Intercultural Comm. Final

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True or false? Confrontation necessarily means violence.


True or false? Generally speaking, all immigrants can assimilate in the American "melting pot."


True or false? Generally, a grand narrative includes stories of different ethnic groups as well as the intellectual and social histories of a nation.


True or false? National identities are always free of notions of race, religion, and other aspects of identity.


True or false? Old age is revered in the United States and many other societies


True or false? The racial classification of a person is largely determined by biology.


What is folk culture?

Folk culture is the localized form of a culture - refers to the identity of a 'folk group'

True or false? Tourism can result in increased crime, traffic problems, disruption of family life, alcohol and drug problems, and sexual promiscuity, especially in small, less economically developed communities.


Revitalization and Adoption

Some communities have been revitalized economically by embracing tourism; other communities wholeheartedly embrace tourism and welcome interaction with tourists

Examples of countries that are identified as contact cultures

South America and South Europe

True or false? A "growing" orientation places importance on the spiritual aspects of life.


True or false? Countries with a predominant indulgence orientation emphasize freedom of speech over maintaining order, whereas countries with a more restraint orientation tend to value maintaining order over allowing freedom of speech.


True or false? History is constructed through narrative.


True or false? Ignorance of the histories of other groups makes intercultural communication more difficult and fraught with potential misunderstandings.


True or false? Intercultural relationships can be more work than in-group relationships and can require more "care and feeding" than do those relationships between people who are very similar.


True or false? People in Japan, Austria, and Mexico seem to prefer a masculine orientation, expressing a general preference for gender-specific roles.


True or false? Western physicians tend to rely heavily on physical symptoms to evaluate illness, rather than communicating with patients about what they are experiencing.


American culture associates more with "_____" orientation--being productive and keeping busy-- than "______" one which places importance on the spiritual aspects of life.

doing, growing

Elaborated communication style

involves the use of rich, expressive language in everyday conversation; for example, Arabic speakers use many metaphorical expressions in everyday speech

Medical tourism

involves traveling for the purpose of medical procedures

The impact that U.S. and Western media have had on the rest of the world is known as ______.

media imperialism

The "bubble" around us that marks the territory between ourselves and others is known as ______.

personal space

Low context communication style

places the majority of meaning and information in the verbal message

People with a _____ concept of time tend to regard time as a commodity.


What term can be best defined as a negative attitude toward a cultural group based on little or no experience?


What is nonverbal communication?

the communication through means other than language--for example, facial expression, personal space, eye contact, use of time, and conversational silence

The unified story of human kind that long dominated how people thought of the past, present, and future is known as ____.

the grand narrative

Submission Interaction Style within Intercultural Marriage

the most common style. Occurs when one partner accepts the culture of the other partner, abandoning or denying his or her own

What defines cultural texts?

they refer to cultural artifacts that convey norms, values, and beliefs

Boundary maintenance

to regulate interaction between hosts and tourists

Adventure tourism

traveling for the purpose of engaging in outdoor activities

Goal conflict

occurs when people disagree about a preferred outcome or end state

Conflict is usually defined as involving a perceived or real (A)____ of goals, values, expectations, processes, or outcomes between two or more (B)____ individuals or groups.

(A) incompatibility, (B) interdependent

The term friend may have different meanings for different cultural groups. Europeans are often amazed at the (A)______ and (B)______ of Americans and how quickly they can form friendships. In contrast, Europeans are not so quick to invite people into their home and do not necessarily introduce their friends to other friends.

(A) openness, (B) informality

Essay Choice 1. Write the essay about the most challenging intercultural experiences in your life. Why was it challenging back then? Do you see the problem now differently? Why or why not? If you encounter similar issue or problem again, how would you approach it? For what reasons?


Essay Choice 2. Write the letter to the students of the high school you graduated about the topic of "intercultural communication and college." How would describe college experience interculturally? What was your most significant intercultural challenge at Stetson? How did you (not) solve it? What kind of message or advice would you give to them? For what reasons?


Review your midterm.


What are the four significant characteristics of popular culture?

1. It is produced by culture industries 2. It is different from folk culture 3. It is everywhere 4. It fills a social function

What are the five main types of tourism?

Adventure Ecotourism Cultural Medical Volunteer

What are the different types of conflict?

Affective conflict, conflict of interest, value of conflict, cognitive conflict, goal conflict

With regard to communication ethics in health care, physicians can give information about the patient's health within four general frameworks: strict paternalism, (A)_______, contractual honesty, and unmitigated honesty. (A)________ occurs when the physician chooses to communicate only a part of a patient's diagnosis. For example, a patient might be told that she or he has cancer and that treatments are available, but not be told that the prognosis is very poor.

Benevolent deception

What are social issues in relation to education?

Bullying, racial intolerance, etc.

The _____ hypothesis is the notion that only under very specific conditions do intercultural contacts result in positive and tolerant attitude toward the other group. In the dating and marriage context, the ______ hypothesis asserts that the chance for members of different groups to intermarry depends mainly on their opportunities to meet and interact socially--in cooperative (not competitive) situations, where members of both groups have equal status and hold common goals.


What are the two different approaches to conflict?

Direct/indirect and emotionally expressive/restraint

What are the four different conflict resolution styles?

Discussion Engagement Accommodating Dynamic

How do cultural assumptions come into play in roles for teachers and students, grading, education policy (i.e., affirmative action)?

Education is deeply embedded in culture, and our expectations for the educational process are apart of our culture. The roles that we enact in the classroom are very much a part of the cultural influences on education.

What is the role of power in intercultural business encounters?

Elements of power exist in almost every business encounter. It's not uncommon for power to come from political and economic growth. (ex. outsourcing jobs from America to India)

Affective conflict

Ex. someone finds out that his or her romantic feelings for a close friend are no reciprocated; their different levels of affection may lead to conflict

______ refers to specific communication strategies we use to "save" our own or another person's face.


What are the characteristics of nonverbal behavior in comparison to verbal one?

Facial expressions, personal space, contact vs. non-contact

What are different communication styles?

High/low-context Direct/indirect Elaborated/understated


In a collectivist society they do not define the precise job responsibilities to each individual rather it's the job of a work unit or section department etc... (ex Asia, Central America and South America)


In countries with individualistic views, workers are expected to perform certain functions with clearly defined responsibilities, a clear boundary exists between their job and and another person's (ex United States of America)

What are the communication challenges in business contexts in terms of work-related values, language issues, and communication styles?

Individualism vs. collectivism Work and material gain Task vs. relationship priority Language issues

Why does popular culture matter for intercultural communication?

Intercultural communication plays a role in the creation and maintenance of popular culture.

Which of the following statements is true about quality versus efficiency in the United States?

It is believed that the ultimate goal should be to focus more on efficiency and getting the job done for the lowest cost

What kind of issue can happen out of imbalance between pop culture-export countries(i.e., the U.S., Turkey, Japan) and pop culture-import countries?

It is necessary to consider the impact of U.S. American popular culture because there is no way to measure the impact of popular culture, but we should be sensitive to its influences on intercultural communication

What does nonverbal behavior communicate?

It send relational messages and communicates status and deception.

What are communication challenges in tourism contexts?

Language Social norms and expectations Culture shock The search for authenticity

What are the benefits of intercultural relationships?

Learning about the world Breaking stereotypes Learning what it means to belong to a different culture Acquiring new skills

Work and material gain

Many different cultures will view "work" in different ways. Ex. America views it as a virtue that will pay off and Mexico views it as a necessary evil to earn money to enjoy the more important things in life

What are the challenges of intercultural relationships?

Motivation Differences in communication styles, values, and perceptions Negative stereotypes Anxiety Affirming another person's cultural identity Need for explanations

What is true of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication rules are consistent across cultures and contexts

Examples of countries that are identified as non-contact cultures

Northern Europe, North America, East Asia, and the far East

Non-contact culture

People tend to stand farther apart when conversing, maintain less eye contact, and touch less often

What is pop culture?

Pop culture is forms of contemporary culture that are made popular by and for the people through their mass consumption of generating and circulating meanings and pleasures within a social system.

______ is intellectual, political, and cultural movement that calls for the independence of colonized states and for liberation for colonialist ways of thinking.


How are religion and power imbalance related to communication about health care?

Religion poses many issues about ethical ways to approach a topic of incorporating health practices with belief, and physicians may have to work around their beliefs to treat them or be able to accept when they won't be treated.

What are the different attitudes of hosts toward tourists?

Retreatism Resistance Boundary maintenance Revitalization Adoption

Residents cope with tourism in different ways. _______ is one of the responses of host to tourist. Through this type of response, some communities have been revitalized economically by embracing tourism, other communities wholeheartedly accept tourism as part of their social and cultural fabric.


What are the four characteristics of tourist-host encounters?

Short-term Transitory Commercialized Unbalanced power dynamics

Why has intercultural communication become more important in health issues?

Stigma around certain health issues in some cultures -AIDS -Mental illness -STDs -abortion Evaluating illness -Western physicians rely on physical symptoms rather than communicating with patients about how they feel Widespread Ideology Prejudicial attitudes

Among four different interactive styles within intercultural relationships, the _____ style, the most common style, occurs when one partner accepts the culture of the other partner, abandoning or denying his or her own. But this style rarely works in the long run. People cannot erase their core cultural background, even though they may try.


What are the four styles of interaction in intercultural marriages?

Submission Compromise Obliteration Consensus

How is language related to social position and is used by co-cultural groups--groups that are dominant within society's social structure?

The language that is used, the words and the meanings that are communicated, depends not only on the context but also on the social relations that are part of the interaction. For example, bosses and workers may use the same words, but the meanings that are communicated may differ. Differences in social positions are central to understanding communication.

Which of the following is NOT true of people in a culture that values formality?

They attach great importance to courtesy

What is a feature of societies with a long-term orientation to life?

They tend to emphasize perseverance and tenacity in whatever is attempted regardless of how long it takes

U-curve theory

Three predictable phases migrants go through 1. excitement and anticipation 2. culture shock 3. adaptation

Is this episode true or false? In a mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in June 2016, Mario Perez, one of the victims who was shot and taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center emergency room received a bill of $20,000 from the emergency department (which does not include the costs of specialists, x-rays, or other tests). On top of many issues that survivors and their families will have to deal with in the coming years, the medical costs will be a part of that journey.


Value conflict

a more serious type, occurs when people have differing ideologies

Which of the following terms is best defined as traditional rituals and traditions that maintain cultural group identity? a. folk culture b. noncontact culture c. participatory culture d. primitive culture

a. folk culture

Eduardo, a student who uses a wheel chair, goes to great lengths to prove that he is like the other students. He separates himself as much as possible from other people with disabilities and engages in self-ridicule to show that he is humble. In this scenario, Eduardo is using a(n) _____ assimilation strategy.



avoiding contact with tourists

Which of the following is NOT true of tourist-host encounters? a. Most encounters are short term and transitory b. Most encounters occur between people of similar socioeconomic levels c. Most encounters are limited by time and space d. Most encounters are business exchanges that lack novelty or spontaneity

b. Most encounters occur between people of similar socioeconomic levels

Which of the following is NOT a nonverbal communication challenge in tourism contexts? a. expectations for appearance in public b. expectations for linguistic ability c. expectations for smiling at strangers d. expectations for a hands-on inspection of the merchandise

b. expectations for linguistic ability

Which of the following is an important characteristic of popular culture? a. it is easy to avoid as it fails to serve social functions b. it is produced by culture industries c. it is currently consumed exclusively on radios and televisions d. it is the same as folk culture

b. it is produced by culture industries

Carmen would rather spend time interacting and relaxing with friends than working. In fact, she recently turned down a promotion because it would mean she would see her family and friends less. Carmen probably grew up in a culture with a ____ value orientation toward human activity.


Socially responsible tourism tries to take into account all of the following BUT ______.

being financially prepared

Obliteration Interaction Style within Intercultural Marriage

both partners deal with differences by attempting to erase their individual cultures. Possibly forming a new culture with new beliefs and habits.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why intercultural communication skills would be important in the health communication context? a. the population is increasingly diverse b. assumptions made about health care are often cultural c. medical costs have gone up in the past two decades d. certain health issues have different kinds of stigma across cultures

c. Medical costs have gone up in the past two decades

Which of the following is not true about the benefits of intercultural relationships? a. they can help to break stereotypes b. they may teach us something about history c. they do not last as long as same culture relationships d. they may help us acquires new skills

c. they do not last as long as same culture relationships

Token stories of success and upward mobility reinforce _____ and perpetuate the myth that there is equal opportunity for all to achieve upward mobility in the United States.

class structure

Changing our communication style so that we can be more effective communicators in another culture is known as ____.

code switching

A book that details the impact of Spanish settlement on Central and Southern America is a form of ____ history.


Discussion style

combines the direct and emotionally restrained dimensions and emphasizes a verbally direct approach for dealing with disagreements

Volunteer tourism

combines vacation travel with participation in service projects, often in third-world countries

People in _____ cultures stand closer together while talking, have more direct eye contact, and speak in louder voices than many people in the United States of America.


Which of the following is NOT true about the communication between a physician and a patient? a. it is marked by an imbalance in medical knowledge b. it is marked by an imbalance in access to treatment c. the communication patterns reflect power differences d. it is relatively unaffected by the health maintenance organization (HMO) system

d. it is relatively unaffected by the health maintenance organization (HMO) system

Changes in the composition of the U.S. population illustrate the _____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.


Conflict of interest

describes a situation in which people have incompatible preferences for a course of action or plan to pursue

Cognitive conflict

describes a situation in which two or more people become aware that their thought processes or perceptions are in conflict

A massive migration, often caused by war, famine, slavery, or persecution, that results in the dispersal of a unified group is called a(n) _____.


The ____ style of conflict resolution uses an indirect style of communicating along with a more emotionally intense expressiveness.


Compromise Interaction Style within Intercultural Marriage

each partner gives up some parts of his or her culturally bound habits and beliefs to accommodate the other

Many Arabic speakers use rich, expressive language in everyday talk. They probably are using a(n) _____ style of communication.


What is best defined as gestures that have a specific verbal translation (ex. nodding one's head to indicate agreement)?


Accommodating style

emphasizes an indirect approach for dealing with conflict and a more emotionally restrained manner

Cultural tourism

emphasizes learning the history, language, and/or unique cultural aspects of that place

High context communication style

emphasizes understanding messages without directly stating the meaning in verbal communication


emphasizes unspoiled destinations and travel with minimal impact on the natural environment

Engagement style

emphasizes verbally direct and confrontational approach to dealing with conflict

The ____ style of conflict resolution emphasizes a verbally direct and confrontational approach to dealing with conflict.


The belief that one's own cultural group is superior to all other cultural groups is known as ______.


People from cultures which value ____ tend to feel that an organization functions best when the differences in power are clearly marked.

high power distance

A person with a(n) _____ style of communication would probably not feel comfortable giving straight forward information in a problem situation.


Denise wants a new coat. Instead of asking her mother outright (which would be improper in her family), she openly admires the coats of others. Denise is using a(n) ____ style of communication.


National cultures that are categorized as more _____ (Mexico, Nigeria, Sweden, Australia) tend to allow relatively free gratification of needs related to enjoying life and having fun.


A person with a strong sense of his or her own group identity and an appreciation of other cultural groups is probably in the ____ stage of minority identity development.


As part of her Introduction to Education class, Catherine finds that she is required to read about the development of the U.S. educational system from medieval times. Catherine is required to read a(n) ______ history.



may take fairly passive forms like grumbling, and gossiping about tourists and creating denigrating stereotypes about difficult tourists

Consensus Interaction Style within Intercultural Marriage

most desirable style, the style based on agreement and negotiation. It is related to compromise in that both partners give and take, but it is not a tradeoff

Sankaran immigrated to the United States from India as a child. Although he speaks fluent English, he prefers to live, work, and socialize with people who look like him. Sankaran has chosen to use a(n) ____ separation strategy.


In cultures where work gets done because of the relationship, _____.

people spend a greater amount of time getting to know each other than working

Contact culture

people stand closer together while talking, make more direct eye contact, touch frequently, and speak louder

Belle is from South Carolina. She is proud that she speaks with an accent and has no real desire to visit or live in the West. In this scenario, Belle is affirming her _____ identity.


Toni tells her Chinese friend Guiwen that he should not be angry about his perceived superficial friendliness of many Americans without first understanding the cultural context of the behavior. Toni has taken a _____ position of ethics.


Bertina, a Native American, believes that Navajo customs and traditions provide the most effective responses to everyday issues. She rejects Western medicine when she is sick and refuses to be cured by anyone but a traditional healer. Bertina is probably in the ____ stage of minority identity development.

resistance and separatism

Understated communication style

simple assertions and silence are valued; Amish people often use this style of communication

Widely held beliefs or generalizations about a group of people are known as _____.


The fact that we are bombarded with popular culture every day and everywhere illustrates that it is _____, a characteristic of popular culture.


Rebecca is appalled that girls regularly marry before the age of fifteen in some countries. She believes that all females should be adults before they marry regardless of their culture because of issues of education, prenatal health, and economic rights. Rebecca has assumed the ____ position of ethics.


Dynamic style

uses an indirect style of communicating along with a more emotionally intense expressiveness

Indirect communication style

verbal messages may obscure or minimize the speaker's true intentions, needs, wants, and desires; emphasizes on high context communication

Direct communication style

verbal messages reveal the speaker's true intentions, needs, wants, and desires; the emphasis is on low context communication

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