phase of the heartbeat that takes place as the current travels around the heart

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