Intermediate TOPIK GRAMMAR

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4. -은/는 커녕 is used to say "There wasn't X, let alone Y" or "Never mind Y, I didn't even do X!" The noun or verb before the structure is attached to let alone or never mind, while 도is used for emphasis in the second part:

"Noun은/는커녕 B(도) + negative situation" "Verb기는커녕 + negative situation" means 'Don't even mention A because it is far from —'. For example, 우리는 데이트는커녕 얼굴 보기도 힘들어요. - We can't even see each other often, let alone dating. 요즘은 공부는커녕 신문도 못 읽어요. - I can't even read newspapers, let alone studying. 글을 고치기는커녕, 실수를 더 많이 했어요. - I made even more mistakes, rather than correcting the writing. 칭찬은커녕 야단만 맞았어요. - I only got scolded rather than getting compliments.

67. Basic Korean Grammar (으)ㄴ/는 (으)ㄴ/는 attaches after adjective stems and it functions to modify the following nouns. And it shows the state of the noun.

'Adjective-은/ㄴ Noun.' = A 은/ㄴ N "저기 키가 큰 사람이 지누 씨예요." That person is Jinu who is tall. "저기 키가 크고 짧은 치마를 입은 사람이 맞아요?" Is it that person who is tall and wearing a short skirt?'큰 (tall), 짧은 (short).which are adjectives. Both words modify the following nouns: '사람 (person,' '치마 (skirt). '지누 씨는 짧은 치마를 입었어요.' Jinu wore a short skirt.When you look at '짧은,' '은' attaches after the adjective '짧다 (to be short)' and '짧은' modify the following noun '치마 (a skirt).

94. ~(이)나마 = At least, although, if only (choosing something although it's not the best option)

(commonly used in ~(이)라서 / 아/어서 이/그나마 다행이다) 그나마 다행 아닌가 = That in itself is fortunate, is it not? 막연한 것이나마 Vague though it was 작은 것이나마 = Although they were small 이것도 손쉬운 방법이나마 일상의 탈피니까 = This is an easy method, true enough, but it is an escape from everyday life. 그들은 잠시나마 그녀를 크게 자랑스러워했다 = They were very proud of her, for a little while. 사고로 많이 안 다쳐서 그나마 불행 중 다행이군요 = It's fortunate that you weren't badly hurt in the accident.

61. (으)려거든

(reason) 거든 = if, when, because(으)려거든 = (으)려고 하거든 (shorten form) = ~려고 하다+거든~려고 하다 = Do something in order to V, try to V(According to internet, It's a tense(aspect); prospective 예정상)So, 올해 칠월에 한국어 능력시험을 보거든 열심히 공부하세요. = Study hard if you take TOPIK in July. (Little wierd in korea) 올해 칠월에 한국어 능력시험을 보려거든 열심히 공부하세요. = Study hard if you are preparing the exam in order to take TOPIK in July.(or) Study hard if you try to take TOPIK in July.(or) Study hard if you want to pass TOPIK in July.

25. -는 대신(에)

(는) 대신에 and 대신에 are used to say 'instead of N' and 'instead of V-ing' respectively. The chosen action comes afterwards: 밥 대신에 피자를 먹을래요? Instead of rice, shall we eat pizza? 당구 대신에 풀 합시다. Let's play pool instead of billiards.

36. 려던 참이다

(으)려던 참이다 is used at the end of a sentence to show that you were about to do something: 너한테 전화를 하려던 참이었어요. I was just about to call you. 지금 나가려던 참이었어요. I was about to leave now. - 박물관에 같이 갈까요? - Shall we go to the museum together? - 안 그래도, 가려던 참이었어요. 같이 갈래요. - Actually, I was just about to go. Let's go together. - 지금 뭐 해요? - What are you doing now? - 얼굴을 세수하고 잠을 자려던 참이었어요. - I was about to wash my face and go to sleep. - 지금은 바빠요? - Are you busy right now? - 안 그래도, 밥을 먹으려던 참이었어요. 15분 후에 돌아오세요. - Actually, I was about to eat a meal. Come back in 15 minutes.

16. 아/어/여 보이다

-아/어/여 보이다 (-a/eo/yeo boida) is the grammatical structure that expresses "to seem" or "to look." This structure is added at the end of the verb stem, and the tense and the mood are expressed through the verb 보이다 (boida). When used with nouns, the verb 같다 (gatda), which means "to be like," is used with this structure

55. ~(으)ㄹ까 하다 I'm thinking about.... I am thinking of/ planning to ~give vague intention or uncertain plan Usage : - Indicate the speaker's vague intention or uncertain plan that could still change. Tense: Verb- 과거 : -(으)ㄹ까 했다 -현재 : -(으)ㄹ까 하다

1. 안나 씨, 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? - 그동안 여유가 없어서 전혀 못 놀았는데 주말에는 게임을 하면서 좀 놀까 해요. Anna, what will you do in weekend? - I haven't had time to have fun lately, so I am thinking of playing games. 2. 저녁에 뭘 할 거예요? - 친구들과 같이 술을 마실까 해요. 밍 씨도 같이 마실래요? What are you going to do at dinner? - I am going to drink with friends. Do you want to drink with us, Minh? 3. 다음 달부터 요가를 배울까 해요. I am thinking of learning yoga from the next month. 4. 오랜만에 해수욕장에 갈까 하는데 같이 갈래요? I am thinking of going to the beach since a long time, would you like to go with me? 5. 회사를 옮길까 했는데 월급이 올라서 그냥 다니기로 했어요. I am thinking about changing jobs, but I got a salary raise, so I decided to stay. 6. 지난 방학에 고향에 못 가서 이번 방학에 고향에 갈까 해요. Last vacation I couldn't go back my hometown, so this vacation I am thinking of going back my hometown.

52. V + 을래야... 을 수가 없다 is part of a structure that says you tried or intended to do something but did not succeed for some reason. Commonly found in speaking, the full pattern is:

1.Give the reason first 2.State the attempted/desired action before 을래야 3. State the verb again before 을 수가 없다 너무 시끄러워서 잠이 들을래야 잠이 들 수가 없었어요. It was too noisy so I tried to fall asleep but couldn't. 열차가 가득해서 자리에 앉을래야 앉을 수가 없었어요. The train was crammed so though I wanted to sit down but couldn't. 음식이 너무 짜서 먹을래야 먹을 수가 없었어요. The food was too salty so when I tried to eat it I couldn't. 마지막 버스를 놓쳐서 친구랑 만날래야 만날 수가 없었어요. I wanted to meet my friend but I couldn't because I missed the last bus.

46. ~이지~ 가 아니다

A not B Example 우유를 마셔야지 커피가 아니에요 이렇게 해야지 이렇게 아니다

43. -던데(요) Surprisingly (yes)/actually (no): 던데요

A/V + (였)던데요 and N + (이)던데요 show that: you are surprised at a past situation a result is contrary to someone else's expectations Expressing surprise at a past situation: surprisingly, yes! 노래방에 갔을 때 민호씨가 노래를 정말 잘 했던데요. When we went to noraebang last night, Minho sang surprisingly well! 미국 친구의 아내가 미국인이 아니라 영국인이던데요. (I was surprised to find that) My American friend's wife was British, not American. 운전면허시험이 어려울 줄 알았는데 쉽던데요. I expected the driving test to be difficult but it was surprisingly easy. 제가 늦게 도착하니 아내가 화를 내던데요. I arrived late and (surprisingly) my wife was angry at me. 다이어트를 끝낸 준영씨의 몸이 좋아 보이던데요. Having finished dieting, Jun Yeong's body looks surprisingly good! 영화가 아주 재미있던데요. That movie was (surprisingly) good!

24. 는 편이다

A/V + ㄴ/은/는 편이다 shows a tendency to do or be something. It is less direct than using just the verb/adjective by itself. It can function in the same way as 'kind of', 'relatively', 'quite' etc: 주말에는 친구들이랑 탁구를 하는 편이에요. I tend to play table tennis with my friends on the weekend (not weekdays). 몇 개월 동안 저는 훈련했는데 빠르게 달리기를 못 하는 편이에요. I've been training for a few months but I can't really run that fast. 그가 여자친구한테 자주 전화를 안 하는 편이에요. He doesn't tend to call his girlfriend often. 일본어가 한국어보다 어려운 편이에요. Japanese is rather more difficult than Korean. 한국 학생들이 영국 생활에 호기심이 있는 편이에요. Korean students are quite curious about life in the UK. 남동생이 아직 키가 작은 편이에요. My younger brother is still fairly short

7. 기는(요)

A/V + 기는(요) is used to emphatically disagree with a previous statement: - 이 책을 다 읽었어요? - Have you finished reading the book? - 끝나기는요? 책을 읽는 것을 시작하지 않았어요! - Finished? I haven't started reading it! - 지금 너무 춥죠? - It's really cold now, right? - 춥기는요. 다음 달에 기온이 더 낮아질 거예요. - Cold?! Next month the temperature will get lower. A/V + 기는(요) can also show modesty in accepting a compliment : - 한국말을 잘하시네요. - You speak Korean really well. - 잘하기는요. 아직도 실수를 많이 해요. - Well? I still make lots of mistakes. - 옷을 잘 입어요. - You dress very well. - 잘 입기는요. - Dress well? Oh not at all... (blushing)

15. 아어도 되다

A/V + 아/어 + 도 되다 : This pattern is used to either ask or tell someone it is ok to do something. This pattern is interchangeable with the pattern A/V + 아/어 + 도 괜찮다.

42. (으)ㄴ/는 탓에 Cause and negative effect

A/V + 은 탓에 is used to link a cause to its negative effect. Usually the outcome is avoidable and something/one (possibly yourself) is to blame. It roughly translates to 'because this happened... that (negative thing) happened...': 빨간 신호등을 무시하고 달리는 탓에 과태료를 냈어요. I ignored the red light so I had to pay a fine. 열심히 공부하는 대신에 밤에 새우고 넷플릭스로 GOT를 본 탓에 시험을 망쳤어요. Since they stayed up all night watching Game of Thrones on Netflix instead of studying, they failed the test. 내가 늦잠을 잔 탓에 버스를 놓쳤잖아요! You know we missed the bus because you overslept! 바레인에 살았을 때 집 안에 자주 머무르는 탓에 체중이 늘었어요. When I lived in Bahrain I often stayed inside so I put on weight. 퇴원한 후에 목발을 짚지 않은 탓에 지금 다리가 정말 아팠어요. After I was discharged from hospital I didn't use my crutches so now my legs really hurt.

31. 는 척하다

A/V + 은/는 척하다 is used to show that someone is pretending to V or be A, or they're acting as though they are A/V-ing: To pretend to A/V: 은/는 척하다 어머니께 그에게 설거지를 하라고 말했을 때 잠을 자는 척했어요. He pretended to sleep when his mother told him to wash the dishes. 여자는 남자친구와 헤어졌을 때 신경 안 쓰는 척 행동했어요. When she split up with her boyfriend she acted as though she didn't care

22. 다기보다는

A/V + 은/는다기보다는 and N + (이)라기보다는 are used to show that a thing or action is betrer described by the second A/V/N than the first. It roughly translates to "it's not so much/I wouldn't say X, but rather Y". 그냥 is often included in the second part of the structure: 친구랑 이야기를 하고 싶지 않다기보다는 그냥 정말 부끄러워요. I wouldn't say that I don't want to talk with my friend - it's just that I'm really shy. 소주를 마시지 않는다기보다는 그냥 가장 좋아하는 술이 아니에요. It's not so much that I don't drink soju - it's just that it's not my favourite kind of alcohol. 등산을 좋아한다기보다는 한국에 있을 때 그냥 등산을 해요. It's not so much that I like hiking, but when you're in Korea you just do it. 그 남자가 친구라기보다는 그냥 회사 동료예요. I wouldn't say that he is my friend - he's just a colleague from work. 매운 음식을 잘 먹는다기보다는 한국친구들이랑 식다에 갈 때마다 그냥 먹어요. I wouldn't say that I eat spicy food well, but that it's just what I eat whenever I go to restaurants with my Korean friends. 김치를 좋아한다기보다는 식당에 갈 때마다 그냥 먹어요. I wouldn't say that I like kimchi, it's more that whenever I go to a restaurant I just eat it. 돼지고기를 먹지 않다기보다는 그냥 다 고기를 별로 좋아하지 않아요. It's not that I don't eat pork - rather I'm just not really into meat.

48- On the verge of/to the point of: 을 지경이다

A/V + 을 지경이다 is an emphatic expression meaning 'on the verge of' or 'to the point of'. It comes from the hanja word for boundary (地境). It is used to highlight the extremity of a situation. It is most often used negatively, with verbs of hardship: 샘이 나서 죽을 지경이었어요. I was green with (dying of) envy. 객차가 너무 더워서 기절할 지경이었어요. The train carriage was so hot that I almost fainted. 아침 식사를 먹는 둥 마는 둥 했더니 점심에 배고파 죽을 지경이었어요. At lunchtime I was starving (dying of hunger) because I only had a few mouthfuls of breakfast. 목이 말라 죽을 지경이에요. I'm dying of thirst. 이 곡을 얼마나 들었는지 말할 수 없을 지경이에요. I can't tell you how many times I listened to this song. 일이 힘들어 포기할 지경이에요. This is so hard I'm about ready to give up. 돈이 없어서 라면만 먹어야 할 지경이에요. I'm going to have eat just ramen, I'm so broke. 동생이 귀찮아 비명이 날 지경이에요! My little brother is such a nuisance I could almost scream! 좀 전에 달리기를 했더니 다리가 너무 아파서 쓰러질 지경이에요. My legs hurt so much after running that I'm about to faint. 미세 먼지 때문에 숨이 막힐 지경이었어요. I can barely breathe because of the fine dust. 사우디의 여름은 더워서 몸이 녹을 지경이에요. Summer in Saudi is so hot that my body is about to melt. 코로나바이러스 걱정에 병이 날 지경이에요. I'm worried sick about the coronavirus. 숙제가 어려워서 미칠 지경이에요. The homework is so difficult that I'm about to go crazy. 그 사람은 큰 목소리로 통과해서 화가 날 지경이에요. That guy talking loudly on his phone is making me mad. 밤새 고양이가 야옹야옹 울어 대서 귀찮을 지경이에요! The sound of caterwauling all night is so annoying!

49.- A/V-(으)ㄹ 정도로 grammar = (to the extent) that ~express degree of an action

A/V-(으)ㄹ 정도로 grammar = (to the extent) that ~express degree of an action Usage:- Express degree or extent of an action or state = (to the extent) that, so...that- 2 forms: -(으)ㄹ 정도로 or -(으)ㄹ 정도이다 Verb + -(으)ㄹ 정도로 or 정도이다: 보다 -- 볼 정도 ( the extent that I can see something again and again) 안 보이다 -- 안 보일 정도이다 ( the extent that it can't be seen) 놀라다 -- 놀랄 정도로 (so... that I am surprised) 외우다 -- 외울 정도로 ( the extent that I can memorize) 쓰러지다 -- 쓰러질 정도로 ( the extend that I could collapse) 이상하다 -- 이상할 정도로 (so...that it is strange) Adjective + -(으)ㄹ 정도로 or 정도이다:무섭다 -- 부서울 정도 (...that it is even scary) 구엽다 -- 구여울 정도 (...that it is so cute) 울고 싶다 -- 울고 싶을 정도로 (so...that I want to cry) Examples: 1. 오늘 돌아다니면서 구경 많이 했어요?- 네, 피곤해서 쓰러질 정도로 많이 돌아다녔어요. Did you get a lot of sightseeing done today?- Yes, I was tired since I went here and there (to the extent) that I could have collapsed. 2. 비가 많이 오네요.- 네, 너무 많이 와서 앞이 잘 안 보일 정도예요. It's raining really heavy.- Yes, it's raining so heavy that I can hardly see the front. 3. 저는 몇 번째 다시 볼 정도로 이 드라마를 좋아해요. I like this drama to the extent that I watch again several times. 4. 이 시험은 아주 쉬워서 주학생도 모수 풀 정도였어요. This test was so easy that even a middle school student could have solved it. 5. 저는 쓰러질 정도로 배가 많이 고파요. I was so hungry that I could have collapsed. 6. 전 다 외울 정도로 그 책을 여러 번 읽었어. I have read that book several times that I have memorized it. 7. 이 비디오 클립을 볼 때마다 너무 많이 웃어서 배가 아플 정도예요. Every time I watch this video clip, I laugh so much that I can hurt my belly. 8. 그 사람이 한국말을 아주 잘해서 한국 사람이라고 생각될 정도예요. That person is very good at Korean (to the extent) that people think he is a Korean. 9. 민수 씨가 술를 많이 마셨어서 정신도 못 차릴 정도예요. Minsu drank alcohol so much that he could lose his mind. 10. 민아 씨가 넘어져서 움직이지 못할 정도로 많이 다쳤어요. Mina fell and got hurt so bad that she couldn't move.

3.-A/N/V-든지 든지 grammar = whether... or... ~expressing any choices are fine

Adjective: A-든지 -든지 크든지 작든지 (whether large or small) 좋든지 안 좋든지 (whether good or not good) 맵든지 짜든지 (whether spicy or salty) 비싸든지 싸든지 (whether expensive or cheap) Verb: V-든지 -든지 (Present) or V-았/었든지 -았/었든지 (Past) 오든지 안 오든지 (whether come or not) 취소하든지 연기하든지 (whether cancel or delay) 잠을 자든지 안 자든지 (whether sleep or not) 가든지 말든지 (whether go or not) Noun: N-(이)든지 아들이든지 딸이든지 (whether a son or a daughter) 평일이든지 주말이든지 (whether weekend or weekday) 아이든지 성인이든지 (whether child or adult) 본인이든지 타인이드지 (whether you or other) Examples: 1. 이 서류는 무엇으로 써야합니까? - 볼펜으로 쓰든지 연필로 쓰든지 마음대로 하세요. What should I use to fill this document? - You can use whatever you want such as a ballpoint or a pencil.

14. 아어서는 안 되다

Attaching ~아/어서는 안 되다 to the end of a clause indicates that there will be a problem if the action is completed. The typical English translation of this is usually "one should not." For example: 밥을 많이 먹어서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn't eat a lot 선생님을 무시해서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn't ignore your teacher 장애인들을 놀려서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn't make fun of disabled people 고무를 입에 넣어서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn't put rubber in your mouth

10. A/V/N + 는 데다가 adds additional information, much like 'moreover' or 'furthermore'. The two ideas should be about the same subject, and should both be positive or both negative. A conclusion or result is often added (similar to using 그래서):

Ex. V + 은/는 데다가 (for past and present respectively) 그 남자는 엄격하게 다이어트를 한 데다가 아침마다 달리기도 해서 살이 많이 빠졌어요. He lost a lot of weight because he went on a strict diet and also ran every morning. 지난 주에는 스트레스를 엄청 받은 데다가 몸도 아파서 병원에 다녀왔어요. I went to the hospital last week because I was under a lot of stress - I was also sick. 준영씨는 영어를 잘 하는 데다가 노래도 잘 불러서 동료 사이에서 인기가 있어요. Jun-young is popular with her colleagues because he speaks English well and sings well too. 집안일을 해야하는 데다가 딸을 수영장에 데려 가야 해서 영화를 보러 갈 시간이 없어요. I don't have time to go to the movies because I have to do housework and also take my daughter to the pool. 그 나이트클럽은 최신 노래를 들을 수 있는 데다가 맥주도 싸서 항상 사람들로 가득 차요. You can hear the latest songs in that nightclub and, moreover beer is cheap, so it's always full. N+ 인 데다가 친구가 부자인 데다가 발이 아주 넓어요. My friend is rich and moreover, he has a lot of connections. 초밥은 손이 많이 가는 음식인 데다가 재료를 비싸서 자주 안 만들게 되어요. Sushi is a very difficult food to make and, moreover, the ingredients are expensive, so I don't often make it. 열이 나는 데다가 기침도 많이 하고 있어요. I have a fever and, what's more, I'm coughing a lot. 늦잠을 잔 데다가 공사 때문에 지하철 운항을 중단되어서 지각했어요. I was late because I overslept and, moreover, the subway service was suspended due to construction. A + 은 데다가 여름에 한국은 습기도 많은 데다가 햇빛도 강렬해서 힘들어요. In summer in Korea, there is a lot of moisture and there's strong sunlight too, so it's tough. 그 쇼핑몰은 가게가 다양한 데다가 저의 집에서 가까워서 자주 가요. I often go to the mall because there are many stores and, moreover, it is close to my house. 호수 주변 풍경이 아주 아름다운 데다가 물도 맑아서 많은 관광객들이 방문해요. The scenery around the lake is very beautiful and, moreover, the water is clear, so many tourists go there. 제주도의 경치가 아름다운 데다가 음식도 맛있더라고요. I found that the scenery of Jeju Island was beautiful and, what's more, the food is delicious.

9. V + 는 김에 roughly translates as 'while you're at it' or 'since you're already doing V'. Unlike (으)면서 (which means 'while V-ing'), this structure suggests it is more convenient to do the second action because you are already doing the first. ㄴ 김에 is used in the past tense and 는 김에 in the present/future tense:

Ex. 서울에 온 김에 한강공원에 갔어요. As I was in Seoul, I went to Hangang Park. 시작한 김에 끝까지 할 게요. Seeing as I've started, I will finish. 샐러드를 만든 김에 야채수프도 만들었어요. While I was making salad, I (took the opportunity and) made vegetable soup as well. 말이 나온 김에 여행예약을 하자. Speaking of which/while we're talking about it, let's (take this opportunity to) make our travel reservations. 은행에 있는 김에 가스비를 지불해야 돼요. As you're at the bank, you should pay the gas bill.

8. V + ㄴ/은/는 다기에 is used when information you heard from someone else is the reason for your action or response. Note the action/response clause is in the past tense:

Ex. 하이마트에서 가격을 인하한다기에 컴퓨터를 샀어요. (They said that) there were price reductions at Hi-Mart so I bought my computer there. 친구가 온다기에 집에서 점심을 준비했어요. (I heard that) my friend was coming so I prepared lunch at home. 비가 많이 온다기에 밖에서 달리기 대신에 헬스장에 갔어요. (I heard that) it was going to rain so instead of running outdoors I went to the gym.

2. -도록 = in order to, so that ~focus on the action to achieve the goal

Examples 몸이 빨리 낫도록 주말에는 푹 쉬세요. Take a good rest in weekend so that you can get better quickly. 아이가 자연 체험할 수 있도록 시골 농장에 가는 게 좋겠어요. It's better to go the country farm in order for children to experience nature. Specific usage: 도록 is also be used to express a time limit, degree or method related to the action. 눈이 빠지도록 수지 씨를 기다렸지만 오지 않았어요. I waited Suzy to the extent of blurring my eyes but she didn't come. 동생이 밤 12시가 되도록 집에 들어오지 않아서 걱정했어요. My brother didn't come home by midnight, so I worried.

84. A/V + (으)면서도 can be used to describe a situtation where two apparently contrasting events occur together. It works in a similar way to 'yet (still)' or 'in spite of':

Examples: 건강에 나쁜 줄 알면서도 보통 과식을 해요. I know it's bad for my health but I regularly overeat. 비가 올 줄 알면서도 우산 없이 집을 나갔어요. I knew it was raining yet I went out without an umbrella. 어머니께서 오시는 줄 알면서도 집에 청소하지 않았어요. I knew my mother was coming yet I didn't clean the house. 어젯밤에 부징님을 봤으면서도 인사를 하지 않았어요. Isaw my supervisor yesterday night but I didn't greet him. 그가 술을 마시는 것이 싫다고 말하면서도 회식에서 취했어요. He said he dislikes drinking alcohol yet he was drunk at the staff dinner.

18. 아/어 대다

Grammar: Do repeatedly. 대다 has the meaning of 'holding something so that it is in contact with something else' (e.g. holding a cup to your lips). In grammar, used to depict continuous or repetitive occurrence of an action (as if actions were brought into contact together). The repetition depicted is typically to an extreme extent and is viewed negatively This suffix expresses habit, or continuity. Can be translated by "He keeps..." or "She has the habit of...". Note that this is only used in negative situations, and in casual conversation (not formal!). 당신이 이렇게 계속해서 귀찮게 잔소리를 해대면, 난 여기서 이사갈 거야. If you don't stop this constant nit-picking, I'm going to move out. 그는 먹는 것을 거부하고 있었고 약을 끊임없이 먹어대고 있었다. He was refusing to eat and was popping pills constantly.

76. 부터 /까지

How to use 부터 까지 grammar Let's see some examples. '9시부터 5시까지 일해요.' I work from 9 to 5. The time noun '9시 (9 o'clock) is followed by '부터' and the time noun '5시 (5 o'clock) is followed by '까지'. So, '9시 (9 o'clock) in front of '부터' indicates that it's the time to start work, and '5시 (5 o'clock)' in front of '까지' indicates that it's the time to end work. '9시부터 5시까지 일해요.' I work from nine to five. Let's look at the second sentence. '월요일부터 금요일까지 일해요.' I work from Monday to Friday. The time noun '월요일 (Monday) is followed by '부터' and the time noun '금요일 (Friday) is followed by '까지'. 월요일 (Monday) in front of '부터' indicates the beginning day of work.

38. ㄹ 뻔하다

I almost, nearly...~indicate something almost happened but did not Usage :- Indicate one's relief that a past event almost happened but did not = almost, nearly- Often use together with adverb 하마터면 (almost, nearly) to emphasize the near occurrence of an event that could have happened. (See example 2,3,5)- Often use together with -았/었으면 and -았/었더라면 to indicate a hypothetical past situation. (See example 6,7,8) Tense : Verbs ending in vowel or ㄹ + ㄹ 뻔하다:울다 -- 울 뻔하다 = almost cried 잠을 자다 -- 잠을 잘 뻔하다 = almost slept

29. 는 바람에 Unforeseen cause, negative outcome:

In the structure V+는 바람에, the previously mentioned cause is always unforeseen and the outcome always has a negative impact on the speaker. 교통사고를 당하는 바람에 팔을 다쳐서 입원했어요. I was in a car accident and injured my leg, so I was admitted to hospital. 여행 하면서 가방을 도둑 맞는 바람에 돈이 하나도 없었어요. While I was on holiday my bag was stolen and so I have absolutely no money. 이상한 소리로 겁을 주는 바람에 잔을 떨어뜨렸어요. I was startled by the strange noise and dropped my glass.

40. ㄹ 리가 없다

It can't be/it's impossible/no way!: 을 리가 없다 리 comes from the hanja 理, meaning logic, reason, or possibility. The structure V + 을/를 리가 없다 expresses disbelief in what has, is or will happen: 내일까지는 숙제를 끝낼 수 있을 리가 없어요! There's no way that you'll finish your homework by tomorrow! 그는 그것을 몰랐을 리가 없어요. It can't be that he doesn't know. Everybody knows. 오늘은 결혼 기념일인데 잊어 버릴 리가 없죠?! It can't be that my wife would forget that today is our anniversary, can it?! 그 선수는 약물을 복용하지 않았을 리가 없어요! There's no way that athlete didn't take drugs! 수능일이니까 지각할 리가 없어요. It's the day of the Suneung so there's no way he'd be late for school.

20. 라고 해서

Just because it's an N: (이)라고 해서 노인이라고 해서 젊은이들을 물로 보는 것이 괜찮다는 뜻은 아니에요. Just because he's elderly doesn't mean it's OK for him to treat younger people like dirt. 제가 흑인이라고 해서 미국이나 아프리카 출신이라는 건 아니에요. Just because I'm black it doesn't mean I'm from Africa or America. 그 여자가 부자라고 해서 원하면 무엇이든 가질 수 있다는 건 아니에요. Just because that woman is rich doesn't mean she can have anything that she wants. Just because it's A: 다고 해서 당신이 그렇게 할 수 있다고 해서 꼭 해야 하는 건 아니에요. Just because you can do it like that doesn't mean you should. 제가 예의 바르다고 해서 제가 호락호락하다는 의미는 아니에요. Just because I am polite doesn't mean that I am a pushover. 제가 이 선물이 비싸다고 해서 남편이 좋아할 것이라는 뜻은 아니에요. Just because this gift is expensive doesn't mean that my husband will like it. 여기서 공원까지 멀다고 해서 거기에 가고 싶지 않다는 것은 아니에요. Just because the park is far away doesn't mean that I don't want to go there. Just because you're V-ing: ㄴ다고 해서 비가 온다고 해서 축구 경기를 취소할 것이라는 뜻은 아니에요. Just because it's raining it doesn't mean that the football match will be cancelled. 제가 노래방에 가는 걸 좋아한다고 해서 노래를 잘 부른다는 뜻은 아니에요. Just because I like going to noraebang often doesn't mean that I can sing well. 그가 침묵한다고 해서 듣지 않고 있다는 뜻은 아니에요. Just because he's silent doesn't mean that he's listening.

12. (으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ

Korean Grammar : -ㄴ/은, -는, -ㄹ/을 Adnominal Suffixes -ㄴ/은(eun), -는(neun), -ㄹ/을(eul) are adnominal suffixes that make a verb into an adjective. Depending on which of these suffixes is attached to the verb stem, the verb can work as an adjective expressing a state or an action of the past, the present or the future. Formation ★ The Past Tense : -ㄴ/은 Verb stems ending in a vowel + ㄴ - 가다 (gada - to go) → 가(다) + ㄴ = 간 - 어제 간 곳 = the place (I/we/you/he/they/...) went to yesterday Verb stems ending in a consonant + 은 - 심다 (simda - to plant) → 심(다) + 은 = 심은 - 내가 심은 나무 = the tree that I planted ★ The Present Tense : -는 Verb stem + 는 - 보다 (boda - to see) → 보(다) + 는 = 보는 - 지금 보는 책 = the book (I am/You are/...) reading now Verb stems ending withㄹ : ㄹ drops + -는 - 울다 (ulda - to cry) → 우(ㄹ다) + 는 = 우는 - 우는 아이 = the child who is crying ★ The Future Tense : -ㄹ/을 Verb stems ending in a vowel + ㄹ - 하다 (hada - to do) → 하(다) + ㄹ = 할 - 할 말 = words (I/you/...) will say = things to say Verb stems ending in a consonant + 을 - 읽다 (ilgda - to read) → 읽(다) + 을 = 읽을 - 내일 읽을 책 = the book (I/you/...) will read tomorrow

60. 만큼

N + 만큼 expresses the degree to which N is comparable to something else. It can be understood as 'equal to' or 'as much as': 그녀는 IU만큼 귀여워요.She is as cute as IU. 학생들은 저만큼 똑똑해요.My students are as smart as me. ========================== 나는 너만큼 거의 키가 커요.I am almost as tall as you. 오해는 작년만큼 더운 것 같아요.This year seems to be as hot as last year. 겨울 동안에 부산은 서울만큼 춥지 않아요.During the winter, Busan is not as cold as Seoul. 저는 그녀 사람만큼 야구를 잘 하지않아요.I am not as good at baseball as she is.

50.- Not only X but Y: (을) 뿐만 아니라

N + 뿐만 아니라 런던에서 파리까지 기차뿐만 아니라 비행기로도 갈 수 있어요. Not only can you travel from London to Paris by train, but you can also go by plane. 저는 한국어뿐만 아니라 프렌스어도 조금 말할 수 있어요. Not only do I speak Korean, I speak a little French too. 제가 한국문화뿐만 아니라 일본문화에도 관심이 있어요. I'm not only interested in Korean culture, but Japanese culture too. A/V + 을 뿐만 아니라 저의 남자친구는 잘 생겨을 뿐만 아니라 아주 친절해요. My boyfriend is not only handsome but also very kind. 아이들의 목소리가 너무 시끄러울 뿐만 아니라 행동도 나빠요. Not only are the children loud, they are also badly behaved. 우리가 태국에 갔을 때 비가 많이 왔을 뿐만 아니라 누군가 저의 지갑을 훔쳐 갔어요. Not only did it rain every day while we were in Thailand, but someone stole my wallet.

32. 는 대로

N-대로, V-ㄴ/는 대로 grammar = based on, as soon as, just as (expected) Usage: - Indicate the following action is in accordance with the preceding action = based on, according to, just as (expected) - Can be used with -고 싶다 and adjective 편하다 and 좋다 with the meaning of "anything you want" (example 6, 7, 8) E.g. 하고 싶은 대로 ... = ....anything you want 좋은 대로...= ...whatever you want 편한 대로 = as you like, it's up to you - Can be used to indicate that the following action is done immediately upon the occurrence of the preceding one = once, as soon as (example 9, 10). - Negative expressions (안 V or V지 않다) can't be used before V-(으)ㄴ/는 대로. Tense: Verb + -는 대로 (Present tense) 생각이 나는 대로 = do just as you think 끝내는 대로 = as soon as I finish 시키는 대로 = do as I tell you 원하는 대로! = whatever you want! 살고 싶은 대로 살 = live the way you want to live Verb + -(으)ㄴ 대로 (Past tense) 약속한 대로 = just as you promised 실현 가능한 대로 = as soon as it's practical Noun + -대로: 마음대로 = as you want 예상대로 = just as expected Examples: 1. 수지 씨가 만든 음식이 정말 맛있네요. - 요리책에 쓰여 있는 대로 했더니 음식이 맛있게 됐어요. The food you made is really delicious, Suzy. - I made it according to my cookbook, and it turned out well. 2. 어제 축구 경기에서 어느 팀이 이겼어요? - 예상대로 우리 팀이 이겼어요. Which team won the football match yesterday? - Just as expected, our team won.

78. 에 따라(서) Depending on -에 따라(서) (-e ttara(seo)) is a structure that expresses the meaning of "depending on." This structure comes from the verb 따르다 (ttareuda), which literally means "to follow." So we can literally translate -에 따라(서) (-e ttara(seo)) as "by following," and it takes the meaning of "depending on." We can drop the last letter, 서 (seo).

Noun + -에 따라(서) 가격 (gagyeok) "price"가격 + -에 따라서 = 가격에 따라서 (gagyeok-e ttaraseo)가격에 따라서 크기가 달라요. gagyeok-e ttaraseo keugi-ga dallayo. "The sizes vary depending on the price." Example Sentences 상황에 따라서 달라요. "It depends on the situation." 레벨에 따라서 문제가 바뀌어요. "Depending on the level, the questions change." 때에 따라 달라요. "It depends on the certain time." 날씨에 따라 옷을 다르게 입어요. "I dress differently depending on the weather." 요일에 따라 달라요. . "It depends on the day of the week."

72. -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ

Noun modifier

74. N처럼 /N같이 grammar = 'like' or '' in English

N처럼 /N같이 grammar = 'like' or '' in English Usage:- Express that some action/thing appears the same or similar to something = 'like' or ''- 처럼 and 같이 are interchangeable. Some common proverbs using 처럼 / 같이: - 호랑이처럼 무섭다 = someone is scary (like a tiger) - 토끼처럼 귀엽다 = someone is cute (like a rabbit) - 거북이처럼 느리다 = someone is slow (like a turtle) - 돼지처럼 뚱뚱하다 = someone is fat (like a pig) - 바다처럼 마음이 넓다 = someone is generous (his/her heart is as wide as the sea) Examples: 1. 아이가 인형처럼/같이 예뻐요. The child is pretty like a doll. 2. 하늘처럼/같이 높아요. It is as wide as the sky. 3. 가수처럼 노래를 잘 불러요. He sings like a singer. 4. 토니 씨는 영화배우같이 잘생겼어요. Tony is as handsome as a movie actor. 5. 남자친구 어때요? - 코미디언같이 재미있어요. How is your boyfriend? - He is funny like a comedian.

1.-치고(는), 치곤 = Considering, when it comes to (noun), among, as for (noun), for a (noun) (noun is an exception or is without exception)

N치고 and N치고는 might at first glance appear to be the same grammar point, but the two have completely opposite meanings. N치고 is used with a noun to indicate that a certain characteristic is the case in every instance of that noun. It is followed by a double negative construction to emphasize that there is no exception. 사람치고 사랑을 받고 싶지 않은 사람이 없다. There's no one that doesn't want to be loved. (Everyone wants to be loved without exception.) 드라마치고 예쁜 주인공이 안 나온 것을 본 적이 있어요? Have you ever watched a drama where the main character isn't pretty? (All dramas feature pretty main characters without exception.) N치고는 is used with a noun to indicate that it is an exception to the general rule for its kind. It is often followed by A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 편이다 ("to tend to be","on the side of"). 모델치고는 키가 작은 편이에요. For a model, she's short/on the short side. 한국인치고는 술이 약한 편이에요. For a Korean, he doesn't drink well.

89.V + ㄴ/는다면 is the conditional 'if V happens' or 'if you V'. This is different from V+(으)면, which can be if orwhen. This expression is often used with -겠어요, -(으)ㄹ 거예요, and -(으)ㄹ 텐데.

The condition attached to ㄴ/는다면 should be contrary to reality or now, and the speaker implies that there isn't a huge chance of it happening. 나쁜 날씨가 계속한다면 경기를 연기 할 거예요. If the bad weather continues the game will be postponed. 일년 동안 간다면 배로 세계에서 여행 할 거예요. If I could travel for a year I would sail around the world. 복권에 당첨된다면 멋진 자동차를 사고 싶어요. If I won the lottery, I would want to buy a fancy car. 10년 전 돌아간다면 더 열심히 공부하고 싶어. If I were to go back to 10 years ago, I want to study even harder. For nouns, use N + (이)라면: 내가 대통령이라면 모든 일이 휴일 될 거예요. If I were president every day would be a holiday. 내가 너라면 친구한테 사과 할 거예요. If I were you I would apologise to your friend. 유명한 배우이라면 지금보다 돈을 많이 벌 거예요. If I were a famous actor I would earn a lot more money than I do now. For adjectives use A (dictionary form) + 면: 배가 고프다면 일에 집중하는 것이 힘들어요. If I'm hungry it's difficult to concentrate on work. 너가 무섭다면 아마도 다른 여화를 봐야 돼요. If you're scared, maybe we should watch a different movie.

11. (으) ㄴ/는 반면에

This grammar form translates more or less to "on the other hand" in English. You could also translate it as "while". When used with action verbs in the past tense or descriptive verbs, attach ~(으)ㄴ 반면(에) to the verb root. If you're dealing with an action verb in present tense, attach ~는 반면(에). You can use this when you want to compare two situations. Let's check out some examples: (Present tense descriptive verb) —저는 내성적인 반면 남자 친구는 외향적이에요. (I am introverted, but on the other hand, my boyfriend is extroverted.) (Past tense action verb) — 세빈 씨는 이미 군대에 갔다온 반면에 승규 씨는 아직도 안 갔어요. (While Sebin has already gone to the army, Seunggyu has not yet gone.) (Present tense action verb) — 한별 씨는 이번 방학 동안 태국 여행 가는 반면에 아라 씨는 집에만 있을 것 같아요. (While Hanbyeol is going to Thailand this vacation, it seems that Ara will just stay at home.) We can see that the above examples are comparing two different things. We can also compare two aspects of the same thing: (Present tense descriptive verb) — 강현 씨는 성격이 좋은 반면에 화를 낼 때 정말 무서워요. (Kanghyeon has a good personality, but on the other hand, he's really scary when he's angry.) (Past tense action verb) — 승진 씨는 외국 여행을 몇 번 간 반면에 내국 여행은 아직도 안 가 봤어요. (While Seungjin has traveled internationally a few times, he still hasn't traveled within the country.) (Present tense action verb) — 혜림 씨는 매일 집에서 공부를 열심히 하는 반면수업 시간 동안 핸드폰 게임만 계속 해요. (While Hyerim studies hard at home every day, she constantly does nothing but play phone games during class.)

13. N+을/를 통해(서)

Through/by way of: 을/를 통해(서) N+을/를 통해(서) shows that something is achieved through or by an object or process. The noun can be concrete or abstract in nature: 두 언어의 문법과 단어가 비슷하니까 미래에 한국어를 통해 일본어를 배우려고 해요. Since the grammar and words of the two languages are similar, I intend to learn Japanese through Korean in the future. 많은 한국어를 공부하는 사람은 처음에 드라마나 K-팝을 통해 한국어를 배워요. Many Korean learners first learn Korean through dramas or K-pop. 동료를 통해 상사의 사생활에 대한 소문이 퍼졌어요. A colleague spread rumours about the boss's private life. 도둑이 창문을 통해 방을 빠져 나갔어요. The thief got out of the room through the window. 인터넷을 통해 우리가 처음 만났어요. We first met through the internet. 대학교 동아리들을 통해 친구를 많이 만나게 되었어요. I ended up making a lot of friends through university clubs.

75. -에다가 Function The particle -에다가 has two main functions. One of those functions is to indicate the specific location of something, and the other is to add more information in addition to something else. You can drop the final "가" and just use this particle as -에다.

Usage When used to indicate the specific location of something, -에다가 is attached to an adverb. When used to provide additional information, it attaches to nouns. Specific location: 종이 밑에다가 사인해 주세요. (Please sign the bottom of the paper.) 가방을 책상 위에다가 놓았어요. (I put my bag on top of the table.) 어디에다 둘까요? (Where should I put it?) Additional information: 김밥을 만들었어요. 게다가(그에다가) 음료수도 준비해 놨어요. (I made kimbap. In addition to that, I also prepared drinks.) 소윤 씨는 알바하는 데다가 봉사 활동도 해요. (In addition to working a part-time job, Soyun also does volunteer activities.)

79. A/V-아/어 봤자 grammar = even if doing/'s no use/ won't be that much

Usage :- (1) Indicate there's no use even trying something = even if doing/being... it's no use- (2) Indicate what stated in the preceding clause is not great or noteworthy = even if doing/being... it won't be that much (example 3, 4, 5)- Past tense can't be used before and after A/V-아/어 봤자. However -았/었을 거예요 can be used when supposing what likely happened in the past. (example 10) Tense: Adjective + 아/어 봤자: 덥다 -- 더워 봤자 (even if it's hot...) 어렵다 -- 어려워 봤자 (even if it's difficult...) 가깝다 -- 가까워 봤자 (even if it's near...) 예쁘다 -- 예뻐 봤자 (even if you are pretty...) Verb + 아/어 봤자:울다 -- 울어 봤자 (even if you cry...) 받다 -- 받아 봤자 (even if you receive...) 가다 -- 가 봤자 (even if you go...) 해 보다 -- 해 봐 봤자 (even if you try...) 말하다 -- 말해 봤자 (even if you say...) Examples: 1. 부모님은 내가 솔직하게 말해 봤자 내 말을 믿지 않으실 거예요. It's no use even if I talk honestly to my parents, they won't believe me. 2. 얼굴이 아무리 예뻐 봤자 모델이 될 수는 없을 거예요. 넌 키가 작잖아요. No matter how pretty you are, you won't become a model. You're too short. 3. 그 일이 어려워 봤자 지난번 일보다는 쉬울 거예요. Even if the task is difficult, it would be easier than the last one. 4. 아이가 밥을 먹어 봤자 얼마나 많이 먹겠어요? 그냥 먹고 싶은 대로 먹게 가만 둡시다. Even if the child eats the food, how much he will eat? so just let's him eat what he wants. 5. 부산의 날씨가 더워 봤자 얼마나 덥겠어요? 그냥 가세요. Even if Busan weather is hot, how hot will it be? Just go. 6. 여기에 있어 봤자 시간이 낭비예요. Even if you stay here, it's a waste of time. 7. 울어 봤자 소용이 없어요. Even if you cry, it won't help8. 모르는 척 해 봤자 이미 다 알고 있어요. Even if you pretend you don't know, I already know all about it.

83. A/V/N-아/어야 grammar = (have to, must) do A so B can....~express a condition to realize something

Usage- Express condition to realize a situation (~similar to V-(으)면 and V-(으)러면)- Not used in propositive (-읍시다) or imperative (-으세요) form Tense Adjective- 긍정 (affirmative): A-아/어야- 부정 (negative): A-지 않아야 Verb- 긍정 (affirmative): V-아/어야- 부정 (negative): V-지 말아야 Noun- 긍정 (affirmative): N-이어야/여야- 부정 (negative): N-이/가 아니어야 Examples 1. 문병와 줘서 고마워. 아프니까 너무 힘들 것 같아. 빨리 축구도 다시 하고 싶고. - 그러니까 빨리 나아. 건강해야 무슨 일이든지 할 수 있지. Thanks for visiting me while I am sick. It is hurt so much. I want to play soccer again soon. - That's why you have to get well soon. You have to be healthy so that you can do whatever you want. 2. 한국말 공부할 시간이 부족해서 너무 걱정이에요. - 한국말을 잘해야 한국에서 살기가 편하니까요. I am really worried because I don't have enough time to study Korean. - You must learn Korean well to live conformable in Korean. 3. 2호선을 타고 가다가 시청역에서 1호선을 갈아타야 빨리 갈 수 있습니다. You have to take the subway line 2 and transfer to line 1 at the City Hall station, so you can go there fast. 4. 이번 연구 결과가 좋아야 계속해서 다른 연구를 할 수 있어요. The results of the current research must be good, so we can do further research. 5. 수학을 전공한 사람이어야 그 문제를 풀 수있을 거예요. (We need) a person who is majored in math can solve the problem. 6. 무엇보다도 음식이 맛있어야 손님이 많이 와요. Above all, the food must be good, so many guests will come. 7. 마음이 맞아야 같이 일을 하지요. We must match our mind, so we can work together. Specific usage: 1. To emphasize the meaning of -아/어야, -아/어야지 (casual conversation) or -아/어야만 (speeches or reports) is used. E.g. 연습을 많이 해야 발음이 좋아집니다. => 연습을 많이 해야지 발음이 좋아집니다. => 연습을 많이 해야만 발음이 좋아집니다. 2. Since the expression indicates a conditional statement, it can't end in past tense. E.g. 자주 만나야 정이 들었어요. (wrong)/ 정이 둘어요. (correct) -- When meeting often, sentiment comes. 3. N-이어야/여야 can also be used as N-이라야/라야, N-이/가 아니어야 can also be used as be N-이/가 아니라야 E.g. 우리 학교 학생이라야 이 사이트에 가입할 수 있습니다. -- You must be a student of our school to join this site. 4. 아무리 -아/어도 and -아/어 봤자 are used to expect the result with no matter of what action is done in the preceding clause. E.g. 아무리 이야기해도/이야기해야 친구는 듣지 않을 것이다. -- No matter what I say, my friend won't listen to me. 지금 서둘러 봤자/서둘러야 9시 비행기를 타기는 어려울 거에요. -- It will be difficult to take the 9 o'clock plane even if we are hurry now.

69. A-(으)ㄴ 것 같다, V-는 것 같다 grammar = look like, seem, I think ~express a supposition based on subjective reasons

Usage: - Express a supposition based on intuitive/ subjective reasons about something happened in the past or an occurrence of an action/ situation that has yet to occur = look like, appear that... - The expression is also used to express speaker's opinion or thought about something indirectly in a polite and gentle manner = seem,I think... - (으)ㄴ 것 같다 is used when speaker has a clear basis for the supposition, while -(으)ㄹ 것 같다 is used when making a vague supposition. Adjective / Past tense Verb + -ㄴ/은 것 같다: 바쁜 것 같다 간 것 같다 많은 것 같다 먹은 것 같다 *만든 것 같다 (만들다) *들은 것 같다 (듣다) Present tense Verb + -는 것 같다: 가는 것 같다 먹는 것 같다 *만드는 것 같다 (만들다) *듣는 것 같다 (듣다) Future tense Verb + -ㄹ/을 것 같다: 갈 것 같다 먹을 것 같다 *만들 것 같다 (만들다) *들을 것 같다 (듣다) Examples 1. 어젯밤에 비가 온 것 같아요. It looks like it rained last night. (See water on the road) 2. 지금 비가 오는 것 같아요. It looks like it is raining now. (See someone bringing an umbrella) 3. 비가 올 것 같아요. It looks like it's going to rain. (See the cloudy sky) 4. 음식 맛이 어때요? - 좀 짠 것 같아요. How does the food taste? - It seems a little salty. 5. 시간이 빨리 가는 것 같아요. - 그래요. 벌써 퇴근 시간이에요. It seems like the time is flying by. - Right. It's already the quitting time. 6. 이 영화는 좀 심심한 것 같아요. (See the movie poster) This movie seems a bit boring. 7. 오늘 날씨가 추운 것 같아요. (See someone wearing warm clothes) It looks like the weather today is cold. 8. 집에 아무도 없는 것 같아요.I guess there is no one in this house. (See the quiet house)

98. A/V/N-(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 grammar = might, may, likely...~express that something may happen

Usage: - Express speaker's view that something might or likely to happen.- It is incorrect to change 모르다 to 몰랐다 in the past tense form. Tense: Adjective/Verb: -과거 : -았/었을지도 모르다-현재 / 미래: -(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 Noun: -과거 : 였을지도 모르다-현재 : 일지도 모르다 Examples: 1. 여보, 우산을 가져가세요. 장마철에는 갑자기 비가 올지도 몰라요. Honey, take an umbrella with you. In the rainy season, it might start raining suddenly. 2. 앤디 씨가 얼마 전에 산 책을 다 읽었겠지요? - 요즘 일이 많아서 다 못 읽었을지도 몰라요. Don't you think Andy has finished reading the book he bought recently. - He is very busy these days that he may not have finished yet. 3. 휴지랑 비누를 다 썼네요. 내일 마트에 갔다 와야겠어요. - 내일부터 설날 연휴라서 문을 안 열지도 몰라요. 오늘 갔다 오는 게 좋을 같아요. We are out of toilet paper and soap. We have to go to the mart tomorrow. - Tomorrow is the starting day of New Year holiday, so it might be closed. I think we should go today. 4. 어제 마리 씨가 불렀는데 대답을 안 했어요. 저한테 화가 났을까요? - 친구랑 이야기하느라고 못 들었을지 몰라요. 너무 신경 쓰지 마세요. Yesterday I tried to get Mary's attention, but she didn't answer. Do you think she is mad at me. - She might be busy talking with her friend. Don't concern much about it. 5. 드디어 여행 가방을 다 쌌어요. - 비상약도 넣었어요? 갑자기 아플지도 모르니까 약도 꼭 챙기세요. Finally, I finished to pack my trip package. - Did you also put first-aid medicine? Since you might get sick suddenly, you must tidy up too. 6. 마리 씨가 벌써 고향에 돌아갔을지도 몰라요. Mary might already returned her home country. 7. 이 옷이 내 동생에게는 좀 작을지도 모르겠어요. These clothes might be small to my brother. 8. 아마 선생님이 학교에 안 계실지도 모르는데 여기서 기다릴까요? The teacher may not be at the school, how about wait for him here? 9. 날씨가 추울지도 모르니까 두꺼운 옷을 꼭 챙기세요. The weather may be cold, please bring a warm clothes. 10. 아마 다른 사람이 들을지도 모르니까 조용히 이야기하세요.Other people may listen, please talk quietly.

5. - 다가 grammar = and/but then ~express interruption of one action to do another

Usage: - Express the speaker's interruption of one action to do another immediately = and then, but then - The grammar is also used to indicate the continuation of the action in the 1st clause while the action in the 2nd clause occurs. (example 11,12) - Both clauses must have the same subject. (example 3) - V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done as a result of the previous action - A/V-다가는 grammar = if (the action is continued), a negative outcome will occur - V-았/었다가 grammar = but then ~after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens Examples: 1. 아까 낮에 뭐 했니? - 만화책을 읽다가 친구하고 같이 외출했어요. What did you do this afternoon? - I was reading a comic book, but then I went out with a friend. 2. 집에 가다가 친구를 만났어요. I was going home and I met a friend. 3. 밥을 먹다가 전화를 받았습니다. (Correct) /밥을 먹다가 전화를 왔어요. (Wrong) I was eating and then answered the phone. 4. 공부를 하다가 졸려서 잤어요. I was studying and then dozed off, so I slept. 5. 지하철 1호선을 타고 가다가 시청역에서 2호선을 갈아타세요. Take the subway line 1, and then change to line 2 at City Hall station. 6. 축구를 하다가 넘어져서 다쳤어요. I was playing soccer and then I felt and got hurt. 7. 잠을 자다가 친구에게 전화가 와서 나갔어요. I was sleeping and then I got a call from a friend, so I went out. 8. 한국에서 대학교를 다니다가 그녀를 만났어요. While I went to university in Korea, I met her. 9. 아이가 왜 다쳤어요? - 야구를 하다가 공에 맞았어요. Why did the kid get hurt? - He was playing baseball and then got hit by a ball. 10. 어디에 다녀오세요? - 요리를 하다가 파가 없어서 사 왔어요. Where are you going? - I was cooking, but then there was no onion, so I went out to buy some. 11. 잠을 자다가 무서운 꿈을 꿨어요. I was sleeping and had a scary dream. 12. 친구를 이야기를 하다가 웃었어요. I was talking to my friend and laughed. 13. 영화를 보다가 잠들었어요. While watching a movie, I fell asleep. 14. 중국어를 배우다가 너무 어려워서 포기했어요. I gave up learning Chinese because it was too difficult. 15. 미국에서 회사에 다니다가 한국으로 이사왔어요. I've worked for a company in America and then I moved in Korea..

6. V+ 았/었더니 (1) '', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior

Usage: - Indicate something happened as a result of something else = so now, and as a result (example 1-4) - Express speaker's discovery after doing something = and I found that (example 5, 6) = V-보니 grammar - Connect quote with action = but / and (example 7, 8) - Recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause (example 10, 11). - Can only be used for subject as the 1st person (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else's action or behavior) (example 9) Verb + -았/었더니: 웃다 -- 웃었더니 보다 -- 봤더니 가다 -- 갔더니 만들다 -- 만들었더니 공부하다 -- 공부했더니 물을 마시다 -- 물을 마셨더니 야근하다 -- 야근했더니 Examples: 1. 안나 씨, 얼굴이 안 좋아 보여요. - 며칠 야근을 했더니 몸살이 났어요. Anna, you don't look good. - I worked late for a few days, so I fell ill now. 2. 민아 씨는 졸리지 않아요? - 네, 좀 전에 커피를 마셨더니 괜찮은데요. Aren't you sleepy, Anna? - No, I drank some coffee earlier, so I am fine now. 3. 약을 먹었더니 좀 좋아졌어요. I took some medicine, so I felt better now.

93. N-(이)야말로 grammar = indeed, exactly, the very ~emphasize the preceding noun

Usage:- Emphasize the preceding noun, which is the best among other possible choices = indeed, exactly, certainly Noun + -(이)야말로: 사랑 -- 사랑이야말로 (love is indeed...) 부모님 -- 부모님이야말로 (my parents are the very ...) 제주도 -- 제주도야말로 (Jeju island is the very ...) 운동 -- 운동이야말로 (exercise is indeed...) 생일 -- 생일이야말로 (birthday is the very 날씨 -- 날씨이야말로 (weather is indeed...)Examples: 1. 사랑이야말로 결혼 생활에서 가장 중요한 것이다. Love is definitely the most important thing in marriage life .2. 결혼이야말로 인생에서 가장 중요한 일이라고 할 수 있다. Marriage can be considered as the most important thing in life. 3. 한글이야말로 세계에서 가장 우수한 문자예요. Hangul is indeed the best characters in the world. 4. 한국이 가장 예쁜 관광지가 어디예요?- 제주도 한라산이야말로 한국을 가장 예쁜 관광지예요. Which sightseeing is the most beautiful place in Korea?- Halla mountain in Jeju is indeed the most beautiful one in Korea. 5. 누구를 가장 존경합니까?- 부모님이야말로 제가 가장 존경하는 분들입니다. Who do you respect the most?- My parents are the very ones I really respect the most. 6. 자두 씨가 성공하신 비결이 뭐해요?- 꾸준한 노력이야말로 성공의 비결이라고 할 수 있어요. What's the secret of your success, Jadoo?- I would say that persistent hard work is indeed the secret to success. 7. 건강을 지키는 데 가장 중요한 것이 뭐라고 생각해요?- 운동이야말로 가장 중요한 것이라고 생각해요. Do you think what is the most important thing in keeping your health?- I think exercising is exactly the most important thing. 8. 1년 주에서 가장 기다려지는 날은 언제예요?- 제 생일이야말로 가장 지다려지는 날이에요. Among a year, what is the day that you are waiting the most.- My birthday is indeed the day I wait for the most. 9. 외국어를 잘할 수 있는 최고의 방법이 무엇일까요?- 반복 연습이야말로 외국어를 잘할 수 있는 최고의 방법이지요. What is the best way to learn foreign language well?- Constant practice is the best way to study a foreign language well. 10. 손님, 다른 게 마음에 안 들면 이 디자인은 어떠세요?- 그 디자인이야말로 제가 찾던 거예요. 한번 신어 볼게요. Miss, if you don't like anything else, how about this design?- That's exactly the design I am looking for. I will try it.

47- A/V/N-(으)ㄹ 테니까 grammar = because...., will/would/ should/ must be... ~give reason for suggestion.

Usage:- Equal to -(으)ㄹ 터이다 (future situation or intention) + -(으)니까 (gives reason)- Express the speaker's strong supposition (1st clause) and becomes a reason or condition for suggestion or advice (2nd clause) = suppose, will- Can use at the end of a sentence -(으)ㄹ 테니까요 to express speaker's assumption.- Not use if 고맙다, or 미안하다 is followed (use -(으)ㄹ 텐데 instead: e.g. 바쁘실 텐데 참석해 주셔서 감사합니다.) Tense: Adjective/ Verb:- 과거 : 았/었을 테니까- 현재 / 미래 : -(으)ㄹ 테니까 Noun:- 과거 : 였을 테니까- 현재 / 미래 : 일 테니까 Examples: 1. 비빔밥에는 고추장을 넣어야 맛있지요?- 네, 하지만 고추장을 많이 넣으면 매울 테니까 조금만 넣으세요. Bibimbap need pepper sauce to taste good, right?- Yeah, but if you add much pepper sauce, it will be spicy, so just add a little. 2. 나미 씨가 면접을 잘 봤는지 모르겠어요.- 잘 봤을 테니까 걱정하지 마세요. I wonder if Nami did well on her interview.- I am sure he did well, so don't worry. 3. 요즘 딸기 철이라 딸기가 싸고 맛있을 테니까 딸기를 사 가요. Because it is strawberry season now, it should be cheap and taste good, so let's buy some strawberries. 4. 일찍 출발하세요. 월요일이라서 길이 막힐 테니까요. Leave early. Since it is Monday, the road would be jammed. 5. 혹시 나미 씨 전화 번호 아세요?- 안나 씨가 알 테니까 안나 씨한테 물어보세요. Perhaps, do you know Nami phone number?- Since Anna know that, please ask Anna. 6. 마리 씨가 자고 있을 테니까 이따가 전화합시다. Since Mary is sleeping, let's call her after a while. 7. 주말에 파티를 하기로 했어요.- 그럼, 음식을 많이 준비하는 게 좋겠어요. 주말이라서 사람들이 많이 올 테니까요.

82. A/V/N-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = it is probably, I think, I bet....~give assumption based on backup knowledge

Usage:- Express an unsure assumption or supposition (based on the speaker's backup knowledge)- Use among close friends and spoken form only (not in written form) Tense : Adjective/ Verb:- 과거 : 았/었을걸요- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ걸요 Noun:- 과거 : 였을걸요- 현재 : 일걸요 Examples: 1. 혹시 밍 씨 보셨어요?- 아마 커피숍에 있을걸요. 아까 커피숍에 간다고 했거든요. Did you see Mark?- He is probably at the coffee shop. I heard from him that he went there earlier. 2. 어제 안나 씨가 수영장에 갔을까요?- 아마 안 갔을걸요. 예전에 수영을 못 한다고 했던 것 같아요. Do you think Anna went to swimming pool yesterday?- Perhaps she didn't go. I think she once said that she can't swim. 3. 집 앞에 있는 마트가 몇 시에 여는지 아세요?- 아마 10시쯤 열걸요. 다른 마트들이 대부분 10시에 열거든요. Do you know when the mart in front of the house opens?- I think it opens around 10 because of most of the others open at 10. 4. 혹시 나미 싸기 출발했을까요?- 벌써 출발했을걸요. 나미 씨 집이 멀잖아요. Do you think Nami has already left?- I bet she has already left. Her house is far away. 5. 밍 씨가 지금 집에 있을걸요?- 이 시간에는 보통 운동을 하니까 집에 없을걸요. Do you think Minh is at home now?- Since he is usually playing sports at this time, I bet he is not at home.

100. A/N/V-(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 grammar = I could say, it's practically (more or less similar to another) ~(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 = it's almost as though, I'd say..., all things considered, comparatively speaking, it amounts to From the verb 세다, this form indicates a calculated result. It is a colloquial expression. 비싸게 산 셈이다 = I'd say we paid too much.이 아파트는 값에 비해 넓은 셈이다 = (I'd say) this apartment is large, considering the price.매일 학교에 가는 셈이다 = It's almost as though I go to school every day.서울서 이렇게 오래 살았으니, 이제 나의 고향은 서울이 되는 셈이구나 = I've lived in Seoul so long, it's like it's my hometown. ~ㄹ/을 셈이다 = plans to, intends to 나는 오전 중에 돌아 올 셈이었다 = I was planning on coming back before noon.너 앞으로 어떻게 할 셈이야? = What are you planning to do from now on? 나를 바보 만들 셈이냐? = Are you going to make a fool of me?유학을 갈 셈이었다 = I intended to go abroad to study.

Usage:- Express that something is more or less similar to another = you could say, it's practically Present tense: Adjective + -(으)ㄴ 셈이다: 좋다 -- 좋은 셈이다 싹다 -- 싼 셈이다 비싸다 않다 -- 비싸지 않은 셈이다 Verb + V-는 셈이다: 가다 -- 가는 셈이다닫다 -- 닫는 셈이다 참여하다 -- 참여하는 셈이다 Noun + 인 셈이다: 학생 -- 학생인 셈이다 고향 -- 고향인 셈이다 무료 -- 무료인 셈이다 Past tenseVerb + -(으)ㄴ 셈이다 가다 -- 간 셈이다 잠을 자다 --잠을 잔 셈이다 Noun+ 였던 셈이다: 학생 -- 학생였던 셈이다 집 -- 집였던 셈이다 Examples 1. 사람들이 많이 찬성했나요?- 네, 10명 중 9명이 찬성했으니까 거의 다 찬성한 셈이네요. Did many people agree with you?- Yes, 9 out of 10 people agreed, so you could say almost everyone did. 2. 서울에서 오래 사셨어요?- 네, 20년 이상 살았으니까 서울이 고향인 셈이에요. Did you live a long time in Seoul?- Yes, I lived there for over 20 years, it's practically my hometown. 3. 여기 구두는 다른 회사 구두보다 비싸네요.- 품질과 서비스를 생각하면 비싸지 않은 셈이에요. These shoes are more expensive than other brands.- If we consider the quality and service, then they are not expensive. 4. 이 옷이 원래 30만 원인데 세일해서 5만 원에 샀어요.- 그럼 옷을 거의 공짜로 산 셈이네요. These clothes were 300k won, but during sale they were sold at 50k won.- Then it is practically sold as free. 5. 가족끼리 여행을 자주 가세요?- 일 년에 한 번 정도 가니까 거의 안 가는 셈이네요. Does your family go traveling often?- About one a year, so it's more or less similar as not going. 6. 이번 여행은 회사에서 숙박비와 식사비를 내 준데요.- 그레요? 그럼 이번 여행은 거의 무료인 셈이네요. I heard that this trip's expense will be covered by the company.- Really? Then this trip is practically almost free. 7. 회사원이 여행을 많이 가나요?- 회사원 90%가 가니까 거의 다 가는 셈이에요. Do many staffs go on the trip?- 90% of the staffs go, so you could say almost all of them go. 8이 방는 값에 비해 넓은 셈이에요. (I would say) this room is large, considering the price. 9.매일 학교에 가는 셈이다. It's practically I go to school every day. Difference between -(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 grammar and -ㄹ/을 셈이다 grammar 1.(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 = express that something is more or less similar to another = you could say, it's practically 대전에서 오래 살았으니까 대전이 고향인 셈이에요. Since I have lived in Daejeon for a long time I could say it is my hometown. 2. -ㄹ/을 셈이다 = express a plan or intention to do something = plan to, intend to 유학을 갈 셈이었어요.I intended to study abroad.오늘 일찍 잠을 잘 셈이에요. I plan to sleep early today.

58. V-(으)나 마나 grammar = 'be no use doing/ even without doing' ~the result is same whether or not you do

Usage:- Indicate that whether or not you do something, it is no use/ it's the same = "be no use doing/ even without doing/whether or not you do" - Negative verbs such as 실망하다, 잊어버리다 and 잃어버리다 can't be used with this grammar.- Negative words such as "안" and "못" can't be used in front of 나 마나. Verb + -(으)나 마나: 가다 -- 가나 마나 (no use going) 먹다 -- 먹으나 마나 (no use eating) 읽다 -- 읽으나 마나 (no use reading) 해보다 -- 해보나 마나 (no use trying)부탁하다 -- 부탁하나 마나 (no use requesting)세차하다 -- 세차하나 마나 (no use washing car) Examples: 1. 집에 가는 길에 세차를 좀 하려고 해요.- 저녁에 비가 올 거래요. 비가 오면 세차를 하나 마나니까 나중에 하세요. I am going to wash my car on the way home.- It will rain in the evening. It is no use washing your car, so do it later. 2. 식사하고 30분 후에 약을 먹어야 하는데 잊어버리고 안 먹었네요.- 약을 시간에 맞춰서 먹지 않으면 먹으나 마나예요. 그러니까 꼭 시간을 지켜서 드세요. I am supposed to take my medicine 30 minutes after eating, but I forgot about it.- If you didn't take medicine at right time, It is no use taking medicine. So you must take it at the right time. 3. 이 시간에는 가 보나 마나 가게 문을 닫았을 텐데요. At this time, the shop would close the door, so it's no use even going. 4. 이 책은 제목을 보니까 읽으나 마나 재미없을 것 같아요. 안 읽을래요. Judging the book title, it seems boring, so it is no use reading. Don't read it. 5. 마크 씨에게 그 이야기를 해도 안 들을 거예요. 하나 마나예요. Mark won't listen even if you tell him that. It's no use trying. 6. 그런 책임감 없는 사람은 만나나 마납니다. It is no use meeting that type of no responsibility person. 7. 너무 늦어서 지금은 가나 마나예요. Since it is too late, it is no use going now. 8. 그 사람에게는 부탁하나 마나 들어주지 않을 겁니다. It is no use asking him a favor. he won't help.

86. A/V-더니 grammar = (1) and now, (2) and then, (3) but now

Usage:- State a reason for changes that was directly witnessed in the past = and as a result / and now...(example 1-7)- Recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action = and then... ( example 7) - Indicate a contrast in the past and the current state of affairs = but now...( example 8, 9)- Can only be used for subject as the 2nd or 3rd person. However if the speaker refers himself or herself in an objective manner, the 1st person can be used as subject. (example 10,11) Adjective + -더니:덥다 -- 덥더니바쁘다 -- 바쁘더니 똑똑하다 -- 똑똑하더니 Verb+ -더니:웃다 -- 웃더니 보다 -- 보더니가다 -- 가더니공부하다 -- 공부하더니저촉하다 -- 저촉하더니 Examples: 1. 앤디 씨는 교수가 된대요.- 그래요? 어렸을 때부터 똑똑하더니 교수가 됐군요. I heard that Andy became a professor.- Really, he has been smart since he was a child, and now he is a professor. 2. 아기 때부터 예쁘더니 배우가 되었어요. She was pretty since childhood, and now she become an actress. 3. 안나 씨가 다이어트를 하더니 날씬해졌네요. Anna went on a diet and now became thin. 4. 토니 씨가 요즘 돈이 없다고 하더니 여행도 못 간 것 같아요. Tony said he has been broken recently, and now he couldn't go on the trip. 5. 수지 씨가 평소에 돈을 아끼고 저촉하더니 집을 샀군요. Suzy is frugal daily to save her money, and now she bought a house. 6. 마이크 씨는매일 운동하더니 건강해진 것 같아요. Mike does exercise daily, and as a result he seems becoming healthy. 7. 동생은 집에 들어오더니 갑자기 울기 시작했어요. My little brother enter the house and then suddenly started crying. 8. 오후에는 덥더니 저녁에는 쌀쌀하네요. It was hot in the afternoon, but now it is chilly in the evening.

91. N-조차 grammar = even ...~ "not only the others but also the primary one"

Usage:- To express "not only the others but also the primary one" = even...- It refers to extreme situation that speaker didn't expect or anticipate Tense: Noun- N-조차 Examples: 1. 정말 이 사람을 모르세요?- 네, 저는 그 사람 이름조차 몰라요. Don't you really know this person?- Yes, I don't even know his name. 2. 비행기 사고가 났다는 뉴스 들었어요?- 아니요. 요즘에 너무 바쁘니까 인터넷 뉴스조차 볼 시간이 없어요. Did you hear the news about the plane accident?- No, I have been so busy lately that I don't even have time to see the news on the Internet. 3. 엄마조차 저를 못 믿으시는 거예요? (Are you saying that) Even you (my mother) don't believe me? 4. 더운 날씨에 에어컨조차 고장이 나 버려서 정말 죽겠어요. Even the air conditioner has broken down in this heat, It's unbearable. 5. 너무 슬프면 눈물조차 안 나오는 경우도 있어요. There is a case that tears don't flow even thing is so sad. 6. 복권에 당첨되는 일은 상상조차 안 해 봤어요. I don't even imagine the day that I win a lottery. 7. 고등학교 때 일본어를 배우했는데 지금은 인사말조차 생각이 안 나요. I studied Japanese during high school, but now I don't even think about speaking a greeting in Japanese. 8. 요즘 살이 많이 빠지니까 고향에 갔는데 부모님조차 저를 못 알아봐요. Since I lost my weight a lot recently, my parents couldn't recognize me when I visited my hometown. 9. 더운데 바람조차 안 부네요. It's hot and even no wind flows. 10. 다리가 너무 아파서 일어설 수조차 없어요. I can't even stand since my legs hurt so much. Specific usage : 1. This expression is naturally used in negative statements. E.g. 언아 씨가 한글조차 못 읽어요. 2. It is often used with -은/는커녕 to indicate the negation of not only one thing, but also something else. E.g. 우리 엄마는 해외여행커녕 제주도조차 못 가 보셨어요. Our mother has never even travelled to Jeju, not to mention overseas. 3. The form -(으)ㄹ 수조차 없다 is used with Verb. E.g. 다리가 너무 아파서 일어설 수조차 없어요. I can't even stand since my legs hurt so much.

81. A/V/N-거든요 grammar = because... ~express reasons that listener has no idea about

Usage:- Used to respond to a question/statement to provide the reason or thinking (which the listener has no idea about reason or facts stated by the speaker.) -Only used in casual speaking form between friends or peers. (NOT used in written form or formal speaking) Tense: Adjective/ Verb :- 과거 : -았/었거든요 -현재 : -거든요-미래 : -(으)ㄹ 거거든요 Noun :- 과거 : 였거든요 -현재 : (이)거든요 Examples: 1. 안나 씨, 오늘도 이 식당에 가려고요?- 네, 여기가 정말 맛있거든요. 앤디 씨가 같이 갈래요? Anna, are you planning to go to this restaurant again today?- Yes, (because) the food here is really delicious. Do you want to go too, Andy? 2. 오늘 왜 그렇게 피곤해 보여요?- 어제 영화를 보느라고 잠을 못 잤거든요. Why do you looked so tired today?- (Because) I couldn't sleep well since I watched a movie yesterday. 3. 제주도에 갔을 때 한라산에 올라갔어요?- 아니요, 못 갔어요. 날씨가 안 좋았거든요. Did you go up Mt. Hallasan when you went to Jeju?- No, I didn't. Since the weather was bad. 4. 요즘 비가 정말 자주 오네요.- 요즘 장마철이거든요. 한 달 동안 계속 올 거예요. It's has been raining a lot recently.- Since it is currently the rainy season. It will rain for a month.

96. V-아/어 있다 grammar = 'V-ed/-ing' ~express the continuing state of a completed action

Usage:- V-아/어 있다 is used to express the continuing state of a completed action = 'V-ed/ing' in English- It is often used with passive verbs such as 열리다 (to be opened), 닫히다 (to be closed) - In the case of 'to wear = 입다, 신다, ...' verb, V-고 있다 is usedWord conversion: 앉다 -> 앉아 있다 (being sit) 서다 -> 서 있다 (standing) 피다 -> 피어 있다 (blooming) 잠기다 -> 잠겨 있다 (being locked)붙다 -> 붙어 있다 (being attached) 열리다 -> 열려 있다 (being opened) 닫히다 -> 닫혀 있다 (being closed)꺼지다 -> 꺼져 있다 (being turned off)켜지다 -> 켜져 있다 (being turned on)쓰이다 -> 쓰여 있다 (being used, written)*눕다 -> 누워 있다 (laying)남다 -> 남어 있다 (remaining) Examples 1.. 선생님이 연단 앞에 서 있어요. The teacher is standing in front of the podium 2. 학생들이 앉아 있어요. The students are sitting. 3. 할아버지가 침대에 누워 있어요.My grandfather is lying in bed. 4. 책에 이름이 쓰여 있어요. His name is written on the book. 5. 창문이 열려 있어요.The door is being opened. 6. TV가 켜져 있어요.The TV is being turned on. 7. 왜 식당에 안 들어가요?- 문이 닫혀 있어요.Why don't you go inside the restaurant?- It's closed. 8. 방을 어떻게 찾았어요?- 학교 앞에 광고가 붙어 있었어요. How did you find the room?- There was an advertisement attached in front of school. 9. 이번 주에는 벚꽃이 예쁘게 피어 있어요. In this week, cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully.

99. A/V/N-(으)ㄹ까 봐 grammar = I am worried/ afraid that...~express concern about something.

Usage:- 보다 = to guess or think of something -Express the speaker's corresponding action (2nd clause) in fear/worry that the 1st clause situation will occur or has occurred. -Future tense about the action/plan in the 2nd clause cannot be used. Tense: Adjective / Verb- 과거 : -았/었을까 봐 -현재 : -(으)ㄹ까 봐 Noun- 과거 : 였을까 봐 -현재 : 일까 봐 Examples: 1. 눈이 오는데 등산 가려고요? - 아니요, 눈 때문에 길이 미끄러울까 봐 등산화를 신고 나가려고요. Are planning to climb mountain while It's snowing? - No, I wear the climbing boots to go out because I am worried that the road would be slippery. 2. 밍 씨, 시험 잘 봤어요? - 아니요, 너무 못 봤어요. 시험에 떨어질까 봐 걱정이에요. Minh, did you do your exam well? - No, I didn't do well at all. I am worried that I failed it. 3. 커피를 많이 드시네요. - 이따 회의 시간에 졸까 봐 마시는 거예요. 졸면 안 되잖아요. You sure drink a lot of coffee. - I am worried that I get sleepy during the meeting so I drink it. I can't get sleepy. 4. 여보세요? 엄마, 대전에 가는 기차를 잘 탔어요. - 그래? 다행이다. 길이 막혀서 네가 기차를 놓쳤을까 봐 걱정했거든 Hello? Mom, I boarded the train to Daejeon. - Really? That's good. I was worried that you would miss the train because of the heavy traffic. 5. 주말에 날씨가 나쁠까 봐 걱정이에요. I am worried that the weather would be bad in weekend.

68. A/N/V-았/었던 grammar = (reminiscence) ~recall a past event that has not continued to present.

Usage:- 았/었 (completion) + 던 (recollection) = recall a past event that has not continued to the present = was, did- If verbs express a certain degree of continued state, (e.g. 살다 , 근무하다, 다니다, 사귀다) -았/었던 can be replaced by -던 with the same meaning. (example 6)- A-았/었던 has 2 possible usages: (1) past and present are contrastive, (2) past continues to present. (example 7, 8) Tense:Adjective / Verb + -았/었던: 가다 -- 갔던입다 -- 입었던먹다 -- 먹었던만나다 -- 만난던얌전하다 -- 얌전했던 살다 -- 살던 -- 살었던Noun + 였던/이었던:학생 -- 학생이었던의사 -- 의사였던 Examples: 1. 어디에서 만날까요?- 지난번에 만났던 커피숍에서 만나요. Where shall we meet? - Let's meet at the coffee shop where we met last time. 2. 이 옷 멋있네요. 새로 사셨어요?- 안나 씨 생일 파티에 입었던 옷인데 기억 안 나세요? These are nice clothes. Are they new?- These clothes I wore them at the Anna birthday party, don't you remember? 3. 어렸을 때 얌전했던 앤디가 지금은 적극적인 성격으로 바꿨어요. Andy, who used to be a quiet person when was a child, now has an active personality. 4. 어제 점심 때 먹었던 음식 이름이 뭐지요? What is the name of the food we had for lunch yesterday? 5. 작년 여름에 놀러 갔던 곳에 다시 가고 싶어요. I want to go back to the place we went to last summer. 6. 이 집에 제가 어렸을 때 살았던/살던 집입니다. This is the house I lived in when was child.

80. 더라고요 I personally noticed...

Used to indicate the speaker directly saw, heard, or felt some previous event or action Equivalent to "I personally witnessed..." or "I personally noticed..." Usage NO: First-person sentences - this is about something you witnessed BUT: First-person CAN be used when: expressing mood, emotions, or feelings (use A+아/어하다) Use only for things you discovered - not things previously known Similar: ~더군(요) (can be 존댄말 or 반말) but slightly stronger Similar: ~더라 (used only for 반말) but slightly stronger Past ("it had happened"): ~았/었더라고요 V + 더라고요 can mean 'because' or 'I learned/found/experienced that...' It is based on firsthand experience or realisation of something: 한국말은 말하기가 어렵더라고요.I've learned that speaking Korean is difficult. 전은 아주 기름지더라고요.I've found Korean pancakes to be very greasy. ========================== 어휘 초밥 - sushi (lit. small rice)새로운 - new (adjective) 어떤 게 - which one/thing중에서 - among말고는 - other than (from 말고 - instead) ========================== - 오사카 음식 중에서 어떤 게(것이) 맛있었어요?- Among the foods in Osaka, which ones were delicious?- 타코야키가 맛있더라고요.- I found that Takkoyaki was delicious. - 타코야키 말고는 어떤 게 맛있었어요?- Other than takkoyaki, which foods were delicious?- 초밥가 맛있더라고요.- I found that sushi was delicious. 겨울에 한국 날씨는 진짜 춥더라고요.During the winter, I find that the Korean weather is really cold.

45. -게 되다 To end up V-ing: 게 되다

V + 게 되다 combines 게 ('in a way') and 되다 ('to become') to form 'to end up V-ing' or 'to gradually do'. The structure changes with tense: 과거 - I ended up V-ing: 게 됐다 처음에 김치를 별로 좋아하지 않았지만 좋아하게 됐어요. At first I wasn't keen on kimchi but I ended up liking it. 한국에 떠난 후에 고향에 돌아가서 부모님과 살게 됐어요. After Ieaving Korea I ended up going home and living with my parents. 현재 - I end up V-ing: 게 되다 다시 서울에서 오게 되면 같이 놀라러 연락 하세요. If you end up in Seoul again, please contact me and we'll hang out. 어떻게 여기에 오게 돼요? How did you end up (coming) here? Uptown Funk를 너무 좋아서 생각 없이 곡을 노래하게 돼요. Uptown Funk is such a good song that I end up singing it without thinking about it. 미래 - I will end up V-ing: 게 될 것이다 제가 오늘은 시험 접수를 알고싶었는데 선생님께 다음주에 알게 될 것이라고 말했어요. I wanted to know the test results today but I my teacher said I will find out tomorrow. 문현이 지은은 스타일이 아니고 말하지만 제가 데이트를 신청하게 될 것이라고 생각해요. Mun-hyeon says Ji-eun is not his type but I think he'll end up asking her out on a date.

35. 고 나서

V + 고 나서 puts two events in sequence, with the second event occurring after the completion of the first: 밥을 먹고 나서 집에 갔어요. After eating a meal I went home. 수업 끝나고 나서 뭐 할 거예요? After class finishes, what will you do? 서울에 도착하고 나서 저는 옷을 사러 백화점에 갔어요. After arriving in Seoul, I went to the department store to buy clothes. 하루 종일 공부하고 나서 책을 버리고 싶었어요. After studying all day I wanted to throw my books away.

34.고 말다

V + 고 말다 shows that after doing one action, the final outcome was a contrasting and negative one. It roughly translates to 'I ended up Ving', 'in the end I V-ed' or 'finally I V-ed'. 결국 (also 'in the end') can be added for emphasis: 밤을 새야하는데 잠에 들고 말았어요. I tried to stay up all night but eventually I fell asleep. 숙제를 끝내려고 했지만 포기하고 말았어요. I tried to finish my homework but I eventually gave up. 차가 비쌌지만 결국 사고 말았어요. The car was expensive but in the end I bought it. 버스는 덥고

44. -곤 하다 Now and then, I used to: 곤 하다, 곤 했다

V + 곤 하다 and V + 곤 했다 talk about habits of the present and past respectively: I do V from time to time: V + 곤 하다 저는 친구들에게 엽서를 보내곤 해요. From time to time I sent postcards to my friends. 평소에는 건강에 좋은 음식을 먹지만 가끔은 튀김을 먹곤 해요. I usually eat healthy food but every now and then I eat fried food. 저는 한가할 때 신문을 보곤 해요. When I have free time I usually read the newspaper. 기회가 있을 때 영국 친구한테 전화를 하곤 하는데 요즘은 야가시간이 없어요. Whenever I have opportunity I call my friends in the UK but these days I don't have much free time. I used to (habitually): V + 곤 했다 어렸을 때 방학 동안에 공부를 하는 대신에 하루 종일 게임을 하곤 했어요. When I was young, instead of studying during vacation I used to play video games all day. 그는 할일이 없으면, 지역 주변을 거닐곤 했어요. When he didn't have work to do, he used to stroll around the area. 저는 스트레스가 쌓이면 피아노로 제일 좋은 곡을 연주하곤 해요. When I have a build up of stress I usually play my favourite song on the piano. 영국에 있을 때 극장에 자주 가곤 했어요. When I was in the UK I used to go to the theatre often. I didn't used to (but now I do): V + 지 않곤 했다 삼계탕을 좋아하지 않곤 했어요. I didn't used to like smagyetang (but now I do). 유명한 K밥 가수를 알지 않곤 했어요. I didn't used to know any famous K-pop artists (but now I do).

28. 다(가)보니(까)

V + 다 보니, the shortform of 다(가) 보니(까) is used to show that you've learned or realised something new after repeating an action for a long time in the past: 매일 운동을 하다가 보니 지금은 근육이 생겼어요. I exercised every day and now [I realised that] I have muscles. 주말마다 친구들과 과식을 하다가 보니 몸무게가 늘었어요. Every weekend I overate with my friends and now [I realise that] I've put on weight.

23. 다(가)보면

V + 다가 보면 (often shortened to 다 보면) is used to illustrate that if you continue to do an action for a period of time and then reflect on it, you will see that the next action will occur. The outcome is very likely, but not guaranteed: 준비 운동 안 하고 달리기를 하다 보면 부상할 거예요. If you keep running without doing any warmup exercises you'll injure yourself. 어렸을 때 우리 부모님께서 학교에서 열심히 공부하다 보면 우리가 원하는 어떤 것이든 될 수 있다고 말씀하셨는데... Our parents told us that if we worked really hard at school we could be anything we wanted... 이 길을 계속 따라가다 보면 국민은행을 볼 수 있을 거예요. If you keep going along this road you'll see the bank. 아침마다 수영하다 보면 가슴 근육을 더 키울 수 있을 거예요. After going swimming every morning (for a long time), my chest muscles started to grow bigger. 너는 한국어에 대해 쓰다만 보면 한국어를 말하는 법을 잊어 버릴 거예요! If you continue to only write about Korean, you will forget how to speak! V + 다가 보면 -될 거예요 can be used to show that if you continue the action you will surely become/end up in a certain state: - 요리를 잘하고 싶은데 어떻게 해야 해요? - What should I do if I want to cook well? - 같은 음식을 요리하다 보면 잘하게 될 거예요. - If you keep cooking the same food repeatedly, you'll get good at it. - 어떻게 하면 그렇게 멋진 몸매를 가질 수 있을까요? - How do I get a good body shape? - 근육 운동을 하다 보면 멋진 몸매를 가지게 될 거예요. - You'll have a good body shape if you do regular muscle workouts. - 어떻게 하면 감기가 빨리 나을까요? - How can I get over my cold quickly? - 매일 매일 약을 먹다보면 빨리 낫게 될 거예요. - If you take medicine every day, you'll get better soon. - 영어를 잘 하고 싶은데 어떻게 해야 해요? - What should I do if I want to be good at English? - 영어로 된 책을 읽다보면 영어를 잘하게 될 거예요. - If you read books written in English, you will be good at English.

37.ㄹ 수밖에 없다

V + 을 수 박에 없다 combines the noun-like particle 수 (relating to capability) with 밖에(outside of) and 없다 (to be not) to say 'there's no choice but to do/be...' - literally 'outside of this possibility, nothing exists'. 버스 요금이 별로 없어서 집에 걸어 갈 수 밖에 없었어요. I didn't have enough bus fare so I had no choice but to walk home. 직장을 잃으니까 부모님의 집에서 다시 살 수 밖에 없었어요. Since I lost my job I had no choice but to live with my parents again. 한국 교장선생님서 다른 선생님들에게 회식을 해야 된다고 말하면 할 수 밖에 없었어요. When a Korean headteacher says to the other teachers that there should be a staff dinner, there is no choice but to do it.

41.V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸/ N 겸 grammar = ... and also...~express 2+ intentions to do something

V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸/ N 겸 grammar = ... and also...~express 2+ intentions to do something Usage:- Express speaker's 2 or more intentions to do something. -Mostly used in form N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 (해서)-The usage of 해서 following N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 해서 means the speaker selects 1 intention among the others to do something. Tense: Verb - V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(ㅇ)ㄹ 겸 Noun - N 겸 Examples: 1. 왜 한국에 왔어요? - 한국 친구도 사귈 겸 한국말도 배울 겸 한국에 왔어요. Why did you come to Korea? - I came to Korea to make friends and also study Korean. 2. 요즘 태권도를 배우고 있어요? - 네, 운동도 할 겸 한국전통문화도 배울 겸 해서 배우고 있어요. Are you learning taekwondo these days? - Yes, I am learning taekwondo to get some exercise and also learn about traditional Korean culture. 3. 책도 읽을 겸 공부도 할 겸 도서관에 가려고 해요. I am planning to go to the library to read some books and also study. 4. 기분 전환도 할 겸 쇼핑도 할 겸 명동에 갔어요. I went to Myeongdong to relax and also do some shopping. 5. 요즘 실도 뺄 겸 해서 운동을 하고 있어요. I am doing exercise to lose some weight. 6. 용돈도 벌 겸 경험도 쌓을 겸 아르바이트를 하고 있어요. I am doing a part-time job to get some experience and also have some spare money. 7. 이건 뭐예요? - 책상 겸 식탁으로 사용하는 거예요. What is this? - I use it as a desk and dining table.

19.아/어 놓다/두다

V-아/어 두다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth in advance (for future use) Usage: - indicate continuation of a state after doing action = keep V-ing (example 1-4) - indicate that someone does something in advance for future use = do V in advance/ beforehand...(example 5, 6) Verb + -아/어 두다: 열다 -- 열어 두다 (keep sth open) 세우다 -- 세워 두다 (parking) 저축하다 -- 저축해 두다 (keep saving money) 연습하다 -- 연습해 두다 (practice in advance) 사다 -- 사 두다 (buy in advance) 적다 -- 적어 두다 (write in advance) Examples: 1. 창문을 닫을까요? - 아니요. 더우니까 그냥 열어 두세요. Shall I close the window? - No, you can just keep it open since it's hot. 2. 자동차를 어떻게 샀어요? - 그동안 은행에 저축해 둔 돈으로 샀어요. How did you manage to buy a car? - I bought it with the money I had kept saving in the bank. 3. 서랍 안에 중요한 것이 많아서 항상 잠가 둡니다. There are a lot of important things in the drawer, so I always keep it locked. 4. 차를 세워 둔 곳이 어디예요? Where did you park the car? 5. 오늘은 일정이 많아서 점심 먹을 시간이 없을지도 몰라요. 미리 밥을 먹어 두려고 해요. Today I have a lot to do, so I might not have time for lunch. I plan to eat lunch early in advance. 6. 발표할 때 실수하지 않으려면 연습을 많이 해 두세요. If you don't want to make any mistakes when giving your presentation, then practice a lot in advance. 7. 내일 발표 준비 다 했어요? - 네, 발표 내용을 미리 외워 두었으니까 걱정하지 마세요. Did you finish preparing for tomorrow presentation? - Yes, don't worry since I have memorized the presentation content in advance. 8. 어려운 내용은 책에 적어 두세요. Please write down the difficult content in the book (for advanced use). 9. 라면을 많이 사 뒀어요. I bought a lot of instant noodles (for storing in advance). 10. 해외로 갈때 여권이 필요하니 여권을 만들어두어라. Get your passport in advance because you need the passport when you go abroad.

30. -는 둥 마는 둥 To Barely/Half-Heartedly V: 는 둥 마는 둥 하다 V + 는 둥 마는 둥 하다 indicates that an action was barely or half-heartedly done, and suggests that you are in some way dissatisfied or disappointed with this situation:

V. + 는 둥 마는 둥 (하고) => "hurriedly," "haphazardly," "barely," "hardly" This expression describes the subject's hurried action or motion in doing things incompletely or haphazardly. It is often used with -하고 to connect two sentences, but, colloquially, -하고 is frequently dropped. 샤워를 하는 둥 마는 둥 (하고) 뛰어 나갔다. => I hurriedly took a shower and ran out. 아침을 먹는 둥 마는 둥 (하고) 학교에 왔다. => I hardly ate breakfast and then came to school. 잠을 자는 둥 마는 둥 (하고) 일어났다. => I had barely slept when I woke up. 약속이 있어서 인사를 하는 둥 마는 둥하고 아저씨 집을 나왔다. => Because I had an appointment, I left my uncle's house in a hurry, barely saying good-bye. 밤새 이웃들이 큰 소리로 말싸움을 하는 바람에 저는 잠을 자는 둥 마는 둥 했어요. Because my neighbours were arguing loudly last night I barely slept.

54.~ㄹ/을까 싶다 1. I'm afraid/worried that (this/that would happen...) 2. I (am wondering if I would) want to do this or that...

You will realise that the first meaning is quite similar to ~을/ㄹ까 봐 while the second meaning is similar to ~고 싶다. Well, ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 is really similar to both. In fact, for the first meaning, ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 has the exact same meaning as ~을/ㄹ까 봐. It's just a different variation of saying the same thing. Another thing to note, ~을/ㄹ까 봐 is more of giving a reason for a situation or happening that precedes the statement ending with ~을/ㄹ까 봐. On the other hand, ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 is usually placed in front or to end a statement to oneself. Remember, both ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 and ~을/ㄹ까 봐 can only be used in a first person. Examples: 하늘은 너무 어두우니 비가 올까 싶어 빨리 집으로 가야지. The sky is so dark and I'm afraid/worried it will rain so let's quickly go home. 어휴 시험이 너무 어려웠어 열심히 공부할 걸. 시험이 잘 못 볼까 싶어. Sigh, the test was really hard, I should have studied hard. I'm afraid/worried that I'll not do well for the test. Now on to the second meaning - ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 is basically a less determined or certain version of ~고 싶다. The difference can be likened to that of ~(은/ㄴ & 을/ㄹ)것 같다. Examples: 너무 배고픈데 떡볶이나 오뎅을 먹을까 싶어. I really hungry now so I (am wondering if I would) want to eat rice cakes or fish cakes. 올해는 여행을 가러 할 건데 미국이나 유럽으로 갈까 싶어. I'll go for an overseas trip this year but I (am wondering if I would) want to goto America or Europe. As you can see, if there is more than one choice, you should use ~ㄹ/을까 싶다 instead of ~고 싶다. It will help the listener or reader understand that you want to do something but just not very sure yet. With ~고 싶다, it's almost as if that's the only thing you want to do at a given moment.

21.던 끝에

after This grammar structure denotes that the speaker is remembering the preceding action and that the process of doing the action was long and hard. [-(으)ㄴ 끝에] E.g.: 며칠 동안 고민하던 끝에 회의에 참석하지 않기로 결정했다 문제 해결 방법을 찾던 끝에 드디어 좋은 방법을 찾았다.

39. ㄹ 만하다

~(으)ㄹ 만하다 Used to indicate something is "worth doing" Also used when the speaker is not totally satisfied with something, but it's still worth doing or paying attention to Usage: Give recommendations to others Tenses: Verbs: 과거: ~(으)ㄹ 만했다 현재: ~(으)ㄹ 만하다 미래/추측: ~(으)ㄹ 만할 것이다 (어떤 ____이/가 좋아요? - Which _____ do you like?) Examples: 과거 (영화): 레고무비가 진짜 재미있어서 아들이랑 같이 볼 만했어요. The Lego Movie looked really interesting so it was worth watching with my son. 나는 초등학생 이었을때 어느날 아팠었는데 학교에 안 갔고 집에서 첫 스타워즈 영화를 봤는데 정말 볼 만했어요. When I was an elementary school student, I was sick one day so I didn't go to school, but I stayed home and watched the first Star Wars movie, which was totally worth watching. 새로운 스타트렉 영화가 진짜 볼 만했어요. The new Star Trek movie was really worth watching. 디즈니의 애니매이션 영화는 보통 모두 볼 만했는데 라이브 액션 영화는 더 재미있게 볼 만했어요. While all animated Disney movies are usually well worth watching, their live action movies are more interesting and more worth watching. 옛날 영화의 원작이 봤으면 다시 만든 리메이크 영화도 볼 만했는데 똑같은 이야기의 다른 접근법을 볼 수 있기때문이에요. If you've seen the original versions of old movies, then it's well worth watching the remakes because the story is the same, but you can see it from a different perspective. 코미디 영화는 항상 볼 만했지만 저질 코미디는 너무 싫었어요. Although comedy movies are always worth watching, I really hate low quality comedy movies. 현재 (음식): 전주에서 가장 유명하고 갈 만한 식당은 한옥마을의 베테랑 칼국수예요. In Jeonju, the most famous restaurant worth going to is Hanok Village's Veteran kalguksu. 전주비빔밥도 먹을 만하고 고산에 육회비빔밥도 먹을 만해요. Jeonju's bibimbap is worth eating, and Gosan's raw beef bibimbap is also worth eating. 등산 가면 적어도 한 번 김밥을 가지고 가서 소풍을 할 만해요. If you go hiking, it's worth taking kimbap along for a picnic at least once. 미래/추측 (여행): 가족하고 디즈니랜드를 갈 만할 것 같아서 이제 부터 돈도 모으고 계획도 잘 생각이에요. It seems worth it to take the family to Disneyland so from now on, let's save money and think of a good plan. 우리 아이들이 커서 득립하고 대학교에 다닐때 유럽을 여행할 만할 것 같아요. When our children grow up and become independent and are attending university, it would be worth it to take a trip to Europe. 은퇴후에 아시아 크루즈에 갈 만할 것이에요. After retiring, taking an Asian Cruise would be worth doing. 작은 아이가 있으니까 재미있는 한국 유원지에 갈 만할 것이지만 아마 딸이 더 자라면 더 재미있겠지요. Since we have a small child, it seems like it would be worth it to go to a Korean amusement park, but it might be more interesting if we waited until our daughter grew up a bit more. 내 장모님댁은 최근에 리모델링을 해서 한번 가볼만 할 거예요. My parents-in-law's house just got remodeled, so it's worth it to go check it out once.

59. A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/ is a form grammar = it seems, I guess...~guess a situation after observation

~는 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO VERBS, Example: 그 남자가 정장을 입고 여행가방을 가져가서 출장으로 가는 모양이다.That man is wearing a suit and bringing along a luggage so he looks like he's going on an overseas business trip. ~은/ㄴ 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO VERBS (PAST TENSE), Example: 어제 그 구두쇠 아줌마가 특별히 닭갈비를 줘서 북권에 당첨된 모양이다.Yesterday, that miser ahjumma specially gave us spicy stir-fried chicken so it looks like she struck the lottery. ~을/ㄹ 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO VERBS (FUTURE TENSE), Example: 음울한 하늘을 보니 곧 비가 많이 올 모야이다.Looking at the gloomy sky, it looks like it is going to rain very heavily soon. ~은/ㄴ 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO ADJECTIVES, Example: 아빠는 너무 급하게 집에 나가서 오늘 바쁜 모양이다.Dad went out of the house so hurriedly so it looks like he's busy today. ~았/었/였/했던 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO ADJECTIVES (PAST TENSE) Example: 이 사진 속에 삼촌은 너무 체격이 좋아서 예전에 강했던 모양이다.In this picture, uncle looked really well-built so he looks like he was strong last time. ~을/ㄹ 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO ADJECTIVES (FUTURE TENSE), Example: 그 어린은 엄마와 아빠를 너무 잘 지켜서 미래에 성격이 좋을 모양이다.That kid takes such good care of his Mom and Dad so it looks like his personality will be good in the future. ~인 모양이다 IS ATTACHED TO NOUNS, Example: 누나는 우리를 잘 가르쳐서 선생님인 모양이다.Noona teaches us very well so she looks like a teacher. ~이였던/였던 모야이다 IS ATTACHED TO NOUNS (PAST TENSE). Example: 지금도 그 아저시 예전에 가르친 학생들이 그의 집으로 가서 아저시는 진짜 유명한 교수님이였던 모양이다.Even now, students who were taught by that uncle still went to his house so it looks like he was a really famous professor back then.

17. 아/어/여서 그런지

~아/어서 그런지, ~아/어서 그랬는지 = Maybe because... It might be/have been because... ( ~아/어서 그랬는지 shortened to ~았/었는지 ) 바빠서 그런지 죤은 무술에 관심 이 없다 = Maybe because he is busy, John is not interested in the martial arts. 잠을 못 자서 그런지 머리가 아프다 = Maybe because I didn't sleep, I have a headache. 학생이 많이 늘었다. 그래서 그런지 갑자기 교실이 모자란다 = The number of students has increased. Maybe that's why there aren't enough classrooms. 감기약을 먹어서 그랬는지 수업 시간 때 졸려서 혼났어요 = Maybe because I took cold medicine, I fell asleep in class and got scolded.

66. V + 자마자 is used to say 'as soon as you V' or 'immediately after V-ing':

공항에서 도착하자마자 어머니께 전화를 하세요. As soon as you arrive at the airport, please call your mother. 그를 보자마자 저는 떠나고 싶었어요. As soon as I saw him, I wanted to leave. 집에 오자마자 샤워를 할게요.As soon as I come home I'll take a shower. 학교를 끝내자마자 집에 가서 낮잠을 자요. As soon as I finish school I go home and take a nap. 당신의 메시지를 보자마자 대답을 썼어요. I replied as soon as I saw your message. 대학교를 졸업하자마자 영국에서 이주할 거에요. As soon as I graduate from university I will emigrate to the UK. 매일 아침에 일어나자마자 30분 동안 운동하고 나서 식사를 먹어요. Every morning as soon as I wake up, I exercise for 30 minutes and then eat breakfast.

65. 려니' shows that you conjecture about someone or a situation or something.

그가 전화를 받지 않길래 자고 있으려니 하고 생각했다. (He didn't answer the phone, so I thought he was sleeping.)

26. V + 기만 하면 되다 is an expression of surety; if the action is done, there is only one expected outcome. Depending on context this can translate to 'as long as you V', 'you need only V', 'no sooner do I do V than...':

기계를 끄기 위해 노란색 버튼을 누르기만 하면 돼요. You just press the yellow button to turn off the machine. 도음이 필요하면 이 전화번호로 전화하기만 하면 돼요. If you need help, you just have to call this number. 주문을 최소하기 위해 이 서류를 작성하기만 하면 돼요. Just complete this form to cancel your order. 기대리기만 하면 돼요. All you have to do is wait.

71. ㄴ 나머지

긴장한 나머지 말도 더듬거려요 I was so nervous I was stuttering (hint: (으)ㄴ나머지) (tip: used to denote the exacerbation of the content in the preceding clause to the extreme resulting in the following clause)

33. 나보다

나 보다 - i guess, i assume, i suppose, it seems ~나 봐요 (Action verb) and past tense descriptives ~었/았나 봐(요) - past ~ㄹ/을 건가 봐요 - future 있다 and 없다 are considered action verbs. 그만큼 사랑하나봐 - It seems that I loved you that much. 그만큼 기다리나봐 - It seems that I waited for you this much 모르나 봐요 - I guess they don't know. 내맘은 변치 안나봐 - It seems my heart won't change. 없었나 봐요 - I guess it wasn't there 재미있었나 봐요 - I guess it was fun 머리 깎으셨나 봐요? - It seems that you got a hair cut. 효진 씨는 아직 모르나 봐요 - I guess Hyojin still doesn't know 또 비가 오나 봐요 - I guess it's raining again

63. A/V + 고도 is similar in function to 'and yet' or 'still'. It is used when an action has an unexpected result:

날씨가 춥고도 따뜻한 옷을 입지 않아요. The weather is cold and yet you're not wearing warm clothes. 친한 친구는 함께 잠을 자고도 아직 좋은 사이를 유지할 수 있어요? Can close friends sleep together and still maintain a good relationship? 토요일 밤에 술을 많이 마시고도 다음날 아침에 괜찮았어요. On Saturday night I drank a lot of alcohol but the next morning I was fine. 어떻게 그 두 사람이 항상 말싸움을 하고도 그들은 서로 사랑한다고 해요? How can those two argue all the time and still say they love each other? 두 시간 동안 친구가 농구를 하고도 그는 피곤하지 않았다고 해요. My friend played basketball for two hours, yet he said he wasn't tired. 그는 똑똑하고도 진짜 게으른이에요.He is smart and yet so lazy.

51. A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 만큼 grammar = as much as ~indicating something equivalent to another

돈을 얼마나 내면 돼요? - 각자 먹은 만큼 내면 될 것 같아요. How much money should we pay each? - Each person should pay an amount as much as one ate. ( 만큼) 오늘 같이 영화 볼까요? - 미안해요. 요즘 영화를 볼 만큼 한가하지 않아요. Shall we watch a movie today? - Sorry. These days, I don't have enough free time to watch a movie. ( 만큼) 돈을 많이 내는 만큼 좋은 서비스를 받을 수 있을 거예요. You should receive good service as much as you pay for it. ( 만큼)

53. (ㄹ/을) 듯 말 듯 => barely, almost, just about doing something (close to, but not quite happening).

말다 means "to not do something", so the expression combines "something happening" with "not happening(말다)". As 닿다 means "touch", 닿을 듯 말 듯 is "just about touching (but not quite)". 알아가다 means "get to know someone/something", probably "get to know a person over time" in this context. And if so, 닿다 in this context may also be a figurative way of saying "have an encounter with someone". And 닿을 듯 말 듯(,) 알아갈 듯 말 듯 has two -듯 말 듯 phrases one after another - like separated by a comma. So the whole phrase probably means "barely running into each other, on the verge of getting to know each other". (But since it is missing the "who" or "what" part, we can't be sure without more of the context) -듯 말 듯 examples: - 비가 올 듯 말 듯 한다: It looks almost raining, but not quite yet. - 들릴 듯 말 듯 한 작은 소리: a barely audible weak sound". - 생각이 날 듯 말 듯 하다: It's on the tip of my tongue / I can almost but not quite remember.

85. V + 더라도 can be used to say 'even if you V'. The 'if' clause can be in the past or present:

맛이 없더라도 친구가 준비한 음식을 먹을 거예요? Would you eat food that a friend had prepared even if it tasted awful? 친구가 오고 싶지 않더라도 초대해야 해요. Even if she doesn't want to come you should invite your friend. 비가 오더라도 밖에서 축구를 할 거예요. Even if it rains we'll play football outside. 연습을 많이 하더라도 무대에서 연주할 때 조금 걱정돼는 게 당연해요. Even if you practice a lot, when you perform on a stage it's natural to be a little nervous. 저의 말을 안 믿더라도 진실을 말하고있는거예요. Even if you don't believe me, I'm telling you the truth.

91. 듯(이) can be used to show that something gives the appearance of being something else - in order words 'as though' or 'as if':

선생님이 교실에 들어왔을 때 미친 듯이 학생들은 뛰어다니고 있었어요. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students were running around like crazy. 그는 생각에 잠긴 듯 창문 밖을 바라봤어요. He stared out of the window as if lost in thought. 그 남자는 죽은 듯이 마루에 누워 있었어요. The man lay on the floor as though he were dead. 그는 아무것도 이해하지 못한다는 듯이 행동했어요. He acted as though he didn't understand anything. 그는 문제가 없다는 듯이 행동했어요.He acted as if there wasn't a problem. 그는 한번도 저를 만나본 적이 없다는 듯이 저를 쳐다봤어요. He looked at me as if he had never met me before. 아무 일도 없었던 듯이 우리는 계속 걸어갔어요. We continued walking as if nothing had happened. 당장이라도 비가 올 듯해요.It seems as though it will rain any minute now. "괜찮아"라는 듯이 아내가 저를 바라보았어요.My wife looked at me as if to say "it's okay". When attached directly to a verb or adjective, the whole phrase becomes a metaphor: 제 부자 사우디 학생들은 돈을 물을 쓰듯 해요. My rich Saudi students spend money like it's water. 그의 이름이 생각이 날 듯 말 듯 하네요. name is on the tip of my tongue.

56. 으)ㄹ까 말까 = Shall I or shall I not

선생님한테 물어볼까 말까 생각하고 있어 = I'm debating whether to ask my teacher or not. 디저트 먹을까 말까? = Shall we eat the dessert or not? 컴퓨터를 새로 살까 말까 계속 생각했어요 = I kept thinking whether I should buy a new computer or not. 갈까 말까 의논하고 있어요 = We're discussing whether to go or not. 결혼을 할까 말까 고민하고 있어요 = I'm troubled by whether I should get married or not. 도와줄까 말까? = Shall I help you or not?

63. V+(으)려다가 is a shortened form of V+려고 하다가, which means that you intended to do one action but changed your mind or gave up, and did something else instead. In colloquial speech, V+(으)라 그러다가 can be used:

아랍어 수업을 들으려다가 돈이 없어서 혼자 공부했어요.I was going to take an Arabic class, but I didn't have money so I studied alone. 병원에 가려다가 안 갔어요.I was going to go to the hospital, but I didn't. 한식을 먹으려다가 일본식을 먹었어요.I was going to eat Korean food, but then I ate Japanese food instead. 한국어 학당에 다니려다가 마음을 바꾸었어요.I was going to go to a Korean language school, but I changed my mind. 여름 동안 한국에 다시 가려가다 태국 여행을 했어요.I intended to go back to Korea during the summer but ended up going to Thailand. 등산하려다가 바람이 많이 불어서 집에 있었어요.I intended to go hiking but it was windy so I ended up staying home. 전화를 하려다가 문제 생겨서 여유 시간이 없었어요.Something came up when I was going to call you, and then I didn't have time to spare. 오늘 아침에 운동을 하려고 했는데 너무 피곤해서 결국 늦잠을 잤어요.I was going to work out this morning, but I was so tired that I eventually overslept. 택시를 타려다가 길이 막혀 회의에 늦을까봐 지하철을 타게 되었어요.I was going to take a taxi, but I got on the subway because there was a traffic jam and I was afraid I would be late. 수업을 들으려다가 친구가 도움을 구해서 결국 친구의 집에 가게 되었어요.I was going to take a class, but my friend asked for help and ended up going to my friend's house. 지하철을 타려다가 회의에 늦어서 택시를 타게 되었어요.I was going to take the subway, but I was late for a meeting, so I took a taxi.

88. V + 느라고 shows that an action had a negative outcome:

열심히 공부하느라고 게임을 하러 PC방에 못 갔어요. I couldn't come to the PC room to play computer games because I was studying hard. 영국 친구에게 전화를 하느라고 축구 경기를 못 했어요. My British friend called so I couldn't play football. 저는 늦잠을 자느라고 회의를 놓쳤어요. Because I overslept I missed the meeting. 저는 식료품을 많이 사느라고 지금 친구에게 돈을 빌려 주어 못 해요. Because I bought a lot of groceries I can't lend my friend any money now. 오늘 아침에 잠을 자느라고 전화 소리를 못 들었어요. This morning I didn't hear the phone ringing (lit. phone sound) because I was asleep. 어젯 밤에 새우느라고 수업 동안 집중 못 했어요. Because I stayed up last night I couldn't concentrate during class. 저는 대답하지 않느라고 부르는 소리를 못 들었어요. I didn't respond because I didn't hear you calling me (lit. calling sound).

96. V + 게/기 마련 이다 can be used to show that something is bound to happen, that it is natural or even fate. 마련literally means 'arrangement' or 'prepare', so the structure suggests that you should expect the outcome, or that it is common knowledge:

열심히 공부하면 더 똑똑해지게 마련 이에요. If you continue to study hard, you're bound to get smarter. 여자친구가 오래 멀리 떨어질 때져 있을 때 우울하게 마련 이에요. When your girlfriend is far away for so long it's only natural to feel depressed. 제가 남편에게 계속 과식을 하면 허리에 살이 찌기 마련 이라고 말했어요. Itold my husband that if he continues to overeat, he's bound to put on weight around the waist. 어린이들은 부모에게 반항하게 마련 이에요. It's only natural that children rebel against their parents. 한국어를 배우면서 실수하기 마련 이지만 괜찮아요. It's natural to make mistakes when learning Korean but that's OK. 추석의 마지막 날에는 교통이 복잡하게 마련 이에요. It's expected that there is traffic congestion on the last day of Chuseok.

27. 기로 하다 means 'decide to do something'. It can use it for your decision or a plan with someone else. We usually use it as past tense, you can use it as a suggestion with present tense or -(으)ㅂ시다.

올해부터 술을 안 마시기로 했어요. I decided not to drink from this year. 혼자 배낭여행을 가기로 했어요. I decided to go backpacking by myself.

58. V + 을 걸 그랬다 is typically used for self-reflection and expresses regret for not taking an action ('I regret not doing sth I should have done'). 그랬다 can be omitted with no change in meaning:

이렇게 날씨가 나쁠 줄 알았으면 우산을 가져올 걸 그랬어요 If I'd known the weather was this bad, I would have brought my umbrella (but I didn't). 더 일찍 한국어를 배울 걸. I should have learned Korean earlier (but I didn't). 네가 오는 줄 알았으면 음식을 만들 걸. If I'd known you were coming I would have prepared something to eat (but I didn't know, so I didn't prepare). Adding 지 마 (derived from 지 않다) before the main verb changes the meaning to 'I regret doing sth I shouldn't have done': 질문을 하지 말 걸 그랬어요. I shouldn't have asked (but I did). 지난 밤에 늦게까지 깨어있지 말 걸 그랬어요. I shouldn't have stayed up late last night (but I did). 맥주를 마시지 말 걸 그랬어요. I shouldn't have drunk so much beer (but I did). The question form replaces 그랬다 with 그랬나?: 여기에 더 일찍 올 걸 그랬나? Should I have come here earlier? (Am I late?) 양복을 입을 걸 그랬나? Should I have worn a suit? (Am I underdressed?) 그에게 말할 걸 그랬나? Should I have spoken to him?

71. A/V + 은/ㄴ 채(로) is used when you start doing something (B) while maintaining a previously mentioned state (A). It differs from (으)면서, where the two actions happen and continue simultaneously. The clause attached to ㄴ 채(로) is always in a passive-but-completed state. It roughly reads as "while in the state of A, I did B", where A is not a necessary condition for B. Note that 가다 and 오다 are never used with this form.

이전 직장에서 몇몇 한국 선생님이 취한 채로 학교에 왔어요. In my previous job some Korean teachers to came into work drunk. 여름 동안 그는 옷을 입지 않은 채로 집 안을 걸어다녔어요. In the summer he walked around the house without any clothes on. 너무 더워서 옷을 입은 채로 월성계곡에 뛰어들었어요. It was so hot at Wolseung Valley that we jumped in the river with our clothes on. 왜 문을 열어 놓은 채로 변기를 사용해요?! Why are you using the toilet with the door open?! 셔츠가 차 문에 끼어있는 채로 출근했어요.I drove to work with my shirt stuck in the door. 불을 켜놓은 채로 잠이 들었어요.I fell asleep with the lights on. 신발을 신은 채로 모스크에 들어가면 안 돼요.You can't enter a mosque with your shoes on.

92. N+마저

조차" and "마저" can only be used in negative situation. "조차" can be substituted with "마저" but the reverse is not always true. Their main difference is, "조차" can only be used in negative sentence (부정문, 否定文) while "마저" can be used in both negative and positive sentence (긍정문, 肯定文). e.g. 1. 그 학생은 노래조차 못 불러 (O) 2. 그 학생은 노래마저 못 불러 (O) Explanation: In 1 and 2, the negative situation mentioned is the inability to even sing a song properly. Also, both sentences are considered negative sentences because they end with "못 불러". Since both situation and sentence are negative, "조차" and "마저" can be used interchangeably. 3. 추운데 바람조차 부네요 (X) 4. 추운데 바람마저 부네요 (O) Explanation: In 3 and 4, the negative situation mentioned is the wind blowing during cold weather. However, quite different from 1 and 2, 3 and 4 end with "부네요" which makes them positive sentences. Under such circumstance, "조차" cannot be used. What comes after "조차" are always negative things like "못", "않다", "지 않다", "없다", "힘들다", "죽다" etc.

77. 이)라도 functions in a similar way to 'at least' or 'even if only'. It can be used to show that something is not ideal, but it is acceptable for now:

주스가 없으면 커피라도 주세요. If you don't have juice at least give me coffee. 출근하기 전에 차 한 잔이라도 드세요. At least have a cup of tea before you go to work. 이번 주말에 강에라도 같이 걸어갈까요? This weekend shall we at least go for a walk along the river or something? 지금이라도 돈이 충분히 있어요. For now, at least, I have enough money. 그냥 그거라도 주세요.Just give me that, then (because you don't have what I really want). 저는 당신이 한식을 별로 안 좋아하는 것을 알고 있지만 전이라도 먹어보세요. I know you don't like Korean food much, but at least try Korean pancakes.

87.V + 다시피 하다 is a figurative expression meaning 'I'm practically V-ing' or 'it's as if I am V-ing'. Similar to 듯(이), it shows that something was done to such a degree that it was almost something else entirely:

축구선수의 사진이 신문을 도배하다시피 했어요. The footballer's picture was (wallpapered) all over the news. 그녀는 라면을 주식으로 하다시피 한다. She practically lives on ramen. 임금이 너무 낮아서 일을 무상으로 하다시피 하고 있어요. The wages are so low it's as if I'm working for free. 어렸을 때 어머니가 출장을 자주 가셔서 아버지께서 저를 키우다시피 했어요. When I was young my mum often went on business trips so I was practically raised by my dad. 길이 막혀서 차가 기어가다시피 하고 있어요. The road is blocked so it's almost as if cars are crawling along. 동생이 다이어트를 한다고 밥을 굶다시피 해서 걱정돼요. I'm worried because my brother went on a diet and looks practically starved. 방학 동안에는 한국 학생들이 PC방에 살다시피 해요. During the school holidays Korean students practically live in PC rooms. 숙제가 많은데 다 하느라 밤을 새우다시피 했어요. I had a lot of homework and basically stayed up all night finishing it. 어젯밤에 술을 너무 많이 마셔서 오늘 아침에 숙취 때문에 거의 죽다시피 했어요. I drank so much last night that I almost died of a hangover this morning. 기말고사를 곧 봐서 도서관에서 살다시피 하고 있어요. I'm more or less living in the library because I'm about to take my final exams. 늦어서 우리는 뛰다시피 했는데도 기차를 놓쳤어요. We practically ran for the train, but because we were late, we missed it. 그는 여자친구에게 거의 매일 전화하다시피 하고 있어요. He calls his girlfriend practically every day.

64. V + (으) 나마나 is used to show that whether you perform the action or not, the result is the same:

터미널에 가나마나 아마 마지막 버스를 출발했어요. It doesn't matter whether or not you go to the terminal, the last bus has already left. 해보나마나 게임을 이기는 것이 불가능해요. It doesn't matter whether you try - it's impossible to win this game. 물어보나마나 안 된다고 할 거예요.There's no point asking, they will say no. 이 책은 읽으나마나 재미 없어요There's no point reading this book - it's boring. 맛 없으나마나 학생들이 학교 밥을 먹어요. Whether or not the food it's delicious, students always eat it.

97. N + (으)로 인해(서) is used to show that a noun is causing another action to happen. It is similar to 때문에 and 에 의하다, although it is not directly attached to people

폭풍으로 인해 다리를가 폐쇄됐어요. As a result of the storm the bridge was closed. 철로에 있는 나뭇잎으로 인해 열차가 늦어졌어요. The train was delayed due to leaves on the line. 최근의 테러 공격으로 인해서 대통령의 방문이 취소됐어요. As a result of the latest terror attack the President's visit was cancelled. 집중 호우로 인해 축구 경기가 연기됐어요. Due to a heavy downpour the football match was cancelled. 새 다이어트로 인해 그는 급격히 살이 빠졌어요.As a result of the new diet he rapidly lost weight.

73. N(으)로서 is an adverbial marker used to establish a noun's identity, position, or qualification. Simply put, it can be translated into English as "As a...": As a teacher; As a woman; As an American.

학생으로서 공부를 해야 해요. As a student, you have to study. 사람으로서 어떻게 그렇게 잔인할 수가 있어요? How could he be so cruel as a person? 그 사람은 군인으로서는 탁월했지만, 대통령으로서는 최악이었다. He was outstanding as a soldier (in the capacity of soldier), but as president (in the capacity of president), he was the worst. 한국은 미혼모로서 살기에 아주 안 좋은 나라예요. Korea is not a good country to live in as an unwed mother.

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