International Business Environment UIowa

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In the context of an international merger or acquisition, arrange the critical steps involved in the integration of organizational cultures as identified by Numeroff and Abrahams. (Place the first step at the top.) Instructions 1. Creating methods to identify the most important organizational structures and management roles 2. Establishing the purpose, goal, and focus of the merger 3. Determining who has authority over the resources required to perform various tasks 4. Identifying all involved parties' expectations and enabling communication between both departments and individuals in the structure

2, 1, 3, 4

It has been ratified by 180 nations, with only India and a few Pacific island nations yet to endorse.

Convention 182 (on the worst forms of child labor)

True or false: In the context of the GLOBE project, which compares managerial differences, Argentine and U.S. managers typically score higher than their Chinese counterparts in the area of uncertainty avoidance.


They are likely to be centralized and have tall organization structures.

Firms in high power distance countries

They tend to be decentralized and have flatter organization structures.

Firms in low power distance countries

They have both an internal and an external diversity focus and require employees to develop cross-cultural skills.

Global firms

They depend heavily on expatriate managers to help manage operations; therefore, the cultural diversity focus is from the inside out.

International firms

They place less importance on managing cultural differences outside them and more on managing cultural diversity within them.

Multinational firms

Based on Fons Trompenaars's study on Shell Oil's operating firms, match the countries (in the left column) with their most valued criterion of the HAIRL system of appraising personnel in international subsidiaries (in the right column). Netherlands, France, Germany, Britain Reality, Leadership, Helicopter, Imagination

Netherlands-Reality France- Imagination Germany- Leadership Britain- Helicopter

True or false: Ethics is frequently a victim of subjectivity as it yields to the will of cultural relativism. True false question. True False


According to Kant, what is distinctive about rational beings? Multiple choice question. a. Rational beings have the capacity to evaluate their choices through the lens of a universal law. b. Rational beings' actions are always purpose driven. c. Rational beings are an intrinsic and inseparable part of the universe and are part of nature. d. Rational beings base their actions on their self-interest.


After heavy lobbying from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), in August 2003, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry dropped its opposition to relaxation of intellectual property provisions under the World Trade Organization (WTO) to _____. Multiple choice question. a. produce generic, low-cost antiviral drugs available to developing countries facing health emergencies b. aid the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in increasing their profit gains by selling high-cost stimulant drugs c. make high-cost antibiotic drugs available to developed countries facing health emergencies d. help the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in increasing their profit gains by selling low-cost depressant drugs


Ceres Inc. is a multinational advertising firm where the higher management is closely involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. Ceres emphasizes respectful relationships between employees and the management, and in turn, the employees look up to the management for guidance and mentorship. According to Trompenaars, identify the organizational culture Ceres Inc. exemplifies. Multiple choice question. a. Family culture b. Incubator culture c. Guided missile culture d. Eiffel Tower culture


Sheila, a Latin American, is the lead singer in an alternative rock band. The remaining members of her band share Irish ancestry. According to the most common categorization of diverse groups, Sheila's band exemplifies a _____. Multiple choice question. a. token group b. multicultural group c. bicultural group d. homogeneous group


The thesis on the relationship between economic development and the quality of the natural environment is hypothesized by the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) to be represented as a(n) _____. Multiple choice question. a. inverted U-shape b. inverted S-shape c. straight line horizontal to the y-axis d. straight line horizontal to the x-axis


Identify the true statements about organizations with high power distance. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Strict obedience is seen even among high-level employees. b. Individuals blindly follow the orders of their superiors. c. The low-level employees are highly qualified people. d. Flat organization structures are popular.

a, b

Identify the true statements about the Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) of business ethics. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It has faced criticisms for its inability to give precise guidance for managers under specific conditions. b. It allows considerable latitude for nations to create their unique concepts of fairness but draws the line at flagrant neglect of core human values. c. It fails to offer an approach to helping reconcile a fundamental contradiction in international business ethics. d. It attempts to navigate a moral position that forces decision makers to engage exclusively in relativism versus absolutism.

a, b

Which of the following show the significance of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. The nine constructs of the program were explained, conceptualized, and operationalized by a multicultural team of over 100 researchers. b. It studies the different components of the dynamic relationship between the culture and organizational behavior. c. It rejects the analyses of cultural attributes and variables published by Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. d. The data in each country were collected by foreign investigators who lacked any knowledge and experience in those cultures.

a, b

In the context of a research study on the effects of the U.S. environment on the cultural values of Japanese managers working for Japanese firms in the United States, which of the following are generally very important in Japanese culture? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Group orientation b. Paternalism c. Conformity d. Informal authority e. Conditional tenure

a, b, c

What are the hypothetical reasons for the inverted U-shaped relationship between economic development and the quality of the natural environment in the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Income-driven alterations in the composition of production and/or consumption b. Income-driven alterations in the increasing returns to scale related to pollution abatement c. Income-driven alterations in the institutions that are required to internalize externalities d. Income-driven alterations in the execution of equal opportunity initiatives e. Income-driven alterations in the International Labour Organization's standards concerning child labor

a, b, c

Which of the following are the advantages of using a neutral site for international business negotiations? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Participants are motivated to take home some results rather than returning empty-handed. b. Participants avoid prolonging discussions unnecessarily to reduce the cost of staying at the site. c. Both parties take more time for establishing a rapport and reaching a consensus on specific issues as they enjoy a balance of power at the site. d. Participants have a greater likelihood of reaching an impasse as they are unfamiliar with the location. e. Both parties have limited access to their home offices, and their chances of receiving information and advice for negotiation are balanced.

a, b, e

Identify the true statements about values. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. They help guide a person's behavior. b. They are inherited or biologically based. c. They are acquired from the culture in which an individual is reared. d. They are based on the genetically driven adaptive process of human beings.

a, c

In the context of offshore low-cost labor-intensive practices, identify the true statements about India. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. More than a third of the global information technology (IT) workforce is currently located in India. b. The firm IBM currently bases less than 30 percent of its employees in India. c. The firm Accenture currently has more than double the number of employees in India than it has in the United States. d. Labor costs currently in India are estimated to be almost equal to those in the United States.

a, c

Identify the true statements about the compensation strategies for different cultural clusters. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Incentive plans should be group-based in Pacific Rim countries. b. In Great Britain, Ireland, and the United States, profit-sharing plans are more effective than individual incentive plans. c. Low salaries should be paid to senior-level managers in Japan and Hong Kong. d. Compensation strategies should be similar in the European Union (EU) nations such as France, Spain, Italy, and Belgium.

a, d

Luthans and his associates studied a sample of managers in the largest textile factory in Russia to determine their activities through direct observation. What were the results of this study? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Communication activity was an important predictor of effective performance in both Russia and the United States. b. Russian supervisors were trained to disregard social rewards and positive feedback. c. The attention given to the networking activity reduced the Russian managers' opportunities for promotion. d. Russian managers engaged in traditional management, communication, human resources, and networking activities.

a, d

What are the characteristics of distributive negotiation? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. The relationship in this form of negotiation focuses on the individual and is short term. b. It involves overlapping interests. c. Parties involved often have a friendly relationship. d. It involves a win-lose situation.

a, d

What are the factors that continue to move firms to facilitate the development of unique strategies for different cultures? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. The diversity of global industry standards such as those in broadcasting b. The requirement to allow subsidiaries to be restrained by headquarters c. A continual demand by local customers for undifferentiated products d. The significance of being an insider, as in the case of customers who want to "buy local"

a, d

Which of the following are true of negotiation? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It is often followed by an assessment of political environments. b. It is the process of choosing a course of action among alternatives. c. It is the use of defined structures and systems in decision making. d. It is a usual tactic for conflict management.

a, d

identify the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. To encourage sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth b. To improve the profit gains of multinational corporations (MNCs) c. To limit the subsidy for malaria combination treatment d. To eliminate poverty in all its forms everywhere

a, d

Identify the best practices that negotiators should follow in order to reach mutually beneficial solutions. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Avoid giving in to intense impulses b. Respond to the other party in a defensive manner c. Avoid being open to accepting emotional concerns of the other party d. Avoid placing blame on the other party e. Use sympathetic gestures to alleviate tension

a, d, e

The stage of team development where the manager's focus area is Making decisions and implementing them to achieve effectiveness in a multicultural group

action stage

It involves making concessions and reaching a final settlement or entering a contract that is approved by both parties.


The degree to which individuals in organizations or societies are confrontational and aggressive in social relationships


According to Hall, _____ plays a significant role in explaining many communication differences. Multiple choice question. a. noise b. context c. language d. channel


According to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank, intervention in child labor is necessary only when _____. Multiple choice question. a. family survival depends on all members working b. developmental welfare of a child is compromised c. children are below five years of age d. children are paid low wages


An objective of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program is to _____. Multiple choice question. a. integrate cultures that have low uncertainty avoidance with those that have high masculinity b. provide a worldwide standard guideline that lets managers focus on local specialization c. establish guidelines that let a manager deal with people regardless of their beliefs and attitudes d. focus on businesses in ascriptions cultures rather than the ones in achievement cultures


Identify a result of the study conducted at the largest textile factory in Russia that tested whether organizational behavior modification (O.B.Mod.) interventions that led to performance improvements in U.S. organizations would do so in Russia. Multiple choice question. a. The more positive the perceptions of organizational climate, the lesser the employee commitment. b. The class of interventions associated with O.B.Mod. tends to be useful in meeting the challenges faced by Russian workers and managers. c. O.B.Mod. approach, which had worked so well in the United States, produced negative results in the Russian factory. d. As in the United States, the relative attention given to networking activities reduced the Russian managers' opportunities for promotion.


In the context of group multiculturalism, which of the following is a homogeneous group? Multiple choice question. a. A group of Asian football players that meets its Canadian coach thrice a week for training b. A group of Iranian women that begins a start-up business in the San Francisco Bay Area c. A group of three Australian and three Armenian doctors that sets up a free medical camp in a war-affected region d. A group of three American, four Syrian, and four Congolese investment bankers that trades securities for cash


In the context of international business, a way to improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication is to _____. a. insist on the use of English for official communication b. open up feedback systems c. enforce the home country's culture d. ensure the downward flow of communication


Rehan works in a multinational corporation where all jobs are well defined, employees have a clear idea of what they are required to do, and all activities are highly coordinated by the higher management. The relationship between the management and employees is highly formal and efficient. According to Trompenaars's classification of organizational cultures, identify the type of organizational culture exemplified in the given scenario. Multiple choice question. a. Guided missile culture b. Incubator culture c. Eiffel Tower culture d. Family culture


What was the meta-goal of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program? Multiple choice question. a. To popularize the idea of communitarianism and convince people to regard themselves as individuals b. To create an empirically based theory to explain and foresee the effects of cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes c. To create an empirically based theory to prove that people in ascription cultures are more proactive in running business than those in achievement cultures d. To popularize the idea of particularism that states that practices can be applied everywhere without modification


Which of the following is an argument by Kantian philosophical traditions? Multiple choice question. a. In matters of action, the principles of initiating motives are the ends at which people's actions are aimed. b. People have responsibilities dependent on a core set of moral principles that go beyond those of narrow self-interest. c. A given act is morally correct if the ratio of benefit to harm is greater than the ratio resulting from an alternative act. d. A good individual does what is right for the right reasons and derives satisfaction from such actions because his or her character is rightly formed.


Which of the following shows a major cultural difference between China and many Western countries? Multiple choice question. a. Chinese culture gives high status to high achievers. b. Chinese culture gives high importance to punctuality. c. China has a high indulgence index. d. China has a high individualism index.


According to critics, what are the disadvantages of the dramatic change in the communication process in recent decades? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It has added delays and filters in interpersonal communication. b. It has made communication impersonal. c. It has rendered communication less meaningful than before. d. It has made rapid communication impossible.

b, c

Based on Fons Trompenaars's relationship orientations based on cultural dimensions, which of the following countries have high individualism? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Korea b. Thailand c. Canada d. Malaysia

b, c

In the context of a research study on managerial values, which of the following show the effects of the U.S. environment on the cultural values of Japanese managers working for Japanese firms in the United States? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. The stateside Japanese managers did not support the concept of formal authority in an organization. b. The stateside Japanese managers did not think that unconditional tenure in a firm was very important. c. The stateside Japanese managers did not perceive conformity and obedience to be very important. d. The stateside Japanese managers did not believe that job security was very significant.

b, c

Which of the following are true about Chinese businesspeople during negotiations? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. They typically fasten the pace of negotiations to conclude arrangements as quickly as possible. b. They expect some concessions in return if they give some. c. They generally carry out the whole negotiation process through intermediaries. d. They show excessive emotion during negotiations.

b, c

In the context of bargaining behaviors, which of the following are true of the use of extreme offers or requests by a bargainer? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It shows the opponent that the bargainer is reluctant to follow the usual norms of bargaining. b. It changes the opponent's views on the bargainer's preferences. c. It reveals to the opponent that the bargainer will not be taken advantage of. d. It considerably reduces the chance of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. e. It offers the bargainer a better opportunity to study the opponent by extending the negotiation.

b, c, e

Identify Geert Hofstede's findings about the relationship between national and organizational cultures in a multinational organization. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. The differences in culture are not as pronounced in foreign employees as in their coworkers who are working in their native lands. b. The national cultural values of personnel have a major influence on their organizational performance. c. Corporate culture reduces or eliminates national differences in all corporations. d. The cultural values workers bring to the workplace with them are not easily changed by the organization.

b, d

Identify the true statements about the corporate governance structure. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It specifies the measures or methods that an organization adopts to reduce the availability of "fairly traded" products. b. It gives the framework through which a firm's objectives are set and the means of achieving the objectives and monitoring performance. c. It primarily deals with environmental development that meets humanity's needs without harming future generations. d. It details the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in a corporation.

b, d

In the context of cross-cultural negotiations, identify the characteristics of U.S. negotiators. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. They seek agreement on the general focus of the meetings. They lay great emphasis on deadlines. They often adopt an emotional approach. They make early concessions to establish their flexibility and reasonability.

b, d

Which of the following are the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. To ensure that all countries have access to the Internet b. To adopt urgent action to combat climate change and its effects c. To legalize 10-hour working days in underdeveloped nations d. To diminish inequality within and among nations

b, d

Which of the following are true of incubator culture? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. It is characterized by strong emphasis on hierarchy and orientation to the task. b. It is based on the premise that an organization's role is to aid the development of its employees' self-expression and self-fulfillment. c. It is power-oriented and headed by a leader who is regarded as a caring parent and one who knows what is best for the personnel. d. It is based on the existential idea that organizations are secondary to the fulfillment of the individuals within them.

b, d

Identify the various dimensions of nonverbal communication. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Onomastics b. Paralinguistics c. Morphemics d. Kinesics e. Proxemics

b, d, e

In the context of the involvement of multinational corporations (MNCs) and human rights, identify the true statements about China. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. China's human rights record has recently ceased to be a challenge for MNCs. b. The Chinese government frequently detains human rights lawyers. c. All Uighur Muslims who were being held in re-education internment camps in China were released in 2018. d. Most MNCs continue their involvement in China despite various human rights violations.


Identify a true statement about the Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) of business ethics. Multiple choice question. a. It fails to offer an approach to helping reconcile a fundamental contradiction in international business ethics. b. It is able to provide precise guidance for managers and employers under all possible conditions. c. It tries to navigate a moral position that does not compel decision makers to engage exclusively in relativism versus absolutism. d. It prohibits substantial latitude for nations and economic communities to develop their unique concepts of fairness.


Identify the organizational culture that is characterized by strong emphasis on hierarchy and orientation to the task. Multiple choice question. a. Incubator culture b. Guided missile culture c. Eiffel Tower culture d. Family culture


In order to reach mutually beneficial solutions during negotiations, managers should _____. Multiple choice question. a. give in to intense emotional impulses b. overlook their emotional concerns c. take steps to maintain a positive bargaining atmosphere d. avoid vocalizing their interpretation of the other side's proposals


In the context of cross-cultural negotiations, a distinguishing characteristic of U.S. negotiators is that they _____. Multiple choice question. a. tend to simultaneously negotiate final agreements on all issues b. seek to create a general framework that limits the discussions c. adopt a factual and objective approach toward negotiations d. treat deadlines as general guidelines for wrapping up negotiations


Research on the effects of the U.S. environment on the cultural values of Japanese managers working for Japanese firms in the United States found that the stateside Japanese managers supported the idea of _____. Multiple choice question. a. paternalism b. unconditional employment c. formal authority d. conformance to hierarchic position


Ryan, an international manager, comes from an advanced economy and thinks that his state-of-the-art knowledge is more than adequate to handle the challenges of doing business in less developed nations. In the context of cross-cultural differences, this scenario illustrates the tendency called _____. Multiple choice question. a. terminism b. probabilism c. parochialism d. adiaphorism


Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), it is illegal for a U.S. firm and its managers to attempt to _____. Multiple choice question. a. reduce the availability of "fairly traded" products b. encourage forms of "crony capitalism" in organizations c. influence officials from other countries via personal payments or political contributions d. increase wages and benefits of employees within a year of joining the firm


Which of the following U.S. agencies is responsible for continually auditing the financial books of multinational corporations (MNCs)? Multiple choice question. a. The U.S. Census Bureau b. The U.S. Department of Labor c. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service d. The U.S. Department of the Treasury


Which of the following is true about culture? Multiple choice question. a. It is based on the genetically driven adaptive process of human beings. b. It cannot be passed down from one generation to the next. c. It is dependent on the human ability to symbolize. d. It cannot be acquired by learning or experience.


according to experienced executives, which of the following refers to the primary criterion for doing business in China? Multiple choice question. a. The presence of independent labor unions in China b. China having a low collectivism index c. The requirement of technical competence in China d. China having a high indulgence index


Identify the true statements about downward communication in an organization. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. This channel ensures that managers are available to listen to their people's concerns. b. Mangers use this channel to obtain employee inputs on strategic issues. c. Managers use this channel to let their subordinates know what is to be done. d. This channel allows the flow of information to those who need it for operational purposes.

c, d

Which of the following financiers announced that they would no longer provide financing to coal-mining firms in both the developed and developing world in November 2015 on the opening day of the United Nations climate summit in Paris? (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. Freddie Mac Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Morgan Stanley

c, d

Identify the best practices that help improve the effectiveness of communication in international business. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. Expatriate managers should insist on the use of English by executives if the language of the home office is different. b. Feedback systems should exclusively be personal as opposed to using impersonal feedback systems. c. Efforts should be made to increase flexibility and cooperation by all parties. d. Executives who communicate with individuals from other cultures should be given cultural training. e. Nonnative speakers of English should be given language training.

c, d, e

Identify the purposes of upward communication in an organization. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. a. To assert managerial authority in areas unrelated to work b. To influence the social behavior of employees c. To give feedback d. To get help from higher-level management e. To ask questions

c, d, e

The process of transferring meanings from sender to receiver is known as


Refers to people regarding themselves as part of a group


Information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message is called ____________


It has seen less acceptance and remains yet to be ratified by nearly two dozen countries, such as the United States, India, and Australia.

convention 138 (on minimum age)

The system by which business corporations are directed and controlled is known as ___________ ____________

corporate governance

The people tend to have a high need for security and a strong belief in experts and their knowledge.

countries populated with people who do not like uncertainty

The people are more willing to accept that risks are associated with the unknown and that life must go on in spite of this.

countries with low uncertainty avoidance

According to Trompenaars, which of the following organizations is most likely to have a family culture? Multiple choice question. a. Vertex Solutions, where employees are more loyal to their projects than to the organization b. QRIUS Corp., where relationships grow out of shared creative process c. ZMP Inc., where the structures and relationships are primarily mechanical and efficient d. Saturn Investments, where long-standing traditions and customs bind together all employees


When doing business in Russia, it is crucial to _____. Multiple choice question. a. value Russian expatriates more than local Russian consultants b. compromise or settle things too quickly c. give prime importance to business laws and contracts d. forge personal relationships with partners


Which of the following is a feature of the guided missile culture in an organization? Multiple choice question. a. Employee motivation is often extrinsic. b. It emphasizes formal hierarchy. c. Job assignments are fixed and limited. d. It highlights orientation to the task.


Which of the following refers to an aspect of culture? Multiple choice question. a. It is not based on the human capacity to adapt. b. It is not cumulative. c. It is not adaptive. d. It is not inherited or biologically based.


Why do both middle- and lower-level U.S. expatriate managers who work in French subsidiaries often find bureaucratic red tape a source of considerable frustration? Multiple choice question. a. Because French people are highly motivated by workplace competition b. Because French people have more intense work ethic than c. Americans do c. Because most French organizations are decentralized and have flattened structures d. Because a majority of French organizations tend to be highly centralized and have rigid structures


Why do human rights issues present challenges for multinational corporations (MNCs)? Multiple choice question. a. Basic rights do not include a general ambiance of nondiscriminatory practices. b. There is no considerable subjectivity involved when listing all rights inherent to humanity. c. Basic rights do not include life and freedom from slavery or torture. d. There is presently no universally adopted standard of what represents acceptable behavior.


Bargaining that occurs when two parties with opposing goals compete over a set value is known as ______________ _______________

distributive negotiation

The stage of team development where the manager's focus area is creating trust and developing unity in the team to achieve effectiveness in a multicultural group

entry stage

The study of morality and standards of conduct is known as


A firm with a ______________ predisposition lets the values and interests of the parent firm guide strategic decisions


In this phase, participants express their positions on critical issues and attempt to learn the goals of the other party and what it is willing to give up.

exchange task-related information

True or false: A domestic firm's organizational culture and its relationship with its customers or clients are traditionally affected by international cultural diversity.


True or false: Andre Laurent's research on the interaction between national and organizational cultures in multinational organizations revealed that cultural differences are more distinct among employees who work for a firm in their country than among employees who are foreign nationals.


True or false: When groupthink occurs, team members achieve concurrence through a meticulous process of deliberation.


They will have a large proportion of supervisory personnel, and the people at the lower strata of the workforce often will have low job qualifications.

firms in high power distance countries

They will have a smaller proportion of supervisory personnel, and the lower strata of the workforce often will include highly qualified people.

firms in low power distance countries

The degree to which individuals in organizations or societies engage in behaviors such as planning, investing, and delaying gratification

future orientation

A firm with a ______________ predisposition attempts to integrate a global systems approach to decision making


Despite the need for and the tendency of multinational corporations (MNCs) to address regional differentiation issues, many MNCs remain committed to a(n) _____________ ______________ , which is a belief that one worldwide approach to doing business is the key to both efficiency and effectiveness.

globalization imperative

___________ is caused by social conformity and pressures on individual members of a group to conform and reach consensus.


An important dimension of Chinese culture is _____, which means "good connections."


According to Fons Trompenaars, _________ __________ _________ is an organizational culture characterized by strong emphasis on equality in the workplace and orientation to the task.

guided missile culture

HAIRL system of appraisal: the capacity to take a broad view from above the ability to evaluate situations logically and completely the ability to be creative and think outside the box the ability to us information realistically the ability to effectively galvanize and inspire personnel

helicopter, analysis, imagination, reality, leadership

The degree to which individuals in firms or societies encourage and reward people for being fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind to others

humane orientation

The degree to which individuals show pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families

in-group collectivism (collectivism II)

According to Fons Trompenaars, the organizational culture characterized by strong emphasis on equality and orientation to the person is called _________ _________

incubator culture

Refers to people regarding themselves as persons


This phase indicates participants' desire to determine those who are reasonable and those who are not.

interpersonal relationship building

The process of bargaining with one or more parties for the purpose of arriving at a solution acceptable to all is called ____________


Private, not-for-profit organizations that seek to serve society's interests by focusing on social, political, and economic issues such as poverty, social justice, education, health, and the environment are called ______________ organizations (NGOs).


The transfer of meaning through means such as body language and the use of physical space is called ____________ _____________

nonverbal communication

In its fundamental form, ___________ ___________ refers to shared values and beliefs that enable members to understand their roles and the norms of their organization.

organizational culture

The tendency to view the world through one's own eyes and perspectives is known as _____.


A person's view of reality is called _______________________.


The extent to which an organization or society encourages and rewards group members for execution improvement and excellence

performance orientation

This is viewed as the most important phase in the negotiation process.


Negotiators study the possible options for attaining their objectives.


A firm with a _______________ predisposition makes strategic decisions tailored to suit the cultures of the countries where the multinational corporation (MNC) operates


The degree to which members of an organization or society expect and agree that authority should be unequally shared

power distance

The extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally is known as

power distance

A firm with a ______________ predisposition tries to blend its own interests with those of its subsidiaries on a regional basis


The degree to which organizational and social institutional practices encourage and reward collaborative distribution of resources and collaborative action

societal collectivism (collectivism I)

A group in which all members but one have the same background is known as a(n) ___________ ___________

token groups

True or false: Firms like Accenture acquire a competitive advantage by offering low-cost services with labor costs in India at less than half of those in the United States. True false question. True False


True or false: In the context of an international merger or acquisition, successful integration of cultures is the most preferable paradigm in which to operate.


True or false: In the context of cultural dimensions, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program gives a current comprehensive overview of general stereotypes.


True or false: In the context of international business negotiations, businesses often prefer a neutral location when they want to discuss critical issues.


True or false: Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have encouraged multinational corporations (MNCs) to be increasingly responsive to the range of social needs in developing countries. True false question. True False


True or false: Perception varies from person to person, and it influences people's judgment and decision making. True false question. True False


True or false: When developing the measures and conducting the analysis as part of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program, researchers used archival measures of country economic prosperity and of the physical and psychological welfare of the cultures studied.


The extent to which members of an organization or society strive to keep away from unsureness by reliance on social norms, rituals, and bureaucratic practices to alleviate the unpredictability of events

uncertainty avoidance

The extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is known as

uncertainty avoidance

The transfer of meaning from subordinate to superior is called ___________ ____________

upward communication

Basic convictions that people have regarding what is right and wrong, good and bad, and important and unimportant are known as


The stage of team development where the manager's focus area is Explaining and analyzing the problem or task that has been assigned to the team to achieve effectiveness in a multicultural group

working stage

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