Interpersonal Comm Quiz questions (1-11)

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Both are perceived as equally believeable

Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT:

Provide assistance without asking

When communicating with a person with a disability, all of the following are generally accepted guidelines EXCEPT:


When hostilities intensify in online environments, the results may be _______, which is excessively insulting another person online.

Business email must be answered within 24 hours

Which of the following is NOT a constitutive rule of communication?

Refusing to speak

Which of the following is NOT a paralanguage behavior?

Friendships via social media are as close as face to face friendships

Which of the following is not true of social media's impact on friendship?

using minimal encouragers

While listening to her friend Bill, Judy occasionally says, "Tell me more" or "That's interesting, go on." Judy is:


Women tend to provide more _____ emotional support for their friends than men.


____ information is what we know about ourselves but choose not to reveal to most others.


_____ models of communication view communication as flowing only in one direction, from sender to receiver.


If a parent says to a 5-year-old child, "Clean your room now", the _______ meaning is that the room is to be cleaned immediately.


In Maria's office, she has many different religious items and paintings. These personal items are examples of ____.


In ____ we communicate attention and interest.

Use talk to accomplish practical goals

In general, masculine-gender speech communities follow this communication rule:

Sender, Message, Receiver

In its simplest form, the linear model of communication has three parts. Name two of these.


In some cultures, such as many Eastern and Native American cultures, silence indicates:


In the United States, the most common orientation to conflict is ______.


Nikki believes that she is lovable and that people are loving and can be trusted. Nikki has a ____ attachment style.

Honor one need and ignore the contradictory one.

Research indicates that in general the least effective and least satisfying response to the tension generated by relational dialectics is to:


The most active and interpersonally constructive response to relational conflict is:


The opposite of strategy is ______.


The opposite of superiority is ______.


True or False? A distinct feedback loop is only a feature of the transactional model of communication.


True or False? A form of nonlistening is literal listening, which involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning.


True or False? According to your text, the win-win conflict style is always the best approach.


True or False? Because nonverbal communication is symbolic, it is arbitrary, ambiguous, and abstract.


True or False? Because we can not not communicate, the absence of a message is a message.


True or False? Geographic distance is the reason why the majority of high school friendships dissolve when students begin college.


True or False? In Western society, race is not considered a primary aspect of personal identity.


True or False? Most of us have attitudes about conflict that reflects scripts we learned in our families.


True or False? Passion is the primary foundation for enduring romance.


True or False? Perceptions are subjective.


True or False? Selective listening is effective because we focus on the most important parts of a message.


True or False? Some people are generally defensive, expecting criticism from all quarters.


True or False? Speech communities are not necessarily defined by geographic locations and boundaries.


True or False? The first cognitive schema we use to organize perceptions is the script.


True or False? The meanings we assign to behavior in romantic relationships are entirely individualistic.

is a socially constructed category

Many scholars argue that race:

Hypothetical thought

"One day I won't have to worry about money. One day I'll make a great salary." These statements illustrate how symbols allow for:

Selective listening

A form of nonlistening is _____, which involves focusing only on particular parts of communication.

Interpersonal communication is irreversible

Brad and Angie get into a heated argument. During their argument, Brad calls Angie a few bad names. Then, he later apologizes to Angie. Brad does not realize which principle of interpersonal communication?


Charlene says, "I would never join a sorority. All the members do is party and go shopping." Charlene's statement is an example of a(n):


Ed shouts, "I'm shouting because you're shouting!" Yet Sonny shouts back, "No. I'm shouting because you're shouting." The difference between how Ed and Sonny see the cause of shouting is due to differences in:


Ethnocentrism is one form of ____ communication.

Less quality and quantity of communication

The clearest indication that a friendship is in the waning stage is:

Emotional reliability

The dimensions of trust include:


The first step in listening is to make a decision to be _____.

Poor listening

The opposite or unproductive communication of sensitive listening is:


The perspectives of the ____ other reflect the views generally held by others in a society.


The sense of touch is called:


The strongest level of confirmation is _______.

Pragma, mania, and agape

The three secondary styles of love are:

Blemish, Mine is worse than yours, NIGYYSOB, Yes but

There are four games referred to in your text, two of these are: (I list all four just in case)

Ambiguous, arbitrary, abstract

There are three characteristics of symbols used in language. Two of these are ______ and ______. (Note: I list all three just in case)


This communicates openness to other points of view. We suggest that our minds aren't sealed.


This defines the clearest or most representative examples of some category.

Defensive listening

This involves perceiving personal attacks, criticism, or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean-spirited.


This kind of love is practical love.


This kind of love sees love as a game.


This model of communication abandons the idea of a sender and a receiver.


This refers to space and how we use it.

Intimacy, commitment, and passion

Three dimensions of committed romantic relationships are:


True or False? Assertiveness and affirming oneself involves the same kinds of communication across all cultures.


True or False? Fathers are more likely than mothers to specialize in protecting children and emotionally reassuring them.


True or False? Nonverbal communication reflects cultural values.


True or False? The likelihood of sustaining a long-distance friendships depend on factors, such as socioeconomic class and sex.


True or False? The self has multiple dimensions.


True or False? The tensions of relational dialectics keep relationships stagnant because they increase interpersonal friction and stress.


True or False? We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them.


True or False? When friendships deteriorate or suffer serious violations, communication changes in unpredictable ways.

Speaking is a way to show you care about issues

Which of the following is NOT a regulative rule of interpersonal communication?

How a friend measures up on the dimension of intelligent-unintelligent

Which of the following is a personal construct?


Because nonverbal communication is _____ selective perception is likely to occur.

Rational judgement

According to the process of human perception, the selection process includes all of the following except:


According to your book, all of the following is included in the nature of friendship except:

Diverse communication styles

All of the following are external pressures to friendships except:


All of the following are panes of Johari Window EXCEPT:

Others may increase closeness with us

All of the following are risks to self-disclosing communication except:


An example of these rules is when we understand that we can wear jeans and T-shirts to class, but that different clothes are generally appropriate in our workplaces.


As soon as Barton finishes speaking, Matt jumps in and says, "Ha! I knew that's what you'd think and I can tear holes in your reasoning." He then proceeds to refute much of what Barton said. Matt has engaged in:

Parenting patterns that teach us who we are and how to approach relationships

Attachment styles are:

Mind reading

Darryl says to his friend, "You must be so happy that you're about to become an uncle!" Darryl's statement is an example of:

Grave dressing

During the _____ phase of romantic relationship deterioration, individuals try to make sense of what the relationship meant, why it didn't work out, what is meant, and how it affected them.

Physical needs

Having a dorm room to sleep in every night fulfills which need in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


In the ______ phase of a romantic relationship deterioration, relational partners may begin to consider alternatives to the relationship.


It includes sounds, such as murmurs and gasps, and vocal qualities, such as volume, pitch, and inflection.


Janet believes that nobody can win when conflict erupts. From her perspective, everyone is hurt by conflicts. Janet's orientation to conflict is best described as:

Self-serving bias

Janet says, "I didn't get the job offer because the interviewer was biased and it was a nasty day. However, Ellen didn't get an offer because she isn't qualified." This is an example of:

Jed doesn't care about the class

Jed comes late to class and doesn't make any contributions during discussion. Based on what you know, which of the following is an inference about Jed?

Development of responses

Men and women tend to differ somewhat in their listening. Men tend to focus on their listening on specific content areas of communication, while women tend to focus on:

Personal construct

My boss Susan is a great supervisor because she listens to her employee's concerns and ideas. Susan is an example of a(n):

I-It communication

Ordering lunch at the drive through at McDonalds would most likely be an example of

Sharing activities

People socialized in masculine speech communities tend to achieve closeness in interpersonal relationships primarily through:


Tabitha and her partner respond to their tension by deciding to spend part of the weekend together and part of it engaged in separate activities. This response to relational dialects is called:


The ______ response to interpersonal conflict is both destructive and passive.

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