Intercultural Comm Final

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Based on your understanding of the various value orientations presented in this chapter which country listed below would fit the following description. This country would be considered highly individualistic, low uncertainty avoidance, low power distance, masculine, short-term oriented, and indulgent. Japan United States China Sweden

United States

According to the textbook the three most enduring and influential social organizations in cultures are: family, state, religion clans, sects, government aesthetics, language, philosophy family, schools, technology

family, state, religion

The textbook identifies two common forms (nuclear and extended) of families found in most cultures. Based on your familiarity with these two forms which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Extended families? Extended families are the most typical pattern found in most Western cultures. Extended families can include grandparents, aunts and uncles and their children, and in-laws. Extended families typically live in one house or near by and create a cooperative unit Extended families typically share economic and child rearing duties.

Extended families are the most typical pattern found in most Western cultures.

According to the textbook the oldest and most fundamental of human institutions is _________? The rule of law Religion Cave drawings in France Family


Use the concepts found in the text (ingredients of human communication) and respond to the following scenario: Uhuru listens to the instructor's lecture. She makes sense out of the lecture by translating it in her mind. Uhuru also nods in agreement, leans forward in interest, raises her hand when asked if she understands and answers aloud when asked a direct question. Each of these nonverbal and verbal responses or reactions are known as? Environments Noise Digital Inputs Feedback


According to the textbook the learning of gender roles begins at birth and that each family, regardless of culture, is primarily responsible for teaching each child the appropriate behaviors of their gendered identities.The book goes on to discuss how these gender roles can vary across cultures. Which of the following is NOT typically true of gender roles in Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) cultures? Children often see the father served first at meals, getting the first bath, and receiving nods and deep bows from rest of the family. Females are taught to be modest and are responsible for social and cultural functions. Males are responsible for task functions, are often indulged and pampered. Females are granted far more freedom than males.

Females are granted far more freedom than males.

According to the textbook for most Arab/Muslim communities, which of the following would NOT be true about gender roles? Females are typically considered the head of a household, the primary wage earner, decision-maker, and disciplinarian. Males (parent or siblings) are expected to assume protection of females. Males are considered to be stronger than females physically, mentally, and emotionally. Islamic teachings spell out the roles, rights, and duties of females.

Females are typically considered the head of a household, the primary wage earner, decision-maker, and disciplinarian.

According to Hofstede's Value Dimensions cultures differ on the extent to which their members feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations. Grounded in the assumption that the future is unknowable, cultures vary in their ability to tolerate ambiguity and unpredictability. With this in mind ______________ cultures have a strong need for laws, written rules, planning, regulations, rituals, ceremonies, and established societal, behavioral, and communication conventions to add structure to life. High Indulgence High Uncertainty Avoidance Low Uncertainty Avoidance Low Collectivism

High Uncertainty Avoidance

According to the text communication is an ongoing activity that has no beginning or ending and is therefore not static. If we understand communication is more like a "motion picture" than a "snapshot" and if we understand that sending and receiving messages involves a host of variables, all in operation at the same time we can conclude that communication is? A Dynamic Process Contextual Symbolic Persuasion

A Dynamic Process

According to the textbook history is a key component of a culture's deep structure. History is central because it provides members of every culture with their identity, values, goals, and expectations. Which of the following was NOT discussed as an important aspect of a culture's history? A culture's formal and informal governmental procedures. A culture's political and economic processes. A culture's efforts to curb environmental destruction. A culture's key historical heroes, and even its geography.

A culture's efforts to curb environmental destruction.

According to the textbook what was the central issue that divided the two major branches of Islam? A disagreement over how to best choose a leader of Islam. A disagreement over whether or not the city of Mecca should be the destination for annual pilgrimages. A disagreement over whether or not the religion was founded by the Prophet Muhammad. A disagreement over whether or not the Koran should serve as the most sacred of all texts.

A disagreement over how to best choose a leader of Islam.

According to the textbook (Chapter 11), the concept of Power informs and influences intercultural interactions in several ways. The book states that the "level of power you have during any conversation is contingent on the person(s) you are interacting with and the resources you control." Based on your understanding of the concept of power and how it shapes intercultural interactions, which of the following is NOT accurate? All cultures share the same beliefs regarding the sources of power and the importance of expressing personal power. Power can give people the ability to impact what is appropriate and what is not, including topics of discussion, which level of formality to use, how to dress and behave, and even what to think or believe. An individual using their first language often enjoys a degree of power over someone using their second language when the occasion/context affirms the use of the first language. The expressions of power are culturally based and what may be seen as a source of power in one culture may have no bearing on power in another culture.

All cultures share the same beliefs regarding the sources of power and the importance of expressing personal power.

According to the text what are the essential features of the definition of culture? Specifies that culture is "human made" and is primarily concerned with the non-biological aspects of human life. Culture is reflected through "subjective elements" that include such concepts as values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and those foundational conventions most prevalent in a social order. Focuses on the importance of language as a symbol system that allows culture to be transmitted and shared. All of the above are essential features of the text's definition of culture.

All of the above are essential features of the text's definition of culture.

Based on your understanding of the process of Acculturation, including the three models (U-Curve, W-Curve, Stress-Adaptation-Growth) discussed in Chapter 11, which of the following statements is NOT accurate? The U-Curve model includes four phases including the Honeymoon, Disillusionment, Recovery and Effective Functioning stages. The W-Curve model includes the analysis of the adjustment period that expatriates go through when they return home after extended periods living in another culture. The three components of the stress-adaption-growth model illustrate the dynamic and continuous process of learning that takes place throughout a person's time experiencing and learning a new culture. All of the above statements are accurate.

All of the above statements are accurate.

Which of the following was NOT discussed as a key Characteristic of Culture? Culture is Shared. Culture is Transmitted from Generation to Generation. Culture is Based on Symbols. Culture is Learned. All of the above were discussed as key Characteristics of Culture.

All of the above were discussed as key Characteristics of Culture.

According to the text (Chapter 11) stereotypes can hamper intercultural communication in several ways. Which of the following was NOT mentioned? Stereotypes act as a filter that only allow in information that is consistent with information already held by the individual. Stereotypes are resistant to change and tend to intensify with the passage of time. Stereotypes are oversimplified, exaggerated, and overgeneralized assumptions that alter intercultural communication because they lead people to base their preparation, transmission, and reception of messages on false assumptions. All of the above were mentioned in the text.

All of the above were mentioned in the text.

According to the text (Chapter 11) there are several important ethical considerations to be mindful during our intercultural interactions. Based on your understanding of these Ethic in Communication and the Guidelines for Intercultural Ethic, which of the following was NOT recommended as an ethical approach for guiding intercultural interactions? Always avoid relativism and always practice universalism. Be aware that communication produces a response. Be self-responsible. Respect others. All of the above were suggested guidelines.

Always avoid relativism and always practice universalism.

The worldview that consists of a set of beliefs that include (1) a rejection of the existence of supernatural beings, that (2) reliable knowledge is obtained through the use of the scientific method, (3) that ethical standards are human-made codes of conduct created to govern the here and now, and that (4) death is the end of this life and there is no other life after this one is called? Democracy Existentialism Atheism Capitalism


According to the textbook a culture's political heritage can influence national character. Which of the following best describes the political heritage of Russia? Constitution-based Federal Republic Autocratic, centralized government Parliamentary Tribal

Autocratic, centralized government

The text highlights the notion that Culture is Dynamic and discusses how cultures often navigate the process of change. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of cultural change? Because there has been no impact from things like new technology, international immigration and travel, global health and environmental issues, or a global economy most cultures rarely face questions of cultural change. Since cultures seek to endure, they often adopt outside elements that are compatible with their existing values and beliefs, or that can be modified or incorporated into their culture with little disruption. Because much of culture is habitual and deeply rooted in tradition, you can find many examples where change is not welcomed and is even confronted with hostility. Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the deep structure of culture resists major alterations.

Because there has been no impact from things like new technology, international immigration and travel, global health and environmental issues, or a global economy most cultures rarely face questions of cultural change.

The Four Nobel Truths and the Eightfold Path are key parts of this religion's core assumptions. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


This religion was founded by an Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama who would later be known as the Enlightened One. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


According to the text (Chapter 11) prejudicial attitudes like "I didn't get the promotion because they needed to meet an affirmative action quota" reflect what function of prejudice? Ego-Defense Function Utilitarian Function Value-Expressive Function Knowledge Function

Ego-Defense Function

According to the textbook China is the world's oldest continuous civilization. In addition the book identifies the significance that geography played in China's uninterrupted record of cultural development. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a geographical effect on China's culture. China developed a sense of cultural superiority. Geography gave rise to regional separation and differentiation in customs and dialects. China had significant awareness of other early civilizations and modeled its culture on them. Chinese rulers adopted a bureaucratic system of government, adopted Confucianism as a state ideology, and developed a written language common to all to help unify the country.

China had significant awareness of other early civilizations and modeled its culture on them.

The core assumptions of this religion include the belief "that they gravest problem in human life is sin," and the belief in the Trinity or the "sacred mystery of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" as one. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


The core assumptions of this religion are outlined in the Analects and stress that people are generally good, that social harmony, education, and a rigid hierarchy for all social relations are important to educating and cultivating the individual. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


According to the textbook (Chapter 11), "when entering a different culture, some of the most predictable societal norms may be different, producing both uncertainty and an inability to function competently." The book goes on to state that the this "inability to operate as usual would produce both cognitive anxiety and physical stress, and in some cases a syndrome referred to as _________________." Culture Shock Cultural Overstimulation Culture Fatigue Cultural Exhilaration None of the above.

Culture Shock

According to Hall's work which of the following would NOT be a characteristic of a High-Context culture? Because meaning is not necessarily contained in words, information is provided through inference, gestures and even silence. Members of these cultures often communicate in an indirect fashion. High-Context cultures rely more on how something is said, rather than what is said, and are acutely aware of nonverbal cues. High-Context cultures lack similarities among people, have loosely defined social protocols, and rely little on status to determine meaning.

High-Context cultures lack similarities among people, have loosely defined social protocols, and rely little on status to determine meaning.

According to the textbook which of the following would NOT be considered a monotheistic religion? Islam Hinduism Christianity Judaism All of the above are monotheistic religions.


One of the core assumptions of this religion is the belief of the "Divine in Everything" which stresses that "the universe is interconnected across time and space" and that "Rocks, plants, animals and humans are all interrelated." Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


The sacred texts or scriptures for this religion include the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad-Gita. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations cultures that believe the most powerful forces of life are beyond control and whether the force is god, fate, or magic, it cannot be overcome and must therefore be accepted have which Person/Nature Orientation? Humans Subject to Nature Humans in Harmony with Nature Humans as Masters of Nature Humans as Universal Agents of Joy

Humans Subject to Nature

According to Ting-Toomey's research on Face and Facework the term "face" can be thought of as the self-image you want to project to other people (i.e. face is your public identity). Based on your understanding of Facework which of the following is NOT accurate? Facework can be described in self-directed and other-oriented terms. In collectivistic cultures (i.e. China) gaining or losing face is closely connected to issues of social pride, honor, dignity, insult, shame, disgrace, humility, trust, mistrust, respect and prestige. In individualistic cultures there is a greater emphasis on other-oriented face-saving. Since "face" is how others see you, it is acquired, maintained, and lost through social interaction.

In individualistic cultures there is a greater emphasis on other-oriented face-saving.

According to the text there are [2] main ways we learn our culture. The method that is characterized as a very subtle approach that includes learning through interaction, observation and imitation is called? Book Learning Formal Learning STEM Learning Informal Learning

Informal Learning

According to the textbook the concept applied in the U.S. during the 1800s that was used to justify westward expansion and territorial acquisition of the "unused land" in North America? Manifest Destiny Louisiana Purchase Magna Carta Industrial Revolution

Manifest Destiny

One of the core assumptions of this religion is there is only "One God" and that the "greatest of all sins occur when a person gives even the smallest share of Allah's exclusive and unique sovereignty to something else or to another body." Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


The Five Pillars of this religion include: statement of belief, prayer, alms, fasting and pilgrimage. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


According to the textbook several factors in Japanese history have contributed to the country's cultural homogeneity. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors mentioned as a cause of this homogeneity? Japan is a relatively small nation surrounded by water. Japan's government run office of immigration that encouraged a large influx of foreigners. Japan's 250 years of governmentally imposed national seclusion during the Takugawa (or Edo) era (1603-1897). Japan's feudal-based system of government.

Japan's government run office of immigration that encouraged a large influx of foreigners.

The core assumptions of this religion include a belief that "Humans are inherently pure and good and are given free will" and there is no belief in original sin but a person can commit a sin by breaking the commandments outlined in the Torah. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


This religion was founded in approximately 1300 BCE and one of the most significant events in the forming of this religion is the role played by the prophet Abraham. Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Confucianism Buddhism


The textbook acknowledges that the "process of cultural adjustment can be a lengthy, formidable task that requires attaining a large body of knowledge about the new culture." Which of the following suggestions for Managing Culture Shock is best explained as the intentional process of expanding our cultural awareness of a new culture, including an understanding of the new culture's religious orientations, historical background, political systems, primary cultural values and beliefs, verbal styles, nonverbal behaviors, family organization, social etiquette, and other similar aspects? Guard Against Ethnocentrism. Stay Connected to Your Own Culture. Learn About the Host Culture. Learn About the Language of the Host Culture.

Learn About the Host Culture

According to the textbook which of the following would NOT be consistent with a worldview of modern spirituality? Connect yourself to activities that encourage creative self-expression such as dance, music, etc. Learn to be mindful and observe your environment and how you behave when you are in that environment. Think not only about what you are but what you choose to be through self-discovery. Learn to value strict routines, staying busy at all times, seeking material wealth and avoiding solitude. All of the above were consistent with the worldview of modern spirituality.

Learn to value strict routines, staying busy at all times, seeking material wealth and avoiding solitude.

According to the text, Communication Competence includes three main features. The aspect of competence that includes (1) the desire to be part of a successful intercultural encounter and (2) can be influenced by intrinsic or extrinsic factors is called? Culture General Knowledge. Answer Motivation. Culture Specific Knowledge. Intercultural Listening Skills.


According to the textbook which of the following is most accurate regarding collectivistic cultures? Tend to be Western cultures. Prefer competition to cooperation. People view themselves more as members of groups rather than individuals. Perceive the individual as a sovereign, stand-alone entity.

People view themselves more as members of groups rather than individuals.

According to Hofstede's Value Dimensions _____________ is concerned with how societies manage "the fact that people are unequal." Individualism Long-Term Orientation Power Distance Restraint

Power Distance

According to Kohls' "The Values Americans Live By" _______________ reveals the American tendency to be rational and logical when working on problems and that reason takes precedence over emotionality, subjectivity, or sentimentality. In addition _______________ reveals an American tendency where "People are ranked, graded, classified, and evaluated so that everyone will know who the best is." Please select the Pair of Terms that most accurately fills the two definitions above. Change: Spirituality Practicality and Efficiency: Competition Informality: Past Orientation Egalitarianism: Fate

Practicality and Efficiency: Competition

According to the text (Chapter 11) which of the following is NOT accurate when discussing racism? Both blatant and very subtle forms of racism permeate organizational and personal levels of our society, from governmental, business, and educational institutions to our everyday interactions. Racism is on the decline throughout the world. The effects of racism are both conscious and subconscious and are damaging to those who are the recipients of this destructive behavior as well as to the racists themselves. Racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of a particular race and denies the basic equality of humankind and correlates ability with physical composition.

Racism is on the decline throughout the world.

According the the textbook (Chapter 11), there are some measures we can take to help reduce racism. Based on your understanding of the [4] measures discussed, which of the following was NOT identified as an action we can take to reduce racism? Try to be honest about your own racist views and be truthful with yourself. Remain silent when others use implicit or blatant forms of racist language. Respect freedom. Examine racism's historical roots and be able to explain the origins of racist ideas and why they appeal to some people.

Remain silent when others use implicit or blatant forms of racist language.

According to the text there are [6] Elements of Culture that often distinguish one culture from another. Which of the following was NOT included in this section of the chapter? History Religion Scientific Discovery Language

Scientific Discovery

According to the text which of the following was NOT listed as one of the four Elements of Religion? Ethics Religious Rituals Scientific Writings Speculation

Scientific Writings

According to the textbook which of the following was NOT identified as one of the various ways that the history of Islam is continuously reinforced for contemporary Muslims? Language/Classical Arabic Geography Tribal Affiliations Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism

According to the textbook families have [4] primary functions. The function that teaches children their culture's core values and worldview and is responsible for a child's training in obedience, responsibility, nurturing, achievement, self-reliance, and general independence is called? Reproductive Economic Socialization Ethnocentric


According to the textbook notions of the "typical" American family have changed significantly over the last four decades. Several factors were identified as being key to these changes and include economic changes, technological innovations, demographics and gender roles and opportunities for women. Based on your understanding of these changes which of the following is NOT an accurate statement? The rate of heterosexual married couples with children is declining. The changing family includes two gay men or two lesbians who have adopted a child. The changing family includes a single woman or man who has adopted a child. The changing family includes a significant reduction in interracial marriages.

The changing family includes a significant reduction in interracial marriages.

According to the textbook the Spanish Conquest, which began in 1519, significantly changed the country of Mexico. In addition to destroying approximately 90 percent of the native population by 1650 the text highlights [3] major changes that arose from Spain's military conquest. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as one of these changes? The introduction of Catholicism. The development of a rigid class system. The creation of an educational system that emphasized pre-Columbian history and culture. The granting of vast tracts of land to the Spanish conquerors.

The creation of an educational system that emphasized pre-Columbian history and culture.

According to the text which of the following is NOT accurate when talking about cultural values? The significance of values is that they inform members of a culture as to what is considered right and wrong, good and bad, correct and incorrect, appropriate and inappropriate. Institutionalized cultural values define what is worth dying for, what is worth protecting, what frightens people, what subjects are worthy of study, and what topics deserve ridicule. The dominant values of a culture are shared by every member within that culture as they are static codes that work in isolation and never change. Values guide behavior, shape social norms and provide criteria to judge people's conduct.

The dominant values of a culture are shared by every member within that culture as they are static codes that work in isolation and never change.

According to the textbook which of the following is NOT true about deep structure institutions? The institutions carry a culture's most important messages. The institutions have a superficial or minimal impact on a person's identity. The institutions and their messages endure. The institutions and their messages are deeply felt.

The institutions have a superficial or minimal impact on a person's identity.

According to the textbook "Anyone beginning a study of the Republic of India will be immediately struck by the rich diversity that characterizes the geography, peoples, cultures, languages, and history" of the country. With nearly 1.2 billion people inhabiting this land which of the following was NOT mentioned as an aspect of its cultural diversity? The population of India is governed by national socialism. The population of India speak eighteen official languages. The population of India consists of over two thousand ethnic groups. The people of India practice a multiplicity of religions including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Parsi, and a number of other belief traditions.

The population of India is governed by national socialism.

According to the textbook Perception is considered Selective because? There is too much stimuli competing for your attention and you must filter information in order to manage the avalanche of sensory data. You always perceive things objectively and accurately. Culture teaches you the meaning of most of your experiences. Once you perceive something in a particular manner that interpretation does not usually change.

There is too much stimuli competing for your attention and you must filter information in order to manage the avalanche of sensory data.

According to the textbook (Chapter 11), one frequently experienced obstacle to effective intercultural communication is managing the cognitive feelings of uncertainly that often increase during intercultural interactions. Which of the following suggestions was explicitly discussed as an important way of managing our uncertainty during these moments? Withdrawing is the best course of action when uncertainty is felt or anticipated. We should assume our cultural practices are universally shared. We should attempt to practice more mindful communication with an increased awareness of our own behaviors while also being more accepting of different cultural practices and perspectives. We should always seek and interact with those who we only share similarities in order to avoid feelings of uncertainty.

We should attempt to practice more mindful communication with an increased awareness of our own behaviors while also being more accepting of different cultural practices and perspectives.

Identify which of the following is NOT among the five universal questions for cultures, according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations. What is the value of wealth and materialism? What is the character of human nature? What is the value placed on activity? What is the orientation toward time?

What is the value of wealth and materialism?

According to the text the U. S. national character was significantly shaped by the early European (Anglo-Saxons) settlers. Which of the following values was NOT mentioned as one of these inherited values? hard work self-improvement individuality a deep devotion to all English institutions (i.e. "the Crown," "divine right," and the Church of England).

a deep devotion to all English institutions (i.e. "the Crown," "divine right," and the Church of England).

According to the textbook the "conscious and unconscious assumptions about how the world works, that unifies a culture, makes each culture unique, and explains the 'how' and 'why' of a culture's collective action" is referred to as its: subculture foundational narratives deep structure matrix of meaning

deep structure

According to the text (The Ingredients of Human Communication), a sender _________ ideas and feelings into some sort of message and then conveys them via a channel to a receiver who _________ them. Choose the ONE pair of concepts below that most accurately match the blanks/definitions of the concepts. intuits/responds to signs/interprets encodes/decodes decodes/encodes


According to the textbook (Chapter 11), "when entering a different culture, some of the most predictable societal norms may be different, producing both uncertainty and an inability to function competently." The book goes on to state that the this "inability to operate as usual would produce both cognitive anxiety and physical stress, and in some cases a syndrome referred to as _________________."


The textbook defines a worldview as a "culture's orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, the universe and the cosmos, life moral and ethical reasoning, suffering, death, and other philosophical issues that influence how its members perceive their world." The three main categories of worldviews the chapter covered included? secular humanism, empiricism, pragmatism traditional religions, atheism, spirituality cosmology, astrology, paganism Shintoism, Mormonism, Sikhism

traditional religions, atheism, spirituality

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